Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Real world article
(written from a production point of view)

Mariner and Boimler work the Starfleet recruitment booth at an alien job fair, Rutherford challenges himself.



Ensign Sam Rutherford is sleeping in his bunk but is in the midst of a nightmare, in which he's having trouble with an engine that's overheating and on the verge of destruction. As the engine explodes, Rutherford wakes up screaming, startling fellow Ensign Hans Federov as he walks by in a towel.

Act One[]

"Captain's log, Stardate 58345.2. The Cerritos is back at Tulgana IV where we'll be updating the Federation consulate's power systems; a straightforward job which gives us extra time to fill some of our Starfleet quotas."

In the Cerritos's Repair Bay 5, Ensigns Beckett Mariner and Brad Boimler have been assigned to run the Starfleet recruitment booth down on the planet, much to Mariner's dismay and Boimler's acceptance of the inevitable, noting that someone has to do it. Mariner contends that last time she checked, no one has ever signed up from a recruitment booth, though Ensign D'Vana Tendi pipes up that she did to Boimler's mild amusement. Packing several PADDs into a carrying case, Boimler concedes that running the booth is not super exciting, but it's their assignment for the day. As they leave to get ready, Rutherford is struggling with repairs on their shuttlecraft project, the Sequoia, and Tendi takes notice. Rutherford tells her about his lack of sleep due to having the same nightmare for the past week. Tendi checks his implant via a cerebral scan with her tricorder and tells him of some long-term memories stuck in his buffer. Believing them to be unimportant, she offers to clear his cache, which he agrees to. Tendi immediately does and suggests Rutherford to go take a nap.

Mariner and Boimler are finishing loading up the shuttlecraft Death Valley with supplies for their booth. When Mariner complains about the lowliness of the job, Commander Jack Ransom happens to be walking by and overhearing Mariner's complaint, asks if she has a problem with her task. Perking up, Mariner politely (for her) gives her opinion on the task and requests a different assignment for them. Ransom sternly tells her that he doesn't care if she's not fond of the work; Mariner irately replies that it's something nobody cares about and just so "the captain can tick off a meaningless box". Ransom shoots back that he cares, and that he will be checking in on them, warning her that if she leaves the booth, he will transfer her to the dreaded Starbase 80. When he drops by, there had better be a PADD full of contact information on it. Intimidated by the threat, Mariner agrees, and both she and Boimler sit in stunned silence as they power up the Death Valley and leave for the planet.

Rutherford lays down for his nap, but within moments of sleeping, his implant malfunctions and turns red. Waking up, Rutherford is confused about where he is and seemingly agitated to be on a California-class starship. He's even more confused at the presence of his implant, and when he sees his reflection in the nearby window, his reflection (regular Rutherford) starts talking to him, wondering what's going on. Rutherford has apparently lost control of his body, and another brasher, and intense personality has taken over. Rutherford tries to call out for help, believing an anaphasic lifeform has taken control of his body, but this theory is shot down by Red Rutherford, before walking away.

Having set up their booth in the commuters' market on Tulgana IV, Mariner eagerly tries to attract the attention of any passersby, unwilling to take any chance of a transfer to Starbase 80. A Tellarite prospect approaches and asks if one needs to go to Starfleet Academy to work on a ship. Mariner replies that he doesn't, giving him an option of signing up as a non-commissioned officer and get training at the Tech Services Academy on Mars, which could result in him working at a transporter bay. On being asked if transporter operators ever get to "sit on the bridge," Mariner hedges that it's technically possible. However, a woman at the booth next to them warns the Tellarite that he'd be signing up for very mundane work ("seven years in a window-less room"), causing the Tellarite to immediately lose interest and walk away. Angry at the woman for sabotaging her deal, the woman, who is an independent archeologist, shows no remorse, and teases them about their task. Mariner tries to ignore her and get the attention of a Gelrakian who asks if they often get dilithium crystals. Mariner says that they do, but the archeologist once again calls over, warning that Starfleet crews are often assimilated by the Borg, scaring him away. Fed up with the archeologist Mariner stands up, ready to get up close and personal, but Boimler calms her down and has her remain focused.

On the Cerritos, Red Rutherford is mocking the design features of the ship that he can see as Rutherford continues to demand his body back from passing reflective surfaces. Red Rutherford takes notice of Ensign Barnes approaching, and he begins to flirt with her in an attempt to gain information about the security shift change, to Rutherford's discomfort, and Barnes' anger at some of the remarks. Rutherford tries desperately to be heard by Barnes but is unsuccessful as his alternate personality offends her to the point of tears. Rutherford tries to think of an idea to get a hold of Tendi, hoping she'd have an idea to solve this problem, and Red Rutherford asks who she is. Using the computer to locate Tendi, he heads for the repair bay where she's located while Rutherford demands him to stay away from her.

Red Rutherford enters the repair bay and on noticing him, Tendi calls him over to show him a contained pod plant from Omicron Ceti III that can release mind control pollen. Attempting to copy Rutherford's manner of speech, he tells her he can't remember when the security shift changes and Tendi immediately tells him that it's at 0900 hours. As they both laugh, Rutherford, growing desperate, punches his implant, hoping to cause any kind of disruption. The implant malfunctions, causing Red Rutherford pain and Tendi takes notice. Red Rutherford immediately demands that Rutherford, in the reflection of the Sequoia's viewport, stop, and it is his body. Rutherford just does it again; saying he'll kill Rutherford, Red Rutherford lashes out by throwing a piece of equipment which just bounces off the viewport to Rutherford's smug satisfaction. Tendi, growing worried, tries to scan his implant, but demanding that she get away from him and that he's fine, Red Rutherford shoves her over and runs off. Tendi immediately calls sickbay for an emergency medical team to Deck 11.

Back on Tulgana IV, Mariner and the archeologist are still trading jabs at their respective booths. Mariner calls her a thief, telling her that if she were actually in pursuit of knowledge, she's limiting herself by avoiding Starfleet. The archeologist then introduces herself as Petra Aberdeen, a graduate of the Academy and a former officer; looking up the name, Boimler confirms it when he finds her personal file and that she served aboard USS Victory. Aberdeen states that she did a tour in the fleet "before wising up" and left, believing Starfleet to be militaristic and violent. Mariner gets more annoyed, but holds herself back, unwilling to risk leaving her work.

Red Rutherford is sneaking through the corridors of the Cerritos, narrowly avoiding detection from Tendi, Dr. T'Ana, and Lieutenant Shaxs. Accessing the Jefferies tubes, he manages to sneak into a transporter room and knock out Chief Lundy. Attempting to beam off the ship, he only gets an error back to his frustration. He's then confronted by Shaxs leaning against the entrance doorway, who tells "Baby Bear" he would know that Tulgana IV's ion field prevents a solid transporter lock if he were really Rutherford. Red Rutherford scoffs that the newly-learned nickname is stupid before activating the transporter with a delay to different coordinates; he avoids being grabbed by Shaxs and manages to dash onto the transporter pad to transport himself outside the captain's yacht, beaming away as Shaxs goes for a tackle. He runs inside and begins accessing the controls; from the front viewport, Rutherford tells him that he messed with the wrong crew. While Red Rutherford is confident that once he takes off, they won't be able to find him as the yacht is a warp-capable vessel, Rutherford says he only needs to buy them some time and once more begins to attack his implant. The resulting malfunctions hinder Red Rutherford long enough for Shaxs to catch up and with apologies, stuns him with his phaser. Both personalities scream in pain as the implant shorts out. Shaxs catches Rutherford's unconscious body and immediately calls for T'Ana and a medical team on his combadge.

Act Two[]

Having taken Rutherford to sickbay, T'Ana runs scans of Rutherford as Captain Carol Freeman and Tendi observe, confirming that she detects no signs of anaphasic life, but that his memory and personality are from a decade ago. She compares it to a backup having overwritten his brain. Tendi tells her that she had cleared his cache, and despairs that she potentially erased her best friend, but T'Ana notes the high cerebral activity in his brain. They will have to wait and see which Rutherford emerges whenever he wakes up.

Meanwhile, Red Rutherford arrives in the mindscape and is confronted by Rutherford, who now recognizes his counterpart as actually being his younger self from ten years ago, without the implant and wearing a civilian jacket over a Starfleet Academy cadet uniform. Cadet Rutherford tells him that their brain can't handle having two copies of his personality present, and to cope they were both partitioned until one of them rises as the dominant personality. Rutherford calls the cadet an imposter, but his younger self conjures up his old garage, which causes a moment of déjà vu for the ensign and shows him an incomplete racing ship that he was building in the past called the Sampaguita. Giving it a quick look, Rutherford describes it more as "a seat strapped to an impulse engine", which Cadet Rutherford agrees with a sense of pride. Rutherford is confused why he can't remember building the racer, and the cadet angrily accuses him of erasing his own memories with his implant. Rutherford is certain that he did so to help him with engineering, but his younger self brings up an old memory of when Rutherford was first getting the implant. They see two doctors in the shadows revealing that Rutherford's implant has a fabricated recollection of why he has it in the first place. Cadet Rutherford further accuses Ensign Rutherford of attempting to erase all the memories that 'made them cool' through the implant, but the brain is more complicated than that and kept the memories protected. The ensign asks why the cadet never tried to take over before, but the cadet clarifies that he attempted many times to retake the body, which resulted in Rutherford's many glitches and malfunctions with the implant or behavioral shifts. Rutherford recalls having liked pears momentarily, which the cadet explains that he loves them, and it was actually one of his attempts. Finally convinced that his younger self is indeed real, the cadet reveals that they have to decide which of them will leave the mindscape: the other will be erased. When a bright spotlight shines down from above nearby, Cadet Rutherford shoves the ensign aside and tries to return to the waking world, but Ensign Rutherford stops him only to be stopped in his own attempt to leave. Ensign Rutherford calms down and demands that the cadet stays with him until they figure out their situation, then takes the opportunity to ask about the garage. The cadet explains how they would sneak away from the Academy to build sick racing ships (the racing ships part which the ensign does agree is cool) but clarifies that the sneaking was to avoid trouble with Starfleet since they were not allowed to test their own engines before graduation nor get near any warp cores, which he believes was "so dumb". Ensign Rutherford states that the restrictions make sense, as they could have gotten hurt messing around with such things before being fully educated and trained. Grinning, Cadet Rutherford reveals that they did more than just 'mess around' and funded their ship projects through multiple wins of the illegal Devron 500 space race which crosses the Romulan Neutral Zone, and proudly shows off their many collected trophies. Discussing the legalities of such things, the mindscape suddenly quakes, causing them mental pain; they cannot stay in the mindscape forever. Agreeing that the best engineer should be the dominant personality, instead of taking a test as Rutherford suggests, the cadet challenges the ensign to something "a bit more interesting": a Devron 500 race for which they each build their own racer. As they're unsure how much longer their body can safely stay comatose, Rutherford agrees to the challenge, although Cadet Rutherford appears to be more than confident with his chances of winning.

Back on Tulgana IV, Aberdeen and Mariner are still throwing quips at one another, when two representatives of The Collectors Guild approach their booth, mocking them on how their booth is only collecting dust. Boimler tries to calm Mariner down, before they get approached by a couple conspiracy theorists, who ask when Starfleet will reveal what truly happened to Captain Benjamin Sisko or talk about the time when parasites took over Starfleet admirals' brains by 'crawling up their butts'. Mariner reiterates that Sisko really is "working hard in a celestial temple," and Boimler declares the parasite story is just a stupid conspiracy that never happened, but to his surprise, Mariner quietly tells him that she thinks it actually did. Asking if they're controlled by parasites, Mariner responds that if they were true, they'd have to kill the truthers for finding out, leading the truthers to laugh that they can't due to being unable to leave the booth, much to Mariner's anger.

In Rutherford's subconscious, both the ensign and the cadet are hard at work, completing their racers with a privacy curtain between them. While Cadet Rutherford reconstructs the Sampaguita, Ensign Rutherford recreates the second Delta Flyer from 2377, which his younger self mocks for recognizing the overall Starfleet design queues since Rutherford could have built something original, literally anything his mind could come up with. Rutherford though defends it, as he always wanted a Delta Flyer. Deriding the Flyer as "a shuttle with a paint job", the cadet reveals the completed Sampaguita: with Vulcan inverters and quad engines, he's confident that Rutherford might as well give up his claim to their body right then and there. The racing ship does impress Rutherford, but he reiterates that the Flyer is awesome and even comes with its own flight suit. Somewhat bemused with Ensign Rutherford, the cadet comments that he had thought that the ensign's years of experience might have evened them out, but thinks that the ensign's excitement for the Flyer and the suit is "just sad." Undeterred, Rutherford enthusiastically hurries off to put it on and show it off, leaving Cadet Rutherford to ruefully shake his head.

Back on Tulgana IV, Aberdeen discovers that Mariner and Boimler are from the Cerritos and recalls how their captain was involved in the destruction of Pakled Planet, bemoaning the loss of many good artifacts that were in the capital. Mariner quickly clarifies that the Pakleds bombed themselves, when a couple of outpost scientists approach the Starfleet booth. She asks a question about the uniforms which Boimler begins to answer, but it turns out that the scientists weren't being serious with the question, leading to further mockery. The scientists claim that they could wear whatever they want, and one of them takes Boimler's rank pip and casually tosses it over her shoulder into the middle of the market where a passerby walking by steps on it. This infuriates Boimler, and before Mariner can calm him down, Boimler loses control of his temper and exploding with rage, begins screaming at everyone laughing at them about just how much Starfleet does for them that they take for granted. He goes on to terrorize and insult every person who has teased them that day, and while Mariner desperately tries to get him back over to the booth, an alien is impressed with Boimler's confidence, asking to join Starfleet in hopes that he can get the same kind of confidence. As Boimler continues his rampage, Mariner starts to register the alien, confirming that Starfleet has a whole division just for engineering, which perfectly lines up with his interests. In the middle of the ruckus that Boimler is causing, Aberdeen, clearly surprised that it was he that blew up instead of Mariner, nevertheless takes advantage of the distraction to quickly slip away towards the nearby Museum of Antiquities, which Mariner earlier accused her of wanting to steal artifacts from.

In Rutherford's subconscious, the race is about to start. Their surroundings changed from the garage to the Neutral Zone, Cadet Rutherford has a track randomly generated in the interests of fairness, though he warns Ensign Rutherford about potential Romulans, uncharted black holes, dangerous nebulas, and rogue planets. The race starts, and while Rutherford initially struggles, he quickly proves he can keep up. Cadet Rutherford however gets a boost of speed, taking the lead, but his joy is short-lived when a Romulan D'deridex-class Warbird decloaks and begins attacking the two ships.

Act Three[]

The warbird continues its attack and Rutherford orders for power to be rerouted to the aft shields. The cadet, believing Rutherford to be talking to himself, is surprised that Rutherford is actually talking to a crew consisting of recreations of Mariner, Boimler, and Tendi, as he was not going to race without his friends. Tendi boosts the Flyer's shields to 130%, while Mariner charts a course through the debris field which will help provide cover. The cadet complains that having a crew is not fair, but Rutherford reminds him that he said that 'anything goes'.

On Tulgana IV, Ransom walks out of the Death Valley just outside the market to finally check in on Mariner and is pleasantly surprised to see her talking with numerous people at the booth who are eager to learn about signing up for Starfleet and filling in applications. His attention is then immediately drawn to Boimler, who is still on his tangent, and when he asks what's going on, one of the truthers mentions he believes he's being controlled by "butt-bugs."

Back in Rutherford's subconscious, both ships are taking hits, but the Sampaguita is far worse off, taking a pounding. Cadet Rutherford is getting battered and bruised in his cockpit, with bleeding cuts and mounting injuries. Seeing the signs on the wall, Rutherford quickly sets a coordinate lock on the cadet. Boimler warns that the racer's shields have failed after taking a hit; the warbird is about to destroy the Sampaguita but before a plasma torpedo finishes off the racer, Rutherford has Tendi beam the cadet over into the Flyer's cockpit and catches him in his arms as he collapses. On his command, Mariner takes the Flyer to warp and safety. While he's saved him from the Romulans, the cadet has sustained critical injuries in the process of the attack. Cadet Rutherford concedes victory to Ensign Rutherford, and their surroundings fade to the pair alone in the blank mindscape once more. The cadet is impressed with what Starfleet has taught the ensign. He reflects on how he used to be full of anger at everything but can see in Ensign Rutherford that all of that rage is gone. Rutherford proposes the two merging and combining their memories to somehow save a piece of Cadet Rutherford, but the cadet explains that would essentially erase the both of them: sometimes it's just better for one to grow forward, appearing content with the thought. The cadet's appearance then suddenly flashes momentarily to show a severely and grievously injured Rutherford; he remembers how they received the implant and reveals the memory to Rutherford.

Rutherford's hazy memory of Buenamigo and his surgeons

Rutherford's hazy memory of his implant operation

It turns out that the nightmare that Rutherford has been having is actually a memory of an engine test for the Sampaguita that went wrong and resulted in an explosion that critically injured him. Cadet Rutherford explains that they'd thought they could do anything, but clearly had overreached in this instance and paid the price, just the kind of thing that the Starfleet rules they shirked were meant to prevent. However, they're unable to see a figure that grabs his unconscious body by the uniform while complaining that the incident will "set us back years," and the doctors who give him the implant. Behind the doctors, they can see the voice of the first man belonging to an officer in command red ordering the erasing of any memories of him or a secret program; even though he is warned that doing so will severely alter Cadet Rutherford to a completely different personality, he doesn't care. When he asks what the cover story will be around the implant's origin, the doctors say they've programmed into it that Rutherford would believe it was elective. Ensign Rutherford's shocked at the revelation that the implant was a cover-up, and Cadet Rutherford comments that it seems that someone broke even more rules than the two personalities. Ensign Rutherford's desperate to try and save him, quickly suggesting a transfer to a positronic brain, but Cadet Rutherford tells him that he's okay with passing, that "this is right". Fading in and out of existence, the cadet tells the ensign not to lose his friends and grasping his arm, thanks him for one last race before vanishing. Alone and unhindered yet regretful of the loss of the cadet personality, Rutherford enters the light to return to the waking world.

Rutherford wakes up in sickbay to the sight of Tendi, Shaxs, and T'Ana watching over him. Tendi asks if he's alright, and he smiles, saying he's "okie-dokie" and Tendi gives him a tearful hug. Shaxs and T'Ana share a smile at the sight.

Later, Ransom and security chief Lieutenant Kayshon are escorting Boimler through the corridors. For his outburst on Tulgana IV, Ransom is reprimanding him for his violation of orders. While he won't be transferred to Starbase 80 as initially feared, Boimler has merely been sentenced to spend the night in the ship's brig. As Boimler has never been sent to the brig before, he expresses hope that Ransom won't think less of him for his behavior, but Ransom admits that despite everything, hearing Boimler stand up for Starfleet in the way he did against the "loudmouth" detractors made a positive impression on him. Smiling, he invites Boimler to share a drink upon his release to hear all about it, wanting a first-hand account of how the outpost scientists cried when Boimler kicked over their table.

In the brig, Mariner, Tendi, and Rutherford visit Boimler. Rutherford talks to them all about what he's learned, and that whoever was responsible must have been a higher-up when he was a first-year cadet so it could be anyone. Mariner then thanks Boimler for keeping her temper in check, despite it ending up with him losing his instead and ending up in the brig. Boimler expresses how hard Mariner works to keep it together. She then excuses herself to go and complete the mission log; Boimler wistfully expresses disappointment as that's his favorite part, to which Mariner chuckles.

In her bunk, she's finishing up the log when she is interrupted by Aberdeen contacting her. Before she can hang up on her, Aberdeen thanks her, and admits that she was only trying to rile them up to cause a distraction. It turns out that the Museum of Antiquities had stolen the staff of the Ferengi Grand Nagus, and she needed a distraction so that she could rush in and grab it to return it for a reward. Aberdeen also expresses that while she understands Mariner's love for Starfleet, she asked around about Mariner and feels she has the potential to be more. She leaves an open invitation for Mariner to contact her should she ever feel out of place. Mariner is sure that such a need will never arise, but when the transmission ends, she hesitates from deleting Aberdeen's contact info, and saves it, before looking out the window as the Cerritos leaves Tulgana IV behind and goes to warp.

Memorable quotes[]

"You okay, Rutherford? Man, you looked wiped.'"
"Oh, I haven't slept in a week. I keep having the same crazy nightmare.'"
"Ooh! The one where you're in a new timeline with Kirk and Spock where they have cinematic chemistry?'"
"I wish."

- Tendi and Rutherford

"Starfleet! Get your Starfleet! Prepare yourself for warp 10 excitement! Discover the undiscovered country!"

- Mariner

"Starfleet isn't violent!"
"Well, tell that to the Romulans, the Klingons, the Cardassians"
"What? They attack us! It's self-defense!"
"Oh right, you guys totally aren't a pseudo-navy at all."

- Mariner and Aberdeen

"You tried to erase all the memories that made us cool, but it didn't work. The brain is more complicated than that, and it kept my cool ass stored away. So blam! Here I am, baby!"

- Rutherford (young)

"How about when parasites crawled into Starfleet admirals' butts and took over their brains? Wanna come clean about that?"
"It's just a stupid conspiracy. It never happened."
"Ahem. Actually, I think it did."

- Truther, Boimler, and Mariner

"Dude, get back in the booth. What if Ransom shows up?"
"Boimler, get back here."

- Boimler and Mariner

"The Doctor didn't spend seven years in the Delta Quadrant for you [bleep]s to question his agency! HE'S GOT RIGHTS!"

- Boimler

"Mariner, get us out of here."

- Rutherford and Mariner (imaginary)

"I meant what I said, Ensign. You knowingly disobeyed a direct order."
"Are you gonna send me to Starbase 80?"
"Oh, god no. That place is a hellhole."
"Koltar, when he drowned in the swamp."
"You're just gonna spend a night in the brig."

- Ransom, Boimler, and Kayshon

Background information[]



Links and references[]


Guest cast[]

Characters with unidentified voices

Background characters[]

USS Cerritos
Tulgana IV


2371; 24-hour clock; Addix's species; admiral; agency; Algolian; anaphasic alien; Andorian; Antedian; Apergosian; archaeologist; Arcturian; Ariolo; assignment; assimilated; astro-helmet; "Baby Bear"; Bajoran; Bat'leths & BiHnuchs; belt; Benzite; Big Strong City; black; black hole; body; Borg; Borg drone; boss; brain; bridge; brig; bubble bath; buffer; butt; "butt bugs"; Bynar; cache; cadet; Caitian; California-class (aka "Cali-class"); California-class decks; captain; captain's log; captain's yacht; Cardassians; cat; celestial temple; cerebral activity; cerebral scan; Cerritos, USS; chief petty officer; Chula; Collectors Guild, The; Coltar; coma; commander; commuter's market; computer; conspiracy; Constellation-class; contact info; criminal; cruiser; crystals; cybernetic implant; Data; dates; D'deridex-class (unnamed); Death Valley; degree; Delta Flyer (illusory); Delta Flyer (real); Delta Quadrant; Devron; Devron 500; dilithium; direct order; d'k tahg; doctor; Doctor, The; Douglas Station; drowning; dust; Earth; emergency medical team (aka medical team); engineering division; engineering test; ensign; Evora; face; Federation; Federation Embassy (aka Federation Consulate); Ferengi; finish line; "fire traps"; flap; flashback (psychological episode); folding table; Free Spirit; Galardonian; garage; Gelrakian; Gorn; Grand Nagus; Grand Nagus' staff; graphenated corridor joist; greenhouse; Horta; Horta egg; idiots; impulse engine; impulse thruster; Independent Archaeologists Guild (aka Indie Archaeologists Guild); ion field; junkers; kadis-kot; Khwopian; Kirk, James T.; Klingon; Kobayashi Maru scenario; Ktarian game; lieutenant; lieutenant commander; lieutenant junior grade; long-term memory; Lurian; Mars; military; mind-control pollen; mindscape; mission log; Mixtus inhabitant; Molmol's species; "mom"; Mugato; mummy; Museum of Antiquities; nacelle; NCO; nebula; Neutral Zone 101; nickname; nightmare; "okey-dokey"; Omicron Ceti III; Orion; outpost; Outpost 76; Outpost 76-type; outpost scientist; outpost station uniform; PADD; painting; Pakleds; parasitic being; Paris, Tom; pears; pip (aka rank pip); pod plant; positronic brain; power system; Prime; pseudo navy; quad engines; quasars; queen; race; racing; racing ship (aka racer); Reckoning Tablet; recruitment booth; Redwood; reflection; Repair Bay 5; Risian; rogue planets; Romulan Neutral Zone; Romulans; room; rubber; sales pitch; Sampaguita (illusory); Sampaguita (real); seat; security division; Sequoia; shift change; Sisko, Benjamin; space fun helmet; space thief; Spock; spots; Starbase 80 (aka SB80); stardate; Starfleet; Starfleet Academy; Star Fleet Booth [sic]; Starfleet division; Starfleet quotas; Starfleet Recruitment; Starfleet Recruitment Manual 17.01; Starfleet uniform (2250s-early 2270s); Starfleet uniform (2350s-2370s); Starfleet uniform (2370s-early 2380s); Starfleet uniform (early 2380s); Starfleet uniform (late 2360s-early 2370s); Starfleet uniforms; Stargazer, USS (aka "'Gazer"); Stone of Gol; swamp; T88; Tamarian; Tamarian language; Tech Services Academy; Tellarite; tests; three-dimensional chess; time travel; Toff, Palor's species; transporter; transporter bay; "transporter guys"; Trill; truther; tubing; Tulgana IV; Type 6A captain's yacht; Victory, USS; VISOR; Vorgon; Voyager, USS; Vulcan; Vulcan inverters; Wadi; warp 10; warp-capable starship; warp core; window; xenohistory; Zibalian

Meta references[]

flashback (story device)

External links[]

Previous episode:
"Room for Growth"
Star Trek: Lower Decks
Season 3
Next episode:
"Hear All, Trust Nothing"