Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Plasma torpedo, remastered

A Romulan plasma torpedo (2266)

Plasma torpedo impacts shields

Romulan weaponry impacts the Enterprise (2267)

The plasma torpedo was a type of plasma weapon that was used by a variety of different species throughout the Milky Way Galaxy.

Such torpedoes were used by various military forces, including those of the Romulans, the Cardassians, and the Kazon.

In 2259, the Kiley used very primitive plasma torpedoes to attack the USS Enterprise. Captain Christopher Pike described them as "21st century tech." This was a surprise to him since he was under the impression that Kiley were warp-capable and wouldn't use such antiquated technology. (SNW: "Strange New Worlds")

A far more advanced plasma torpedo was first encountered by Starfleet when a Romulan Bird-of-Prey destroyed several of the Federation's outposts near the Romulan Neutral Zone. The weapon expended large amounts of energy, forcing the Romulan vessel to decloak in order to fire, and limiting the vessel's operational range. Upon detonation, the torpedo unleashed an enveloping energy plasma, forcing an implosion in the target. The weapon had a limited range, as the plasma effect dissipated after a few minutes of faster-than-light travel. (TOS: "Balance of Terror") The Romulans assaulted the Enterprise in 2267 with plasma weapons, scoring several direct hits. (TOS: "The Deadly Years")

Describing the first time the plasma torpedo is used in "Balance of Terror", the revised final draft script of that episode described it as "a torpedo-like bolt of blinding energy." The plasma effect was shown in its later appearance as stock footage from "Balance of Terror", combined with footage of weapons fire striking the Enterprise from other TOS Season 1 episodes. In "A Quality of Mercy", the weapon was reimagined as formed from four beams of energy from the forward rim of the Bird-of-Prey that coalesced into the torpedo, which was then launched at its target.

In 2375, the Romulan Star Empire constructed a hospital for its wounded on the Bajoran moon Derna. In addition to the hospital, the Romulans also deployed seven thousand plasma torpedoes on Derna, which Senator Cretak claimed were for defense purposes only. (DS9: "Image in the Sand") The Romulans were, however, unable to bring the weapons online due to a Bajoran blockade of the moon and the threatened intervention by the Federation. (DS9: "Shadows and Symbols") These weapons gave off high concentrations of trilithium isotopes. (DS9: "Image in the Sand")

During the 24th century, Kazon Predator-class warships were equipped with plasma torpedoes. (VOY: "Projections")

Additionally, plasma torpedoes were standard armament aboard Cardassian orbital weapon platforms. (DS9: "Tears of the Prophets")

In 2384, the Federation Starfleet vessel USS Dauntless was equipped with plasma torpedoes. (PRO: "Mindwalk")

The plasma cannons and discharges fired by Enterprise NX-01 in ENT: "Broken Bow" were called launch turrets and torpedoes in the script of the episode. [1]

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