Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Tulgana IV recruitment booths

An assortment of recruitment booths on Tulgana IV

A recruitment booth was a small temporary structure used by organizations to promote themselves and attract potential new recruits. Such booths were typically gathered together in fairs to give prospective applicants many to choose from.

D'Vana Tendi decided to join Starfleet from visiting a recruitment booth.

In 2381, a recruitment fair was held at the commuter's market outside the Federation Embassy on Tulgana IV, which included booths from Starfleet, the Collectors Guild, the Independent Archaeologists Guild, the Wadi, outpost scientists, and conspiracy truthers. Ensigns Beckett Mariner and Brad Boimler were assigned to work the Starfleet booth, where they were heckled relentlessly by Petra Aberdeen and others. Boimler eventually lost his temper and went on a rampage, destroying several other booths, though his display of confidence sparked increased interest in Starfleet. It later emerged that Aberdeen had engineered the incident as a distraction so that she could rob the nearby Museum of Antiquities for the stolen Grand Nagus' staff and return it to Ferenginar. (LD: "Reflections")

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