Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Archer paints model

A young Jonathan Archer paints his model spacecraft

Picard painting

Jean-Luc Picard painting on the Enterprise

Janeway Painting to relax

Captain Janeway painting to relax after her encounter with the Macrocosm


Chakotay painting with colored sands

Painting was the practice of applying paint to a medium as a means of creating a work of art, or as a means of enhancing the aesthetics of an existing object. One who painted was known as a painter. One type of painting was an oil painting. (ENT: "Zero Hour")

The USS Enterprise's historian Marla McGivers enjoyed painting images of men she admired, such as Napoléon Bonaparte, Leif Ericson, Flavius, and Khan Noonien Singh. (TOS: "Space Seed")

In 2366, Captain Jean-Luc Picard and a few fellow officers on the USS Enterprise-D held a painting class on the ship. Lieutenant Commander Data, however, criticized Picard's painting. (TNG: "A Matter of Perspective")

There are many examples of painters in the UFP, and Starfleet. As a child, Jonathan Archer painted a model starship he built, (ENT: "Broken Bow") as did a few members of the crew of the USS Voyager. Kathryn Janeway was one such member who would paint to relax as form of recreation. (VOY: "Macrocosm")

In 2369 the shapeshifter Odo imitated a painting of a Bajoran landscape and surprised the Tosk in a corridor. (DS9: "Captive Pursuit")

In 2371, Kathryn Janeway suggested Harry Kim could paint or write to help himself process the experience he had with the Vhnori. (VOY: "Emanations")

There have been many forms of paintings throughout the ages. Morn had an Earth painting of a matador in his quarters, which was destroyed when Nahsk smashed it over Quark's head. The key to Morn's locker was inside of it. This painting looked suspiciously similar to one Quark once tried to auction off, when Quark called it the inspiration for the flag of a colony on Mars. (DS9: "Who Mourns for Morn?", "In the Cards")

From the Star Trek Encyclopedia, 4th ed., vol. 2, p. 120, "The paintings by Picard and the other students in the class were done by Elaine Sokoloff. Data's paintings were mostly done by scenic artists Wendy Drapanas, Jim Magdaleno, Alan Kobayashi, and Mike Okuda. Additional designs were contributed by Rick Sternbach and Dan Curry."

Schools and styles[]

Gallery of paintings[]

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