Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
The Concert

The Concert

For the type of event, please see concert.

The Concert was a painting by the Dutch painter Johannes Vermeer, created in the 17th century.

Before 2022, this painting was stolen from the Louvre by Pelia. In 2259, the museum was hounding her to return it, to which she demurred by claiming the one in her possession to be a fake. (SNW: "Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow")

In the World War II holoprogram run by the Hirogen on USS Voyager in 2374, The Concert was one of the war trophies in the Nazi headquarters in Sainte Claire, kept by the Kapitän as, in his opinion, the greatest prize of war was art. (VOY: "The Killing Game")

In real life, the painting was stolen in 1990, though not from the Louvre.

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