Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

"Oh, you want to backstab, complain and be hard to work with? Well, there's a place for people like that. It's called Starbase 80."
Carol Freeman, 2381 ("Trusted Sources")

Starbase 80, abbreviated SB80, was a Federation starbase operated by Starfleet during the late 24th century. At least one Type 15 shuttlepod was attached to the base. (LD: "Trusted Sources")

The facility had an infamously terrible reputation (LD: "Terminal Provocations"); its personnel were slovenly and unprofessional, they were issued outdated equipment, and only "usually" had working communications. The station appeared to rely on a Rolodex for its crew manifest. The crew wore a variant uniform with a 2360s-style combadge, which was described as "one-size-fits-some." The base itself smelled like garbage and sweat. (LD: "Trusted Sources") Being transferred to the station was among the worst penalties available for non-criminal infractions – one some commanders considered needlessly cruel and were unwilling to resort to. (LD: "Reflections")

Aboard the USS Cerritos in 2380, Ensign Beckett Mariner accidentally knocked Doctor T'Ana's face into a platter of nachos that the latter had been eating. Despite Mariner's attempts to apologize, T'Ana told her that she should go to Starbase 80 if she wanted to "goof around", to the horror of their nearby crewmates. (LD: "Terminal Provocations")

In 2381, Commander Jack Ransom threatened to transfer Mariner to Starbase 80 if she disobeyed orders to stay at the Starfleet recruitment booth on Tulgana IV. She told him not to joke about that, because "Starbase 80 [was] the worst." Later, after Ensign Brad Boimler dramatically violated that same order, he expected to be shipped to Starbase 80, but Ransom assured him he would never actually send anyone there because it was a "hellhole". (LD: "Reflections")

However, later that year Captain Carol Freeman punitively transferred Mariner to Starbase 80 when she believed that Mariner had deliberately badmouthed her to visiting FNN reporter Victoria Nuzé. Shortly afterwards, Mariner chose to resign from Starfleet, something only disclosed to Freeman when she discovered the truth and was contacting the station to apologize to Mariner. During the communication with Freeman, station personnel were attempting to deal, unsuccessfully, with a Pyrithian bat loose inside the facility. (LD: "Trusted Sources")

In an Instagram log released after "Trusted Sources", Mariner compares the smell to "old shrimp" and claims to have resigned less than a minute after setting foot on the station.

