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Fortnite Wiki

Ranged Weapons are a type of Weapon Class used in Fortnite: Save the World. Ranged Weapons allow the player to shoot enemies at a safe distance, with some being more effective at certain ranges than others. Ranged Weapons consume ammunition.

Ranged Weapons allow you to Aim Down Sights, granting greater accuracy. Some weapons also have a scope for even better accuracy. Most weapons have a headshot multiplier, meaning that they deal extra damage when shooting at an enemy's head. Some weapons are burst, which means they fire multiple shots at once. These weapons usually have a lower fire rate, however. Some weapons are hitscan, meaning that the bullet connects when you click the trigger. However, other weapons (such as Sniper Rifles and Launchers) have a bullet travel time delay.

Each ranged weapon has different statistics, however a general rule is that a higher rarity means a stronger weapon. Other rules include: a lower fire rate means higher damage, and a lower magazine size means a low fire rate.

Soldiers are the most effective class for Ranged Weapons.


Assault Rifles Shotguns Submachine Guns
Siegebreaker - Schematic - Save the World
Knight - Schematic - Save the World
Thrasher - Schematic - Save the World
Assault Rifles are accurate weapons with a medium to high fire rate. Their spread is very tight, allowing for maximum precision for a single target.

Medium Bullets - Ammunition - Fortnite Energy Ammo - Icon - Fortnite
Shotguns are close-ranged weapons with a cone-shaped spread instead of focus on a single target. They have high damage with a low fire rate.

Ammo Shells - Icon - Fortnite Energy Ammo - Icon - Fortnite
Submachine Guns are close-ranged weapons. Submachine Guns have a very high fire rate but low damage and accuracy, with a focus on a single target.

Light Ammo - Icon - FortniteEnergy Ammo - Icon - Fortnite
Pistols Sniper Rifles Explosives
Haywire Storm - Schematic - Save the World
Extinguisher - Schematic - Save the World
Bazooka - Schematic - Save the World
Pistols are short-range weapons with high variation in their stats for each type. Some have a high fire rate with low damage, but others have high damage and a low fire rate.

Heavy Bullets - Ammunition - Fortnite Light Ammo - Icon - Fortnite Energy Ammo - Icon - Fortnite
Sniper Rifles are long-ranged weapons with immaculate accuracy and high damage, but they have a low magazine size and fire rate. Most Sniper Rifles have a scope. <

Heavy Bullets - Ammunition - Fortnite Energy Ammo - Icon - Fortnite
Launchers deal explosive splash damage. These consume a large amount of durability when shot, but this is somewhat counteracted by their low average crafting cost.

Rockets - Ammunition - Fortnite Energy Ammo - Icon - Fortnite

Perk Slots[]

Main: Perk Recombobulator
Ranged Weapons share most of the same perks as Melee Weapons in the perk recombobulator, but they also have some unique perks, including Magazine Size and Reload Time enhancements.

Slot 1
Rarity Common Uncommon Rare Epic Legendary
Fire Rate +14% +21% +28% +35% +42%
Critical Rating +10 +15 +20 +25 +30
Critical Damage +45% +68% +90% +113% +135%
Damage +10% +15% +20% +25% +30%
Slot 2
Rarity Common Uncommon Rare Epic Legendary
Magazine Size +25% +38% +50% +63% +75%
Durability +14% +21% +28% +35% +42%
Reload Speed +25% +38% +50% +63% +75%
Weapon Stability +20% +30% +40% +50% +60%
Slot 3
Rarity Common Uncommon Rare Epic Legendary
Energy Element + Damage +0% +5% +10% +15% +20%
Fire Element + Damage +0% +5% +10% +15% +20%
Water Element + Damage +0% +5% +10% +15% +20%
Nature Element + Damage +0% +5% +10% +15% +20%
Physical Element + Damage +20% +26% +32% +38% +44%
Slot 4
Rarity Common Uncommon Rare Epic Legendary
Headshot Damage +13% +20% +27% +33% +40%
Critical Rating +10 +15 +20 +25 +30
Critical Damage +45% +68% +90% +113% +135%
Magazine Size +25% +38% +50% +63% +75%
Damage +10% +15% +20% +25% +30%
Slot 5
Rarity Common Uncommon Rare Epic Legendary
Damage to slowed and snared targets +15% +22.5% +30% +37.5% +45%
Damage to afflicted targets +15% +22.5% +30% +37.5% +45%
Damage to stunned, staggered and knocked down targets +20% +30% +40% +50% +60%
Damage to Mist Monsters and bosses +12% +18% +24% +30% +36%


  • Weapon levels are capped based on what stage you are on during the game. The cap starts at level 10, with level 50 being the maximum level.
  • The best Perk Recombobulator for most weapons is Critical Rating and Critical Damage. For more information, see Weapon Perks.

Save the World Content (edit)
Heroes Soldier - Constructor - Ninja - Outlander - Abilities - Hero Perks - Squad Bonuses
Personnel Survivors - Defenders - Expedition Squads - F.O.R.T. Stats
Armory Weaponry - Traps - Perk Recombobulator - Weapon Perks - Collection Book
Enemies Husk Monsters - Mist Monsters - Mini-Bosses - Storm King
Map Regions - Biomes - Missions - Mutant Storms
Quests Stonewood Quests - Plankerton Quests - Canny Valley Quests - Twine Peaks Quests - Ventures
Locker Locker
Store Llama Shop