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Fortnite Wiki

The Phone is a tool that is exclusive to Fortnite: Creative. It was introduced in Season 7.


The main function of the Phone is to edit the objects on your island. The Phone lets you move, rotate, delete, resize, and place objects. The Phone can also select up to 100 props at the same time, however it cannot resize them unless they are selected individually.

Anyone who has access to the Phone can also enable phase mode, which allows them to fly through objects.


Pressing the Options keybind while the Phone is equipped will bring up a list of options. These are split into 3 categories: Movement, Object Placement, and Tools. Movement allows the Creator to enable Phase and control their flight speed, Object Placement allows the Creator to control how the Phone manipulates Objects and Devices, and Tools allows the Creator to control the Creator side of the Phone.

Below is a list of options that are found in the Phone:

All default values have been Bolded.

All Options
Option Value Description
Phase On, Off If enabled, Creators can phase through objects.
Invulnerable Nothing, Everything Ignore Damage from everything!
Flight Speed 1.0x, 0.01x - 10.0x The Speed at which the Creator flies.
Editor Camera External, Immersive Select whether the camera goes into First Person while Editing.

All default values have been Bolded.

All Options
Option Value Description
Drops On, Off If enabled, objects fall on placement.
Collision All, Terrain, None Select whether the preview of the object placement can go through objects or not.
Collide with Copies On, Off If enabled, the preview of the object placement will collide with copies of that object.
Grid Snap Off, 1 - 64 Controls the precision of object placement. The higher the Grid Snap, the less precise the placement is.
Building to Prop Off, Origin Edge, Origin Center If enabled, building tiles are converted to props to allow for easier placement. Origin Center means the prop will try and stay on the same tile placement of a tile when on Grid Snap, whereas Origin Edge means the prop will try and align to the edge of the tile placement.
Pull to Player On, Off If enabled, props that are selected will be pulled towards the player, rather than staying where they originally were.
Hold Position As Selected, Left, Right, Center Determines the alignment of props on the screen when they are selected.

All default values have been Bolded.

All Options
Option Value Description
Phone Tool Keybind Press, Hold Determines whether the keybind for the Phone is a press or a hold (Controller Only).
Memory Cost Center, Top, Off Determines where the memory cost of an object is shown.


This item is not found in the Creative inventory and cannot be picked up or dropped.

The only way to obtain it is if you have the "Edit and Copy" permission and are currently editing a Creative Island. It is not possible to grant a player the Phone during a game.


Season 7[]

Season 8[]

  • Update v8.30: Added the ability to select multiple items at a time.

Chapter 2: Season 1[]

Chapter 2: Season 2[]

  • Update v12.60 Added the Option to display how much memory a piece is taking up by hovering over it using the Phone.

Chapter 3: Season 1[]

Chapter 3: Season 3[]

Chapter 5: Season 1[]

  • Similar to the Harvesting Tool, the phone does not use up an inventory slot.
  • The Phone resembles a Samsung mobile device, evident by the phone's sleek design, as well as replacing the words 'Samsung' (which was present on older models), with 'Fortnite'.
  • The Phone uses the same model as the phone in the Busy emote, released a month before Creative.
  • The Phone is also found in the No Sweat Summer Promotional Image.
  • Though mostly obscured by the players hand, DJ Yonder can be found on the back of the Phone.
World Resources - Icon - Fortnite
World Resources
Wood - Material - Fortnite Wood • Stone - Material - Fortnite Stone • Metal - Material - Fortnite Metal • Bars (Large) - Currency - Fortnite Bars • Key - Item - Fortnite Key • Animal Bones - Item - Fortnite Animal Bones • Stink Sac - Item - Fortnite Stink Sac • Mechanical Parts - Item - Fortnite Mechanical Parts • Cube Monster Parts - Item - Fortnite Cube Monster Parts • Nuts 'n' Bolts - Item - Fortnite Nuts 'n' Bolts • Victory Crown - Item - Fortnite Victory Crown • Raptor Claw - Item - Fortnite Raptor Claw
Ammo - Icon - Fortnite
Medium Bullets - Ammo - Fortnite Medium Bullets • Shells - Ammo - Fortnite Shells • Light Bullets - Ammo - Fortnite Light Bullets • Heavy Bullets - Ammo - Fortnite Heavy Bullets • Rockets - Ammo - Fortnite Rockets • Arrow - Ammo - Fortnite Arrows • Energy Cells - Ammo - Fortnite Energy Cells • Cash Cash
Utility Items - Icon - Fortnite
Utility Items
Port-A-Fort - Item - Fortnite Port-A-Fort • Port-A-Fortress - Item - Fortnite Port-A-Fortress • Present - Item - Fortnite Presents! (Birthday Present! (C4S4) - Item - Fortnite Birthday • Holiday Presents! - Item - Fortnite Holiday) • Buried Treasure - Item - Fortnite Buried Treasure • Repair Torch - Item - Fortnite Repair Torch • Purple Paint Grenade - Item - Fortnite Purple Paint Grenade • Orange Paint Grenade - Item - Fortnite Orange Paint Grenade • Med Mist - Item - Fortnite Med Mist • Jetpack - Item - Fortnite Jetpack • Stark Jetpack - Item - Fortnite Stark Jetpack • Alien Nanites - Item - Fortnite Alien Nanites • Chiller Grenade - Item - Fortnite Chiller Grenade • Smoke Grenade - Item - Fortnite Smoke Grenade • Stink Bomb - Item - Fortnite Stink Bomb • Boogie Bomb - Item - Fortnite Boogie Bomb • Shockwave Grenade - Item - Fortnite Shockwave Grenade • Impulse Grenade - Item - Fortnite Impulse Grenade • Boom Box - Item - Fortnite Boom Box • Recon Scanner - Weapon - Fortnite Recon Scanner • Gas Can - Item - Fortnite Gas Can • Firework Flare Gun - Weapon - Fortnite Firework Flare Gun • Tent - Item - Fortnite Tent • Burger - Item - Fortnite Burger • Tomato - Item - Fortnite Tomato • Harpoon Gun - Weapon - Fortnite Harpoon Gun • Lump of Coal - Item - Fortnite Lump of Coal • Rusty Can - Item - Fortnite Rusty Can • Fishing Rod - Weapon - Fortnite Fishing Rod (Pro Fishing Rod - Weapon - Fortnite Pro • Fishing Rod - Weapon - Fortnite Creative • Pro Fishing Rod - Weapon - Fortnite Creative Pro) • Grappler - Weapon - Fortnite Grappler (Grappler - Weapon - Fortnite Skye's • Jules' Glider Gun - Weapon - Fortnite Jules' Glider Gun • Icy Grappler - Item - Fortnite Icy) • Spiky Stadium - Item - Fortnite SypherPK Trap Tower • Grapple Glove - Item - Fortnite Grapple Glove • Grapple Blade - Item - Fortnite Grapple Blade • Vehicle Mod - Off-Road Tires - Item - Fortnite Vehicle Mod: Off-Road Tires • Vehicle Mod - Cow Catcher - Item - Fortnite Vehicle Mod: Cow Catcher • Ripsaw Launcher - Weapon - Fortnite Ripsaw Launcher • Flare Gun - Weapon - Fortnite • Flare Gun • Hollow Purple - Item - Fortnite Hollow Purple • Cluster Clinger - Item - Fortnite Cluster Clinger Port-A-Bunker - Item - Fortnite Port-A-Bunker • Falcon Scout - Item - Fortnite Falcon Scout • Rocket Ram - Weapon - Fortnite Rocket Ram • Business Turret - Item - Fortnite Business Turret • Shield Bubble Jr. - Item - Fortnite Shield Bubble Jr. • Waterbending - Item - Fortnite Waterbending • Airbending - Item - Fortnite Airbending • Earthbending - Item - Fortnite Earthbending • Firebending - Item - Fortnite Firebending • Nitro Fists - Item - Fortnite Nitro Fists (Nitro Fists - Item - Fortnite Megalo Don's)
Consumables - Icon - Fortnite
Candy Corn - Item - Fortnite Candy Corn • Jelly Bean - Item - Fortnite Jelly Bean • Pepper Mint - Item - Fortnite Pepper Mint • Thermal Taffy - Item - Fortnite Thermal Taffy • Hop Drop - Item - Fortnite Hop Drop • Zero Point Pretzel - Item - Fortnite Zero Point Pretzel • Light Blue Small Fry - Small Fry - Fortnite Small Fry • Orange Flopper - Floppers - Fortnite Flopper • Slurp Jellyfish - Jellyfish - Fortnite Jellyfish • Light Blue Shield Fish - Shield Fish - Fortnite Shieldfish • Blue Slurpfish - Slurpfish - Fortnite Slurpfish • Crystal Zero Fish - Zero Point Flopper - Fortnite Zero Point Fish • Butterfly Rift Fish - Rift Fish - Fortnite Rift Fish • Vendetta Flopper - Fish - Fortnite Vendetta Flopper • Purple and Orange Thermal Fish - Thermal Fish - Fortnite Thermal Fish • Snowy Flopper - Fish - Fortnite Snowy Flopper • Midas Flopper - Fish - Fortnite Midas Flopper • Molten Spicy Fish - Spicy Fish - Fortnite Spicy Fish • Drift Hop Flopper - Hop Flopper - Fortnite Hop Flopper • Stink Fish - Fortnite Stink Flopper • Pink Cuddle Fish - Cuddle Fish - Fortnite Cuddle Fish • Shadow Flopper - Flopper - Fortnite Shadow Flopper • Apple - Item - Fortnite Apple • Banana - Item - Fortnite Banana • Cabbage - Item - Fortnite Cabbage • Coconut - Item - Fortnite Coconut • Corn - Item - Fortnite Corn • Pepper - Item - Fortnite Pepper • Mushroom - Item - Fortnite Mushroom • Mythic Mushroom - Item - Fortnite Mythic Mushroom • Slurp Mushroom - Item - Fortnite Slurp Mushroom • FlowBerry - Item - Fortnite FlowBerry • Zero Point Crystal - Item - Fortnite Zero Point Crystals • Ice Cream - Item - Fortnite Ice Cream • Frozen Icecream Cone - Item - Fortnite Frozen Icecream Cone • Spicy Icecream Cone - Item - Fortnite Spicy Icecream Cone • Guzzling Icecream Cone - Item - Fortnite Guzzling Icecream Cone • Lil'Whip's Special Serve - Item - Fortnite Lil'Whip's Special Serve • Hop Rock - Item - Fortnite Hop Rock • Shadow Stone - Item - Fortnite Shadow Stone • Birthday Cake - Item - Fortnite Birthday Cake • Spicy Taco - Item - Fortnite Spicy Taco • Glitched - Item - Fortnite Glitched • Small Shield Potion - Item- Fortnite Mini Shield Potion (Small Shield Potion - Item- Fortnite Legacy) • Shield Potion - Item - Fortnite Shield Potion (Shield Potion - Item - Fortnite Legacy) • Bandages - Item - Fortnite Bandage (Bandages - Item - Fortnite Legacy) • Medkit - Item - Fortnite Med Kit (Medkit - Item - Fortnite Legacy) • Bandage Bazooka - Weapon - Fortnite Bandage Bazooka (Chug Cannon - Weapon - Fortnite Chug Cannon) • Glider (Chapter 2) - Glider - Fortnite Gliders • Mythic Goldfish - Item - Fortnite Mythic Goldfish • Sneaky Snowman - Item - Fortnite Sneaky Snowman • Sneaky Snowmando - Item - Fortnite Sneaky Snowman • Creepin' Cardboard - Item - Fortnite Creepin' Cardboard • Guzzle Juice - Item - Fortnite Guzzle Juice • Slurp Juice - Item - Fortnite Slurp Juice • Chug Jug - Item - Fortnite Chug Jug (Chug Jug - Item - Fortnite Ocean's Bottomless) • Chug Splash - Item - Fortnite Chug Splash (Chili Chug Splash - Item - Fortnite Chili) • Shield Keg - Item - Fortnite Shield Keg • Pizza Party - Item - Fortnite Pizza Party • Pizza Slice - Item - Fortnite Pizza Slice • Shield Bubble - Item - Fortnite Shield Bubble • Crash Pad - Item - Fortnite Crash Pad • Crash Pad Jr. - Item - Fortnite Crash Pad Jr. • Storm Flip - Item - Fortnite Storm Flip • Junk Rift - Item - Fortnite Junk Rift • Air Strike - Item - Fortnite Air Strike • Zapper Trap - Trap - Fortnite Zapper Trap • Balloons (New) - Item - Fortnite Balloons • Rift-To-Go - Item - Fortnite Rift-To-Go • Bush - Item - Fortnite Bush • Enemy Bot Grenade - Item - Fortnite Enemy Bot Grenade • Friendly Bot Grenade - Item - Fortnite Friendly Bot Grenade • Chrome Splash - Item - Fortnite Chrome Splash • Spiky Stadium - Item - Fortnite Spiky Stadium • Slap Splash - Item - Fortnite Slap Splash (Slap Splash - Item - Fortnite Super) • FlowBerry - Item - Fortnite FlowBerry • FlowBerry Fizz - Item - Fortnite FlowBerry Fizz • Banana of the Gods - Item - Fortnite Banana of the Gods • Nuka-Cola - Item - Fortnite Nuka-Cola • Nitro Splash - Item - Fortnite Nitro Splash
Miscellaneous Item - Icon - Fortnite
Uncategorized Items
Chitauri Laser Rifle - Weapon - Fortnite Chitauri Laser Rifle • Chitauri Energy Launcher - Weapon - Fortnite Chitauri Energy Launcher • Flashlight - Item - Fortnite • Flashlight Ghost Keycard - Item - Fortnite Agency Keycard • Authority Keycard - Item - Fortnite Authority Keycard • Catty Corner Keycard - Item - Fortnite Catty Corner Keycard • Dr. Doom Keycard - Item - Fortnite Dr. Doom Keycard • Ghost Keycard - Item - Fortnite Fortilla Keycard • Grotto Keycard - Item - Fortnite Grotto Keycard • Stark Industries Keycard - Item - Fortnite Iron Man Keycard • Rig Keycard - Item - Fortnite Rig Keycard • Shark Keycard - Item - Fortnite Shark Keycard • Ghost Keycard - Item - Fortnite Deadpool Keycard - Item - Fortnite Keycard (Chapter 5 Season 1) - Keycard - Fortnite Yacht Keycard • Eclipse Vault Keycard - Item - Fortnite Estate Vault Keycard • Eclipse Vault Keycard - Item - Fortnite Suites Vault Keycard • Eclipse Vault Keycard - Item - Fortnite Retreat Vault Keycard • Eclipse Vault Keycard - Item - Fortnite MEGA City Vault Keycard • Eclipse Vault Keycard - Item - Fortnite Ruin Vault Keycard • Eclipse Vault Keycard - Item - Fortnite Slappy Shories Vault Keycard • Forecast Tower Access Key - Item - Fortnite Forecast Tower Access Key • Keycard (Chapter 5 Season 1) - Keycard - Fortnite Marina Keycard • Keycard (Chapter 5 Season 1) - Keycard - Fortnite Train Keycard • Keycard (Chapter 5 Season 1) - Keycard - Fortnite Comms Keycard • Keycard (Chapter 5 Season 1) - Keycard - Fortnite Mountain Keycard • Keycard (Chapter 5 Season 1) - Keycard - Fortnite Mansion Keycard • Keycard (Chapter 5 Season 1) - Keycard - Fortnite Pump Keycard • The Mandalorian's Jetpack - Item - Fortnite The Mandalorian's Jetpack • Kamehameha - Item - Fortnite Kamehameha • Deku's Smash - Item - Fortnite Deku's Smash • Inflate-A-Bull - Item - Fortnite Inflate-A-Bull • Nimbus Cloud (Kintoun) - Item - Fortnite Nimbus Cloud (Kintoun) • Jewel - Item - Fortnite Jewel • Decoy Grenade - Item - Fortnite Decoy Grenade • Vintage - Back Bling - Fortnite Eye Of The Storm Tracker • Grab-itron - Weapon - Fortnite Grab-itron • Prop-ifier - Item - Fortnite Prop-ifier • Hunter's Cloak - Item - Fortnite Hunter's Cloak • Drake's Map - Item - Fortnite Drake's Map • Upgrade Bench - Item - Fortnite Upgrade Bench • Explosive Batarang - Item - Fortnite Explosive Batarang • Carnage Symbiote - Item - Fortnite Carnage Symbiote • Venom Symbiote - Item - Fortnite Venom Symbiote • Howler Claws - Item - Fortnite Howler Claws • Spider-Man's Web Shooters - Item - Fortnite Spider-Man's Web Shooters (Spider-Verse Web Shooters - Item - Fortnite Spider-Verse) • Captain America's Shield - Weapon - Fortnite Captain America's Shield • Iron Man's Repulsors - Weapon - Fortnite Iron Man's Repulsors • Infinity Gauntlet - Weapon - Fortnite Infinity Gauntlet • Avengers Buried Treasure - Item - Fortnite Avengers Buried Treasure • Space Stone - Item - Fortnite Space Stone • Mind Stone - Item - Fortnite Mind Stone • Time Stone - Item - Fortnite Time Stone • Reality Stone - Item - Fortnite Reality Stone • Power Stone - Item - Fortnite Power Stone • Soul Stone - Item - Fortnite Soul Stone • Revive Grenade - Item - Fortnite Revive Grenade • Bounty Puck - Item - Fortnite Bounty Puck • Water Balloon - Toy - Fortnite Water Balloon • Portal Device - Item - Fortnite Portal Device • Flare Gun - Weapon - Fortnite Locator Flare • Rotor Cap - Item - Fortnite Rotor Cap • Thruster - Item - Fortnite Thruster • Motor - Item - Fortnite Motor • Tail Rotor - Item - Fortnite Tail Rotor • Snowball - Toy - Fortnite Snowball • EMP Stealth Camo - Item - Fortnite EMP Stealth Camo • Ballistic Shield - Item - Fortnite Ballistic Shield • Peter Griffin's Medallion (v28.01.01) - Item - Fortnite Peter Griffin's Medallion • Nisha's Medallion (v28.01.01) - Item - Fortnite Nisha's Medallion • Oscar's Medallion (v28.01.01) - Item - Fortnite Oscar's Medallion • Montague's Medallion (v28.01.01) - Item - Fortnite Montague's Medallion • Valeria's Medallion (v28.01.01) - Item - Fortnite Valeria's Medallion • Aspect of Speed - Item - Fortnite Aspect of Speed • Aspect of Siphon - Item - Fortnite Aspect of Siphon • Aspect of Agility - Item - Fortnite Aspect of Agility • Aspect of Combat - Item - Fortnite Aspect of Combat • The Machinist's Medallion - Item - Fortnite The Machinist's Medallion • Ringmaster Scarr's Medallion - Item - Fortnite Ringmaster Scarr's Medallion • Megalo Don's Medallion - Item - Fortnite Megalo Don's Medallion
Traps - Icon - Fortnite
Chiller - Trap - Fortnite Chiller • Damage Trap - Trap - Fortnite Damage Trap • Poison Dart Trap - Trap - Fortnite Poison Dart Trap • Wall Dynamo - Trap - Fortnite Wall Dynamo • Ceiling Zapper - Trap - Fortnite Ceiling Zapper • Player Jump Pad (Directional) - Trap - Fortnite Player Jump Pad (Directional (Up)) - Trap - Fortnite Directional Jump Pad • Cozy Campfire - Trap - Fortnite Cozy Campfire • Mounted Turret - Trap - Fortnite Mounted Turret • Fire Trap - Trap - Fortnite Fire Trap • Bouncer - Trap - Fortnite Bouncer • Launch Pad - Trap - Fortnite Launch Pad • Armored Wall - Trap - Fortnite Armored Wall
Powers - Icon - Fortnite
Doctor Doom's Arcane Gauntlets - Item - Fortnite Doctor Doom's Arcane Gauntlets • Doctor Doom's Mystical Bomb - Item - Fortnite Doctor Doom's Mystical Bomb • Groot's Bramble Shield - Item - Fortnite Groot's Bramble Shield • Silver Surfer's Board - Item - Fortnite Silver Surfer's Board • Iron Man's Repulsor Gauntlets - Item - Fortnite Iron Man's Repulsor Gauntlets • Iron Man's Unibeam - Item - Fortnite Iron Man's Unibeam • Thor's Mjolnir Strike - Item - Fortnite Thor's Mjolnir Strike • Wolverine's Claws - Item - Fortnite Wolverine's Claws • Black Panther's Kinetic Armor - Item - Fortnite Black Panther's Kinetic Armor • Storm's Whirlwind Blast - Item - Fortnite Storm's Whirlwind Blast • She-Hulk's Fists - Item - Fortnite She-Hulk's Fists • Venom's Smash and Grab - Item - Fortnite Venom's Smash & Grab • Predator's Cloaking Device - Item - Fortnite Predator's Cloaking Device • Witch Broom (v26.30) - Item - Fortnite Witch Broom • Spire Jumpboots - Item - Fortnite Spire Jumpboots • Cloak Gauntlets - Item - Fortnite Cloak Gauntlets (Cloak Gauntlets - Item - Fortnite Wildguard Relik's)
Islander Prevalent - Vehicle - Fortnite
Motorboat - Vehicle - Fortnite Motorboat • Islander Prevalent - Vehicle - Fortnite Taxi - Vehicle - Fortnite Islander Prevalent • Victory Motors Whiplash - Vehicle - Fortnite Victory Motors Whiplash • OG Bear - Vehicle - Fortnite OG Bear • Titano Mudflap - Vehicle - Fortnite Titano Mudflap • Armored Battle Bus - Vehicle - Fortnite Armored Battle Bus • Shopping Cart - Vehicle - Fortnite Shopping Cart • ATK - Vehicle - Fortnite All Terrain Kart • X-4 Stormwing - Vehicle - Fortnite X-4 Stormwing (Operation Snowdown) - Vehicle - Fortnite X-4 Stormwing • Baller - Vehicle - Fortnite The Baller • Quadcrasher - Vehicle - Fortnite Quadcrasher • Pirate Cannon - Vehicle - Fortnite Pirate Cannon • Driftboard - Vehicle - Fortnite Driftboard (TMNT Driftboard - Vehicle - Fortnite TMNT Driftboard • Surfboard - Device - Fortnite Surfboard) • B.R.U.T.E. - Vehicle - Fortnite B.R.U.T.E. (Salvaged BRUTE - Vehicle - Fortnite Salvaged) • Choppa - Vehicle - Fortnite Choppa (Seven) - Vehicle - Fortnite Choppa • Loot Shark - Animal - Fortnite Loot Shark • Saucer - Vehicle - Fortnite Saucer • Titan Tank (IO) - Vehicle - Fortnite Titan Tank (The Seven) - Vehicle - Fortnite Titan Tank • Wolf - Animal - Fortnite Wolf • Boar - Animal - Fortnite Boar • Raptor (C4S3) - Animal - Fortnite Raptor • Nitro Drifter - Vehicle - Fortnite Nitro Drifter • Nitro Fang - Vehicle - Fortnite Nitro Fang • Octane Spawner - Device - Fortnite Octane • Dirtbike - Vehicle - Fortnite Trail Thrasher • Victory Crown Rogue - Vehicle - Fortnite Victory Crown Rogue • Trailsmasher SUV - Vehicle - Fortnite Grandeur Trailsmasher • Lockjaw (Ringmaster's) - Vehicle - Fortnite Lockjaw (The Machinist's) - Vehicle - Fortnite Lockjaw • Behemoth - Vehicle - Fortnite Behemoth • War Bus - Vehicle - Fortnite War Bus