Fortnite Wiki

Welcome to the Fortnite Wiki! Feel free to explore and contribute to the wiki with links, articles, categories, templates, and pretty images! Make sure to follow our rules & guidelines! Check out the Community Page!


Fortnite Wiki

Our guidelines apply to all users including staff. Please also see the wiki's rules.

The staff reserve the right to decide on an appropriate response for the given violation(s). If you would like to appeal a ban complete this form.


In addition to Fandom's Terms of Use, hostile behavior will not be tolerated. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Any form of disrespect
  • Any form of harassment (this includes Haggling)
  • Sharing or inquiring of users personal information; Doxxing
  • Profanity, slurs, or any vulgar language
  • Instigating or continuing drama
  • Troll accounts or Impersonation
  • Mini-modding
  • Ban-Evading
  • General Disruption

Anything violating Fortnite’s EULA - the selling, buying, or trading of accounts, cosmetics, and both in-game or real-life currency - is strictly prohibited. Inquiring about these purchases, and haggling users for gifts is also prohibited.

In most cases, staff will warn users that a rule has been violated. In more severe cases, a warning may not be given and a ban will be issued.


The discussion feature is for Fortnite-related conversations only. The following will be locked or removed:

  • Posts about unrelated media
  • Inappropriate/unsuitable topics (Politics, Self-Harm, Shipping, Suggestive themes, etc.)
  • Promotion of drama
  • Sharing of personal information
  • Self-advertising
  • Mass pinging
  • Replies to posts older than 2 weeks (necroposting)
  • Derogatory posts directed at users (slander)
  • Trolling (Biased polls and quizzes, etc.)
  • Any form of spam
  • The reposting of removed posts

Giveaways and Competitions containing real life or in-game currency prizes (V-Bucks,E-cards,subscriptions, in-game cosmetics ect.) are prohibited; unless explicit approval from staff is granted. Please contact staff if you are interested in hosting a giveaway/competition of this nature.

Users also should avoid frequently posting in a short time frame. Posts made in a short-time frame by the same user will be removed. In addition, we discourage the copying of other users' posts/formats to prevent the oversaturation of the same content. We may also delete some posts that weren't intentionally copied (i.e. contain a topic we see very often). This is up to staff discretion.

Please post threads under the correct category . Tags under posts should also correlate with the content inside your post. Staff members will change the category and will add/remove tags as deemed fit. Repeated failure to categorize/tag appropriately will result in a warning.

Additionally, threads that contain spoilers/leaks need to be formatted to where the spoiler/leak itself that cannot be seen without clicking on the thread. The post must also clearly state it contains a spoiler.

Please Note: A thread may become locked if the question it asks is answered.

Special: Near the end of each season, staff will open a megathread that allows users to share their season's stats. Until this occurs, please refrain from posting them. (Posts outside this thread will be deleted.)

Meaningful Posts

Posts should encourage "meaningful discussion", allowing for thought-provoking, and insightful conversations that encourage other users to express their ideas and opinions. The following is considered as “Low Effort” and will be locked or deleted:

  • Threads created only with a title
  • Threads created with only a few words
  • Quizzes with 3 similar questions
  • Polls with yes/no options
  • "Guess by emoji(s)" posts
  • Stats posts

Please note if staff finds a user making the same type of poll/post with very little variety in content this can be considered as “low-effort” and/or spam; resulting in a removal of content or warning.

Meaningful Replies

Not everyone shares the same opinion, and therefore users should remain open-minded while discussing. We understand it may not remain peaceful at all times, but this is not an excuse and we ask users to be civil. Please use constructive criticism when giving feedback.

Good Responses:
Constructive criticism is feedback or guidance for ways in which someone/something can improve. The following are some examples of constructive responses:

  • “I don’t exactly agree with this, but I understand how you see that.”
  • “I don’t exactly agree with this, but this is how I understand this.”
  • “Maybe try this next time;”

Bad Responses:
Destructive criticism is feedback that blames, negatively emphasizes flaws, or delivers the message in an aggressive or disrespectful way. The following are some examples of destructive criticism. These can lead to a warning or ban:

  • “That’s stupid. Why would you think that?”
  • “ If that’s a problem, you're simply not good/skilled.”
  • “ That’s a very bad opinion, we do not want to hear your feedback.”


Users must play their part in de-escalating conflicts. Avoid using aggressive responses or insults when dealing with (a) hostile user(s). If you fail to do so, you may also be held at fault for the conflict. Do not respond to users who blatantly ignore rules - this will likely encourage them or give publicity to their behavior.

If you witness an ongoing situation:

  • Do not feed into the conflict!
  • Report the post/thread by clicking the three dots by the post.
  • Report them to a staff member on their message wall.
  • Ping a staff (who has discussion powers!) in reply to the post(s).

If you have concerns or issues pertaining to a user, please share them on staff’s message walls.

Social Staff



Thread/Discussions Moderators:

Found a problem that our staff can't help with? Contact Fandom staff via
