Fortnite Wiki

Welcome to the Fortnite Wiki! Feel free to explore and contribute to the wiki with links, articles, categories, templates, and pretty images! Make sure to follow our rules & guidelines! Check out the Community Page!


Fortnite Wiki

Below is a list of all of the Fortnite Wiki staff members. They are here to support editors and moderate the community. If you have any questions, click on their name and send them a message on their wall. It is recommended to contact one of the more active staff members first.


MT Logo
MTOnline69 is a Bureaucrat on the Fortnite Wiki. He joined April 17th, 2020.


Redtarp PFP
Redtarp is a Bureaucrat on the Fortnite Wiki. She joined March 16th, 2021.


DurrrBurger1 PFP
DurrrBurger1 is a Content Administrator on the Fortnite Wiki. He joined the Staff on March 25th, 2021 via the Gamepedia merge, after being active there as a Wiki Guardian.


Hades783 PFP
Hades783 is an Administrator on the Fortnite Wiki. He joined June 9th, 2021.

John "Frog" Pliskin

John Pilksin Avatar (for userpage)
John "Frog" Pliskin is an Administrator on the Fortnite Wiki. He joined December 26th, 2020.


Mareux is an Administrator on the Fortnite Wiki. He joined February 22nd, 2021.


Liz - PFP - Fortnite
Tidepods094 is a Discussions Administrator on the Fortnite Wiki. She joined January 9th, 2021.


ZéroFusion0 is an Administrator on the Fortnite Wiki. He joined November 12th, 2020.


Hypno2045 (New) - Profile
Hypno2045 is a Global-Moderator on the Fortnite Wiki. They joined April 27th, 2021.


BoiTorchic - Avatar
BoiTorchic is a Content Moderator on the Fortnite Wiki. He joined May 11th, 2021.


JusthereforPatapon - Avatar
JusthereforPatapon is a Content Moderator on the Fortnite Wiki. He joined October 21st, 2021.


NotEternatus - Avatar
NotEternatus is a Content Moderator on the Fortnite Wiki. He joined June 13th, 2023.


Diamond - PFP
Diamondman99 is a Discussions Moderator on the Fortnite Wiki. He joined January 12th, 2021.


TheDiamondDiva - Avatar
TheDiamondDiva is a Rollback and a Discussions Moderator on the Fortnite Wiki. He joined November 22nd, 2020.


ParadigmPrime05 - Avatar
ParadigmPrime05 is a Rollback on the Fortnite Wiki. He joined December 9th, 2023.


SympleD115 pfp
Ninesage67 is a Rollback on the Fortnite Wiki. He joined October 24th, 2021.

Staff Count + Abilities

  • Medal-Purple-1Rollback (3) - Can rollback edits to the last editor instead of undoing them
  • Medal-Orange-1Discussions Moderator (2) - Can manage discussion posts
  • Medal-Blue-1Content Moderator (3) - Can edit protected pages, and can protect/delete pages
  • Medal-Blue-Orange-1Global Moderator (1) - Has the ability of all 3 previous ranks
  • Medal-Pink-1Administrators (6) - Has the ability of all 4 previous ranks, can access the Admin Dashboard, and can ban users. Can change user's user groups to lower power groups
  • Medal-Green-1Bureaucrats (2) - Has the abilities of Admins, but cannot be banned/demoted (Except by FANDOM Staff)
