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Fortnite Wiki

Playlists are categories of game modes in Fortnite that players can queue. Game modes are grouped into playlists with other modes that consist of similar gameplay or regulation.

Playlists are divided into Categories: Core Gamemodes, Limited Time Modes and Creative Showcases. In addition, Creative showcases consist of several sub-categories: By Epic, Fortnite Competitive, and Featured. The player also has the option to filter Creative games by attributes such as genre or gameplay.

Despite Fortnite: Save The World existing under a playlist, it is entirely it's own game mode.

Core Game Modes are modes that will never rotate in and out (Live Events are exceptions to this) and maintain the Default Battle Royale gameplay. Limited Time Modes are playlists that will modify how the game is played. Epic's Picks are a playlist for a limited time of promoted community made games in Fortnite: Creative.

List of Active Playlists[]

At a time, playlists will be active or inactive. Here is a current list of active playlists. Does not include LTMs or Creative Games:

Play Your Way[]

List of Inactive Playlists[]

Some playlists will become inactive because there is a major bug or something replaces it. Here is a list of these playlists (Does not include LTMs or Creative Showcases):

