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Fortnite Wiki

Memory is a limit in Creative to how many props, buildings, and devices can be placed.

The default limit is 100,000. Most objects usually take up to around 20, but more complex objects may even take up to thousands.

There are 2 types of memory management systems: Spatial Thermometer and World Partition.

Spatial Thermometer

This system is available on Islands that are running on Creative.

The Spatial Thermometer memory management system measures memory cell by cell, comparing the memory use of each one to the cells next to it. Instead of loading everything in the island and storing it, the island will only use memory to store what is seen and used. It unloads unseen props and terrain from memory. As players move around the island, the system only loads things the player can see and interact with.

When you add a device to the island, its memory cost is added to all cells in the island. Devices always need to be loaded in memory to operate and can't be swapped in and out like props. That's because devices affect players no matter where they are on the island, and you don't want them to stop working when players get too far away from them.

The Spatial Thermometer system gives you two methods to see how much memory you have used:

  • The Cell Memory Used bar
  • The Heatmap
World Partition

World Partition is an automatic data management and distance-based level streaming system that provides a complete solution for large world management. The system removes the previous need to divide large levels into sublevels by storing your world in a single persistent level separated into grid cells, and provides you with an automatic streaming system to load and unload those cells based on distance from a streaming source.

This system must be enabled in UEFN, and cannot be used in Creative. This system also offers extra tools, such as viewing the objects in your Islands using a tab in UEFN.

You can enable World Partition by going to: World Settings -> World Partition Setup -> Enable Streaming.


Season 7[]

  • Update v7.00: Introduced Memory. Currently, every object takes Memory, regardless of whether it is rendered or not.

Chapter 2: Season 6[]

  • Update v16.50: Introduced Thermometer Islands, which use the new Spatial Thermometer system. Currently, the system is only available in XL Islands.

Chapter 3: Season 3[]

  • Update v21.00: The Spatial Thermometer is now used on all Islands.

Chapter 4: Season 2[]

  • Most copies of props take less Memory than their initial placement Memory.
    • This is why many Creators use duplicate props in their maps.