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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki
This article is about the Saints & Sinners character. For other pages with the same name, see: Casey

I know I sold you a bill of goods I can't deliver on any more, and that sucks, I'm sorry, but this is my life we are talking about here, Tourist. Flood the armory... please...
―Casey begging the Tourist to save his life.[src]

Casey is an original character in The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners. He is a soldier trapped in the Reserve.


Location Unknown[]

Not much is known about Casey's life prior to or as the outbreak began, except that when he was younger, his mother used to take him up north through the Badlands to see his uncle, who later died of cancer.


New Orleans, Louisiana[]

Casey was stationed at the Reserve when the outbreak started. While he was safe inside, an incoming flood put the bunker on lock-down, trapping him.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims Casey has killed:


Saints & Sinners[]


  • Casey mentions a blue fishing hat over the radio during the game, and later in both games you can find the blue fishing hat where he either dies or confronts May Benoit.
  • Casey is the only member of the Reserve who can survive the events of the game, albeit determinantly.