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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

This alien is an antagonist in Rick Grimes 2000. He served as the primary antagonist for the first half of Rick Grimes 2000.


This alien, along with the rest of it's species, caused the apocalypse, so that they can use water as currency.


"Issue 75 - Bonus Ending"[]

This alien is seen at the end alongside Brian Blake and Lori Grimes.

"Chapter 1"[]

This alien is seen behind the Governor as he confronts Rick.

"Chapter 2"[]

This alien will appear in this chapter.


Killed by

As the alien fights off the oncoming zombies, he's blasted from behind by Andrea, destroying his head, arms, and torso.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims this alien has killed:



Comic Series[]

Rick Grimes 2000[]


  • This is the first, and only, non human or human related antagonist in The Walking Dead Franchise.
  • This alien and the journalist are the only original characters in the Rick Grimes 2000 series.
  • He is the first alien to die on-screen.