Walking Dead Wiki

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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

The Walking Dead: No Man's Land is an official mobile game produced by Next Games[1] and based on AMC's The Walking Dead. It was released on September 27, 2015 for iOS and October 28, 2015 for Android.


You control a group of survivors with your only objective being to keep them alive. Decisions for food, water, and shelter will be made with life and death consequences. Sacrifices will be made and tough choices lie ahead as not everyone will make it out alive.

Additionally, you must solve strategic puzzles all while building your group and developing a safe refuge. Some of the features included are weekly challenges, story missions, outposts (PvP) and much more.




Character Types[]

Each and every survivor in The Walking Dead: No Man’s Land bears the scars from life and death struggles. Form a group and train them to fight with scavenged and improvised weapons. Use their individual skills to navigate deadly missions and do whatever it takes to stay humans.

There are six types of characters (as of 2/29/16), all with unique weapons, armor, and skills. Learning their abilities well is essential in order to complete missions efficiently and with minimal damage. Each character class also has their own special ability, called a Charge Ability. "Charge Abilities become available when a survivor has killed enough walkers to charge their ability - usually three [shooters being the exception and only needing two kills]. When available, the Charge Ability bar under the survivor's portrait in the combat screen glows [green]. Tap the bar and then target a walker or an area, depending on the ability, to activate."[2]

Class Health Excels against... Charge Ability
Bruiser High Crowd control Smash: Area stun (up to 8 walkers in a circle) and damage
Shooter Medium Single targets Quick Shot: Free attack
Hunter Low Crowds Aimed Shot: Automatic critical hit
Assault High Crowds Suppression: Stun and damage
Warrior Medium Tight packs of enemies Quick Slash: Bonus attack
Scout Low Single targets Brain Stab: Extra damage

As crowd control experts, Bruisers are unfazed by large groups of walkers. They carry blunt, heavy weapons that inflict maximum damage to everything within striking distance.

Trained to kill, Shooters have what it takes to finish off wounded enemies with a single shot to the head. Pistols and revolvers are their weapon of choice, a possible throwback to their lives before the epidemic.

Hunters keep cool, taking out enemies from distance with perfectly aimed bullets. Scoped and long range rifles are their specialty - the more powerful and accurate, the better.

Using suppressive fire, Assault specialists mow down crowds of walkers in one burst. They won’t accept anything less than heavy fire power, using a variety of semi-automatic rifles to maximum effect.

Silent, stealthy and lethally accurate, Warriors are highly trained killers. They make a personal connection to their sword and become masters of cutting down walkers before they have even been detected.

The Scouts are swift movers who specialize in single target strikes. Armed with little more than a blade or screwdriver, they are able to inflict critical brain damage upon their enemies - human or otherwise.


"Each time a survivor appears (new gear, as well) they will have a grade of rarity. The higher the grade, the more powerful they are but this also affects how often you'll encounter them. This is shown by the amount of stars and color.

There are five grades of rarity in the game:" [2]

  • Common (1 star, gray)
  • Uncommon (2 stars, beige)
  • Rare (3 stars, green)
  • Epic (4 stars, blue)
  • Legendary (5 stars, gold)

Grade will also affect the number of times you can upgrade them and the level of the survivor's specific traits.


Main Article: Traits

Viewing Traits[]

Visit the survivor menu and select a character. On the right of the screen you'll find a survivor's traits with the required level. Tap on the trait to find out how it benefits your survivor.

Character Levels[]


1-Star Damage / Health 2-Star Damage / Health 3-Star Damage / Health 4-Star Damage / Health 5-Star Damage / Health 6-Star Damage / Health
Level 1 -- -- -- -- --
Level 2 -- -- -- -- --
Level 3 -- -- -- -- --
Level 4 -- -- -- -- --
Level 5 43 / 197 -- -- -- 55 / 251
Level 6 45 / 194 -- 53 / 232 58 / 252 62 / 271
Level 7 51 / 205 56 / 225 61 / 245 66 / 266 71 / 286
Level 8 57 / 219 62 / 240 68 / 262 74 / 284 79 / 306
Level 9 65 / 236 71 / 259 77 / 283 84 / 306 90 / 330
Level 10 75 / 258 82 / 283 89 / 209 97 / 335 104 / 361
Level 11 88 / 284 96 / 312 105 / 340 114 / 369 123 / 397
Level 12 103 / 317 113 / 348 123 / 380 133 / 412 144 / 443
Level 13 122 / 358 134 / 393 146 / 429 158 / 465 170 / 501
Level 14 -- 160 / 450 175 / 491 189 / 532 204 / 573
Level 15 -- 193 / 523 -- 228 / 618 246 / 666
Level 16 215 / 560 236 / 615 -- 279 / 727 300 / 783
Level 17 -- 289 / 733 -- 341 / 867 368 / 933
Level 18 -- -- -- -- 454 / 1128
Level 19 -- -- -- -- --
Level 20 -- -- -- -- -- 733 / 1257
Level 21


1-Star Damage / Health 2-Star Damage / Health 3-Star Damage / Health 4-Star Damage / Health 5-Star Damage / Health 6-Star Damage / Health
Level 1 40 / 66 43 / 72 47 / 79 -- 55 / 92
Level 2 51 / 85 56 / 93 61 / 101 -- 71 / 118
Level 3 59 / 98 64 / 107 70 / 117 -- --
Level 4 67 / 109 73 / 119 80 / 130 -- --
Level 5 75 / 120 82 / 131 89 / 143 97 / 155 104 / 167
Level 6 84 / 130 92 / 142 100 / 155 109 / 168 177 / 181
Level 7 93 / 139 102 / 152 111 / 166 120 / 180 130 / 194
Level 8 103 / 150 113 / 164 123 / 179 133 / 194 144 / 209
Level 9 116 / 164 127 / 180 139 / 196 150 / 213 162 / 229
Level 10 132 / 181 145 / 199 158 / 217 171 / 235 184 / 253
Level 11 152 / 202 167 / 222 182 / 242 197 / 262 212 / 282
Level 12 177 / 229 194 / 251 212 / 274 230 / 297 247 / 320
Level 13 207 / 262 227 / 288 248 / 314 269 / 340 289 / 366
Level 14 246 / 303 270 / 333 295 / 363 319 / 393 344 / 424
Level 15 -- 323 / 391 352 / 427 382 / 462 411 / 498
Level 16 -- -- -- 461 / 549 496 / 592
Level 17 -- -- -- -- 606 / 712
Level 18 -- 585 / 681 -- -- 744 / 867
Level 19 -- -- -- -- --
Level 20 -- -- -- -- --
Level 21 -- -- -- -- 1125 / 1317 --


1-Star Damage / Health 2-Star Damage / Health 3-Star Damage / Health 4-Star Damage / Health 5-Star Damage / Health 6-Star Damage / Health
Level 1 -- -- -- -- 41 / 125 --
Level 2 -- -- -- -- -- --
Level 3 -- -- -- -- -- --
Level 4 -- -- 63 / 175 -- 74 / 204 --
Level 5 -- -- -- -- 85 / 222 --
Level 6 69 / 171 75 / 188 82 / 205 -- 96 / 239 --
Level 7 78 / 181 85 / 199 93 / 217 101 / 235 109 / 253 --
Level 8 89 / 194 97 / 213 106 / 232 115 / 252 124 / 271 --
Level 9 102 / 210 112 / 230 122 / 251 132 / 272 142 / 293 --
Level 10 118 / 229 129 / 251 141 / 274 153 / 297 165 / 320 --
Level 11 138 / 253 151 / 278 165 / 303 179 / 238 193 / 354 --
Level 12 162 / 282 178 / 310 194 / 338 210 / 366 226 / 394 --
Level 13 193 / 319 212 / 350 231 / 382 250 / 414 270 / 446 --
Level 14 231 / 366 254 / 402 277 / 439 300 / 475 323 / 512 --
Level 15 -- 306 / 467 334 / 509 362 / 552 390 / 594 --
Level 16 -- 373 / 551 407 / 601 441 / 651 475 / 701 --
Level 17 418 / 597 -- -- 543 / 776 585 / 835 --
Level 18 -- -- -- -- -- --
Level 19 -- -- -- -- -- --
Level 20 -- -- -- -- 957 / 1255 1170 / 1361
Level 21 -- -- -- -- -- --


1-Star Damage / Health 2-Star Damage / Health 3-Star Damage / Health 4-Star Damage / Health 5-Star Damage / Health 6-Star Damage / Health
Level 1 15 / 106 16 / 116 -- 19 / 137 -- --
Level 2 20 / 137 21 / 150 23 / 164 25 / 178 27 / 191 --
Level 3 24 / 155 26 / 170 28 / 185 31 / 201 -- --
Level 4 28 / 172 30 / 189 33 / 206 36 / 223 39 / 240 --
Level 5 33 / 187 36 / 205 39 / 224 42 / 243 46 / 261 --
Level 6 38 / 201 41 / 221 45 / 241 49 / 261 53 / 281 --
Level 7 43 / 212 47 / 233 51 / 254 55 / 275 60 / 296 --
Level 8 50 / 227 54 / 249 59 / 272 64 / 295 -- --
Level 9 58 / 244 63 / 268 69 / 292 75 / 317 81 / 341 --
Level 10 68 / 266 74 / 292 81 / 319 88 / 345 95 / 372 --
Level 11 81 / 293 89 / 322 97 / 351 105 / 380 113 / 410 --
Level 12 -- 105 / 359 115 / 392 124 / 425 134 / 457 --
Level 13 -- 126 / 405 137 / 442 149 / 479 160 / 516 --
Level 14 -- 152 / 464 -- 180 / 548 194 / 590 --
Level 15 -- -- -- 219 / 635 236 / 684 --
Level 16 -- -- -- 269 / 746 289 / 803 --
Level 17 -- -- -- 332 / 889 358 / 957 --
Level 18 -- -- -- -- 445 / 1154 --
Level 19 -- -- -- -- -- --
Level 20 -- -- -- -- -- 783 / 1876
Level 21 -- -- -- -- -- --


1-Star Damage / Health 2-Star Damage / Health 3-Star Damage / Health 4-Star Damage / Health 5-Star Damage / Health 6-Star Damage / Health
Level 1 30 / 66 32 / 72 35 / 79 -- 41 / 92 --
Level 2 39 / 85 42 / 93 46 / 101 50 / 110 -- --
Level 3 46 / 98 50 / 107 55 / 117 59 / 127 -- --
Level 4 -- 58 / 119 63 / 130 68 / 141 74 / 152 --
Level 5 -- 67 / 131 73 / 143 79 / 155 85 / 167 --
Level 6 69 / 130 75 / 142 82 / 155 89 / 168 96 / 181 --
Level 7 78 / 139 85 / 152 93 / 166 101 / 180 109 / 194 --
Level 8 89 / 150 97 / 164 106 / 179 115 / 194 124 / 209 --
Level 9 102 / 164 112 / 180 122 / 196 132 / 213 142 / 229 --
Level 10 118 / 181 129 / 199 141 / 217 153 / 235 165 / 253 --
Level 11 138 / 202 151 / 222 165 / 242 179 / 262 193 / 282 --
Level 12 162 / 229 178 / 251 194 / 274 210 / 297 226 / 320 --
Level 13 -- 212 / 288 231 / 314 250 / 340 270 / 366 --
Level 14 -- 254 / 333 277 / 363 300 / 393 323 / 424 --
Level 15 -- 306 / 391 334 / 427 362 / 462 390 / 498 --
Level 16 -- 373 / 465 -- 441 / 549 475 / 592 --
Level 17 -- -- -- 543 / 661 585 / 712 --
Level 18 -- -- -- -- -- --
Level 19 -- -- -- -- -- --
Level 20 -- -- -- -- 796 / 995 949 / 1030
Level 21 -- -- -- -- -- --


1-Star Damage / Health 2-Star Damage / Health 3-Star Damage / Health 4-Star Damage / Health 5-Star Damage / Health 6-Star Damage / Health
Level 1 -- -- -- -- 55 / 125 --
Level 2 -- -- -- 66 / 150 -- --
Level 3 -- 50 / 107 -- -- -- --
Level 4 67 / 131 -- 80 / 175 -- 93 / 204 --
Level 5 -- -- -- -- 104 / 222 --
Level 6 84 / 171 92 / 188 100 / 205 -- 117 / 239 --
Level 7 93 / 181 102 / 199 111 / 217 120 / 235 130 / 253 --
Level 8 103 / 194 113 / 213 123 / 232 133 / 252 144 / 271 --
Level 9 116 / 210 127 / 230 139 / 251 150 / 272 -- --
Level 10 132 / 229 145 / 251 158 / 274 171 / 297 184 / 320 --
Level 11 152 / 253 167 / 278 182 / 303 197 / 328 212 / 354 --
Level 12 177 / 282 194 / 310 212 / 338 230 / 366 247 / 394 --
Level 13 -- 227 / 350 248 / 382 269 / 414 289 / 446 --
Level 14 -- 270 / 402 295 / 439 319 / 475 344 / 512 --
Level 15 -- 323 / 467 352 / 509 382 / 552 411 / 594 --
Level 16 -- -- -- 461 / 651 496 / 701 --
Level 17 -- -- -- 562 / 776 606 / 835 --
Level 18 -- -- -- -- -- --
Level 19 -- -- -- -- -- --
Level 20 -- -- -- -- 953 / 1118 1013 / 1158
Level 21 -- -- -- -- -- --


Main Article: Missions

Story Missions[]

The main story begins on the road to Terminus, where a small group of survivors manage to escape. Together they must fight walkers through the total of 14 episodes of story missions and weekly guild challenges for allied players, which add a social dimension to the game.

Trained by Daryl Dixon, your group will fight the walker menace and save other survivors from Terminus to the Prison.

Each title below is referred to as an Episode within the game. Each episode usually contains 5-7 missions that must be completed in order.

  1. Road to Terminus
  2. Military Rations
  3. Prison Voices
  4. Shadow of Eden
  5. American Pastoral
  6. Lakeside
  7. Proving Grounds
  8. Rendevouz with Eden
  9. The Pursuit
  10. Escape Distractions
  11. The Descent
  12. Black Forest
  13. The Factory
  14. The Church

Each Episode is replayable upon completing all missions, and each playthrough gets harder than the last. Once this feature becomes available, a symbol will appear next to the title and you will be able to replay all missions within that episode.

Level Image
Hard: Introduced after first completion
Walking dead hard
Nightmare: After second completion
Walking dead nightmare

Exploration Missions[]

These are stand alone missions that can be played without interfering with the story of a particular episode and are a great way to gather much needed resources and gear. Each one has a recommended level, so pay attention when choosing your mission.

There are three types of exploration missions:

  1. Resource: by completing this mission type, you will be guaranteed resources as a reward (the mission is shown with a can of tomato soup)
  2. Experience (XP): by completing this mission type, you will be guaranteed XP as a reward (the mission is shown with an image similar to a sheriff badge)
  3. Equipment you have an increased chance of finding equipment in the reward chests at the end of the level (shown with a wrench and knife, and is tinted red compared to normal missions)

*Levels of weapons and quantity of resources/XP received is determined by the recommended level.

Walking dead mission type

Screenshot of Episode 11 map on IOS, displaying both exploration missions and a story mission.


Main Article: Resources


Main Article: Buildings


Main Article: Guilds

Weekly Challenges[]

Main Article: Weekly Challenges


Main Article: Achievements

Daily Quests[]

Main Article: Daily Quests


Main Article: Outpost




Aggregate Scores[]

4.7/5 on Google Play and iTunes - Apple.


  1. ↑ http://www.nextgames.com/
  2. ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 Found in the help menu within "The Walking Dead: No Man's Land" mobile game.

External Links[]
