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This article is about the TV Universe character. You may be looking for his Comic Series counterpart. For other pages with the same name, see: Morgan

This message is for Rick Grimes. It's Morgan Jones. Man, I'm gonna come and look for you, whether you're at Alexandria or not. I will leave this message every morning at dawn, and I will leave the walkie on for a few minutes after. Who knows? Maybe you might even be listening.
―Morgan preparing to go home and look for an old friend.[src]

Morgan Jones is a main character and a survivor of the outbreak in AMC's Television Universe. He is a main character in The Walking Dead, as well as one of two protagonists in Fear the Walking Dead, alongside Madison Clark. He served as the protagonist from the Season 4 episode, "People Like Us", until the Season 8 episode, "All I See Is Red".

He is the husband of Jenny, the father of Duane, and the last known surviving member of his family. While evacuating, Jenny was bitten and succumbed to the infection, causing Morgan and Duane to seek refuge in King County, Georgia. After the loss of his son, who was bitten by Jenny, Morgan was living a life in denial, hoping to redeem himself by killing the invasive walkers. Following his encounter with Eastman, Morgan finds inner peace and embarks on a journey to Terminus before Rick Grimes' altered sign turns him away. After stumbling across a map leading to Washington, D.C., with a familiar name on it, he heads north until he crosses paths with Daryl Dixon and Aaron, recruiters for the Alexandria Safe Zone, who bring him to the town where he reunites with his long lost friend. After the war against the Saviors, Morgan left Virginia and traveled to Texas to get away from people and to find himself, eventually starting a new journey in his life and leaving the past behind.

After finding a new purpose in life by helping those in need with the help of his group, Morgan is left with no choice but to divide his group and merge with the Pioneers in order to keep the others alive. Shot by Virginia and left for dead, Morgan is presumed dead by his group, though is saved by an unknown survivor, allowing him the opportunity to heal and eventually free his friends from Virginia's control. Following Virginia's defeat, Morgan establishes a new home for his group and faces a new threat. Despite his best efforts, the cult headed by Teddy succeeds in launching ten nuclear warheads, fracturing Morgan's group once more. Morgan very nearly gives up on life, but ultimately decides to continue living with Rachel's daughter and Grace, as they survive together inside the USS Pennsylvania. As the conflict with Victor Strand escalates, Morgan takes baby Mo and leaves Texas to find a safe new home for his daughter. In Louisiana, Mo is abducted and taken to PADRE by the believed-dead Madison Clark, causing Morgan to ally himself with Madison to rescue his daughter and stop PADRE. Seven years later, after getting Mo back, losing Grace, defeating PADRE and finally making peace with his demons, Morgan decides to return to Alexandria with Mo and to look for his old friend, Rick Grimes.


Before the apocalypse, he was a loving family man who provided for his wife and son. But the apocalypse took its toll, and after his wife was turned into a zombie, he was able to cope due to him still having his son, Duane, to look after. Morgan was like Rick Grimes in some ways as they were both survivors doing all they can to provide for their family and to keep them safe no matter what. Now Morgan's inner demons are on the brink of escape as the world spares him no horrors, his severe PTSD repressed only by his steadfast commitment to Aikido. While a good man at his core, Morgan struggles immensely with mental illness brought about by trauma.

After Rick left to find his family in Atlanta, Morgan began to get reckless, which eventually led to the death of his son. The next time Rick encountered Morgan, he was a changed man, who had become insane and intensively grief-stricken with the death of his family, so he claimed to redeem himself by killing all of the zombies in King County, though Morgan was shown to also have turned into a cold blooded murderer who killed anyone who got in his way, even if they were harmless survivors as seen when he savagely murdered two survivors for following him into the woods. It was only after meeting a peaceful survivor named Eastman that Morgan was able to reclaim his sanity and in which he developed his code to never kill human beings again. It was from Eastman that Morgan learned Aikido and with these skills, he is now an extremely formidable fighter, being able to fend off both the walkers and human threats with his signature weapon, a wooden staff. Morgan would go on to impart these skills to Benjamin and his brother Henry, the latter of whom passed on Morgan's lessons to his girlfriend Lydia, keeping Morgan's legacy alive even after his departure.

Following the reclaiming of his sanity and Eastman's death, Morgan set out on a journey to find other people at Eastman's request. After the long journey and being turned away from Terminus thanks to a sign for the community redesigned to warn that it was no sanctuary and finding a map to Washington, D.C., with Rick's name on it, he set out on a quest to find his friend. Morgan at this point viewed every human life as precious and refused to commit murder in order to survive as seen when he refused to kill two members of the Wolves who had attempted to kill him as he was camped out in the woods. When he is brought to the Alexandria Safe Zone by recruiters Daryl and Aaron, he finds Rick executing Pete Anderson, an act that visibly shocked him.

Following this, Morgan takes a strong role in the community of Alexandria and with his fighting skills, is a strong survivor and protector willing to do anything to keep good people safe from harm but still stubbornly refused to kill those who indeed pose a threat to the security of his group as shown when he allows a group of Wolves to leave the Safe Zone following their brutal attack, which almost leads to the death of Rick. He also keeps the leader of the group, Owen, alive even after the latter makes it clear that he still intends to slaughter every survivor in the safe zone and enlists the help of Denise to treat his infected wound.

Morgan's refusal to commit murder and desire to prevent others from committing murder was so strong that he even prevented his ideological nemesis, Carol, from killing Owen by getting into a physical confrontation with her over his life and knocking her out. Morgan was also greatly against the idea of killing the Saviors and seeks to build a jail cell to hold human threats captive instead of killing them. Despite his conflict with Carol, after she flees the safe zone, Morgan personally goes on a mission to bring her back. Finding her in a critical condition he saves her life by killing a member of the Saviors named Roman after he refuses to surrender. Morgan regretted having to break his oath, but assessed that he had no other choice in order to protect Carol.

Upon finding the Kingdom, Morgan continues to care for Carol despite her cold behavior and takes an active role in the community and develops a close bond with Benjamin, training him in Aikido just as Eastman had taught him. In spite of killing Roman, the Savior who attempted to kill Carol, Morgan desperately tries to hold onto his code of not killing humans and simply goes along with the Kingdom's servitude to the Saviors. He also did not want to fight back against the Saviors as he rejects Richard's plans to fight and also disagrees with Rick's plan of starting a war, showing concern for the many lives that would be lost in the fallout. He even suggests capturing Negan, rather than killing him. However, in "Bury Me Here" after his student and friend Benjamin is killed by the Saviors as a result of the actions of Richard, Morgan is severely angered and traumatized and slowly reverts back to his old state of insanity fueled by PTSD. He brutally kills Richard as punishment by strangling him to death and though he claims that the Kingdom will honor the Saviors demands from here on out, he later tells Carol that he is planning to kill them all. Morgan prepares to return to killing by sharpening his staff into a sharpened spear the likes of which he used before meeting Eastman. Fueled by revenge, Morgan actively partakes in the fight against the Saviors and the Scavengers with no qualms of eliminating human threats. Morgan continues to struggle against his demons, mental illness and the consequences of his actions, claiming he feels "stuck".

By the start of Season 8, Morgan has become an extremely violent man, willing to do everything, in order to kill every single member of the Saviors. He almost even impales Paul Rovia, in a fight between the two, regarding if they are going to let the Saviors live or not. Morgan's thirst for blood eventually worries those close to him such as Carol and Ezekiel who see how his state of mind is slowly destroying him. His PTSD has started manifesting itself into hallucinations, specifically Gavin, who he threatened to kill but didn't, and Jared, the man who killed Benjamin.

At the end of the war, at the suggestion of Paul, Morgan finally relents in killing other people, non-lethally subduing a surviving Savior and, as Paul suggests, adopting a policy of using the sharp end of his staff on the dead and the blunt end on the living. Seeking to reclaim his humanity once again, Morgan isolates himself from other people before setting out on a new journey.

Following his losses and the war with the Saviors, Morgan became convinced that he had to stay away from other people as "I lose people, I lose myself," fearing losing his mind again if he got close to somebody and then lost them. As a result, Morgan fought to avoid getting involved with John Dorie and Alicia Clark's group. He also adamantly refused to kill the living and attempted to keep Nick Clark from seeking revenge, but due to his refusal to get directly involved, it didn't stop him from killing Ennis. Despite his best efforts, Morgan found himself drawn into the conflict with the Vultures and his efforts to protect his new friends turned Morgan away from his isolationist mindset. Before and after the hurricane, Morgan tried to take his new friends back to Alexandria, having accepted that Rick was right and that he couldn't keep running away from those he cared about.

While chasing Morgan's Group, Martha attempted to use Morgan's beliefs that he would lose himself if he lost those he cared about against him in order to turn Morgan "strong" again. Morgan often expressed this fear and after learning that Martha had poisoned his friends and he potentially couldn't reach them in time, Morgan did indeed nearly lose himself again and kill Martha. However, Morgan regained control, chained Martha up so that she couldn't hurt anyone else and set out to successfully save his friends. After putting the reanimated Martha down, Morgan expressed sympathy for her, knowing that she had been driven insane by people refusing to help her in her own time of need.

After reuniting his group, Morgan decided to continue Clayton's mission of helping people rather than returning to Alexandria. However, the group grew frustrated with their initial lack of success although Morgan refused to give up. He also attempted to help Alicia with her own struggles. After forming the Caravan, Morgan was bolstered by their success and refused to give in to Virginia. Morgan began forming a romantic relationship with Grace, but pulled away from her. After being shot by Virginia, Morgan urged his friends to "just live" when it seemed like he would die.

Following his near-death experience, Morgan focused on building a safe place for Grace and her unborn child to live and refused offers by Isaac to remove the bullet from his shoulder, feeling that he deserved it. Morgan became more cynical and refused to help Isaac at first, but was convinced that he had a greater purpose due to his unknown savior's note to him. While fighting Emile LaRoux, Morgan continued to refuse to kill and even offered to allow Emile to execute him in exchange for sparing Isaac and his family. Isaac jumping to his defense caused Morgan to fight back and defeat Emile. Although Emile believed that Morgan wouldn't kill him due to Morgan's pacifist mentality, Morgan decapitated Emile with his own battle axe.

After Isaac saved him, Morgan changed, becoming a harder person, but one still dedicated to his friends. Morgan told Virginia that "Morgan Jones is dead and you're dealing with someone else now" and stated to Rachel that it felt like he'd been 16 different people over his lifetime. While still dedicated to establishing a safe place for those that he cared about, Morgan became willing to kill again, killing two men in self-defense instead of just knocking them out as he would have in the past and slaughtering 10 Rangers in an attempt to get at Virginia. He later attempted to assassinate his former friend Victor Strand by poisoning, drastically escalating the conflict between the two men. Morgan initially discarded his less-lethal staff in favor of Emile's battle axe, although he later chose to turn his staff into the axe's handle, effectively combining his two weapons, a further sign of his changed state. Morgan later asks John to come back with him to help keep him from losing himself as he works to save their friends. However, despite his change in attitude, for the most part Morgan doesn't descend into the mindset of killing any threat that comes his way that Morgan had previously had when he was willing to kill the living. Instead, Morgan is shown to only kill the living when he has no other choice and to take them down non-lethally if he can. Examples of this are when he only knocks out one of Virginia's Rangers to capture her, doesn't execute Virginia and instead decides to exile her as a sign of a new peaceful future, only knocks Dakota out to save Strand, even going so far as to check her pulse to make sure that she was still alive, and he lets Teddy and Riley go despite their most recent actions as they were no longer a threat to him.

Seven years after Mo's kidnapping by PADRE, Morgan has returned to using a simple staff, albeit possibly because PADRE took his battle axe, and has lost belief in his ability to raise his daughter, instead believing that she's safer with PADRE. While Morgan is outwardly more morally ambiguous now, willing to kill Madison Clark just to ensure his daughter's place and he has been taking children for PADRE, Morgan privately shows that he has retained his morality. While he takes children, instead of just outright kidnapping them from their parents, Morgan only takes ones that have no family left or who are willingly given up in the hopes of a better life for them. When PADRE arrives, Morgan tries to get Madison to flee rather than killing her or restraining her.

Morgan has also lost faith in his ability to be a father to Mo, giving her over to PADRE and insisting upon her knowing as little about him as possible, including his real name. Morgan feels that he can't protect her and that Mo is better off with PADRE and adapting to their harsher way of life than with him. When Mo argues, Morgan goes so far as to harshly reveal the truth about her real parents even though he is visibly distressed by it. However, after remembering the events surrounding Morgan giving her up and the skirmish in the present with a herd, Mo insists that he's wrong and can and did protect her, making the hard choice to call PADRE for help in order to save Mo. Even after Morgan and Grace turn her back over to PADRE, Mo doesn't lose faith in Morgan, only pretending to comply with their rules and telling Madison that her father can help them stop PADRE.

Subsequently, Morgan admits that he's haunted by his guilt over something that he didn't do a long time which is keeping Morgan from being able to be the kind of father that Mo needs. Although Morgan refuses to elaborate on what it is, he admits that while he can't fix the worst of it, he can fix some of it. Madison helps Morgan to escape from PADRE so that he can fix this issue from his past and become the kind of father that Mo needs him to be. It's later revealed that this is his lingering guilt over the loss of Morgan's family and his inability to put his son Duane to rest. Although Morgan struggles to even face a zombified Duane, he insists upon finishing his mission so that Morgan can know that he didn't let his son down. The experience causes Morgan to experience hallucinations and later despair when it seems like Morgan has lost his chance to put Duane down. Morgan also reveals that he remembers very little of his period of insanity, describing it as a blur that he only recalls bits and pieces of. When faced with a zombified Duane who is in danger of biting Mo, Morgan finally brings himself to shoot his son in order to save his daughter. Being able to finally lay his family to rest properly appears to give Morgan a sense of peace about their loss for the first time rather than haunting him further and Morgan commits himself to raising Mo with Grace and to helping Daniel's Resistance take down PADRE. Morgan later states that he thought that laying Duane to rest brought an end to his mental illness problems.

After Grace's death, Morgan starts slipping back into his deranged state, although rather than going back into it fully, it manifests more in the form of episodes where Morgan is taken over by red-tinged visions of losing his loved ones - quite literally seeing red - and when he snaps out of it, Morgan has no memory of his actions, but he has attacked both the walkers and the living around him. Morgan greatly fears going back into that state and wants to break the cycle, but he believes it to be impossible to do. After Madison helps Morgan to see that the people that you love are never really gone and that you always carry a part of them with you, Morgan is finally able to break the cycle and permanently snap out of it, even telling Mo to go with PADRE if she really wants to.

Following the defeat of PADRE, Morgan, who has been experiencing increasing guilt over leaving his friends behind in Virginia, particularly Rick, he decides to go back to them, entrusting the safety of the friends that he'd made in Texas and Georgia to Madison. Finally, truly at peace with himself, Morgan buries Grace in Eastman's Cemetery and talks to his old friend's grave about just how much he has changed and what Morgan has come to understand. Upon touching Grace's grave, Morgan gets another vision of Eastman, Benjamin, Nick Clark, Isaac, Rachel, John Dorie, John Dorie Sr., Alicia, Jenny, Duane and Grace - all of the loved ones that he's lost along the way - but this time, instead of being traumatic memories surrounded by red, Morgan is able to remember the better times with them, experiencing fond memories instead of traumatic ones, signifying that Morgan truly is at peace with his losses now.


Macon, Georgia[]

Morgan grew up in Macon, Georgia, although not much is known about his early life. He experienced an average life where he grew to become a hard-working and practical man acquiring skills ranging from construction, craftsmanship, and welding. He was also a serious man who didn't have much luck on the romantic side of his life.

As an adult, Morgan fell in love with a woman named Jenny, where they later became married and together they had a son named Duane. The trio lived together as a typical family, where Morgan would spend his time playing with his son and they would go on several family trips. He also received a tattoo of Jenny on his right arm.



During the onset of the outbreak, Morgan and his family evacuated from their home, upon where they witnessed several broadcasts informing other survivors to travel towards a supposed safe zone in Atlanta. However, due to the chaos and horrendous events which transpired around them, the family was reluctantly forced to take refuge in King County and heavily barricade themselves within a nearby house.

At an unknown point, Jenny was bitten and succumbed to the infection. Morgan was unable to put her down and released her into the outside. Following this tragic event, Morgan remained firmly protective of his son and created a sense of normalcy for Duane including correcting his grammar as well as engaging in mealtime prayers.

TV Series[]

Season 1[]

"Days Gone Bye"

Outside his house, Rick sits on the steps. He spots a man stumbling down the road and waves his hand to try and get his attention. As he is doing this, Duane creeps up from behind and hits him with a shovel. "Carl, I found you", Rick mutters. "Daddy I got this sumbitch! I'm gonna smack him dead!" Duane screams. Morgan approaches the stumbling man Rick was waving to and shoots him in the head. He then proceeds to walk towards Rick and points a revolver in his face. "What's that bandage for? You tell me, or I will kill you," Morgan asks him, cocking the gun at his face. Before he can answer, Rick passes out.

Later that night, Rick wakes up with his arms and legs tied to a bed. The young boy, Duane, stands guard with a baseball bat. "Did you get bit?" Morgan asks Rick stiffly, having changed his bandages though Rick's gunshot wound that has mostly healed. "Just shot, as far as I know," Rick says. Morgan checks his forehead and says if he had "the fever" it would have killed him by now, so he sets him free of the bedposts with a switchblade, but not before telling him that if he tries anything, he will not hesitate to kill him. He then offers him a seat at their dinner table.

Morgan tells Rick not to look out the window because they will see the light. He then begins to explain the story of the outbreak and the following days to a confused and disoriented Rick. "I never should have fired that gun today. The sound draws 'em. Now they're all over the street." Rick accuses Morgan of shooting a man in cold blood. "It was a walker," Morgan corrects. He adds that they get more active after dark sometimes.

Before they begin eating dinner, Duane insists that his father give a blessing. "Lord, please watch over us in these crazy days," Morgan says, and proceeds to explain to Rick that the man he shot would have tried to eat them. "One thing I do know, don't you get bit. Bites kill. The fever burns you out. But then after a while... You come back." Morgan explains." Seen it happen," Duane adds solemnly.

After dinner, the trio talk about Rick's son, Carl, and Rick satisfies a lingering curiosity shared by Duane and Morgan as to what line of work would put someone in a position to be shot at. "Sheriff's deputy," Rick remarks. Morgan smiles and says, "Duane thought you were a bank robber." Suddenly, a car alarm starts to go off outside and the trio turns off the lights.

Morgan and Rick peer out to the street through heavy covered windows and boarded up doors. The street is filled with walkers, drawn by the noise of the alarm. As the zombified Jenny walks up to the front door of the house, Duane runs away crying. Morgan comforts his son while Rick stares at her through the peephole at the front door. "She died in the other room on that bed. I should have put her down. I just didn't have it in me. She's the mother of my child." Morgan confesses with sorrow.

The next morning, Rick walks outside in a face shield, carrying a baseball bat. "We're sure they're dead? I have to ask," says Rick, approaching a walker sitting near the stoop. "They're dead. Except for something in the brain. That's why it's gotta be the head," Morgan assures him, exiting the house with Duane.

Rick approaches the walker and swings the bat repeatedly at his head, beating it down until it stops moving. He quickly becomes fatigued, most likely from his still-healing gunshot wound.

Back at the house, Rick tells Morgan he thinks his wife and son are still alive. He explains he found empty drawers in the bedrooms and the family pictures and photo albums were gone. "Photo albums. My wife, same thing. There I am packing survival gear; she's grabbing photo albums," Morgan laughs, getting emotional over the memory. Duane suggests to Rick that they could be in Atlanta. Morgan explains that the government was telling people to head to a refugee center there with military protection and food, before the broadcasts stopped. He also explains that the C.D.C. is rumored to be working on a cure.

Morgan, Rick and Duane head to the King County Sheriff's Department, where they luxuriate in hot showers thanks to a separate propane heating system. As they dress, Morgan tells Rick that his family was headed to Atlanta but he and his son never made it because they got "stuck" after his wife got bit, and after she died they just stayed hunkered down at the Drake's home. Afterward, Rick packs a duffel bag with guns and changes into his sheriff's uniform and hat. He hands Morgan a rifle and some ammunition.

They head outside and start loading the weapons into the trunk of his cruiser. Rick prepares to set off for Atlanta, while Morgan says he'll follow in a few days, once Duane has learned to shoot. Rick hands Morgan a walkie-talkie and he tells him to turn it on every day at dawn to make contact. Before leaving, Morgan gives Rick a warning: "They may not seem like much one at a time. But in a group, all riled up and hungry? Man, you watch your ass." However, the farewell is interrupted when Rick spots a reanimated Leon who claws at the chain link fence separating them. Rick admits he didn't think much of the young officer, but he won't leave him like this. He shoots him in the forehead with his revolver, putting him down. Then, he and Morgan drive away from the sheriff's department in opposite directions.

Back home, Duane is covering the windows before dark. Morgan heads up to the attic carrying Rick's rifle he left him. He looks at old photo albums and pictures of his wife. Tearfully, he positions the rifle facing the street and begins shooting walkers. He commands Duane to stay downstairs when his son gets startled by the gunshots. "Come on, baby," he says, hoping the noise will draw his wife into view. But when she appears, he breaks down, still unable to shoot her.

Season 3[]


Following Rick's departure, Morgan remains in King County with Duane. Although Rick tries to contact Morgan twice over the radio, he doesn't respond and, by the time that Morgan works himself up to calling Rick, he has gone out of range. Morgan is also unable to bring himself to put down Jenny.

While scavenging for food in a house in the King County neighborhood, Morgan orders Duane to stay upstairs while he checks the basement. However, Morgan presumably left the front door ajar, letting in a zombified Jenny who bit Duane before Morgan finally shoots her. Traumatized by what happened, Morgan flees the house, leaving Duane to turn. The loss of his family drives Morgan insane and he abandons the house for an apartment where he sets up traps outside and begins clearing out the walkers as well as killing any living person that crosses his path. Morgan writes down names of people he knew that turned that were put down by his own traps as well as his own insane ramblings.

At an unknown point, Morgan returns to the house where he had lost his son and retrieves the zombified Duane, chaining him up in the attic of the house where Morgan and Duane had lived following Jenny's death. Morgan leaves the message "DUANE YOU STAY THERE" on the attic walls as well as some more of his rambling in the front bedroom on the second floor. Morgan subsequently blocks out the memory of his return for Duane, believing that he never returned to the house after losing his son and marking Rick's entire neighborhood as burned out on a map despite it being completely intact.


When Rick, Carl and Michonne go on a run into King County, Morgan holds them at gunpoint from a roof. They have a shootout, and, while trying to pursue Rick, Carl ultimately shoots Morgan in the chest. Rick pulls off Morgan's shirt, revealing that he was donning body armor. They drag his unconscious-self into his building, avoiding his traps, and lay him down on a bed. For safety measures, his hands are bound by Rick. While Rick is reading the strange writings on the wall, he discovers that Duane reanimated, and decides to stay and wait for Morgan to wake up.

While Michonne and Carl go on a run, Rick waits for him to wake up, and finds the gun that he had given Morgan, a rifle Morgan used to take out walkers from upstairs of his home. "I'm sorry for what you've been through," Rick says to him. Then Morgan wakes up and quietly pulls a knife stashed underneath the cot. Rick hears a bullet casing fall, and realizes that Morgan is awake. Morgan lunges at Rick and Rick defends himself by whipping Morgan with the butt of his rifle. The two struggle, as Morgan pins Rick down. "You saved my life, Morgan, you know me!" Rick screams. "I don't know anyone anymore!" Morgan says, as he stabs Rick in the upper-left chest. Rick knocks the weapon away, pointing his gun at Morgan's head, and Morgan pleads Rick to kill him.

Morgan is tied up again and, after patching himself up, Rick finally manages to make him remember that the two know each other. Morgan says that he tried to contact Rick every morning for several weeks, but he never answered the radio, yelling at Rick that he was not there. "We kept getting pushed back deeper into the country," Rick explains. "I swear to God I didn't have a choice." Morgan recalls how Rick gave him the rifle for him to kill his undead wife. However, he was unable to kill his wife because he was too "weak."

Later, Morgan ordered Duane to stay put as he searched a cellar. When he came back, he saw Jenny, his own wife, in the doorway. She was confronted by Duane, who raised his gun, but he was unable to kill her, similar to Morgan. Morgan called for Duane, and he snapped his attention to his father as Jenny came down on him. It is then Morgan decided to finally put down his wife, but it was too late. Duane was bit and succumbed to his injuries. "The weak people," he laments, "we have inherited the earth."

He is offered to join Rick's group at the West Georgia Correctional Facility, but he realizes that Rick is taking a lot of guns, meaning that they are preparing for a war. Morgan claims that Rick, Carl, and his people will die either by bullets or by walkers, and refuses to join them, not wanting to see anyone else die. While clearing out the walkers caught on his traps, Carl approaches Morgan and tells him that he is sorry for shooting him earlier. Morgan remarks to Carl, "Don't ever be sorry."

While leaving King County, Rick, Carl and Michonne watch as Morgan prepares to burn the corpses of the walkers he captured.

Season 5[]

"No Sanctuary"

Morgan is seen hiking to Terminus on the railroad tracks. He stops walking and examines the Terminus sign changed by Rick weeks before, before taking off his mask and beginning to follow cross-shaped markings left on trees by the people of Terminus.


Morgan is seen following the Terminus markings to the elementary school where the Terminus members held Bob when they cannibalized his leg. Morgan comes across a walker pinned under debris and shushes it before stabbing it in the side of the head with a knife. He then follows the markings to Father Gabriel Stokes' church where he walks inside and creates a makeshift shrine at the altar. Morgan then kneels and prays in the front of the shrine before laughing. He explores around the church and finds a map to Washington, D.C., lying on the floor. He picks it up, reading the message Abraham Ford left for Rick, and realizes that his friend is still alive out there.


Morgan is first seen sleeping inside of a car. Outside, he is fixing a mug of hot chocolate before a fire as a man approaches him and holds him at gunpoint. He is revealed to be a member of the Wolves and demands all of Morgan's things, planning to kill him afterwards. As another member attempts to stab Morgan from behind, Morgan dodges the man and attacks both men with his staff, asking them to stop before knocking them unconscious and placing them in the back of the car he was previously sleeping in. He blows the horn, checking to make sure there are no walkers nearby so the men are left in a safe area.

When Daryl Dixon and Aaron, two recruiters from the Alexandria Safe Zone, become trapped inside of a van surrounded by walkers after they fell for a trap set by the Wolves, Morgan saves the two men. Aaron offers him to join them at Alexandria, but Morgan refuses, showing them the map he found of Washington, D.C., with Rick's name on it. Morgan, realizing that Rick is at Alexandria, accompanies Daryl and Aaron back to the town and witnesses Rick executing Pete Anderson. He says "Rick?" as the two stare at each other.

Season 6[]

"First Time Again"

Morgan is surprised to see Rick again after a very long time and surprised that Rick has just killed Pete, although he is unaware of the events that transpired at the meeting. Later on, he is seen talking with Rick about old times, and how both of them are killers. Rick sees Morgan training with his staff and asks him where he learned it from. He tells him that he learned it from someone after the outbreak. Before leaving, Rick tells him that he doesn't take chances anymore.

Rick releases Morgan and debriefs him on the Alexandria community. They find Gabriel and Tobin digging graves for Reg and Pete. Rick refuses to let Pete be buried inside the community. Deanna appears and tells Rick to "let the trees" have Pete, Morgan accompanies him to the spot where she wants him buried. While digging a grave for Pete, Rick tells him to stop as he hears the sounds of walkers, then a gust of wind. They later explore the nearby area to find out where the sound is coming from, and find a quarry filled with walkers, the entrances blocked by several trucks. Morgan grabs some binoculars he had to check how many walkers there are inside. After Rick saves Ron from walkers, he later buries Pete's corpse with Rick's help.

Morgan accompanies Rick with his plan to lure the quarry herd away from Alexandria, along with Michonne. Along the way, Morgan jokingly asks Michonne if she had taken one of his peanut bars. They arrive at the divided road where the Alexandrians had constructed a makeshift barrier to soften the impact of the walkers' heads as they banged on the steel panels, as suggested by Eugene.

In the past, during construction of the makeshift barrier, several walkers stumble into the work zone. Rick sees this as an opportunity to train the Alexandrians, telling them to use their knives as shooting could attract more of them. The Alexandrians are too paralyzed in fear to kill them, so Morgan and the rest of Rick's group at the work zone kill the walkers. Rick asks them why they helped them. Morgan reminds him that they shouldn't take any chances.

Morgan is seen when Rick disarms Carter after Carter tries to incite an insurrection with other Alexandrians. Rick invites Morgan to live with them in the house. Morgan tells Rick he's still the same Rick he met at the beginning, he knows this because Rick didn't kill Carter when he had the opportunity. Rick confesses to him that he wanted to kill Carter, because it would be easier, so that Carter would not mess anything up, and because people like Carter will always die no matter what happens.

In the present, Rick kills Carter to stop his screaming from attracting the walkers. Tobin herds the stray walkers back onto the road. Rick asks Morgan to return to Alexandria and update everyone. As the group is luring the herd away from Alexandria, a blaring horn attracts some of the herd. Morgan is seen with Rick and Michonne running back to Alexandria to check on what is going on.


Morgan returns from the woods in time to kill a walker and turn off the truck's horn. Spencer informs him that a group have infiltrated Alexandria and are killing people. When Morgan tells Spencer they need to get in there, he senses Spencer's fear and instead tells him to hide before going in alone.

Inside, Morgan discovers a member of the Wolves dismembering an Alexandrian. The Wolf asks if Morgan wants to be killed quick or slow, and he orders him to leave. Just as the man is about to attack Morgan, Carol – disguised as a Wolf – creeps up and stabs the man in the stomach. Morgan tells her he could have handled it and that they don't need to kill people, to which Carol disagrees and says it is the only way to stop them. She tells Morgan she needs his help in getting to the armory before the Wolves do.

Carol walks through the streets with Morgan chained up, pretending she has taken him hostage. He spots Father Gabriel being attacked by a Wolf and releases himself despite Carol's protests. He arrives just in time to disarm the Wolf and knock him out with his staff, saving Gabriel.

Morgan and Gabriel tie up the Wolf, and Gabriel asks Morgan where he learned to use his staff. Morgan replies he was taught by a Eastman, a cheese maker. The Wolf then wakes up and tells Morgan and Gabriel that they are freeing them, but before he can continue, Carol appears and shoots him in the head. She hands Morgan and Gabriel guns before running off. Gabriel comments that he's not very good with guns, and Morgan agrees before handing his to Gabriel.

As Morgan is walking through the streets, he finds one of the Wolves he previously encountered in the woods. Four more Wolves surround him, and Morgan is able to fight them off while telling them that if they keep choosing this life, they will die. He tells them to leave and never come back, and he watches as the Blond Wolf picks up a gun before he goes.

In the aftermath of the Wolves invasion, Morgan finds a freshly reanimated walker and swiftly kills it. Morgan then notices a door open in one of the houses. Morgan slowly walks into the house, and is attacked by the second Wolf he encountered in the woods. The two men get into a fight and the Wolf notices that Morgan is unable to kill him, telling him he should. Morgan gains the upper hand, and while the Wolf is on the ground he apologizes before knocking him out with his staff.

Later, Morgan is later seen walking through the streets. He and Carol cross paths, staring at each other without saying a word before moving on.

"Here's Not Here"

In Alexandria's makeshift prison cell, Morgan visits the Wolf that he took prisoner and recalls the man once saying he wanted to take everything that Morgan had. "Well, here it is," Morgan says, launching into his story. "Every last bit."

In a flashback, Morgan rants to himself in the apartment where Rick, Michonne and Carl found him. His lantern topples and starts a fire. Now homeless, Morgan hunts walkers in the woods and burns their bodies at his campground. He creates spears and builds a stockade around the camp. One day, while hunting, two men chase him through the woods. He kills them, stabbing one through the neck and throttling the other. Morgan recreates his King County bunker at the campground, using walker blood to scrawl messages on the surrounding rocks and trees. "Clear," reads one; "Here's Not Here," another. While hunting, Morgan follows the sound of a bleating goat and discovers a secluded log cabin. A man orders him to put his gun down. Morgan ignores the warning and stalks after the man, who ambushes Morgan and knocks him unconscious with a staff.

Morgan wakes up in a cell inside the cabin. "Kill me," he begs. The man introduces himself as Eastman and hands Morgan a book, The Art of Peace. Morgan watches Eastman run outside to kill a walker with his staff and then drag its body into the woods. Eastman brings Tabitha, the goat, inside the house for the night and asks Morgan not to hurt her. As days pass, Morgan remains in his cell, ranting and mumbling to himself. He watches Eastman practice martial arts with his staff outside. Eastman finally speaks to Morgan and explains that he used to be a forensic psychiatrist. He asks what Morgan did before the fall, and what he does now. "I clear," Morgan replies. "Walkers, people, anything that gets anywhere near me, I kill them." "That's the biggest load of horseshit I ever heard," Eastman deadpans.

He explains his philosophy that humans aren't built to kill, saying he only met one evil person among the many criminals he interviewed for his job. He then tells Morgan that the cell door has been open all along and invites Morgan to leave whenever he wants. "Or stay," Eastman offers. "Crash on the couch. And we'll try to find you another way." Morgan opens the door and charges at Eastman. As they struggle, they knock into a piece of drywall with a child's artwork that's hanging from the wall, breaking it in two. Furious, Eastman picks up the broken artwork and leaves. Morgan returns to the cell. That night, Eastman explains that he used Aikido to defeat Morgan. He shows Morgan a rabbit's foot and says he received a flyer for the martial art the day after his daughter gave him the rabbit's foot. He credits Aikido with improving his life.

The next morning, Eastman asks Morgan to watch Tabitha while he goes out to scavenge. In his cell, Morgan opens "The Art of Peace." On the first page is a handwritten note, stating that a goal of Aikido is to "completely avoid killing, even the most evil person." Then Morgan hears walkers about to attack Tabitha outside and runs to her rescue. Morgan drags the dead walkers into the woods and discovers a cemetery with wooden grave markers. As he digs a grave for the walkers, Eastman joins him. Eastman retrieves the dead walkers' driver's licenses and etches their former names onto new grave markers. Back at the house, Eastman gives Morgan his own staff and, over time, teaches Morgan Aikido. "It's about redirecting, evading, and actually caring about the welfare of your opponent," Eastman says. Morgan also continues his studies of "The Art of Peace."

Over dinner, Morgan asks why Eastman has a cell in his cabin. Eastman tells him he once interviewed a convicted killer named Crighton Dallas Wilton, whom he recognized as a true psychopath. Eastman recommended against his parole. Wilton escaped, killed Eastman's family and then turned himself into the police. Eastman says he built the cell with the intention of kidnapping Wilton and starving him to death. "Did you?" Morgan asks. "I have come to believe that all life is precious," Eastman replies. Eastman suggests they go on a scavenging mission. Morgan takes Eastman to his campground to retrieve the supplies he took from the men he murdered. Sensing Morgan's trauma, Eastman orders Morgan to practice his Aikido forms. "Not here," Morgan begs, but Eastman insists. A walker approaches the campground. Morgan readies his staff but freezes when he realizes the walker is the man he choked to death. Eastman pushes the paralyzed Morgan out of the way and kills the walker, but is bitten in the process. "That wasn't for you to do!" Morgan screams, attacking Eastman. Eastman fends off Morgan's attack. "I said not here." Morgan cries.

"Well, that's the thing, Morgan," Eastman replies before leaving. "Here's not here." Morgan remains at the campground and reverts to his old ways, whittling spears and hunting walkers in the woods. He kills a walker and discovers that he's saved a young couple. Morgan moves to attack them next, but the woman slowly offers a can of food and a bullet, thanking him, and then backs away with her companion. Morgan allows the couple to leave, then he runs back to Eastman's cabin, where he finds a walker eating Tabitha. He somberly kills the goat and wheels the bodies to the graveyard, where Eastman is digging. Morgan spots a grave marker for Crighton Dallas Wilton. Eastman admits that he abducted Wilton from prison and starved him to death. "What I did to him, it didn't give me any peace," he says.

Back in the house, Eastman tells Morgan there's enough power, food and security to last Morgan the rest of his life, but advises Morgan against being alone. "Everything is about people, everything in this life that's worth a damn," he says. Before dying, Eastman gives Morgan his rabbit's foot. Morgan leaves the cabin with his staff and backpack. He walks through the graveyard, where Eastman is now buried. He reaches the railroad tracks and finds a signpost for Terminus. Back in the present, Morgan concludes his tale, suggesting the Wolf can be saved, just like he was. The Wolf shows Morgan a deep cut in his torso and predicts that he will die. "But if I don't, I am going to have to kill you, Morgan," he says. "I'm going to have to kill every person here." Morgan leaves, locking the door on his way out. Then out on the street, Morgan hears Rick screaming to open the gates.


Morgan first appears at the gates of Alexandria as Rick shouts for the gates to be opened as a herd of walkers follows behind him and he is later seen listening to Rick's reassurance that the walkers will be lured away from the gates, He wasn't seen or heard from then.

"Heads Up"

Morgan is practicing his Aikido as Rick asks him if they can talk later.

Morgan is on his way to the infirmary to talk to Denise when Rick flags him down. Rick, Carol and Michonne confront him about his refusal to kill the Wolves during the attack. Morgan maintains that "all life is precious" and that bad people are capable of changing. Rick asks if he thinks he can do that without getting blood on his hands, and Morgan replies that he doesn’t know.

When Spencer dangles from the wall, Morgan assists Rick and Tobin in pulling him to safety.

Later, at the infirmary, Morgan stops by and asks Denise for antibiotics. She is curious and after some probing, he confesses they are not for him. Carol watches suspiciously as Morgan escorts Denise to the townhouse with the jail cell. She later tries to unlock the door, but is stopped by Morgan. She demands to know who Morgan is holding in the cell.

"Start to Finish"

Morgan and Carol are running away from the herd attacking Alexandria when Carol trips and hits her head. Morgan helps her up and they take shelter in the townhouse with the makeshift jail cell.

In the townhouse, Morgan tries to examine Carol's injury but she won't allow it. He comments that she doesn't trust anyone, and she counters by saying she doesn’t trust a lot of people but she definitely does not trust him.

Morgan peers down toward the makeshift jail cell as Carol pretends to be asleep. He comes back up and notices Carol has disappeared. He looks around, and she quickly shoves him to the side and runs downstairs to where Denise and Owen are. Morgan arrives shortly after wielding his staff, telling Carol this should have waited but now it can't.

Morgan tries to dissuade Carol from killing Owen. Carol tells Morgan that she doesn't want to have to kill him to get to Owen, and Morgan tells her he won’t let her. When Carol refuses to back down, Morgan knocks her knife out of her hand. After a brief fight, he slams her to the ground and knocks her unconscious. As he stares at her in shock, Owen picks up his staff and strikes the back of his head, also knocking him unconscious.

"No Way Out"

Morgan regains consciousness after his brawl with Carol, and he asks the others where Owen and Denise are with Rosita confirming that Owen took Denise and left.

As Carol inspects the house, Morgan approaches her. He comments that she had a child, and insists he didn't want to hurt her and just wanted to stop her. Carol tells him that he did it for himself and says she should have killed him. "You can't," Morgan says as he walks away.

Later, Carol comes downstairs and tells Morgan and the others that Rick, Michonne and some others are making a stand against the walkers. Morgan and the others go out to assist. Once outside, Morgan knocks a walker to the ground and then suddenly realizes the walker was The Wolf and apologizes before putting him down. Morgan continues to fend off the walkers alongside the group. Once the herd has been defeated, Morgan sits outside the infirmary with everyone else.

"Not Tomorrow Yet"

Morgan approaches Carol at the cemetery and asks why she didn’t tell Rick that he had been holding a Wolf prisoner. She evades his question and tells him to leave, which he does.

Morgan is sitting in the church while Rick is explaining the deal that was made with the Hilltop and rationalizes killing the Saviors before they have the chance to find and attack Alexandria. Rick asks if anyone objects, and Morgan stands up and suggests that Rick talks with the Saviors instead of killing them. Rick asks if anyone agrees, to which nobody does.

Later, Morgan welds together the metal gate to a prison cell. He takes a break and becomes lost in thought.

"Twice as Far"

Morgan is first shown laying the final brick in a jail cell that he built in the brownstone basement. Rick comes by and asks Morgan why he built a cell. "It'll give you some choices next time," Morgan says. Later, he is seen watching Carol's empty porch swing after she leaves Alexandria.


Morgan is first seen at the gate as Rick announces Carol has left. Morgan asks to see her note before turning and heading for one of the cars, telling Rick he is going to find her. Rick joins him and the two men set off.

On the road, Morgan tells Rick he didn't have to come. They follow Carol's tire tracks east – which Morgan notes is the opposite direction of the Saviors' compound. Rick asks why he wants to find Carol when he barely knows her, to which Morgan replies that he actually did get to know her.

Rick and Morgan arrive at the scene of the shootout. They find Carol's car but no sign of Carol. They follow a trail of blood leading away from the road, where Morgan recalls that Rick banished Carol after she killed two of their people at the prison. He asks Rick what he would do if that happened today, to which Rick says he would thank her. Morgan makes the argument that because Rick spared Carol's life, she was able to return later and save them at Terminus. "People can come back," Morgan says.

Rick and Morgan encounter a man at a farm overrun with walkers. Rick orders the man to drop his weapon, but he says he's only looking for his horse and flees. Rick fires at the man, but Morgan pushes him and causes him to miss. Rick guesses the man was a Savior based on his weapon, but Morgan insists they had no way of knowing who he was. Morgan confesses to Rick that he took a Wolf captive during the attack on Alexandria. Rick seethes, but Morgan explains that the Wolf later saved Denise from walkers – and Denise then saved Carl. Morgan vows to find Carol on his own and tells Rick not to come looking if he doesn't return. Rick hands Morgan a gun, which he reluctantly takes as he sets off on his own.

"Last Day on Earth"

Morgan continues his search for Carol. He finds a horse in the middle of a field.

Morgan rides the horse through a town and spots Carol huddled in a library doorway. He inspects a knife wound on her torso and insists on helping her.

Morgan dresses Carol's wound inside the library. He suggests they stay there for the night and return to Alexandria in the morning so she can receive stitches and antibiotics. She refuses.

In the morning, Carol explains to Morgan that she cares about Rick's group, but that means she has to kill to protect them and she can't do that anymore. She orders him to leave and points her gun at him, but lowers it soon after.

Outside the library, Morgan finds a walker dangling from a noose. He stabs it in the head before cutting it loose. Back inside, Carol has left. He climbs on the horse and goes after her.

Morgan spots Carol's rosary beads on the ground near a freshly killed walker. As the Savior is about to kill Carol, Morgan appears and orders him to stop. He tells him he can survive this and pleads with him to drop the gun. When the Savior refuses, Morgan shoots him in the shoulder. He then shoots him again in the chest, neck and finally in the head, killing him. He rushes over to Carol, who begs him to let her go. "It's not your turn. You are going to come back from this," he says. He stands up as two men in armor approach; one of them on horseback and the other is the man from the barn. Morgan tells him what happened and they offer to help. Morgan shakes his hand.

Season 7[]

"The Day Will Come When You Won't Be"

Morgan briefly appears in a dream sequence with the rest of the group at Alexandria having dinner outside.

"The Well"

Morgan walks alongside the wagon that Carol is laying in, having been rescued by the group of men they encountered previously. He is then seen fighting walkers as Carol sneaks away. He catches up to her at a cemetery with an abandoned cottage. He raises the flag on the mailbox before they continue on.

Morgan tells Carol she has been asleep for two days. Outside, he pushes her in a wheelchair and tells her they're in a community called The Kingdom. Morgan waves at some of the residents as he walks, telling Carol she'll need about a week to recover and then they can return to Alexandria. He tells her The Kingdom is run by a man who calls himself King Ezekiel as he wheels her into a theater auditorium. Ezekiel sits on a throne with his tiger, Shiva, chained at his side. Morgan stands by as Ezekiel introduces himself to Carol and welcomes her to The Kingdom. Once they have left, Carol tells Morgan The Kingdom is a circus and vows to leave. Morgan refuses to let her venture out on her own.

Morgan, Ezekiel and a small team leave The Kingdom in two trucks. They hunt pigs in a nearby city, corralling them into a building where a tied up walker awaits. The pigs devour the walker. Morgan asks why they bait the pigs with walkers. Richard says that he wants their bellies "full of rot." Richard tells Morgan to keep the pig hunt a secret from The Kingdommers.

Back at The Kingdom, Ezekiel praises Morgan's skill with the fighting stick and asks him to train Benjamin. Morgan agrees. He is later seen training him in a gazebo. They take a break from training, and Benjamin asks Morgan to loan him his book, The Art of Peace, and Morgan agrees. Ezekiel approaches and asks them to join him. Richard tells Morgan to bring his gun.

Morgan and the others wait in a parking lot with a shipment of slaughtered pigs. A group of Saviors arrive. Gavin, the leader, counts the pigs and is pleased to find that they're bigger than the last shipment. Richard remarks that they fed the pigs well. When Dianne, a Kingdommer, starts explaining to Morgan who the Saviors are, he interjects, "I know who they are."

Back at The Kingdom, Morgan eats in the cafeteria with Benjamin and his younger brother Henry. Benjamin tells Morgan that Ezekiel was close friends with his father, a strong fighter who died while clearing walkers from a building. He explains that Ezekiel is keeping the deal with The Saviors a secret because he's worried that residents would want to fight, despite being outmatched. He asks if Morgan is against killing, having read the pacifist inscription in The Art of Peace. "Sometimes we change our minds," Morgan says. He takes food to Carol’s room and finds it empty.

The next day, Morgan accompanies Carol to the cemetery. He lowers the flag on the mailbox and rides back to town.

"Hearts Still Beating"

Morgan leaves a sack of produce on Carol's porch and is about to leave when she appears at the door and calls him inside. He tells her he knows that she can fend for herself, but she can never have too much fresh produce. She reveals that Ezekiel has also been bringing produce to her. She asks how he is and he tells her he is fine. He tells her she is going soft and is about to leave. He opens the door to find Richard, who asks to speak with them both.

Morgan listens as Richard reveals his fears to him and Carol; he doesn't think The Kingdom can coexist with the Saviors. He believes they will inevitably destroy the Kingdom. Richard asks Morgan and Carol to help him convince Ezekiel to strike first. Carol refuses to have anything to do with it and insists on being left alone. Morgan is reluctant to disrupt the peace with the Saviors, and tells Richard he only took a life to save a life. Richard counters there is no difference before he dejectedly leaves. Carol tells Morgan to leave and forbids him from telling anyone where she is.

"Rock in the Road"

Morgan is reunited with Rick and the others when they arrive at the Kingdom. When asked about Carol, he keeps his word to Carol and tells Rick and Daryl he did find her and she had been shot. He tells them he killed her attacker and after being brought to the Kingdom for medical treatment, she left without revealing her location.

Morgan stands by as Rick attempts to convince Ezekiel to help them fight the Saviors. When Michonne mentions that Negan murdered many of their own people, Morgan asks who. Rosita tells him about Abraham, Glenn, Spencer and Olivia and then snidely asks if he's going to say he was right. He says he is sad to hear that they are gone. When asked his opinion by Ezekiel, Morgan suggests they must find a non-violent course of action.

"New Best Friends"

Morgan, Ezekiel and other members of The Kingdom are waiting at the pickup location for the Saviors' collections. When Jared lunges for Richard, Morgan strikes him with his staff. Jared seizes the staff and hits Morgan with it, so Benjamin strikes Jared and sends him to the floor. Before they leave, Morgan asks for his staff back but Jared leaves with it.

When they arrive back at The Kingdom, Daryl comments on Morgan's injury caused by the Saviors. He tells him that if Carol saw that and knew about Glenn and Abraham, she'd be leading them straight to the Saviors. Morgan agrees and says that's why she left.

Later, Morgan appears as Daryl is sitting by Shiva's cage. He tells him he's good with her and Ezekiel would be impressed. Daryl tells him that he found Carol and Morgan says she didn't want him to tell anyone where she was. Daryl says he understands, and that they need The Kingdom and he has to make that happen. Morgan apologizes and says it can't be him. Daryl says whatever he's holding on to is already gone. Morgan says that Daryl is the same as him and Daryl says he doesn't know anything about him, but Morgan says he does. He knows Daryl didn't tell Carol about Glenn and Abraham or she'd be there now and he's glad for that.

In the morning, Daryl looks back at Morgan as he leaves The Kingdom to go back to The Hilltop. Morgan then looks up at Richard as the gates close.

"Bury Me Here"

Morgan is teaching Henry how to fight with a stick when Benjamin approaches. Morgan tells him he will want to be like his brother one day. Morgan is in his room when Carol arrives and demands to know why Rick's group visited the Kingdom. She asks if everyone in Alexandria is okay but Morgan tells her she needs to ask Daryl herself and offers to return to Alexandria with her.

Benjamin gives Morgan a framed painting to hang in his room and thanks him for the book he gave him. As they prepare to leave for their scheduled drop with the Saviors, Richard apologizes to Morgan for their strained relationship. He warns Morgan that he will have to kill some day.

En route to the drop, they encounter a row of shopping carts blocking the road. Morgan and the others search the area as Richard covers them from behind. They find an open grave with a sign, "Bury me here." They move the carts off the road and continue on their way.

They arrive at the meeting point, where the Saviors await. Morgan rushes to Benjamin's aid after he is shot in the leg by Jared. He throws Morgan's stick on the ground as the others lift Benjamin into the truck. Morgan says they must get to Carol's as Benjamin will not make it to the Kingdom in time.

They arrive at Carol's cottage and rush Benjamin inside. As they try to treat his wound, Benjamin recites a line from Morgan's book before he dies. Morgan wipes his blood stained knife on the white sheet covering Benjamin's body before abruptly leaving the cottage.

Back at the urban lot, where they encountered the roadblock, Morgan walks alone. He screams as visions of the past flash before him. He sees his son, his wife, Benjamin. He holds a knife to his wrists, but reconsiders. Finally, he kicks a box over in his fury, and finds the missing cantaloupe hidden beneath it. He instantly remembers Richard covering the group from behind, and being out of sight. He realizes that Richard intentionally hid the cantaloupe.

Morgan confronts Richard in his room. He explains that he planned to provoke the Saviors into killing him as Gavin had promised he'd be the first to die if anything went wrong. He tells Morgan how he lost his wife and daughter for not taking action, a mistake he won't repeat. He proposes they do something to regain the Saviors' trust – to show them that they "get it" – and then destroy them with help from Alexandria and the Hilltop. Richard explains that someone had to die, and he was ready to be that person.

Later, Morgan sits in bed, lost in thought. At the drop the next day, the Saviors learn that Benjamin died. As Richard brings the cantaloupe to Gavin, Morgan attacks Richard from behind before he strangles him to death. He tells everyone that Richard staged the missing cantaloupe in order to incite a war. He assures Gavin that they "get it" – and the Kingdom will honor their relationship going forward. He is pleased to hear this and leaves without further troubles.

After the Saviors leave, Morgan explains that Richard wanted to sacrifice himself. He accidentally refers to Benjamin as Duane. Morgan gets emotional and tears begin rolling down his face as Ezekiel attempts to console him. Morgan tells the others to leave him alone. After Ezekiel leaves, Morgan stabs Richard in the head to keep him from reanimating.

Morgan drags Richard's body to the urban lot and buries him in the open grave. He finds Katy's backpack and buries it with Richard. Morgan then goes on a walker killing spree.

Morgan visits Carol at her cottage. He tells her that he killed Richard and confesses that Negan killed Glenn, Abraham, Spencer and Olivia. He explains that Rick wants to fight the Saviors, and that's why he was at the Kingdom. Carol chases after Morgan as he intends to go after the Saviors. She convinces him to stay at the cottage.

Later, Morgan sits alone on the cottage porch, whittling the end of his staff into a menacingly sharp point.

"The First Day of the Rest of Your Life"

Ezekiel leads a regiment from the Kingdom toward Alexandria. They reach the blockade of shopping carts previously placed by Richard; it has been rearranged. Morgan appears, still emotionally unstable, and vows to hunt down the Saviors by himself. Carol tells him going it alone doesn't work in this situation. Ezekiel convinces him to fight at their side. He joins them as they march towards Alexandria.

Morgan and the rest of the Kingdom residents arrive just as Negan is about to execute Carl and begin to kill the Saviors. Maggie also arrives with the Hilltop fighters. The fight is hectic, and numerous Saviors and Scavengers are gunned down. Morgan discards his empty gun and begins killing with his staff. He works alongside Rick throughout the battle.

After the battle is over, Morgan is on the steps of a house by himself, who seems more clearheaded now. Carol finds and sits next to him and the two exchange glances, seemingly at peace with one another. He is then present for Rick, Maggie and Ezekiel's speech to the communities, all united for an all out war.

Season 8[]


Morgan and Daryl are shown killing Saviors at various lookout points. One by one, they cross the targets off a list supplied by Dwight. At the bridge, Daryl meets with Morgan, Tara and Carol on his bike. Morgan is sitting, contemplating his bloody stick.

Morgan, Daryl, Carol and Tara wait on the highway until the herd arrives; they vacate the road in haste. Moments later, the SUV they parked on the exit ramp explodes. Dwight dispatches a large team of Saviors to investigate the explosion. Daryl and Morgan rig a tripwire across a road. They join Carol and Tara on a pedestrian overpass.

The group on the overpass spots a walker nearing the tripwire. Morgan manages to kill the stray walker endangering the tripwire and sees the caravan of Saviors in the distance. On the road, the Savior caravan trips the wire and sets off an explosion, killing them all. Morgan walks back to the group. Daryl insists it has started. The group separates, Tara heads off first. Morgan joins her in the car. Daryl leaves to lead the herd to the Sanctuary.

Morgan is later seen with a small group of soldiers from the militia, which includes Tara, Jesus and Dianne stands outside the fence of the satellite station outpost they previously cleared out. It has since been re-settled by Saviors. Morgan asks Dianne if she'll be able to hit the guards through the fence using her arrows. She expresses doubt.

"The Damned"

Morgan is among the Militia to sneak into the Satellite Outpost that has been re-occupied by the Saviors in order to take it over. Morgan, Jesus, Tara and Diane prepare for a raid on the Satellite Station. Dianne insists if a gun fires they won't get in. Morgan claims that he wasn't there during the first attack. Jesus tells Tara to ensure no one gets the chance to do that. Freddie offer to help Morgan, but he insists, "I don't die."

At the Satellite Outpost, Morgan attracts the walkers in the moat to a specific location, creating an opening which Dianne uses to take out the two guards. They then enter the building armed with silenced handguns, taking out patrols as they make their way deeper into the compound alongside approximately two dozen militia soldiers. They form up outside the various inhabited rooms and await Jesus' signal to attack.

Jesus gives the signal, and the Militia soldiers burst into the rooms and begin taking out Saviors, catching them by surprise. Morgan, Freddie and Andy prepare to breach a door, but before they can do so, a Savior opens it, and they promptly gun him down. Unbeknownst to them, at least half a dozen others were behind a corner, and before they can react, Freddie and Andy are killed and Morgan is concussed. Oscar comments to Jesus and Tara that they've lost touch with one of the groups. He is unable to answer Tara when she asks about Morgan.

Morgan awakens, wounded but alive. Morgan sees Freddie and Andy dead and slowly gets up. He loads two handguns and pursues the fleeing Saviors. At the Satellite Station, Morgan marches through the compound, killing every Savior he encounters in a trance-like state. He remembers the exchange he had with Rick several weeks earlier when he tried to talk them down from fighting the Saviors.

Morgan continues his killing spree, before finally emerging outside. Still reeling and unbalanced, he is shocked to see the Militia taking hostages. He remembers his argument with Rick over whether or not it is worth preserving life, even that of an enemy. He is shaken from his trance when he sees Jared amongst the captured Saviors. He attempts to kill him, but he is prevented from killing him by Jesus, who insists that they do not kill those who surrender. Morgan disagrees but allows them to live.


Morgan is seen with the Hilltop and Alexandrian forces that attacked the Satellite Outpost escorting the around 30 captured and shackled Saviors along a road at by armed guard. Jared annoys Morgan by whistling loudly. Morgan smacks him with his stick. Jesus remarks that they aren't far from the Hilltop, but Morgan is still angry with the decision to spare the lives of the Saviors. Jesus insists it was the right thing to do despite, telling him that no matter what they've done, they're still people. He firmly says that there are many kinds of danger, they kill, but they don't execute people. Morgan retorts that he has in fact done so in the past.

On the road, Jared continues to annoy Morgan, eventually mocking Benjamin's death. As Morgan snaps and holds him at gunpoint, a number of walkers roll down a nearby hill towards the convoy and chaos erupts. Two Saviors are killed, and as the Militia members are preoccupied with the threat, a group of 10 Saviors led by Jared make a break for it, running off into the woods. Morgan gives chase, firing at them as they flee. When he catches up to them, he kills the one that caused them to slow down, and is about to kill Jared, only to be stopped by Jesus' intervention.

Dianne and 3 other Militia members escort the Saviors back to the road while Jesus tries to reason with Morgan, who insists that the Saviors will not and cannot change. He begins to mentally break down, ranting about how things never change. He insists that the Militia have to be killers just like the Saviors in order to survive. Jesus says that after the war is won they will have to find a way to live with the Saviors and bring peace, but Morgan refuses to listen. He attacks Jesus who dodges his attacks and kicks him back. Morgan forms up with his Aikido and attacks again.

Morgan and Jesus continue to fight. Jesus tries to get through to him, but Morgan is unresponsive, and continues to attack, to Jesus' confusion. He is able to avoid Morgan's strikes with his stick, and take advantage of the openings he leaves to wear him down. Still Morgan refuses to stop. He scores a hit on Jesus' stomach, severely winding him, and another on his arm, but Jesus blocks the third hit and kicks Morgan away. As he goes in for another kick, Morgan maneuvers back out of his reach, and takes his standing leg out from beneath him. He tries in vain to score several lethal hits as Jesus dodges and gets to his feet, knocking an increasingly erratic Morgan to the ground. He uses trees as cover to evade most of Morgan's strikes but is eventually apprehended and knocked to the floor. He manages to get to his feet and disarm his opponent, knocking him away with another kick.

When he returns him his stick, Morgan holds it to his throat as Tara and Dianne arrive. Morgan finally snaps out of his trance, in a state of confusion, realizing what he has done. He tells Jesus that he isn't right, but that doesn't make him wrong either. He concludes that he can't be a part of transporting the prisoners to the Hilltop, and leaves on his own, but not before Tara telling him that he is right about killing the Saviors.

"Time for After"

Shortly after abandoning the Hilltop group, Morgan is seen at the Sanctuary, taking aim with a sniper. He suddenly sees Daryl's truck pull up and park and and radios to the Saviors to tell them its one of theirs.

Morgan joins their conversation about Daryl charging the truck into the building and send the walkers into the Sanctuary, and offers to help. Rosita is against the plan, saying it is risky and refuses to take part and leaves, but Michonne says she has to see this through. Morgan tells Tara there is a car near the east side lookout she can use.

Tara approaches the building and is ready to go. Morgan is ready to cover her. When Dwight shoots the glider out of the air, this alerts the Saviors as Tara opens fire on them. Morgan helps guns them down.

"How It's Gotta Be"

Morgan is revealed to have survived the Saviors retaliation that wiped out the snipers surrounding the Sanctuary. Morgan makes it back to the Kingdom in time to hear Gavin threaten Ezekiel through the fence. Unable to help at the moment, Morgan stays outside the fence undetected and spying on the scene.


Outside of the Sanctuary, Morgan watches the herd which crashed down on it with a sniper. He looks to their windows and sees nothing. To his left, though, Saviors have taken to the windows to start gunning down the herd. One by one, the herd falls and the way out is cleared. The Saviors start shooting at Morgan and he orders everyone to leave now. While the snipers are killed, Morgan ducks from their fire and finds a way out and hears opera music playing. He sees some walkers and spawns an idea. Using his spear, he clangs on the fence and lures them his way and leads them to a door where Saviors emerge only to be devoured.

Morgan follows Gavin and a caravan of Saviors to the Kingdom. Morgan stealthily enters the overrun Kingdom and sees Henry prowling in the distance. Carol joins Morgan inside the Kingdom walls. Morgan's plan of attack involves killing all the Saviors. Carol suggests avoiding them instead, but says if they take em, they do it together.

Outside of the Kingdom, Morgan and Carol approach a group of four Saviors attempting to put out a fire from Ezekiel's distraction. Morgan strikes them down using his spear. They take out more Saviors, one gets hit in the throat and gargles blood before Morgan jabs him in the stomach again before putting him down for good. Carol witnesses Morgan's brutality and worries about his renewed blood lust. Morgan is determined to find Henry.

Morgan and Carol continue their mission. Morgan overhears Saviors talking amongst themselves and catches some loading a truck. Carol begs him to not kill them, but he approaches and kills two of the three. Ultimately, Carol guns down the third who got a drop on Morgan. Carol collects their guns. Gunshots ring out and Gavin orders everyone to get Ezekiel inside the auditorium. Morgan creeps around a corner after they all ran off.

In the theater, Carol and Morgan ambush the Saviors inside the auditorium and proceeds to open fire on all of them, killing all except two. Gavin is shot in the leg. He drops his gun. Carol dives for cover. A man tackles Morgan on stage. Ezekiel shoots a man who had her pinned down. Morgan wrestles the man on stage. He takes three punches to the face before sticking his hand into a hole in the man's stomach and pulling his guts out.

Ezekiel and Carol are shocked, as is Morgan. Gavin is injured and escapes the theater with Morgan missing shots at him. Ezekiel suggests they leave. Morgan tells him all the Saviors are dead and he goes after Gavin.

Morgan continues his chase of Gavin through a smokey Kingdom building. Morgan's pursuit of Gavin continues. Gavin is terrified. The spear drags through dirt and leaves a trail. Gavin sees Morgan's shadow approaching. It walks away. He is momentarily relieved before being yanked from behind. Morgan stands before him. Morgan beats Gavin to the ground. Gavin calls him a "sick man." Morgan slowly approaches. Gavin insists he didn't have many options. Gavin insists that Rick's group can't beat Negan and he tells Morgan that killing him won’t make a difference.

Morgan hauls Gavin up to his feet. Carol and Ezekiel catch up to Morgan, and Ezekiel insists Morgan that he spares Gavin and calls ending him "the coward's way." Carol also pleads with Morgan to not kill Gavin. She reminds him of when he told her "we can be better than them." Morgan insists he has to kill Gavin, but suddenly, a fighting stick pierces Gavin's throat, killing him and Henry is revealed to be the killer, shocking Morgan and Carol.

"Dead or Alive Or"

As the Hilltop fortifies, Morgan, along with Henry guards the Saviors being held prisoner at the Hilltop. Carol attempts to relieve Morgan of his duties, offering to watch Henry and the captured Saviors. Jared tries to goad Morgan to free them from their holding pen, but Henry speaks up, asking for his brother's murderer. Carol sends Henry away to Jerry, while she speaks with Morgan.

Morgan questions why they cannot simply tell Henry who killed Benjamin. Carol argues that Henry, as a young child, is still vulnerable. While Morgan believes he is able to handle himself, Carol voices her concerns for both Henry and himself. She relieves him of his duties and assumes her post.

Morgan, Carol and Henry discuss the circumstances of Carl's death, having found out he died helping a stranger. Morgan then lies to Henry that Gavin was responsible for Benjamin's death, and that his killing of Gavin means that he has already avenged his brother.

"Do Not Send Us Astray"

Morgan stands watch in the woods when he has a vision of a dead, bloodied Gavin. He snaps out of it and hears a horn in the distance alerting him to the arrival of the Saviors. He runs to his truck and honks the horn, alerting the other lookouts. Daryl sounds an air horn.

When the Saviors arrive, Hilltoppers block the convoy with a bus and fire at the Saviors. The battle begins in earnest. While fighting, Morgan kills a Savior named Keno and hallucinates Gavin again. "You know what it is," says Gavin. Morgan manage to survive the attack as the remaining Saviors flee. He also survives the subsequent outbreak that killed several more people.

The next day, Ezekiel and Carol search for Henry. Morgan closes his eyes and sees Gavin again.

"Still Gotta Mean Something"

Morgan walks out of the Hilltop to search for Henry. Carol urges him to stay. "I was supposed to," Morgan tells her. "I thought I had to. Thought it would be different." Carol decides to join him. Morgan and Carol journey through the woods. They come across a turnip which means they were on this side of the road. Morgan thinks he sees Henry and runs off after him. Carol follows. When Morgan comes across Henry, he finds the kid with a fatal wound on his neck. Henry tells him, "You were supposed to," but Morgan realizes he's not here.

Morgan thinks he's dead. Carol admits she accompanied Morgan to keep an eye on him, not to look for Henry. Morgan tells her she saves people, but can't save the dead. Carol tells him he's not dead, "I know, I don't die," Morgan responds. "I just see it." Morgan spots a trail left by the escaped Savior prisoners.

Morgan and Carol come across a herd walking through an intersection. Carol suggests waiting, but Morgan wants to continue. They come across a bearded walker which has Henry's stick driven through its core. Carol is saddened. Morgan puts the walker down and continues. Carol asks him to stop and go back to look for Henry. Morgan insists she knows what they'll find but she won't know unless she goes. She tells him he saved her when she ran, she says he can come back too. Morgan explains that he wasn't strong enough and that he has to kill the Saviors. He gives her Henry's stick and Carol goes to search for Henry while Morgan pursues the Savior escapees.

Rick later catches up with Morgan in the woods. Morgan menaces Rick with his fighting stick, momentarily forgetting who Rick is. "I'm not right," he says as he lowers his weapon. Rick proposes they kill the Saviors together. Rick and Morgan find a severed arm and foot with visible walker bites. Someone knocks Rick out cold.

Rick comes to and finds himself bound next to Morgan in an abandoned dive bar. Jared and the Savior escapees deliberate about what to do with the Saviors who have fallen sick. Jared insists they ditch the dying Saviors and deliver Rick to Negan. Rick gives his word that he will not harm them if they return to Hilltop. Jared is furious that his Saviors are debating agreeing to Rick's offer. Morgan tells Jared he only came here to "kill every last one of you." Jared puts a gun in Morgan's face, but he smiles and tells him to prepare for the herd coming.

"I don't die!" Morgan says. "Everybody turns!" The herd approaches after Morgan's screams and the living are quickly outnumbered. A Savior cuts Morgan and Rick loose so they can help take down the herd. Morgan and Rick kill the walkers and, when the moment is right, methodically mow down the Saviors.

Jared is seen escaping. Morgan chases him down. Morgan comes upon Henry's ghost and is attacked by Jared. He fights him off and he pushes him off and locks him in a room with the walkers, watching closely as Jared gets eaten alive, avenging Benjamin. Rick puts the last of the Saviors down and he and Morgan walks out. Rick asks Morgan why he decided to save him back in Atlanta when they were strangers. Morgan says it was because his son was with him.

Morgan and Rick return to Hilltop covered in blood. Morgan approaches Henry and is relieved to realize he is real. He tells Henry that he killed the man who killed his brother. Henry apologizes to Morgan who embraces the boy and tells him "Don't ever be sorry". Morgan is later sitting alone and weeps to himself.


Morgan is seen sitting in his normal clothes, and cleaning up his stick.


Morgan looks around Hilltop, confused and out of sorts. He strides aggressively towards Alden and the Saviors and knocks someone to the ground before realizing it's Henry. Carol relieves Morgan of his weapon. Before the battle, Rick suggests to Morgan that he stay back, but Morgan vows to finish the Saviors.

Morgan, along with Rick's scout team kills Lance's group and finds the map, unaware that it's a decoy. Duke surrenders to Morgan, however Morgan stabs him with his staff and then slices his throat, killing him. He then hallucinates and sees Jared, who proceeds to mock him and the way he killed Duke until Jesus snaps him out of it.

While crossing a field, Jesus suggests Morgan abstain from killing people by reserving the sharp end of his stick for walkers and the blunt side for the living. As they walk, they see a massive herd looming in the distance.

As Rick's army advances to the ambush spot, whistling begins just as it did on the night Glenn and Abraham died. Negan reaches Rick via walkie to explain that Rick's group is trapped. Negan and the Saviors appear on the crest of a nearby hill in a massive line and open fire, but their guns malfunction. The bullets explode in their hands, killing many Saviors. Rick's army charges.

The battle begins in earnest. Morgan goes to kill a Savior, but at the last moment heeds Jesus's advice and knocks him out instead.

Afterwards, Rick defeats Negan, but after a moment of thought, he tells Siddiq to save him, much to Maggie's anguish who wants to see Negan dead for killing her husband. Morgan listens in as Rick tells the gathered people that they will start a new world, living in peace. After the war is over, Morgan gives his armor to Carol to pass along to Henry.

Morgan goes to the Heaps and tells Jadis that Rick has invited her to join their community and be part of a group again. She accepts his offer, while also revealing her real name to be Anne, but Morgan chooses to stay behind, alone in the Heaps, as he has decided that he cannot be around people now and is ready to move on and heal.

Season 9[]

"What Comes After"

Morgan's voice is heard asking Rick what his wound is, while he is bleeding in the hospital.

Fear the Walking Dead[]

Season 4[]

"What's Your Story?"

Morgan is first seen when John Dorie shoots a walker which is approaching him and Morgan is standing behind it.

It is revealed via flashback that Jesus, Carol, and Rick all visited Morgan at various times to convince him to stay in Virginia, but he refused. When they leave, he packs his backpack, grabs his staff, and leaves.

Morgan walks down a road and hears the voices of his friends trying to convince him to stay. He stops at an intersection and ruminates through the night. In the morning, he decides to keep walking.

Eventually, he breaks into a run. Morgan hotwires an abandoned car then leaves it on the road after it runs out of fuel.

Morgan walks for days. He spots a group of people in the distance and walks the other way. He continues to head west, on foot and in a car.

Morgan finds a wounded man coughing in a car. He leaves some first aid supplies on the car seat, but the man orders him to take the supplies and leave him alone.

A couple of days later, Morgan arrives at the Texas border.

Morgan spots an infected heading toward a man in a field. He gets ready to kill the walker, but the man shoots it first. The man introduces himself as John Dorie and invites Morgan to take shelter in his car for the night. He reluctantly accepts, but sneaks out of John's car in the middle of the night.

Morgan walks down a road and peeks into an empty tent lit by a lantern, when someone knocks him unconscious.

Morgan wakes up to find a couple of thugs, Leland and Bill, holding him at gunpoint while going through his bag. John shows up and shoots at Leland but surrenders when Leland's crew surrounds and takes him captive as well.

Suddenly, Althea drives up in a SWAT vehicle to the scene. She offers Leland a case of ramen and cigarettes in exchange for the prisoners. When Leland refuses, she pulls a lever to reveal the vehicle is rigged with machine guns.

Afterwards, Althea drives with Morgan and John in the back of the vehicle. She tells them that they owe her for saving their lives. She stops at a trailer park and gets out a video camera, explaining to them that she's a journalist and wants to get their stories on record.

The next day, Althea interviews John on camera and learns about his mission to find his girlfriend, Laura, who he met after the fall. She turns the camera on Morgan. He brushes her off and leaves them.

Before he leaves, John runs after Morgan to gives him fresh socks, when suddenly they spot one of Leland's cars parked nearby.

Leland's crew surrounds Morgan, John and Althea. Leland demands the keys to Althea's truck. Morgan and John fight off their captors.

Morgan charges at a rooftop sniper and gets shot in the leg. Morgan fights the sniper with his stick. His foe dangles from the roof as Infected snap at him below. Morgan saves him, but the shooter tackles him. They fall through the roof and land on the floor, where the Infected devour the sniper. Morgan finds a grenade and pulls the pin, then takes cover in a bathtub. The grenade explodes. Morgan limps out of the trailer.

After the fight is over, Morgan, John and Althea get back on the road. Althea informs them that white numbered flags have been appearing in the area over the past few weeks. Althea points out that Morgan still owes her an interview.

Althea interviews Morgan on the side of the road. Morgan reveals that he came from Atlanta and used to belong to several settlements. He explains that his people battled a large group and won. When Althea asks why he left his group, Morgan gets up to go. Althea demands an answer. "I lose people and then I lose myself," he says, then walks off.

Morgan hobbles down the road. He recognizes an abandoned car then sees an infected man walking up ahead. He starts to walk after the man but trips while trying to escape two Infected. John shows up and stabs the Infected.

John helps Morgan catch up to the infected man. Morgan sees that it is the wounded man who he tried to help earlier. He kills the man and then buries him in the woods as Althea and John watch from afar.

Back in the truck, Morgan insists that he is only traveling with John and Althea until his leg heals. John explains that they are setting out to find Laura and in exchange for the help, he'll tell Althea more of his story.

Althea sees a woman crawling on the road. She pulls over and walks up to help the woman: It's Alicia, alive and well, and clearly hardened by survival. Suddenly, Alicia points a sharp weapon at Althea's neck. Nick, Strand and Luciana emerge from the bushes and hold Morgan, John and Althea at gunpoint.

"Another Day in the Diamond"

Morgan, John, and Althea are held at gunpoint by Alicia, Strand, Luciana, and Nick. Alicia asks Althea if they are their enemies, and Strand names their foes as the Vultures. Morgan insists that they are not their enemies, and Alicia asks Althea about the flag in the back of her truck. Althea says that she found it, and Alicia tells her to take them to its original location.

"Good Out Here"

Morgan, John and Althea are held prisoner in the SWAT truck by Nick and his group. Al reveals that she only gave them partial directions to the location with the numbered flag. She agrees to provide the rest of the directions on the condition that they tell her their stories. She escapes from her bonds and attacks Nick, causing him to jostle Luciana in the driver's seat. Luciana swerves off the road and crashes. The noise attracts a herd of Infected towards the truck.

Morgan, John and Althea now hold Luciana, Alicia, Nick and Strand captives. They unsuccessfully try to extract the SWAT truck from the mud. Luciana offers to locate a tow truck but demands that she, Alicia, Nick and Strand be released. Althea cuts their bonds but holds Nick hostage. Morgan offers to stay with Nick while the others find the tow truck. Morgan reads "The Art of Peace" and cuts Nick loose. Nick asks how Morgan plans to defend himself if attacked. Morgan demonstrates his fighting skills by casually knocking Nick to the ground with his stick.

Morgan walks up to the road and orders Nick to stay near the truck. Morgan sees a blue El Camino speeding toward him on the road and hides in the SWAT vehicle with Nick. Nick catches a glimpse of the blue El Camino and goes for the door. Struggles with Morgan. He beats on Morgan's wound and escapes, dodging a small pack of walkers drawn by the van's relentless horn. Morgan asks to give him his staff, but Nick bails on him and runs after the El Camino.

Morgan later saves Nick from a group of Infected attacking him. Morgan and Nick walk down a road. Nick asks why he saved him and he would have let them rip him apart back there. Morgan only responds, "I don't kill". They kill two Infected in a drug store and enter the building.

Morgan wraps his leg in a new bandage and warns Nick that his mission to kill the driver of the El Camino will not end up the way Nick thinks it will. Nick tells Morgan that he saw his video confessional and asks who Morgan lost. Morgan refuses to tell him and abruptly leaves, telling him that going after the guy that hurt him is his business.

Morgan arrives at a farm and finds Ennis loading the El Camino with food from a silo. Morgan tells him to leave, knowing Nick is after him. Nick arrives and charges at him. Morgan uses his stick to hold him off and tells him to walk away. Nick is overwhelmed with emotion and rage. He wants blood. Morgan won't let it come. Morgan is forced to step back when Nick threatens him. Morgan walks by the patch of bluebonnets then decides to turn back around.

Morgan finds Nick with bloody hands. He answers his questions that he lost his wife, his son, and his friends and losing himself. "I know where you are, Nick. Because I was there. I didn't know how to make it stop. I didn't know if I wanted it to stop. Didn't think I could ever find my way out. Then I met someone. "A man didn't have to help me, but he did. He gave me something, Nick. He told me, he showed me that all life is precious, and that helped. It still does." He gives "The Art of Peace" to Nick and tells him that all life is precious. Morgan watches Nick read "The Art of Peace" from a distance. The SWAT truck arrives. Everyone gets out.

After Nick is shot by Charlie, Morgan, John, and Althea can only stand by and watch as Nick dies of his wounds.


In the SWAT van, John chats with Morgan while driving the van. Morgan explains that he will travel alone after he has paid his respects to Nick. John promises he is gonna find Laura and he wants Morgan there when he does. Morgan, however, insists he is better on his own.

John stops the SWAT van. They come across a cache of weapons. The group wants to go after those responsible for Nick's death. Morgan and Althea are not happy about the group's deception. Strand has a map to their location.

Alicia questions whether or not Althea will drive them. John wants her to continue his search for Laura instead. Strand convinces her to come see how this ends for herself. John isn't happy about it. Morgan questions if they're planning on burying Nick. They will, in the hole where their weapons were stashed.

John finds the Colt in the backpack and realizes that Naomi is Laura. Alicia tells him that Laura died at the stadium. Al promises to find out what happened to Laura and report back to John. Morgan stays behind with John as everyone leaves in the van.


Morgan is seen at the end of the episode, sitting besides John after he finishes telling his story and assures him that Naomi loved him. Morgan believes there is a chance at starting over, besides just killing and revenge. John thinks he might believe what Alicia and Strand do but Morgan questions him and he admits it's wrong. "We're alive," Morgan says. "We are part of the world. Let's not waste another second". John holsters Naomi's pistol and walks down the road with Morgan.

"Just in Case"

Morgan and John corner a Vulture named Edgar, threaten to shoot him unless he cooperates. John blasts Edgar's finger off when Edgar tries to bolt. Morgan and John start interrogating the man.

John finds a map similar to ones the Vultures carry. John begins interrogating the man intensely about Naomi, pointing the gun at his head. He insists he doesn't know anything. Morgan gets the man freed and tells him to warn his people that Alicia's group is headed there to kill them. John hands over his guns, thinking it's best for Morgan to hold them. John wants to find the men and learn more about how Naomi died.

Morgan and John catch up to Alicia's group and get out of the van. Alicia's group forces them to their knees. John asks Althea for help, but she simply spectates. Morgan explains the Vultures are not coming. He found them and told them to stay away. Morgan tries to explain that they don't have to do this and he should've explained it to Nick. He claims what they're doing will only make things worse.

Melvin and his Vultures arrive in their vehicles and face off with Alicia's group. Morgan stands between everyone. "It doesn't have to go this way," he tries. Mel and Alicia insist it does have to go this way. From the group's back side, the Land Rover arrives, and Naomi emerges. John is shocked to see her. Alicia is infuriated by Naomi being alive with the Vultures and turns, firing her gun. She accidentally shoots John, Morgan rushes to him, and Naomi kneels beside him.

"The Wrong Side of Where You Are Now"

During the shootout between Alicia's group and the Vultures, Morgan runs over to help Naomi while she gets medical supplies from an ambulance, but Alicia blows up the ambulance with a grenade launcher then strides up to Naomi and accuses her of betraying their trust. Naomi escapes and runs back to John's side. She tells Morgan that she knows where to find more medical supplies.

Morgan urges Althea to stop filming and help save John's life, but she refuses. Morgan, however, insists she help him as John continues to bleed out. She pulls the truck up to John and shows her guns, prompting Alicia to surrender. Morgan helps Naomi carry John inside the vehicle and urges Charlie to board if she wants to live. Charlie joins him. Alicia, Strand and Luciana fire at the truck as it leaves.

In the SWAT truck, Morgan points out that John doesn't have much time. Charlie notices Morgan as Nick's friend and she asks Morgan why he saved her even after she killed Nick. Morgan says the fighting needs to stop. In the back, Naomi pleads with John to stay with her. "He's been looking for you," Morgan tells her. "He has all this time. He never gave up". Naomi responds, "Try to protect someone, I guess you wind up hurting them".

Morgan and Althea's group arrives at Dell Diamond Baseball Stadium in the SWAT vehicle. Naomi explains that the Vultures never looted the stadium infirmary because even Ennis didn't dare go inside after the stadium fell.

Morgan tells Althea that he knows who she is, but Althea cuts him off and insists he is wrong. Althea plows through the stadium gates. As the dust clears, Morgan, Althea and Naomi see that the stadium is filled with charred Infected. The Infected swarm around the SWAT vehicle.

"No One's Gone"

Morgan appears in the SWAT vehicle, asking Althea to clear a path to where the medical supplies are. She complies, and clears a path with her vehicle's machine guns. Morgan is joined by Naomi, who convinces him that she needs to go with him. The two make it inside the stadium building.

Later, they make it into the the medical room after fighting off walkers and head back to the vehicle. From there, Althea, who is being threatened by Alicia, signals Morgan on the walkie-talkie that it is safe to come out when it isn't, but John secretly is able to allow them to listen in on Alicia and what she has planned.

Later, as Morgan is trying to clear debris to get out, Alicia comes and holds him and Naomi at gunpoint, but he stands in front of the gun to protect Naomi. He manages to convince Alicia that there is still hope for her as she breaks down in tears, and he comforts her.

Finally, Morgan and the rest of the group, who have made peace with each other, are out in an empty field, where Alicia, Victor, and Luciana reveal the fate of Madison. It is told that while the stadium falls, Madison leads the majority of the walkers into the stadium before setting them on fire with a flare, as they are all covered in oil. As the three finish recounting their story, Morgan begins to eat Kimchi.

"People Like Us"

Morgan is shown killing walkers and taking supplies from them. Then, he lays out his supplies in a tent to look through what he has collected. He radios Althea and begins talking about where he came from and she mocks him and the memory of Ezekiel with his tiger, asking if he's gonna tell her the rest of his story, but Morgan refuses and declares he's heading back to Virginia and wants her to drive him, so he can show her.

Later, he tells John and June his plans and suggests they all join him, but John claims he's still recovering from his wounds and can't come with him and John wants to take everyone to his cabin when he's feeling better. Morgan says he's already made up his mind and he's leaving tomorrow, but he will try to pass by before to say goodbye and he hopes John change his mind.

Elsewhere, Morgan approaches a house powered by solar powers. A walker approaches and Strand misses it from the window with a silenced pistol. Morgan kills it as a drunk Strand invites him. Morgan wants him and a depressed Luciana to accompany him back to Virginia. They scoff and say their apocalypse road trip days are over. Morgan asks about Alicia and they reveal she's been living outside of the house in the garden for the past week.

Morgan investigates and finds ominous notes that read "Help". He finally locates her by a gate killing walkers and he asks about the notes. She says she didn't write them but someone has been planting them on the walkers. Morgan asks her to join him on his trip, but Alicia says she wants to stay to help whoever's writing those notes. Alicia tells Morgan she has a lead on where the note-writer could be staying in.

In the woods, Morgan and Alicia discuss the people from Alexandria. Morgan wants her to come with him and insists that the people there are still alive because they are strong. He mentions his friend, Rick, telling him he would find people again and how he wanted to prove Rick wrong. "I just want to look him in the eyes and tell him he was right," Morgan says. "I think he deserves to know, because he was". Suddenly, a walker appears with a “help” note nailed to its face and Alicia kills it, urging Morgan they need to hurry.

Morgan and Alicia arrive at the construction site and find another note. They cautiously investigate inside one of the farms, where they find a dozen or so walkers outside of a room. Morgan leads them outside so Alicia can dump logs from a crane on them.

She rushes inside to help the person in need, but it has turned. She lunges at the walker in disbelief and Morgan kills it. He tells her he's been like that for days and there's nothing she could have done. Devastated, Alicia says that Madison would have saved him, They both decide they have a lot to make up for. Morgan asks why Alicia is isolating herself and suggests that Strand and Luciana need her like Madison was. She claps back why Morgan is leaving when he could be there for them, too.

Suddenly, the hurricane from the beginning hits, prompting Alicia to leave Morgan behind and to head off on her own.

"The Code"

Morgan looks for Alicia in the storm to no avail. Suddenly, he comes across a semi-truck on the road. Morgan takes refuge inside the truck and discovers boxes filled with supplies and reads the note, "Take what you need, leave what you don't. See you further on up the road". He takes water and a protein bar and sleeps in the truck.

Next morning, Morgan wakes up to the sound of a walker outside the truck. He cracks open the door and kills it as it tries to climb inside. He steps outside and finds himself at a truck stop in Mississippi, realizing he's no longer in Texas.

Morgan enters the truck stop mini-mart and hears a woman's voice on a radio transmitter. Morgan responds and says that he accidentally hitched a ride in one of the woman's trucks and ended up at a Mississippi truck stop. She instructs him to take what he needs and leave what he doesn't.

Morgan looks for supplies and takes a walkie-talkie from a shelf. He maps out a route to Virginia. Morgan sits on a toilet at the truck stop bathroom. He hears the click of a shotgun as a man orders him to get out of the stall. Morgan opens the bathroom stall and sees a man in a wheelchair with a shotgun aimed at him. The man, whose name is Wendell, asks Morgan what's in his bag.

Back in the mini-mart, Morgan explains to Wendell that a woman on the radio instructed him to take whatever supplies he needed. Sarah Rabinowitz, Wendell's adoptive sister, joins them in the store. Sarah shows Morgan several trucks filled with supplies and explains that she and Wendell delivered supplies before the fall and kept it up. Morgan explains that he's on his way to a community in Virginia that is trying to rebuild. Wendell tells Morgan that they are 400 miles from Morgan's original location. Morgan worries about the friends he left behind and vows to find them.

Wendall insists he saved Morgan from the hurricane and got him 40 miles closer to the hurricane. They insist Morgan's people from Texas are gone. As Morgan heads off, they help him with directions. They do good because they have a code. "We got a code and we keepin' it alive," Wendall says. "You gotta help people when they need that help and then you gotta keep yo' truck movin'... Keep on truckin'."

Morgan packs supplies into a car to drive back to Texas. Wendell informs him of a bridge that likely remained intact during the storm. Morgan arrives at a fallen tree in the road, forcing him to abandon the car. Morgan passes a 154-mile marker. At the base of the mile marker is a box filled with supplies, accompanied by the familiar "take what you need" note.

Morgan starts to cross the bridge that Wendell mentioned. Morgan eventually hears voices and turns around, wrestling with the idea of whether or not he should continue and which way to go. He radios back to Sarah and asks if they really know which roads are clear. He lies and says the bridge is out, heading back to them instead of Texas.

Morgan contacts Sarah and Wendell upon returning to the truck stop. Sarah gives him a meet-up location. On his way to the meeting spot, Morgan rescues a man, Jim, who is fleeing from walkers with a hood on his head. Jim explains that some people had kidnapped him for his beer recipes.

Back on the road, Jim tells Morgan that he brews beer and intends to keep brewing beer once the world is rebuilt. Morgan invites Jim to join his community in Virginia, which Jim happily accepts. Morgan arrives at the meeting spot and radios Sarah. Jim recognizes Sarah as his kidnapper and tries to flee, but Wendell appears and holds them at gunpoint.

Morgan and Jim sit in the back of the truck with their hands tied. Sarah explains that they captured the driver while he was leaving boxes at mile markers, then abandoned him on the side of the road. They ask for the location of Morgan's community in Virginia, but Morgan remains silent. Wendell and Sarah decide to start driving in the hopes Morgan will change his mind en route. On the road, Jim begs Morgan to share the location of his community so that he can start making beer again. Morgan refuses. The truck comes to a crashing halt.

Sarah informs Morgan and Jim that their load is too heavy to navigate the cracked asphalt. Sarah unloads supplies from the back of the truck and cuts Jim's bonds after he negotiates a deal. Sarah orders them back in the truck when a herd appears. Jim accidentally knocks Morgan into the herd's path. Morgan jumps on top of a car. The herd immediately swarm him. Sarah offers to help if he discloses the location of his community. Once he gives her the directions, however, she abandons him. She also reveals that she knows the bridge was not out.

Morgan remains on top of the car hands tied behind his back. radios Sarah and implores her to return so that he can help his friends in Texas. He gets no response. He leaps over the heads of the walkers, grabs a knife from a supply box and cuts himself free. He kills the walkers with the knife and a mile-marker pole.

Morgan walks along the road and runs into Sarah and Wendell in the truck. They confront him about providing false directions. Morgan agrees to take them to his community if they pick up his friends in Texas, while making some stops along the way to leave some boxes full of provisions as the original truck owner was doing. Morgan, Sarah, Wendell and Jim drive towards Texas and deposit supply boxes at various mile markers. Morgan radios the Mississippi truck stop to alert the listener that they are returning the stolen truck.


Morgan is seen when Sarah and Wendell find a sign indicating they are 76 miles from Houston. He makes Sarah and Wendell stop the truck so he can radio his friends. Morgan uses the radio to tell everyone that he is coming with help, but no one answers. Later, Morgan hears June over the radio, so he walks off to try to find a better signal.

Morgan unknowingly comes across Martha, the woman that radioed him back in Mississippi, and tells her she can take what she needs from his box. She ominously warns Morgan to "be careful". He continues on, leaving her behind. Morgan climbs a water tower to communicate his location with a stronger signal, and Althea and June miraculously hear him. Their walkie dies but June says they have the gas to make it to his location. At their stop, Wendell tries to convince Morgan to hit the road.

At night, Sarah prepares to drive off until June and Althea drive up behind them. They finally reunite and Morgan tells June he still hasn't found the others. Morgan introduces Wendell, Sarah and Jim to June and Althea. Morgan offers them water from the "take what you need" box while June takes Morgan's walkie to radio the man from before.

At the truck, Morgan talks with Althea about her health. He still plans to go to Alexandria and she is welcome to join. She tells him that when she stays with people, she stays, but plans to leave once she gets her story. She asks about the guy whose truck this is. He doesn't know much other than the fact that they kept the roads clear, have power, and have water.


At night, Morgan and Althea are willing to help June find Quinn when she fails to contact him, but Sarah and the others are looking forward to moving on. When Martha radios June, telling her Quinn is dead, Morgan recognizes the voice and radios her. Martha asks, "Is that you, Morgan?" and then tells him she knows a lot about him. She warns him to stop leaving those boxes on the road because it will make him weak. "I know who you are, I know what you're really capable of," she says ominously.

On the road, Morgan buries a walker while Jim questions why. Morgan decides he wants to find the woman responsible. The next day, Morgan decides that they need to find the rest while Sarah and Jim question him on what the woman meant when she said she knew what he was capable of. He says he has things to make up for and to trust him or he'll take their truck. When they challenge him again, Morgan hits Sarah's knife out of her hand with a shovel, and they agree to follow him.

As the truck keeps making quick stops, Morgan plants more boxes to try to help people. Sarah and Jim question if they should keep leaving boxes on the side of the road knowing that it could get someone killed, but Morgan insists it's worth it. This time, he instructs people to radio him on VHF channel 4. June is hopeful John will see one of these. Morgan is confident they'll find him and everyone else.

On the road, Morgan and the rest pick up Luciana and continue on their way. Luciana gives Morgan Clayton's journals, which have locations on several stashes of supplies, and tells him that Clayton would be proud. Suddenly, they are contacted by Charlie and Alicia on the radio. Alicia tells them she found the channel from the box. Morgan tells her to wait at the mile marker and that they are gonna pick them, when suddenly, Martha radios both of them and warns Morgan of not taking her advice to stop leaving the boxes.

Morgan tells her he'll continue to find the people they're looking for until they find and help her. Sarah spots Althea's SWAT truck appear behind them. Panicked, Morgan radios Martha to ask what she's doing and she tells him, "You lose people... You lose yourself". Morgan tells the group to get down just as the woman pulls the truck beside them, opens the gun hatch and opens fire.

"MM 54"

Morgan and the others slowly recover after the gunfire stops. Morgan notices leaking fuel and says they need to get out of the truck immediately.

Morgan, Althea, June and Luciana get out of the truck. Althea goes after Martha with a knife, but falls back as Martha emerges from the back and releases a zombified Quinn onto June.

Wendell shoots Martha in the chest and Morgan puts down Quinn before June can get bitten, when suddenly, the truck explodes and attracts a herd from the woods. Morgan is devastated to lose the supplies. Martha smiles and drives off in the SWAT truck as the group flees.

Morgan and the others walk along the road with the herd in pursuit. June insists on checking everyone's injuries from the shootout. Morgan spots a sign for a hospital. Jim questions Morgan's leadership and refuses to go to the hospital with the group, but Morgan insists they won't ever get ahead of them. He changes his mind, however, when he sees the herd getting closer.

At the hospital, Morgan guards the entrance, which he's barricaded with furniture. June updates him on everyone's condition and assures Morgan that he made the right call in taking them to the hospital.

A while later, Jim thanks Morgan for saving him before when the walkers suddenly break through the barricade. They flee and Morgan alerts the rest of the group that the herd is inside the hospital. He suggests they head upstairs. Morgan leads the group onto a floor that is clear of walkers. They barricade the stairwell entrance. Morgan suggests they secure the other stairwells.

They find a stairway blocked off and filled with walkers. Morgan reports via walkie that a roof caved in on another stairwell. Luciana informs the group via walkie that the barricade won't hold much longer. Morgan suggests they take the elevator to the roof. Althea and Sarah look for generators to start up the elevator. Suddenly, some walkers attack Morgan and Jim. After some difficulty, Jim manages to kill a walker with a surgical tool.

Morgan and the rest flee from the doors. Everyone meets up at the elevators and they hop in as the walkers crowd the closing door. On the roof, Morgan sees that there are no walkers. He only sees a devastated and destroyed Austin.

June checks Jim's injuries and realizes he has been bitten on the back. Jim reels from the news. June asks Morgan what is next. He laughs, unsure of what to do next. She, however, is confident that he will figure it out.

"I Lose People..."

While the group is trapped on the roof, June assures Morgan that they'll find a way off somehow. Morgan asks Jim to help them rescue Althea, but he declines and blames Morgan for his predicament and pisses off the roof on the walkers.

Morgan and the group, except for Jim, venture back into the hospital to locate Althea. Instead, they find Althea's note telling them she's going to try to escape, along with instructions on protecting her tapes if she dies. Morgan leaves to find her while June and the rest stay behind.

Back on the roof, Morgan tells the rest that he'll find a way to distract the walkers below to let the rest escape and tells Jim they have work to do. Suddenly, Morgan is radioed by John to give him the all-clear on speaking freely on the walkies and June responds immediately. They're both elated to talk to one another. June gives him her location and he says they're on their way.

Morgan tosses a walker off the ledge an onto a car, attracting the walkers away from the hospital entrance. "Momo's a goddamn genius," Sarah beams as she and the rest escape into the ambulance. June radios Morgan to follow them, but he tells her to go without him and stays on the roof with Jim.

After a while, June radios Morgan again, this time she's with John and the others in the SWAT truck. Alicia and the others chime in on the radio, telling him they're going to save him. Morgan looks down and sees their plan: a fire truck.

Sarah operates the fire truck's crane but is short by a couple of stories. Morgan finds a rope, wraps it around a pipe, and lowers it down. He tells Jim to come with him but he says there's no point since he's going to die from the bite. Morgan tosses his stick down and gingerly begins climbing down the building. He makes it and is immediately attacked by a walker. John skillfully shoots the walker from below and Morgan successfully jumps onto the firetruck's crane. As he's lowered down he nods one last time to Jim.

As the group gets surrounded by walkers, Jim decides to sacrifice himself to save them. Before he does, he radios Sarah the recipe for his beer. She writes it down, Jim takes a deep breath, and throws himself off the ledge and onto a car, attracting the walkers away from the fire truck.

On the road, Sarah decides they should name the beer "Jimbo's Beerbos" in his memory. Morgan proposes they find Althea and then travel to Alexandria together.

"... I Lose Myself"

After the group finds Althea, Morgan watches a tape of Martha on her camera. In the video, Martha tells Morgan that she's disappointed in him and vows to make him strong when she sees him again.

At night, the group sits around a campfire and Morgan describes his plan to pick up more boxes at the truck stop to distribute them en route to Alexandria. Later, John confronts Morgan about still wanting to save Martha and tells him to move on, "I understand her... I used to be her," Morgan counters before handing John a map to Alexandria and promising to meet them there.

John tells Morgan they will wait for him at the truck stop and come looking for him after two days. Morgan heads out on his own and radios Martha to meet up. She tells him she's at Mile Marker 54.

The next day, Morgan arrives at Mile Marker 54. He finds a zombified Jim inside a police car and puts him down. He sees Martha lying injured by her husband's grave and walks up to her, insisting on helping. "Not yet," she snarls. Morgan drags her into the police car and starts driving.

On the road, Martha bangs her feet in protest. Morgan offers medicine, but she refuses. Morgan tells John via walkie that he is bringing Martha back to the truck stop, but loses contact.

After a while, Martha tells Morgan about her husband Hank and how she was unable to help him. Suddenly, June radios Morgan to tell him they're all getting sick and to rush back. Martha asks Morgan for the medicine. As Morgan hands it to her, she grabs his arm and attacks him, causing them to crash. She pulls him out of the car and marks, "I lose people... I lose myself" in sharpie on his face. Morgan wakes up with a leg injury and Martha reveals she has been bitten a while ago and taunts him, saying he must either kill her or she will kill him.

June radios Morgan and tells him that Martha poisoned the water. Martha confesses to putting anti-freeze in the water and tells Morgan all his friends will die. Morgan suddenly loses it and starts choking her in anger before seeing himself in the mirror and stop. He handcuffs Martha to the car, so she won't kill anyone else after she turns, and hobbles away.

After walking for a while, Morgan finds an abandoned car on the road and drives off. However, he keeps walking after his car runs out of gas.

Morgan tries the radio again and finally is able to communicate with Al. Morgan tells them it's anti-freeze. June tells them the antidote is ethanol and the group hatches a plan to get it from one of the trucks outside.

After the plan fails, June updates Morgan on their problem and he tells them he can't lose them. John encourages him and says he's strong with or without them. The radio dies as a group of walkers approach him. Morgan injures himself taking them out and lays on the ground feeling defeated.

Back on the truck stop, Althea makes a tape of herself and says that whoever finds the tapes to keep them safe. Suddenly, Morgan shows up and reveals that he brought a truck of Jim's Augie's Ale, saving the day. The group drinks the beer and suddenly regain their strength. In the bathroom, Morgan takes a hard look at himself before wiping the marker on his forehead away.

Later, Morgan brings the group back to the place he left Martha. He finds her severed arm attached to the police car and sees her turned, walking on the road. He stabs her in the head and then buries her.

Wendell asks if they're still going to Alexandria and Morgan says he's no longer going there. He says that Martha became the person she was because nobody helped her when she needed it and that more people need help.

The group arrives at Clayton's supply factory and Morgan says they should follow his path and help others. Alicia says it can't just be about boxes, they need to build something like Madison would want. Althea suggests they can start with the people she interviewed.

Shortly after, Morgan and the group mobilizes a convoy of vehicles outside the factory. They load up on ammo and head out. Morgan gets on his walkie and broadcasts that they are coming to help anyone who might be in need.

Season 5[]


Four months after using the denim factory as a headquarters to distribute the supply boxes, Morgan and the group have had poor luck in finding or recruiting other survivors, with many of the people interviewed on Althea's tapes dead or missing.

"Here to Help"

Morgan and the group flies on a plane after hearing a message on radio from someone named Logan. However, the plane crashes in the middle of the woods on an unknown territory. Inside the plane, Morgan wakes up strapped into his seat and wrestles with a walker. John helps him and leaves to find June.

Morgan meets Dylan and Max and tells them they got there after hearing a message on radio from someone named Logan and asks Dylan to help him save Luciana, who's pinned by a pole, while he kills walkers outside. Outside, Morgan stops Alicia from killing walkers and says she needs to treat her hands, which are severely cut. Suddenly, he gets a radio message from Logan and tells him they're on their way. He then helps Alicia kills walkers around the crash site to give the rest more time to free Luciana. Then they place her on a stretcher and Althea hands Alicia her weapon.

Alicia takes the lead but a truck rushes in with Annie driving. Max says it's their sister so they all pack in the van and leave. On the road, Annie says walkers are the least of their problems. "You have no idea where you landed, do you?" She asks them mysteriously and says she stays away from this area but got stuck there recently. Morgan says they're trying to help a man they met on the radio named Logan, who claims his place got surrounded. Annie stops the van and says the place is worse than it seems.

They arrive at a gate comprised of walkers chained together with their own intestines. The tree above them has walker heads hanging from the branches. Annie says they're all over the area and she refuses to drive through. Morgan says they'll walk and Annie reminds him he doesn't even know this guy, but Morgan still wants to try. Annie warns he better be worth it as Alicia cuts down the fence and they ride on through.

Later, the group arrives at a truck stop to look for Logan but find the place empty. They carry Luciana inside as John and Al inspect the place. Morgan tries to reach Logan on the radio to no avail. Alicia reports that no one's here and that something must be up. Annie gets spooked and tells her brothers they need to leave now. Alicia tries to calm them down but Max points his rifle at her and warns them to leave soon. The kids leave as June pulls the pole out of Luciana's shoulder.

A while later, Morgan gets a radio call from Logan. He says he is the "L" in "C&L" which is the logo on all of the trucking equipment. He admits he never shared Clayton's world view and he made them fly to the furthest truck stop he knew of so they could take over without a fight. Alicia reminds him they crashed a plane to help him and Logan says he is just trying to reclaim what's his instead of hurting them. He cuts off communication and walks away.

That night, Al tells Morgan they need to return to the plane to investigate something and he promises they will go in the morning. Outside, Alicia kills walkers to get out her frustration until Morgan stops her. She reminds him they could have died today and that Luciana almost did. "We can't make up for the past if we're dead," she says before telling him her mother did so much to make sure they were still standing. Morgan promises he’s not done helping people and will try to find the kids again. "The things that we have done, the things that I have done, it should be hard. Maybe that's how we know we're on the right track," he says. Alicia claims that it shouldn't be that hard, leaving him in thought.

Sometime later, Morgan receives a radio call from Althea. She tells him she couldn't wait and went back to the crash site to investigate. She tells him there's a story here until the message is cut off.

"The Hurt That Will Happen"

Morgan, Alicia, and John return to the crash site to discover all their weapons and supplies are missing. Morgan finds a sign that someone took Althea and their equipment. The three of them split up and search for her, with Morgan cautioning Alicia not to blame herself.

In the woods, Alicia is blaming herself for Althea being missing but Morgan is optimistic. They come across a truck that is stocked and had been running recently. They split up and Morgan comes across a couple of walkers clawing at a birdcage. He takes one out but then get his ankles tied up. Grace, a woman with a hazmat suit, holds him at gunpoint and demands he take his clothes off. Suddenly, Alicia jumps her, takes off her mask, and asks where Al is. Grace explains a power plant melted down last year and that Morgan needs to be decontaminated after killing a walker that was affected by it.

Morgan takes a shower by her truck and Grace suggests he take his wedding ring off to scrub under it, which makes him uneasy. Grace tells Alicia she hasn't seen Al but agrees to help after dealing with the walker's body and checking out the dead walkers at the crash site for more radioactive ones. Alicia accepts but insists on keeping her gun and passes on Grace's warning to John and June

A while later, at the crash site, Grace confirms with a Geiger counter that the deceased walkers are all clean and becomes concerned upon seeing that the plane crash knocked down her fence as she has no bird traps in that area and the fence was the only thing keeping the radioactive walkers from crossing the eastern border. She insists on searching the area and fixing her fence while Alicia thinks they are only wasting time while Al is still alive and could need their help. The approach of a small herd interrupts their argument and Grace spots a dosimeter on one walker. Morgan helps Grace suit up as Alicia take out the walkers one by one, though the dosimeter is lost when the walkers fall in mud. As Alicia struggles with a walker, Grace uses her Geiger counter to identify the radioactive walker, shooting him after finding the right one.

That night, Grace criticizes Alicia's actions. She explains how she was once the plant's operations manager and turned it into a safe haven for the workers and their families when the outbreak happened. Grace expresses remorse and guilt over the deaths of her friends in the meltdown, blaming herself for their loss. She tells Morgan that there are 63 radioactive walkers left and she has to take care of them now as she couldn't before. After learning from John and June that they have found more of the radioactive walkers, the group heads to Camp Cackleberry where Grace puts down the reanimated residents who had become exposed by the dead walkers.

Later, Alicia laments to Morgan that she hasn't helped or found anyone and Morgan tells her about a time he was also stuck. He promises there's a way out of her hopelessness, she just needs to find it. Alicia asks what the way out leads to. "The way out is opening the door to people, to possibility, to the hurt that will happen. That's what I did. I found the way and then I opened the door and then my life started all over again. Yours will, too". Alicia listens thoughtfully.

Afterward, Grace prepares to leave in her truck to dispose of the remains when Morgan tells her they'll help her find the rest of her friends but she declines, revealing that she has been exposed to the radiation and has limited time to live and does not want to risk anyone else's lives. Morgan reminds her they'll always be on the other side of the walkie if she needs them and Grace requests they contact her if they find any more of her people.

At the truck stop, Morgan and the group arrives and awakens Luciana, who is still drugged and scared that the dead are waiting. Outside, they find the heads hanging from a billboard.

"Humbug's Gulch"

Morgan and the group kill several walkers barriers on different roadblocks in an attempt to find Althea as they cross off circles on a map, forming a perimeter. He is now wielding a long pipe due to losing his staff.

On the road, Morgan radios Alicia to check on her but is told that she no longer wants to kill walkers but wants to find the kids to help them. Later, he catches up with them and encourages them to keep trying to contact the kids. Alicia radios them again and tells them about losing her mother and how she relates to them. They don't receive a response, so they head out.

That night, Morgan, Alicia, and Luciana arrive at Humbug Gulch town. Dwight walks up and calls out to him. They are shocked to see each other and Morgan explains to the group that they come from the same place. Dwight explains his mission and tries apologizing for what happened with the Saviors, but Morgan assures him they can talk later. "We're trying to start over," he explains. Alicia asks Dwight about the walker barricades, so Dwight takes them to one.

On a roadblock, Morgan and the group are about to take it down when Max radios Alicia and says they're headed to the truck stop. On the way, they find a van stalled on the road. Inside, they find a bloody Dylan crying in the backseat. Alicia tries calming him and asks where Max and Annie are, but he won't answer.


At the gas station, Morgan tries radioing June, John, and Dwight and then says they must be out of range as they search for Sherry. Dylan lies and tells him and the others about a group who created the walker barricades and where their camp is. Morgan and Alicia head out to investigate while Luciana stays behind to fix the long-range antenna with Dylan's help.

In the woods, Morgan and Alicia don't find the camp Dylan told them about so they radio Luciana. However, Dylan grabs the walkie and tells them to go to the old utility road. He explains his siblings aren’t dead but they need help and that he lied about everything, angering them.

A while later, Morgan and Alicia save Annie and Max from walkers and offer to help. Suddenly, a group of kids armed with assault rifles surround them. "It's not just us," Annie says. Dylan then radios her and tells her that Morgan and Alicia are friendly. Max convinces her to tell the group to put down their weapons and agrees to help them find Al, but states that they were telling the truth about being unable to leave. Morgan quickly realizes that the kids are the children of the people they found at Camp Cackleberry and offers his condolences.

Afterward, Morgan tells Alicia about losing his family as they follow Annie, Max, and the kids towards where they saw the CRM people. Suddenly, a helicopter flies overhead. "Those people, they came in that," Annie explains and suggests that they are leaving as they got what they came for, while Morgan and Alicia look on stunned as the helicopter flies away.

"The End of Everything"

Morgan and Alicia are contacted by Althea on the walkie and head off to reunite with her. A while later, they find her in the woods and they embrace her. Morgan asks what happened to her and what she meant with the mysterious walkers having a story.

Althea lies and says she got attacked by walkers and the camera played a trick on her. Suddenly, the kids walk up and Morgan says he'll explain on the way. Before they leave, Al reveals her last name is Szewczyk-Przygocki, and she thought they should know that. They smile and walk off together.

"The Little Prince"

Morgan and the group arrive at the truck stop with several parts of their plane. He makes a plea to the kids for them to stay together and to help them re-assemble the plane so they can leave the area together. "We can because we've done the impossible before," he says. Luciana reveals they will fly across the mountains together. Dylan steps up and agrees.

Morgan then radios Grace to update her on their plan and convince her to join them in their effort to go home, but Grace doesn't answer him. A while later, Morgan tries out broomsticks to be his new staff when Alicia catches him and asks him to help her with the landing gear. Outside, Althea gets one of the plane's propeller blades working until it explodes. A walker approaches and Morgan kills it with his new staff. Suddenly, Grace radios Morgan and tells him to prepare his generator for transport. She explains that the plant's second reactor is in danger of melting down and she needs the generator to help buy them time to escape though she doesn't believe that she can stop the meltdown permanently.

On the road, Morgan helps Grace transport the generator to one of the roadblocks and they clear it together. Morgan then finds his plastic-wrapped staff in the back of her truck and tells her how the man who gave it to him made him realize there’s more beyond death. Grace then reveals she tricked him into getting out of the truck as she is unwilling to risk his life to delay the meltdown and drives off alone into the radiation zone, leaving Morgan behind at the roadblock.

Morgan starts to walk back to the truck stop, when he hears Strand's message that he and Charlie are coming with the propellers in Jim's beer-themed hot air balloon. He radios Alicia and tells her to make Annie and the kids see the hot air balloon, but she discovers that they ran off. Morgan then tells her to go find them. Suddenly, the balloon runs out of fuel and crashes in a field in the radioactive zone caused by the power plant meltdown. Morgan warns Strand and Charlie against killing any walkers as they could become contaminated themselves and heads out into the radiation zone to their rescue.

"Still Standing"

Morgan radios Grace and explains the situation regarding Strand and Charlie. She is willing to help but can't leave until the generator is running and instead gives him directions to a place that might have a vehicle. A while later, Morgan arrives at the house and checks it out. He then finds a hazmat suit and some pictures of Grace. Alicia radios him to tell him she found the kids but won't be able to get them back for the flight. Morgan looks out the window at a walker and sees himself in the reflection, telling Alicia they're going to get everyone out and do what they came to do.

Sometime later, Morgan arrives at the crash site in a truck and wearing the hazmat suit. He kills the walkers and reunites with Strand and Charlie. He then radios Grace to tell her they got the truck and she informs them the generator broke and they have a day before the meltdown. She promises to try and fix it to give them more time. Morgan decides he needs to rescue Grace, so he tells Strand and Charlie to get the truck and he'll meet them at the truck stop later.

Morgan arrives at the plant and finds Grace working on the generator. He insists on helping, claiming she isn't dead yet and they leave. At night, Morgan tells Grace he saved her because of Eastman and describes him as a man who helped him when he was stuck. "He taught me that all life is precious," Morgan says. Grace explains that they both believe other people's lives are more important than their own, leaving him in thought.

A while later, Morgan manages to communicate with Alicia over the radio. He asks if she's okay and she lies but says she's being followed by a herd of walkers. Morgan commends her on getting the kids back, making her happy. He then tells her that in trying to make up for the lives they took, they lost their way to live for themselves and they're going to find a way to do that too. Suddenly, the alarms at the power plant start sounding as he and Grace look at each other worried.

"Is Anybody Out There?"

In a flashback, Morgan takes turns with the rest of the group on the radio trying to reach out to strangers who might need help. After days of no response, Alicia tells Morgan that maybe they can help people in another way. As they leave the room, a man named Logan contacts them, claiming he needs help.

On the road, Morgan watches the herd approaching as Alicia takes a shower off of Grace's truck. As the nuclear plant sirens continue to ring, he radios Luciana to tell her they'll try to lead them away as they prepare the plane and runway. A while later, Alicia tells Morgan she's sorry she couldn't kill any more of them, but he tells her she shouldn't be sorry and promises to teach her aikido. Grace then stops the truck as the walkers pass by and head towards the siren. Suddenly, the siren stops, and the nuclear plant explodes. The walkers then turn to their truck as Grace tries to drive away. She hits a car on the barricade and gets stuck, forcing them to run away.

Morgan, Alicia, and Grace run to the plane's airfield with the walkers close behind. He radios Luciana to tell everyone to get ready to fly but she says John and Dwight aren't here yet, so Morgan asks them to help him fight the walkers. He and the group then start walking backwards to the plane as the walkers close in. June tells Morgan she made John a promise and they have to get on the plane. Morgan and the group makes a run for the plane as John and Dwight drive their way past the walkers in Sherry's van. Everyone makes it on the plane safely as a wall of smoke from the reactor fills the runway. Strand and Al steer through it and make it into the open air.

In the air, Grace breaks Morgan's stick in half and throws the contaminated half out of the plane. Morgan thanks her but doesn't look pleased. He then watches happily as John proposes to June and she accepts. That night, the plane roars toward the dark runway as Wendell fixes the lights at the last second, allowing the plane to finally land.

Morgan embraces Sarah and introduces her to Grace. He then meets Daniel as everyone else gets introduced. Suddenly, a woman contacts Morgan on the radio, asking if that was his plane flying overhead. She's seen his boxes and wants his help. The communication cuts out as Logan interrupts the signal and says they need to chat. He pulls up in an old truck as everyone focuses their guns on him.

Logan tells Morgan and the group the gasoline is going bad and that Clayton wrote down an oil rig location. He says if they hand over his journal he'll help them find it. They're skeptical, but he makes the case they won't be able to help anyone without it and suggests they should find it first before his former crew.

"Channel 4"

Sometime later, Morgan and the group formed a convoy to travel throughout Texas to help others and invite them to join their community, while establishing additional outposts to recruit the survivors reaching out to them over the radio. He has also been teaching Alicia with aikido.

In an interview by Althea, Morgan explains the beginning of their mission is because someone was trying to help him. Al presses him on why he says they all need to start living. "I guess sometimes it's easier to see what other people need help with," he says.

Morgan is then radioed by Luciana to a house to help someone named Tess. She tells them she's waiting for her husband to return with her son's asthma medication but won't come outside because of the landmines. Morgan tells Tess they're recording the experience so they can prove to future survivors that they're legit. Tess explains she hasn't left the house since the onset of the apocalypse and Morgan promises to stay there until her husband returns.

As time passes, more walkers break through the fence and get immediately blown up by the landmines. June then radios Morgan and the group to reveal that Tess's husband died. When Morgan hears the son cry out from the house, he sprints through the yard to get him. However, he freezes inches away from the porch after Al spots a landmine next to his foot. John and Luciana join him as Alicia, Strand, and June arrive with the inhaler.

Morgan radios Tess that they have the inhaler but she has to come outside to get it. He then breaks the news that her husband is dead and she needs to come get the medicine. She tearfully asserts her husband is still out there. Al instructs Morgan on how to navigate the mine he's standing on. He digs around it as John hands him a screwdriver to get to the fuse. Al admits it's a 50/50 chance she's right.

Morgan prepares to pull the firing pin until Tess radios them to stop. She finally emerges from her house and admits her husband isn't coming back. She hands him a clothespin to use as Morgan tells the others to back up. He successfully takes his foot off of the mine and once out of range, it explodes. Morgan returns to give Tess and her son the inhaler. Tess is emotional as Morgan comforts her over the loss of her husband. He reflects on his family to Althea, opening up about how difficult it can be to say goodbye.

That night, Morgan and the caravan dine together. He asks Alicia if she wants to practice tomorrow but she has found a new purpose. Al then asks the group what each want, with Morgan confessing he finally wants to find a way to say goodbye to his wife and son. The tape concludes with everyone pleading with future survivors to help others.

"210 Words Per Minute"

Morgan, Dwight, and Grace go on a mission to find a man named Charles (nickname Chuck), who has been bitten, inside a mall and to put him down. At the entrance, Dwight cuts down a walker with his ax and leads Morgan and Grace inside. In an office, Morgan and Grace find an iPod with a note from Chuck promising his favorite songs. They also find a chair where he tied himself up until he turned and a herd of walkers on the ground level. Suddenly, Grace passes out and Morgan tells Dwight to find a first aid kit.

Morgan laids Grace upon a mattress and eventually wakes her up. Dwight enters with the update from Daniel. Morgan instructs Dwight to return to the caravan to bring trucks so they can load up while Grace decides she'll stay behind and help. Outside the mall, Dwight gives Morgan a package of water bottles to bring into the mall before he heads out. He reminds Morgan what it's like to be on the other side of taking people's stuff and asks how he thinks this will end for them. Morgan hopes Logan will recognize the good they're doing, but Dwight knows this morality won't be enough.

Morgan goes back inside and stops Grace from going to the ground level to find Chuck on her own. However, Grace admits she wanted to get to the urgent care downstairs to know if she really had radiation poisoning. She asks Morgan to help her get to the generator and she'll do the rest and he agrees.

Morgan uses a toy car to draw away the walkers while he and Grace try to get to the generator. As they make their way down, Grace walks toward a walker she believes to be Chuck but gets the whole herd to chase her, forcing them to lock themselves in a store. Morgan assures her Dwight will rescue them tomorrow. After a while, Morgan and Grace bond over her past and she reiterates how scared she is about the radiation. When she prompts Morgan to talk about his son, he refuses. Suddenly, the walkers begin cracking the glass on the door and they're forced to move.

While traversing the dark corridors of the mall, Morgan explains to Grace that Duane was six when he got him a remote control car. "He made me smile. He did. See, I've always been a kind of serious guy except with them. That's how I knew it was right," Morgan explains while also admitting he found himself smiling on his first date with his wife. He then asks Grace if she has someone, but she admits she never wanted a relationship out of fear.

They get the generator working and the power comes on in the mall. They lift the gate on the clinic, which causes the alarm to sound and a new horde of walkers to chase them. Morgan gets attacked by a walker on an escalator and Grace saves him. The herd starts making its way up the stairs and they are also surrounded from the sides. Grace finds a way to send the escalator back down. They break into the security room and finally turn off the alarm. Grace grabs the keys as Morgan notices Chuck on one of the monitors, still alive.

Morgan and Grace find Chuck on the roof and he tells them he still wants to be buried under the stars, despite it being a cloudy night. Grace takes out a kids toy which projects stars on an overhang, which he appreciates crying in joy. The next day, Morgan and Grace bury Chuck outside the mall and put a stuffed turtle on top of him. They make it to the urgent care, where Grace decides she no longer wants to go inside because she doesn't want to find out when she is going to die. They hang out at the mall and ride the carousel.

Later, the rest of the group arrives. Daniel asks Morgan if there is any Cinnabon roll but gets disappointed. Dwight updates them on his run-in and suggests they should be more careful. Tess then mentions they could settle in at a ranch they passed on the road. They agree and the group begins loading the mall supplies into their trucks.

Morgan tells Grace he's not going with her because he has to help Al. They separately shed tears as he drives off.

"You're Still Here"

Morgan and Althea get attacked by walkers in a bank. After killing them, Al opens the vault thanks to an old interview she conducted with the manager. Inside, Morgan stabs another walker while Al locks her tapes in the safety deposit boxes to preserve them.

A while later, Morgan and Al run into Logan and his crew on the road. Morgan explains they're trying to help their friends but Logan says he won't move until they divulge the location of the oil fields. Morgan tells Logan he can help them but he declines. As they leave, Logan taunts to Morgan that helping other people won't make him feel better about not helping his wife and son. Morgan tackles him into the truck and holds his stick to his neck but Al stops him. Logan warns if he doesn't want people in his business then he shouldn't record it. Morgan backs off and leaves with Al.

Al then radios Alicia to update her on the roadblock. She apologizes to Morgan for keeping his family's story on the tapes. He reminds her he did it to prove to others they can trust them. Al calls bullshit and says what they do defines them, not their pasts. Alicia radios her to say they found the truck crashed into a fence and the man re-animated as a walker. Later, Morgan and Al reunite with Alicia and Strand and bury the man on the side of the road.

Morgan then looks as Alicia paints a tree and writes "No one's gone until they're gone" on it. He admires it and Al says she'd like to hear more about his wife and son. Morgan smiles and agrees.

"Today and Tomorrow"

Morgan watches tapes of himself discussing how he met his wife and how much he loves his son. He tells Althea they should drop off more boxes before returning to the convoy. She reluctantly agrees and notices one of her gas cans missing. They quickly find a man filling up a car. He takes out a knife and begs them to leave. Suddenly, four horsemen arrive and the three of them are forced to hide in the van. The horsemen nearly discover them but luckily get distracted and leave.

Afterward, Morgan listens as Al interviews the man they met. He introduces himself as Tom and explains the horsemen offered to help his community but later tried to kill him when they decided they didn't need him anymore. He explains his sister Janis is still stuck in the Paradise Ridge apartments and they have to find her. Al promises to help him out.

In the night, Morgan asks Al if she really wants to save Janis or if she just wants the story. She tells him it's not just about the story and suggests she needs something else in there. Later that night, Morgan catches up with Al and warns her again not to go in alone. He prods her more about what's really going on and she dishes it back.

At the apartment complex, Morgan and Althea sneak in while a guard comes outside to kill a walker. They are caught off guard when a truck and some horses pull in. They recognize the tanker truck as their own. Althea reveals that she heard about the "tomorrow" motto from another person. Morgan encourages Althea to look for her person while he investigates their truck.

Morgan breaks into a house to search for Janis. When he opens a closet door, a walker attacks him but he throws it off a balcony. He then radios Al to warn her but she is attacked and tackled into a swimming pool. Morgan jumps in after her and stabs the walker in the head. They swim to the surface as the generator lights pop on and Virginia and her pioneers compliment them on making a hell of an entrance.

The next morning, Morgan and Al remain holed up in an apartment. Virginia enters and introduces herself, explaining she watched their tapes. Morgan asks about Janis and Virginia explains she took off shortly after Tom. She also assures them their friends are fine, except for Logan. Virginia tells Morgan he should speak to a psychologist on her community about losing his family. Al cuts in and asks if one of her settlements has helicopters, but Virginia asks where she got that crazy idea. Afterward, Virginia escorts them to the gate and hands Morgan a hand-crafted staff as a gift. She reminds them they can always join her group but they ignore her and walk away.

On the road, Tom apologizes to Morgan and Al for getting them into trouble for nothing, but they assure him they'll keep looking for his sister. Later, Al tells Morgan she cares about Isabelle and was hoping she would be connected to Virginia's group. Morgan tells her he doesn't think he needs to do tapes on his past anymore, signalling he might be finally moving on. He then radios Grace and says they need to talk. Daniel picks up and says she has become terribly ill. She tells Morgan she hopes to see him again but doesn't think there's much time left. Morgan is left worried as Daniel gives him their location. He and Al then set off to reunite with them.

"Channel 5"

Morgan, Althea, and Tom finish watching Virginia's tape where she explains how her group operates and Al slams the TV onto the ground in anger. Back in the caravan, Morgan and the group prepare another documentary. He tends to Grace, who is dehydrated and having trouble keeping food down, and admits he hasn't told her what he planned on.

At night, Morgan and the group camp as Dwight kills a walker from one of the original western towns and John suggests that could be the settlement they've been searching for. Suddenly, Charlie calls out for June to run over and help Grace, who has passed out. June uses an ultrasound on Grace but admits her medical knowledge is not that advanced. After Grace wakes up, she asks Morgan what's up and he again deflects. Later on, he grows worried and decides the group should leave in the morning.

Later, the convoy stops their truck because they realize its too heavy to make it across a bridge. The wires start to snap so Morgan instructs everyone to cross the bridge without the cars. Suddenly, Virginia drives up and offers to help, explaining she's been following them and can't believe they used extra resources to help Grace. She turns to Dwight and tells him that one of her people broke bread with Sherry a couple of months ago and that he should trust her since he didn't reveal Sherry's name in their tape. Dwight points his gun at her but Morgan talks him down.

Virginia insists what she is doing will keep more people alive and tells Morgan's group they can join her if they want, but no one steps forward. Strand mocks her, which leads Virginia to get her people to shoot their guns in the air so a nearby herd finds them. She reminds them to give her a holler and drives away. Everyone works hastily to move the resources across the bridge while Morgan, Strand, and Al handle the walkers. When more arrive, Morgan is forced to move everyone across. Tom trips while recording as the truck falls through the bridge. He laughs at his good fortune until the bridge under him collapses too.

Later, Morgan comforts Al as she edits the footage until the batteries die. On the side of the road, he tells the group they should continue and Janis says it's what Tom would have wanted. They ditch their trucks and make the journey on foot. On their walk, Morgan suggests to John that he should make his wedding a big deal to give the group hope. John agrees and asks Morgan to be his best man. A while later, Daniel encourages Morgan to say things he has to say because no one knows how long they have left in this world. Morgan looks at Grace but continues his walk.

Sometime later, the group finds a billboard for the Gulch. Morgan catches up with Grace and nearly confesses his feelings but she stops him. "I don't want to make things harder," she says. Later on, they arrive at the gulch but see that it is completely overrun with walkers. The group debates their next move. Strand calls upon Althea to do something but she doesn't want to let Virginia look good so she shuts down the cameras. When they are out of options, Morgan decides to call Virginia but Dwight decides to leave the group and travel on his own. As he leaves, Morgan apologizes to Janis and then radios Virginia for help.

"End of the Line"

Morgan talks with Virginia over the radio as he looks at the rest of the convoy. Virginia says she is happy to hear from him and reveals she knew about the site because she tried to help the residents but they rejected her and got killed. She suggests she'll split them up in her settlements instead and Morgan agrees to let her help them. He then apologizes to everyone and then checks on Grace. She tells him she told a man from the plant how she felt right before he died, and that's why she didn't want Morgan to do the same. She then suggests she'll kill herself when Virginia arrives because she knows she'll have no use for her. "I won't let that happen," Morgan tells her.

Suddenly, Dwight arrives with some horses and explains if they're alive then there must be water nearby. They argue over whether to stay or not and eventually decide to stay, where they'll deal with the walkers and Virginia. Morgan, Strand, Dwight, John, June, Grace, and Daniel break open the fence and use the horses to lead the massive herd to ambush Virginia and take their supplies while the rest of their group moves into the gulch.

On the road, Dwight quickly gets surrounded by walkers and is forced to jump off his horse as the walkers devour it. Dwight runs off but Morgan follows him and eventually catches up. The rest of the group leads the herd into the river while Morgan and Dwight hide in the bushes. The group then returns to the Gulch, where Al shows them the bodies of the people Virginia killed. She insists that they will die fighting Virginia, but Alicia wants to fight back. Morgan just wants to make sure everybody survives and reminds them despite their failures they still made a difference in the world, and they should keep living their lives.

Later, Morgan attends John and June's wedding in the chapel. He smiles during the ceremony and at Grace singing. Suddenly, Virginia and her pioneers arrive in a SWAT truck-leading caravan. Morgan asks her to take care of his people and not sacrifice any of them. She reluctantly agrees. That night, the group gets separated and driven away into different settlements. Morgan confesses his feelings to Grace before Virginia shows up and sends her away. Grace tells Morgan she feels the same about him as she's driven off with a doctor, leaving them alone.

Virginia pulls out a revolver and tells Morgan he's staying. "You don't have to do this," Morgan says before swinging his stick at her. He connects with her face but gets shot through the chest in the process. Virginia tosses his staff as he crawls back towards the church. She points the gun at him again only to fire a blank. Virginia then gets a call from the doctor informing her Grace isn't sick, she's just pregnant and malnourished. Morgan tells her she was wrong to say they didn't have a future. She says she hopes he dies before jumping into her jeep and driving away.

Morgan is left on the porch of the church. He calls out over the radio to encourage everyone to continue living their lives. "Live. All of you. If you can hear me, just live." He then passes out as walkers close in on him.

Season 6[]

"The End Is the Beginning"

Morgan wakes up, but his eyes are bloodshot red. He's in a limo and walkers are passing by. Just as he starts to notice his surroundings, the window is shot out by Virginia's riders as they pass through. They don't see Morgan in the car. He gets out, struggling to move. His arm is bandaged and his beard has grown. A walker approaches him and stops but doesn't seem to care about him. After it passes, Morgan announces his presence so that the walker comes back and he tries to kill it with his stick. Morgan climbs up into an old water tower that has a rope there to haul supplies. Morgan has been away long enough to make this water tower his own sanctuary with mattresses and supplies, including medicine. He scribbles some coordinates on his bag and heads into town, limping along.

He checks the inside of a police car and finds a gun, but the clip is empty. He looks up and sees a baby crib in a shop window. There's a little mobile hanging over it, and he is reminded about Grace and her baby. As walkers approach, he stumbles and lands away from his bag, but the dead continue to disregard him. Someone comes along and kills them, and he almost kills Morgan but he immediately stops him. The man says he's never seen walkers turn away from a meal. When he spots Morgan's wound, he asks an interesting question: "How long has it smelled like that?". Morgan isn't interested in his help because he says the man is in danger if he gets too close. He notices Morgan's wound is infected. It's gangrene. He offers Morgan some pickle chips and says his name is Isaac. Morgan is afraid of getting to know him because he has lost so many people. Isaac is more interested in why the dead ignored him. They're interrupted when Rufus and Emile wander through along with a few of the dead.

Emile calls out to Morgan, saying he has nothing to fear. He then chops off a walker head. Emile is scooping out walker guts when Isaac greets him. He sees that the walker didn't eat Morgan. He pulls out a drawing of Morgan and asks if he has seen him. Isaac asks why he wants to know, but Emile says it's part of the social contract that he answers him. Emile wonders if he knows Isaac, but Isaac would never forget someone with an axe like he has. Rufus is scratching at the door of the store where Morgan is hiding. Emile sees Isaac sweating and wants to go inside. The bloodhound charges inside and finds Morgan's scarf and blood, but Morgan is gone. Emile doesn't believe Isaac's story about getting tangled up in it when he fought off the walkers. Emile starts smashing things in the store, attracting walkers. He tells Emile that he better not be lying about Morgan being outside somewhere.

Isaac runs outside and fights off walkers. Morgan makes it back to his shelter and he wakes up to find Isaac trying to fish the bullet out of the wound. He tells Morgan he needs his help because his wife is 8 months pregnant and might need oxygen and support if the baby comes early. He needs a gun to fight them off. Morgan gives him the gun he found and Isaac loads his two bullets into it. The bullets won't get them far, but Morgan could walk them right past the dead. Morgan realizes that he never told his name to Isaac, who admits he'd seen Morgan's tapes at a truck stop. Morgan says he doesn't "do that" anymore, becoming defensive. He wants Isaac to go. Isaac aims the gun at Morgan and says he needs help and doesn't have any options. They're interrupted once again when Emile backs his truck into the water tower, knocking it over. When Morgan wakes up, he sees Emile approaching with Rufus and Isaac fighting off walkers. Emile is upset that Isaac lied to him. Emile says Morgan is already dead. Morgan aims the gun and shoots Emile, but just to wound him. They steal the truck and drive off, leaving Emile and Rufus behind.

Down the road, they come to a washed out road and Isaac says that they will have to take the long way. Morgan wants to go back because the tower is his big reason he keeps going. He says someone else stitched him up. He heard gunshots and passed out, and when he came to he was patched up with a message: "You don't know me but I heard your message. You need to do the same. You still have things left to do." Isaac realizes he was keeping the water tower for someone else but he points out that he will never be safe. He vows that the place they're going is safe and he will take care of Morgan's family if Morgan helps care for his. Morgan agrees and they set off on foot, together. Isaac asks who made the cut for the water tower. He knows names from the tapes, and he knows Grace as "pad that". When he asks if Virginia split them up, Morgan gets defensive again. He thinks Isaac is leading him into a trap, but Isaac explains he was one of Virginia's rangers. He only kept it a secret because he wanted Morgan to trust him. He saw the tapes and couldn't believe Morgan was giving away what Virginia was charging for. He and his wife ran away when she got pregnant. They found a place that is safe and he wants Morgan to be part of it, but the bullet needs to come out. He knows Morgan is leaving it in because he thinks he deserves it. Isaac leads Morgan to a dam.

They need to clear out the walkers, but first, he needs Morgan to get through with a backpack to give the supplies to his wife Rachel. Once they fortify the gate, no one is getting in. Isaac will go the long way, and hopefully he makes it before the baby arrives. Morgan gives him the gun and they part ways. When Morgan reaches the bottom of the ravine, the walkers pass him by, but the effort has worn him out and he collapses. When he makes too much noise, a walker goes after him but Isaac shoots it and urges Morgan to keep going. When they start swarming Isaac, he calls out to them, saying he's right there. He kills them as Isaac works to fight them off. There are a lot of walkers but they're both able to fight them off pretty well. Unfortunately, more walkers keep coming. Morgan gets back up and keeps going once Isaac is clear. Soon they're all dead and the entrance is secure. Morgan hands him the backpack and says it's better coming from Rachel's husband. As they walk through, Isaac explains that he used to fish in the lake with his grandfather. The lake is gone because the dam gave out. On a map, all you see is a lake so there is no way Virginia would ever find it. The lake had flooded an old town, and that's where Isaac and his wife are. They arrive to find Rachel in labor. She sees Morgan and smiles. They need to get ready for the baby.

That night, Morgan is standing watch when Isaac says it won't be much longer until the baby arrives. Isaac says his grandfather told him the story of how they flooded the town. They'd been looking for his fishing cabin but found the town, and thanks to the lake the ground is fertile, meaning they can rebuild. Morgan says it's not his mission, but his mission was to help him get Isaac back. There's the sound of a dog barking, Emile has found them. Isaac says Emile only does what he does because someone paid him. Isaac urges Morgan to fight for his people, but Morgan is ready to give everything up to protect them. Outside, he offers himself to Emile in exchange for the others. He falls to the ground and waits for Emile to approach. Emile promises that Morgan won't even feel it. Morgan closes his eyes and waits but Isaac tackles Emile to protect him. Morgan hits Emile with his stick, giving him time to urge Isaac to get away.

Isaac reveals that he'd been bitten on the way to finding a gun, and so his mission was to find someone to help his wife because he doesn't have much time left. Morgan realizes that this changes everything. Isaac says he changed and so can Morgan. When Emile wakes up again, they fight. Emile digs his finger into Morgan's wound. Incapacitated, Morgan is on the ground while Emile fetches his axe. He looks over to see the note and manages to grab his stick, using it to block the axe. He stabs Emile through the chest. Morgan grabs the axe. "You didn't do it then, and you won't do it now," Emile says. Morgan chops his head off. He staggers to the steps and tells Isaac that he told his friends to live. "Just live." He hears a baby crying and Isaac staggers to his feet to go meet his child. Morgan says he's going to rest for a bit. He blacks out.

When Morgan wakes up, Rufus is licking his head. He's all bandaged up and there's a tray beside the bed with the bloody bullet in it. Rachel says Isaac insisted on taking it out. She's feeding the baby. Morgan asks if it's a boy or girl. "We have a daughter. We named her Morgan." She says it was Isaac's idea. Morgan asks where Isaac is, and Rachel's eyes fill with tears. Later, she shows Morgan Isaac's grave. He says he owes it all to Isaac. Emile's head is still alive, and he spots the key that was around his neck. He moves to take the stick back, but when a walker approaches, he pauses and looks at the axe. He tosses the stick aside and uses the axe to kill the walker as Emile's head watches.

Elsewhere, Virginia's team rolls up in the SWAT van. They come across a roadblock made of walkers. Pioneer ranger Hill calls Virginia over as there's a box there with Morgan's name on it. The box is moving. Inside, though, is Emile's head. She laughs for a moment, and then she looks around cautiously. She takes the radio and calls Morgan, saying that she wants him to listen. She thought she needed Morgan to be dead "for this to work" but she only needs his friends to think he is. If he tries to convince them otherwise, she will kill them. After a moment of silence, Morgan radios in. "Morgan Jones is dead, and you are dealing with someone else now." Morgan watches her in the distance, dressed in Emile's clothing and rides off. Back at the beach, the man finishes painting his message. He uses the spray paint can to kill the walker and tells his friend that "they" should have been there by now. They need the key and will have to wait elsewhere. "THE END IS THE BEGINNING", the message says, and it's written on the red hull of a massive submarine.

"Welcome to the Club"

Morgan appears at the end of the episode, where he encounters Daniel attempting to kill the walkers, but the walkers are put down by someone else. Daniel thanks the man, and asks if he is a friend. Morgan claims that Daniel knows who he is, and asks for his help. Daniel jokes that he could use a haircut, and greets Morgan, revealing that he's been faking his memory loss the whole time. The two shake hands.


Morgan visits with Rachel and her daughter, having brought them supplies and reminisces about his lost son and wife. Morgan rejects a chance to hold his namesake and fashions a new handle for his axe using Morgan's old staff.

"The Key"

Morgan arrives at an abandoned shed serving as a place for Daniel to stash supplies. He finds Grace's jacket and a note from Daniel, stating he found it in the vehicle they took Grace in, along with other food and supplies. He takes it back to his truck, with Rufus waiting for him. Morgan allows Rufus to sniff Grace's jacket, seeing if he can pick up a trail. Morgan then decides to take Rufus back to Humbug's Gulch, the last place he saw Grace.

On the way, Morgan is struck by another car. After checking on Rufus, he steps out and walks to the driver's seat of the other car, watching the man from the submarine stumble out. Morgan holds him at axe point, questioning if it was an accident. The man's companion stumbles out also, getting behind him. The men threaten Morgan, asking where Emile is and then demanding the key from him. Morgan tells them he does not want to hurt either. He is suddenly attacked, dodging them both and swinging his axe into one man's stomach, disemboweling him. He is then pulled into a chokehold by the other, narrowly breaking loose and stabbing him in the chest with the spear end of his weapon. He looks down at the key he was wearing around his neck, realizing it was what the men were after. "What the hell do you unlock?" He says to himself.


Morgan shows up on horseback with the captured driver in tow, where he runs into Dwight, Althea and the outcasts. Morgan, Al and Dwight catch up with each other. Morgan explains that Virginia shot him and left him for dead at the gulch, but that someone saved him. Morgan tells everyone that he's building a community where Virginia won't find them and invites them all to join him. Sherry says that her group is intent on killing Virginia. Morgan warns that it's too early to strike against Virginia and that any botched attempts would endanger the lives of loved ones who still work for Virginia.

Dwight interrogates the S.W.A.T. driver and demands to know Virginia's whereabouts. He punches the prisoner and threatens to unleash the guard dog. Morgan puts an end to the interrogation. Morgan pulls Dwight aside and begs him to delay the attack on Virginia. Dwight refuses to back off from his plan and points out that the last time they followed Morgan's advice, they all got captured at the gulch. Morgan and Al plot to steal the S.W.A.T. van from the outcasts to sabotage their plan. Dwight and the outcasts catch Morgan and Al in the act.

Dwight locks up Morgan and Al. Sherry tells the outcasts to lock up Dwight, too, so that he can sit out the ambush. Dwight admits to Morgan and Al that they were right about delaying the attack on Virginia. He starts cutting the ties around his wrists and vows to stop the outcasts from ambushing Virginia. After escaping the cell, Morgan urges Dwight to join his community. He insists that they eventually plan to take down Virginia. To fake their deaths, Dwight and Al dress two walkers in their clothing and set them loose for rangers to find.

Morgan, Dwight and Al all return to a truck where survivors from the office building have been hiding out. The group starts traveling to Morgan's community by foot. Dwight draws a symbol on the truck for Sherry, with an arrow pointing her to the path they are taking.

"Damage From the Inside"

As Ed's augmented walkers invade the hunting lodge, Alicia, Charlie and Dakota suddenly hear a tapping noise outside drawing the walkers out and someone putting them down. Armed with her Sharpened Barrel Shroud, Alicia puts down several as well and as Terry approaches, his head is suddenly cut in half from behind by Morgan with his axe, shocking Alicia. Using a combination of his axe and staff handle, Morgan puts down a few more walkers while Alicia finishes off the rest. Shocked to see Morgan but happy, Alicia hugs her friend and asks how he came to be there. Morgan states that he heard the music before Alicia clarifies that she means how is he alive since they had heard the gunshot and Morgan's radio message. Morgan admits that he had some help, but he doesn't yet know who from.

The next morning, Alicia and Dakota bury Ed and Morgan tells them that they should go and that Charlie is gathering supplies for them to use. Dakota asks why Morgan is wearing Emile's clothes and Morgan explains that Virginia had sent Emile after him but that "it didn't go his way." When Alicia asks who Emile is, Dakota explains that Emile is a bounty hunter who Virginia sends after people who run away. Morgan states that Emile was who Virginia sent after people but that Emile won't be going after anybody ever again. Morgan insists that they need to get going before Virginia finds them and that he's found a safe spot which he's been building up ever since where Al and Dwight are already waiting for them and pretty soon all of them will be there too. Morgan walks away, telling Alicia that they should go.

As Morgan is packing up some tools, Alicia asks about the place that he intends to take them to, but Morgan states that it's just easier to show it to her. Alicia asks if he's bringing Dakota and after dealing with some pain from his gunshot wound, Morgan reveals that he intends to use Dakota to get everybody back by trading her for their people. Though Morgan doesn't like the idea, he feels that with what they're up against, everyone is going to have to do things that they've never had to do before.

Alicia realizes that Morgan attacked the convoy and he confirms it, stating that he gave them a choice and the Rangers chose Virginia. Morgan insists that there was no other way: Virginia has all of the people that they haven't yet lost and they have to get them back. Morgan has no idea where Grace is or if there is even a baby, but when Virginia gets her family back, they get theirs and no one gets hurt. Alicia asks if Morgan was responsible for the destruction of Tank Town, but Morgan states that it wasn't him and he has no idea who was responsible for it. Although Alicia understands where Morgan is coming from, having intended to do the exact same thing, she points out that they don't have to turn Dakota against them when there is another better way. Morgan believes that Alicia is wrong, but after having seen Ed create things that destroyed the people that he cared about, Alicia believes that they don't have to make that same mistake. Undaunted, Morgan grabs a radio to call Virginia and make the deal before they are interrupted by Charlie and Dakota. Alicia tells Charlie to take Dakota to the other location that they discussed and that they are no longer going with Morgan. With Alicia preparing to leave as she refuses to do things his way, Morgan concedes, stating that Dakota can come with them and everything he's done is so that they can all be back together and he will do whatever it takes to get them all there.

As the group emerges from the lodge, they find Victor outside, having spotted the smoke from the lodge. Alicia reveals that Dakota isn't going back to Lawton and Morgan emerges, stating that Dakota is coming with him instead. Morgan tells Victor that it's good to see him while Victor is shocked by Morgan's survival. Morgan confirms that Virginia does know that he's alive and he guesses that she doesn't want Victor to know. Morgan reveals to Victor that he has a safe place and asks Victor to join them. Victor instead tells them that they will have targets on their backs for the rest of their lives, another ranger is on her way and he is taking Dakota back to Lawton. Alicia refuses, leading to Morgan and Alicia entering into a standoff with Victor. Morgan tells Victor that they will do what they have to and Victor eventually stands down and allows them to go. Victor warns Alicia that he won't be able to protect her and that it will dismantle everything that they've been working for, but she only states that she's only doing as Victor asked and leads the others away.

"The Door"

Morgan and Dakota, who is wounded, are found by John at the general store. Morgan and Dakota explain that they barricaded the walkers while fleeing from Virginia's rangers. They hear someone outside and hide. Marcus, one of Virginia's rangers, enters the store and sees John's name on the DVD check-out list. He goes outside to alert Hill via walkie. Back at John's cabin, Morgan urges John to join his community, but John refuses to leave the cabin. Morgan ignores a radio call from Virginia but picks up when he hears Grace's voice. Virginia threatens to kill Grace and all of Morgan's friends at Lawton if he does not return Dakota.

Morgan tells John they must lure Virginia to their turf before she harms their friends. John refuses to kill anyone, but offers to help Morgan and Dakota cross the bridge. Morgan and Dakota load up a car. Marcus gallops toward them on horseback and shoots, then lassos Morgan and drags him through the woods. Dakota tries to drive after Marcus but the engine is damaged from gunfire. John shoots Marcus dead.

Morgan finds a rusty truck to replace their damaged vehicle and says he just needs a couple of parts to fix it. Morgan confronts John about his suicide mission after decoding John's suicide note from the Scrabble tiles. John is not dissuaded. Back at John's cabin, Morgan again tries to dissuade John from killing himself and implores John to join his community. John ignores Morgan's plea and suggests they clear the walkers on the bridge.

Morgan, John and Dakota drive onto the bridge. John and Morgan kill walkers from the back of the truck as Dakota slowly drives through the herd. The truck stalls. John fixes the engine, narrowly avoiding walkers. Dakota slams the gas pedal and crashes through the barricade, sending walkers over the bridge.

Morgan gives John an old photo of his father that he found while fixing the truck. He again urges John to come with him, but John continues to refuse. Morgan radios Virginia and tells her to meet him at the general store. He also tells her about John's cabin to prevent John from going back. John yells at Morgan.

As Morgan walks away to contact the others, John and Dakota search the bridge for a missing truck part, where she shoots John after he discovers that she killed Cameron. Morgan rejoins Dakota on the bridge. Dakota turns her gun on him. Morgan sees the knife and realizes Dakota killed Cameron. Dakota orders Morgan to bring her to his community as planned. Morgan grabs the gun and holds his axe to her neck. Dakota reveals that she was the one who saved him at the gulch and nursed him back to health. She says that the only reason she saved him was because she wanted him to kill Virginia. Virginia arrives at John's cabin with June and Hill. Morgan radios Virginia and explains that John is floating toward the cabin after Dakota shot him. He offers to talk with Virginia only after she finds John and helps him.

"Things Left to Do"

Morgan shows up on horseback before Virginia can kill Grace and reveals to the rangers that Dakota killed Cameron and that Virginia covered it up. Strand backs up Morgan and says that the rangers will die like Cameron if they follow Virginia. Virginia whips out her gun. Strand shoots her in the shoulder, triggering a gun battle. Hill escapes with Daniel and Grace as hostages. Morgan orders Virginia to call Hill back but Virginia refuses. Strand tells Morgan to hand Virginia over, but Morgan and Virginia get into a van and drive off together.

Morgan treats Virginia's gunshot wound at his old hideout and orders her to radio Hill to ensure Grace and Daniel's safety. Morgan tells Virginia that Dakota saved him at the Gulch in the hopes that he would kill Virginia. Virginia breaks down in tears and reveals that Dakota is her daughter. They hear Sherry's group arrive in the SWAT truck. They escape in the van. Morgan and Virginia flee on foot when the van runs out of fuel. Sherry's group pursues them. Sherry corners Virginia. Morgan warns her that his friends will die if she kills Virginia. He overpowers Sherry and escapes with Virginia.

Morgan agrees to bring Virginia to his community, where she can reunite with Dakota. Virginia begs to run away with Dakota, but Morgan reminds her of all the evil she has brought upon his friends. They arrive at the dam. Alicia, Al, and Dwight greet Morgan and Virginia. Morgan explains that he agreed to let Virginia see Dakota in exchange for Daniel and Grace's freedom. Morgan brings Virginia into his community. Rachel sees Virginia and objects to her being there. Al radios Morgan from the guard post and reports that Strand has arrived with rangers.

Al radios Morgan that everyone outside wants to get their hands on Virginia. Morgan says Grace and Daniel will die if they turn Virginia over. Strand vows to take her by force. Virginia offers to release Daniel and Grace and surrender to the rangers, on the condition that Dakota gets to live in Morgan's community. She also requests that Morgan be the one to kill her, so that she can avoid a painful death from the others.

Morgan brings Virginia outside and tells everyone the conditions of Virginia's deal. He orders Virginia to kneel, then raises his axe over her head. At the last second, he lowers the axe, unable to kill her. He declares that killing Virginia would make them no better than her, then retreats behind the dam with Virginia. Morgan brings Virginia to Dakota in a church and leaves them alone. Daniel, June, Luciana, and Wes arrive at the dam on horses. Morgan announces that he wants the killing to stop, despite Sherry's demand that they hand Virginia over. Morgan invites everyone to join his community. Grace, Sarah, and Rabbi Jacob arrive shortly after and join the community. Grace shares a sweet reunion with Morgan.

Inside the church, Morgan announces that they have decided to allow Virginia to take Dakota, who is actually her daughter and leave as Dakota needs her mother. However, Alicia warns that if either of them show their face again it's the end for them which Virginia acknowledges and Morgan gives Virginia directions on a back way out so that she can avoid her Rangers. As Morgan and Alicia leave to get Dakota, June announces that she's staying to change Virginia's dressings.

While out of sight, June executes Virginia and walks away. Morgan and Alicia run inside the church after hearing the gunshot. Ignoring Morgan's demands to know what happened, June puts on John's hat and strides through the settlement as everyone watches.

"Handle With Care"

With the residents of Valley Town work in harmony to build the community. Daniel serves soup to Morgan. Sherry's crew pulls up in the SWAT truck. Strand and Sarah arrive on horseback and reveal empty spray paint canisters that they found in the area. Strand worries that the people who destroyed Tank Town are still on the loose. Morgan proposes they work together to track down the enemy. Charlie races over to tell Morgan that Grace needs help.

Morgan and Daniel sit by Grace's side as she experiences contractions. Sarah estimates it will take at least one day for June to arrive and says they need a fetal monitor. Morgan says he knows where to find one and promises to return within a few hours. Morgan instructs Daniel to oversee Valley Town until he returns. He takes the SWAT truck to get the fetal monitor. Daniel calls a group meeting so that everyone can share what they know about the enemy. Dakota recalls Virginia saying that the enemy was laying low. People argue as suspicions mount against each other.

Walkers begin showing up outside Valley Town's walls, drawn by the sound of the explosion. Sherry and Strand demand their guns back, but Daniel insists they wait until Morgan returns with the SWAT truck and other guns. Walkers reach the inner gate. Everyone argues over a course of action and begins to turn on each other. Daniel guesses Strand had an accomplice. Daniel exits Valley Town and finds that Morgan has returned and gunned down the walkers.

Morgan radios Daniel and says that Grace isn't at the fish shack. Daniel joins Morgan, Sarah and Jacob as they look for Grace in the woods. They finally find her. The group checks Grace with the fetal monitor. Daniel asks why she didn't go to the fish shack. Grace and Charlie tell Daniel that he told them to go to the caverns, not the shack. They show him a map where he had clearly marked the caverns. Lucy radios Morgan and says they found the weapons.

Lucy shows Morgan the weapons in Daniel's shed. Daniel says someone is trying to frame him because he did not put the guns in the shack. He blames everyone else, thinking someone is trying to make him look bad and turn everyone against each other. Morgan carefully asks Daniel if he’s feeling okay and Daniel admits that he doesn’t know. Afterwards, Daniel decides to leave Valley Town, worried about the harm he will bring to others. Strand invites Daniel to join him in Lawton. Morgan doubts him and asks if Strand really plans to keep Daniel safe after he put a gun to his face. Strand thinks Daniel is safer with him than with Morgan. Daniel hugs Charlie good-bye and rides off with Strand.

"The Holding"

At the dam settlement, Wes, Al and Luciana report the fire to Morgan, that Alicia burnt the place down, but no one knows if she got out. Al says Teddy's group were trying to find Morgan, but he doesn’t know why. They know that this group is planning something and they want to stop them. Morgan says they have to find Alicia first.

Dakota says she wants to help. She tries to say none of them would be there without her and she owes Alicia a debt. Morgan says he appreciates what Dakota has done for them, but they don’t trust her. His plan is to start at the parking garage of the building where the Holding is located and try to find survivors.

"In Dreams"

In Grace's dream, Morgan greets her and Athena outside Valley Town, but he is much older and does not recognize Grace. Inside the town, Grace marvels at the thriving community. She tells Morgan that she is Grace and says the last thing she remembers is heading to June's hospital after going into labor. Morgan finally recognizes her, but is incredulous that she's alive. Morgan takes Grace to her grave and says that she died in labor, due to her radiation exposure. He says that Athena is her child.

Morgan walks Grace through the village. Grace sees Daniel giving Strand a haircut and Dwight and Sherry with a son and daughter. Morgan says that everyone reunited after Athena was born. Morgan, Grace and Athena go out on a run. Athena listens to music on a cassette player and says it's the only thing she has left from her mother. They see a rusty car painted with the words, "The End." The car explodes, throwing Grace to the ground where she experiences several flashbacks, including of her lover Matthew.

Grace wakes up and screams Morgan's name. Athena helps her as walkers show up. In reality, Morgan leans over Grace's body inside an abandoned vet's office. He begs her to wake up. In her dream, Grace realizes that Morgan is trying to wake her up. She calls Morgan's name. She remembers packing the cassette player for the hospital. She puts on the headphones and listens to music.

Morgan radios June and says they were attacked. June says she's on her way but that it will take her a while to reach them. Riley and his gang show up outside and shoot at the building. Riley calls out for Morgan and says that Morgan has something they want. Morgan removes the headphones from Grace's head. Riley calls out Morgan's name. Morgan starts to move Grace. Morgan transports Grace in a wheelbarrow and reassures her that the pain was just a contraction.

Inside a barn, Morgan urges Grace to wake up. He hears Riley's gang outside and barricades the stables. Morgan hears the gang enter the barn and urges Grace to wake up. Riley demands the key that Morgan is wearing around his neck. He says the key will change everything and that he will leave Morgan alone once he has the key. Morgan kills Riley's gang until only Riley is left. He stabs Riley in the shoulder. Riley flees.

In reality, Grace makes a choking sound and stops breathing. Morgan gives her chest compressions. Morgan begs Grace to breathe. In Grace's dream, Morgan stabs Riley and helps Grace up. Grace hugs Morgan. In reality, Morgan listens to Grace for signs of life. Grace regains consciousness and tells Morgan that she saw the future in a dream. She says that she is going to die in labor but that Athena will make everything okay.

Riley crashes a truck through the barn wall and holds Morgan and Grace at gunpoint. He demands the key. Grace urges Morgan to hand over the key and says that the future lies in Athena, not the key. Morgan hands the key over. Riley leaves. Grace assures Morgan that Athena will unite everyone. Grace goes into labor. Morgan delivers the baby, but to their devastation, she is stillborn. Grace cradles Athena and cries. She realizes that her dream was about Athena's final moments, not her own. She says that her hopes for the future were just a dream.


Morgan is seen standing in front of Valley Town and sees June attempting to enter to check on Grace's health. Morgan bars her from entering and tells her that Grace has fallen into a depression since the loss of Athena and is holed up in Valley Town's old church, refusing to allow anyone, even Morgan to see her. Morgan blames June for her death saying Athena would still be alive if June hadn't teamed up with Virginia to build a remote hospital. June tries to explain that her being there wouldn't have made a difference, but he warns her there's nothing she could say or do to earn his forgiveness for killing Virginia and accuses her of breaking John's promise and not being there for Grace. Offended by his words, an angry June walks away, with Morgan left to think on his words. Morgan later appears when June and Dorie Sr arrive in Valley Town. Morgan and June reconcile and is introduced to John's father. Dorie Sr says they need to start strategizing, because Teddy won't stop until they're all dead.

"USS Pennsylvania"

The residents abandon Valley Town due to threat of the Doomsday Cult's ultimate plan. As he despondently leaves and takes a final look around, Morgan grabs the axe he planted in the ground and joins the others on their approach to the sub. Morgan cuts his way into the sub through a hatch and throws a flair down inspect its depth. Before he climbs inside, Grace hands him a dosimeter and warns him that the radiation should stay below 10 000 millirem. June is worried about the search party, but Dwight believes that being near the sub is the safest place for them in case the cult fires the missiles. With that, Morgan heads down into the sub. As he is descending, Grace repeatedly asks Morgan to report his dosimeter's readings. The readings don't show any change in the radiation levels, which Grace finds strange. Distracted, Morgan is attacked by a walker, but June is able to shoot it in time. There is again no change in radiation, which prompts Grace to climb down into the sub as well.

Grace joins Morgan in the hold to inspect the readings herself. She notes that even with the reactor intact, the radiation levels should be at least twice as high. Morgan brings up that they hadn't really talked about what happened, but she cuts him off, saying that now is not the time. She then calls the rest of the group down. Undeterred, Morgan goes on to say that he hadn't pushed the topic because he understand her pain, but if they don't talk now, they might not get another chance, since he might not make it out of the sub. Grace is confused, since she was under the impression that they were trying to stop Teddy together, but Morgan says that he needs her alive so that she can build the future Athena showed her. Saddened, Grace asks if Morgan shouldn't be building that future too, but he replies that they need to first make sure there is a world left behind to rebuild.

The group arrive to a closed hatch, so Morgan knocks on it and hears a large number of walkers behind it. The group asks Grace to inquire about what's behind it. Jacob relays that the next room is the missile compartment. As the group debate on what to do, Morgan prepares to go in and instructs them to kill anything that slips by him. June is against the idea of Morgan going inside alone, but he asserts that no one else needs to get hurt. Victor asks if this is about the note Morgan read, revealing that he picked it up after Morgan dropped it. He assures Morgan that he doesn't owe anyone just because Dakota saved his life, but Morgan claims it isn't about that. He says that he was halfway dead once, so he knows how to slip by the walkers. Victor adamantly says that they will still back him up, as Alicia asked him to take care of the situation, so that's what he's going to do.

After opening the hatch, Morgan heads inside and begins dispatching the undead crewmembers. Once they're dealt with, he notices the radiation slightly increased, but is still tolerable. After the rest of the group enters the room, John Sr. locks the door behind them, as they wouldn't want Teddy's followers to surprise them. June wonders if there is any way to disable the missiles from here, but Victor thinks it would be best if they didn't mess with wires they don't understand. Dwight questions whether Teddy even knows how to launch the missiles, but John Sr. warns the group not to underestimate Teddy. Morgan hears more walkers on the deck above them. Grace manages to get in touch with them using the sub's emergency comm system. Just as Morgan asks about directions, Teddy makes his presence known via the same emergency comms, revealing that he'd been listening in. John Sr. takes over the comms from Morgan and asks if Teddy recognizes his voice. When the latter doesn't, John reminds him of the last time he heard it, which was when John gave his testimony against him in court. Visibly angered, Teddy taunts John that he couldn't kill him then, and won't be able to now either. John says that he plans on putting a bullet in Teddy's head before the day ends, but Teddy begs to differ, and lets John know there are no hard feelings between them, as if he hadn't put Teddy away, he wouldn't be sitting where he is now.

When Morgan asks where the missiles will hit, Teddy questions if they thought they'd be safe by the sub. Morgan is surprised that Teddy would kill his own people, but the latter claims he's giving them a second chance. With this revelation, Morgan orders Grace to contact Luciana to get everybody as far away from the sub as possible. Teddy compares himself to Morgan, noting that they are both leading their people to their ends, with the only difference being Teddy isn't fooling himself into thinking otherwise. He then excuses himself, informing Morgan and the rest that they're about to turn the power on. The group then hears a tapping on the bulkhead, and notice Morgan is missing. A few walkers follow the tapping, while the group decides to investigate as well. They come across more dead and undead crewmembers. Morgan reaches the hatch to the next room and opens it. Before he can close it behind him, Victor grabs the door, and tells Morgan the situation isn't on him. With walkers approaching, Morgan reluctantly lets Victor inside and closes the door.

Morgan then chastises Victor for coming after him, since he doesn't want anybody else to die. Victor retorts that no one has to, but Morgan exclaims that they might. Victor remembers Dakota's note said Morgan had "things left to do", and wonders if Morgan thinks this is what she meant. Morgan despairs that he'd been leading his people from one dead end to another, all the while promising them that things would get better, so he wants to make sure of it this time. Victor points out that Dakota is a sociopath, and that she wanted Morgan to kill her mother, not this. Morgan acknowledges this, but maintains that he has to be sure. Victor assures Morgan that people follow him because they want to, not because he owes them something. Morgan says that he doesn't know why Victor is still here, to which the latter recounts how Alicia asked him a difficult question at the lodge; if he was doing this for everyone or for himself. Victor concluded that he's doing it for everyone, and he needs Alicia to know that. Morgan accepts this answer, and supposes they better stop Teddy so Victor himself could tell this to Alicia.

At that point, the men notice the dosimeter clicking away, and observe the radiation steeply rising. It isn't long before they are approached by one of Teddy's undead followers that clearly died due to radiation poisoning. Victor prepares to kill it, but Morgan stops him from touching the irradiated walker. They manage to kill the walker with a knife wrapped in a rag. Morgan then scans the next hatch with his dosimeter, and sees the radiation levels in the next room are several times over the limit Grace gave him. They hear the diesel generators turning on. Morgan contacts Grace and tells her about the radiation levels in the next room, and she confirms that levels like that would kill him. Morgan asks how long he will have, to which Grace replies that it would be days. Morgan supposes that might be enough, and cuts the comms before Grace can inquire further. As walkers from the upper deck begin crashing down the hatch to the deck below them, Morgan prepares to go into the irradiated room, believing it to be the only way. Victor disagrees, as he notices that the radiation on the upper deck is a lot lower. Morgan doesn't believe they have enough time, but Victor urges him to listen to his own advice and "live". Morgan reluctantly agrees and follows Victor up the ladder.

On the upper deck, they find a bunch of walkers trapped behind a barricade, as well as an open hatch. Victor is pleased that he was right about there being another way. Suddenly the power comes back on, with Morgan noting that they must be getting closer to launch. Unfortunately, a large number of walkers come tumbling out of the open hatch, forcing the part to retreat to the bunks. While the crew quarters prove to be a dead end, Morgan discovers Riley's photo on one of the lockers, and realizes that this was how Teddy managed to commandeer the submarine. Morgan goes on to observe they have no way out. Victor is certain they'll find a way through, but Morgan points out they had one downstairs, and tells Victor that he'd proved whatever he had to prove. As the two argue, the barricade collapses, and another large group of walkers begins to converge on their location. Victor admits that Alicia's message wasn't meant for him but Morgan, and realizes now that the reason for this is because Morgan will do things Victor won't. Suddenly, Victor grabs Morgan's weapon and wrestles him to the ground, then breaks off the axe part. Victor tells Morgan that he will get his wish of no one else dying, then kicks him into the approaching herd of walkers. As Morgan wrestles with them, Victor scurries past them and through the hatch.

Just as Dakota is about to shoot Victor, Morgan suddenly attacks her and disarms Dakota, while knocking her out. He recounts how Victor said this wasn't on him, but points out he gave them the key, and how he did it to save Grace and her baby. He exclaims that he can't let it be for nothing. He grabs the comms and lets Grace know he is alright, much to her relief, and then prepares to confront Teddy. Victor tries to talk to him, but Morgan cuts him off, and says that they will deal with what he did later, since he already cost them enough time. Morgan, however, hands him back the axe he broke off.

Morgan is trying to open the door with various keycards he took off dead officers where Victor left him. Victor supposes that his instincts were correct, since Morgan wouldn't have the cards if Victor hadn't left him, but Morgan angrily tells him to stop. Back in the control room, Teddy and Riley are ready to turn the keys and launch the missiles, while Morgan and Victor are down to their last keycard. Fortunately, it works, and they open the door just as Teddy and Riley turn their keys. Noticing the hatch is open, Riley yells for Teddy to pull the trigger, and the latter does just that. Morgan pins Teddy to the wall while Victor holds Riley at gunpoint, but the sub begins to shake violently as the launch has already commenced. Morgan orders Teddy to stop the launch, but Teddy claims that they can't, with Riley reiterating that it's inevitable.

Riley tries to grab the trigger, but is stopped by Victor. He tells Teddy that they only launched one missile, but the latter assures him it is enough to get them started. Victor asks how much time they have, to which Riley replies that it isn't enough. Victor then asks where the missile is going, to which Riley reveals that there are ten warheads on the missile, but refuses to divulge where they will land. Likewise, Teddy says the warheads will land everywhere, even the town Morgan had built. He goes on to say that he's been where Morgan is right now, and that a long time ago he was going to change everything. While Teddy understands this isn't what Morgan wanted, he advises him not to look at the launch as an ending, as the world will be a better place, only Morgan won't get to see it himself.

Morgan briefly considers killing him, but ultimately decides to let Teddy and Riley go. Victor says that it could have been worse, as they could have fired more missiles, but Morgan angrily blames him for their failure, saying if he'd gotten there sooner, they wouldn't have launched any missiles. Victor asserts that he did what he did to save lives, but Morgan thinks he did it for himself, so he could tell Alicia what a big hero he was. He then tells Victor to leave, and the latter obliges him, leaving Morgan to brood over his failures alone.

"The Beginning"

In the control room, Morgan desperately tries to get the controls to respond to his inputs, to no avail. Arriving to the scene, Grace tries to get him to stop, as she sees it as pointless, but Morgan stubbornly refuses to give up. Grace tells Morgan that, although they don't know where the warheads are going to hit, it will be close enough, and that, even if they survive the initial blast, they won't want to live in a world covered in fallout and radiation. She has seen what radiation poisoning does to people, and says that the plant was at least contained, while the nuclear detonations won't be, and will be a lot worse than Hiroshima, Nagasaki, or Chernobyl.

She recounts how she watched Athena's father die from radiation exposure, and how long and painful it was. Grace asserts that she won't watch that happen to someone else she loves, finally confessing her feelings to Morgan and musing that she never tells anyone how she feels until it's too late. Morgan jokes that he has the same problem and kisses Grace. Reciprocating her feelings, Morgan tells Grace that he loves her. With that, Grace takes out her gun and begs Morgan to not make her watch it happen again. Morgan confesses that he thought he was going to die at the Gulch, but Grace was his one reason to stay alive, since he wanted to take care of her and build something for Athena. Grace is sorry that won't happen, and says that she is alive because her daughter isn't. Neither of them, Grace claims, were meant to be here.

Morgan says that he's sorry for everything, and admits that he fooled himself into thinking he could have a family with Grace. Grace tells him that he can, just not here. She remembers how when Athena was born, she waited so long to hear her cry, and that she still needs to. A loud bang is heard, which Grace immediately realizes means that the warheads are separating, meaning they don't have much time. Picking up the gun, Morgan says he is sorry it has to end this way, but Grace believes it's for the best. The couple prepare to commit suicide with a joint headshot. Grace smiles and says that she can hear a baby crying, which she interprets as her hearing Athena. Morgan pauses when he realizes he can hear the crying too, determining that it's coming from the sub's PA system.

Outside, the pair find Rufus dragging an undead Rachel behind him. Sorrowfully, Morgan puts Rachel down, and quickly discovers baby Morgan in her backpack. Delighted, Morgan says that it feels like a gift from Athena. Having survived the explosion, Morgan and Grace crawl up from underneath the truck. Right after Morgan kills a charred walker, two more warheads detonate in the distance. Morgan and Grace look at each other, uncertain of the future.

Season 7[]

"Six Hours"

In the submarine, baby Mo cries in the middle of the night. Morgan checks on Mo and tells Grace she's hungry again. Grace offers to look for more food, but Morgan insists on going out next, reminding her that she can't spend more than six hours at a time out in the radiation. He suggests Grace sing to Mo to console her. Morgan wakes Grace and says he didn't find formula, but that he's been working on a project. Outside, Morgan shows Grace a car that he rigged together to protect them from radiation. He assures Grace that the air in the car is clean. Inside the car, Morgan shows Grace a map and says they can escape the fallout zone within six hours. Grace says they have no idea what lies ahead for them, but Morgan refuses to raise Mo under these conditions. He plays Grace's cassette to comfort Mo and starts driving. They drive in silence. The dosimeter starts to climb.

As they drive through an abandoned town, the cassette starts to play a song that sends Grace into a panic. She tries to stop the cassette. Morgan crashes the car while trying to help her. Grace tells Morgan to go on without her, and that she's okay with dying. The man and woman from the drug store corner them at gunpoint. The man, Fred, says that Mo is their baby. Fred and his wife, Bea, stand guard while Morgan changes the car's tire at a body shop. Morgan warns Fred that he and Bea are highly irradiated. Walkers claw at the door, attracted to Mo's wailing. Fred warns Bea to silence Mo. Morgan notices that the walkers' faces are deformed with burns.

Grace plays music to stop Mo's crying. She and Morgan suggest they all escape together. Bea asks if they know about PADRE, but Fred shushes her. Bea and Fred toss a suitcase into the car and escape. Morgan grabs Fred's rifle and stops the car with gunshots. Grace takes Mo inside a building for safety. Morgan throws Bea to the ground, but takes pity when her face bandages unravel, revealing severe radiation burns. The group barricades themselves in a building. Bea explains that she and Fred were in a cellar when the bomb went off and that they got the burns later. Morgan says he was planning to take Mo outside of the fallout zone. Fred says they tried the same thing and ended up with the burns.

Fred and Bea show Morgan and Grace a map of the only route to safety. Fred starts to explain that the people on the radio don't want anyone knowing about the route. Grace invites Bea and Fred to bring their supplies and live at the submarine with them. Mo starts crying again. Fred worries she'll draw more walkers. They race outside and start repairing the car. Grace suggests they head back to the sub, but Morgan insists they follow Fred and Bea's route. A car shows up in the distance. Morgan tells Grace to get Mo to safety.

Someone gets out of the mysterious car and approaches. Morgan shoots the figure several times. It drops to the ground. Morgan hears a snuffling sound from Bea's suitcase and realizes Bea's dead baby is in the bag and has now turned. He shoots the baby in the suitcase. Bea reveals that Fred killed their baby when she became sick and cried inconsolably. Morgan yells out to Grace to warn her about Fred.

Fred slowly advances toward Mo. Morgan calls Grace through a tin can telephone to warn her. Grace shoots Fred right as he starts to smother Mo. Grace tries to comfort Mo and has flashbacks to meeting Athena in her dream. She starts to sing the song that had upset her from the cassette. Mo stops crying. Morgan pulls up in the car and plows through the walkers outside. Grace brings Mo outside. Morgan sees the mysterious car drive away. Morgan and Grace drive back to the sub. Morgan apologizes for endangering Grace and Mo. He assures Grace that Mo is not replacing Athena.

Back at the sub, Howard and a crew of rangers ambush Morgan and Grace. Howard recognizes their names and tells them Strand built a community. He invites Grace to join but says Morgan is not allowed. Grace refuses to join Strand, despite Morgan's attempts to send her with Mo. Howard leaves. Morgan and Grace discover that Howard raided their pantry. Mo crawls on the floor for the first time. Grace laughs, then finds a hidden door in the floor. Inside is a huge supply of canned goods, including powdered milk.

"Cindy Hawkins"

Morgan arrives at Teddy's Secret Bunker, using his staff to put down a zombified Stalker. Morgan desperately digs into the collapsed bunker, calling on the radio for John and June. Victor Strand answers, revealing that he has rescued the two who are safe with him. Morgan demands to know where they are, but Strand only taunts Morgan in return and tells him that everyone is done listening to Morgan as they tried it his way "and look what happened. Death. Destruction." Strand calls Morgan a failure, but Morgan tells Strand that they are there because of Strand's betrayal. Strand doesn't see it that way and he now intends to do what Morgan didn't and rebuild the world and help everyone that Morgan let down, or at least the ones that he sees fit while Morgan is forced to watch from the outside. While Morgan hopes that he does and states that Strand should rebuild the world and help people, he warns that if Strand hurts anybody that he cares about, Morgan will come for him and he will do what Strand tried to do to him on the sub, only Morgan won't miss. Unconcerned, Strand merely orders Morgan to "bring it." Morgan then walks away from the collapsed bunker carrying his repaired axe.

"Breathe With Me"

Morgan responds one of Sarah's broadcasts messages and tells her that he and Grace are holed up on the submarine. Sarah warns Morgan to stay away from her area, since one of the warheads is leaking radiation. They lose contact. The assassin's brother, Josiah, holds her at gunpoint and offers to find Wendell if she helps him find Morgan. He tells her to arrange a meeting with Morgan at dawn. Morgan radios her to say that he's on his way to the rendezvous point.

Sarah radios Morgan for help but gets no answer. They free themselves from the wreckage and start killing walkers. Morgan approaches. Shocked at seeing Emile's face again, Morgan confusingly says that he had already killed Josiah. The two begin to fight, with Josiah successfully tackling Morgan to the ground. Sarah yells at Josiah that he is not a killer, before he takes his brothers head out of the box and prepares to let it bite Morgan. When Sarah tackles Josiah off of Morgan, the head rolls to the side. Rufus, seeing his old master, rushes over to the zombified head but is bitten on the muzzle, causing the fight to stop. Sarah splits Emile's head in half. Seeing that Rufus was bit, Josiah regretfully embraces Rufus, tearing up at his fatal mistake while Sarah and Morgan watch.

Josiah buries Rufus. Morgan guesses Wendell is at Strand's tower and suggests they head over. Josiah asks to help them find Wendell. Morgan, Sarah, and Josiah arrive at a platform on the outskirts of Strand's tower, which is still surrounded by walkers. They're ambushed by Strand and Howard. Strand confirms that Wendell is living at the tower, but refuses to allow Sarah, Morgan or Josiah into his community. He offers to let Wendell come out to see Sarah but warns that he would not allow Wendell to return. Worried that Wendell would leave the tower if he knew she had been there, Sarah begs Strand not to tell Wendell that she came for him. Strand agrees, then leaves. Morgan invites Josiah to stay with him and Grace, but Josiah declines the offer. Before he leaves, Sarah gives him some pills that help with radiation exposure. Morgan invites Sarah to join him. They head back to the sub.


Morgan finds Al's camera equipment in the SWAT van, but Al is nowhere to be found. Morgan records a video for Al. He says the others told him she separated from the group while relocating to the submarine. He implores her to stop chasing stories. Morgan reunites with Al and asks why she separated from the group. Al dodges his question and says they need to leave before the soldiers return. Morgan and Al flee. Morgan says he planned to rendezvous with Grace a couple of miles east. He again asks why Al didn't accompany everyone to the submarine. Al says she is meant to be recording people's stories.

Morgan an Al come under fire as they near the rendezvous point. Al finally reveals that the soldiers are a reclamation team that's hunting down the pilot who rescued them from the nuclear blast. Al says the pilot went AWOL after the rescue. Al tells Morgan that she doesn't know where Isabelle is. Grace pulls up in a car. Al and Morgan get in and escape amid gunfire from the soldiers. Grace parks the car in the woods after they run out of gas. Al offers to lure the soldiers away from the helicopter so Morgan and Grace can steal fuel and ammo for the SWAT van.

Morgan and Grace walkie Al to report that they found fuel in the helicopter, but no ammo. Al admits that she knew the helicopter wasn't armed and urges them to go home to Mo. In the SWAT van, Morgan tells Grace that he never told Al he had her camera because it might have given her an excuse to leave. Morgan goes to try the engine after filling up the tank. The soldiers capture Morgan and Grace and threaten to kill them if Al doesn't reveal Isabelle's location. Al finally reveals that Isabelle is hiding in a cabin and offers to take them there if they release Morgan and Grace. Morgan and Grace resist the soldiers. Grace races to the van and runs the soldiers off the road. Morgan hops in and they flee.

Morgan and Grace drive to Al's location. A chopper flies overhead. Morgan radios Al to warn her that the soldiers are coming. Al rigs the cannon as Morgan pulls up in the van. A walker knocks the trip wire. Morgan fixes it as the soldiers approach the van. Al threatens to fire the SWAT guns if the soldiers get any closer. Grace revs the van forward, prompting the soldiers to fire. Morgan fires the cannon at the soldiers, blowing them up into pieces. Morgan, Al and Grace drive off in the SWAT van. Morgan demands an interview with Al.

Morgan interviews Al—revealing him as the interviewer at the start of the episode. He asks why Al is striking off on her own instead of looking for Isabelle. Al tells Morgan that Isabelle wanted to be together. She explains that Isabelle gave up everything to save her friends, but that she couldn't give up reporting for Isabelle. She says she should never have become involved with Isabelle in the first place. They hug goodbye. Al searches the dead soldiers for maps of drop sites. Morgan rejoins her, refusing to abandon her. Someone radios the reclamation team and requests Isabelle's location. Al goes to the helicopter. Dispatch reports that the reclamation team is being recalled because they've secured coordinates for the target. Al tells Morgan she's going to find Isabelle no matter where she goes. She then departs in the CRM helicopter.

"The Portrait"

Morgan shows up at Strand's tower with Mo. Morgan tells Strand that Mo is sick and begs for medical help. Strand sends him away. However, he changes his mind and orders Howard to find Morgan and grant him entry into the tower. Inside the tower, Strand asks Morgan why he came. Morgan says he had no choice when Mo fell ill. June examines Mo. Morgan accuses June of siding with Strand, but June defends her decision. She reports that Mo has a double ear infection and says it will take 36 to 48 hours to know if the antibiotics are working.

Strand pours a drink for himself and Morgan and starts to demand a favor. They're interrupted when a walker slams into the window. Strand sees a group of assailants flinging walkers at the building with a catapult. Another walker is catapulted through the window, followed by a large explosion that rocks the building. Howard runs in and says their assailants, the "Stalkers", want to talk to Strand. Arnold calls Strand and threaten to release the explosive walkers stuffed with pieces of a leaking nuclear warhead if they aren't granted asylum. Morgan offers his assistance when Strand suddenly collapses after being poisoned.

John Sr. aims his rifle at the Stalkers, but warns that shooting them would cause a massive explosion. Morgan offers to radio Grace for help, but Strand says there are no radios in the tower. Morgan implores Strand to relay a message to the armory, where the walkies are located. Strand reluctantly agrees. Howard tries to radio the armory, but the line has been severed. Arno flings another walker at the tower as a warning after spotting John Sr.'s gun. Strand vomits blue liquid. June realizes he was indeed poisoned.

Strand decides to contact Grace and ask for help. He needs to get to the armory to get a walkie, but it’s blocked off. Strand takes Mo and forces Morgan to help him. He takes Morgan to the elevator shaft but gets weak. Morgan says he will go to the armory and call Grace. Morgan shimmies down the cable of an elevator shaft to reach the armory. Strand comforts Mo as she cries, then lowers her down to Morgan. Strand asks Morgan to find Alicia and says that he didn't personally look for her because he doesn't think Alicia wants to be found by him.

Strand wakes up almost fully recovered from the poisoning and finds June and Morgan at his side. Morgan says Grace and Sarah helped overtake the Stalkers. Strand realizes Morgan could have left him for dead and says maybe they'll find Alicia together. Morgan holds out his hand to help Strand up. Strand sees a blue stain on Morgan's thumb and realizes that Morgan poisoned his drink with methylene blue. He attacks Morgan. Morgan holds Strand over the edge of the elevator shaft, but Howard shows up and abducts Morgan at gunpoint.

Rangers hold Morgan over the edge of the roof. Grace calls to warn Strand that some of the radioactive walkers joined the herd around the tower and will either explode or leak radiation. She offers to remove the irradiated walkers in exchange for Morgan's life. Strand agrees but says she and Mo must live at the tower. Strand allows Morgan to talk to Grace. Morgan says she doesn’t have to do this for him, but Grace says she’s doing it for their family. He promises he will find his way back to her and Strand hangs up the phone. Strand tells Morgan not to worry about Grace and Mo. He will give them everything Morgan couldn’t, food, shelter and security. He orders his rangers to have Morgan leave the tower.

Morgan walks through the barren landscape and is found by Dwight and Sherry. Dwight and Sherry bring Morgan to a camp and escort him to the leader: it's Alicia. They embrace. Alicia says she asked Dwight and Sherry to find him. They're interrupted by an alarm as walkers approach the camp. Morgan sees a giant tumor on a walker's belly and realizes that it's irradiated. He warns everyone to hold their fire, but it's too late. Alicia's group fires at the walkers. The walkers explode into balls of fire and fill the air with radiation. Morgan orders everyone to run.


Alicia tells Morgan she needs his help finding PADRE. She claims that the special walker knows how to get there. Sherry warns them that Strand's rangers are tracking them. Dwight and Sherry go to ward off the rangers.

Alicia and Morgan follow Vazquez across the desolate landscape. Alicia stumbles, weak with hunger. Rangers fire at them. Alicia runs after Vazquez to protect him. She and Morgan drag him to a cliff and push him into the river below. A ranger removes his mask: It's Strand. Strand apologizes for attacking Alicia. She jumps into the water, followed by Morgan.

Alicia and Morgan dry off on a riverbank. Morgan begs Alicia to come back and help everyone, but she insists that finding PADRE is the best way to help. She admits that she's following Vazquez because she believes walkers retain an echo of their former selves – and that he might know the way to PADRE. Morgan is dubious and threatens to kill Vazquez, but rangers find them.

The rangers hold Alicia and Morgan captive. Strand joins them and says his tower is more successful than any community they've tried to build. He asks for Alicia's help building up the tower. Alicia rejects his offer. Strand tells his rangers to kill Morgan and Vazquez. Alicia tries to save Vazquez and gets bitten in the arm. Strand apologizes. Alicia screams at him to go.

Alicia and Morgan sit by a fire. Alicia unzips the glove on her bitten arm and reveals to Morgan that she has a prosthetic arm made from her own bones. She starts gutting a walker.

Alicia and Morgan follow Vazquez through the night. Alicia races ahead and says they found PADRE. Morgan tells her it's not PADRE: it's Strand's tower.

Alicia and Morgan watch from afar as Vazquez joins the herd around Strand's tower. Alicia despairs. Morgan insists she join him at the sub, but Alicia reveals that the infection is still inside her and that she will eventually turn.

Strand and his rangers find Alicia and Morgan. Alicia reveals that she was not bitten. Strand urges her to live at the tower with her group. Alicia finally agrees but makes him promise that he will treat her people well, even if she isn't there. She then sees a walker on the ground: it's Will.

"Follow Me"

Morgan will appear in this episode.


In one of the sub's bunk rooms, Sarah and Sherry discuss the plan for their upcoming two-day mission as they pack up. Joining the two women, Morgan asks what they're going to be up against, and Sherry tells him that Dwight reports a hundred or more walkers outside with no way of telling how many are inside. Sarah and Sherry are excited about the odds that they're up against and Morgan asks Luciana how Daniel is doing as she joins them. Luciana admits that Daniel is making slow but steady progress and asks where they're going. Sherry states that they're going to help Dwight recover a stash of weapons that he had found, but Morgan thinks that it's probably best if Luciana stays behind. Sarah objects that they could use the help against the number of walkers that they're up against, but Morgan believes that Luciana helping Daniel and pushing him some more is important too: while they're going to need the weapons to get into Strand's Tower, they're also going to need Daniel's help too as he knows how Strand thinks better than anyone. Luciana asks if Morgan thinks this is why she's helping Daniel with his psychological issues, but Morgan tells her it's not. "It's just that he's gone up against Victor in ways that none of us have. And this is about all of us making it, so we've gotta do whatever we can to make sure that that happens. We gotta use everything we got," Morgan states.

Their argument is interrupted by Wes with the news that Daniel has disappeared. Luciana guesses that Daniel has wandered into the Sonar Room again, but Sarah tells her that she welded the door shut after the last radiation leaks. However, Wes tells the group that Daniel is not on the sub anymore as Wes found the front hatch open and a protective suit gone. Luciana orders the others to go after the weapons while she goes after Daniel. Morgan wants them all to go instead, but Sherry objects that if they don't leave now, they won't get to Dwight before dark. Wes refuses to let Luciana go alone and Morgan orders them both to go after Daniel and to send up a mayday if there's any trouble while Morgan, Sarah and Sherry go to help Dwight recover the weapons cache that he found.

Later, in the sub's Mess Hall, Dwight, Sarah and Morgan unpack the impressive arsenal of weapons that they've retrieved from the weapons cache that Dwight had found. Dwight is just glad that it worked out, but Morgan tells him that it more than worked out, these weapons could make all of the difference and Dwight calls it a start for sure. Morgan wants to do an inventory of the weapons while Dwight notes that they just need soldiers to carry them. Sherry enters with Luciana, Daniel and the Stalkers with the news that the Stalkers want to help them. Morgan asks about Wes, but Luciana informs him that Wes isn't coming and while she hopes that Wes is okay, Luciana thinks that he needs some time. Daniel is pleased that they've found the weapons and tells Morgan that now all they need to do is start planning how to overthrow Victor Strand.

"Sonny Boy"

Morgan will appear in this episode.

"The Raft"

Morgan suddenly radios in that he's coming in hot and he's going to need a handoff. Sherry responds, telling Morgan that they're on it and asking where he is. Morgan identifies his position as being on the coastal road a couple of miles north of the Pennsylvania and Sherry promises to be there in 10 minutes, before asking what he means by a handoff and if he needs them to take Mo. Morgan clarifies that some of the walkers from the Tower's moat broke off and started following him and Morgan needs the Dark Horses to dump them somewhere for him. Dwight finds that he only has a couple of magazines left and Sherry warns Morgan that they might not have enough ammo to take out the walkers. "You definitely do not, because there are a lot of them. It's all of them," reveals Morgan as he continues moving down the road, chased by Strand's entire moat, a massive herd of hundreds of walkers stretching as far as the eye can see behind him.

As the herd continues to follow Morgan, one walker falls and inadvertently has its head crushed under the foot of another walker behind it. Morgan tells baby Mo that he truly hopes that she doesn't remember any of this when she gets older before commenting that he'll just be happy if Mo lives long enough to be older. Dwight and Sherry arrive and Dwight notices that Morgan got his daughter back. Morgan sadly explains that John Dorie Sr. did and that John gave his life so that Mo could escape. Dwight and Sherry are visibly saddened by the news, and Morgan tells them that the rest of their friends are still stuck inside of the Tower. Looking at the herd as it closes in, Dwight questions how Morgan had picked up so many walkers, and he explains that some of them had started following him just after John had handed Mo off and Morgan then just didn't discourage the others from following him too. "Strand's felt safe in that Tower because of the walkers around it. But until tonight, when he can try and draw some more in with that light of his --" Morgan starts and Dwight finishes "we can get in." Sherry is impressed with Morgan's plan which Dwight believes will work since there's already walkers in the crater so what's a thousand more. Dwight orders Morgan to get Mo back to the sub where Daniel and Luciana will be ready.

Suddenly, the group is fired upon, and they take cover, recognizing the attackers as being three of Strand's Rangers. Morgan recognizes that Strand is desperate because he knew that the only reason that Morgan's Group didn't make a move on the Tower is because Strand had Mo. Seeing the herd approaching, Dwight comments that the Rangers are just going to get themselves killed, but Morgan is concerned that if the walkers get dispersed, it will be easier from Strand draw them back in tonight. As a result, they need to keep the herd together. Morgan asks for Dwight's gun, and he hands over Mo, explaining that the Dark Horses can get her further away than Morgan can and faster. Morgan instructs them to get Mo to the sub and lock the hatches as the one thing that they've gotta do is to keep her away from Strand. While Sherry argues that Mo should be with her dad, Morgan knows that Mo should be with whomever can keep her safe right now. Morgan runs across the road and hides behind a different vehicle, drawing the Rangers' attention and fire. Dwight suggests that this could be a good thing: if he and Sherry can do this with Mo, then they can do this with a kid of their own. The three ambushing Rangers are devoured by the walkers, before Morgan draws the herd back after him.

Morgan checks Mo's bloody tape player as he continues walking before a car suddenly explodes nearby, startling him. Morgan hides behind another vehicle and he watches as the herd is diverted by the explosion. Alicia approaches Morgan from behind, surprising Morgan into attacking her before he realizes who Alicia is. Morgan warns Alicia that they need to get out of here as Strand's Rangers must be close by, but she reveals that the explosion was her doing, not the Rangers, as Alicia was trying to keep the walkers from tearing him apart. Morgan tells Alicia that he needs the walkers to keep following him and shoots his gun into the air and screams at the herd to get their attention back. Morgan explains that the herd is Strand's moat and that they've gotta ditch them someplace so that Strand can't use them again.

Morgan asks where Alicia came from and when she got back, before stopping himself and asking how his friend is feeling. Alicia tells Morgan that she's still standing, and she found the transmitter that she was after. After hearing Strand's message, Alicia came as soon as she could. Alicia hasn't seen anyone else out there yet and asks Morgan if he found the girl that had helped her yet, but he didn't. Morgan got Mo out though and he got the walkers to follow him at the same time which is why they're going to make their move. Alicia is upset that Morgan didn't wait for her as she'd asked, but Morgan points out that they didn't know where Alicia was. Alicia tells him that she needs to get back to the sub and use the generators to power the transmitter, but Morgan states that they don't have time for that as the Tower's unguarded, at least until dark. Alicia insists that they only get one shot at this and they're not ready, but Morgan tells Alicia that Luciana brought in the Stalkers. Alicia's Group, the rest of Morgan's and the Stalkers combined together will be enough. However, Alicia doesn't believe that it's even close to being enough and that they can get more, but Morgan knows that they can't keep waiting and he had to make a call. Alicia is more than welcome to join them, but he understands if she doesn't want to. Morgan keeps drawing the walkers towards him and Alicia finally concedes, telling Morgan that "you followed a walker for me. The least I can do is get these walkers to follow you." Morgan thanks her, and he and Alicia begin leading the herd away together.

On the road, Morgan notices that Alicia is still sick, appearing to swallow back some nausea, and she discreetly hides a bullet that she's wearing on a chain around her neck. Morgan points out that Alicia had never answered him before and he asks how she's feeling. Alicia admits that she still has recurring fevers at night, but her dreams are getting worse. Alicia explains that the dreams seem to be getting more and more real and it's like she can't run from them anymore. Morgan remembers that the last time that it was just the two of them, they were following a walker together. Alicia notes that the Senator is probably in the herd somewhere, and Morgan tells Alicia that if she wants to find him, she can be his guest. Alicia asks where Morgan is taking the walkers and he explains that Dwight and Sherry had said that there's a crater that's got a bunch of them already trapped in it, so Morgan is taking them there. Alicia tells Morgan that Strand's going to come after him hard for doing this to the Tower, but Morgan states that Strand already is, which is why they have to move now.

Alicia insists that they're not ready, but Morgan doesn't believe that they have a choice. Morgan reveals that Grace had recorded some songs for Mo to listen to when they escaped and she left a message for Morgan saying, "Morgan listen, we don't have much time. If this works, I need you to take Mo and get away from here, as far away from Strand and this Tower as humanly possible, even if it means leaving without me." Morgan knows that Grace is right and that it's the only way to make sure that Mo is safe. If they can't capture the Tower tonight, Morgan is going to leave with Mo, just like Grace had asked him to do as long as he can find a way out of here. "And I don't wanna leave, not when we're barely hanging on. I left some folks I cared about once before, and it has never sat right with me." However, Morgan has to take care of Mo. However, if they can take the Tower tonight, which is more vulnerable than it's ever been, Morgan won't have to go. Morgan questions Alicia's continued insistence that they're not ready, and although she lists the fact that they're outnumbered, ill-prepared, tired, hungry and sick, Morgan reminds Alicia that that's never stopped them before. Morgan realizes that Alicia is stalling, pointing out that she's been away for all of this time, and she has nothing to show for it. Alicia insists that she's not stalling, but Morgan reminds her that Alicia keeps talking about how little time she has left.

Over the radio, Dwight asks if anyone knows where the bunker that Teddy had locked up Alicia in is. Alicia comes on the radio to answer the question herself, much to Dwight's surprise. Alicia tells Dwight that she's with Morgan and that the bunker is under the Franklin Hotel, wanting to know why he's asking. Dwight explains that they had just found it and Sherry decides to hide from the Rangers in the bunker. Dwight asks Alicia if there's another way out, and she reveals that there's the drainage works on the north end, but they're not stable.

At the crater, Morgan and Alicia find it to be mostly empty rather than it being filled with walkers as Dwight and Sherry had said. Morgan notices walkers climbing out of the crater up a ramp that looks like it was created from the trailer of a semi-truck, and he realizes that someone let the walkers out. The two know that if they dump the herd in the crater, they're just gonna climb right back out again. Morgan radios Dwight and Sherry that the crater's a no-go and they need to find another place to dump the walkers. In the bunker's infirmary, Sherry finds Alicia's old Sharpened Barrel Shroud on her cot next the PADRE binder and Sherry takes the weapon for herself. The two realize that if Morgan and Alicia can't dump the herd, then they can't move on the Tower and begin moving out while Morgan and Alicia begin leading the herd away from the crater.

In the bunker's drainage pipe, Dwight works on clearing the blockage from the nuclear detonations while Sherry notices a nearby fire sprinkler. Sherry wonders how loud the fire alarm is in a place like this and the two speculate that it might be loud enough to be heard above ground. If Morgan and Alicia are heading back, then they'll be leading the herd right over the bunker. Striking a match, Sherry orders Dwight to get digging. In the infirmary, Wes and his Rangers search for Dwight and Sherry. One man reports that since their horses were right outside, they have to be in the bunker. The fire alarm suddenly goes off and Wes, realizing that Dwight and Sherry are responsible for it, angrily orders one of his men to find it and turn it off.

Outside, Morgan and Alicia hear an alarm going off and Alicia realizes that it's the bunker's fire alarm and that they're right on top of it. Seeing the entrance nearby, Alicia deduces that Dwight and Sherry must've tripped the alarms. Alicia decides to get the herd into the bunker, but Morgan is dubious as Dwight and Sherry are down there with Mo. Alicia is sure that the couple will get Mo out and she asks Morgan to trust her, telling him that she has a plan. Dwight, Sherry and Mo move through the unstable drainage pipe and Dwight realizes that the shaking is because the walkers are above them. Standing on top of the entrance structure, Morgan and Alicia draw the walkers in, but Morgan can't raise Dwight and Sherry because the signal won't reach the bunker. Alicia tells Morgan that they'll get the herd inside and then they'll go to where the pipe lets out and they continue making noise as the walkers enter the bunker, drawn by Morgan, Alicia and the fire alarm.

Inside, two Rangers desperately try to turn the alarm off before the herd falls upon them from both sides. Heavily outnumbered, both men are devoured by the walkers. Suddenly, part of the drainage pipe collapses in front of Dwight, Sherry and Mo. Desperately trying to flee, the other four Rangers are devoured by the herd, but Wes manages to put down a walker and escape, stopping to listen for a moment in visible emotional turmoil as his men die in the bunker.

Near the exit to the pipe, Alicia encounters Senator Elias Vazquez, the walker that had bitten her, whom she had attempted to follow to PADRE with Morgan and who has broken off from the herd as it entered the bunker. The zombified Vazquez has visibly deteriorated since Morgan and Alicia had followed him, although he is still covered with the paint that Alicia had him splashed with in order to make Vazquez easier to follow. Rather than try to recapture the Senator, Alicia instantly slashes him across the head with the blades on her prosthetic arm, putting Vazquez down. Morgan worries about Dwight and Sherry not being out already, but Alicia urges him to give them some time. Morgan suggests that Alicia should go to the sub and get everybody ready since they only have a few more hours of daylight left. Alicia admits that Morgan was right and that she could've come back sooner, but she didn't "because I know what I might have to do to Strand, and I'm not sure I can." Morgan is sure that Alicia will do the right thing when the time comes, reminding Alicia that she's already done the impossible and she's still here so it's not over for her, not by a long shot.

Morgan and Alicia hear Mo crying in the distance and Dwight and Sherry emerge from the drainage pipe with Mo. As Morgan tends to his daughter, Dwight explains that the tunnel had collapsed, but Sherry had cleared it. Sherry tries to return the sharpened barrel shroud to a surprised Alicia, thanking her for the assist, but Alicia tells Sherry to keep the weapon. Alicia suggests that if they can get on the sub and use the transmitter, there might be a way they could reach whoever's left out there and make a real push for the Tower. However, Dwight reveals that the sub is leaking radiation and is a no-go. Dwight and Sherry recall that Maya had heard Strand's message all the way from the water which must've been 20 miles out. As a result, Strand must have an antenna that Alicia could use, a location that has power and is the highest point for miles around which is just another reason to take the Tower from him. However, Morgan has to do what Grace asked him to do and to get Mo as far away from here as possible. While Alicia thinks that there's no way out, Sherry knows one.

At the sub's emergency raft, Daniel finishes loading up supplies for Morgan and the baby and Morgan recalls that Grace said that the weather patterns might've been affected, and that the fallout could hug the coast for hundreds of miles. Sherry tells him that Maya came from someplace clean, but Morgan worries that he won't be able to find it, so Sarah jokingly suggests that he "take her out, drive her around the block a few times," getting a laugh out of Morgan. Morgan is conflicted about leaving just as Alicia is about to face Strand, but an emotional Alicia, knowing that this is likely the last time that she'll see her friend, tells him that Morgan needs to do this for Mo, Grace and himself. While they're both doing something that they don't want to do, Alicia admits that Morgan is right and she's going to be okay, and she can do this. Promising to see Morgan again and that she's got this, Alicia orders him to go.

Hugging Alicia goodbye, Morgan takes Mo from Dwight who suggests that Sherry could go with him too. Sherry tells her husband that Strand doesn't know about her pregnancy, and he can't use this against them, but they can use it against him because now they have something to fight for and Dwight agrees. Morgan shares a hug with Luciana and thanks her before Dwight gives him the auto-mobile that he'd created for Mo, much to the amusement of Daniel and Sarah who exchange a smile. After thanking Dwight, Morgan wishes Alicia good luck and Luciana, Alicia, Dwight, Sherry, Daniel and Sarah - Morgan's closest remaining friends - push the raft into the water and Morgan sets sail.

Turning to her gathered forces, Alicia announces that "we gotta move! The sun sets in a few hours! Follow me." Alicia and her forces move out, finally ready to take the Tower from Strand.


As the rest of Morgan's Group prepares to evacuate Texas for good in a series of rafts, June tells Alicia that Morgan hasn't made landfall yet.

Later, as Alicia prepares to commit suicide, she has a series of flashbacks of her friends and family, including one of Morgan.

Alicia asks Grace if she's heard from Morgan. Grace reveals that the current took him in a different direction, but Morgan cleared the radiation. Alicia asks Grace to give Morgan a message for her, but Grace hands Alicia a radio and tells her that she can tell Morgan herself as Morgan had wanted to talk to Alicia too.

Alicia contacts Morgan, still floating on the ocean in his life raft and holding Mo, and apologizes to him for not doing what she said with Strand's Tower. However, Morgan tells Alicia that she got everybody onto the rafts which is what matters. Also, Morgan thinks that Alicia might be right: he's been hearing some chatter on the radio that Morgan thinks might be PADRE. Morgan thinks that PADRE is real and that they might actually have some place to go to. Concerned, Morgan asks Alicia how she's feeling. Alicia tells Morgan that, no matter what happens to her, he needs to know that he won't be doing this alone. Morgan states that he won't be doing this alone because Alicia's going to be alright, but he loses contact with Alicia. Grace promises Alicia that if Morgan didn't hear her response, she'll make sure that he knows.


In Louisiana, Morgan wakes up in his raft which is suspended between several trees and finds a walker on the ground below. Morgan attempts to contact anyone on his radio without success despite flipping through the channels. Mo begins to cry and Morgan picks her up, knowing that she's hungry and attempting to soothe his daughter. Morgan puts on a tape of Grace singing for Mo and leaves to go looking for food with the baby.

Walking along a beach, Morgan finds a buried figure and is surprised to find a walker when he removes the hood. Continuing on, Morgan searches a baby bag that he finds in an abandoned car, but he only finds an empty can of baby food, much to his frustration. Morgan then searches a Pediatric Office, but he once again finds nothing useful.

Checking out the Sanderson Family Home, Morgan finds Ava attempting to contact someone named Jim on the radio. After a brief standoff, Morgan tells Ava that he's just looking for food, but Ava states that she doesn't have any. On the table, Morgan spots several positive pregnancy tests and disarms himself, asking Ava how far along she is and introducing himself and Mo. Ava returns the favor, but she rejects Morgan's offer of help, telling him to take Mo and get as far away as he can. However, Morgan is unwilling to go until he can find Grace and the rest of his group. Morgan notes that it sounds like Ava is looking for her family too, but she suggests that Morgan reconsider as this is no place for kids.

At night, Morgan sits in his raft, attempting to raise Grace on the radio again. Morgan hopes that Grace can hear him and tells her that he doesn't know how much longer he can do this without her. Morgan did what Grace asked and got Mo someplace safe, but Mo needs her mother. Morgan admits that he needs Grace too and that he's scared and needs his family. Morgan wipes away tears before being interrupted by a voice calling out to him for help. Unzipping the raft, Morgan is greeted by a masked man who knocks him out.

Morgan wakes up the next morning on the beach as the man and his five accomplices dig a hole in the sand. Two of the men restrain Morgan who doesn't know what the men want, but he offers to work out whatever it is with them. Morgan begs them to give him his little girl back, but the man tells him that Mo doesn't belong to him just like all of the others didn't. Morgan is confused by this statement and the man accuses him of kidnapping kids. Morgan insists that he didn't take anyone's kid, but the man demands to know where they are. Morgan asks for them to give him back his daughter, promising that the men will never see them again. After a moment, the man orders the others to put Morgan in the hole and to bury him. As they put a bag on Morgan's head, Morgan demands to know why they're doing this, and the man tells him that it's so that everyone else can see what happens when they come here and steal their kids from them. Morgan is kicked into the hole where the man ignores his pleas and begins to have him buried.

Suddenly, Madison appears and shoots all 6 men dead. Poking his head out of the hole, Morgan spots Madison kneeling over baby Mo and thanks her for saving his life. Madison clarifies that she wasn't there to save him, and Morgan realizes that the men had thought that he was her. Morgan states that the baby is everything to him and he's not going to let Madison take her. Turning to face Morgan, Madison tells him that Mo is better off with her than him and that he'll get over it like Madison did. Morgan scrambles to climb out of the hole, but Madison fires a warning shot into the sand next to his hand. Taking a breath from her oxygen tank, Madison fires another warning shot at Morgan, grabs Mo and leaves, threatening to kill Morgan if he follows them.

Madison makes her way to the Pediatric Office where Ava agrees to tell her where she is if Madison is really going to help her. Ava tells Madison that it's hard to know who to trust as Madison opens a cabinet, only to find that the oxygen tanks inside are missing. Morgan places the blade of his battle axe at Madison's neck and orders her to turn off her radio and hand over her gun and Madison complies, warning Morgan that he's making a big mistake, but Morgan tells Madison that she made the bigger mistake by kidnapping his daughter. Morgan forces Madison to drop her hammer and turn around and he demands to know where Mo is, but Madison tells him that she's somewhere that Morgan will never find her. Morgan refuses to turn over Madison's oxygen unless she takes him to Mo. Madison insists that Morgan doesn't know who he's dealing with and that she's the least of his problems and that the people that she's with will kill Morgan in ways that he can't even imagine. Unthreatened, Morgan orders Madison to get moving if she wants to keep breathing.

Walking down the beach with Morgan holding her at axe point, Madison tells Morgan that he can still get out of this before the people that she's with find out that he interfered with an egg. Morgan realizes that an egg is what Madison calls the kids that she steals, but Madison insists that she's not stealing them but rather rescuing them from parents that think they can give them what they need. Madison is sure that if Morgan saw the place that she's from, he'd get it. Madison begins coughing as Morgan demands to know where she's from and why Madison is taking these kids that don't belong to her. Out of breath, Madison gestures to her oxygen tanks and Morgan allows her to breathe from them.

Madison leads Morgan into the Birdhouse where they find Mo gone. Madison states that they're too late: Mo has already been "rescued" and her people came sooner than she expected. Morgan flips through Madison's journal before noticing that it's marked PADRE. Morgan is shocked by the fact that Madison is with PADRE and Madison asks what he knows about it, but Morgan just leads her away from the Birdhouse. Outside, Morgan demands to know where they would go, but an unrepentant Madison continues to insist that Mo is better off without him. Morgan states that she can't decide what's best for his family, but Madison tells him that she did and that she used to be just like Morgan.

A walker approaches, forcing Morgan to turn his attention to it and put the walker down with his staff, allowing Madison to grab back her hammer and attack. Morgan tackles Madison to the ground, angrily telling her that she is nothing like him which Madison confirms that she's not anymore. The two continue to fight, but Morgan quickly manages to overpower and restrain Madison. In the process, the glove on Madison's right hand is pulled down, revealing Alicia's name tattooed on her wrist. Checking Madison's other wrist, Morgan finds Nick's name tattooed there.

Shocked, Morgan releases Madison and backs away from her. "Oh, dear god. You're Madison Clark," realizes Morgan. Madison asks how Morgan knows her name and, in shock at meeting Madison, Morgan explains that her kids told him. Madison accuses him of lying, but Morgan states that Nick and Alicia had told him that their mother had died and that he had seen the stadium. Now believing Morgan, Madison asks if her kids are still alive, and Morgan offers to tell Madison everything that he knows if she gives him back his daughter. Madison warns Morgan that the only way that PADRE is ever going to give him back Mo is if Morgan helps her kidnap someone else's kid to take the place of his. Madison insists that there's no other way and goes into another coughing fit. Morgan asks what if the kid isn't born yet and if PADRE would be interested in someone that's pregnant. Madison acknowledges that they might be, and Morgan tells her that the woman that Madison was talking to on the radio is pregnant. Ava isn't doing so good, and Morgan knows where she is. Madison asks if Morgan is sure that he wants to go down that road and he confirms that he is, asking if he will get Mo back. Madison assures him that he will, and that PADRE will look after Ava and her child. As such, Morgan isn't taking a child away from its mother so it's acceptable to him. Morgan returns Madison's hammer to her and allows her to breathe from her oxygen tanks again.

Continuing their journey, Morgan asks if Madison got smoke in her lungs escaping from the stadium and if that's why she needs the oxygen tanks, but she only states that it's "something like that" and that she's "full of surprises" when Morgan states that from what he heard, there was no way that Madison could've escaped from the stadium alive. Madison asks what else her kids told him and Morgan states that it was quite a bit, but Madison is not what he imagined. Madison angrily tells Morgan that he doesn't know anything and that she's rescuing kids, but Morgan demands to know if that's her or PADRE talking. Madison asks what Morgan knows about PADRE, pointing out that he hadn't answered her question earlier. Morgan knows that PADRE is putting out radio messages, nobody can find them, and Alicia was looking for them. Madison is shocked to hear this and wants to know why Alicia was looking for PADRE, but Morgan refuses to tell her any more until he gets Mo back.

Madison knows that Morgan thinks that he's doing the right thing fighting to get his daughter back, but she insists that Mo is in the right place because PADRE can give her a life that parents like Morgan can't. Madison points out that Morgan couldn't even feed her, but Morgan states that he would've found food for her. Madison feels that Morgan was barely scraping by out there on his own, but Morgan defends that Mo is his daughter and Mo's mother is coming. Madison doesn't think that it's going to make a difference, but Morgan tells her that Madison doesn't know what they endured and that they survived the bombs. Madison realizes that they were in Galveston and asks if Nick and Alicia were there too, but Morgan once again refuses to tell Madison any more about Nick and Alicia. He is simply telling Madison that his family has gotten through worse than this. However, Madison tells him that family isn't the answer, but rather the problem which is what PADRE's figured out and is why what PADRE is building is different. Morgan reminds Madison that she's the woman who put her life on the line for her family and demands to know what happened to her.

Arriving at the Sanderson Family Home, Madison asks if it's the place which Morgan confirms. Madison tells him that they will go in and tell Ava the truth which is that they're going to take her to a place where her baby will be taken care of. Morgan asks what will happen to Ava after her baby's born, but Madison refuses to tell him, stating that he doesn't need to know. Allowing Madison to take another breath from the oxygen tanks, Morgan asks how she can do this to people and Madison states that you get used to it.

Morgan and Madison find Ava in the house and Morgan introduces Madison as someone who can help her. Madison explains that she's the person that Ava spoke to on the radio and that Morgan told her where Ava was. Ava just wants Jim and Madison asks if that's the baby's father which Ava confirms, explaining that the house had belonged to her family, she was born there and thought that she would be safe there. Madison offers to help Ava and her baby, explaining that the place that she's from is safe with good people and the kind of place that a kid would dream of growing up in. Ava notes that it sounds too good to be true, but Madison tells her that it's real and the best shot that their kids have for a future. On Madison's prompting, Morgan tells Ava that they even have his kid there now and that while he didn't think that it was possible for such a place to exist, it does. Ava asks what it's called and Madison states that it's PADRE. After a moment, Ava agrees and goes to get her things.

Morgan once again demands to know what's going to happen to Ava once the baby's born and Madison admits that they get split up. Morgan presses Madison for answers on why PADRE does that and how it gives the kidnapped kids their best shot. Madison states that Morgan is looking at this all wrong and that PADRE has rewritten the book on the way we see each other and the things that we do for each other. "No attachments. No connections," elaborates Madison. Morgan refuses to do this, having seen a mother lose her baby once before and not wanting to see that ever again. However, Madison warns him that Morgan will never see his daughter again in that case.

Ava rejoins the two and Morgan reluctantly agrees with Madison's assertion that everything's fine, stating that they should just get her to PADRE. Hearing voices, Madison looks out the window and spots the rest of the posse approaching from down the street and realizes that they found her. Madison asks Ava if there's a back way out, explaining that she had pissed them off trying to save some kids. Ava leads Madison and Morgan out of the house, and they run across the grounds with Morgan refusing to give Madison her oxygen tanks. Ava trips and is grabbed by a walker that is pinned to the ground. As Ava struggles to pull out her knife, Madison smashes the walker's head with her hammer and saves her. Morgan notices that Ava is cut on her stomach, but she insists that the wound is just from the vines and she's fine. Morgan helps Ava up, but it causes her a lot of pain and Morgan insists that they need to stop, unwilling to risk Ava's baby. Madison agrees with Morgan, and they head for a nearby crypt to hide.

Morgan and Madison barricade the group in the crypt and Madison pulls out a heartrate monitor to check on Ava's baby against her objections. Madison can't get a heartbeat and Morgan tells Madison to get PADRE's doctors there to help Ava. Madison stops looking for a heartbeat, realizing that Ava was only faking her pregnancy and that Ava was tricking them. Madison demands to know why, if Ava had been trying to get Madison to take her to PADRE and she orders Morgan to tie Ava up and leave her some food and water as Ava will only slow them down. Ava realizes that Madison really doesn't remember her and reveals that Madison had kidnapped her 6-year-old daughter for PADRE a year before and told Ava that it was for the best. Her daughter's name was Odessa and she cried when Madison pulled her from Ava on the beach. Ava tells Morgan that what Madison told him isn't true, but Madison reveals that Morgan already knows and they still have time to get out of there before the posse finds them. Ava insists that Madison needs to take her to her daughter, but Madison tells Ava that her plan never would've worked: PADRE would've checked for a heartbeat before they got on the boat, when they arrived and every day that Ava was there. Ava needs to see her daughter and Odessa needs to see her while Morgan is worried about how they're going to get Mo back if there's no baby. Madison tells Morgan that they're not and that there was no guarantee even with a trade.

Ava is enraged that Morgan was going to trade her for his daughter while Morgan is furious as Madison had told him that they'd get Mo back. Madison states that she had only told Morgan that they might and, furious, Morgan grabs his axe and threatens Madison, telling her that she needs to find a way to get him to his kid or Madison will never know where her children are. However, Madison is unthreatened, stating "that's the thing, Morgan. I don't wanna find them. I'm never gonna see them again. And that's okay. I told you I got over it before. I wasn't lying." Morgan refuses to believe this, but Madison tells him that she only made the deal so that she could get what she wanted from him which was Ava. Releasing Madison, Morgan wants to know why else she would be doing all of this.

Madison breathes from her oxygen tank again and Ava is surprised to learn that Madison has kids too and that Morgan knows them. Madison states that they are all doing what they're doing for their own reasons and Morgan asks if she really won't help him. Madison tells Morgan to be smart and to go before the posse finds them. Grabbing Madison's hammer, Ava smashes one of Madison's oxygen tanks and the stone slab over her grandfather's grave, taking a shotgun from inside. Pointing the shotgun at them, Ava explains that her grandfather had asked to be buried with his favorite hunting gun in his will in case he didn't end up in Heaven. Walkers start banging on the door and Morgan attempts to talk Ava down, but she tells Madison that she has another solution and that while Madison might not want to see her kids, she doubts that Madison wants them to die either.

Grabbing her radio, Ava contacts Wilt and identifies herself as someone like him and his men, someone whom Madison had stolen a child from. Ava has found the way to motivate Madison to do what they want, but she's going to need Wilt's help to motivate her. Tossing Morgan the radio, Ava demands that he tell Wilt where Madison's kids are. Madison insists that she can't help Ava and that PADRE doesn't care what she thinks. Unmoved, Ava continues to order Morgan to tell Wilt where Madison's kids are, threatening to kill him if he doesn't.

Morgan finally reveals that he can't tell Madison where her kids are as they're both already dead. Shocked and enraged, Madison shoves Morgan up against the wall, accusing him of lying, but Morgan tells her that he wouldn't lie about them being dead and he had only told her that he could lead Madison to her kids so that he could get what he wanted from her. Morgan explains that Nick got shot and Morgan, Strand, Alicia and Luciana were all there when it happened and they buried Nick themselves. Breaking down, Madison asks about Alicia and Morgan explains that she got bit by a walker recently and had to amputate her own arm. However, Alicia didn't do it in time and the infection set in. Alicia fought it for months, longer than anyone that Morgan knows, but the last time Morgan saw her, and spoke to her, Alicia was close to the end. As a sympathetic Ava and Morgan watch, Madison collapses in grief over the loss of her children.

Lost in her grief, Madison watches the walkers bang on the crypt doors while Morgan, after checking out the window, tells the others that there's at least 30 walkers outside. Wilt calls over the radio, looking for an answer and Morgan tells Ava that the posse is still waiting on her deal. Ava suggests that the posse could still get them out, but Morgan tells Ava that, since Ava can't give them what she promised, the posse is liable to just kill them, having already tried to kill Morgan. Wilt asks if Madison hurt Ava and Morgan shuts off the radio, cutting him off. Morgan asks how long until the posse finds them, and Ava suggests that it could take hours with the size of the property, especially if they're still at the house. Morgan notes that the herd isn't going to make it easy for them and they're going to have to fight their way out and hope that they get out before the posse finds them. Looking at Madison, Ava states that it's going to take all of them.

Approaching Madison, Morgan tells her that they're going to need her help. Morgan apologizes for not telling Madison the truth about Nick and Alicia at the beginning, but he just did what he thought he had to. Madison asks what Nick and Alicia were doing when they died, and Morgan explains that Nick was going through a bad patch when Morgan met him and Alicia too as they thought that Madison was gone. However, Nick was making the first steps towards something better when he was killed. Alicia was trying to stop the nukes and she survived the explosion and helped Morgan, his daughter and some people that they cared about escape from the fallout, and she fought the infection for as long as she could. Morgan admits that he didn't see Alicia die, but he had to leave with Mo and Alicia could still be out there. However, Madison refuses to believe it as people don't survive bites. Morgan points out that Alicia was different and so maybe she found a way. Even if Alicia survived, Madison still doesn't want to find her, and Morgan asks her why.

Madison touches her tattoos and explains that she was willing to die at the stadium so that her kids could see what she was building was worth fighting for. However, Madison now knows that PADRE played her from the start and made her do things that she didn't want to so that when she could finally get her kids back, she wouldn't want to anymore. Morgan wonders why Madison kept kidnapping kids for PADRE if she didn't want to see Nick and Alicia anymore and Madison admits that she knew that PADRE would find her kids and make them go after kids in her place if she tried to walk away which is something that Madison no longer has to worry about with Nick and Alicia dead. Madison wishes that she knew that before she took Mo.

Suddenly, there's gunfire outside that takes out the herd banging on the door. Morgan, Madison and Ava realize that the posse has found them, and Morgan warns Madison that the posse will kill them both if they get inside. Wilt calls for them to open up as the posse knows that they're inside. Morgan tells Ava that Madison saved him once before and the posse thinks that they're working together. Ava suggests that if they give Madison up, the posse might spare his life. Morgan insists that everyone needs Madison to get their kids back, but Ava doubts that the posse is going to see it that way. Trying to open the door, Wilt warns Morgan and Ava that, if they're trying to hide Madison, they're going to have a problem. Madison orders Morgan to let the posse in and not to sacrifice himself for her, but Morgan states that he's not doing it for Madison but so that she can get his daughter back. Madison insists that she can't get back either Morgan or Ava's children and that she can't undo any of this. Morgan believes that she can, and that Madison just needs to find a reason, but with the posse continuing to bang on the door, Madison warns Morgan that the posse is going to kill him and there's only one way to show them that he's not with her. Morgan finally yells at the posse to wait and reluctantly agrees to open the door and hand Madison over to them. Morgan apologizes to Madison, but she simply tells him that it's the only way for him to live to see his daughter again one day.

Morgan and Ava open the door and let in the posse. Removing his mask, Wilt asks if Madison remembers him, stating that Madison took his son away from him last winter. Covering Madison's head with a bag, Wilt orders his men to start digging as high tide is in less than two hours. Outside, Ava reassures Morgan that he made the right call and Morgan asks Wilt what he did to Madison when Wilt returns from the beach. Wilt states that they left Madison to watch the tide come in and that it's worse when you can see it coming. While Madison didn't tell them much, the posse found Madison's PADRE journal in her pack, and they know when PADRE is coming to pick her up. Wilt orders Morgan to put a bag on, explaining that they're going to surprise Madison's friends at the beach and bury them all if they have to until someone talks and tells them where to find their kids. However, Morgan knows that this isn't going to get their kids back and will only get everyone killed. Ava stops Wilt and orders him to let Morgan go, reminding Wilt that PADRE is the enemy, not each other. Wilt finally relents, but he warns Morgan against getting in their way. As the posse leaves, Morgan tries to convince Ava not to go with them, but Ava is determined to get to her daughter. Ava shows Morgan a toy that Odessa had lost the day before Madison took her, one that Ava had promised her daughter that she'd find and get back to her. Ava refuses to break that promise which Morgan acknowledges and she leaves with the posse.

Buried up to her neck in the sand, Madison spots three bodies floating in the water near shore before they reanimate, revealing them to be zombified posse members. Closing her eyes, Madison remembers dropping numerous toys from kids that she kidnapped for PADRE into a box, haunted by memories of her actions. Madison watches as the first walker trips and falls to the ground just feet away from her, and crawls towards her. Just as the walker is about to reach Madison, Morgan suddenly chops its face off with his battle axe before using his staff and axe to put down the other two walkers. Dropping his weapon, Morgan begins to dig Madison out, telling Madison that she doesn't deserve to go out like this. Madison reminds Morgan that she told him that she can't help him save Mo, but that's not why Morgan is doing this. Morgan explains that, when he first met her kids, Morgan was in a place not too different from where Madison is now. Morgan had wanted to get away from everything and everybody, but meeting Nick and Alicia and seeing what Madison had given them, they were a big part of when things started turning around for him. As a result, Morgan kind of owes Madison in a way and he thinks that she should show the people that did this to her that they're wrong and that you can fight for the people that you care about without losing yourself. Madison insists that she can't, and Morgan reminds her that "no one's gone until they're gone," which Alicia had told him was something that Madison had used to say. However, Madison feels that with everything that she's done, she is gone.

As Madison struggles to breathe again, Morgan rushes to get her oxygen tanks. Spotting more posse members emerging from the water as walkers, including Wilt, Madison realizes that PADRE had killed them all and laments that she had told them not to go to the Birdhouse. Grabbing his bag and battle axe, Morgan rushes over to help Madison as she calls out a warning to him. Morgan impales Wilt through the head with his staff, putting him down, but he hesitates at the next walker after spotting Odessa's toy on its belt. Removing the bag from the walker's head, Morgan is saddened to discover that the walker is a zombified Ava. As a result, Morgan hesitates to attack, and he trips and falls while using his axe to hold Ava back. Lying on the ground, Morgan struggles to keep Ava from biting him as the other three zombified posse members approach Madison. Madison manages to grab her hammer which is lying on the ground near her and swing it at the walkers' legs, breaking them and sending the walkers to the ground. With the walkers incapacitated, Madison impales each walker in the head with the sharp end of her hammer, putting them down. Freeing herself from the hole, Madison impales Ava in the back of the head with her hammer, putting her down.

Taking a breath from her oxygen tanks, Madison asks Morgan about his hesitation against the zombified Ava. Morgan sadly tells Madison that Ava is dead because of something he did and won't see her daughter because of him. However, Madison tells Morgan that Ava is dead because of PADRE, not him. Morgan is confused as Madison was just about to give up and she explains that while she's gone, Morgan's not. Madison will help Morgan to get to his daughter and show PADRE that they're wrong, although Madison doesn't know what she'll do after that. However, Madison wasn't lying about the fact that Morgan can only get to PADRE by taking them another child. Morgan insists that there's gotta be another way, but Madison is sure that there's not. Looking at Grace's tape player, Morgan suddenly has an idea for another solution, one that just means that they can't fail which Madison agrees with.

Escorted by a PADRE guard, Madison leads Morgan back to the Birdhouse where she introduces him to another guard as another Collector who has something to offer. Morgan reveals that he has information on rafts with people on them out there with Madison adding that they're people that PADRE might want. Morgan tells the guard that the amongst the people are children and a pregnant woman and Morgan can tell them more, but they have to let Morgan go with them. The guard agrees and has Morgan and Madison get on his boat.

As the boat heads out, Morgan asks Madison where they're going and where PADRE actually is. "Been meaning to tell you. I don't know," Madison admits. The PADRE guards blindfold both Morgan and Madison as the boat heads for a large ship that's anchored in open water.

Season 8[]

"Remember What They Took From You"

A hooded Morgan is led into an interrogation room in PADRE where a man on a speaker addresses Morgan with both acknowledging that they know who the other is. Morgan notices Madison standing in the room with him and Padre informs Morgan that he's been there long enough for PADRE to verify his story. PADRE has found the rafts of Morgan's Group and are currently processing the passengers. Morgan asks how many people were on the rafts and Padre tells him that while it wasn't as much as Morgan thought, it's still enough to satisfy PADRE's needs. Morgan and Madison exchange a look in the mirror as the man asks how Morgan knew that the rafts were out there and Morgan claims that he heard chatter on the radio and he thought that PADRE might be interested in them. The man warns Morgan that, if he wants to be a part of what PADRE is doing, he must show them that he's committed to their vision.

Morgan promises that he is, and he will as Shrike enters the room with another guard, holding a baby monitor with a baby's cries over it. Shrike tells him that the cries are from "our newest intake" while the man explains that PADRE wants Morgan to be a Collector collecting children to join the community like the one on the radio who was brought to PADRE by Madison. Morgan realizes that the baby is Mo and asks Shrike what PADRE is doing to her, confusing Shrike as to how he knows the baby's gender. Morgan explains that he can tell because he had a daughter, and Padre reassures him that they are simply drawing blood and giving Mo shots to keep her from getting sick and making other people sick. Morgan asks why PADRE can't bring the parents in too, and the man tells Morgan that they tried, but PADRE found that the parents don't want to build something better, but rather to "rebuild what we had, and what we had got us into this mess." Noting that Mo sounds scared, Morgan tries to get Shrike and the man to have someone comfort her, but he is informed that Mo will learn to separate herself from her emotions like all of the children at PADRE.

Unable to take it anymore, Morgan stands up and tells them to stop, but he is forced back into his seat at gunpoint. Morgan realizes that this is a setup and asks how the man knew and demands to know if Madison had told him. Padre explains that they got suspicious since a Collector bringing in both a child and a new recruit in one day doesn't happen often and they had to be sure as a result. Morgan and Madison suddenly attack, overpowering and knocking out the guards and Shrike and taking their guns. Madison sarcastically asks if it looks like she sold him out before they turn their guns on the window that Padre is behind and Morgan demands that Mo be brought to him and allow Morgan to escape on a boat with her, threatening the man's life if he refuses. Padre simply tells Morgan to do what's best for his daughter and Madison tells him to go while she keeps the man honest until he's clear, reminding Morgan that she's doing what she said that she would do, not wanting Mo to grow up on this island. As Morgan leaves, Padre asks if Madison really wants to do this, but she doesn't think that there's anything that PADRE can do that's worse than what she's already living. Padre menacingly suggests otherwise.

Seven years later, following Madison's escape from PADRE with Mo, as Madison prepares to lead Mo deeper into the swamp, Morgan emerges from the marsh and puts down another approaching walker, now armed with a cruder version of his original staff rather than his battle axe, and warning Madison that it's not safe in that direction. Madison introduces Mo to her father, having known that Morgan would still be alive with Morgan acknowledging that he's not that easy to get rid of. Madison demands answers from Morgan on why Mo was back at PADRE and what happened, and Morgan explains that he heard the chatter on the walkies, and this is the same spot that they had landed after the escape seven years ago. Mo asks if an astonished Morgan is really her father, but rejects his touch and identifies herself as Wren rather than Mo. Backing off, Morgan reassures his daughter that, no matter what PADRE told her about parents, it's okay. Suddenly turning his staff on Madison, Morgan announces that he's here to take Mo back to PADRE.

Morgan leads Madison and Mo into an abandoned theme park, handing Mo the sledgehammer and tossing away Madison's radio. Morgan responds to PADRE 1's attempts to contact Mo after her message, identifying himself as Nightingale and telling PADRE 1 that he has Wren. Although this isn't a sanctioned operation, Morgan was nearby, heard the alert and had an idea of where they would land. Madison is shocked that Morgan is now with PADRE, and he tells her that Madison has been locked away for a long time and claims that he's simply accepted what Madison had told Morgan the first time that they met: Mo is better off with PADRE than Morgan. Mo tells Madison that she wants to go back, and Madison angrily states that she spent seven years in a cell so that Morgan could be with his daughter. However, Morgan only cares about what's best for his daughter as Madison doubles over, having trouble breathing. Grabbing her sledgehammer, Madison attacks Morgan, stating that she's doing this for Mo, but he easily blocks her attack with his staff and knocks Madison to the ground. Morgan accuses Madison of doing this to feel better about all of the other kids that she took and warns Madison that he doesn't want to hurt her.

As more walkers approach, Morgan tells PADRE 1 that he's bringing them both in, but PADRE 1 tells him to only bring in Mo as PADRE no longer needs Madison. Stating that Madison has become a liability to the settlement over Morgan's objections, PADRE 1 orders him to execute her. After a moment's hesitation, Morgan agrees and sends Mo away before he reluctantly prepares to shoot his former friend, explaining that PADRE might not let Mo back in if he doesn't do it and this is exactly what Madison had wanted on the Louisiana beach. As Morgan is distracted ordering Mo to go elsewhere, Madison attacks and disarms him and Mo. Madison reminds Morgan that she had told Morgan on the beach that she was going to save him and his daughter and that's what she's going to have to do. Morgan insists that they don't need saving with Mo adding that she wants to go back, but Madison tells the girl that she just doesn't know anything else while something made Morgan forget. Seeing a herd approaching from the way that they came in, Madison orders Morgan to get up so that they can head into the swamp, their only way out. Morgan warns Madison that "we are screwed because that's the way I went with her seven years ago." Morgan refuses to explain what happened there, only stating that he doesn't think that Mo having the two of them this time is going to be enough.

At night, the three make their way through the waters of the swamp which is infested with walkers. Morgan explains that swamps act like flypaper to walkers: they get in, but they can't get back out again, and it will only get harder as they go. Using Morgan's staff as a walking stick, Madison states that she will fix her tank and she can manage, but Morgan doubts it from how weak Madison sounds. Madison believes that she only needs to last long enough to convince Morgan not to take Mo back to PADRE, but Morgan insists that it's never going to happen and that he's going to take Mo back to the island where she can live like they never met. Morgan will then go back to doing the same thing that he's been doing for the last seven years which Madison deduces is stealing more children for PADRE and why he was allowed to live, but Morgan wants his daughter to know as little about him as possible. Madison asks if PADRE also has Mo's mother, and a confused Mo asks what she means. Madison explains that it's how PADRE gets people to do what they want: they find out what matters to someone and threaten it. Morgan insists that PADRE provides a way of life that works, and Madison asks if he really buys that. Morgan orders Madison to call him Nightingale in front of Mo and the girl wonders what kind of a name Morgan is. Madison reveals that Morgan is also Mo's full name, but Morgan claims that Wren suits her better.

Mo asks about Madison's motives for being a Collector and she explains that PADRE threatened to go after her kids if Madison didn't do what they wanted. Mo is surprised to learn that Madison has kids, and she tells Mo that she had a son and a daughter, Nick and Alicia, but PADRE didn't take them because they are both dead. However, PADRE lied and told Madison that they were alive, and he knew where they were. After Madison found out the truth, she decided to help Morgan get his daughter back. Mo states that she'd probably be dead if Madison hadn't brought her to the island and Madison angrily asks if Morgan really wants her thinking this. Morgan wants Mo to be alive and he claims that Mo is right, pointing out that when Madison found them, Morgan and Mo were out of food, almost out of water and at the mercy of a posse. It was only a matter of time before things ended for them.

Suddenly, a flare shoots into the air while boat engines can be heard in the distance. Morgan realizes that it's PADRE, although he has no idea where they're getting gas. Taking his staff back, Morgan explains that since he didn't bring Mo back, PADRE thinks that they're running and is trying to flush them out to an airstrip a couple of miles away which Morgan knows as this is what PADRE did seven years ago. Walkers approach, drawn by the flare, but Madison throws away Morgan's radio rather than allow him to call this off and get them picked up, stating that Morgan can't take the easy way out now. Pointing to the flare, Madison states that "PADRE did that. That's how they're keeping her safe," but Morgan tells her that it's only because Madison took Mo off of the island. As a walker approaches, a panicked Mo states that they have to go back and get the radio, but Morgan puts down the walker and tells his daughter that she has to forget the radio as she's only going to get herself hurt. Mo insists that she can handle herself while Madison points out that they have to find shelter. Relenting, Morgan admits that he knows a place and leads Madison and Mo back into the swamp.

The next day, the three arrive at an abandoned houseboat surrounded by walkers stuck half-buried in the water. Morgan tells Madison that it's safe as long as they don't draw any more walkers while Mo experiences another flashback, this time with the houseboat in the background along with screams. Mo realizes that this is the place from her flashbacks and asks if something had happened to her here, but Morgan again only tells Mo that the less she knows the better and they need to stay ahead of the walkers. The three make their way safely to the houseboat.

Inside, Mo watches as a growing herd gathers outside, but Morgan warns her away from the window. Morgan knows that PADRE will come looking for them at the houseboat when they don't show up at the airstrip while Madison has trouble breathing due to her broken oxygen tank. As Morgan tries to help fix her tank, he notices the large bruise on Madison's arm, and she explains that PADRE drew blood once a week and she didn't always cooperate. Morgan apologizes, having been unaware that Madison was locked up, but Madison reassures him that she's still here, although she thinks that she should've seen PADRE manipulating Morgan like they did her coming. Morgan explains that he operates by a set of rules: Morgan only takes kids who have already lost their parents or kids whose parents give them up willingly for a better life rather than just outright kidnapping kids from their parents like Madison did which PADRE doesn't know about. Looking around, Madison asks if this is where PADRE caught Morgan and Mo, but he again refuses to answer. Madison asks if Morgan knows what Padre is training the kids for, but Morgan tells her that Padre doesn't share his plans with him. Madison points out that you don't train eight year olds to kill without a good reason. Morgan asks if Madison thinks that Mo isn't safe on the island, but Madison has been locked up for so long that she doesn't know what to think. Madison asks who else is on the island and on the rafts. Morgan admits that it's not many that Madison knows. Morgan doesn't know where Daniel and Luciana ended up while Strand wasn't on the rafts when PADRE found them, and he hasn't been seen in seven years.

Cleaning the walls, Mo finds written on them "Duane, Jenny, you were supposed to..." and King County, Georgia where Morgan had lost his family. Morgan lies that it's some kind of graffiti that was already there and returns to helping Madison as Mo continues exploring against Morgan's wishes. Mo finds a crib in the corner, some toys and a bag holding Morgan's old Walkman. Listening to the tape of Grace's singing, Mo experiences another flashback, this time with Morgan yelling at her to get out of here as walkers approach him from behind and grab Morgan. As Morgan tries to dismiss the Walkman's importance and walkers reach the boat, a horrified Mo announces that she remembers, and that the walkers are gonna pull them under. Yelling that Madison shouldn't have taken her off of the island, Mo grabs the gun and tries to kill her despite Morgan's attempts to reassure his daughter that PADRE is going to find them before anything happens, but Mo points out that PADRE doesn't even know where they are. Mo angrily accuses Madison of not caring that the walkers are going to kill them because she wants to die. Morgan grabs the gun from the girl, but it goes off into the celling, drawing even more walkers as the ones outside start pulling the houseboat underwater. Madison insists that she brought Mo here because she needed to save her, but Mo states that Madison can't save her.

With the houseboat going under, Morgan directs them to the other side of the boat where there's no flooding. Morgan insists upon waiting for PADRE who he's sure will show up just like they did the last time. Morgan finally explains what had happened the last time: he was the one who had called PADRE and told them to come the last time as Morgan had tried to kill the walkers to stop them from pulling them under, but there were too many and Morgan couldn't protect his daughter then or now. Madison states that they don't have a radio and they can't call PADRE so they have to do this themselves. Morgan points out that she can barely stand let alone fight, but Madison states that she doesn't need to. Morgan agrees, deciding to go out this side as there's less walkers in the way.

Dispatching two walkers outside, Morgan jumps into the water and Madison passes him Mo. Too weak to join them, Madison orders them to go while she draws the walkers away. As Morgan and Mo begin fighting their way across the swamp, Mo's foot gets stuck in the water. With the herd quickly closing in on them, Morgan uses his staff to put down a number of approaching walkers as Mo struggles to free herself. Staring at an approaching walker, Mo remembers Morgan apologizing to her, telling his daughter that "I'm doing this for you," before turning Mo over to PADRE forces who have promised to take care of her. As walkers close in on him, Morgan yells to the PADRE forces to get Mo out of here and they drive away with her, leaving Morgan to fend off the swarming walkers on his own. Mo realizes that this is what had happened the last time which Morgan confirms while working to free his daughter in between putting down approaching walkers.

Madison starts banging her sledgehammer on the houseboat, drawing the herd towards herself to buy Morgan and Mo time while Morgan puts down the few that get too close to him and Mo regardless. Morgan finally manages to free Mo and restrains his daughter as she desperately tries to help Madison who is getting swarmed by walkers. However, Madison is willing to sacrifice herself for them, knowing that there's too many walkers for Morgan and Mo to help her Morgan reveals that the last time he killed as many walkers as he could before PADRE came back and saved him, but Morgan doubts that they're coming this time. As the walkers are about to devour Madison, Grace suddenly races up in a boat and shoots all of the walkers going after Madison and two that try to climb into the boat, having heard the radio chatter and came as fast as she could. Shocked to see Mo, Grace introduces herself as her mother and escapes with Morgan, Madison and Mo before more walkers can reach them.

Sitting on a beach, Madison realizes that Grace is also working with PADRE which she admits to. Grace works maintaining PADRE's radio towers and radio traffic exploded when Madison escaped. Having heard Morgan's message, Grace deduced that they would end up at the houseboat after he went silent. Madison realizes that PADRE has all of Morgan's group on their side while Mo, holding the Walkman, realizes that Grace is the one who was singing on the tape which she confirms, having made it a long time ago. Mo admits that she remembered Grace's singing even before she heard it on the houseboat which surprises her parents, but Grace tells her daughter to try and put that out of her mind while Grace hasn't heard anything about if PADRE is still looking for them.

Mo suggests that they don't have to go back to the island. Morgan did save her seven years ago by calling PADRE when he didn't want to, and he almost died fighting to get Mo back to them. Morgan points out how badly things had gone for them earlier, but Mo points out that Grace had showed up to help them. Morgan is incredulous as Mo was fighting to get back to the island just the day before and now she doesn't want to anymore. Mo now knows that PADRE has been lying to her this whole time. Mo has been taught that her father is selfish and that he couldn't make the hard calls to protect her, but she now knows that he did before. Madison did too just now and Mo invites her to come with them, but Madison refuses as she'll just slow them down and she did what she set out to do. Mo angrily asks if Madison is just going to give up and die out here "and what about everyone else? I can't be the only one you took. What about all the other kids you rescued for PADRE?" Madison doesn't think she can help them, but Mo points out that Madison helped her, and they wouldn't be doing it alone.

However, their conversation is interrupted by the approach of PADRE. Morgan and Grace reveal that they radioed PADRE as they can protect their daughter in ways that they can't. Mo stubbornly refuses to go back, but Morgan and Grace aren't having it, insisting that their daughter has to go back and forget everything that happened at the boat, everything that she's learned about them. However, Mo can't as she now knows what she was missing when she looked to shore: Morgan and Grace, her parents. Morgan harshly tells Mo that her parents were Isaac and Rachel who are dead. They died a long time ago and they made Morgan promise to take care of her which is what he's doing and why Mo is going back to PADRE. Madison angrily confronts Morgan over throwing away his chance to be with Mo, but he tells Madison that she needs to get out of here and run while she can and not make things any harder than they already are. Calling this the biggest mistake of Morgan and Grace's lives, Madison refuses to run despite the possibility that PADRE will kill her and Morgan, Grace and Mo trying to get Madison to save herself with Mo urging Madison to save herself so that she can save everyone else. Madison doesn't think that she's going to make it, but Mo urges her to try.

Three PADRE boats arrive with several PADRE guards and Shrike who tells Madison that PADRE still has use for her. As Madison is taken onto a boat, she yells to Mo to "remember what I showed you. Remember what they took from you." Mo is led by PADRE guards onto another boat and Shrike, addressing Grace as Heron, orders her to go to the delta receiver for repairs. Watching Mo get taken away, Morgan comments that they at least got to see her, but Grace, breaking down into tears once their daughter is gone, admits that it only makes it harder for her which Morgan acknowledges and apologizes for before Grace leaves. Shrike announces that PADRE is retiring Morgan as a Collector, having invested too much in Mo to run the risk that she'll cross paths with Morgan again now that she knows that Morgan is her father. Morgan reassures Shrike that he's made sure that that's not gonna happen again which she knows is because Morgan thinks that's what's best for her now. However, that might not always be the case. Shrike has Morgan taken away on her boat.

"Blue Jay"

In the back of a PADRE transport truck on a muddy road, Madison asks Morgan where they're being taken, but Morgan has no idea. Madison demands to know why Morgan thinks that he can't be the person that Mo needs him to be, wanting to know what happened that is holding Morgan back. Morgan hesitates to answer, so Madison points out that they might not be alive long enough for her to pass judgement on him. Morgan finally admits that "I've been... thinking about a thing I did. Actually, a thing I didn't do. A long time ago." However, Morgan refuses to tell Madison what it is as he claims that it doesn't matter. Madison asks if Morgan can fix it, but he states that he can't fix the worst of it, although Morgan acknowledges that some of it might be able to be fixed. Madison demands to know why Morgan isn't fixing it so that he can move forward to be the person that Mo needs. With a laugh, Morgan points out that he's not exactly in a situation where he can call the shots.

Madison suddenly descends into a coughing fit and Morgan yells for the driver to pull over since Madison can't breathe. The guards stop the truck and rush to the back to tend to Madison. One roughly helps Madison to her feet while the other orders his companion to get her an oxygen tank. Having faked the fit, Madison grabs the guard and rushes them both out of the truck into the man outside. Struggling with the guards, Madison yells "Morgan, go! Go! Do what you need to do!" Morgan races off into the trees, escaping as Madison holds the PADRE guards off for him.


After Madison discovers that "Dove" is actually Odessa Sanderson, she has a flashback of meeting Dove's mother Ava with Morgan and then putting down a zombified Ava, saving Morgan's life.

"King County"

Morgan, now armed with a makeshift staff created out of what appears to be a large wooden stake, stops by a fallen and overgrown road sign for King County, Georgia. Morgan makes his way into King County, which has been partially reclaimed by nature in the years since he abandoned it, passing by a small herd of walkers that is distracted by eating a pair of skunks. Approaching a house with a walker growling inside, Morgan calls out "sorry it took me so long. I'm here. Duane?" Hallucinating Duane's voice calling out to him, Morgan loses his courage, and he runs away. Loudly declaring that he can do it and kill all of them, Morgan draws the attention of the walkers eating the skunks and he quickly dispatches them all effortlessly with his staff. Falling to his knees in despair amidst the carnage, Morgan begins crying, apologizing that "I'm sorry, Duane. Duane, I can't do it. I don't know why I can't do it!"

Morgan is drawn out of his despair by the sounds of a vehicle nearby. Investigating, Morgan spots a PADRE truck slowly driving through the nearby streets. Morgan ambushes the driver, only to find Grace who tells Morgan that he had asked her to come, confusing Morgan as he didn't. Grace explains that she was working at the repeater station and got an SOS from Morgan, one that was coded like they had talked about. Morgan is disturbed as no one knew that he was coming to King County unless someone followed him. Morgan chides Grace for listening to her audio book as he could've been a walker sneaking up on her, but she quickly dismisses his concerns, noticing the skunk smell on Morgan.

As Grace questions what he's doing so far inland, Morgan notices a noise in the back of her truck, and they find a hiding Mo. Morgan chides the two for coming, believing that they are just going to get themselves killed and asking if Mo got the same message as Grace. However, Mo reveals that she was the one who had sent the message, having been told by Madison that Morgan was going to do something important. Morgan is pleased to hear that Madison got away, but Morgan didn't tell Madison where he was going. However, Mo figured it out for herself based on the graffiti that she saw on Morgan's Houseboat about King County and his attempts to lie to her about it not being important. Exasperated but proud, Morgan admits that his daughter is so much smarter than she has any right to be, getting a laugh out of Grace.

Mo asks if this has to do with Jenny and Duane as their names were on the houseboat wall too. Morgan tries to get his girlfriend and daughter to leave, but Grace explains that Jenny and Duane are Morgan's wife and son and asks if they're why he's here. Morgan finally admits that he came back to King County to put his son to rest as Duane is still a walker. Morgan asks how Mo figured out their code "Dock of the Bay", and Mo explains that she knew that song meant something to him and her mother, asking if she can call Grace Mom who immediately agrees. Mo had deduced that if she played it at the end of the message, Grace would think that it was Morgan. Mo knew that if she told Grace the truth, she probably wouldn't have brought her along with her to King County. Mo jokingly asks if this is what it feels like to get in trouble with your parents, but Morgan is more concerned about her getting into trouble with PADRE. Mo explains that Daniel helped her get away, surprising Morgan and Grace that he's still alive, and that Daniel is building an army of other parents to take PADRE down. Mo wants them to help Daniel do that, but Morgan needs to finish what he came back to King County for first.

Morgan leads his family back to the house where he lost Duane and explains that "we were looking for food. Man, we were always looking for food and I went down into the basement and told him to stay in the kitchen. I don't know, maybe the door was ajar. The front door because when I came up, there she was, his mother standing right opposite him, but she wasn't his mother anymore. Before I could even get my gun up, Jenny was on top of him. I finally did what I should've done weeks before. I, uh, I... I... I fired. But it was too late." Grace expresses her sympathizes to Morgan who finishes "it was just blood. God, the blood and the teeth and... and... I don't know. I just ran. You know, I ran like I didn't know what else to do. I ran and left him here. Left my boy to become one of them." Mo asks where Morgan went, but Morgan admits that he doesn't know as Morgan's period of insanity after losing his family is a blur that comes back to him in pieces. Morgan only knows that he started killing everything in front of him that moved whether it was alive or dead. Grace questions whether Morgan is up for this, and he believes that he is, but that he should go in alone. However, Mo wants them both to go with him, telling Morgan that he needs some new clothes, but they're still here which should tell Morgan that they won't let him go inside alone and Grace backs her up.

Before they can go inside, a flare shoots into the air and Grace reassures Morgan that she was careful. The three hide as Dwight and Sherry arrive on horses and Dwight calls out to Morgan that there's nowhere to go, surprising Mo that her father knows Red Kite. Morgan explains that he's the reason that Dwight is at PADRE, and he orders Grace and Mo to remain in hiding while he goes out to confront his old friends alone. The two explain that they're here to take Morgan back to PADRE, having intercepted the message to Grace. Although it was coded, Dwight and Sherry know Morgan well enough to figure it out and are firm that Morgan needs to go back with them. Morgan realizes that Padre has Finch and is using him as leverage which Sherry confirms, telling Morgan that if they bring him back, Padre will give them the freedom to go wherever they want. Morgan points out how unlikely Padre is to keep his word, but Dwight and Sherry know that something worse than what has already happened to Finch will happen to him if they don't bring Morgan back. "You sold us out seven years ago to rescue your kid, we're just returning the favor."

A walker appears nearby and heads for Grace and Mo. Morgan goes to stop it, but Dwight takes care of it instead with a hatchet and discovers the hiding Grace and Mo in the process. The couple is shocked to see them, and Mo admits that they technically came without Morgan's permission. Dwight and Sherry are conflicted about what to do with this turn of events as a woman calls in asking if they need assistance. Dwight suggests that Morgan takes off with Grace and Mo while he and Sherry find some walkers that look similar enough to them so that they can fake Morgan, Grace and Mo's deaths like Dwight and Al did when they ran from Virginia. However, Morgan knows that it might not work this time and it will only put Finch's life on the line if it doesn't work. Although Sherry isn't willing to take the chance either, Dwight points out that they can't tell Finch that they traded another kid for his freedom, causing her to relent. Dwight warns Morgan that they have two guards babysitting them and Dwight and Sherry rode ahead to sweep the town, so Morgan needs to make his decision right now before they catch up. Morgan is unwilling to leave without finishing what he came to King County to do first and he runs off with Grace and Mo as Dwight and Sherry move to block the entrance.

As another herd closes in, Morgan leads Grace and Mo to an abandoned house, finding it to be clear of walkers. Morgan directs them to oil lamps in the cupboards and a rifle that might be up on the second floor in the front bedroom and extra ammo in a shoebox under the bed. Morgan knows that they're going to need the gun as walkers are going to find them before Dwight and Sherry do. As he adjusts the blackout curtains over the windows, Grace demands to know how Morgan knows where everything is in this house. Morgan admits that he'd lived in the house with Duane before he died, and a concerned Grace asks if Morgan is sure that being here is a good idea. However, when prompted by Morgan, Grace doesn't have a better idea.

That night, after masking the skunk smell on himself using tomato soup, Morgan shares a story with Mo about how Duane's dog Mitch had once gotten too close to the wrong end of a skunk and, with the dog needing to be where Duane was at, Morgan and Jenny had bathed her in tomato soup, resulting in such a horrible smell that Duane wouldn't touch the stuff even when he and Morgan hadn't eaten in days. Mo asks if how things used to be was nice and whether or not he thinks it will ever be like that again, but Morgan tells her that he would say that it wasn't bad and he thinks that if they do things right, they might have the chance to make it even better and give everybody the second chance that they deserve. Morgan apologizes for his harsh words before about how he and Grace aren't Mo's parents, reassuring his daughter that they are in every way that matters. Mo already knows and she understands what Morgan had been trying to do when he'd told her that they aren't. Morgan tells Mo that Isaac and Rachel are her parents too and that they had sacrificed their lives so that Mo would survive.

Hearing walkers outside, Grace sends Mo upstairs, and she warns Morgan that they can't stay. There are too many walkers outside and they are going to lead Dwight and Sherry here. However, Morgan believes that the herd will head off soon and when they do, Morgan wants Grace to take Mo as far north as her truck will get them. Morgan still needs to take care of Duane and then he will catch up with Grace and Mo and they can regroup with Madison and Daniel. Grace argues with Morgan about how he wants a second chance, but Morgan is insistent that he needs to lay Duane to rest. Grace compares what Morgan's doing to what she was doing when they first met: risking his life for someone who is already dead. The two argue about Morgan's refusal to leave when Dwight and Sherry gave them the chance and their conflicting priorities over their children. Morgan needs to do this as it's the only way that he can give Mo what she needs because Morgan needs to know that he won't let her down like he did with Duane. "You're so scared of the past repeating itself that you don't even realize that you're the one who's making it happen. And now we're trapped in this house that you and Duane lived because you brought us here," states Grace.

Dwight interrupts their argument over the radio, telling Morgan that they know he's inside and instructing him to look out of the window. Morgan sends a spying Mo upstairs and looks outside where Dwight, Sherry and two others are on horseback and walkers attempt to get through the door. Dwight urges Morgan to be smart about this while Grace tells Morgan that whatever happened in this house with Duane, it doesn't have to happen with them. Morgan agrees to listen, and Dwight tells him that they're trying to make this easy on him, but Morgan's the one making it hard, and he doesn't need to make it any harder. Grace suggests that they can still make the deal, but Morgan recognizes that it's too late for that. Morgan tells an impatient Dwight that he can keep waiting as the walkers outside are bigger problem for him than they are Morgan's family. Seeing more walkers approaching, Sherry cuts in and offers their help with what Morgan needs to take care of, telling Morgan that Padre thinks that Morgan came out here for a reason, although he thinks that it's weapons or soldiers for an attack. Morgan explains that his son died in one of the houses close by and Morgan came back to bury him. Although sympathetic, Dwight and Sherry have their own son to think about and Dwight has Oriole and the other guard shoot off flares to draw in more walkers, warning Morgan that the house won't hold when it's surrounded by every walker within 10 miles.

Mo calls Morgan upstairs where they find more of Morgan's crazy writings on the walls. However, Morgan doesn't remember ever coming back to the house after Duane died. Morgan finds a rifle sitting next to the window and, picking it up, explains that "Jenny was always outside. She would wander back here most nights, I don't know if it's 'cause she heard us in here, or she could smell us, but I would... I'd sit and wait. Wanted to put her to rest, didn't want Duane to have to see his mother like that. A man named Rick Grimes gave me this rifle to do right by her and I... never could." Morgan guesses that he must've come back to the house after Duane died and Mo asks why he wrote all of this and what "Clear" means. Morgan explains that things went wrong for him for a long time and Clear was when he was killing anything and anyone who came near him.

Mo finds Morgan's dusty photo album and both Grace and Mo, looking at the pictures, tell Morgan that they like it when he smiles, and Grace recalls the first time that she saw him smile on the carousel. Grace wonders what they've been doing these past seven years and Morgan tells her that they've been doing what they thought they had to. Mo asks if her parents ever saw each other and Morgan admits that they did now and then as they had to hide what they mean to each other from Padre so that he couldn't use it against them. Grace tearfully apologizes for wasting all of that time before Dwight has more flares launched to hurry them up.

Taking aim out of the window, Morgan hallucinates a walker as Jenny before seeing that it's actually a walker that's partially on fire heading for the house. Morgan realizes that the PADRE forces are trying to burn them out, but Oriole puts the walker down as a curtesy kill with a warning from Dwight that the next one they light on fire keeps walking. Morgan tries to reason with Dwight, but he is unmoved and gives Morgan five minutes to turn himself over before he sends another flaming walker up on the porch. Morgan regrets not taking the earlier deal and thus putting his family in danger, but Mo reassures her father that he made the right choice, and they just can't abandon Daniel and Madison.

Grace tells Morgan that they just have to get back to her truck while Mo believes that Morgan can stop the walkers before they can get to the house so they can make it to the truck. "You just have to Clear for us." Morgan warns his daughter that it's not that simple, but Mo tells him that this is his second chance while Grace suggests that this is what Morgan needs to show himself that things can be different. Morgan is reluctant as Dwight and Sherry are outside and Padre will hurt their son if Morgan and his family get past them, but Mo tells him that Padre won't if they can help Daniel take the island first. "She's right, Morgan. Rick -- he gave you this gun for a reason. Use it," agrees Grace. Morgan finally agrees to their plan.

Gathering in front of the door, Grace instructs Morgan, who straps a belt full of bullets to himself, to aim for the walkers in the center while Grace takes the ones to the side and Mo stays behind her. Morgan adds that if they can get through the scrum, walkers will follow them and make it hard for Dwight and Sherry to get close. Morgan will cover them and when he says, Grace and Mo need to take a hard right and not stop until they are at the truck. Grace reassures Morgan that he can do this and reiterates her apology for wasting so much time, a sentiment that Morgan returns. Much to the disgust of their daughter, Morgan and Grace kiss.

Rushing outside, Morgan shoots several walkers in their way while Grace uses Morgan's staff to hold back a few others and Mo takes out a walker with her sledgehammer. However, Morgan hesitates after once again hallucinating that a walker is Jenny and several walkers break through the porch railing in front of Mo. Struggling to hold back some more walkers, Grace orders her daughter to go back inside the house. Grace notices that the walker that Morgan is hesitating to shoot is on fire and calls out to him as Morgan struggles to break through his hallucination of Jenny. Grace saves Morgan from a walker coming at him from behind, putting it down with his staff, and the burning walker is shot by Oriole and the other guard. Dwight and Sherry demand answers as to why Morgan is really here, and Morgan reiterates that he's here for his son. Dwight orders Morgan to show them as it's the only way that Padre's ever going to believe him.

Morgan, Grace and the PADRE forces enter the house where Duane died, and Morgan tells them that they can take him back to Padre if they have to after Morgan shows them that he's telling the truth. Morgan asks for them to get Mo out of the house which is surrounded by walkers in return and Sherry promises to make sure that she's okay. A walker rattles a door, causing Morgan to hesitate and ask Dwight for his hatchet so that he can be the one to put his son down. After Morgan promises that he won't try anything, Dwight agrees and hands over his weapon. On Morgan's signal, Dwight opens the door and Morgan puts down the walker with the hatchet, but it's clearly not Duane. While there's no sign of his son, Morgan finds Jenny's corpse in the next room, a bullet hole in her forehead. Morgan tearfully covers up his wife's body and yells for his son, insisting that Duane has to be here. Dwight and Grace attempt to comfort Morgan with Grace guessing that Duane must've gotten out at some point. Morgan is devastated that he waited too long and as a result, Morgan lost his chance to put his son to rest and he put Grace and Mo in danger for nothing.

The guard orders Morgan on his feet, stating that Shrike wants answers and demanding to know why Morgan really came here. Grace insists that Morgan is telling the truth about having come to the house for his son, but she doesn't believe him and reports to Shrike that Morgan was lying and his kid isn't there. Shrike orders the guard to kill Morgan if he won't tell them why he's in King County, but despite Grace and Dwight's attempts to intercede, Morgan simply challenges Oriole to kill him, going so far as to press the barrel of the man's gun to his head. Exchanging a look, Dwight and Sherry suddenly turn on the PADRE guards, bashing them both over the head and killing them.

Morgan chides his friends for their actions, but Dwight and Sherry are unwilling to watch Morgan get killed in cold blood and he is not the only one trying to escape his past. Dwight compares what PADRE is making them do to living at the Sanctuary all over again. Morgan is worried that Finch will end up just like Duane and he isn't willing to have that on him. Shrike calls in for a report and Morgan warns Dwight that Padre is going to kill Finch. Dwight responds to a visibly frustrated Shrike and demands to talk to Finch so that he can know his son's okay. Shrike gives Finch the mic and Finch tells Dwight that he thinks the treatment worked. A confused Finch asks what's going on, but Dwight instructs his son to use the Chimney Sweep move that Dwight taught him in class. Acting fast, Finch knocks Shrike headfirst into a table using a stool, knocking her unconscious. Dwight tells Finch to board a morning supply boat that leaves in 20 minutes, promising that he and Sherry will meet Finch at the dock when he lands. After Dwight reassures Finch that he and Sherry believe in him, Finch runs off to make his escape. Before leaving to meet the boat, Dwight tells Morgan that, whatever happened here, Morgan has a chance to make things different with Mo.

Grace contacts Mo, telling her that they are on their way to drive the walkers away and Mo needs to keep away from the door. Morgan tells Grace that she needs to go alone as she's their daughter's best shot, reminding Grace that he had frozen outside of the house. Grace tearfully tells Morgan that she had listening to a book at double speed in the truck and reveals that she's sick because the radiation has finally caught up with her and she can feel it. Morgan reminds Grace that she was wrong before, but this time it's different and Grace really is sick. While it's not what Morgan wants to hear, especially now, he has to get Mo out of that house. Grace admits that she's known about her illness for a few months: after she started feeling sick, Grace found a hospital and did a scan that confirmed it. "I'm paying the price for chasing the dead, Morgan, and I don't want you to do the same. You can't do the same!" Morgan promises that he's going to get Mo and then they're going to spend some time together as a family. However, when Morgan contacts Mo, she reveals that one of the flares set the house on fire and it's spreading.

Outside of the burning house, Morgan begins shooting the walkers and he orders Mo to get to the attic since she can't get out, promising that he's coming for her. In the attic, Mo finds more of Morgan's crazy writing and the growls of a walker while Morgan hesitates after once again hallucinating the walkers as Jenny. Mo finds a walker chained to the attic wall and realizes that it's actually Duane. As Morgan fights through the hallucination and shoots the walkers outside, part of the celling collapses, trapping Mo with the zombified Duane. Entering the attic, Morgan sees that his writings spell out "DUANE YOU STAY THERE" and Morgan is shocked to realize that at some point, he brought Duane back to the house where they had been living and chained him up in the attic. As the trapped Mo struggles to free herself and Duane reaches for her, Morgan takes aim at Duane with the very same rifle that he had failed to put Duane's mother down with years before, but he once again hesitates to shoot as his daughter pleads for him to do it. As Mo shouts encouragement at him, Morgan remembers Duane as he was when he was still alive before Morgan finally shoots Duane in the head, putting his son to rest at last. Looking at her adoptive brother's corpse, Mo tells her father that she's fine and he did it. Morgan helps free Mo, and they escape.

The next morning, outside of the completely burned down house, Morgan buries his wife and son's bodies together. Laying flowers on the grave, Morgan promises his family that he'll be back after taking care of a few things and it won't take him 10 years this time. Morgan is finally at peace over the loss of his family and Grace reminds Morgan that he didn't let it happen again which is what matters. Morgan declares that they're going to help Madison and Daniel beat PADRE and reunite every child who still has a parent out there, do what they said they were going to do and spend as much time together as they can. Grace tearfully remembers that Morgan had once told her that, no matter what was coming, she had to live, so that's what they're going to do. The two decide to keep Grace's illness from their daughter for the time being.

In the house's wreckage, Mo finds Morgan's slightly scorched but still intact photo album and she starts going through it, telling Morgan that he needs something to help him remember what they were like before. A walker suddenly bursts out of the rubble and grabs Mo, but Grace pulls her daughter to safety and Morgan bashes the walker's head in with his rifle butt. While Mo is unharmed, a terrified Grace has been bitten on the side of her stomach by the walker.

At the dock, Dwight and Sherry observe the supply boat, but there's no sign of Finch getting off. Much to their surprise and relief, Finch sneaks up behind his parents who are happily reunited with their son. Hearing an engine, the three hide, fearful that the PADRE guards have found them. Instead, Morgan races up in Grace's truck and he shoots the two guards dead. Morgan reveals to Dwight and Sherry that Grace got bit and that he needs their help. The two confirm that June's treatment on Finch has been working and Morgan tells them that Grace's only chance is for them to get her to June. Dwight, Sherry, Mo, Finch, Morgan and Grace race off in the PADRE boat and Morgan urges Grace to hold on, promising that June can fix this. Grace is doubtful, but Morgan tells her that they have to live no matter what and Grace promises him that she will.

"More Time Than You Know"

Morgan, Mo, Dwight, Sherry and Finch attempt to rush Grace to June. Grace is burning up while Morgan attempts to raise June on the radio. Grace wakes up on the boat, confused, and Morgan explains that Grace had gotten bit and Grace remembers what happened in the rubble of the house. Morgan tries to reassure Grace that everything is going to be alright because June has a way of treating bites, but Grace doesn't believe it. Mo and Sherry use Finch as an example of how the cure works and Morgan explains that the treatment helps to stop the infection and it stops the fever. Morgan promises Grace that they're going to get to do the things that they said and spend time together as a family.

Suddenly, shots ring out as two PADRE guards in another boat catch up to them. Dwight pushes the engine as much as he can while Morgan finally manages to raise June on the radio. Morgan tells June that Grace has been bitten on the side and they can't amputate, asking if June thinks that what she did for Finch will work on Grace. June admits that it might work, which Morgan is willing to take, but they will need equipment that PADRE has to do it. Morgan asks where she treated Finch and June reveals that it was on a train car. The boat's engine begins to overheat, and June asks for Grace's temperature, but Morgan can only tell her that Grace is really hot.

June tells Morgan that they must treat Grace fast, and Morgan asks for the last place that she saw the train car, but Shrike cuts in to tell Morgan that the train is no longer there. "Why do you think I put it on wheels in the first place? To keep people like you from messing with it." Morgan asks what Shrike wants and she claims that she wants to help save Grace's life. Morgan tells her to call off her men then, but Shrike wants Morgan to hear her out first. Shrike offers to tell Morgan where the train car is, have her people escort them there and even allow June to administer the treatment, explaining that she had paid a visit to King County and saw how many walkers that Morgan had killed single-handedly aside from the one who bit Grace. Morgan demands to know what Shrike wants and she tells him that there's a shipyard that is very important to their future. Standing next to a large machine gun looking at the shipyard, Shrike reveals that it has thousands of walkers inside that she needs cleared out. Shrike doesn't care if Morgan gets help from Dwight, Sherry, Madison or even Daniel's Resistance, she just wants the walkers dead. While Shrike was going to have the Prefects do it, she can risk Morgan instead of them. "That's how Grace gets a shot at living," she finishes.

After having passed out, Grace awakens again in the back of a PADRE truck. Morgan explains that they're on their way to the shipyard and Grace is then going to be taken to the train to meet June. Grace is shocked that Morgan surrendered to PADRE, asking how he knows that they will keep their word. Morgan reveals that they won't clear the shipyard until they're sure that Grace is safe with June, but Grace thinks that it's too dangerous despite Morgan's assurances that they've got it handled. Morgan radios Daniel who's people are armed and ready, but they need reassurances from Shrike that they're not walking into a trap. Shrike assures Daniel that the walkers are real and that she wants them dead, revealing that the contents of the shipping containers are valuable to her. Grace asks what they're going to help her do and Morgan tells her that they're going to help Shrike clear the shipyard, and they have the people and the weapons to do it with.

Morgan asks where the train is, but Shrike tells him that the job has to be done by hand, not with guns. The containers hold supplies that are needed to rebuild the world such as fertilizers and munitions. "One stray bullet and PADRE's entire legacy goes up in smoke," warns Shrike. Shrike didn't tell them before because she knew that Morgan had an army, but she didn't know that he had an armory too. Daniel backs out of the plan, telling Morgan that he's already told Shrike too much and it's too dangerous for Daniel to ask his soldiers to do this. Morgan begs Daniel not to back out on this now, but Daniel tells Morgan that he's not the one that Morgan should be angry with. Agreeing with Daniel, Grace takes the radio and reassures him that it's okay as Grace doesn't want anyone to die for her. Visibly saddened by the choice that he has to make, Daniel apologizes to his old friend as he genuinely wishes that they could help her.

Taking back the radio, Morgan is willing to do it without Daniel's help, but Grace tells Morgan that he doesn't know that he can do and he needs to be there for Mo while Dwight and Sherry need to be there for Finch. Morgan had to watch Jenny die from a bite and he isn't willing to do it again, but Grace tells Morgan that it's not up to them and it's not like she has much time left anyways. As her daughter begins to cry, Grace reveals that "before the bite, I was sick. It's cancer, Mo. I've been running away from it for a long time. It's finally catching up to me." Grace only has months left to live, maybe a year at most, which Mo points out is a lot more than a day.

The truck suddenly pulls over and Shrike tells Morgan that if he's not going to take the deal, then they need to make sure that Grace doesn't hurt Mo or Finch when she turns. Grace is dragged out of the truck and Shrike tells Mo that this is to protect her while Morgan begs Shrike that he will do whatever she wants. Grace begs the guards not to let her daughter watch while Mo begs them to stop. Morgan and Dwight share a look before attacking as Mo suddenly rushes in and shoves the guard's gun away as he shoots at Grace. Morgan strangles one man unconscious from behind while Dwight gets the other's gun and pistol-whips him unconscious as well. Dwight praises Mo's instincts and Mo credits Dwight's teaching of her. Mo promises that she's going to fight for every moment that she can have with Grace while Shrike calls in, ordering Kingfisher and Magpie to kill Morgan, Dwight and Sherry next. Grabbing a radio, Dwight informs Shrike that her men won't be able to comply with her orders, and Shrike warns him that while others have tried, no one has ever managed to steal a child from PADRE before. Before turning off the radio, Dwight tells Shrike that he thinks that Finch and Mo are going to be the first of many.

Morgan has Dwight get the map out of the truck cab in the hopes that it contains the location of the train car. However, Grace weakly warns him that even if they find its location, they won't make it there and neither will June. However, Morgan insists that it doesn't mean that they shouldn't try. Grace hands Morgan a set of coordinates that she wants to spend whatever time she has left with her family at, but she refuses to explain what they lead to, begging to just be taken there before Grace passes out again. Morgan knows that, with Grace's fever getting worse, they don't have much time. Dwight and Mo examine the map and find the tracks that train was on and guess that Shrike must've moved it further down the tracks. At Morgan's request, Dwight identifies Grace's coordinates as being a repeater station like the one that she serviced for PADRE, confusing Morgan as to why Grace would want to go there. Mo thinks that it's just because Grace is sick and confused, but Morgan doesn't think so as Grace had seemed pretty clear to him. However, Mo just got her parents back and she's not going to lose them again. Mo tells Morgan that this is no different than him and Grace sending Mo back to PADRE when they first met because it was what was best for her. Morgan finally concedes and agrees to take Grace to the train car, ordering Sherry to raise June and do everything that she can to meet them there. Shrike isn't going to make this easy, but Mo tells her father that they're fighting for someone they love and that's why they're going to win this. Having retrieved their weapons from the truck's cab, Mo returns Morgan's latest staff to him.

Grace awakens on a canoe as various status reports come in over the radio, including about Kingfisher and Magpie being found as well as a trail. Mo and Morgan explain that Dwight and Sherry are acting as a decoy for them and Grace manages to sit up and asks where they are. Morgan explains that he thought that they'd be hard to track in the swamp that they're passing through even if PADRE did figure out what they're doing. Grace realizes that they're not heading for her coordinates which are located inland, and she asks where they're taking her. Morgan points out that the coordinates were for one of PADRE's repeater stations which Grace knows and is distressed to learn that they're taking her to the train car instead. Morgan tells Grace that June is gonna try and meet them there and he insists that they can stop this and give them more time. Grace points out that there's no way that PADRE will be leaving the train unguarded, but Morgan is still intent on trying. Grace is worried that they will both only get killed trying and Morgan questions why Grace wants to go to the repeater station instead. However, Grace refuses to answer, stating that it no longer matters as the station is too far away now.

Hearing gunshots in the distance, Morgan realizes that Dwight and the others must be in trouble, and he has Mo raise Dwight for him. Dwight, Sherry and Finch flee from PADRE guards that are shooting at them into an abandoned house. Dwight reports that they're pinned down while Sherry tells her husband that they can't stay here for long as they're going to be flanked. Dwight warns Morgan that PADRE's forces know that they're following the wrong people and Morgan's group may have company soon. Addressing Shrike if she's listening, Morgan tells her that it's him that she wants, and Morgan asks that Shrike let Dwight and Sherry take their kid and go. Dwight doesn't believe that Shrike will call off her people after what they've done, and he sees that Shrike has sent Prefects rather than adults after them as Shrike knows that they won't kill them. Dwight decides to lay down suppressive fire, believing that if the Prefects do what he taught them to do, they'll fall back and regroup while Sherry takes Finch and runs. Dwight opens fire as Sherry reluctantly runs with Finch, Dwight's shots causing the Prefects to retreat as he had predicted.

A steadily weakening Grace protests that this isn't what she had wanted, and this is why Morgan should've listened to her. Morgan presses Grace for why she wanted to go to the repeater station so badly and Grace reveals to her family that "it's our future. Over the years, I've been scavenging for supplies to fix things for PADRE and... I collected other things too. Things to make a home. A place where we could live. A place where you'd feel safe." Morgan didn't know that, and he'd thought that they had both agreed that PADRE was the best place for Mo. While Grace did agree, it doesn't mean that it was what she wanted. Grace regrets not saying something sooner as that might've changed her and Morgan's minds, "but I waited until it was too late 'cause that's what I always do. If I'm not gonna make it, I at least wanted to give her a moment there. A moment for how it could've been for us." Morgan insists that they can still take Mo there after June has stopped the infection, but flares are suddenly shot into the air and Mo realizes that PADRE knows that they're in the swamp.

In an underground area, Dwight joins his family and finds Finch out of breath. While Dwight at first thinks that it's because they've been running, Sherry tells her husband that Finch is running a fever. Sherry contacts June about Finch's condition and, when they check Finch's bite, they find it to be red and inflamed with the skin around it being hot. A worried June admits that the bite infection could be back, but she'd have to see it in order to be sure. Dwight demands to know what June means, but June needs to see Finch in person before she can make any kind of an assessment. Sherry points out that Grace's repeater station is close by, and Dwight agrees to send June the coordinates. Morgan orders June to go to Finch who needs her, and June promises to get to the train car as soon as she can and to talk Morgan through the procedure over the radio if she has to.

While Mo insists that June has to get to the train car, Morgan recognizes that the situation may well be hopeless after all since Finch's infection seems to have returned. Morgan and Grace explain to Mo that if Finch's infection really is back, "then whatever June's doing, it doesn't work." Mo refuses to give up and while Grace doesn't want her to, she also doesn't want her family to risk their lives for a treatment that doesn't work. Grace wants to spend whatever time she has left with Morgan and Mo and Morgan suggests heading to the carnival that he and Mo had walked through with Madison and blocking off the entrances so that they can stay there for as much time as they have. Mo won't give up, but Grace tells her that it's accepting how things are, not giving up. More flares shoot into the air and Morgan realizes that Dwight was right that PADRE's forces are getting closer. Morgan decides to lead PADRE's forces away and take the long way to the carnival, promising to meet Mo and Grace there against Mo's objections. Morgan gets off the boat and Grace tells him "thank you for understanding my love. It's what I want." Morgan promises to see Grace soon and, with a kiss to her hand, sends Mo and Grace off without him, instructing Mo to look after her mom.

Having reached the carnival, Morgan calls Mo asking where she is, before realizing what Mo is doing. On a small hand cranked railway car, Mo moves herself and Grace down the tracks, figuring that the train can't be far away now and promising that Grace will understand when she's better. Grace begs Mo to stop, but she refuses as every minute counts, even if Morgan and Grace can't see it like Mo can. Grace protests that even if they do make it to the train car, the cure won't work, but Mo is determined to prove her mother wrong. As Grace worries that the Prefects are going to take Mo back to PADRE, she suddenly stops because the Prefects, standing between them and the train car, have found them. Grace orders Mo to call her father for help, but Mo refuses as Morgan will make them go back.

After convincing the Prefects to stand down, Mo helps Grace into train car, laying her mother down on the operating table. Outside, the Prefects move Mo's car away and Hawk shoots flares into the air to draw in walkers. Mo blocks the door and Grace asks her daughter how she knew that the Prefects wouldn't hurt her, and Mo admits that while she didn't know, she had to take the chance. Mo contacts June for help and she confirms that Finch's infection is back. June didn't give Finch a high enough dose of radiation to kill it as she didn't want the radiation to kill him. However, June did come close to getting it and if Grace already has cancer, they don't have to worry about how much radiation she gets. As a result, the cure might work on Grace and buy her the time that she wants. June promises that they're working on a solution for Finch, but Mo can't let PADRE destroy her equipment.

Under June's directions, Mo performs the radiation treatment on her mother while June observes Sherry tending to a very ill Finch. June tells Mo that it could take awhile for the treatment to work, but they have to watch Grace's temperature. If it starts to fall, that's a good sign, but if it keeps going up, they'll deal with it. Dwight asks what that means for Finch and June explains that Grace had the infection for longer than Finch did when June treated him. If this dose of radiation works on Grace, then it might work on Finch too. Dwight is concerned by the might in June's statement while June has Mo power down the equipment and the generator so that Mo isn't exposed to anything that she doesn't have to be. Mo notices a herd gathering outside and realizes that they won't be able to get out themselves, but Grace reassures her that Morgan is on his way. Grace asks about the Prefects and Mo is sure that they're hanging around somewhere, Dwight having taught them not to leave themselves exposed unless they had to. Mo knows that the Prefects are likely going to try to stop Morgan from getting to them.

Grace proudly commends her daughter's bravery when the Prefects tried to stop her and Mo admits that losing her mother had seemed scarier. Grace recalls that when she was Mo's age, she couldn't even pick up the courage to pick up the telephone when Grace's parents left her at home with her sister. Mo is confused by what a telephone is, getting a chuckle out of her mother who forgets how different things are for her daughter. "That's what I was trying to do at the repeater station. Show you how things were. How they still could be." Grace grows increasingly weaker and Mo discovers that her temperature is only going up. Mo discovers that Grace has a temperature of 106 degrees which June sadly reports means that Grace didn't get the radiotherapy in time. Even though Mo got her mother to the train car as fast as she could, it's not her fault: even if Grace had gotten the treatment right after the bite, it might not have been enough as it hasn't worked on anyone else. Mo desperately suggests giving Grace more, but both Grace and June tell her not to, knowing that Grace won't survive either way and more radiation would just kill her outright. June admits that she can't help Mo anymore and she instructs the young girl to enjoy the time that she has left while Grace reassures Mo that it's alright and that she did everything that she could.

As walkers continue to bang on the windows, Grace calls her daughter over. Morgan calls for his daughter over the radio as he races to the train car and Mo tells her father that she tried which Morgan already knows, having heard it all. As Mo starts to cry, realizing that Grace is going to die, Morgan promises her that she has nothing to be sorry about and Mo instructs him to be careful as there are Prefects in the woods. Morgan begins yelling at the Prefects not to try and stop him as he continues to run towards the train. Morgan asks to talk to Grace who tells Morgan that it wasn't meant to be while Morgan regrets not listening to Grace before, but Grace, near death, reassures Morgan that it's okay and she understands why he didn't. Morgan tearfully realizes that he's probably not going to get to her before Grace dies. Morgan promises to do everything that he can to get there in time, but if he can't make it then Mo's gotta leave. However, Grace tells him that Mo can't because of the walkers outside. Both Morgan and Grace know what Grace has to do as a result and express their love for each other, although they both aren't ready to let each other go. Morgan resumes running through the woods, desperately trying to get to his family in time.

Not wanting to hurt Mo if she dies and inevitably turns before Morgan comes, Grace directs her daughter to a nearby scalpel to put her down with before she can turn. Grace asks Mo to promise her to do it if Grace can't hold out until Morgan arrives and Mo promises Grace that she will. Mo regrets that, instead of following Grace's wishes to spend whatever time she has left with her family, Mo took that from her parents. Mo believes that she wasted all of the time that they had left, but Grace insists that Mo gave them more time. In flashbacks, Morgan and Grace are shown sitting together at Humbug's Gulch and preparing to commit suicide on the USS Pennsylvania before the arrival of baby Mo stops them and the family embracing just before Grace got bit. Grace weakly explains that "I'm not talking about today. There was a time... when things were really bleak... when your father and I... were thinking of ending things. We came so close to doing it. Do you know why we didn't? Because we heard you cry. You gave us a reason to live. You gave us more time... than you know." Holding her daughter's hand, Grace dies of her walker bite infection.

Mo desperately calls for her mother before realizing that she's gone. Mo readies the scalpel, but she can't bring herself to use it on Grace. Grace reanimates and attacks her daughter who drops the scalpel in the struggle. Mo eventually manages to shove Grace off of her and attempts to escape, but the cart that she put to block the door gets stuck, keeping her from getting out. Grace catches Mo who falls to the floor in the struggle and attempts to hold her mother back from biting her, but she can't reach the scalpel. Finally, Morgan enters and stabs the zombified Grace in the back of the head with his staff, putting her down. Tossing his weapon aside, Morgan gently lays Grace's body on the train floor before father and daughter embrace each other in their grief. Morgan gently closes Grace's eyes before Shrike calls out to him from outside of the train, telling Morgan that they need to talk. Morgan promises Mo, who continues to stare silently at Grace's body, that he's going to be right back.

Outside, Shrike, surrounded by armed Prefects, admits that Morgan is a brave man as she thought that they'd have to come inside to get him. Morgan knows that any one of Shrike's people could've killed him before, but they didn't, and Shrike explains that they knew what Heron would've done to Mo if Morgan hadn't been allowed to intervene. Morgan angrily corrects Shrike on Grace's name and Shrike holds up Morgan's old battle axe, telling Morgan that they had dug it out of storage, and they remember what Morgan did with it seven years ago when he had tried to run. Shrike comments that it's a shame that Morgan couldn't have used those same skills today. Morgan asks Shrike to leave them alone to bury Grace properly, but she refuses to allow him to do it. Shrike tells Morgan that he can still make things right, but Morgan makes it clear that he wasn't asking for permission. Shrike knows that Morgan isn't going to harm her Prefects, but they don't have that same hangup about him. Holding his staff to Shrike's throat, Morgan warns her that the Prefects aren't the ones that she needs to be worried about. Shrike orders Morgan to listen closely, telling Morgan that she could kill him right now, but she doesn't want to. "I know the pain Wren's in. The whole reason I am doing what I'm doing is to prevent anyone else from feeling that kind of pain." Pushing down Morgan's staff, Shrike tells him that Mo has already lost a parent today and she asks that Morgan not make her lose a second one.

Mo emerges from the train, telling Morgan to stop and ignoring Morgan's orders to go back inside. Mo declares that Shirke is right and that she doesn't want to feel like this anymore. Morgan insists that there's nothing that Shrike can do to make that go away, but Mo asks Shrike why she needs to get to the containers in the shipyard. Shrike explains that it's so that they can build new settlements all over the country, so that they can make sure that no one else feels what Mo is feeling right now. Morgan tells his daughter that she can't run away from her feelings, but Shrike tells him that Mo won't be running away from anything but rather that Mo will be heading towards a bright future. Morgan questions this, pointing out that Shrike can't even get to the containers in the shipyard. However, Mo tells Dove and the other Prefects that she can clear it if they help her, that it's what PADRE has been training them to do for years. Mo ignores Morgan's protests that the walkers are going to kill her, stating that they won't if they do it smart and use their training. After a moment, Dove agrees and Mo leaves with Dove, Hawk and the other Prefects, completely ignoring her father's calls.

Held back by two Prefects, Morgan protests that it's not going to work, and he can't lose her too. Shrike accuses Morgan of only caring about what he wants rather than what Mo wants, but Morgan continues to insist that Shrike is going to get his daughter killed. Shrike reiterates that she doesn't want to kill him, and Morgan seemingly relents. As Shrike starts walking away, Morgan suddenly attacks and disarms the Prefects using his staff and superior aikido skills despite the fact that one of the Prefects is also armed with a staff. Morgan races after Mo, but as he runs past Shrike, she uses Morgan's battle axe to knock him to the ground. With all of Morgan's recent losses, he begins to slip back into his old insanity telling Shrike that "you're not gonna kill me... because you can't. Because I don't die! Everybody else does, but I don't." Shrike suggests that Morgan might be right and that he needs to think about why that keeps happening.

The Prefects grab Morgan and throw him into the train car with Shrike ordering them to make sure that Morgan can't get out. The two chain the doors shut and shoot more flares into the air. As another herd emerges from the woods and surrounds the train car, Shrike tosses Morgan's battle axe onto the tracks next to his staff and departs with her Prefects, leaving Morgan trapped and weaponless.

"All I See Is Red"

In a red-tinged flashback, Morgan remembers putting down a zombified Grace before Mo leaves with PADRE's forces.

Morgan awakens on the train tracks at night in the middle of a thunderstorm with Madison calling out to him and pinning Morgan down with her sledgehammer. After Morgan calms down, Madison explains that she had heard about Grace's death and came to the train to see if he was okay, only to find Morgan killing the herd surrounding it with his battle axe after having somehow gotten out. Morgan asks why he's on the ground and Madison reveals that Morgan had swung his axe at her and she had to knock him out. Morgan is in disbelief as he doesn't remember, but Madison reassures him that it's not Morgan's fault as "you weren't you. How could you be?" Morgan remembers Mo leaving to go to the shipyard and angrily demands his axe.

Inside the train, Grace's body is covered in a sheet with a pool of blood around it. Madison retrieves Morgan's bloody battle axe from a shelf, telling him that she had to make sure that he wouldn't hurt her. Madison asks Morgan what's going on and he explains that Mo thinks that she can clear the shipyard by herself, but she will die without their help. However, Madison isn't talking about that, and she draws Morgan's attention to writing on the walls in Grace's blood reading "GRACE TURNED. CLEAR. MO RAN. CLEAR. YOU CAN'T RUN. CLEAR. CAN'T FEEL THIS AGAIN." Morgan is shocked, and he urgently tells Madison to get away from him. "It means it's happening again, like it did before. Losing... losing... her. Grace. It's like I lost Jenny. Losing Mo." Madison insists that he hasn't lost Mo, but Morgan tells her that he will like he did Duane. Morgan explains that "I... I thought I was past this. I thought that when I put him to rest that I was past this! It's like I see red. It's all I see and all I do is kill. Again, and again until I've Cleared. Walkers, people, I don't see no difference, all I see is red, so you are not safe with me." Madison doesn't believe that, but Morgan states "that's 'cause you weren't there. You're not seeing how many I killed. And it's like a... it's like a... a cycle and it's startin' all over again."

Madison insists that they'll break the cycle, but Morgan points out that he swung his axe at her, and he doesn't even remember doing it. Morgan is worried about what else he might do, but Madison refuses to leave him because she knows what the thought of losing her kids did to her and Madison had lost herself too when they first met. Morgan helped to bring Madison back and she's here now to help keep what happened to Morgan before from happening to him again. Madison promises that whatever happens now, she'll be there for Morgan and make sure that he doesn't lose himself again. Conceding, Morgan tells her that they have to come back here afterwards and bury Grace right which she agrees to. Morgan can't lose Mo, he doesn't think that he could survive that. Telling Morgan "then let's not lose her," Madison returns Morgan's battle axe to him. Before following Madison out of the train car, Morgan takes one last look at the word Clear on the walls and his bloody hands.

The next day, Morgan and Madison find the shipyard abandoned aside from a number of dead walkers, although not nearly the amount that were in the shipyard. Seeing more walkers coming from behind the containers, including a young girl, Morgan attacks them with his battle axe and staff in a frenzy, descending into red-tinged visions of those that he lost and Mo leaving. When Morgan snaps out of it, he is being helped to his feet and he is surrounded by Madison, Daniel, Diane and the other members of Daniel's Resistance with Daniel holding Morgan's axe, Morgan having bloody hands and all of the walkers are dead. Morgan realizes that it had happened again, and Madison reassures her friend that she had tried to stop him, Daniel's people helped, no one got hurt and the girl wasn't Mo. While the Prefects were here, no one got hurt and Morgan angrily demands how Madison knows.

Moving through a walker-infested river, Daniel explains that June is monitoring PADRE from Grace's Repeater Station. Mo and the Prefects opened the shipyard gates, but they were overwhelmed by the dead and pushed back towards the water. Mo led the herd into the swamps, probably to slow them down so that she can get ahead of them. The island has been evacuated because Shrike believes that the current will wash the walkers ashore there. She has loaded the shipping containers onto a cargo ship and is meeting the Prefects on the other side of the swamp. As Mo and the Prefects move through the swamp and the others fight approaching walkers outside of the swamp, Morgan reaches out to his daughter over the radio, wanting to tell her something that a friend had once told him: "he said you can hide, but you can't run. He wanted me to know that hurt will follow you, it follows you wherever you go. And he was right. The only I know that will ease it is... the people you still have left. It's the same people you're running from, Mo. Just don't do what I did. Don't run."

Morgan tells the others that they have to move, but he is stopped by Diane and experiences another brief red-tinged vision. Keeping control of himself this time, Morgan explains that if the Prefects make it to that ship, Shrike will send them out to establish settlements all over the country and Morgan will never see his kid again. Diane points out that there are thousands of walkers between Morgan and Mo, but Morgan is unconcerned. Madison steps in and asks Morgan to go instead as she was unable to stop him back at the shipyard without the help of a lot of people. If Morgan goes in there, he could hurt a lot of people, or worse, Mo. Madison wants to make right the fact that Mo ended up at PADRE because of her, but Daniel wants them all to go since everyone has children in danger.

June radios in with the news that they're picking up chatter from the Prefects that they're getting bogged down and surrounded by walkers on a couple of sides. Mo is taking the Prefects to a houseboat and Morgan realizes that they're going to his houseboat which Morgan reminds Madison nearly sank the last time that they were in it. Madison is confident that they'll get to the houseboat before that happens again this time, but she has to admit that she doesn't know where it is. Daniel and Diane ask Morgan to show them on a map, but Morgan tells them that the houseboat is deep in the swamp, overgrown, and you could be standing 10 feet away from it and not know that it's there. Madison concedes that Morgan is going to have to be the tour guide, but he's worried that he'll lose control again. Daniel points out that they'd stopped him once at the shipyard and they can do it again if they have to and Morgan hands Madison his axe. The group heads towards the thousands of walkers making their way into the swamp after the Prefects.

Mo, Dove, Hawk and the other Prefects find the houseboat before spotting a flare shooting into the sky. Shrike confirms that it was her doing, but she and Ben need the Prefects to double back, explaining that the coordinates that they need to launch the expansion are inside of the swamp since they've looked everywhere else and couldn't find them. Shrike believes that the coordinates are on Krennick himself who is now one of the walkers in the herd that's chasing the Prefects. Mo questions if this is about the coordinates or the fact that Krennick is her father, but Shrike insists that it's about the coordinates as it always has been. As Dove and Hawk exchange confused looks, Mo asks why they can't just pick their own coordinates and Shrike explains that "these locations were developed after years of study by the U.S. Military. They provide the right geographic, meteorological and topographical conditions to ensure the communities we seed survive. We don't find them, we might as well be throwing darts at a map!" While there are thousands of walkers inside of the swamp, only one is wearing a pair of binoculars and Shrike is convinced that the coordinates have to be hidden inside of them. The flare will draw the herd to them, and they are to kill as many of the walkers as they can until they find Krennick.

As walkers enter the waters of the swamp near the houseboat, the Prefects spread out and begin using their staffs to put them down. Outside of the swamp, Daniel and his people fight the walkers and Morgan tries to convince Mo to get to the houseboat and keep herself safe until he can arrive, but Shrike tells Mo that if she does that, everything they've fought for will be dead. Morgan and Shrike both insist that the other will get Mo killed with Shrike telling Morgan to walk away, that this is why she'd locked him in the train car and that she's trying to spare Mo's life like Morgan's. Morgan refuses to walk away and lose his kid like this, but Mo finally responds and tells her father that she's already lost her and to not make this any harder than it already is before she shuts off her radio.

Daniel and his people finish clearing out the walkers and he and Madison insist they can do this by finding Krennick and the coordinates before Mo, but Morgan knows that Mo can't take on that many walkers even with the Prefects' help. Madison suggests that they fight their way towards her, and Morgan asks for his axe back, snatching it from Madison and descending into another series of red-tinged visions where he swings at Madison who disarms Morgan, telling him that it's happening again and swinging towards him. Grabbing Madison's weapon Morgan has several flashes of the word Clear before finding himself sinking into mud when Morgan finally snaps out of it.

Morgan finds his axe with him and sticking out of Madison's oxygen tank, meaning that he had attacked Madison again. Impaling his axe in the ground, Morgan is able to use it to pull himself free while Mo reports over the radio that there's too many walkers and the Prefects are going to split up to cover more ground. Grabbing the radio as more walkers approach him, Morgan warns his daughter that what she saw back at the house with the writing on the walls is happening again and Morgan doesn't know what he's done or what he might do. Morgan asks Mo to promise him to forget what Morgan had just told her and to run if he comes anywhere close to her. As the red takes over again with visions of Mo leaving him and Morgan attacking the walkers at the shipyard, he faces off against the walkers that are coming at him.

Snapping out of his red-tinged vision, Morgan finds himself surrounded by walkers in the swamp near the houseboat, having successfully fought his way there. Consumed by the red once again, Morgan continues to attack as Mo calls out to him, asking what's wrong with him. When Morgan snaps out of it again, Mo has stabbed him in the shoulder in order to keep her father from attacking her in his deranged state. Although Mo is apologetic, Morgan is understanding, knowing that she had no other choice. Morgan attempts to raise Madison and Daniel and Madison wakes up where she is lying unconscious and answers him. Morgan reports that he's losing blood and he needs Madison to come and help Mo at the houseboat. Madison promises to try, but she doesn't know if she can find it without him. As the herd closes in, Morgan is consumed by visions of those that he lost, and he orders a frightened Mo to turn around and walk away. However, as the walkers close in, Morgan passes out from blood loss.

Morgan wakes up tied up in the half-sunk houseboat which is surrounded by walkers and Mo explains that she had brought him there after he passed out as it was the only place that she could bring him. Morgan is unable to reach his axe and he chastises Mo for bringing him in, but she defends it as the safest place. Morgan orders Mo to cut him loose so that Morgan can kill as many walkers as he can, but his daughter refuses after Morgan tried to attack her. Morgan is confused as to how Mo got him inside and he insists that she must get as far away from him as she can. "That's what I was trying to do. Why wouldn't you just let me go? Why couldn't you do that? And now we're trapped in here just like before. Because of you. I was trying to run away from you!" Morgan asks why she didn't just go, and Mo admits that she didn't want to watch Morgan die like she had to watch Grace die and now they're both going to die.

Morgan is filled with new determination, declaring that they are not going to die and they are finally going to break the cycle instead. Mo is confused, but she believes that there's no way out and Shrike will kill Morgan if they call her for help. Morgan finds a Flare Gun as walkers break through a window and shoots a flare into the air, ordering Madison over the radio to look up as that was him. Madison spots the flare and begins heading towards a nearby boat to get to the houseboat as Mo puts down the two walkers that had broken through the window. However, Madison doesn't know where Daniel is and she is caught by Shrike, Ben and two PADRE guards who need to get to the houseboat too. Madison suggests that they work together as they all want to save Mo, but Shrike tells Mo that when they first found her, she had to make sure that Madison would do what it took. While Shrike thought that she was, she now believes that they should've just killed Madison instead.

As Shrike goes to kill Madison, Daniel's people open fire, killing the two PADRE guards. Daniel threatens to kill Shrike if she doesn't surrender and introduces her to the parents of the children that she stole. While Shrike claims that PADRE rescued the kids, Daniel assures her that that's not how the parents see it. Dove, Hawk and the Prefects arrive, announcing that it doesn't matter how their parents see it as none of them are going back with them. Dove orders them to drop their weapons, confident that the resistance fighters won't shoot and that they're stuck trying to live a life that has been dead for a long time. Daniel orders Madison to get in the boat, explaining that "I was in the same situation they're in when I was young. I wanna try to get through to them." As Daniel, Diane and the resistance fighters lay down covering fire, Madison dives into the boat and takes off.

At the sinking houseboat, an increasing number of walkers swarm it, breaking through the door as Mo puts down the ones that get through with a knife. Morgan calls for Mo to give him his axe, but she continues to insist upon fighting the herd on her own as Mo would rather fight the walkers than her father. Morgan is consumed again by a vision of a zombified Grace attacking Mo and him saving Mo from Duane. Walkers continue to break in, nearly getting to Morgan before Mo saves him. Morgan contacts Madison, asking where she is, but while she's coming as fast as she can, Madison isn't sure that it's going to be enough. Morgan insists that it has to be because Mo needs her, but Madison needs oxygen. "I told you I'd stay by your side, Morgan. I told you I'd help you save Mo. You wouldn't let me."

Morgan suddenly comes up with an idea, suggesting that maybe Madison won't have to make it in time. Morgan finds Madison's damaged oxygen tank from their previous visit to the houseboat which Mo can use to swim right under the walkers. Morgan gets the tank working again, but Mo refuses to leave her father there to die. Morgan promises to find another way out and states that "I'm not gonna make the same mistake I did before. Seven years ago, it was just like this. Surrounded by walkers, the boat sinking. You were just a baby and I thought it was all over. I lost myself, Mo. I... I saw red and when I came to, my hands were covered in blood, and I was standing over you. And then I called PADRE because I knew I couldn't protect you and I couldn't break the cycle. But I'm gonna break it now. So put this on, and swim. If you swim low enough, you can go under them. And keep swimming until you get clear of this place." Mo sadly takes the tank and swims out as Morgan looks at the flooding corner of the boat containing his writings about Jenny, Duane and King County.

Taking the radio, Morgan tells Madison that Mo's going to be okay as he gave her the oxygen tank and she's swimming out to someplace safe. Madison asks about Morgan, but he tells her to just find Mo and make sure that she doesn't get on the ship. Shrike cuts in, telling Morgan that Mo is coming with them, PADRE is going to find the coordinates and Morgan will never see his daughter again. A zombified Krennick joins the walkers at the broken window and, realizing who the walker is, Morgan informs Shirke that the walker that she's looking for with the binoculars is right here in front of him. A shocked Shrike accuses Morgan of lying, but he threatens to bury the coordinates that she wants at the bottom of this swamp so that Shrike can never find them or her father. Morgan finally manages to reach his axe and cut himself free and he attacks the walkers, getting consumed by red again as a figure grabs Morgan through the window.

When Morgan snaps out of it, he's on shore nearby with Madison who explains that the houseboat sank, and she had to pull him out of the water. Looking around, Morgan demands to know where Mo is, but Madison doesn't know, having saved Morgan from drowning instead of going after Mo. Morgan is angry, claiming that he would've found his own way out, but Madison is doubtful of that. Against Madison's protests that he's just going to get himself killed, Morgan insists upon going after Mo as he can't lose her. Morgan has another red-tinted vision, but he retains control of himself and tells Madison to get out of his way. "PADRE, when they first had their hooks in me, my kids were the only things that kept me going. Alicia, even when she thought I was dead she... she... she kept me with her. You told me that yourself. You never really lose people, Morgan. None of us do." Experiencing another red-tinted vision of those that he lost, Morgan doesn't think that she's right.

A frantic Shrike arrives, demanding to know where her father is. Morgan tells Shrike that he went down with the ship and Shrike tells Morgan that he can join Krennick then. Morgan goes into another red-tinted vision of his losses before noticing a zombified Krennick crawling out of the swamp. Shrike is consumed by memories of her own of her father. Morgan and Madison call for Shrike to shoot her father, but she drops the gun and breaks down, consumed by her pain over his loss, remorse for her actions and apologizing to her father, finally remembering what he really wanted PADRE to be and understanding that she had twisted her father's vision. Krennick approaches a kneeling Shrike and bites into her right shoulder near her neck and her arm before Madison shoves the general off of his daughter and puts him down with a blow from her sledgehammer as Morgan watches. Checking Krennick's binoculars, Madison finds the coordinates hidden in one of the lens caps. Shrike continues to apologize to her father and Madison notes that he was always with her, something that clearly affects Morgan.

Having overpowered Daniel's forces, Ben and the Prefects have them kneeling on the ground, preparing to execute them. Mo arrives and Dove claims that the resistance fighters had tried to stop them from fighting the walkers because they didn't have what it took. Telling the kids that this is what they trained for, Ben orders them to shoot the adults, but they all hesitate. Dove reiterates the order, but the Prefects continue to refuse to act. Over Ben and Dove's continued attempts to get the Prefects to kill the adults, some of whom are likely their own parents, Daniel tells everyone that "they won't do it. Making a child kill for the first time is harder than you think. Don't listen to them! When I was young, I was in the exact same position you're in right now. I wish someone would have stopped me then. You do this, it will haunt you for the rest of your life, you will never be able to back away from it." Despite Ben and Dove's best efforts, the kids listen to Daniel's advice, and they continue to hesitate to fire. Ben and Dove focus on a nervous Hawk, pressuring him to do it.

Morgan and Madison arrive, ordering everyone to hold their fire. Mo asks what he's doing here and Dove orders her not to listen as Morgan had tried to kill her. Morgan reassures his daughter that he's not here to hurt her or anyone else which Ben doubts. Madison confirms that Madison is telling the truth, revealing that they've got the coordinates that Ben and Shrike had wanted. Much to Ben's surprise, Morgan and Madison reveal that they're just going to hand over the coordinates without asking for anything in return. Dove thinks that it's a trick while Daniel protests, but Morgan simply tells everyone that if handing over the coordinates are what it takes to end all of this, then PADRE can have them because Morgan is letting Mo go. "If that's what you want, if that's what you think you need, I'm not gonna stand in your way." As Ben orders her not to listen to him, Mo is confused as Morgan said that he didn't want to lose her which he confirms he really doesn't while Dove tries to convince everyone that Morgan is messing with all of their heads.

"The only head that's been messed with is mine. For the longest time since I lost my wife and my son, I lost myself. And then when your mom died, it started all over again, but I think I can finally break free of that cycle, I think this will do it. It was Madison that led me to it, told me that you never really lose people, not the people that matter." Ben turns his gun on Morgan in frustration, but Madison tells him that she saw it with Shrike who was going to kill them, but she didn't, and she couldn't. As Dove continues to protest listening to Morgan and Madison, calling them liars, Madison explains to a wavering Ben that "she saw your father coming out of the marsh. When she saw him, she remembered what he stood for. What he died for. What he wanted PADRE to be." Morgan adds that that part of Krennick is still alive, and Shrike saw it and remembered it, because the people who are closest to us, they become a part of us. Morgan tells everyone to get on the ship and see where the coordinates lead them, but an increasingly desperate Dove orders the Prefects to hold their ground. "Just remember the people you leave behind. 'Cause those people are gonna remember you. And you might not realize today or tomorrow how important that is, but the day will come. It will, Mo." Pushing Ben's arm down, Mo tells her father that she doesn't just want to remember him, she wants to be with him and Morgan and Mo embrace each other while Ben and the Prefects, realizing that Morgan and Madison are right, stand down.

Shrike awakens on the train car with June standing over her and a severed walker head in the extension device. June tells Shrike that no one's going to hear her, and that June had found out Shrike's location from Morgan and Madison and June brought her here. Shrike begs June to try the treatment on her with a higher dose of radiation, but June states that it's not up to her. June contacts Dwight and Sherry for what to do with Shrike and Finch, near death from his returned walker bite infection, tells his father "don't make her feel this. No one should feel this." Complying with his dying son's wishes, Dwight instructs June to make it quick and painless. Telling Shrike that it's more than she deserves, June draws a knife and puts down the walker head.

A tearful Ben runs in, having heard that his sister was here and wanting to see her before she dies. Ben pleads with June who finally relents, telling Ben that either he ends Shrike's suffering or June will, and Ben agrees, showing June that he's unarmed. Walking away, June tells Ben that once he buries Shrike, he needs to find another place to live. June departs, leaving Ben with his dying sister and June's knife to end Shrike's suffering. Ben cries at Shrike's bedside, apologizing to her before mercy killing his sister.

At the beach, Mo loads up a boat and Morgan thanks Madison for helping him to find his daughter and himself again. Morgan doesn't think that Madison needs him for whatever comes next for her or the kids. Everything that's happened with Grace and Mo has got Morgan thinking about the people that he ran away from when Morgan first came to Texas, people that mean as much to Morgan as Morgan's Group does. Morgan has to find them and see if his friends are still there, right his mistake of leaving and make sure that they're all okay. Madison understands and Morgan tells her that he's able to leave because he's sure that he's leaving everyone in safe hands with Madison. Madison doubts that everyone will ever see her as anything other than the woman who took their kids away from them, but Morgan truly believes that Madison will give them good reason to. Mo seconds that, pointing out that Madison had given her a reason to believe. Mo returns Madison's old leather jacket to her, having found it in the inventory on the island. Madison hopes to see Morgan and Mo again someday and shares a hug with both of them. Morgan promises that they will always be with her, and Mo abandons her PADRE mask before she and Morgan leave in the boat.

On the beach, Dove asks if Nightingale is gone, but Madison corrects her that his name is Morgan and confirms that both Morgan and Mo are gone. Dove asks if they're getting on the ship as they have the supplies and fuel, but Madison has a different idea. Addressing the gathered adults and kids, Madison announces that there's files on the island telling them where the kids came from and who their parents are. Some of their parents could still be out there and Madison intends to find them, bring them here and turn PADRE into what it was meant to be in the first place.

Morgan buries Grace in the makeshift cemetery near Eastman's Cabin, the place that Morgan had first regained his sanity after losing his family. Morgan hands his daughter a new staff that he found for her and suggests that she go practice with it. Holding his battle axe - which is made mostly out of the staff that Eastman had given him - Morgan addresses his old friend's grave. "Have you seen how much this has changed since you first gave it to me here? I suppose you'd say I have too. You made that all possible with all that you did and all that you taught me. There's something I realized just lately, that all life is precious, but that is not about killing or not killing. It's about... what you do with the time that you have. And the... the people that you have, ya know? I need you to look after Grace for me. Please." Watching Mo practice her aikido, Morgan offers her some of the same advice that Eastman had given him, laughing at the fond memories that it brings up.

Morgan announces that they have to get going as Morgan has decided to go looking for the friend that he mentioned who told him not to run, noting that it wouldn't be the first time that they found their way back to each other. Taking his radio, Morgan makes an open broadcast. "This message is for Rick Grimes. It's Morgan Jones. Man, I'm gonna come and look for you, whether you're at Alexandria or not. I will leave this message every morning at dawn, and I will leave the walkie on for a few minutes after. Who knows? Maybe you might even be listening." Morgan touches a kiss to Grace's grave and he has flashes of Eastman, Benjamin, Nick Clark, Isaac, Rachel, John Dorie, John Dorie Sr., Alicia Clark, Jenny, Duane and Grace, all of the people that he's cared about and lost along the way. This time, Morgan only sees fond memories of his loved ones without the red-tinge, at peace at last with those that he's lost. With one last look back at Grace and Eastman's graves, Morgan and Mo depart, heading for Alexandria and to find Rick.


Morgan will appear in this episode.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims Morgan has killed:


For a more in-depth look at Morgan's relationships, read here; Morgan Jones (TV Universe)/Relationships




TV Series

Season 1

Season 3

Season 5

Season 6

Season 7

Season 8

Season 9

Season 11

The Ones Who Live

Season 1

Fear the Walking Dead

Season 4

Season 5

Season 6

Season 7

Season 8

Episodes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4
Season 5 👁
Season 6 👁
Season 7
Season 8 👁 👁
Season 9
Season 10
Season 11
Appears Voice is heard
👁 Appears with no lines Appears in a flashback
Appears as a walker 🖼 Appears in a photograph/video
Appears as a corpse Appears in a hallucination/dream

Episodes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4
Season 5
Season 6
Season 7
Season 8
Appears Voice is heard
👁 Appears with no lines Appears in a flashback
Appears as a walker 🖼 Appears in a photograph/video
Appears as a corpse Appears in a hallucination/dream

Episodes 1 2 3 4 5 6
Season 1
Appears Voice is heard
👁 Appears with no lines Appears in a flashback
Appears as a walker 🖼 Appears in a photograph/video
Appears as a corpse Appears in a hallucination/dream


For more images of Morgan Jones, please visit Morgan Jones (TV Universe)/Gallery.


  • Morgan is the first character in The Walking Dead universe to use the definition walker for a zombie on-screen.
  • The name Morgan is a descendant male name from the old Welsh "Morcant" which is derived from mor meaning "sea" and cant meaning "circle".
  • Morgan heavily suffers from PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) as a result of losing his entire family to the outbreak.
    • Morgan has been shown to display noticeable signs of mental instability as evidenced by his psychotic breakdowns and mercilessly murdering innocent survivors whom he encountered before his encounter with Eastman.
  • Morgan is one of only two characters, along with Rick, who appeared in the pilot and are still alive, though both characters are no longer apart of the TV Series anymore.
  • Morgan is the second longest living character in the series.
  • Morgan is currently the longest living character in the Television Series, who was not a member of the original Atlanta survivor group.
  • Morgan's signature weapon is a wooden staff, hand-crafted by Eastman.
    • Morgan's staff is also now a spear.
  • Morgan appears to be religious as evidenced by him saying grace before his meal with Duane and Rick, and he silently prayed in Father Gabriel's church.
  • Morgan is implied to be a vegetarian, although this was presumably influenced by Eastman.
  • Morgan also owns a rabbit's foot which acts as a good luck charm which was originally a gift from Eastman's daughter which was later handed to him after his death.
  • Morgan appears to possess a reasonable knowledge of construction and craftmanship as shown by him being able to create several rigged traps throughout King County as well as being able to build a fortified cell in Alexandria self-handedly.
  • After being trained by Eastman, Morgan is highly proficient in Aikido and thus has proven to be a skilled combatant, being able to engage multiple opponents in combat simultaneously including multiple members of The Wolves and later The Saviors.
  • Morgan has killed the seventh largest amount of living characters on the TV show with a total of at least 45 victims, The Governor has the sixth largest with at least 62, Rick has the fifth largest with at least 68, Daryl as having the fourth largest with at a total of 110, Carol has the third largest with at least 124, Simon has the second largest with a total of at least 172, Negan has the largest with a total of at least 230.
  • According to his interview on Talking Dead, Lennie James trained for his fight scenes with Stephen Ho, one of the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
  • The scene in which Morgan appears to shoot his wife is shot from the same angle, and is almost identical, to a scene in the episode from Jericho called "Crossroads" where the same actor, portraying Robert Hawkins, is defending the town of Jericho.
  • According to Talking Dead, the producers originally planned for Morgan to appear in the second season, however, Lennie James was too busy to be able to reprise his role as Morgan at the time.
  • Although there were discussions about Morgan possibly making a physical appearance in Season 11, in the end, it was decided that he would only appear in a flashback scene in the final episode of the series along with having a line saying, "We are the ones who live" with many other characters.
  • Morgan has the most disappearances and reappearances out of any main character in The Walking Dead.
  • Morgan is one of the nine TV Universe characters to appear in Fear the Walking Dead, the others being Paul Rovia, Carol Peletier, Rick Grimes, Dwight, Sherry, Jenny Jones, Duane Jones, and Negan Smith.
  • Morgan is the sixth main character to outlive his comic book counterpart, with the first being Shane Walsh, the second being Carol Peletier, the third being Tyreese Williams, the fourth being Beth Greene, the fifth being Judith Grimes, the seventh being Abraham Ford, the eighth being Rosita Espinosa, the ninth being Ezekiel Sutton, the tenth being Alpha, the eleventh being Gabriel Stokes, and the twelfth being Rick Grimes.
  • Morgan is one of three main characters with an unknown status, the others being Dwight and Anne.
  • Morgan, Rick Grimes, Daryl Dixon, and Carol Peletier are the only confirmed survivors of the outbreak introduced in Season 1 to not die in the TV Series.
  • Morgan currently owns the book The Art of Peace.
  • Morgan traveled 166 days from Virginia to Texas upon encountering John Dorie.
  • In Season 6, Morgan abandons his staff as his primary weapon for the first time since his initial return in The Walking Dead in favor of using Emile's Battle Axe. However, Morgan ultimately combines his old weapon and his new weapon by getting rid of the axe's original handle and replacing it with his staff as the new handle.
  • As of "Things Left to Do", Morgan has more appearances in Fear than he does in the TV Series.
  • Morgan is one of two main characters to end the Fear the Walking Dead with an unknown status, the other being Alex.
  • Morgan appears in a total of 99 episodes across all Walking Dead shows.

International Dubbers[]

Language Dubber Other Characters Voiced
Czech Lukáš Hlavica Felipe
Edwin Jenner
French Thierry Desroses N/A
German Engelbert von Nordhausen (TWD S1-Fear S7)
Jürgen Kluckert (Fear S8)
Hungarian Anger Zsolt (1-5)
Kőszegi Ákos (6-8)
Italian Paolo Marchese N/A
Japanese Tsuguo Mogami Edwin Jenner
Eugene Porter
Portuguese Armando Tiraboschi (1)
Marcelo Pissardini (3)
Wellington Lima (5-8)
Armando Tiraboschi:
Merle Dixon
Wellington Lima:
Spanish (Latin America) Marcelo Armand (1)
Ariel Abadi (3-8)
Ariel Abadi:
Christopher's Father
Spanish (Spain) Alejandro "Peyo" García Mitch Dolgen


  1. Fear the Walking Dead Season 7 Is a Nuclear Zombie Apocalypse Western on comicbook.com: "…Season 6 left off with Morgan and Grace (Karen David) as the adoptive parents of the orphaned Baby Morgan…"