Walking Dead Wiki

Attention! Please be aware that spoilers are not allowed on the wiki and a violation of this policy may result in a ban. Information (character deaths/fates, screenshots, etc.) from episodes released early on AMC+ may not be added to the wiki until the episode officially airs at 9pm EST on the Sunday it is scheduled for. Thank you.


Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki
Wd-vatos28 This article, Staff Members, is under construction by the Wiki's Staff!
Please be patient as it will undergo several new major edits over time!

Staff Members, unlike Administrators, are regular users that are recognized by the administration as users with more responsibility than average editors here at the Walking Dead Wiki. Staff Members are editors with expectations to keep the wiki up to date within their field of abilities and interests, as well as keeping the Discussion Threads and Discord Server safe and spam free if they have the appropriate positions.

Staff Positions[]

There are currently six different staff positions:

  • Community Managers:
    Fandom staff that work with the Wiki by helping to fix any issues, spread Fandom news, and relay feedback & bug reports back to Fandom.
  • Content Moderators:
    Lookout for spelling and coding errors, useless information, run-on sentences, etc. They also have tools to help moderate the community.
  • Discord Administrators:
    Similar to Discord Moderators, but can also edit and maintain the Wiki's Discord server.

Staff Templates[]

Every staff position has a designated template to be used on personal Staff Member pages. The following is a list and showcase of all the following templates:

Community Manager Template[]

TWD 707 GP 0714 0334-RT Staff Members is the Wiki's Community Manager!
He is a Fandom Staff Member sent to support and inform the Wiki's Community!
Any issues or suggestions regarding Fandom should be posted on their message wall!

Content Moderator Template[]

11x08 Pope and Ultimate Weapon Staff Members is a Content Moderator!
They help fix all types of errors and moderate the Wiki!
Any issues or suggestions about the Wiki should be posted on their message wall!

Wiki Photographer Template[]

11x24 Kelly (AT) Staff Members is a Wiki Photographer!
They provide good quality HD images of all TWD media!
Need some help finding images for the Wiki? Please ask for help on their message wall!

Discussion Moderator Template[]

IMG 20180522 100942 Staff Members is a Discussion Moderator!
They help patrol and moderate the Discussion Threads!
Any issues or suggestions about the Discussion Threads should be posted on their message wall!

Discord Administrator Template[]

The-walking-dead-season-6-cast-carol-mcbride-935 Staff Members is a Discord Administrator!
They help moderate and can edit the Wiki's Discord Server!
Any issues or suggestions about the Discord should be posted on their DMs or message wall!

Discord Moderator Template[]

DiscordModTemplate Staff Members is a Discord Moderator!
They help patrol and moderate the Wiki's Discord Server!
Any issues or suggestions about the Discord should be posted on their DMs or message wall!

Usage of Staff Templates[]

These templates will almost always be at the top of the page, making it simple to find whatever staff member you need, when one is needed. Please note that only registered staff members who've been appointed by the admins can have these templates on their pages. If the template is found on any other page, it will promptly be removed and the user who placed it there will be warned. If they persist, they may be blocked for a short period of time.

Becoming a Staff Member[]

Submit a staff request to the Requests for Staff page. Once a user has been supported by eight votes, an administrator may give them permission to be a staff member and they will have the appropriate template for their position placed on their profile page. Voting is only necessary for the staff positions of Wiki Janitors, Wiki Photographers, and Discussion Moderators. Also, please note that nobody can apply to become a Community Manager, as that staff position is solely appointed by FANDOM itself, not the wiki.

Requests for Discord Moderators are dealt with among the Discord Administrators within the Discord server once a fellow member of the server makes it public there that they wish to join the Discord Staff Team. If a majority of the Discord Administrators vote to support the promotion, the member will become a moderator, if majority is not reached the request is denied. Discord Administrators themselves are solely appointed by the current Server Owner.

List of Staff Members[]

Wiki Related:[]

Community Managers[]

Content Moderators[]

Wiki Photographers[]

Discussion Moderators[]

Discord Related:[]

Discord Administrators[]

Discord Moderators[]

Code of Conduct: Staff Members[]

