Walking Dead Wiki

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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

The following is a complete pictorial list of the characters in Image Comics' The Walking Dead: Small Bites. They are grouped by families or groups of survivors and roughly in order of first appearance.

  • A character with an "Unknown" status was alive when last seen, but was injured, lost, or unsecured since.

Alexandria Safe-Zone[]

Josh (Small Bites)
Holly (Small Bites)
Lola (Small Bites)
Andrea (Small Bites)
Aaron (Small Bites)
Denise Cloyd (Small Bites)
Heath (Small Bites)
Eric (Small Bites)
Eugene Porter (Small Bites)
Rosita Espinosa (Small Bites)
Olivia (Small Bites)
Beth (Small Bites)
Tobin (Small Bites)
Bruce (Small Bites)
Scott (Small Bites)
Barnes (Small Bites)
Carter (Small Bites)

Grimes Family[]

Carl Grimes (Small Bites)
Rick Grimes (Small Bites)
Lori Grimes (Small Bites)

Anderson Family[]

Jessie Anderson (Small Bites)
Ron Anderson (Small Bites)
Peter Anderson (Small Bites)

Steven's Family[]

Steven (Small Bites)

Houck Family[]

John Houck (Small Bites)

Ristaino Family[]

Andy Ristaino (Small Bites)

Monroe Family[]

Regina Monroe (Small Bites)

Maggie's Family[]

Maggie Greene (Small Bites)
Glenn Rhee (Small Bites)
Sophia Rhee (Small Bites)

Jones Family[]

Morgan Jones (Small Bites)
Duane Jones (Small Bites)

Hilltop Colony[]

Paul Monroe (Small Bites)

The Saviors[]

Negan (Small Bites)
Dwight (Small Bites)

Miscellaneous Survivors[]

Brian Blake (Small Bites)
Ben (Small Bites)
Shane Walsh (Small Bites)



Mike (Small Bites)
Terry (Small Bites)
Girl (Small Bites)
Boy (Small Bites)

Neri Family[]

Carlos Neri (Small Bites)
Sarah Neri (Small Bites)
Abby Neri (Small Bites)
Sammy Neri (Small Bites)