Walking Dead Wiki

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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

The Quotable Negan is a collection of the best quotable moments of Negan from Image Comic's The Walking Dead.

"Since debuting in The Walking Dead comic series and smash-hit AMC television show, the baseball bat-wielding badass known as Negan has quickly become a fan favorite for his crude humor, violent tendencies, and colorful language. Now, this must-have collection brings together the bastard’s best lines along with fun facts and incredible stats to create the ultimate homage to this iconic villain."


  • This book reveals two instances where Negan was originally intended to die.
    • The first was in Issue 106 where Rick was going to kill him and deliver his severed head to Maggie who would then bury, burn or impale it on a spike. Negan was to push the survivors into such a dark place that Maggie would sincerely respond with "thank you" after being presented with Negan's head.
    • The second was in Issue 174, where Maggie was originally going to shoot Negan.
  • This book confirms that Negan has a total kill count of forty-two in the entire series.


