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This article is about Rebecca's son. You may be looking for his appearance in the Clementine series or his Road to Survival counterpart. For other pages with the same name, see: Alvin

Since I can remember... Clem's always been there with me. She taught me to be careful. To be quiet. To be strong. To save the last bullet for myself. To kill people that try and hurt us. To make the bad people suffer. I always listened to Clem. Always. But... I've been thinking more. I don't know if she's right every time. She told me to shoot her if she got bit. That doesn't feel right. We're doing a lot of bad things. To save our friends. To protect our home. And when Clem told me to shoot Lilly... I got mad. So mad. I don't... I don't know what I feel anymore. I don't know if Clem knows either. But I remember all the rules. And the first one... Is never go alone.
―Alvin Jr. about Clementine. (Determinant)[src]

Alvin Jr. is the deuteragonist and a survivor of the outbreak in Telltale's The Walking Dead. He is also the protagonist of the short story, How I Protekted Clem. He first appears in Season Two, returns in A New Frontier in flashbacks, and later appears as the deuteragonist and a playable character of The Final Season. He is the son of Rebecca and possibly, Alvin or Carver. In the third season, Alvin Jr. only appears in flashbacks with Clementine, showing the story of how they became separated.


As an infant, AJ exhibited healthy and normal behavior for a baby his age. He took an instant liking to his mother and Clementine and seemed to dislike Jane.

As AJ reaches toddler status, he is shown to be a normal and healthy baby. He has grown fond of Clementine and determinately Kenny, recognizing them as parental figures in his life.

Much later into the apocalypse, AJ is a young child with a somewhat adult sense of mind for the world's state. He is eager to prove himself capable of survival, despite still learning practical skills. He looks up to Clementine in order to learn about the world as it comes.

Having been born into this world, AJ seems to be wired to always be on his guard. When entering new places, AJ checks his surroundings, wants to make sure there is always a way out, and wants to be the safest he can possibly be. Sometimes AJ is more on guard than Clementine as he expresses things about the safe zone he perceives as dangerous. This also causes a blurred line between Survival and Living for him, such as when he calls Louis out for being too loud with his piano, or planning to sleep under the bed in case anybody would try to attack him and Clementine. This is likely due to a lack of social skills and experience in a safe zone, as he has spent the vast majority of his life on the road, where danger is everywhere.

A notable trait is AJ's inability to handle targets coming up from behind him. This is shown when he bites Ruby on the hand, and elbows Marlon in the groin when both survivors had come up behind AJ. AJ does feel sorry about this, but says he does is as just a natural reflex as he thought it was someone trying to hurt him. It's possible that this trauma stems a specific event: When Clementine had shot a caretaker at the McCarroll Ranch while AJ's back was turned to her.

He is also shown to be unaware of the value of personal property, as he tried to claim both Tennessee's toys, and read Aasim's journal without permission. This could be childlike naivety, as apposed to a behavioral trait.

AJ is also shown to be logical and is "always thinking all the time", and gets frustrated when he doesn't understand a problem, or when others can't understand what he does. This is primarily shown during major conflicts: He wonders if he's a murderer after killing Marlon, he tells Clementine that letting Abel go was dangerous as he might come back, and he realizes that amputating Clementine's leg would save her from an infection.

Despite his generally cheerful and considerate personality, AJ's behavior seems to shift to a ruthless aggression, sometimes at random moments. It's because of this that, throughout the game, Clementine shows concern multiple times for AJ's wellbeing. She also feels pity that he never knew the world before the apocalypse. AJ's moral compass is called into question by many characters of the series, as he expresses little to no compassion over having to murder threats.

However, in his own words, he does not enjoy killing people; he merely enjoys the safety that comes from out of it. He strongly believes that anybody that tries to harm him or the people he cares about deserve to die, and is unwaveringly loyal and protective, only ever considering murder when the people that he loves are in danger.


Season Two

"Amid The Ruins"

Rebecca's son was delivered by Kenny at the observation deck at Parker's Run on November 29, 2005. The child was first believed to be stillborn but suddenly begins to cry, which then showed that he was successfully born alive and healthy. However, delivering him caused post-partum bleeding in his mother.

When Clementine wakes up, Rebecca is seen holding her child and offers for Clementine to hold him. Kenny will eventually take hold of the baby in order to allow Rebecca to get some rest. However, after Kenny and Luke begin arguing, Rebecca will awaken and demand to have her baby back, which Kenny will accede to and apologize. When the group travels to the town across the river, he is being held by his gravely ill mother Rebecca, who soon rests up at the side of the road. When the group is surrounded by a group of Russians, Rebecca soon dies from hypothermia and blood loss from childbirth. Her son is last seen crying on Rebecca's lap after her death and reanimation, after which either Clementine or Kenny will shoot her in order to save him.

"No Going Back"

At the start of the episode, Clementine will fall to the ground to prevent getting shot, as she notices the baby on the ground crying. She will attempt to crawl towards him, and Luke sees Clementine and warns her to get to cover. Then, she is given a choice:

If Clementine chooses to protect the baby: Clementine will run towards him, will grab him and then will hide behind the cover. Luke will say that he didn't see him out here and praises Clementine for saving him. Luke will peek out and attempt to shoot at the Russians but fails, so he asks Clementine to cover him while he runs to the other side of the wall, but gets shot in the leg in the process.

If Clementine chooses to go behind cover: Clementine will run and hide behind the wall. Luke will peek out and see the baby laying in the open with bullet impacts near him. He quickly runs and grabs him, and whilst going back behind cover he gets shot in the leg.

After the conflict that resulted in nearly all of the Russians being killed, Kenny, infuriated towards Arvo, decides to kill him as well but Arvo mentions a place that has supplies. Everyone agrees to follow Arvo, thus making Kenny tying Arvo's hands. Later, the group decides to rest for a while, and after talking to Luke, Clementine goes to change Kenny's bandage. Kenny tells her that he decided to name the baby Alvin Jr. after the boy's deceased father. Clementine agrees to name him Alvin Jr. as that's what his parents would like. Kenny will reminiscent sadly about Alvin's death and says that he should have done something to prevent it. Kenny states that his father should be alive for AJ, and comments that AJ will be tougher than him when he grows up.

Later, as the sun is setting, the group reach an abandoned power station. Kenny hands AJ to Clementine and goes to investigate the station. AJ starts crying and Clementine calms him down. After a small conversation with Bonnie, Clementine will give her AJ to carry. Kenny and Jane return, assuring the station is safe where the group spends the night.

While the group is discussing around a fire, Kenny holds AJ closely in his arms, and when he volunteers to take the first watch, he takes AJ with him. Later when Clementine talks to Kenny, the two will discuss Kenny's family, specifically Duck, and he will state that he will not make the same mistakes he made raising Duck when he raises AJ. Further, Clementine can convince Kenny to join the group by the fire if she notes that AJ might get cold away from the fire, to which Kenny agrees.

The next day, the group reaches a frozen lake which is standing between them and their destination. Arvo assures that the lake is solid enough to cross it. While the group is crossing the frozen lake, walkers start approaching them, and a panicked Arvo starts running which makes Kenny chase him in fury. Mike, who is carrying AJ, will run after Kenny to make sure he doesn't do anything bad to Arvo. After the events on the lake, Mike will carry AJ inside the unfinished house and place him in a small blanketed box.

Later, Kenny asks Clementine to help with a truck he is trying to fix, but she is hesitant to leave AJ's side. Jane will tell her that she'll take care of him and so Clementine goes outside with Kenny and discovers he is showing his concern for the baby. After the two talk and fail to start the truck, Clementine gets back to the house and discovers that Jane had moved AJ into another room because Mike and Arvo wouldn't keep quiet. Suddenly AJ wakes up and starts crying, making Jane become visibly bewildered and suggest that he probably needs food. Clementine comforts him and has the option to give him to Jane. If she does so, Jane will take hold of AJ momentarily, until he starts to puke on her after which she hands him back to Clementine. She will then feed him with the baby formula and shows a worry that there's not much left. After Kenny gets the truck started, the group will eventually consider the baby when deciding where their destination should be, with Bonnie stating that there might be more baby formula back at Howe's Hardware. Nonetheless, the group decides to rest for the night and decide in the morning.

After Clementine is abruptly shot by Arvo and loses consciousness during the night, she wakes up in the back seat of the truck with Kenny and Jane holding AJ. Kenny tells Clementine that the rest of the group left on foot with Arvo. Kenny and Jane start arguing on finding the safest location, the fight between them gets heated, and Kenny makes a hard brake to prevent hitting the cars and debris blocking the way. Kenny instantly asks if they are alright, specifically asking about AJ's safety before he exits the vehicle to salvage some gasoline in the abandoned cars. Suddenly, Clementine and Jane hear some gunshots and walkers start to emerge. Jane tells Clementine to drive away but they eventually crash, and Jane will be forced to escape with AJ leaving Clementine within the truck. With the group split up Clementine finds herself lost in a vicious blizzard.

Clementine is left alone wandering aimlessly with walkers near her until she reaches a rest area where Kenny was sheltering. He instantly questions her about AJ's whereabouts, and after he discovers that he was left with Jane, he rushes outside of the rest area in search of them. Jane soon arrives without AJ, which enrages Kenny whose motive was to keep the baby safe. Jane tells Clementine to stay away from the fight that's about to occur. The two begin to fight, and eventually, Clementine is on the ground with a gun next to her and can choose from two options:

If Clementine Shoots Kenny: Clementine will shoot Kenny before he stabs Jane. When she goes over to him, he says Clementine made a good decision and they have a short conversation before he dies. Clementine then sheds tears before hearing a baby crying in the background and realizes it is AJ. Clementine rushes ahead to find AJ in a car and Jane follows to explain that while she understands why Clementine would be upset over Kenny's death, she set up the whole fight to show how dangerous he was, meaning that AJ was safe the entire time. Clementine can then either choose to go with Jane (leading to the ending, "With Jane" below), or scold her for having taken advantage of Kenny's violent tendencies and causing his death and leave her behind, taking only AJ with her (leading to the ending, "Alone with Clementine" below).

Don't pick up the gun/Look Away: Clementine will let Kenny stab Jane in the chest. Clementine, angered, can shoot and kill Kenny over the death of Jane (leading to the ending, "Alone with Clementine" below). If Kenny survives, Clementine and Kenny hear a baby crying and find AJ in a car and realize that Jane lied about AJ being dead the whole time. Clementine can then choose to go with Kenny to Wellington (leading to the ending, "With Kenny" below) or leave him alone as he is getting too dangerous to take care of AJ (leading to the ending, "Alone with Clementine" below).

With Jane

Nine days later, Clementine, Jane, and AJ are both back at Howe's Hardware, now seemingly abandoned. Jane will discover some baby formula for AJ and other supplies left at Howe's, as well as the greenhouse still remaining in good shape. She will then suggest that they should stay for a while at Howe's, but Clementine then notices a group of three survivors approaching them; a man, woman, and boy. They head down to greet them through a fence, and the other group will claim that they need help and had been walking for weeks looking for food. One of the men will ask Clementine if the baby she is holding is hers before having a short conversation about them trying to head north. The group then explain that Howe's needs a lot of work and that they would be willing to work there if they were allowed shelter inside. Jane will explain to Clementine that there is not much food left, leading to two further possible outcomes:

Invite them in: Clementine will allow them to come in through a side entrance. Jane will question Clementine about whether that was the right choice as they head to meet them at the entrance. Upon opening the entrance, the group will enter and the woman will introduce themselves as Patricia, whom will then thank and hug Jane tightly. Another one of the group members turns his back to Clementine, upon which she notices that he had hidden a gun in his back pocket. After silently signifying this to Jane, the boy will compliment Clementine's hat, as the screen fades to black and the episode ends.

Make them leave: Clementine will demand them to leave, much to the groups' surprise, and they will turn around and begin to leave. As they leave, Clementine notices that the man had a hidden gun in his back pocket, and Jane thanks her for making that decision. Clementine will state that they have to look out for themselves now, as the boy of the group turns and stares at Clementine. Jane says that they might return, to which Clementine states that they will be ready, as the screen fades to black and the episode ends.

With Kenny

Nine days later, Clementine and Kenny holding AJ are beginning a walk up a hill with smoke trailing from the other side of it. They will race one another up the hill with Kenny saying to AJ that they are going to win, and upon reaching the top, both will be stunned as they witness a gigantic wall of metal stretching for miles. Kenny exclaims that it has to be Wellington, and as they approach, they are quickly halted by a gunshot purposefully hitting the ground in front of them. A woman's voice on a speaker then demands for them to stop, drop their weapons, and approach the gate, which they do without hesitation. Upon nearing the gate, the woman reveals herself on a small risen outlet on the wall. They will introduce one another, and as Kenny introduces AJ, the woman, now known to be Edith, states that AJ will be a little heartbreaker when he grows up. After Kenny asks what they should do in order to get in, Edith gives them the bad news and drops a bag of supplies outside of the outlet. Kenny, confused and broken that they won't let them inside, questions Edith and Clementine reinforces the fact they have a baby, but she replies that they are over capacity as it is. As she continues explaining, Kenny will interrupt, asking her to just take the children. Edith will go and ask someone if it is possible, as Clementine questions what Kenny is doing. Edith will quickly return and say that she can take the children inside, and Kenny deeply thanks her and begins a conversation to convince Clementine to enter Wellington without him. He claims that he can't be trusted to protect them anymore, and that she and AJ would be safe within Wellington. There are then two further subsequent endings that can occur here:

Enter Wellington: Clementine will accept the offer and hug Kenny tightly as he says this is the right decision. He further asks Clementine to tell AJ about his family and all of the people who tried to keep him safe, before he takes off his hat and hands it to Clementine, saying that she should give it to AJ when he grows up. After Kenny asks Edith to keep an eye on them and for Clementine and AJ to live a good life, Kenny turns and begins walking in the other direction, taking the bag of supplies with him. The gates open up into Wellington with Edith standing to bring Clementine and AJ inside. As they enter, Clementine turns to watch Kenny leave and she sees him pause briefly before continuing further away. Clementine turns and enters into Wellington as the gates begin to close, focusing on Kenny walking away before the screen begins to fade to black and the episode ends.

Leave with Kenny: Clementine will refuse the offer, explaining to Kenny that they are leaving together. However, Kenny will continue in an attempt to convince Clementine to enter Wellington, but she will stop him in his speech and ask for them to leave together. Edith, torn by their conversation, will throw out a second bag of supplies, saying that she was told to only give one bag per group, and after saying they can check back in a few months and wishing them luck, she departs. Kenny and Clementine will have a short conversation before picking up the bags of supplies and carrying AJ away from Wellington, as the screen fades to black and the episode ends.

Alone with Clementine

If Clementine had allowed Jane to die then shot Kenny (or abandoned the survivor of the brawl), then nine days later, Clementine, out of the snowstorm, will be walking in an unknown area with AJ in her arms. After walking up upon a small hill, she will spot a walker herd in the distance. She will finish off a dying walker nearby and cover both herself and AJ in walker guts, then she ponders of everything she gone through just to be surviving alone, realizing that groups never work out. The two to safely travel through the herd. As she walks off towards it, the screen flashes to black and the episode ends.

A New Frontier

"Ties That Bind - Part 1"

Alvin Jr. appears in one of four flashbacks within the episode:

Clementine refused to go with Jane/Kenny: If he and Clementine went their own way, the pair are seen roughly a year later on a railroad. AJ watches on Clementine's back as she tries to kill a rabbit for dinner only for him to scare it off. Clementine politely tells him off for doing so, deciding to put him in an abandoned car so she can capture the rabbit. However, AJ begins to cry, causing walkers to come towards him. Noticing this, Clementine comes to his aid but gets her hand trapped in the door as she lifts him out. AJ is last seen crying on the floor as Clementine examines her now broken finger, which later gets amputated partially.

Clementine went with Kenny: If he and Clementine had gone with Kenny and did not stay in Wellington, he is seen in the back on a car watching as Kenny teaches Clementine to drive. Kenny is concerned as to why AJ has yet to start talking as it is unusual for a child his age, 2 years old. The pair notice AJ has dropped his blanket so Kenny tries to pick it up only for Clementine to lose control of the car and crash. AJ is left crying, unharmed, in the backseat as Clementine tries to help Kenny, who had been propelled through the windshield, breaking his lower back. Walkers begin to surround the car as AJ cries, Kenny distracting them (ultimately sacrificing himself) so Clementine can reach AJ and escape.

Clementine went with Jane: If he and Clementine stayed with Jane, AJ is shown still a baby a few weeks later at Howe's Hardware. Clementine calls him goofball as she shows a tattoo of his initials on her hand. Later, he is carried by Clementine to check on Jane only for the pair to find she had killed herself due to discovering she was pregnant. If Clementine shoots Jane, AJ begins crying due to the sound of the gunshot.

Clementine went to Wellington: If he and Clementine went to Wellington, AJ is displayed drawing a picture whom he indicates is meant to be Clementine. Shortly after, fighting can be heard, Edith rushing in as she reveals they have to flee as the settlement is under attack. The trio does so, AJ being carried by Edith only for her to be shot dead, forcing Clementine to carry AJ to safety.

"Ties That Bind - Part 2"

Prior to Clementine's entrance into the train tunnel on while going to Richmond, she reflects on how she had first fallen in with the New Frontier. She recalls having carried A.J. on her back through a forest to escape some walkers and being forced to hide within a fortified den. After breaking the door down and blocking off the entrance with a mobile shelf, she sets the baby down on a cot. Alvin Jr. starts to cry as the walkers bang on the walls and windows, but Clementine is forced to turn her attention to a secondary entrance when she hears a voice outside asking to be let in. The door is kicked in with the lock breaking, a woman barging in and closing the door as best as she could. Clementine raises her gun on the newcomer to protect the baby before she realizes that the incoming walkers were about to break down the door and swarm them. The two work together briefly to barricade the door before Clementine returns her attention to Alvin Jr., who had finally quieted down. The woman asks about Alvin Jr.'s parents, not believing Clementine to be old enough to be his mother. After pondering aloud the fate of her friends, she offers Clementine an opportunity to join her community and get some food for Alvin. Clementine can refuse or accept the offer, but the woman still introduces herself as Ava and identifies a brand on her forearm as the mark of the New Frontier. The baby cries again as Ava helps put him onto Clementine's back. (Determinant)

"Above The Law"

Regardless of whether or not Clementine accepted Ava's invitation in the previous episode to join the New Frontier, it is revealed that she had joined Ava and taken a branding to keep AJ fed. In a flashback, she carries him through a campsite occupied by the New Frontier to the medicine supplies. AJ is shown to be weakened by an unknown illness, Clementine vowing to keep him alive. As the others chat around a campfire, Clementine slips past the group's doctor, Paul Lingard, who had put himself into a drug-induced slumber. She finds the drug AJ needs - vancomycin, a powerful antibiotic - and a syringe to inject him with, but Lingard hazily awakens and discovers her treachery. He explains to her that AJ is too sick to be helped by the last of the group's medicine and that he would die anyway, but Clementine doesn't accept that AJ is going to die. Lingard promises to forget that he saw her stealing the medicine if she put it back, telling her to think of herself and not get herself expelled from the New Frontier. If Clementine gives AJ the medicine, the others at the campfire notice her theft and berate her. If Clementine decides to put the medicine back, she apologizes to AJ for not being able to save him, but before she can return the medicine, the others find her with the medicine in her hand, apparently in the act of trying to use it on AJ, and physically harass her until she accidentally drops the syringe, breaking it and wasting the medicine within. David García yells at her for disobeying his and Lingard's orders, saying that she could have killed one of them in the future who could have been helped by the medicine. He decides to throw her out of the group without AJ, who is too sick to travel and needs shelter in his final days. Clementine can fight for AJ, but David tells her that she is no longer a member of the New Frontier. Ava convinces David to let her say farewell to her small friend, giving her a few moments to share some final words. Clementine can accept or spit in his face, the latter leading to David brusquely removing her from the camp and out into the forest. AJ calls for Clementine as she is taken out of the camp (Determinant).

In the present day, after Javier and the rest were kicked out of Richmond except for Gabe and Kate, David reveals at the warehouse that AJ survived the sickness and is alive and well. Clem believes this is a lie until David persuades her he isn't lying. He says that Dr. Lingard knows where AJ is. When the team goes back, they sneak in and get Kate and Gabe. Clem splits up with them and goes to look for AJ/Lingard.

"Thicker Than Water"

AJ appears in this episode in either Kenny or Jane's flashback depending whoever Clementine stayed with.

If with Kenny: AJ is seen laughing when Kenny makes shadows on the tent. He then is sitting next to Kenny and Clementine next to a campfire. AJ is then seen crying when a walker comes to their camp; as Clementine kills it, he stops crying.

In Clementine’s flashback, Clementine returns to the shack where she was with AJ and met Ava. Ava comes along and meets Clementine and deeply apologizes for taking AJ away from her. Ava gives a drawing to Clementine that AJ drew. Clementine can either be neutral, cold or forgiving to Ava about the separation of her and AJ.

If with Jane: Throughout the flashback, Clementine and Jane are seen holding baby AJ. Jane states that Clementine and AJ are capable on their own.

In the present day: Upon finding Dr. Lingard, he is suicidal and offers Clementine a deal - euthanize him in exchange for AJs whereabouts. The player can take the deal and have Javi kill him, say nothing which results in Clementine killing him or refuse. If the deal is taken by Javi or Clem, Dr. Lingard will reveal AJ's whereabouts at the McCarroll Ranch a few miles west of Richmond. If Javi refuses, Dr. Lingard will say that the deal is off and tells them nothing. He will survive the encounter (Determinant).

"From The Gallows"

Having learned from Lingard that David had taken care of AJ initially, Clementine wonders why David gave him up. David fondly calls AJ a brat and admits that he did raise AJ after Clementine was kicked out of the New Frontier and, although David thought that it would be easy after raising two other children, it wasn't. In the end, the New Frontier experienced a bad winter that destroyed their crops, meaning that David couldn't leave Richmond and AJ couldn't stay. David gave AJ to Lingard in order to save him, ordering the doctor to do whatever it took to keep him alive. As far as David knew, he had already lost two children and it wasn't any easier for him the third time. Although David had considered asking Lingard about the boy, he never did. Clementine can express understanding and forgiveness for David's actions, telling him that he did what he had to do to keep AJ safe and fondly remembering her own experiences with the boy.

If Lingard was spared, he tells Clementine where to find AJ three days after Richmond is saved. Clementine expresses her worries about being a good mom to AJ to Javier before she leaves, worrying that everyone was right that AJ is better off without her, but determined to at least see him again, nevertheless. Javier can reassure Clementine and invite her to bring AJ back to Richmond with her, promising to teach him about baseball if she does.

Clementine sets out to McCarroll Ranch, vowing that "I'm gonna find you, AJ."

The Final Season

"Done Running"

Several years later, Alvin Jr. is still with Clementine. At some point, he stayed at a ranch, though he was eventually taken, they obtained a car, and lived a life of constantly searching for supplies and driving around America in the car. Over time, Clementine taught AJ how to shoot and how to read although he was still learning.

In the car, AJ complained to Clementine that he was hungry. Trying to distract him, Clementine encouraged he test his reading but this only reminded him of his hunger. She then picked up a toy to for him to play with but its success was minimal. They came to a stop at an abandoned train station. AJ followed Clementine inside, evading walkers as he did. Inside, they found two walkers, once a couple, tied to a chair. AJ suggested they kill them to get a key to gain access to a storage room containing lots of food. Clementine either agreed with him or sent AJ through a gap in the work surface instead. (Determinant).

However, when going for the food, Clementine set off a jerry-rigged hand grenade, the resulting blast destroying most of the food and attracting walkers. AJ fled back to the car, helping Clementine kill one walker by trapping it under a door frame. Surrounded in the car, AJ passed Clementine her switch blade and fought off incoming walkers as best they could only for the car to crash and the pair to fall unconscious. Although, they were saved by a group of teenagers, the leader (Marlon) rescuing AJ.

The group brought the two back to the boarding school. AJ was waiting with Louis, who claimed AJ was a bit of a problem, especially as he bit Ruby. Louis, however, was able to calm him down with his music. Clem then arrives and AJ runs to her and hugs her, exclaiming how happy he is that she's okay. They talk with Louis for a bit, then Louis invites AJ to press some keys on the piano. AJ is nervous and says that being loud is dangerous, but thinks it is fun. Later, he watches out for Clem as she fights off walkers. After, he shows Clem where Marlon's office is, so they can talk about their future at the school. Marlon comes with Rosie, and if Clem accepts to try and bond with Rosie, AJ will say how cool it is. Marlon will then say the hunting group and the fishers both need help. Whoever Clem chooses to help, AJ will go with her.

The group Clem and AJ went with finish off, head back towards the school, and try to find the other group. However, they will find that the traps have been messed with, or the spear room has been messed with. Luckily, they find the other group alive and well. After, Clem suggests going to the train station as some food may have survived the explosion. Louis distracts the walkers and Clem, AJ and Vi check the station. Abel arrives and begins to steal the food they collected, to which Clem can tell Aj to shoot, to lower the gun or to push him into the walkers. Either way, they gather lots of food and return to the school, who are amazed. Later, Marlon comes to speak to the duo, but AJ hits him in the groin, not knowing it was him. Then, Clem and AJ talk to the other children, where he apologizes to Ruby and Marlon. They have dinner, where AJ eats quickly and burps, to which Clem can tell him to eat slowly or burp with him. He then goes to hang out with Tennessee, where he and Clem can be added into Tenn's drawing. After they head to the dorm, where Vi lets him draw a picture, and either lets him keep the art supplies or give them back.

Towards the end of the episode, AJ is seen threatening Marlon, asking where Clem is. When Clem comes back, he is happy and relieved. He remains mostly silent during the confrontation, however he is knocked over and disarmed by Marlon. He gets the gun back. When Clem has stopped Marlon, AJ shoots him in the head, saying he aimed for the head, didn't hesitate or saved one for himself, depending on Clem's advice from earlier.

"Suffer the Children"

After killing Marlon, the students become hostile towards Clem and AJ. AJ is denounced as a murderer by Louis, and before any altercation could happen, Violet tells Clem and AJ to retreat to their dorms. The students spend the night digging graves for both Marlon and Brody. The following morning in Clementine and Alvin Jr.'s (AJ) dorm room, Clementine is laying on her bed as a distraught AJ sits nearby, making coffee on a makeshift stove for her. AJ, confused by the other students' fearful and passionate reactions to Marlon's sudden death, asks why Louis called him a murderer. Clementine has the choice to either vindicate AJ by asserting that he was justified in executing him or to pragmatically discourage AJ's impulsiveness by stating Marlon was defeated already and that he was not a threat anymore.

Tennessee enters the room and invites Clementine and AJ to Marlon and Brody's funeral. He can try to give AJ a fireman figurine and, depending on how Clementine decided to console AJ about killing Marlon, AJ can accept (if Clementine told AJ was justified) or reject it (If Clementine told AJ he was wrong). Regardless of her choice, AJ tells Clementine that he loves her, prepared to face the Ericson students. They both leave the dorms together. In the courtyard, AJ looks solemnly at a pool of Marlon's blood and looks to Clementine, aware that he caused it. They both approach the graveyard to angered students, as Tennessee and Violet prepare to give eulogies to Brody and Marlon. Tennessee begins first and places drawings of symbols important to Marlon and Brody onto their graves. Conversely, Violet – angered by what had transpired between Marlon and Tennessee's sisters – refuses to eulogise Marlon and his leadership. This agitates Mitch, who develops an enmity for Clementine and AJ and pulls a knife on them – adamant to put their future at Ericson's to a democratic vote. In response, AJ pleads for the vote not to happen, either by claiming Marlon's death was justified (If Clementine told AJ he was justified in killing Marlon) or by conveying his regret and his intention to "atone" (If Clementine told AJ he was wrong to kill Marlon while he was incapacitated).

Soon, Clementine and AJ return to their dorm room, anticipating the results of the vote. As AJ is kicking the wall in anger, Clementine manages to calm him down. After discussing the situation, Violet and Louis enter their room. Violet reveals to Clementine and AJ that they have to leave. Louis demands AJ’s gun so that in case if he tries to do something. Clementine can choose whether to order AJ to give Louis his gun or tell him to keep it. Soon after packing up, they escort them outside the safe zone. If AJ gave Louis his gun, he returns it to him before they take off.

Now alone and defenseless, AJ and Clementine wander the forest in search for shelter. A gunshot suddenly pierces a nearby tree, causing AJ and Clementine to scramble for cover. They hide behind a tree and spot a man: Abel from the train station. Clementine attacks him from cover, but is subsequently held at gunpoint by another woman behind her. Clementine is subdued by Abel and Lilly and is kicked in the face by the latter. AJ yells Clementine's name, as he too, is also subdued by Abel. She looks up to see a visibly shocked woman. It is Lilly, who has been missing for several years. She reintroduces herself, and Clementine can choose to be angered or startled by her reappearance. If Clementine is angered, Lilly will stand on her abdomen. If shocked, Lilly will reciprocate her feelings of nostalgia. Lilly then offers to help Clementine up, which she can accept or refuse, making Lilly pleased or bitter. Lilly then enquires about Clementine's past and attempts to manipulate her by stating her death is inevitable protecting AJ – just like Lee's was with her – in order to convince her and the Ericson students to join her group peacefully.

Soon, Violet and Louis arrive out of sight – drawn by the noise from Clementine and AJ's encounter with Abel. In order to free herself and AJ from their compromised position, Clementine either orders Violet to shoot Lilly in the shoulder with her bow and arrow – causing Louis to be shot in the arm – or run. Clementine and AJ sprint away from Lilly and Abel's line of sight. However, AJ is shot in the abdomen by Abel and retreats to a tree to rest, while Clementine fends off incoming walkers. Soon, an unusually animated walker shushes Clementine, leading the remaining walkers away from her. He is a human and carries a wounded AJ, leading Clementine to his base camp in the middle of the woods. He leads them to his campfire and urges Clementine to remove the shrapnel embedded in AJ's wounds.

The mysterious figure reveals himself to be James, formerly affiliated with a group known as the Whisperers. He and Clementine converse about their past lives before the apocalypse and he elaborates why he left the group– citing his disillusionment with their methods and his intrinsic pacifism. James and Clementine spot a walker approaching the camp. Clementine is presented with the opportunity to kill it or divert it away from camp. Afterwards, James offers an apple to them, which Clementine can choose to accept or refuse. Soon afterwards, James decides to stay up for the night to guard the camp. Clementine can choose to sleep or stay up to help. The next morning, James leads them back to Ericson’s. Willy then spots James, who mistakes him for a walker and attempts to shoot him with an arrow, but narrowly misses. He then alerts everyone that Clementine and AJ are back. Clementine then offers to let James stay with them. Looking at the arrow near his foot, he replies by saying that he is not ready and walks back into the woods. Louis then lets them in, and he carries AJ, due to Clementine having no energy left to carry him herself.

To be Added

"Broken Toys"

AJ appeared to be in the basement, reloading his gun. Abel was taking a nap, Clem or AJ can wake him up in either way. They told him where their friends are. Abel said they have a boat a few miles from the school. After leaving the Delta, Clem and AJ goes to James's barn to bring walkers for a distraction, He agreed. Later on, Ruby and the others are throwing a party. AJ does a decoration, and he becomes excited. He shows his drawing to Clementine and becomes very upset. He was thinking about Clem getting bit by a walker. Clem said that AJ can either kill her or let her turn. He becomes angry and tells Clem he doesn't want to. Then, He goes on patrol, and comes back with a beach ball in his hands. They started playing, and AJ gave Clem a hug. He arrives at the party and starts dancing. Ruby started playing a game, so they joined. At night, He and the others went to the Delta to get their friends back. He caught sawing Clem kissing Louis or Vi. After Clem got knocked out by Minerva, Lilly asked where Abel was, AJ replied to her saying that he's dead. Dorian tried to cut Violet or Louis's pinkie off. AJ could either bite Dorian or stop him from trying to hurt her. Dorian kicks AJ in the face and becomes angry at Lilly. AJ gets taken by her and went to the top of the boat. He bites Lilly's hand when she was about to kill Tenn. She pushed AJ and made him fall. When she was about to strangle Clem, He stabbed Lilly on her leg. AJ was talking to James, all the trouble she has got. If AJ shoots her, He will shoot her eight times in a row. If AJ doesn't shoot her, He will give James the gun, and James will get stabbed in the back by Lilly twice, and later dies from blood loss, and become reanimated. Then, the bomb went off, and started exploding the boat.

"Take Us Back"

AJ is first seen clinging to a broken part of the deck, calling for Clementine's help. From a nearby lifeboat, she manages to prevent him from falling into the water and drags him into the lifeboat. With no other option, however, Clementine orders him to jump back onto the ship and run along the railing to the pier. After a few more explosions force Clementine to scale the peripheral railing of the ship, the two of them reach the pier safely, only to be attacked by a raider using Marlon's bow. After a brief struggle, Clementine manages to take the bow and kill him with an arrow through the head. As walkers approach from the woods, Clementine and AJ run along the pier.

If Lilly survived the previous episode: The two of them encounter Lilly paddling downriver in a raft with a few remaining supplies. AJ urges Clementine to shoot Lilly, but even if she tries, Clementine is unable to make an accurate shot. AJ vengefully wishes Lilly death for the murder of James, but Lilly escapes downriver. The ship beside them begins to sink, causing Clementine and AJ to run for the shore before one final explosion knocks both of them out.

If Lilly was killed in the previous episode: The two of them run alongside the now-sinking ship, turning and dashing for the shore before one final explosion knocks both of them out.

The following is non-determinant and happens regardless of the player's choices.

AJ rouses as a walker stumbles toward them from the woods. Clementine tries to stand, but before the walker can kill her, Louis appears from behind the walker and kills it with a large rock. AJ is happy to see Louis safe. After Clementine locates Violet, the four of them discover Omar and Aasim hiding from the rest of the raiders further inland, who are currently engaged with a herd of approaching walkers. Clementine spots both Willy and Ruby near the horses, having found a cart ready to be taken back to the school. Clementine sends her companions over to Willy and Ruby, offering to shoot the walkers with her bow, but AJ refuses to leave her side. The students successfully reach the horse and cart, but a grenade explosion scares the horses away, stranding Clementine and AJ when she takes him to the ground for safety.

AJ sees Tennessee downstream, alone at the other side of the herd. Clementine and AJ successfully make their way over to him, Clementine taking his knife and running with them into the woods. After managing to slightly outpace the herd, the three of them locate a cave and decide to enter it in order to escape the herd, AJ leading the way inside. If James had survived the previous episode, he appears outside of the cave states that he saw bloodlust in AJ's eyes as he killed Lilly. Through the cramped confines of the entrance, the walkers are temporarily unable to follow them when two of them accidentally enter at the same time and block the rest.

Clementine scours the cave and finds the necessary items to make a torch, the fire enabling her to see through the cave. She notes another passageway on the other side of a stream too treacherous to swim across. She is able to push a log into the water and allow it to be caught by a few outcropping stones, creating a makeshift bridge for them to cross. The walkers make it into the cave and attack them, causing Clementine to send the others across the bridge while she uses the torch to fend off the herd. If James had been killed by Lilly, his zombified corpse enters the cave with the rest of the herd, freezing AJ still and forcing Clementine to rescue him. AJ calls for her to cross the bridge when he reaches the other side, causing her to use the log before it gets carried away by the water.

The herd is stopped at the water, unable to follow them. With the torch in hand, Clementine leads the others down the passageway, but they come to a halt at an intersection with several other passageways that could lead out of the cave. Clementine sets the torch down as they decide which way to go.

If James survived the previous episode: James places his hand on Clementine's shoulder, only to throw her to the ground and grab AJ, attempting to leave with him in tow. He threatens to hurt Clementine if she follows him, but AJ escapes from James's grasp and slices his hand open with a rock. Outraged that Clementine had allowed the boy to become a killer, James demands to know if this was what Clementine had wanted. Tennessee backs away as the two appear to be preparing to fight the other, but AJ shocks both of them when he proclaims that he had enjoyed killing Lilly. Clementine and James each try to get him to change his mind, but AJ stubbornly refutes that "anyone who tries to hurt" them should be killed. He recites Clementine's teachings to her and questions how he had failed to follow them. James begs her to convince him to not become what he had once been as a Whisperer, but her attempts fail to satisfy him, making him attack again. James tries one final time to make AJ understand that he does not have to be a killer to survive in this world, but Clementine steps between them and rejects his philosophy. AJ tells Clementine that he won't allow himself to enjoy killing anyone else and asks for her trust to hold a gun and know when to use it. Clementine can either allow him to have it or tell him that he is not ready to be able to recognize when he has to use it. A gust of wind from outside of the cave indicates to them which way was the exit, but walkers begin stalking in from a different path. (Determinant) Depending on how Clementine told James that she could not accept his philosophy, James will either remain behind to fight the walkers or make his way down a different path to find his own way out.

If James was killed in the previous episode: AJ watches James's zombified corpse from the other side of the stream. Clementine tries to get him to focus, but he quietly states that he had looked into James's eyes and realized that James did not recognize him, making him conclude that James had been wrong and that there weren't any people still inside of the walkers. Clementine places her hand on his shoulder, but he angrily pushes her to the ground. He demands to know why she had stopped him from killing Lilly, but her explanation only confuses and infuriates him further. He brings up what she had done to Abel and to the raiders on the boat if she killed any of them. Calming, AJ apologizes to her and admits that he was still scared of losing her too. AJ resolves to kill anyone that tried to hurt her, recalling what she had told him about his killing of Marlon. Clementine can try to tell him that she does not approve of his decision, but he remains steadfast and decides that he wants to become a "firefighter," or a protector of his friends. AJ tells Clementine that he won't allow himself to enjoy killing anyone else and asks for her trust to hold a gun and know when to use it. Clementine can either allow him to have it or tell him that he is not ready to be able to recognize when he has to use it. A gust of wind from outside of the cave indicates to them which way was the exit.

The following is non-determinant and happens regardless of the player's choices.

Clementine, AJ and Tennessee escape the cave and emerge in the forest, the wind blowing out the torch. After they determine that they had escaped the herd, Clementine leads them deeper into the woods in the hopes of locating the school. Tennessee suddenly reveals to Clementine and AJ how they had voted several weeks earlier, saying that he, Violet and Aasim had voted to let them stay at the school because they were safer with them than without them. He says that he is grateful to Clementine, as Marlon would have allowed the raiders to take them all had he still been in charge. Then, from out of the forest, someone steps out from behind a tree: Louis/Violet, the student Clementine saved during the raid on the school. (Determinant)

They all reunite, Clementine learning that the others had made it safely back to the school. Believing the danger to have passed, Clementine and her fellow teenager lead the children through the forest, deciding together to do things differently at the school without the fear of Lilly coming back for them. If Violet walks with them, she and Clementine discuss renaming the school to something less dull than Ericson. If Louis walks with them, he and Clementine lightly discuss building a new house for them to live in rather than continuing to live in the school. Soon, the four of them arrive at a wooden truss bridge. After climbing over a truck blocking the road, Clementine discovers a gap in the bridge with a several-dozen-foot drop underneath. As she prepares to jump the distance to the other side, all of them pause when they hear someone singing the song Louis and Minerva had written.

They all look back as Minerva- still alive but covered in blood both hers and from the walkers- steps onto the bridge with her axe and expresses joy at having found Tennessee. Descended into mania, Minerva tells her brother to join her in death so that they could be a family again in the next life. When Clementine and AJ try to stop him from wavering, Minerva fires her gun into the roof of the bridge, alerting all of the walkers in the area to come to them. Minerva opens fire on Clementine, but she takes cover behind the truck. Walkers pile onto the bridge past Minerva, ignoring her as she is covered in walker guts and going after Clementine. While she fends off the walkers and Minerva, AJ manages to get to the other side of the gap, but Tennessee refuses to leave.

Minerva scales the truck and attacks Clementine and Louis/Violet, (Determinant) Marlon's bow falling off the bridge during the scuffle. Clementine manages to wrest the gun away from her, but before she can shoot Minerva, she scrambles for her axe and chops through Clementine's leg. Tennessee's sister tearfully declares that she is taking him "home" with her, but Clementine just manages to shoot Minerva before she can deal the killing blow. Now bleeding her own blood again, the walkers attack Minerva and begin to devour her, much to Tennessee's horror. Collecting Minerva's weapons, Clementine jumps across the gap, but Tennessee still will not follow. Louis/Violet tries to restrain him from going after his sister, (Determinant) walkers going after them as well. AJ picks up the gun and aims it across the bridge, telling Louis/Violet to let go of Tennessee before the walkers killed both of them. His finger closes around the trigger as he prepares to shoot.

If Clementine trusted AJ to make the hard choices: AJ fires, hitting Tennessee in the neck and making Louis/Violet let go of him in stunned horror. (Determinant) Walkers grab Tennessee and devour him, Minerva watching and bidding him farewell in her final moments. Louis/Violet jumps the gap, (Determinant) unable to comprehend Tennessee's death at first before quickly demanding to know why AJ had shot him. He defends his actions, saying that he'd had to make the hard choice and kill his friend because he was always getting people killed and was going to do so again had he not pulled the trigger.

If Clementine did not trust AJ with the responsibility: AJ falters, lowering the weapon and calling for Tennessee to be thrown across the gap. Louis/Violet complies, (Determinant) tossing the still-resisting Tennessee across the gap where he lands safely in front of Clementine and AJ. Unfortunately, they can do nothing but sit and watch as walkers devour Louis/Violet, (Determinant) greatly paining Clementine. AJ snaps at Tennessee, berating him for getting his friend killed.

The following is non-determinant and happens regardless of the player's choices.

The three of them are left with no time to mourn as walkers begin to approach from the other side of the bridge. Clementine gathers the axe and begins limping away from the bridge as AJ leads the way with the gun. The two of them are separated from the Ericson student by the walkers, Clementine telling Louis/Violet/Tennessee to run back to the school without them. (Determinant) AJ and Clementine rush to a nearby rock wall and begin to scale it, Clementine helping him climb first to escape the walkers. As she attempts to follow him, however, a walker manages to grab her injured leg and sinks its teeth into her boot. AJ screams and shoots a few of the walkers beneath them, then shoots the one on her leg. (Determinant) He then helps to pull her up to the top of the rock wall. Clementine collapses, knowing what might have just happened. Despite AJ's frantic calls for her attention, Clementine slowly sits up and inspects her leg, opening the two halves from the seam. She sighs and informs AJ that she had been bitten when she discovers the bite mark at the bottom of her axe wound. Determining to get him to safety, Clementine grabs the axe and drags herself back to her feet, ordering him to "keep moving forward" with her as more walkers begin moving towards them from the top of the wall.

A few minutes later, the two of them find a brief respite from the walkers, long enough for Clementine to tell him that she loves him and she never wants him to forget it. (Determinant) Walkers begin to chase after them again as soon as they discover the barn that James used to house walkers. Clementine struggles to make it inside the barn before AJ helps her walk through the front doors. The two of them try to keep the walkers from following them, with Clementine barely able to keep them from entering while AJ grabs a pitchfork and uses it to bar the doors shut. The walkers, however, begin to tear at the walls behind the stable doors. Clementine is unable to walk any further, abandoning her axe and crawling to sit at the base of a hay bale. Setting himself, AJ hands her the gun to cover him with while he runs around the barn to seal the stables. After closing three of the four stable doors, though, Clementine rims out of bullets, leading AJ to take her knife and defend Clementine himself. He manages to kill several walkers by himself and seal the final stable door, demonstrating to Clementine that he could take care of himself.

AJ tells her that they need to climb up the hay bales to the second floor in order to lose the herd, but she somberly tells him that she cannot go with him. She calls him her goofball again and tearfully exclaims that she was lucky to have had him. AJ is devastated by her resignation, but Clementine tells him that she needs him to focus and remember the rules for survival she taught him. He recites her first rule: never go alone. She promises him that he won't be alone when he gets back to the school when he tries to ague that he can't leave her because of the first rule. In order to get him past the herd and back to the school, she tells him to use the axe to cut open one of the walkers they killed in the barn and cover himself in its guts. When he finishes covering himself, she asks him to recite the second rule: shoot monsters in the head when they come. He sadly reports that he was out of bullets and couldn't give her any. Upset, she asks him to recite that last rule, but he refuses. AJ begs her to let him stay with her, even though they would both become walkers if he did. She denies his request, telling him that she wanted him to live for her. (Determinant) She tells him to recall the last rule: what he had to do if she got bit. He again cannot bring himself to say it, forcing Clementine to do it for him.

If Clementine tells him to leave her: Clementine tells him that he can just leave her behind in the barn. If she had told him to shoot her the previous day if they were ever faced with this scenario, she rationalizes it as different when she was actually there, not wanting AJ to have to be the one to do it now. She references what Lee had told her to do many years before, either saying that she didn't want AJ to make the same mistake she made or that she wanted him to do the same thing she did. Crying, AJ drags the axe and turns to leave through the front door, but he suddenly straightens out and decides that he would not let her turn. Hefting the axe over his head—Clementine watching with trepidation—he brings the axe down.

If Clementine tells him to kill her: Clementine tells him that he has to prevent her from turning, even though they were out of bullets. If she had told him to leave her the previous day if they were ever faced with this scenario, she says that she didn't think this would happen so soon. She references what Lee had told her to do many years before, either saying that she didn't want AJ to make the same mistake she made or that she wanted him to do the same thing she did. Crying, AJ raises the axe high over his head as Clementine closes her eyes. Then, closing his eyes too, he brings the axe down.

The following is non-determinant and happens regardless of the player's choices.

Three years earlier, Clementine rides her horse through the ash-filled forest on the outskirts of McCarroll Ranch. The building on fire during a battle between the occupants of the ranch and an unknown invading group, there is death all around the area. Clementine and her horse gallop forward, but a heavily injured man near the entrance of the building shoots her horse, killing it and sending Clementine tumbling to the ground. She manages to return fire before he can shoot her, hitting him in the neck and making him miss with his final bullet. She demands to know where the children are kept in the ranch, (Determinant) but he refuses to answer. (Determinant) She can choose whether or not to finish him off or let him bleed out. As she passes through the nearly impassable entrance under the rubble, another horrifically burned man startles her from behind and begs for her to kill him to prevent him from feeling any more pain. She questions him as well on where the children can be found, (Determinant) only for the man to incoherently continue to plead for death. After she mercifully shoots him in the head, (Determinant) she notices several people fleeing down a corridor up ahead. One of the armed ranch inhabitants notices her and- thinking that she was one of the attackers- fires on her. Clementine shoots him in the shoulder when he pauses to reload, then rushes forward to grab him before he can attack again. Putting her gun against his chin, she asks where she can find the children. He reveals that they were keeping the children in the nursery down the same corridor the others had fled down, but he tries to stab her while she is distracted. Clementine is forced to kill him, regretting the loss of life over a simple misunderstanding.

Clementine cautiously follows the corridor, passing a few corpses and ducking around fires. She moves around a car blocking most of the way, realizing that the car was in serviceable condition after she finds the radio and lights inside to be working. Leaving it behind for now, Clementine approaches the nursery, following the sound of a woman's frightened voice trying to reassure a child. She opens the door and the two women raise their guns on each other. Clementine is forced to shoot, blood spraying from the bullet wound in her head over a locker behind her. Clementine tries to open the locker after she hears a crying child inside, but she is unable to open it without the key. She recovers the key from the woman's corpse, then opens the locker and discovers Alvin Jr. inside, covered in the woman's blood and traumatized by the violence. Clementine manages to carry him out of the locker, but he screams again when he sees the corpse beside her. Trying to calm him, she brings him out of the nursery and back to the car she had passed before. She tenderly places him in the passenger seat, then hesitates prior to entering the vehicle herself, thinking about what she had done to get AJ back and what he had seen. McCarroll Ranch burning around them, Clementine sits down in the driver's seat. She cleans his face of the blood and assures him that she would take care of him. With the whole area having been turned into a warzone, she decides that she can't take him back to Richmond. AJ recognizes her and grabs her hands as she drives them both out of the ranch in search of a new home, Clementine promising to never leave him again.

Back in the present, AJ comes to the stream near the school where the students placed traps and uses a spear to try to catch a fish. Shortly thereafter, Rosie joins him on the riverbank, seeming to look inside of the fishing bucket. AJ can comment on what the dog must be doing before turning back to the water and trying two more times to catch the fish. He goes inside the shack to return the spear, then comes back out to take the bucket back to the school.

If Clementine trusted AJ to make the hard choices: AJ goes to leave, but he sees Clementine's hat floating in the stream. He fails to retrieve it without entering the water, chasing after it with panicked breaths before Rosie jumps into the water and grabs it. AJ thanks the dog for fetching it, taking the hat and noting how dirty it was. As he prepares to leave again, he sees a walker in the woods blocking his path. He draws his gun, but he notices the bullet hole in its neck and the fresh blood on its body, recognizing it as Tennessee. He sadly regards his friend, thinking back on what Clementine had taught him about dealing with walkers. (Determinant) AJ can either put down Tennessee with his gun or let him wander away, but either way, AJ is saddened to be reminded of what he had done. He grabs the bucket he had brought and leaves with Rosie.

If Clementine did not trust AJ with the responsibility: AJ and Rosie encounter Tennessee outside of the shack, the first time he had been seen by any of the students of the school since the events on the bridge. Tennessee apologizes for getting one of their friends killed and for causing things to go wrong for them all of the time. He asks for AJ's forgiveness, which AJ can give or decline. Tennessee presents Clementine's lost hat to AJ, explaining that he had found it in the river while he was missing. AJ accepts the hat, noting how dirty it was. Tennessee admits that he couldn't come back to the school at first because he was ashamed of himself, but he had changed his mind after discovering the dead bodies of Minerva and Louis/Violet. (Determinant) He asks AJ if he remembers the drawing he made for him showing him and his family together again, then says that he realized that it was stupid of him to think that it could have been real. AJ can offer to help teach him how to survive by the rules he had learned from Clementine or refuse to teach his friend how to change. Ruby arrives and is shocked to see Tennessee alive. She embraces him and takes him back to the school, AJ and Rosie following after a few moments.

This next part is non-determinant and happens regardless of the player's choices.

AJ carries the fish bucket through the woods, Rosie paddling along behind him. He walks in contemplative silence, a leaf falling into his bucket. He lifts the leaf out and holds it up to the sunlight, then drops it and sees the school in front of him. As he grows closer to the school, he sees all of the other survivors in the woods in front of the gate. Aasim returns from the hunting traps and finds Ruby replacing some of the walker traps, the two leaving had-in-hand. Omar ties Abel's corpse to a tree with a sign next to it warning off trespassers. Willy descends from the top of a tree after finishing with his trap installation. Louis/Violet waves them all inside from the watchtower behind the walls. (Determinant) AJ enter along with Rosie and closes the gate behind him.

AJ somberly walks over to Omar and hands him the fish bucket while he is preparing for dinner. As he quietly walks away, he is suddenly greeted by Clementine, still alive after AJ had cut off her bitten leg and taken her back to the school. She approaches him on wooden crutches, AJ excited to see her walking again and hugging her gleefully. He shows her that he had her hat and offers it back to her, but she declines after a moment, telling him that he should keep it if he wanted. She then leads him over to the graveyard, showing off a new tire swing that Willy had helped her put in place. The two of them enjoy the new swing, Clementine pushing him high into the air. AJ hugs her again and the two of them join the other students for dinner, passing by the fresh grave dug for Louis/Violet/Tennessee after his/her death on the bridge. (Determinant)

The surviving students share a hearty meal full of laughs in the schoolyard, AJ and Louis/Violet (whichever one was abducted from the school) sharing a glance to indicate that he/she was alright after their injuries on the boat. (Determinant) Clementine shares a joke with that same student, laughing herself. If Tennessee had survived, AJ shows him out to use a pistol, sharing the lesson Clementine had given him about using guns. Alternatively, Clementine converses with whoever she and AJ had been separated from after the bridge about a group of fifteen or so survivors they had spotted nearby, the two of them asking AJ to go with a few other students to see if the group was friendly. Clementine asks AJ to speak with her for a moment, sitting down on the steps in front of the school. She comments on her missing leg and speculates that she likely would not have survived if the two of them had been alone outside of the walls. She fears that she would never be able to defend herself again now that she had to use crutches to walk, which AJ can comfort her over or offer hope. Clementine admits to him that she had been scared for a long time with him every time she had told him that she was unsure that they would ever find a home. Nearly coming to tears, she asks him if he thought she had done a good job in taking care of him now that she could no longer do it. AJ can either assure her that she did well or not, but Clementine quickly recovers her emotions and tells him that he was right for not listening to her in the barn. Depending on whether or not she trusted him to make the hard choices, she will either say that she was right to trust him or apologize for not trusting him and saying that she was wrong. AJ replies that it was because of her that he could make those choices now, then thanks her for all she had done for him. Clementine regards the other children in the schoolyard, happy and seemingly carefree, and sighs in relief, having finally found a place to call home.

AJ walks back into the dorms with Rosie, passing through the hall with Clementine's hat in his possession. He lets Rosie into his room, the dog going to settle under Clementine's bed. AJ has the option of placing any souvenirs he and Clementine had recovered during their travels and interacting with the ones Clementine had placed around the room already. (Determinant) AJ reflects upon his journey before placing Clementine's hat down on the dresser between their beds. Rosie goes over to the door, causing AJ to follow and go back outside.

AJ's story still continues in the Clementine series. For further details see:

Main article: Alvin Jr. (Clementine Series)

Killed Victims

This list shows the victims Alvin Jr. has killed:

  • Rebecca (Indirectly Caused, Alive)
  • Marlon
  • Lilly (Determinant)
  • Gad (Caused)
  • Tennessee (Caused, Alive, Determinant; Zombified, Determinant)
  • Violet (Indirectly Caused, Determinant)
  • Louis (Indirectly Caused, Determinant)
  • Numerous counts of zombies and fish

Non-Canon Deaths

The Final Season

If Clementine fails to complete a certain objective, it is possible for AJ to be killed. These deaths are non-canon and will result in a game over. Clementine will then re-spawn and be allowed to try again. Below is a pictorial list of when AJ can die.

"Done Running"

"Take Us Back"

If AJ fails to complete certain tasks, it is possible for him to be killed. These deaths are non-canon and result in a game over. AJ will then re-spawn and be allowed to try again. Below is a pictorial list of when AJ can die.


For a more in-depth look at Alvin's relationships, read here: Alvin Jr. (Telltale)/Relationships




Episodes 1 2 3 4 5 6
Season One
Season Two 👁 👁
A New Frontier
The Final Season
Appears Voice is heard
👁 Appears with no lines Appears in a flashback
Appears as a walker 🖼 Appears in a photograph/video
Appears as a corpse Appears in a hallucination/dream

Episodes 1 2 3 4 5 6
Season One
Season Two 👁 👁
A New Frontier
The Final Season
Appears Voice is heard
👁 Appears with no lines Appears in a flashback
Appears as a walker 🖼 Appears in a photograph/video
Appears as a corpse Appears in a hallucination/dream


For more images of Alvin Jr, please visit Alvin Jr. (Telltale)/Gallery.


  • Both Rebecca (Determinant) and Alvin incorrectly predicted that the baby would be a girl at some point, although Rebecca mentioned that Alvin was hoping for a boy.
    • In "All That Remains", there is a list of names on the table in Alvin and Rebecca's room, as possible names for Alvin Jr., the name list for boys are: Mark, Robert, Gary, and Dennis. The names list for girls are Julia, Kim, Kristen, and Alice.[1]
  • AJ's first human kill is Marlon.
    • This kill makes him the youngest character to directly kill a person in the game series.
  • As of "Done Running", Alvin Jr. doesn't like to be called "Goofball", preferring to be called by his full name or "AJ" for short.
  • While his true father is not known, dialogue with Rebecca suggests that the AJ is Alvin's child.
    • After the child is born, Clementine has the option of telling Rebecca the child looks like Alvin or it has no resemblance to Carver, suggesting the baby is, in fact, Alvin's.
    • Alvin Jr.'s model is updated in "No Going Back" to more resemble Alvin, further suggesting it's Alvin's baby.
  • Alvin Jr. is one of three characters listed as alive regardless of the player's choices at the end of "No Going Back", the others being Clementine and Edith.
  • Alvin Jr. is the second child to be named after his father, the first being Kenny Jr.
    • Alvin Jr. also the second child to be issued a nickname by Kenny, his being "Alvie" and "A.J."
  • Alvin Jr. is the youngest playable character in the game series.
  • Alvin Jr. is one of four babies in the comic universe confirmed to be born in the apocalypse there another being Judith Grimes, Hershel Greene, and Doe.
  • Alvin Jr. is the first character to have multiple different middle names based on the player's choice, with the options being "Lee", "Kenny", "Luke", or "Rebecca". (Determinant)
    • If Clementine remains silent when picking a middle name, Jane will suggest "Jamie".
  • Alvin Jr.'s first known word in the game is "Clem". (Determinant)
  • Alvin Jr. is the only character that debuted in Season 2 to be confirmed alive.
    • Alvin Jr. is also the last Cabin Group survivor to still be alive.
  • Having appeared in ten total episodes (including "Thicker Than Water"), Alvin Jr. has the third most possible appearances of any character in the Telltale Series, behind Kenny's twelve and Clementine's nineteen appearances.
  • Alvin Jr. can be in three possible car crashes, one in the snowstorm, Kenny's first flashback in Season 3 and lastly one in Season 4 near the train station.
  • As seen in "Take Us Back", when Alvin Jr. takes down a walker through melee attacks, he must first stun it with an attack to the knee before stabbing it in the head due to his small size. This is in contrast to Clementine who has the option of stunning the walker first or just stabbing it instead.
  • Alvin Jr. is the only Telltale Series character with a confirmed place of birth, his being Parker's Run, Henderson County, Tennessee.
    • Coincidentally, the first person that he becomes friends with (aside from Clementine) is named Tennessee.
  • Alvin Jr. is one of the seven characters that are alive at the end of Season 4, regardless of the player's choices. The others being Clementine, Willy, Ruby, Aasim, Omar, and Rosie.
  • Alvin Jr. was originally going to get a choice of haircut in "Broken Toys".[2]
  • Alvin Jr. is one the twelve characters that are confirmed to survive the events of the game series, regardless of the players' choices.
  • Alvin Jr. is one of three characters from the Telltale Series who has made an appearance in the Clementine series, the other two so far being Clementine and Lee Everett.
  • Alvin Jr. is the fifth main character who killed another main character, regardless of the players' choices, the first being Lilly, the second being Kenny, the third being Bonnie, the fourth being Badger.
  • Besides Clementine, Alvin Jr. is the only character who met at least one character of every season (excluding The Walking Dead: Michonne).

International Dubbers

Language Dubber Other Characters Voiced
French Fanny Bloc N/A
German Michael Heidemann N/A
Portuguese Gustavo Baroli N/A
Spanish (Latin America) Oliver Díaz Barba N/A


  1. Screenshot of Rebecca and Alvin's name list on the The Walking Dead Game sub reddit
  2. The Walking Dead Game: Final Season - Original Story on YouTube