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This article is about the Telltale Series character. You may be looking for her Road to Survival counterpart. For other pages with the same name, see: Norma

Listen... Monroe is... gone. Sunk down to the water like... Everything I've built... You and I... each have taken from other. All I want now is my brother back. That's all. And I'll leave you be.
―Norma to Michonne about her community.[src]

Norma is a main character and an antagonist, as well as a survivor of the outbreak in Telltale's The Walking Dead: Michonne. She is the dictatorial leader of a floating survivor's colony called Monroe. She served as the primary antagonist of the game.


Norma is the strict and cunning leader of Monroe. However, she also seems to be fair and reasonable. Unlike her brother, she's not sadistic and generally seems to want to avoid conflict. Her conflict with Samantha is relatively justified, as Samantha has been stealing from her community many times despite the chances she was given. Though she isn't above torture, she is shown to get annoyed when Randall takes it too far. When things escalate she is shown to be willing to get ruthless.

Although an antagonist, Norma doesn't seem to entirely be a bad person. Sam told Michonne that Norma had let her go when they first met because she took pity on the Fairbanks' family's desperate situation. All of Norma's actions are generally for the good of her people. She is also shown to greatly care for her brother Randall, despite his brutal nature. After Monroe is burnt down, Randall is the only thing she has left. She becomes enraged and concerned when he is captured by Michonne's group and attempts to make a deal. In "What We Deserve," Norma genuinely seems to want to end the conflict peacefully. However, Norma's people begin to escalate the situation. When Norma sees that Randall is dead, she completely loses it and orders her people to kill Michonne's group. Attempting to get revenge on Michonne, they engage in a brutal fight. She becomes so blinded by her rage that she kills Zachary, one of her own people (Determinant).


Location Unknown[]

Little is known about Norma's life prior to or as the outbreak began, except that she has a brother named Randall. At some point in her life, Norma was part of a union, and developed a fearful reputation among her peers, namely due to her handling of a hostile colleague, which earned her the nickname Stormin' Norma. Norma eventually started her own business, presumably a boat shop, under the name 'Stormin' Norma's'.



During the time between the outbreak and the arrival of Michonne, Norma and her brother got together and founded a floating survivor colony called Monroe. From then on, Norma became the de-facto leader of the colony, having her brother serve as second in command.


"In Too Deep"[]

Norma is first seen approaching Michonne and the others when they are taken to Monroe with Randall. Norma briefly speaks to them before having Randall separate them so she can interrogate them later.

When Randall brings Michonne, Norma will tell him to leave while she takes Michonne to her boat. She talks briefly about wanting a different name before having Michonne sit down. She offers her a drink as a way of bribing the women, Michonne accepting or refusing it (Determinant). She then starts the questioning, trying to find out information on why Michonne would be with Sam and Greg.

Eventually, Randall appears with Greg who, Norma then uses to find out if Michonne was lying. If Michonne does what Norma says, Greg receives a harsh beating from Randall. If Michonne is rude, Norma orders Randall to beat her instead. (Determinant) Norma soon talks Randall down, the man having gone too far in the beating. Pete soon arrives, Norma deciding to interrogate him instead, having Randall take Michonne and a visibly shaken Greg away. She then begins questioning Pete.

"Give No Shelter"[]

Norma is first seen on the deck of what is presumably her boat in Monroe, interrogating Pete with Randall. The pair leave him be for a moment while they discuss what to do about the prisoners. When Michonne tries to cut Pete free, Norma returns just in time to hold her at gunpoint, demanding to know where Samantha is. She tells Randall to get his gun to search for Sam. As Michonne drops or holds on to her machete (Determinant), Norma is knocked down and subdued by Samantha if Michonne fights and barely defeats Randall in the cabin. Alternatively, Michonne attacks her instead, (Determinant) leading to the pair wrestling for her pistol, resulting in Norma being disarmed. The two then briefly fight, Norma using her knife to slash Michonne though the latter knocks her down with a punch to the face. If Michonne didn't drop her machete she strikes Norma down with that instead. (Determinant) Randall overpowers Sam and returns to help Norma only for Sam to sneak up on him and strike him in the leg with a gas canister, enabling Michonne to strike him unconscious with the butt of her machete. The trio make their escape from Monroe before Norma and Randall are able to recover. She is not seen as Monroe begins to burn down however it is known she made it out with a walkie talkie.

Norma takes a large group of her community in to the nearby woods with Randall, the pair separating to find Michonne and the others. She radios Randall later in the episode, concerned over hearing gunshots in the distance. Depending on the player's actions, Norma can either talk to Randall or Michonne herself. (Determinant) If she talks to Randall, she expresses her relief he is still alive, but deduces the fact he is in danger. Michonne takes the walkie from Randall and has the option to talk to her or turn the radio off. Nonetheless, she presumably realizes her brother is in danger based on Michonne's response. If she talks directly to Michonne, she becomes very hostile and threatening. She expresses her anger that Michonne has captured her brother, and says she will hunt Michonne down and kill her. If Michonne ignores the radio, she learns of their location regardless.

"What We Deserve"[]

Norma appears outside the house a few hours after the events of the last episode. She talks with Michonne about a trade offer, revealing Pete (Determinant) and the rest of her friends as well. She proposes they trade, Randall for her friends. As a way of showing she is genuine, she frees Pete straight away or fires a flare to reveal the crew to Michonne. (Determinant)

The two parties debate the trade, Michonne having Sam show a bag covered Randall to show/feign he's alive. As they talk, Jonas or Gabby (Determinant) express anger and a desire for retribution for what happened at Monroe. Norma tries to calm them to no avail; they kill Berto, creating a panic in the debate. Norma apologizes for their actions, trying to calm the situation. However, Walkers heard the gunshot and begin to approach the group. The exchange can take various forms:

Randall is alive, Michonne makes the trade: Michonne removes the bag off of Randall, enraging Norma upon seeing how heavily beaten he is. Regardless, Norma allows Oak and Siddiq to be freed, the pair hiding behind the gate. Randall is shoved to Norma, the women cutting him free of his bindings as more Walkers appear. Once freed, Randall charges at Michonne and tackles her. In self defence, Michonne or Sam (Determinant) kills him. Norma is deeply angered, ordering her group to attack them.

Randall is a Walker, Michonne makes the trade: Michonne leaves the bag on Randall's head, shoving him towards Norma. Norma allows Oak and Siddiq to be returned. As she removes the bag from Randall's head, she realises he is a walker. Angered, she puts him down, quickly ordering her group to attack Michonne and the others.

Randall is a Walker/alive, Michonne does not make the trade: Due to the growing tensions, Michonne calls the trade off. Angered, Norma shoots Oak in the stomach, causing Pete to instinctively shoot Jonas dead. In the commotion, Randall tries to break free from Sam or is thrown forward (Determinant), promptly shot by her. Norma goes to attack but is kicked down by Oak. Siddiq makes it inside as an angered Norma orders her group to attack.

Randall is a Walker/alive, Michonne signals Paige: Michonne seizes the moment, signalling Paige to kill Norma. She takes a shot, successfully hitting Norma in the shoulder. Her companions are shocked at the attempted killing, shooting at the group. The scene now plays out as if the player verbally refused to trade.

Norma and her group break through the gate into the courtyard. After Michonne shoots Janey, Norma fights her way towards Michonne, the two engaging in a fight. If Zachary is still alive, he intervenes, trying to stop Norma from shooting Michonne, only to be shot in the head by Norma (Determinant). She then gains an advantage, attempting to drown Michonne in a puddle. However, Michonne bites Norma's hand and escapes, proceeding to grab her machete and stab Norma in the right arm. She then forces the machete through Norma's arm, managing to amputate it completely. As the woman screams in pain, walkers approach and begin to devour her. She is then either shot dead by Michonne out of mercy, or is left to be devoured.


Killed By

In a struggle, Michonne bites Norma's thumb and later severs half of her forearm. Because of this, a walker manages to sneak up behind her and bites her. Michonne can choose to put Norma out of her misery and shoot her in the head, just before the walkers disembowel her. If she doesn't, Norma will be disemboweled and die screaming for mercy.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims Norma has killed:


For a more in-depth look at Norma's relationships, read here: Norma (Telltale)/Relationships




The following is a list of some of Norma's most memorable quotes.


"That true? You dangerous? (…) Aren't we all? Though dangerous isn't so bad anymore. You survive if you're dangerous. I can respect that..."
- Norma asking Michonne if she is dangerous (Determinant), "In Too Deep"

"So... Michonne. I overheard your friend call you that. That's a great name. Norma? Always wanted to be a Veronica or Gwendolyn when I was a girl. But I've made my peace with it, I suppose. You're lucky, though. You've got a name people remember. Michonne... (chuckles) Damn, that's good. A nice, strong name."
- Norma to Michonne about her name (Determinant), "In Too Deep"

"I know you're angry. But try to consider things from my perspective. (takes drink from cooler) Everything points to you stealing from me, from my people. That puts you and I on opposite sides of the fence. If that's not how you see it, enlighten me. Help me understand. If all goes well... I'd be happy to remove them for you."
- Norma telling Michonne her perspective, "In Too Deep"

"That's not an answer. You keep wasting my time dodging questions, we're gonna have a problem. Maybe I haven't been clear. The only reason you're still sitting here is because I've decided to let you tell me your side of things. I suggest you stop fucking around. Otherwise this is gonna stop being so pleasant. Don't mistake my kindness for stupidity."
- Norma after Michonne refuses to give a straight answer and was rude, "In Too Deep"

"Whether you're with them or not, there's something you should know about Samantha.That girl is a natural-born liar. She's good. I'll bet she laid it on thick for you. Said it was all her fault, she's sorry, and won't you please help her escape big, bad Norma. Am I getting warm? Wouldn't be the first time she fed that line to somebody. You almost believed her, didn't you? She's lied to us before. Stolen from us before. You can see why I might be just a tad frustrated. I mean, I let her go...no consequences. And now she's stealing from me again. How am I supposed to feel about that?"
- Norma to Michonne about Samantha (Determinant), "In Too Deep"

"There's a fine line between being generous... and being taken advantage of. Everyone deserves a second chance, I believe that. But never a third. Most people will take advantage if you let 'em. And nowadays, you let people walk all over you, you die. I'm trying to protect these people. That's what we do here."
- Norma to Michonne about giving people chances (determinant), "In Too Deep"

"No. We didn't do that. Scavengers killed those children, their families, everyone... Then they took over. So Randall went down there. Gave those murderers justice. Made sure they'd never kill again. That's what we do here. Protect people. I bring folks in, see that they're fed, clothed, looked after. We need the same things anybody does. We pool our resources. We survive. I'm not telling you anything you don't know."
- Norma after Michonne confronts her about the bodies on the ferry (Determinant), "In Too Deep"

"He's got a point, Randall. You took it too far. Like you always do. (…) Being smart isn't the same as being soft, Randall. We're not gonna get what we need your way. Zachary and I will figure this out. You go below and get the other fella."
- Norma about Randall's brutal interrogation methods (Determinant), "In Too Deep"

"You make quite the pair of liars. This world just depresses the hell out of me."
- Norma if both Michonne and Greg lied (Determinant), "In Too Deep"

"I'd like that, Pete, but your friend here seems to have other ideas."
- Norma after Pete tries to reason with her as Michonne tries breaking him out (Determinant), "Give No Shelter"

"Randall? Randall? Are you getting this? We heard gunshots. If you don't check in, I'm sendin' everyone in that direction. Randall, pick up, goddamn it. Where the hell are you? Randall?!"
- Norma trying to radio Randall (Determinant), "Give No Shelter"

"Michonne? You already killed several of my people, so we're not starting off on a good foot. Where's my brother? (…) Then you better keep him there with no harm done. I want the truth on this, you hear me? Did you hurt him? If you so much as breathed on my brother, I'll find you and make what happened on the ferry look like a goddamn picnic. That's a fucking guarantee.(…) What Randall did, that was a mistake... and I'll make sure he knows it. But I'll punish him, not you. Okay, okay, okay. Let's wind this down a bit. If you've had his walkie-talkie the whole time, then you already know. We heard the shots. We know where you are. But if you let Randall go, maybe we can all walk away. Randall is the only family I have. And I'm not leavin' him behind. One way or the other. So just... let him walk. This little game you're playing, I don't fucking like it. We'll be there soon."
- Norma asking Michonne about Randall over the radio (Determinant), "Give No Shelter"

"Listen... Monroe is... gone. Sunk down to the water like... Everything I've built... You and I... each have taken from other. All I want now is my brother back. That's all. And I'll leave you be."
- Norma to Michonne about her community, "What We Deserve"

"Listen... Monroe is... gone. Sunk down to the water like... Everything I've built... You and I... each have taken from other. All I want now is my brother back. That's all. And I'll leave you be. (…) Been enough killing these last few days. I'd like to just get past it, if we can. A show of good faith, then."
- Norma to Michonne about her community (Determinant), "What We Deserve"

"Safe and sound. Just like I said. Now... give me Randall and we can go our separate ways. Michonne, please. I just want my brother. Let's be done with this. Deal?"
- Norma asking Michonne for her brother (Determinant), "What We Deserve"

"Randall, you okay? (…) Just hang on. I gotcha. You better hope when I take that mask off he don't look as bad as he sounds."
- Norma reassuring Randall he'll be fine (Determinant), "What We Deserve"

"I made good on my end, now it's your turn. Give me Randall. (points gun at Oak) I could shoot him and still have one more to spare. So you're gonna do what I've asked. Now. I came here, willing to talk. But if you're gonna insist on being difficult..."
- Norma telling Michonne to give her Randall or she'll shoot Oak (Determinant), "What We Deserve"

"Fucking stay down! Get the rest of them! Burn the whole fucking house down!"
- Norma ordering her people to kill everyone, "What We Deserve"

"Wait! No, no, wait! God! No! Please, stop!"
- Norma's last words as she is devoured by walkers (Determinant), "What We Deserve"


Episodes 1 2 3 4 5 6
Season One
Season Two
A New Frontier
The Final Season
Appears Voice is heard
👁 Appears with no lines Appears in a flashback
Appears as a walker 🖼 Appears in a photograph/video
Appears as a corpse Appears in a hallucination/dream


  • Norma is the seventh character that Cissy Jones has voiced. The others are Katjaa, Jolene, Linda, Brie, Dee, and Shel.
  • Norma is the first antagonistic community leader and primary recurring antagonist to be female, the second being Joan.
    • Also like Joan, she is the first community leader who can be directly killed by the player while alive. (Determinant)
  • Although Randall was abused by their father, it is unknown if she was as well.
  • Norma is one of the many amputees in the series, having her hand hacked off by Michonne.
  • Norma got her nickname "Stormin' Norma" when she hoisted a man up on a hydraulic lift.
  • Norma is one of the eight characters to appear in all three episodes of Michonne, the others being, Michonne, Pete, Samantha, Gabby, Randall, Zachary (Determinant), and Jonas.
  • Norma's death heavily resembles that of Sarita's death from Season Two.
    • Both characters have their hand amputated (determinantly in Sarita's case), and in shock, end up stumbling back into a pack of walkers that proceed to devour them. The player then also has the choice to either put them down to be merciful or to leave them how they are.
  • Norma is one of the two main characters to receive an amputation, regardless of the players' choices. The other being Clementine.