Walking Dead Wiki

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Walking Dead Wiki
Walking Dead Wiki

Playz10011 Playz10011 22 May

Percival Saga characters

|aliases=Conscript 1|gender=Male|hair=Brown|age=Mid 30's|rank=Corporal|family=Unknown|communities=The Conscripts|ethnicity=Caucasian-American|status=Dead|first="Lines We Cross"|last="The Rotten Core" |death episode="Warlords"|deathimage=Placeholder1.png|tvdeathimage=Placeholder1.png}}

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Playz10011 Playz10011 13 May

Law and Justice (Characters)

  • 1 Dusty Buresh
    • 1.1 Appearances
      • 1.1.1 Law and Justice
      • 1.1.2 Gunshot Alley

24 |rank=Captain|family=Exie Nirschl - Wife|ethnicity=Caucasian-American|status=Dead|tvfirst="Days Gone Bye"|tvlast="Rest In Peace" |fearfirst="Captive"|fearlast="In Dreams" |wbonly="Brave" |death episode="The First Day of the Rest of Your Life"|deathimage=Placeholder1.png|death=Dusty is shot in the head by Sandford.}}

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Playz10011 Playz10011 20 April

Tale of Ice and Fire (Characters/Appearances)

|skin=Pale ivory|species=Human |age=34
|occupation=Leader of Beggar's End.|family=Unknown|relationships=Algar - Second-In-Command Marvella - Ex-Girlfriend|status=Dead|first="Pilot"|last="The Road Ahead" |death episode="In Dreams"|deathimage=Placeholder1.png}}

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Playz10011 Playz10011 18 April

Mythos Characters/Appearances

These are in random order. Either from status or appearance.

  • 1 Dagamyre Castle
  • 2 Zadel
    • 2.1 Appearances
  • 3 Thraynor Luitpold
    • 3.1 Appearances

|occupation=King of the Dagamyre Kingdom|status=Dead|first="Knots Untie"|last="Rest In Peace" |death episode="Acts of God" "What's Been Lost" |deathimage=Placeholder1.png|tvdeathimage=Placeholder1.png|comicdeathimage=Placeholder1.png}}

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Playz10011 Playz10011 11 April

Point Seige (Infoboxes/Appearances)

  • 1 U.S. Army
    • 1.1 Dead Characters
  • 2 Frankie Herrlich
    • 2.1 Appearances
      • 2.1.1 TV Series
      • 2.1.2 Fear
  • 3 Reed Ionescu
    • 3.1 Appearances
      • 3.1.1 TV Series
      • 3.1.2 Fear
  • 4 Wade Micali
    • 4.1 Appearances
      • 4.1.1 TV Series
      • 4.1.2 Fear
  • 5 Marlon Cittadini
    • 5.1 Appearances
  • 6 Vernon Pierzchala
    • 6.1 Appearances
  • 7 Brenton Azapinto
    • 7.1 Appearances
  • 8 Lee Antolak
    • 8.1 Appearances
    • 8.2 Balnon Army
      • 8.2.1 Alive Characters
  • 9 Merl Phifo
    • 9.1 Appearances
      • 9.1.1 TV Series
      • 9.1.2 Fear
      • 9.1.3 World Beyond
      • 9.1.4 Dead City
      • 9.1.5 TOWL
      • 9.1.6 Dead Characters
  • 10 Enoch
    • 10.1 Appearances
  • 11 Chopnok
    • 11.1 Appearances
  • 12 Hotchawk
    • 12.1 The Federation
  • 13 Tuan Bassler
    • 13.1 Appearances
      • 13.1.1 TV Series
      • 13.1.2 Fear

|age=Mid to Early 50's|ethnicity=Caucasian-American|status=Dead|first=|last=|fearfirst="100"|fearlast="Amina"|death episode="The Storm" "The World Before" |deathimage=Placehold…

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Playz10011 Playz10011 6 April

Book of Zaqull Infoboxs+Appearances

  • 1 Dragonborn Union
  • 2 Bejah-Zos Zupvivrib
    • 2.1 Appearances
  • 3 Katya Foghburn
    • 3.1 Appearances
      • 3.1.1 TV Series
      • 3.1.2 Fear
      • 3.1.3 TOWL
  • 4 Iccik Wuljurn
    • 4.1 Appearances
      • 4.1.1 TV Series
      • 4.1.2 Fear
  • 5 Ozen Gloz
    • 5.1 Appearances

|group=Dragonborn Union |species=Dragonborn|status=Unknown|first="Days Gone Bye"|last="Wrath"|name=Bejah-Zoes Zupvivrib|image=Placeholder3.png|skin=Dark green}}

Dark brown |species=Faun|age=24
|group=Dragonborn Union Kaiser Kingdom |status=Dead|first="Days Gone Bye"|last="Faith"|death episode="Faith" |deathimage=Placeholder1.png|tvdeathimage=Placeholder1.png|towlfirst="Bye" |towllast="The Last Time" |fearfirst="What's Your Story?"|fearlast="Things Left to Do"|wbonly="Blood and Lies" |relationships=Zaqull Gomos - Boyfriend}}

She appears in every …

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Playz10011 Playz10011 6 April

Book of Zaqull Characters

  • 1 Dragonborn Union
  • 2 The Damnation
  • 3 The Dark Lords
    • 3.1 Guards
    • 3.2 The Council
  • 4 Anoch's Angels
  • 5 Rome
  • 6 Josef's Bandits
  • 7 Athrar Forest
  • 8 Atrophy Wharf

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Playz10011 Playz10011 3 April

The Walking Dead Universe (v1) Infoboxes+Appearances

  • 1 TV Series
  • 2 Hilltop Colony
  • 3 Lombardi
    • 3.1 Appearances
  • 4 Caeser
    • 4.1 Appearances
  • 5 Lucas Hawes
    • 5.1 Appearances
  • 6 Kyle Oliver
    • 6.1 Appearances
    • 6.2 The Commonwhealth
      • 6.2.1 Troopers
  • 7 Lieutenant Varro
    • 7.1 Appearances
  • 8 Captain Wister
    • 8.1 Appearances
  • 9 Sergeant Calt
    • 9.1 Appearances
  • 10 Major Darius Seavir
    • 10.1 Appearances
  • 11 Commander Kel'rose Anoka
    • 11.1 Appearances
    • 11.2 The Saviors
  • 12 Gilbert
    • 12.1 Appearances
  • 13 Aldo
    • 13.1 Appearances
  • 14 Antoine

Early to Mid 40's

  • Worker at Jimmil & Jimmil Law Offices


  • Member of the Hilltop Colony|ethnicity=Caucasian-American|status=Alive|first="Stradivarius"|last="Rest In Peace"}}

|death episode="Hunted" "No Other Way" "|deathimage=Placeholder2.png|tvdeathimage=Placeholder1.png}}


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Playz10011 Playz10011 3 April

The Walking Dead (v4) Infoboxes+Appearances

  • 1 The Saviors (unnamed)
  • 2 Savior 20
    • 2.1 Appearances
  • 3 Savior 21
    • 3.1 Appearances
  • 4 Savior 22

|death episode="Monsters"}}

|death episode="The Damned" "Monsters" |deathcause=This savior is shot off-screen and later reanimates. Later, he is stabbed in the head by Rick Grimes.|kills=6|killedby=Unknown Rick Grimes }}


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Playz10011 Playz10011 2 April

The Walking Dead (v3) Infoboxes+Appearances

  • 1 Blackridge, Georgia
  • 2 Katya
    • 2.1 Appearances
  • 3 Rasheeda Jonett
    • 3.1 Appearances
  • 4 Vine Jonett
    • 4.1 Appearances
    • 4.2 Jericho Camp
  • 5 Cameron
    • 5.1 Appearances
  • 6 Oberan Tovar
    • 6.1 Appearances
  • 7 Lataija Cordova
    • 7.1 Appearances
  • 8 Tyson
    • 8.1 Appearances
  • 9 Dewayne Guest
    • 9.1 Appearances
  • 10 Kyrie Weber
    • 10.1 Appearances
  • 11 Carson
    • 11.1 Appearances

Early to Mid 30's
Late 30's
Late 40's
|ethnicity=Caucasian-American|status=Dead|first="Days Gone Bye"|last="Rest In Peace" |death episode="A New Deal"|deathimage=11x03 Torn Apart.jpg}}

Mid 40's
|ethnicity=Caucasian-American|status=Dead|first="Guts"|last="Variant" |death episode="Acts of God"|deathimage=MaggieKillsWashington.png}}

|ethnicity=Caucasian-American|status=Dead|first="Guts"|last="Rest In Peace" |death episode="Acts of God" "Rest In Peace" |deathi…

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Playz10011 Playz10011 2 April

The Walking Dead (v3) Characters

  • 1 Blackridge, Georgia
    • 1.1 Jonett Family
  • 2 Jericho Camp
  • 3 The Saviors

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Playz10011 Playz10011 1 April

The Walking Dead (Comic Series/v3) Infoboxes + Appearances

  • 1 Blackridge, Georgia
  • 2 Katya
    • 2.1 Appearances
  • 3 Rasheeda Grant
    • 3.1 Appearances
  • 4 Vine Jonett
    • 4.1 Appearances
    • 4.2 The Stalkers
  • 5 Fargo Tom
    • 5.1 Appearances
  • 6 Dale Gillis
    • 6.1 Appearances
  • 7 Eriq Clapp
    • 7.1 Appearances
  • 8 Liam
    • 8.1 Appearances
  • 9 Coble

|ethnicity=Caucasian-American|status=Unknown|first=Issue 1|last=Issue 160}}

|ethnicity=Caucasian-American|status=Dead|first=Issue 2|last=Issue 80 |death issue=Issue 78|deathimage=Paul Torn Apart (Here's Negan).png}}

|ethnicity=Caucasian-American|status=Dead|first=Issue 2|last=Issue 45|death issue=Issue 45|deathimage=Photo4.png}}

|death episode=Issue 68 Issue 69 |deathimage=Issue 31 Deluxe - Harold's Death 1.png|tvdeathimage=Issue 42 Deluxe - Carol Put Down.png}}

|ethnicity=Caucasian-American|status=Dead|first=Issue 40|last=Iss…

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Playz10011 Playz10011 1 April

The Walking Dead (Comic Series/v3) Characters

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Playz10011 Playz10011 31 March

Revenge of the Walking Dead (Infoboxes)

  • 1 Texas Air Base
  • 2 First Lieutenant Blackburn
    • 2.1 Appearances
  • 3 Second Lieutenant Mendoza Farroah
    • 3.1 Appearances
  • 4 Lieutenant Nunes
    • 4.1 Appearances
      • 4.1.1 Revenge of the Walking Dead
        • Season 3
  • 5 Sergeant Major Curtin Rose
    • 5.1 Appearances
  • 6 Sergeant Zana
    • 6.1 Appearances
  • 7 Sergeant Kennedy
    • 7.1 Appearances
  • 8 Sergeant Meredith
    • 8.1 Appearances
      • 8.1.1 Revenge of the Walking Dead
        • Season 3
        • Season 4
  • 9 Sergeant O'Connor
    • 9.1 Appearances
  • 10 Sergeant Jason Noll
    • 10.1 Appearances
      • 10.1.1 Revenge of the Walking Dead
        • Season 3
    • 10.2 Mexico
      • 10.2.1 Dunas de Bilbao
  • 11 Samira Harker
    • 11.1 Appearances
  • 12 Kyle Zito
    • 12.1 Appearances
      • 12.1.1 Revenge of the Walking Dead
      • 12.1.2 Webisodes
      • 12.1.3 The Ones Who Live
    • 12.2 The Coyotes
  • 13 Theron Liriano
    • 13.1 Appearances
  • 14 Theo Carson
    • 14.1 Appearances
  • 15 Sohmi Castor
    • 15.1 Appear…
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Playz10011 Playz10011 30 March

Revenge of the Walking Dead Characters

  • 1 Los Angeles
    • 1.1 Outpost 26
    • 1.2 Outpost 21
  • 2 Texas Air Base
  • 3 New Sun Republic
    • 3.1 Soldiers
    • 3.2 Residents
  • 4 The Coyotes
  • 5 Mexico
    • 5.1 Dunas de Bilbao
    • 5.2 La Deban
  • 6 Broken Tooth Reservation

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Playz10011 Playz10011 30 March

Fear the Walking Dead Character Infoboxes by Group(v2)

  • 1 The Dragons
  • 2 Seymour Torres
    • 2.1 Appearances
  • 3 Joshua Houghton
    • 3.1 Appearances
      • 3.1.1 Fear the Walking Dead
        • Season 2
    • 3.2 The Honey Badgers
  • 4 Leon Davenport
    • 4.1 Appearances
      • 4.1.1 Fear
      • 4.1.2 TV Series

The group lasted "Ouroboros" to "North".

|communities=The Dragon |ethnicity=Korean-American|status=Dead|first="Ouroboros"|last="Eye of the Beholder" |death episode="North"|deathimage=LRA Doug Shoots Linda.png}}

|age=Early 30's|aliases=Hugh Josh|communities=The Dragons |ethnicity=Caucasian-American|status=Unknown|first="Ouroboros"|last="Date of Death"}}

  • "Ouroboros"
  • "Captive"
  • "Date of Death"

|aliases=Leon Dave|communities=Hilltop Colony The Honey Badgers |ethnicity=Caucasian-American|status=Dead|tvfirst="Say Yes"|tvlast="Stalker"|fearfirst="Not Fa…

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Playz10011 Playz10011 28 March

Special Operations Character Infoboxes by Group(v2)

  • 1 The Night Stalkers
  • 2 The Night Stalkers
  • 3 Kahi Kal
    • 3.1 Appearances
  • 4 Itzel Gray
    • 4.1 Appearances
  • 5 Ouranos Montero
    • 5.1 Appearances
      • 5.1.1 TV Series
        • Season 6

Early 50's
|ethnicity=Caucasian-American|status=Undead|first="Not Tomorrow Yet"|last="The First Day of the Rest of Your Life"|death episode="The First Day of the Rest of Your Life"|deathimage=Twd0816-1527.jpg}}

|death episode="Guardians" |deathimage=HelenNoHead.jpg}}

  • "Not Tomorrow Yet"
  • "Last Day on Earth" (No Lines)
  • "Go Getters" (No Lines)
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Playz10011 Playz10011 27 March

Special Operations (Comic Series) Character Infoboxes by Group(v1)

|ethnicity=African-American|status=Unknown|first=Issue 1|last=Issue 190 }}

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Playz10011 Playz10011 26 March

Special Operations Character Infoboxes by Group(v1)

  • 1 U.S. Army
  • 2 General Ridgewall
    • 2.1 Appearances
      • 2.1.1 TV Series
      • 2.1.2 Fear
  • 3 Colonel Kenric Holland
    • 3.1 Appearances
  • 4 Major Amalia Cole
    • 4.1 Appearances
    • 4.2 Bareton Wilds

|death episode="Pretty Much Dead Already"|deathimage=Vlcsnap-2013-04-01-02h13m48s217.png}}

|ethnicity=Caucasian-American|status=Dead|first="Days Gone Bye"|last="Rest In Peace" |death episode="Who Are You Now?"|deathimage=UnnamedMan (A).PNG}}

|last="Scars"|death episode="Scars"|deathimage=SaviorsDeads.jpg}}

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Playz10011 Playz10011 24 March

Special Operations Zero Character Infoboxes by Group(v1)

  • 1 The Liberated
  • 2 Hugh Brien
    • 2.1 Appearances
  • 3 Terrell O'Khee
    • 3.1 Appearances
  • 4 Hamlin Volk
    • 4.1 Appearances
  • 5 Normaando Williamson
    • 5.1 Appearances
  • 6 Carlo Owens
    • 6.1 Appearances
  • 7 Leland Riggs
    • 7.1 Appearances
    • 7.2 The Stalkers
  • 8 Jones Havvor
    • 8.1 Appearances
      • 8.1.1 Fear
      • 8.1.2 Webisodes
  • 9 Del "Fork" Laurent
    • 9.1 Appearances
  • 10 Vincenzo Geiger
    • 10.1 Appearances
  • 11 Mylan Todd
    • 11.1 Appearances
  • 12 Broderick Aldonna
    • 12.1 Appearances
  • 13 Stalker 1
    • 13.1 Appearances
  • 14 Stalker 2
    • 14.1 Appearances
  • 15 Stalker 3
    • 15.1 Appearances
  • 16 Stalker 4

|occupation=*Former Sergeant of the Army

  • Leader of the Liberated|ethnicity=Caucasian-American|status=Alive|first="Pillar of Salt" |last="The Road Ahead"}}

|ethnicity=British African-American|status=Alive|first="Pillar of Salt" |last="The Road Ahead"}}


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Playz10011 Playz10011 24 March

Special Operations Zero Characters + Infoboxs (v1)

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Playz10011 Playz10011 23 March

Special Operations Zero Character appearances (v1/Infoboxes)

This is only minor/semi-major characters.

  • 1 Lt. Jones Eveqia
    • 1.1 Appearances
  • 2 Sgt. Mohamed
    • 2.1 Appearances
  • 3 Taylor Ridden
    • 3.1 Appearances

|death episode="Grotesque" "North" |deathimage=TD Mara's bitten.png|tvdeathimage=SG Joseph shot.png}}

"Good Out Here" |last="No One's Gone" |death episode="The Wrong Side of Where You Are Now" "No One's Gone" |deathimage=Melissagbitten.png|tvdeathimage=Season two miguel.png}}

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Playz10011 Playz10011 23 March

Special Operations Zero Character Appearances

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Playz10011 Playz10011 23 March

Furrdenia Legends (characters/v2)

  • 2 Corporal Hamilton
    • 2.1 Appearances
  • 3 Pfc. Saul

|ethnicity=Caucasian-American|status=Dead|first="S1 Episode 1"|last="S5 Episode 12" |death episode="S3 Episode 5"|deathimage=Placeholder2.png}}

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Playz10011 Playz10011 21 March

Special Operations Characters (v3)

  • 1 General Kaylor De La Croix
    • 1.1 Appearances
      • 1.1.1 Special Operations
      • 1.1.2 Zero
  • 2 Sgt. Vince
    • 2.1 Appearances
  • 3 Cpl. Grayson
    • 3.1 Appearances
  • 4 Pfc. Saul
    • 4.1 Appearances
  • 5 2nd Lt. Wayne Rue
    • 5.1 Appearances
  • 6 Cpt. Farrah Joy
    • 6.1 Appearances
      • 6.1.1 TV Series
      • 6.1.2 Fear
      • 6.1.3 Webisodes
  • 7 Csm. Tucker
    • 7.1 Appearances
  • 8 Lt. Anthony Gomez
    • 8.1 Appearances
      • 8.1.1 TV Series
      • 8.1.2 Fear
  • 9 Vernon
    • 9.1 Appearances
      • 9.1.1 TV Series
        • Season 11
      • 9.1.2 Fear
        • Season 7
  • 10 Adrianna
    • 10.1

|occupation=General of the Ember Army|ethnicity=Caucasian-American|status=Alive|tvfirst="Tell It to the Frogs"|tvlast="Rest In Peace"|fearfirst="Minotaur" |fearlast="Things Left to Do"|name=General Kaylor De La Croix}}

|age=Mid 20's
|ethnicity=Caucasian-American|status=Alive|first="East"|last="Rest In Peace"|fea…

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Playz10011 Playz10011 20 March

Special Operations Characters (v2)

  • 1 Cpl. Roberto Bunting
    • 1.1 Appearances
  • 2 Maj. Kamari St. Jon
    • 2.1 Appearances
  • 3 Sgt. Stine
    • 3.1 Appearances
  • 4 Ltg. Scarlet Wesley
    • 4.1 Appearances
      • 4.1.1 TV Series
      • 4.1.2 World Beyond
  • 5 Col. Charles Field
    • 5.1 Appearances
      • 5.1.1 TV Series
      • 5.1.2 World Beyond
  • 6 Pvt. Kade
    • 6.1 Appearances


|ethnicity=Caucasian-American|status=Dead|tvfirst="Days Gone Bye"|tvlast="Lockdown" |wbonly="Exit Wounds" |death episode="Ghosts"|deathimage=NoAMCLogoJody.PNG}}


|ethnicity=Caucasian-American|status=Dead|tvfirst="Remember"|tvlast="Acts of God"|wbfirst="Truth or Dare"|wblast="Blood and Lies"|death episode="Blood and Lies"|deathimage=CharlieBloody.png}}

|wblast="Death and the Dead"|death episode="Death and the Dead"|deathimage=Ryandeath.jpg|tvdeathimage=KarenandDavidD.png}}

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Playz10011 Playz10011 19 March

Character Appearances (Special Operations)

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Playz10011 Playz10011 19 March

Furrdenia Legends (characters)

  • 1 Ember Coalition
  • 2 Dagysh Jalima
    • 2.1 Appearances
  • 3 Voryl
    • 3.1 Appearances
  • 4 Oldon Stryder
    • 4.1 Appearances
      • 4.1.1 TV Series
      • 4.1.2 World Beyond
  • 5 Ember Coalition Soldier 1
    • 5.1 Appearances
  • 6 Ember Coalition Soldier 2
    • 6.1 Appearances
  • 7 Ember Coalition Soldier 3
    • 7.1 Appearances

}} Standing tall and proud at his post, Dagysh Jalima, a Furrdenian male in his mid-thirties, guards the Ember Coalition's castle wall. His white fur is adorned with red and blue stripes, making him easily recognizable amongst the other guards. He takes his duty seriously, always alert and ready to defend the castle against any threat. Despite the weight of his responsibilities, Dagysh maintains a kind and gentle demeanor, often offering words of encouragement to his fellow guards and those who pass by…

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Playz10011 Playz10011 18 March

The Walking Dead (v2) (Characters)

Guard Refugio was a guard working for the Ember Coalition.

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Playz10011 Playz10011 17 March

Shadow of War (Characters)

  • 1 U.S. Military
  • 2 Gen. Dirk Cage
    • 2.1 Appearances
  • 3 Cpl. Larenzo Qualls
    • 3.1 Appearances
  • 4 Pvt. Markus
    • 4.1 Appearances
  • 5 Sgt. Ismael Marcel

|ethnicity=Caucasian-American|status=Alive|first="Pilot"|last="The Road Ahead"|family=Unnamed wife Unnamed children}} General Dirk Cage is a career officer in the United States Military, currently serving as the commanding officer of a large military base. He has a distinguished record of service, having risen through the ranks over the course of several decades. Cage is known for his sharp intelligence, strategic vision, and unwavering dedication to duty. His command style is assertive but fair, earning him respect from both his subordinates and peers. Despite his demanding job, he maintains a reputation for being …

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4545tloufan 4545tloufan 13 March


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Playz10011 Playz10011 12 March

Mythos Characters

  • 1 TV SHOWS
  • 2 Pvt. Jaro Alvarmor
    • 2.1 Appearances
  • 3 Sgt. T’kora Darzak
    • 3.1 Appearances
  • 4 Cpt. Raxus Karo
    • 4.1 Appearances

24 |occupation=Private|ethnicity=Half-Elf|status=Dead|first="Service"|last="Wrath"|death episode="Wrath"|deathimage=Placeholder1.png|tvdeathimage=Placeholder2.png}}Pvt. Jaro Alvarmor is a High-Elf hailing from the affluent and influential city of Kashanabi, known for its majestic spires and deep-rooted magic. A member of the elite Sun Clan, he finds himself embroiled in a bitter and enduring conflict against the rival factions of the Moon and Midnight Clans, a war that threatens the very fabric of their world. Despite his valiant service, Pvt. Alvarmor largely remains a figure in the shadows throughout the saga, his presence subtle yet …

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Playz10011 Playz10011 25 February

Special Operations Characters

  • 1 Pvt. Axton
    • 1.1 Appearances
  • 2 Sgt. Alden
    • 2.1 Appearances
  • 3 Gen. Ryker Marquis
    • 3.1 Appearances
      • 3.1.1 TV Series
      • 3.1.2 Fear
  • 4 Rasim Abbas
    • 4.1 Appearances
  • 5 Lt. Jawaad al-Zafar
    • 5.1 Appearances
      • 5.1.1 TV Series
      • 5.1.2 Fear
  • 6 Sophos Quinlan
    • 6.1 Appearances
  • 7 Sgt. Dene Láska
    • 7.1 Appearances
  • 8 Col. Klerx
    • 8.1 Appearances
      • 8.1.1 TV Series
      • 8.1.2 Fear
  • 9 Akua
    • 9.1 Appearances
      • 9.1.1 TV Series
      • 9.1.2 Fear
  • 10 Zaire Ryans
    • 10.1 Appearances
  • 11 Capt. Arlo Fin
    • 11.1 Appearances
  • 12 Alonzo Aldridge
    • 12.1 Appearances
  • 13 Major MacLean
    • 13.1 Appearances
  • 14 Sgt. December
    • 14.1 Appearances
  • 15 Lt. Dane George
    • 15.1 Appearances
  • 16 Pvt. Santino
    • 16.1 Appearances
      • 16.1.1 TV Series
      • 16.1.2 Fear
  • 17 Bg. Seymour Hargreaves
    • 17.1 Appearances
  • 18 Pfc. Alonso Nolan
    • 18.1 Appearances

|death episode="Hounded" |communities=Steel Seraphs}}



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Playz10011 Playz10011 25 February

Quadrilogy Characters

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Playz10011 Playz10011 22 February

Special Operations: White Series characters

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Playz10011 Playz10011 22 February

Thân Duy Mạnh

|death episode="Nebraska"|deathimage=Placeholder1.png}}

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Playz10011 Playz10011 22 February

Pvt. Bradley

|death episode="Secrets"|deathimage=Placeholder1.png|name_gallery=Bradley's throat is slit by Thân Duy Mạnh}}

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Playz10011 Playz10011 22 February

Capt. Sean Foster

Early 40's
|occupation=Captain for The Oblilius army|family=Unnamed - Father |ethnicity=Caucasian-American|status=Unknown|first="Days Gone Bye"|last="The Storm"}}

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Twdissocool12 Twdissocool12 16 November 2023

I'll Be playing The Walking Dead: Destinies on my channel (TheGroveFlowerz) soon!

( Cancelled because of the release being pushed back :( )

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Playz10011 Playz10011 9 November 2023

Mitchell Rogers (TV Series)

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Playz10011 Playz10011 9 November 2023

Pierce Calhoun (TV Series)

|ethnicity=Caucasian-American|status=Dead|first="Sick"|last="Rest in Peace" (Flashback)
|death episode="Warlords"|deathimage=Placeholder1.png}}

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Playz10011 Playz10011 8 November 2023

Iris Moreno (TV Series)

(Unnamed) - Father |ethnicity=Hispanic|status=Alive|tvfirst="On the Inside"|tvlast="Rest in Peace"|fearfirst="Honey"|fearlast="Gone"}}

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Playz10011 Playz10011 7 November 2023

Kingston Moss (TV Series)

|ethnicity=Irish-American|status=Dead|tvfirst="Walk With Us"|tvlast="A New Deal" (Flashback/Corpse)
|fearfirst="The Code"|fearlast="Reclamation"|death episode="The Rotten Core"|deathimage=Placeholder2.png|tvdeathimage=Placeholder1.png}}

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Playz10011 Playz10011 7 November 2023

Sean Gibson (TV Series)

(Unnamed) - Father |ethnicity=Caucasian-American|status=Dead|first="Remember"|last="Acts of God" (Corpse)
|death episode="Warlords"|deathimage=Placeholder1.png|tvdeathimage=Placeholder1.png}}

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Playz10011 Playz10011 7 November 2023

Ansel Stalsworth (TV Series)

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Playz10011 Playz10011 7 November 2023

Hiram Templeton (Fear)

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Playz10011 Playz10011 7 November 2023

Asahel Robinson (TV Series)

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Ashtonrhee Ashtonrhee 27 October 2023

Hurt & Heal - Season 1

If your unfamiliar with Hurt & Heal, the object of the games is to save your favorite characters, and kill the ones you hate. Each character starts with 10 health points and can max out at 20. Falling to 0 health points means they die. You may hurt and heal a character once every 8 hours by commenting on this post.

To start there will be 40 characters from the first 4 seasons of the TV Series. If people enjoy the game, the next version will be characters from seasons 5 to 8, and then 9 to 11. Eventually there may be an overall 1 to 11 for the show.

  • After the 10th elimination, you can hurt or heal a character twice .
  • After the 20th elimination, the cooldown for voting drops from 8 hours to 5 hours.
  • After the 30th elimination, the user with the mo…

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Dark-Carioca Dark-Carioca 29 September 2023

Clementine's height throughout the seasons

Something that randomly came to mind out of curiosity, I figured it wouldn't do any harm in a blog post.

Based on Kent Mudle's answer on S4 Clem being 5'2", how tall are the other Clems?

Luckily we have a promo pic with all four models that can help with this!

317 px = 5'2" / 157.48 centimeters

300 px = 4'11" / 149.0347 cm

276 px = 4'6" / 137.111924 cm

236 px = 3'10" / 117.24063 cm

Even though this is more reasonable than some fan heights where Clem comes off as being too short, she's still quite short here in all the seasons... It probably doesn't match how she looks when next to other characters, but eh, it'll do.

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T-Bitdytqr T-Bitdytqr 2 August 2023



ARCS - 2.

1 - 2010 Show/Comic Arc

2 - Season 1 - 4 Arc.

(This AU will have Danganrompa Ocs that are fitted into the Walking dead universe and There will be some changes given to the Characters and events.)

- 2010 Show/Comic Arc.

(The Characters will be from the show but the events will be a mix of the comic and the show.)

-Main characters-

1 - Chisa Ryoko - Young woman - Japanese - Mother of 2 adopted kids and a Teacher.

2 - (The rest of the characters from Season 2 - 10)


(2010) - pre apocalypse/beginning of apocalypse.

Chisa would be somewhere else during the beginning of the Apocalypse but she would not be with her kids who are on a field trip in Canada during t…

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