

For other uses, see unidentified Mandalorian.
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Ragnar's initiation[]


The Mandalorian Shriek-hawk flying away from an explosion

A Mandalorian Shriek-hawk[3] was present for Ragnar Vizsla's initiation ceremony, walking behind the Armorer holding a flag with the mythosaur symbol on it. As the Armorer presided over the ceremony, it was interrupted by an attack by a dinosaur turtle. The Mandalorian Shriek-hawk fired onto the creature as Paz Vizsla ordered the children to retreat into the cave. They followed Paz's order to fly into the sky and landed on top of the monster's back, planting a grav charge on its back before flying off as the charge exploded. However, the explosion only enraged the creature, who smacked the Mandalorian with its tail. The covert was saved by Din Djarin, who killed the creature with torpedoes fired from his modified N-1 starfighter.[1]

Ragnar's rescue[]

Rescue of Ragnar

The rescue team

The Mandalorian Shriek-hawk was training in knife combat with another Mandalorian as a shriek-hawk arrived and captured Ragnar. Bo-Katan had followed the beast and found out where it lived. The Armorer ordered Paz to assemble the Shriek-hawk Training team in assisting them in their rescue. Soon after, the group left the covert and landed a good distance away from the nest to prevent the shriek-hawk from knowing that they were coming. After traveling by day, the group set up a fire to rest at night until morning, where Bo-Katan reminded them not to fire upon the animal nor use their jetpacks. The Mandalorians climbed up the mountain towards the nest. The shriek-hawk was attacked by Paz and escaped with Ragnar, but was saved by Din and Bo-Katan. The others gathered the young shriek-hawks and transported them on Bo-Katan's Kom'rk-class fighter back to the base as foundlings.[2]

Siege of Nevarro[]


Mandalorians liberate Nevarro.

The planet of Nevarro was under siege by pirates and help was requested by a New Republic pilot, Captain Carson Teva, who alerted Din of the situation. Din had to help his old friend, but knew he needed help and thus called a meeting among the entire convert to determine if they should intervene or stay out of the conflict. At first, the group was unconvinced; however, Paz Viszla turned the tide, saying that saving the planet was the Mandalorian way. The Mandalorian Shriek-hawk and many of their teammates joined the assault team and listened with others to Bo-Katan's strategy before boarding her Kom'rk-class fighter/transport.[4]

After Din successfully was able to pull the corsair and snub fighters away from the town, Bo-Katan moved above the town and began dropping in Mandalorians team by team, with the Mandalorian Shriek-hawk being a part of the second team. The Mandalorian then led their team towards the courtyard, communicating with the others before doing so. As their group moved towards the open, they notices a Kowakian monkey-lizard that pointed out the pirates waiting in the courtyard. They alerted their teammates and took cover as blasters are fired onto them. Despite being in cover, more pirates came from behind them and boxed them in. They were soon saved by Paz, who landed behind them and took out the pirates in their flank before turning and leading a charge into the courtyard. This charge was stopped as the pirates introduced a laser cannon, which fired onto the group. While the other Mandalorians scattered, the Mandalorian Shriek-hawk stayed with Paz to provide cover fire for the others. After the cannon and snipers were taken out by the Armorer, the Mandalorians charged at the pirates, forcing them to retreat. The pirates were then surrounded by the civilians of Nevarro and the Mandalorians. Afterwards, he helpef with supplies before noticing Bo-Katan's arrival, who decided to take off her helmet publicly as the Armorer announced that she would seek out other Mandalorians and return to reclaim their home.[4]

Reclaiming Mandalore[]


The Mandalorian Shriek-hawk above Mandalore

After Bo-Katan gathered her Mandalorian privateers, the two groups gathered for a feast, where she called for volunteers for a scouting team to go to Mandalore and set up a safe area to begin settling. Twelve Mandalorians volunteers, including Din, Grogu in his IG-12 suit, Koska Reeves, Paz, Axe Woves, a Mandalorian judge, a few Mandalorian privateers, several members of the Shriek-hawk Training team, and the Armorer. The next morning, the Mandalorians moved most of the Mandalorian fleet from Nevarro and onto Mandalore's orbit.[5] After a while, Axe Woves flew up and alerted the fleet that the Great Forge was occupied by Gideon's Imperial remnant and the landing team needed their help. The cruiser was evacuated of all Mandalorians, including the Mandalorian Shriek-hawk, and the Kom'rk and Fang fighters gathered their forces and descended down towards the surface. The reinforcements arrived and met up with Bo-Katan's team on the surface, deploying Mandalorians to join her in the fight. The Mandalorian Shriek-hawk flew right behind Bo-Katan as they entered the Imperial base and fought off Gideon's Imperial armored commandos. The battle was won as Axe piloted the cruiser into the base, destroying it.[6]


The Mandalorian Shriek-hawk wore Mandalorian armor plating painted primarily blue with their left chest plate being painted green, all over a light gray jumpsuit. Their armor bore the signet of the shriek-hawk on their pauldron. Their helmet was also blue and had a silver stripe on the left side. They had a blue jetpack that had orange highlights. They also wore a brown skirt. Their vambraces were painted separately, the left one brown while the right one was a lighter tone. The Mandalorian had a dark red belt that holstered an WESTAR-35 blaster pistol, they also utilized a rifle in battle.[4]

Behind the scenes[]

Juda Escalante envisioned the Mandalorian Shriek-hawk as the brother of a female Mandalorian warrior with similar armor. According to Escalante, who warned that his headcanons were not part of official lore, both belonged to the Shriek-hawk[7] coverts under the control of Paz Viszla.[8] Escalante's inspiration came from the animated series SilverHawks, which featured a sibling duo named Steelheart and Steelwill. At one point, Shawna Trpcic noticed the kill marks on the side of thesShriek-hawk male's armor and made a comment about it looking like a Hotwheelz car, which led to the character being dubbed "Hotwheelz." Later, however, Escalante took to calling the warrior by the name of Delta, a letter from the Greek alphabet. For a time, he had considered naming the warrior "PD" or "Paz Delta" after stunt actor Paul Darnell. Escalante also took to calling his sister by another Greek letter, Gamma.[7]


Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 The-Mandalorian-logo The Mandalorian — "Chapter 17: The Apostate"
  2. 2.0 2.1 The-Mandalorian-logo The Mandalorian — "Chapter 20: The Foundling"
  3. Hasbro Deploys New Black Series Mandalorian Shriek Hawks by James Burns on Jedi News (June 4, 2024) (archived from the original on June 6, 2024)
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 The-Mandalorian-logo The Mandalorian — "Chapter 21: The Pirate"
  5. The-Mandalorian-logo The Mandalorian — "Chapter 23: The Spies"
  6. The-Mandalorian-logo The Mandalorian — "Chapter 24: The Return"
  7. 7.0 7.1 Instagram-Logo Juda Escalante (@mangtasticpaintnprops) on Instagram: Backstory post 1 (May 1, 2023): "Mando Monday! Backstory on blue helmet white stripe Mando as everyone calls him. Notice the similarities between the 2, white stripe on the left side, green color chest plate, Beskar heart crest and orange bracer/gauntlet. I decided to make to the 2 as siblings, brother and sister from Paz's Shreik Hawk's. This inspiration came from an 80's cartoon called SilverHawks (ShreikHawks)there was a pair of twin siblings, names Steelheart and Steelwill. I thought how cool would it be to have a pair of siblings as ShreikHawk coverts. My Boss Shawna Trpcic had seen his kill marks on the side of his helmet and said it looks like a Hotwheelz design lol, so we started calling him Hotwheelz. I later then named the siblings Delta(male)and Gamma (female)after the greek alphabet. I had first thought of giving him the initials of PD or Paz Delta because of the amazing stunt Mang who played him @diddydarnell . Its not cannon but thats what I call them when I see them. This is the way!" (screenshot)
  8. Instagram-Logo Juda Escalante (@mangtasticpaintnprops) on Instagram: Backstory post 2 (May 1, 2023): "Mando Mondays. Backstory on Blue helmet white stripe Mando as everyone calls him. Notice the similarities between the 2. White stripe on the left side, Beskar visor, green chest plates, orange gauntlet. I decided to make the two as siblings, brother and sister from Paz's ShreikHawk coverts. Inspired by the 80's cartoon called SilverHawks (ShreikHawks) there was a pair of siblings names Steelheart and Steelwill. I thought how cool would it be to have a pair of siblings as ShreikHawk Coverts. My boss Shawna Trpcic had seen the kill marks and said it looks like a Hotwheelz design lol, so we started calling him Hotwheelz. I later then named the siblings Delta(male) and Gamma(female) after the Greek alphabet. I had first thought of giving him the initials PD or Paz Delta for the amazing stunt Mang who played him Paul Darnell. Its not cannon but thats what I call them. This is the way!" (screenshot)