


Template documentation follows
The template above may sometimes be partially or fully invisible.
Visit Template:Character/doc to edit this documentation. (How does this work?)


The type parameter determines the color of the infobox. The options are:

  • Bounty hunter
  • Bureaucrat
  • Chiss Ascendancy
  • CIS
  • Confederation
  • Corporate
  • Criminal
  • Dark Jedi
  • Dathomiri
  • Eternal Empire
  • First Order
  • Galactic Empire
  • Galactic Republic
  • GFFA
  • Hutt Cartel
  • Infinite Empire
  • Je'daii
  • Jedi
  • Mandalorian
  • Musician
  • New Republic
  • Nihil
  • Pet
  • Rebel
  • Resistance
  • Sith
  • Sith Empire
  • Yuuzhan Vong


Required parameters

Paste the following code into the top of an article, filling all known fields:

  • Note that a character may have multiple homeworlds—it could be the world on which they were born, and also the world on which they were raised.
  • Per Forum:CT:Partner Field CT - Part the Second, additions to the partners field should meet at least one of the criteria defined on Template:Character/doc/partners.
  • The parents, siblings, and children fields may include adopted individuals.
  • Affiliations that a character stopped abiding by should not be specified with "(formerly)" or "(renounced)" as Wookieepedia treats everything as having happened in the past, and in the interest of maintaining consistency and avoiding clutter.

Optional parameters

  • If applicable, a |donor= parameter may be added between |pronouns= and |height= to showcase individual(s) from which the article subject was cloned, not their biological or cultural parental figure. Example for Luuke Skywalker:
|donor=[[Luke Skywalker/Legends|Luke Skywalker]]
See Forum:CT:Clones and Infoboxes - Part One
  • If applicable, the following parameters may be added between |cyber= and |families= to document a character's musical information.
  • For pet characters, an |owners= parameter may be added at the end of the template. This field should not be used for enslaved individuals.
See Forum:CT:Merging the Pet infobox with Character


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