


Cache problem[]

There seems to be a strange cache problem going on. Using Firefox, the right table border keeps disappearing. The problem is not solved by a regen, but if you purge the server cache, it works fine. Tis very weird…--Sentry [Talk] 02:38, 18 July 2006 (UTC)

Problem with standard colors[]

There was a problem with this infobox in Kina Margath (see this version) where parts of the source code of the infobox were visible. I finally found out that the source of the problem were the color modifiers. It seems that when you put the default colors (#94C7D1 and #D6F0F5) into the field BG1 and BG2, the if-else-clause writes nothing into the style-tag. The source code looked like this:

<th> class="infoboxheading" colspan="2" style="background: #
<ol><li>94C7D1; " | Kina Margath

I don't know enough about infobox programming myself, so it would be great if somebody could look into this. --Craven 01:35, 31 March 2007 (UTC)

Usage Question[]

Hey all. I am trying to get a standard character infobox set up for the Dune Wiki. As you can see here, I have more or less copied the code from this page, making some cometic edits. Since I don't really understand what I am doing (but I'm trying!), I am now stuck and do not know where to go from here. It seems I need to include a style class or something to tell the code how to format the box...right now its pretty ugly looking! Looking at the source at the bottom of this page, I noticed there were handlers like template:sld and such, that i included in the dune wiki here. Any and all help would be much appreciated! Thank you --Jsblack 02:08, 14 June 2007 (UTC)

  • The problem is that the styling of the box is now controlled entirely by a CSS style sheet (MediaWiki:Common.css). If you are an admin on the Dune wiki, you will have to copy the relevant portions of that page and add it to your stylesheet in order to make it work.--Sentry 03:06, 14 June 2007 (UTC)

Rounded bottom[]

How do you make the bottom of the infobox round like that? I'm making a template at my wiki with a round side, only at the top. Does anyone know how? --Thesaurus Rex 10:31, April 23, 2010 (UTC)

Guidelines for usage?[]

I've checked the Manual of Style, Layout Guide, infobox pages, and everything else I could find for an explanation. I'm thinking the explanation is either in the original Census Track (couldn't find it) or not intended to have 100% hard-and-fast usage rules? Specifically, when does an infobox not apply to a given character? If Bail Organa could be classified as "bureaucrat," "Galactic Republic," "Galactic Empire," or "Rebel," do we go with Rebel because of his primary allegiance when he died? What about traitors, spies, slaves, Shamed Ones, etc.? What makes a character like Jango Fett "Mandalorian" over "bounty hunter" or Bib Fortuna "criminal" over "Hutt Cartel"? Truth & Retconciliation (talk) 00:45, January 11, 2015 (UTC)

  • Sounds like you got it down for the most part. Basically, we try to go with the latest affiliation in the in-universe continuity. For example, Cal Alder was both a Rebel Alliance member and a New Republic member, so we list him as New Republic. Same for Bail Organa being a Rebel. We also try to go with what is the most "prominent," I guess is the way to describe it, which basically means taking cultural affiliations over occupations. So, for example, Boba Fett gets Mandalorian over Bounty hunter. There aren't any hard-and-fast rules at present, but that's about the best way to explain it, I think. Toprawa and Ralltiir (talk) 01:25, January 11, 2015 (UTC)


I had the idea of start a new section the characters page, the alignment section, just like the marvel database has. It would be easier and more relevant to the people that don't know the character. I have already wrote this sugestion in Cade Calrayn's talk page, but with no response, so I'm writing it right here hoping for someone to, at least, answer me. I hope I am not being rude to no one, but it's a little boring to be waiting for almost two months for an answer and nothing... Pedronog (talk) 13:01, March 26, 2015 (UTC)Pedronog

Infobox TYPE code[]

Hello, I am a wikia user, editor, and owner. I have just started my second wiki and wanted a futuristic-looking infobox, much like the ones on here, and for some reason it doesn't work. I try to enter a type and the color stays the same. Don't get me wrong, I am only using this wikia's infobox as a foundation for my own unique infobox, so I wanted to know how the TYPE code works and edit it my own way with my own color types. Some help would be dearly appreciated. Thank you Nate_The_AntiHero (talk) 21:10, February 10, 2016 (UTC)

Colors list[]

Shouldn't the list be updated? --Rakhsh (talk) 00:22, March 1, 2017 (UTC)


I'm not sure that the information in the example infobox is entirely consistent with Wookieepedia's mission. It seems more appropriate for Darthpedia. If nobody objects, I'd like to change it to reflect what's listed in Padmé Amidala's actual article. Normally I'd just go for it, but I thought it would be good to ask since this IS a template page.Shayn Mikel (talk) 02:47, June 10, 2017 (UTC)

  • I don't think you can edit it as the page is protected --Lewisr (talk) 02:52, June 10, 2017 (UTC)

Adding Resistance and First Order to the template[]

Is there a reason why Resistance and First Infoboxs havent been added to the standard character infoboxs for preloads?Jkirk8907 (talk) 15:08, October 1, 2018 (UTC)

Eternal Empire color[]

I think an Eternal Empire box color is overdue. --Potsk (talk) 21:31, February 11, 2020 (UTC)

I agree. What colors would you suggest? Scout1534 (talk) 04:52, May 11, 2020 (UTC)


we could have an age field where you can list their age as of key moments, like the 1st and last episode of their TV series for Rebels, for example Tycio (talk) 08:06, 9 January 2021 (UTC)

Feather colour[]

It occurs to me that this template should have a "feather" parameter similar to the "hair" one, similar to the species infobox. That would make it more accurate for characters who have feathers instead of hair. SilverSunbird (talk) 21:05, 24 June 2021 (UTC)

Masters/Apprentices field[]

Being partially inspired by comments on this recent SH about the de facto field in the government infobox. Doesn't the existence of the Masters and Apprentices violate what was established at the November 2020 Mofference that fields designed to list individual examples should be removed? For the same logic that de facto leaders can be covered in the main body, any Masters/Apprentices can be covered in the same area Lewisr (talk) 14:15, 3 September 2022 (UTC)

  • Why don't we list individual examples? Maybe I'm not reading it right because it's late here, but I would list leaders, masters, and apprentices in the infobox, they are important. For an article, you should be able to learn who controls a government, or who taught who from an infobox IMO. Samonic ChissAscendancyCanonSymbol 22:11, 3 September 2022 (UTC)
    • I don't disagree that it's useful, but it was voted to remove these kind of fields in the above Mofference linked Lewisr (talk) 14:46, 4 September 2022 (UTC)
      • The Mofference only disallowed listing individual members of groups, like species or organizations. Listing masters/apprentices of a person is more comparable to listing owners of a item, which is allowed for unique items. 01miki10 Open comlink 14:54, 4 September 2022 (UTC)
        • The policy has been used far beyond just not listing individual members of groups. It's been used to not list individual people who speak a certain language, to not list notable deployments of tactics, or use a specific lightsaber form etc Lewisr (talk) 15:01, 4 September 2022 (UTC)
          • Well, it's the same principle: don't list specific examples of the article subject. A character's master is not an individual example of that character. 01miki10 Open comlink 16:11, 4 September 2022 (UTC)

Color for Path of the Open Hand[]

I’m noticing there’s a lot of Path of the Open Hand member articles (looks like about 70 now) and still a lot more to be made. Considering they’re the main villains of The High Republic Phase II and there’s still a bunch of stuff from that Phase that hasn’t been released yet that will probably introduce even more Path characters, I think the Path of the Open Hand should have a character type/color. Panther436 (talk) 18:15, 20 April 2023 (UTC)


For the Parents and siblings section is that just for blood relatives or can we add the in-laws as well if the character is married?--Jkirk8907 (talk) 20:45, 29 September 2023 (UTC)

  • I don't think in-laws cut it. Adoptive siblings are fine though. Best to keep it to direct siblings. OOM 224 (he/him) 21:52, 29 September 2023 (UTC)

Personal ships, weapons, etc.[]

To be clear on what I mean here: Luke Skywalker had a personal lightsaber(s), Hera Syndulla had the Ghost, Han Solo had personal blaster and the Millennium Falcon, and I'm sure every character has been involved in some event whether it be War, Battle, Quests, etc. Just curious on the likelihood of such information being included in infoboxs, if not the guideline behind not doing it, or at least the general consensus as far as infoboxes listing ships, weapons, or say the events/battles the character participates in. -- CJSFanOn Stranger Tides, Arkham City 16:57, 10 November 2023 (UTC)

  • Any discussion on those becoming part of the infobox should be held off until we have completely finished the pronoun and family updates, which are taking a while because it has to be done page by page. Info like personal ships and weapons probably is fine to stay in the article body to not take up editor time to be added to each and every infobox Editoronthewiki (talk) 17:05, 10 November 2023 (UTC)
    • I'd say the likelihood is very, very slim, as many Wookieepedians tend to prefer to cut down on infobox bloat and things that require arbitrary judgement, like what constitutes a "notable" ship or weapon even for events infoboxes, for example. Infoboxes are intend to give readers an idea of what the subject is about at a glance, not to neatly compile statistics and everything that might be important to it. At the end of the day, it all depends on what people think, of course. OOM 224 (he/him) 17:06, 10 November 2023 (UTC)