


The title of this article is conjectural.

Although this article is based on canonical information, the actual name of this subject is pure conjecture.

An Imperial-class Star Destroyer of the Galactic Empire once captured a YT-2400 light freighter operated by a smuggler and the astromech droid A4-J4. The impounded light freighter and its confiscated cargo were held aboard the Star Destroyer, while the vessel's occupants were incarcerated in the warship's detention cells. However, the smuggler and their fellow detainees broke out of their cell and, retrieving A4-J4 and their cargo, ultimately boarded their starship. The light freighter then blasted its way out of the Star Destroyer's hangar and eventually escaped into hyperspace.


"Only you, little droid, can approach and overload these dangerous lasers… In the interim, I will download the map of the duct system…"
―A smuggler, to Todo 515[1]

An Imperial-class Star Destroyer that served the navy of the Galactic Empire[1] measured 1,600 meters in length[2] and was equipped with a solar ionization reactor, two deflector shield generator domes, and a communications tower.[3] The Star Destroyer carried with it at least one squadron of TIE fighters, and its droid pool included an RA-7 protocol droid. Stormtrooper units patrolled the corridors in the warship's interior.[1]


A hangar bay of the Imperial-class Star Destroyer

The interior of the Star Destroyer held, in close proximity to each other, a hangar bay, a cargo bay, and a detention center. The hangar held four docking areas, numbered eighty-six through eighty-nine, and was spacious enough to accommodate a YT-2400 light freighter. It was sealed from outer space by a force field that prevented unauthorized take-off and was controlled from a control room tower overlooking the room. The hangar was off-limits to personnel who were not pilots, and the entrance into the hangar from the long access corridor connecting it to the interior of the starship led past a station where a deck officer was stationed.[1]


A map of the air duct system aboard the Imperial-class Star Destroyer

Next to the hangar bay was situated a cargo bay that could be entered via dock 18 and was sealed from the interior corridors of the ship by a blast door. The loading dock of the cargo bay featured on the wall a listing of cargo loading instructions, and a mag-lev transport sled was available to facilitate work there. The dock also held a locker containing various Imperial uniforms, including a TIE fighter pilot flight suit.[1]

The Star Destroyer's detention center contained Cell Block A, which consisted of six adjacent cells, numbered zero through five. One of the cells was secured via a force field and was guarded by a stormtrooper, while cell three, in contrast, featured a physical door. Several security doors in the corridors linking the detention center to the hangar bay and the cargo bay could be opened with an Imperial code cylinder, although the doors to detention cell three and the cargo bay could only be opened by other means. In addition, the hallways and rooms of the vessel were connected by an air duct system, which had an access point—protected by a dangerous laser security grid—in a corridor as well as access points in several of the detention cells.[1]


"Okay, pilot, you are cleared to enter the hangar bay."
―An Imperial deck officer, to a smuggler while the latter is disguised as a TIE fighter pilot[1]

At some point during the reign of the Galactic Empire, the Imperial-class Star Destroyer captured a YT-2400 light freighter used by a smuggler and their astromech droid co-pilot, A4-J4, to transport expensive illegal cargo for[1] the crime lord[4] Jabba the Hutt. The freighter was impounded in the Star Destroyer's hangar bay, the confiscated cargo crates were stored in its cargo bay, and the smuggler and the astromech were detained in separate cells, with A4-J4's partner sharing a cell with another captured smuggler, Nuri Gleb, and a disabled techno-service droid, Todo 515.[1]


A group of detained individuals escaped from a detention cell aboard the Imperial-class Star Destroyer.

Gleb's cell-mate enlisted the aid of both the Besalisk and the repaired Todo 515 in breaking out of their cell. Needing to find a way to free A4-J4 from her cell as well, the smuggler donned the armor suit of their incapacitated stormtrooper guard in order to bluff their way past the Star Destroyer's Imperial personnel. The escapee discovered the sealed doors separating them from their impounded cargo, and an Imperial deck officer also barred them from accessing the hangar bay housing their starship.[1]

At that point, the smuggler navigated Todo 515 through the Star Destroyer's air ducts to the cell housing A4-J4, successfully liberating the droid. The astromech then sliced open the cargo bay doors, on the other side of which the smuggler used a blaster rifle to scare an RA-7 protocol droid out of their way. A4-J4's partner then loaded their cargo aboard a mag-lev transport sled and also donned a TIE fighter pilot's flight suit in order to bypass the deck officer. The smuggler and their newfound crew then all boarded their light freighter and, blasting the control tower with their ship's laser turret, disabled the force field sealing the hangar. Consequently, the freighter departed the Star Destroyer and, after a brief pursuit by the warship's TIE fighter squadron, escaped into hyperspace.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

"Congratulations! You have successfully recovered your cargo and escaped this dreadful Imperial Star Destroyer."
―Description in the step-by-step solutions booklet of Unlock!: Star Wars Escape Game[1]

The Star Destroyer appeared in "An Unforeseen Delay," a scenario of Space Cowboys' 2020 canon card game Unlock!: Star Wars Escape Game.[1]


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