


―An instruction relayed from a smuggler to A4-J4[2]

A4-J4 was an R-series astromech droid co-pilot aboard a smuggler's YT-2400 light freighter. At one point, the starship was intercepted by a Galactic Empire Imperial-class Star Destroyer, with the smuggler and the astromech both being incarcerated in detention cells aboard the warship. After A4-J4's partner eventually broke out of their cell and also freed the droid, she in turn helped by slicing open the cargo bay doors separating them from their impounded expensive and illegal cargo. Ultimately, A4-J4 and her fellow former detainees escaped from the Star Destroyer aboard their freighter and fled into hyperspace.


During the reign of the Galactic Empire, A4-J4 was the droid co-pilot of a smuggler aboard their YT-2400 light freighter. The duo operated in the Outer Rim Territories, dealing with danger and surprises on a daily basis. At one point, while transporting expensive illegal cargo for[2] the crime lord[3] Jabba the Hutt, the smuggling starship was captured by an Imperial-class Star Destroyer of the Empire. The freighter was impounded, its cargo confiscated, and the smuggler and A4-J4 were placed in different cells in the Star Destroyer's detention center—with the astromech droid occupying cell 3.[2]


A4-J4 slicing into the cargo bay doors of the Imperial-class Star Destroyer

With the assistance of the techno-service droid Todo 515 and the similarly detained smuggler Nuri Gleb, A4-J4's partner eventually broke out of their cell. The smuggler heard the astromech's familiar beeps and chirps coming from inside her cell; however, the cell's door did not respond to the code cylinder the escapee had retrieved from their own cell's incapacitated stormtrooper guard, forcing them to search for another way to liberate the droid. Eventually, the smuggler navigated Todo 515 through the Star Destroyer's air duct system to A4-J4's cell. Working together, the two droids unlocked the room's door, and the astromech rejoined her partner with a series of happy beeps and whistles.[2]

The smuggler then tasked A4-J4 with slicing into the control system of the sealed cargo bay doors separating them from their confiscated cargo, which the astromech successfully did. Ultimately, A4-J4 and her companions all boarded the impounded YT-2400, which then broke out of the Star Destroyer's hangar bay. After evading pursuit by the warship's TIE fighters, A4-J4's partner instructed her to prepare their ship for a jump into hyperspace, which then allowed the craft to escape the Imperials. The light freighter subsequently traveled at high speed to[2] the planet[3] Tatooine in order to deliver its cargo to Jabba.[2]


A4-J4 was an R-series astromech droid manufactured by Industrial Automaton.[1] She had white, orange, and black plating and a black photoreceptor. The droid was equipped with a scomp link that allowed her to slice into door systems.[2]

Behind the scenes[]


In one of the scenarios of Unlock!: Star Wars Escape Game, a player uses the game's mobile app to reply to the other players' questions solely via using A4-J4's beeps and whistles.

A4-J4 appeared in "An Unforeseen Delay," a scenario of Space Cowboys' 2020 mobile app–driven card game Unlock!: Star Wars Escape Game. The game's two illustrations of the astromech droid present an inconsistency in her appearance—one of them depicts her with scorch marks on her body plating, which are absent from the other image.[2]

In "An Unforeseen Delay," the players have to assist A4-J4 in her efforts to slice into the control system of the Imperial-class Star Destroyer's cargo bay doors. This is realized game-mechanically via one player playing the part of the droid in the game's accompanying app and the other players asking the "droid" questions in order to determine the correct numerical code needed to progress the game.[2]

The code corresponds to a pictogram, with only the player controlling A4-J4 seeing the latter and only the other players having knowledge of the possible code options. Furthermore, the player controlling the droid can only use the app-provided three sets of beeps and whistles—corresponding to the answers "yes," "maybe," and "no"—to answer the others' questions. This article assumes that the exact specifics of A4-J4's slicing into the door system are purely game-mechanical.[2]


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