


"Nuri Gleb at your service! What can I do to help you get out of here?"
―Nuri Gleb, to a smuggler[1]

Nuri Gleb was a tattooed Besalisk smuggler with a love for gambling who at one point was incarcerated in a detention cell aboard an Imperial-class Star Destroyer of the Galactic Empire. Striking an alliance with a fellow detained smuggler, Gleb broke out of the cell, in the process knocking out a stormtrooper guard. During the subsequent escape from the Star Destroyer aboard the other smuggler's light freighter, Gleb manned the latter craft's laser turret in order to stave off their pursuers.


"NURI GLEB FIRE!!! [sic]"
―An instruction relayed from a smuggler to Nuri Gleb[1]

Nuri Gleb escaped from a detention cell aboard an Imperial-class Star Destroyer.

Nuri Gleb was a smuggler active at some point during the reign of the Galactic Empire. He was at one point captured and held in a detention cell aboard an Imperial-class Star Destroyer—a cell that he shared with another smuggler as well as a disabled malfunctioning techno-service droid, Todo 515. When Gleb's fellow detainee planned to try and break out of the cell, the former was initially hesitant to join in the plan. He promised to fully back the effort if the other smuggler could guess which of Gleb's hands brought him luck. After the smuggler made a correct guess, Gleb introduced himself and, at that point filled with confidence and flexing his muscles, inquired as to how he could help. Afterward, the other smuggler instructed the newly repaired Todo 515 to short-circuit the force field securing the cell they were in. Taking advantage of their lone stormtrooper guard at the time being distracted from the sabotage, Gleb then knocked him out, allowing for the trio to escape into the Star Destroyer's interior passageways.[1]


During their escape from the Star Destroyer, Nuri Gleb operated the laser turret of a smuggler's YT-2400 light freighter (right).

The two smugglers and the droid then navigated toward the impounded light freighter of Gleb's companion, in the process retrieving the latter's captured astromech droid and confiscated illegal cargo. The escape also involved the other smuggler consecutively disguising themselves as a stormtrooper and an Imperial TIE fighter pilot in order to bypass the attention of the Star Destroyer's Imperial personnel. Ultimately, the escapees boarded their starship and broke out of the Star Destroyer's hangar bay. When the warship dispatched TIE fighters in pursuit, the light freighter's captain instructed Gleb to open fire with the craft's laser turret. The ship eventually escaped into hyperspace, traveling at great speed to[1] the planet[2] Tatooine in order to deliver its cargo to[1] the crime lord[2] Jabba the Hutt.[1]

Personality and traits[]

"Color me impressed: if you guess which hand brings me luck, I'll go all in with your plan."
―Nuri Gleb, to a smuggler[1]

Nuri Gleb was a Besalisk with tan skin, dark eyes, and a blue tattoo on his upper right arm. The tattoo depicted a series of three triangular shapes of various sizes that were consecutively inscribed within each other. Gleb loved to gamble and believed that one of his hands brought him luck.[1]


At the time of his incarceration aboard the Star Destroyer, Nuri Gleb wore a short, short-sleeved white shirt, blue vest, and blue pants with a dark belt. He was barefoot and wore a large blue ring on the third finger of his upper left arm.[1]

Behind the scenes[]


In Unlock!: Star Wars Escape Game, Nuri Gleb asks the players to guess which of his hands brings him luck.

Nuri Gleb appeared in "An Unforeseen Delay," a scenario of Space Cowboys' 2020 card game Unlock!: Star Wars Escape Game. In the game, Gleb is described as being tattooed and is depicted with a tattoo on his upper arm. However, in the supplementary booklets accompanying the game proper the character is illustrated without the tattoo.[1]

Furthermore, the game involves the players being tasked with guessing which of Gleb's four hands is supposed to bring him luck, with the game's mechanic displaying Besalisk hands with a prominent blue circle, green square, red pentagon, and yellow triangle on their back, respectively. None of the game's art of the character himself, however, features any visible tattoos on the back of his hands. Consequently, this article assumes that Gleb did have a tattoo on his upper arm and that the exact specifics of his guessing game are purely game-mechanical, and that therefore he had no prominent tattoos on the back of his hands.[1]


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Notes and references[]
