


"That's my cousin, Trank Varado. The Varados are grocers and borrow our truck to run out-of-town deliveries every week. Now let Trank go."
―Driggit Parse, to a Rodian Nihil as the former lied to cover for Gavi[1]

Trank Varado was a fictitious individual that the Nihil recruit Driggit Parse created as her cousin to be part of a ruse. On the Outer Rim planet Valo[1] in 229 BBY,[2] the human Jedi youngling Gavi disguised himself in Parse's clothing and tried to convince two Nihil maraudersGak and a Rodian—that they did not need to search his treadtruck, which the Jedi's friends were secretly hiding in to travel into Lonisa City.[1]

When the pair began to insist, Parse herself arrived and claimed that Gavi was her cousin, "Trank Varado." Though Gak and the Rodian were hesitant, the Nihil recruit further insisted that the Varados were grocers delivering weekly supplies to the Parse family using the treadtruck. After Parse threatened them, the two Nihil eventually left, and she then boarded the vehicle and told "Varado" to drive.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Trank Varado was mentioned in Escape from Valo, a 2024 junior novel written by Daniel José Older and Alyssa Wong as part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project's[1] Phase III.[3]


Notes and references[]
