

This article covers the Canon version of this subject.  Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Legends version of this subject. 

"Zyle, do you have any explosives left?"
"Of course I do. I'm always prepared."
―Ram Jomaram and Zyle Keem[1]

Micronite charges, or micronite "candies," were a type of candy foil–wrapped explosive charge. In 229 BBY, the aspiring pirate Zyle Keem stole some of the devices from a Nihil marauder ship and took them with them to the Outer Rim planet Valo. While helping their crew rescue Jedi Master Kunpar Vasivola, Keem took a handful of the micronite "candies" out of their pocket. When Jedi youngling Gavi threw them at the ceiling, the pirate detonated them with blaster bolts.


Micronite charges, or "micronite candies," were a type of small, spherical explosive charge wrapped in candy foil that could be detonated by striking them with a blaster bolt or from sudden movements. The charges were small, with several of them being able to fit into the hand of an individual.[1]


"I need someone to throw them in the air. And then I need you to—"
"Oh, I like this plan!"
―Ram Jomaram and Zyle Keem, about the latter's micronite charges[1]

Zyle Keem stole micronite charges from the Nihil and took them to Valo.

In 229 BBY,[2] the aspiring pirate Zyle Keem stole a handful of micronite charges from the Nihil marauder captain I'nah's ship and traveled to the Outer Rim planet Valo, keeping them in their leather duster. After joining the Scarlet Skulls crew, Keem helped their Jedi colleagues rescue Jedi Master Kunpar Vasivola from an underground prison. As the Nihil tried to prevent them from leaving the facility, Padawan Ram Jomaram asked the pirate if they had more explosives.[1]

When Keem brandished a handful of the devices pulled from their pocket, the Padawan was surprised, hoping the former had been keeping them in a pouch instead of loose in their duster due to how easy they were to detonate. At Jomaram's directive, the Jedi youngling Gavi threw several micronite charges toward the group's Nihil attackers, each of which Keem detonated by striking with a blaster bolt. The devices exploded, burying the marauders underneath the facility's ceiling and allowing the crew to escape. After the event, Nihil commander Vark Tarpalin ruminated over the incident, furious that the group of young Jedi and Keem had managed to outwit him with their micronite candies.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

In the current Star Wars canon, micronite charges appeared in Escape from Valo, a 2024 junior novel written by Daniel José Older and Alyssa Wong as part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project's[1] Phase III.[3] In the Star Wars Legends continuity, micronites were introduced in Cracken's Rebel Field Guide, a 1991 West End Games roleplaying sourcebook released for Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game that was written by Christopher Kubasik.[4] The explosive devices first appeared in the roleplaying adventure "The Farrimmer Cafe" by Chris Trevas, which was published in the eleventh issue of Star Wars Adventure Journal in November 1996.[5]


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