


"Go back, stay with the adults, and they'll be able to protect you from the Nihil."
"They won't. They can't. We don't have anyone to return to."
―Ram Jomaram and Gavi, about Helok and Valo's Jedi Masters[2]

Helok was a Valon Jedi Master who served the Jedi Order, serving in the Outer Rim planet Valo's Jedi temple by helping maintain the temple grounds. He was killed in a Nihil marauder attack in 230 BBY while attempting to flee with the temple's younglings into Valo's mountains. The youngling Gavi later thought about the Jedi Master after his death and told Padawan Ram Jomaram of his passing.


Gavi HRConcept

Gavi thought about Helok's maintenance of the Valo Temple's grounds.

Helok was a Valon Jedi Master of the Jedi Order who worked in the Jedi temple on the Outer Rim planet Valo during the High Republic Era, helping maintain the temple's grounds. The week before the Valo Republic Fair[2] in 231 BBY,[3] Jedi younglings Gavi and Kildo sat in a stonepeach tree and ate its fruits, dropping the pits on the ground below. Gavi briefly wondered whether a tree would someday grow from one of the pits but then reflected that Helok would not allow such a thing to happen.[2]

In 230 BBY,[3] the Starlight Beacon space station was destroyed, resulting in Valo's Jedi Masters planning to flee back to the Jedi Temple on[2] the Core Worlds planet[3] Coruscant. As they prepared to leave, Valo was attacked by the Nihil marauders not long after[2] in the same year.[1] All of the Valo Temple's Masters—including Helok—hurriedly attempted to flee into the world's mountains to escape Lonisa City.[2]

Despite their attempts to fight back, the Nihil caught the Jedi and killed all of them, with several being fed to a Force-eating Nameless creature and leaving only the younglings Gavi, Kildo, and Tep Tep as the survivors. After surviving for a year in Valo's mountains with the two other younglings, Gavi later thought about Helok when reflecting on his time with Kildo in the stonepeach tree. Upon meeting Padawan Ram Jomaram and introducing themselves, the three younglings informed him of the deaths of the Valo Temple's Jedi Masters. Jomaram grieved their passing, having hoped Helok and the others were gathering strength for a strike against the Nihil.[2]

Personality and traits[]

The Jedi Master cared about keeping the temple grounds well kept, carrying out his duties comparable to how he treated the Force. He fought against the Nihil invading Valo when they attacked the Jedi escaping from Lonisa City to give the temple's younglings more time to escape.[2]

Powers and abilities[]

As a member of the Jedi Order, Helok was a Force-sensitive individual trained to wield the Force.[2]

Behind the scenes[]

Helok was mentioned in Escape from Valo, a 2024 junior novel written by Daniel José Older and Alyssa Wong as part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project's[2] Phase III.[4] On Twitter, Older confirmed that all of the Valo Temple's Jedi Masters—including Helok—perished in the Nihil's attack.[5]


Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 The events of The High Republic: Escape from Valo take place one year after the destruction of Starlight Beacon, which equates to 229 BBY per Star Wars: The High Republic Character Encyclopedia. The novel establishes that the attack on Valo—in which all of the Valo Temple's Jedi Masters, save for Kunpar Vasivola, died on Valo—took place one year before, meaning Helok must have passed away in 230 BBY.
  2. 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 The High Republic: Escape from Valo
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Star Wars: The High Republic Character Encyclopedia
  4. StarWars Star Wars: The High Republic Chronological Reader's Guide on StarWars.com (article) (backup link)
  5. TwitterLogo Daniel José Older (@djolder) on Twitter (January 31, 2024): "yes all dead" (screenshot) (In response to: "There's some Valo Jedi Masters from Race to Crashpoint Tower (Lege, Shonnatrucks, Devo) then also a smattering of Valo Jedi Masters mentioned throughout Escape from Valo. The younglings in the novel and Driggit see many of them perish in the attack on Valo — is it safe to say all of them passed away save for Kunpar, or were there ones that survived and the younglings only assumed they all got dusted?")