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Secret Identity

Super Heroes often choose to have a secret identity (as do Super Villains who often adopt aliases) when becoming a hero to protect themselves, their friends, and their loved ones. The consequences of an enemy finding out their real-life identity can be dire, often leading to the destruction of the hero's alter ego and/or the villain using a hero's loved one as bait.

[top] [Edit Secret Identity]

Second Host

The Second Host[1] or Second Horde[2] is the second of four tests of a given race that has been altered by the enigmatic Celestials. This second host is marked by "wrath and discipline".[1]

In the case of planet Earth, during the Second Host which occurred circa 18,500 BC, the Celestials observed how the Eternals had ignored the race of humans while the Deviants enslaved it.[2] The Celestials destroyed most of the Deviants and their stronghold of Lemuria, causing it to sink below the ocean.[3] This event has been referred to as the Great Fall[4] or the Great Cataclysm which caused the sinking of Atlantis.[5] The Second Host also trapped the Dreaming Celestial.[6]

(See Also: First Host, Third Host, Fourth Host)

[top] [Edit Second Host]


Julio Rictor (Earth-616) from Ultra X-Men (Trading Cards) 1995 Set 001

Seismokinesis, also known as Vibrokinesis, is the ability generate and/or manipulate vibrations and/or vibrational energy.


For a list of characters who can control vibrations, see Seismokinesis.

[top] [Edit Seismokinesis]


Having intelligence near or above the human level. The definition of intelligence is slippery but often includes self-awareness, problem solving, and tool use.

[top] [Edit Sentient]

Sentinels of Liberty

The Sentinels of Liberty were a youth group formed by Captain America during the 1940s. It was to promote support for the United States during World War II amongst the youth of America. It promoted national pride, and vigilance against lawlessness and spies that would threaten the United States. The most famous youths that were members of the Sentinels of Liberty were the wartime Young Allies.

(See Also: Young Allies)
[top] [Edit Sentinels of Liberty]


In Comic Books, the term sidekick most commonly refers to assistants of Super Heroes, usually in a crimefighting capacity. The sidekick has the literary function of playing against the hero, often contrasting in skill, asking the questions the reader would ask, or performing functions not suited to the hero.

See Also

[top] [Edit Sidekick]


Avengers Vol 8 12 Marvel 80th Variant Textless

Almost every source agrees that the Silver Age began with the publication of DC Comics' Showcase #4 (October 1956), which introduced the modern version of the Flash.[1][2] This age was also marked by the creation of the Comics Code Authority that regulated the content in all the books, with the ones approved being stamped with the CCA approval stamp on their covers.

Towards the end of the 1960s, the comic industry experienced low sales across the board. They were forced to re-invent themselves, and these efforts heralded the Bronze-Age. The following estimates of its duration have been found:

  • See Also:

[top] [Edit Silver-Age]


Council of Godheads (Earth-616) from Thor Vol 1 300 001
The lead deity of a particular pantheon or religion. The term refers to the tendency for worshipers to associate supreme power with the sun, the sky, and/or "heaven."

[top] [Edit Skyfather]

Sliding Timescale

First officially referenced in 2005's Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Alternate Universes 2005 #1, the "sliding timescale" is an attempt to quantify the passage of time in Earth-616 (the Prime Marvel Universe, where all mainstream stories take place) so that characters do not age noticeably. All events that the fictional characters in the Prime Marvel Universe have gone through since the modern era started in 1961's Fantastic Four #1 up to the now are compressed in a shorter timeframe. This timeframe moves forward as its anchor point, the present day, moves as well.

As of 2024, the sliding timescale corresponds to roughly 15 years.[1] This means that, at any given time that is the present, the spaceflight that gave birth to the Fantastic Four always happened around 15 years ago. In 2024, the space flight happened around 2009. In 2030, it will have happened in 2015. In 2035, in 2020, and so on. Based on that, all events in between are adjusted accordingly.

The concept of the sliding timescale dates back to at least the 1980s, when John Byrne revealed in David Anthony Kraft's Comics Interview #25 that Marvel had set a period of 7 years between Fantastic Four #1 and the new stories being released at the then-present. In 2008, the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #2 set the period as roughly 13 years. It should be noted that, although a ratio of compression can be calculated based on the sliding timescale's current value, its official definition does not posit that it expands gradually according to this ratio as the years pass. Instead, events within the fixed timeframe get compressed further and further until Marvel updates the value of the timeframe to expand it.


During Marvel publications in the 1960s and 1970s, the passage of time on Earth-616 was described in the narrative as passing in semi-real time. Characters frequently made reference to what year it was, and often identified previous stories as having taken place in the span of months between publications. Characters were identified as having been involved in era-specific military conflicts. For example, Mister Fantastic and The Thing were depicted as fighting in World War II,[2] while Professor X of the X-Men was depicted as fighting in the Korean War.[3] Many origin stories and events were also based on then-current events that are considered dated or historical by today's standards. For example, the Fantastic Four attempted to fly into space to beat the Soviet Union in the space race,[4] and Tony Stark was depicted as having become Iron Man while testing weapons in Vietnam during the Vietnam War.[5] Many early stories and villains were inspired by the Cold War, and the eras' understanding of science and technology at the time.

By the late 1970s, Marvel had to start altering certain facts to prevent their characters from aging in real-time. One example of this was stating that The Thing was now a test pilot instead of fighting during World War II.[6] With a large number of real-life spaceflights, the origin of the Fantastic Four was updated to explain how they were mutated while later astronauts were able to travel to space without ill effects. This explanation included solar flares and radiation passing through the Van Allen Belts. Early references to the Space Race as a motivating factor were also excised.[7]

In the 1980s, the passage of time was being marked in a slower progression. It was during this decade that Marvel first created, as John Byrne described, a "sliding scale" that would move forward in time.[8]

In the late 2010s, the problem of character origins tied to real-world wars was seemingly fixed for good after the release of History of the Marvel Universe (Vol. 2) #2, which introduced the Siancong War, a fictional conflict that would move forward in time alongside the Marvel heroes.


The sliding timescale is not an exact science and is a matter of interpretation, and there are parts of the scale that just don't work when applied to the most minuscule detail. Trying to quantify the passage of time between all publications and all years makes quantifying a definitive timeline a matter of interpretation. Calendar-specific seasons and holidays depicted in stories make it difficult to quantify this passage.

Likewise, key life events of specific characters also can often come to odds with any sort of measurement. Items such as a character's actual age, when they celebrate their birthday, or when they have reached age-specific milestones can cause irregularities. The sliding timescale is also affected by the fact that it didn't exist since the beginning of the time frame it covers. For instance, Peter Parker's sophomore through senior high school years occurred over 2-3 years in real-time, and this is considered as one of the sliding timescale's distinct aberrations.

Topical References vs. Factual Reference

Certain facts, events, people of historical significance, pop-culture references, listed dates (such as the date on a newspaper headline), and sometimes even physical landmarks that appeared in comic books published years ago must be considered topical references relative to the date of publication so as not to prematurely age the characters or come to odds of the sliding timescale. As such, the reader should follow certain guidelines if they should accept these items as a topical reference or a factual one.

A factual reference is one that cannot be refuted by the passage of the Sliding Timescale. There are events that are rooted in a particular era, and the facts pertaining to these events cannot be subject to the timescale depending on when the story was published and what era of Marvel time the story is set in. For example, all Timely Comics stories that take place during World War II are all accepted as happening during the 1940s. Events depicted in this era are not subject to the Sliding Timescale, except for when a modern age story is measuring the passage of time between those events and the modern age.

A topical reference is a product of the era the story is published and will become outdated with time. As such, modern readers observing such a reference from a story printed in a past decade -- for example someone in the present reading a comic book published in 1965 -- should never take these references literally. When describing these in a broader context -- such as describing the plot to a story or a character's history -- any references to these items should be at the very least generalized, if not ignored.

The most common example is the President of the United States. Since the publication of Fantastic Four #1, there have been more than a dozen presidential elections in the real world, but only a fraction of the time has passed in the Marvel Universe. Thus, readers should get used to referring to these individuals as simply the "President of the United States" in a general sense instead of citing a specific individual.

For example, Richard Nixon was depicted as the President in many modern-age stories published between 1966 to 1976 starting with Incredible Hulk #119. These should all be considered topical references, especially considering the fact that Richard Nixon died in 1994. Whereas mentions of Richard Nixon in Marvel: The Lost Generation #7 should be considered factual references as they occurred in the 1970s of the Marvel Universe. Likewise, Nixon's appearances as a zombie in the modern age in Deadpool (Vol. 5) #3 should be considered factual as they're set well after his death.

Another example of topical references coming into play involves celebrities. For example, Strange Tales #130 features a story where the Human Torch and The Thing met the rock group known as the Beatles. While this was possible when the story was first published in 1965, this would be considered a topical reference now.

A different example is historical events being depicted in comics. For instance, the Apollo 11 moon landing. Fantastic Four #98, published in 1969, depicts the Fantastic Four stopping the Kree from disrupting this mission. This story is considered as happening in the modern age, which means it should be interpreted as a topical reference. Conversely, Marvel: The Lost Generation #6, published in 2000, depicts the First Line preventing the Skrulls from interfering in the Apollo 11 mission. This story is framed as taking place in the year 1969 and should be considered a factual reference because the story actually takes place in the year 1969.

Lastly, a more contemporary case of the Sliding Timescale in motion is the depiction of the World Trade Center. After the completion of the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center, in 1973, it was predominantly featured as part of the New York City skyline.[9][10][11] In 2001, the Twin Towers were destroyed in a terrorist attack. Therefore, the comics released after the completion of the new tower, One World Trade Center, in July 2013, feature that building instead.[12] What building stands in that location should be considered a topical reference in regards to any publication that depicts anything other than One World Trade Center, because the Sliding Timescale has now progressed so that the modern age does not start until after 2001.


There are often flashbacks that apply the publication date to events that are subject to the Sliding Timescale. For example, All-New X-Men Annual #1 shows a scene where a trip through time ascribes the Fantastic Four's first battle with Galactus to the year 1966. This was the year of publication. This should be considered a homage to the original story's date of publication and not taken literally.

Another example is the dates on Adam Warlock's tombstone in Marvel Two-In-One Annual #2 and other publications that specify a specific date. In that story, the dates of Warlock's life are documented as 1967 to 1977. These dates coincide with the publication dates between his first appearance and his (then current) death. These dates should be considered topical.

Ultimates Vol 3 5 page 12

Galactus represents the time-space continuum and how the past is capable of sliding to the present

In-Universe Explanation

In Ultimates (Vol. 3) #5, Galactus states that the time-space continuum is much more malleable than humans believe. The events that change history have a peculiar weight and are dragged in the wake of the present, positioning events that happened a long time ago merely a handful of years into the past.

Brotherhood of the Shield (Earth-616) from S.H.I.E.L.D

Leonid's gift

A possible cause for this phenomenon is Leonid, who ascends with the Human Machine in S.H.I.E.L.D. (Vol. 2) #6. To resolve a conflict between Michelangelo and Sir Isaac Newton, Leonid modifies the concept of time so that it is an evolving history that constantly rewrites itself to serve not a singular, constant truth, but a greater universal one. "Truth as we make it."


(See Also: Topical Reference, Modern Age)
[top] [Edit Sliding Timescale]

Sorcerers Supreme[]

Doctor Strange and the Sorcerers Supreme Vol 1 2 Textless

The Sorcerers Supreme

Sorcerer Supreme or Sorceress Supreme is a title granted to the "practitioner of the mystic or magic arts who has greater skills than all others or commands a greater portion of the ambient magical energies than any other organism on a given world or "dimension".[citation needed]

By definition, there can be at most two Sorcerer Supremes per world at a time: there will be two Sorcerers Supreme if one of them has greater skills than all others but does not command a greater portion of the ambient magical energies than all other, while the other commands a greater portion of the ambient magical energies than any other but does not have greater skill than all others; there will be no Sorcerer Supreme if there is a tie between two organisms in terms of both their above-mentioned skills or abilities; and there will be one Sorcerer/ess Supreme if the same organism both has greater skills than all others and commands a greater portion of the ambient magical energies than any other.[citation needed]

Prime Marvel Universe Earth[]

Agamotto, circa 1,000,000 BC and 18,000 BC to 15,000 BC[]

Agamotto (Earth-616) from Marvel Legacy Vol 1 1 Deodato Wraparound Variant Textless

Agamotto the All Seeing

The immensely powerful being known as Agamotto the All Seeing, son of the Elder Gods of Earth Oshtur, unofficially served as Earth's first Sorcerer Supreme.[1] Agamotto was also part of an Avengers team around 1,000,000 BC.[2]

Hanuman the Supreme, after the fall of the Elder Ones (exact timeframe unknown)[]

Hanuman the Supreme (Earth-616) from Savage Sword of Conan Vol 1 161 0001

Hanuman the Supreme

After Man eventually wrestled control of the planet from the last of the Elder Ones, soon, at the dawn of civilization, Hanuman, Sorcerer Supreme of the House of Xal, "king" of the shamans of his era, the greatest of all conjurers, and the "father" of the black sciences, acquired the Crystal of the Elder Ones.[3]

Thulsa Doom (exact timeframe unknown)[]

Thulsa Doom (Earth-616) from Savage Avengers Vol 2 4 0001

Thulsa Doom

Thulsa Doom once presented himself (during the Hyborian Age) as the Sorcerer Supreme.[4] Whether he claimed or truly wielded this title during the Hyborian Age, the Pre-Cataclysmic Age, or the Elder Days, remain unrevealed.

Zhered-Na, circa 16,500 BC[]

Zhered-Na (Earth-616) from Marvel Spotlight Vol 1 17 0001


Zhered-Na became the Sorcerer Supreme in the 17th millennium before the common era, but was killed before she was fully trained and ready to assume full duties. Agamotto was so angry over her death, he withdrew himself from humanity for the rest of the millennium.[1]

Hyborian Age[]

Shamhat of Akah Ma'at, circa 15,000 BC to 11,000 BC[]

Among the Bird-Men of Akah Ma'at, the great priestess of Oshtur, Shamhat Saraswati was hand-chosen by Agamotto to serve as his successor as the Sorcerer Supreme.[1][5]

Mekri Ra (exact timeframe unknown)[]
Mekri Ra (Earth-616) from Savage Avengers Vol 1 11 001

Mekri Ra

Mekri Ra was the Sorcerer Supreme for part of the Hyborian Age before being overthrown and cannibalised by Kulan Gath.[6]

Kulan Gath (exact timeframe unknown)[]
Kulan Gath (Impostor) (Earth-616) from Savage Avengers Vol 1 2 001

Kulan Gath

The sorcerer known as Kulan Gath became the Sorcerer Supreme after cannibalizing Mekri Ra.[7] It is unknown if or how he retained this title due to his use of dark magic.

Ayesha, circa 10,000 BC to 6000 BC[]

When a battle between all of Earth's mightiest mages was held to determine the next Sorcerer Supreme, the priestess Ayesha, the Rain Queen of Balobedu emerged as the champion. Ayesha is believed to be the ancient ancestor of Ashake and Ororo Munroe.[1][5]

Hermes Trismegistus, circa 6000 BC to 3000 BC[]

Hermes Trismegistus (Earth-616) from Marvel Tarot Vol 1 1 001

Hermes Trismegistus

In ancient Egypt, a powerful wizard was chosen as the Sorcerer Supreme. With this honor, he changed his name to Hermes Trismegistus and served as the Sorcerer Supreme for nearly 3000 years.[1][5]

Aged Genghis, circa 3000 BC[]

Aged Genghis (Earth-616) from All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z Vol 1 1 001

Aged Genghis

Granted power and wisdom from the Vishanti, the ancient wizard known as Aged Genghis served for a time as the Sorcerer Supreme. Aged Genghis also maintained other duties such as judging the contest of Earth's most powerful magic users to determine who can hold the title of Sorcerer Supreme.[1][5]

Zoroaster, circa 1800 BC to 1300 BC[]

Zoroaster (Earth-616) from Conan the Barbarian Vol 1 129 001


In Persia, the great wizard priest Zoroaster served as the Sorcerer Supreme between 1800 BC to 1300 BC.[1][5]

Salomé, circa 1300 to 1100 BC[]

Semiramis (Earth-616) from Marvel Universe Cards 1994 Set 0001


Salomé, possibly the ancestor of the namesake of the millennia-old line of sorceresses of the same name became the Sorceress Supreme around the thirteenth century BC. Eventually, Salomé's lover was slain in battle and she became insane, leading the Vishanti to banish her from Earth.[1][5]

King Solomon, circa 1000 BC to 800 BC[]

Solomon (Earth-616) from Black Panther Annual Vol 1 1 0001

King Solomon of Israel

Solomon, the legendary King of ancient Israel, was a prophet of the Israelite people and a powerful sorcerer. He was the Sorcerer Supreme for almost 200 years.[1][5]

Queen of Sheba, circa 800 BC to 550 BC[]

Balkis (Earth-616) from Bible Tales for Young People Vol 1 4 001

Balkis, the Queen of Sheba

Following the death of her mentor and paramour, King Solomon, Balkis, Queen of Sheba, took up the mantle of Sorcerer Supreme.[1][5]

The Triumvirate, circa 550 BC to 400 BC[]

In 550 BC, a group of three Greek philosopher sorcerers, Thales the Milesian, Pythagoras of Samos, and Pherecydes of Syros, jointly held the position of Sorcerer Supreme as The Triumvirate. Pythagoras was eventually replaced by Empedocles of Agrigentum and Thales was replaced by Epimenides of Knossos.[1][5]

Caius of Lacedaemons, circa 400 BC to 100 BC[]

After defeating the Triumvirate, Caius of Lacedaemons succeeded them as the Sorcerer Supreme.[1][5]

Zhang Jiao, circa 100 CE[]

In China, the powerful sorcerer Zhang Jiao served as the Sorcerer Supreme and used his power to lead the Yellow Turban Rebellion.[1][5]

Merlin, circa 500 CE[]

Merlyn (Otherworld) from Doctor Strange and the Sorcerers Supreme Vol 1 1 001


Although he initially refused to take the role after winning the conquest,[1] Merlin eventually did take up the position.[8]

Makeen, circa 616 CE[]

Makeen (Earth-616) from Doctor Voodoo Avenger of the Supernatural Vol 1 3 001


Another past African Sorcerer Supreme, Makeen, was shown accompanying former Houngan Supreme, Legba, in the "six hundredth and sixteenth Age of Man" (apparently 616 CE) to prevent the Voodoo god Ogoun from invading the Earthly plane, eventually sacrificing their "living souls" to seal the gateways and turning their physical forms into statues which stand to this day; the Eye of Agamotto and Cloak of Levitation then together left Makeen for their next master, the new Sorcerer Supreme.[9]

Murkfoot, circa 1000 CE[]

Murkfoot (Earth-616) from Avengers Vol 8 38


A Sasquatch known as Murkfoot held the title of sorcerer supreme and was a member of the Avengers of his era. [10][11]

15th to early 20th centuries[]

According to Doctor Strange, the demonic, tentacled Marrakant Hellguard, resistant to Strange's magic, has incinerated every other Sorcerer Supreme since the 1500s (though apparently before the Ancient One's time holding the office) that has confronted it, only to be slain by Strange using Hitler's Handgun, designed to be effective in disposing of mystically-powered opponents.[12]

Ancient One, circa 1450s[]
Yao (Earth-616) from New Avengers Vol 2 3 0001

The Ancient One

Yao, the Ancient One was a mysterious figure who served as Earth's Sorcerer Supreme off and on for centuries.[5][8]

Hiram Shaw, circa 1690s[]
Hiram Shaw (Earth-616) from X-Men Hellfire Club Vol 1 1 002

Rev. Hiram Shaw

In Salem, Massachusetts, Reverend Hiram Shaw, an ancestor of Sebastian Shaw, was the Sorcerer Supreme.[13]

Isaac Newton, circa 1700s[]
Isaac Newton (Earth-616) from Doctor Strange and the Sorcerers Supreme Vol 1 2 001

Sir Isaac Newton

Sir Isaac Newton rose to the position of Sorcerer Supreme.[14]

Demon Rider, circa mid to late 1800s[]
Kushala (Earth-616) from Doctor Strange and the Sorcerers Supreme Vol 1 3

Kushala, the Demon Rider

Kushala the Demon Rider was an Apache woman possessed by Spirit of Vengeance after the massacre of her people. Following her possession, she searched the world learning different magical forms and eventually became the Sorcerer Supreme.[15][16]

Nina the Conjuror, circa 1950s[]
Nina (Sorcerer Supreme) (Earth-616) from Doctor Strange and the Sorcerers Supreme Vol 1 1 001

Nina the Conjurer

The mysterious woman only known as Nina the Conjurer was trained in magic by her brother, João.[17] Around the mid-20th century, she won the title of Sorcerer Supreme while enhancing her magical abilities while searching for her brother who was imprisoned by Merlin.[8][17]

Stephen Strange[]
William Kaplan (Earth-616) and Stephen Strange (Earth-616) from New Avengers Vol 1 51 001

Ex-Master of the Mystic Arts

Stephen Strange (Earth-616) and William Kaplan (Earth-616) from New Avengers Vol 1 51 001

Victor von Doom?

Strange first got the title after the transcendence of his mentor, the Ancient One.[18] This was later reaffirmed when he was the winner of the Trial of the Vishanti.[19]

Brother Voodoo[]
Jericho Drumm (Earth-616) from New Avengers Vol 1 53 001

Brother Voodoo

For a short time, having failed in his duties, Strange no longer held the title and decided to pass on his title for another of a purer heart. A new Sorcerer Supreme was chosen after the Eye of Agamotto automatically displayed to Strange and the New Avengers at least thirty-five images of "those who would replace" Strange, suspended in floating and shimmering blue bubbles of light, before the Eye itself vanished from Strange. At the end, after Dormammu, the Hood and their forces worked to attack the New Avengers, the Son of Satan, and Doctor Strange, the new Sorcerer Supreme of the Marvel Universe was revealed to be Brother Voodoo, the Haitian Houngan Supreme who has worked with Strange in the past, who now bore the Eye as a symbol of his new position and intervened with a potent display of his own firepower.[20] Drumm assumed the title, despite his lacking in knowledge of outer fields of magic beyond his own, having been appointed by the joint choice of the Vishanti and the Ancient One, due to his soul being the most pure and deserving.[21] The title was returned to Doctor Strange after Drumm's (temporary) death.[22]

Doctor Strange Vol 1 381 Textless


Loki became the Sorcerer Supreme after having been granted the title by the Vishanti after a tournament, despite not participating in the tournament, let alone winning it. The Vishanti said that "It has been decided that a mortal can no longer fulfill the role of Sorcerer Supreme" due to an unspecified looming threat and that they sensed in Loki a desire to be better, "Restraint. Regret. Atonement." They were also displeased with the previous title holder and tournament winner Doctor Strange. This was later revealed to be an elaborate illusion orchestrated by Loki to become Sorcerer Supreme who believed that Strange wasn't ready to for the looming threats that were going to endanger the Earth. After feuding with Strange and forced to work together with him to subdue the Void, Loki gave Strange back his position as Sorcerer Supreme.[23]

Other planes[]

Clea, Sorcerer Supreme of the Dark Dimension[]

Strange Vol 3 1 Campbell Virgin Variant


The Sorceress Supreme of the Dark Dimension, the realm to which Dormammu had been banished, is Clea, disciple and lover of Doctor Strange.[24]

Illyana Rasputina, Sorcerer Supreme of Limbo[]

X-Men Vol 5 6 Parillo Virgin Variant


The current Sorceress Supreme of the demonic Limbo is the mutant Magik (Illyana Rasputin).[24]

Aggamon, Sorcerer Supreme of the Purple Dimension[]

Aggamon (Earth-616) from Death of Doctor Strange Vol 1 2


The Sorcerer Supreme of the Purple Dimension, a less well-known pocket realm based in old Doctor Strange stories, where green-skinned humanoids abduct humans as slaves, is Aggamon.[24]

Margali Szardos, Sorcerer Supreme of the Winding Road[]

Margali Szardos (Earth-616) from Nightcrawler Vol 4 3 001

Margali of the Winding Way

The Sorceress Supreme of the Winding Road (and former Sorceress Supreme of Earth) is Margali Szardos, a sorceress with power enough to proclaim herself as the Sorceress Supreme.[25]

Tiboro, Sorcerer Supreme of the Sixth Dimension[]

Tiboro (Earth-616) from Vengeance Vol 1 5 0001


Tiboro is the Sorcerer Supreme of the Sixth Dimension, and owns a strangely-shaped wand that fires an ectoplasmic ray, powered by lightning.[24]

Shanzar, Sorcerer Supreme of the Strange Matter Dimension[]

Shanzar (Earth-616) from All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z Vol 1 10 0001


Shanzar is the Sorcerer Supreme of the Strange Matter dimension, a mystic realm visited by Doctor Strange.[26]

Xhoohx, Sorcerer Supreme of Tunnelworld[]

Xhoohx (Earth-616) from Defenders Vol 73 001


Xhoohx was the Sorcerer Supreme of Tunnelworld before he sacrificed himself to save Doctor Strange from the evil sorcerer Ytitnedion.[27]

Magister Szandor Sozo, Sorcerer Supreme of the Thirteenth Dimension[]

Szandor Sozo (Earth-616) from Doctor Strange Vol 4 1 001

Szandor Sozo

Magister Szandor Sozo of the Thirteenth Dimension was one of the many Sorcerers Supreme killed in the Empirikul's crusade to destroy magic. He used the Eye of Thelema to send a warning to all other Sorcerers Supreme before being torn apart by Witchfinder Wolves.[28]

Moridun, Sorcerer Supreme of the Fifth Cosmos[]

New Avengers Vol 4 4 Textless


Moridun was the Sorcerer Supreme of the Fifth Cosmos, the multiverse where magic and sorcery were first formed. It was prophesied that Moridun would see the end of the Fifth Cosmos and enter the Sixth as Omnimax, its iteration of the Devourer of Worlds. Eventually, his ghost would find its way to the Eighth as well.[29]


Magister Miracle (Earth-616), Zelatrix Lavey (Earth-616) and Lords of Wyrd (Earth-616) from Doctor Strange Vol 4 3 001

The corpses of Magister Miracle, Zelatrix Lavey, and the Lords of Wyrd

During the magic-hunting crusade of the Empirikul, they killed several Sorcerers Supreme, including Magister Miracle of the 18th Dimension, Zelatrix Lavey of the Lower Aether, and the Lords of Wyrd from Beyond the Purple Veil.[30]

Doctor Strange later stated that he buried seventeen Sorcerers Supreme, and that after spelling a call to all the Sorcerers Supreme, no one answered the call.[31]

The Sorcerer Supreme Merlin once gathered together a group of Sorcerers Supreme from various dimensions and timelines to assist Yao in achieving immortality.[32]

Selection and Succession[]

Marvel Tarot Vol 1 1 page 007

Ian McNee notes on the succession of the Sorcerer Supreme

As has been stated many times by various characters, there cannot be any permanent Sorcerer or Sorceress Supreme of a dimension/reality; eventually, the office would pass on to another, with one's will or without. However, one could be a master of the mystic arts (such as Baron Mordo or Morgan Le Fay) and not hold the title. Each existent reality of the Marvel Multiverse appears to be defended by a Sorcerer or Sorceress Supreme, though certain dimensions linked to each reality does not (such as Asgard or Olympus). Urthona was the Sorcerer Supreme of his home planet Gevaltu within the Earth-616 dimension, but sought to become the Sorcerer Supreme of the entire universe by overpowering the one that had currently held that position, Doctor Strange, though his efforts eventually failed.

It appears possible that holders of the position of Sorcerer or Sorceress Supreme in other universes or dimensional planes are capable of becoming candidates for the Marvel Universe's. Dormammu has also claimed destroying the most recent Sorcerer Supreme would grant the killer the title in his stead. The Eye of Agamotto, along with other magical objects, are not automatically removed or given to the new Sorcerer Supreme or candidates even after the former one has fallen from the station.[33] The Sorcerer Supreme can also "surrender," "lose" or "bestow" his position upon others of worthiness (as well as inheriting it from the former Sorcerer Supreme), though is also capable of taking it back multiple times after such a loss, as Strange has done various times in the past. Taking back the office has also been accomplished by Salomé of the Fallen, even without a contest between the universe's major mages of power. One can become a Sorcerer Supreme against one's will, as shown in a divergent reality of Earth-938, as done to Stephen Strange by the dying Doctor Doom, though conventionally and under normal circumstances, one must first consent to accept the challenge and the responsibilities coming with the station, as voiced by the Ancient One and Agamotto through the Eye. Religion also does not appear to be a significant factor in the determination of the role of Sorcerer Supreme, as made evident when Brother Voodoo, of the Haitian faith, was chosen by the arcane deity Agamotto through his Eye and the spirit of the Ancient One, despite Drumm's worship of the Loas; in fact, the presence of Voodoo's spirit brother also appeared to be included in this responsibility, instead of a hindrance in the selection. Once, on Earth-148, the Sorcerer Supreme Necrom, while holding values opposite to those of most other Sorcerers Supreme, even worked with the dark arts, including necromancy, apparently indicating not all Sorcerers Supreme throughout the Marvel Multiverse must be pure in order to hold the title. There is also some kind of sign, test or initiation one must survive (though survival is not guaranteed, even if one is chosen for the office) to truly take up the mantle of Sorcerer Supreme. It is possible for even moderately-proficient mages to steal the magical powers of a Sorcerer Supreme against his will, as Nicodemus did to Doctor Strange; however, one must also possess considerable mental discipline as the Sorcerer Supreme, or else one would be overwhelmed by the sheer power and vast mystical awareness that belonged to the office-holder. Never before has the Houngan Supreme of Haiti served as the Sorcerer Supreme before Jericho Drumm.[34]

The Vishanti are apparently the ones who select the current Sorcerer Supreme of the Marvel Universe, as it was they who gave great magical power to the Aged Genghis shortly after humanity's dawn in return for his summoning together the greatest mystics in the world every century for a tournament to determine the Sorcerer Supreme, affirmed by the Vishanti themselves. The Vishanti were also the ones who stripped Strange of the Sorcerer Supreme title in the past and, while finding her repulsive, made Salomé Sorceress Supreme once again. Strange competed against a dozen others, including Doctor Doom, to retain his own position, and ultimately triumphed. The Vishanti have rarely been called upon for power by those other than the Sorcerers Supreme Doctor Strange and the Ancient One, and, on one instance, Clea, Strange's disciple. When Mockingbird asked Doctor Strange whether a "bad" person (or, as Strange says, one who abuses their magic for personal gain), by the context of their society, could possibly obtain the office, Strange replied that, "Good, bad, they have no real meaning here...not in this context."[35]

The new Sorcerer Supreme has been shown to be benevolent in nature, as Dormammu has mentioned to the Hood that the spells of Earth's Sorcerer Supreme bar him from entering their plane, thus confirming neither the Hood nor Dormammu received the title;[36] as Strange lost both the title and the power to maintain or work such spells long before the Reign, this refers to the new Sorcerer Supreme. However, the new Sorcerer Supreme still has "a lot to learn" and must learn what he requires from Spider-Man, ruling out Doom, Mordo, Loki, Harkness or Clea as the new Sorcerer Supreme.[37]


Sorcerers Supreme Joining Together

Five Sorcerer Supremes joining together

The Sorcerer or Sorceress Supreme is functionally immortal, having the immortality conferred upon him or her after their ascension. Such a being with the role does not age nor succumb to medical diseases after a trial with Death, which they are forbidden to fight evoking the power of the Vishanti, (in which one does not truly destroy Death itself, but truly accepts one's own mortality), though he can be killed; the Sorcerer or Sorceress Supreme has access to the near-unlimited power of the Vishanti, the Octessence, and various other Principalities, as well as granted possession of such powerful mystic items ("gifts") as the Eye of Agamotto, Orb of Agamotto, Wand of Watoomb, and the Cloak of Levitation, along with "books of knowledge" to help the Sorcerer Supreme train for his or her quests, such as the Book of the Vishanti.[citation needed]


  • The term "Sorcerer Supreme" for Earth's supreme mystic protector was stated to allegedly not having been used from the beginning,[38] though Agamotto was seen using it one million years ago.[2] It even further proven that the term was used at the beginning as Ajak coined the term when she met Agamotto one million years ago.[39]
  • According to Ian McNee, there is conflicting information, with evidence to support both theories,[40] as to whether the Sorcerer Supreme is appointed to protect Earth,[41][42] or all of Earth dimension.[43] McNee wondered whether or not there is a Sorcerer Supreme for each solar system (or area of these solar systems).[40]
  • The Marrakant Hellguard allegedly incinerated every Sorcerer Supreme who confronted it since the 1500s (save for Doctor Strange who killed it).[12]
  • During the Dark Reign, when a new Sorcerer Supreme was to be chosen, possible candidates included: Brother Voodoo, Doctor Doom, The Hood, Nico Minoru, Magik, the Ghost Rider, Wiccan, Druid (the son of the late mystic Doctor Druid), Baron Mordo, Ian McNee and Scarlet Witch (or possibly the Asgardian Loki in her guise), Storm, Clea, Spiral, Selene, Agatha Harkness (unclear whether deceased or still living), and even Dormammu. Though Daimon Hellstrom and Jennifer Kale were both deemed suitable candidates, it appeared that they were not destined to hold the title, and instead united to confront a threat so deadly it is worthy of a Sorcerer Supreme to handle. Marvel has described the candidates on its own official website, (as well as in interviews), as well as stating the pros and cons of each one.[44][45] Clea is said by Marvel to be the most likely candidate thus far for the role of Sorceress Supreme of the Marvel Universe, with the odds of 5-1.[44] Formerly, during the Trial of the Vishanti, Khalid Inshallah, Jules St. Thomas, "Screamer," Sen-Yu, Tareva, and Wai Chee Yee, along with at least four other unnamed mystics were also deemed worthy candidates for the office, chosen as most learned in the ways of sorcery by the Aged Genghis.[citation needed]


  1. ↑ 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 Marvel Tarot #1
  2. ↑ 2.0 2.1 Avengers (Vol. 8) #1
  3. ↑ Savage Sword of Conan #161 ; Call of the Howling Shadows
  4. ↑ Conan the Barbarian #202
  5. ↑ 5.00 5.01 5.02 5.03 5.04 5.05 5.06 5.07 5.08 5.09 5.10 5.11 Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #7 ; Journals of Ian McNee
  6. ↑ Savage Avengers #11
  7. ↑ Savage Avengers #3
  8. ↑ 8.0 8.1 8.2 Doctor Strange and the Sorcerers Supreme #1
  9. ↑ Doctor Voodoo: Avenger of the Supernatural #3
  10. ↑ King Thor #4
  11. ↑ Avengers (Vol. 8) #61
  12. ↑ 12.0 12.1 Doctor Strange: The Oath #4
  13. ↑ X-Men: Hellfire Club #1
  14. ↑ Doctor Strange and the Sorcerers Supreme #1–5
  15. ↑ Doctor Strange and the Sorcerers Supreme #3
  16. ↑ War of the Realms: Journey Into Mystery #4
  17. ↑ 17.0 17.1 Doctor Strange and the Sorcerers Supreme #4
  18. ↑ Marvel Premiere #12
  19. ↑ Doctor Strange and Doctor Doom: Triumph and Torment #1
  20. ↑ New Avengers #54
  21. ↑ New Avengers #53–60
  22. ↑ New Avengers (Vol. 2) #34
  23. ↑ Doctor Strange #385
  24. ↑ 24.0 24.1 24.2 24.3 Death of Doctor Strange #5
  25. ↑
  26. ↑ Incredible Hulk #371
  27. ↑ Xhoohx at the Marvel Appendix
  28. ↑ Doctor Strange (Vol. 4) #1
  29. ↑ Defenders (Vol. 6) #2–3
  30. ↑ Doctor Strange (Vol. 4) #3
  31. ↑ Doctor Strange (Vol. 4) #4
  32. ↑ Doctor Strange and the Sorcerers Supreme #12
  33. ↑ New Avengers #52–54
  34. ↑
  35. ↑ New Avengers #53
  36. ↑ Marvel Zombies 4 #2
  37. ↑ New Avengers #55
  38. ↑ Vampires: The Marvel Undead #1 ; Varnae's entry
  39. ↑ Eternals: Celestia #1
  40. ↑ 40.0 40.1 Marvel Tarot #1 ; Sorcerers Supreme
  41. ↑ Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #3 ; Angels' profile
  42. ↑ Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #7 ; Magic - History of the Sorcerer Supreme
  43. ↑ Doctor Strange: The End #1
  44. ↑ 44.0 44.1
  45. ↑

See also[]


A living or once-living being's life essence, consciousness, or spirit.

(See Also: Glossary:Soul Molecule, Glossary:Astral Body, Ghosts, Wikipedia article)
[top] [Edit Soul]

Space Warp

Stargate from Uncanny X-Men Vol 1 483 0001
A natural or artificially created nexus leading from one point in space through hyperspace into another point in space. Also called a stargate.

(See Also: Hyperspace and Nexus)
[top] [Edit Space Warp]


A spoiler is any piece of information that reveals plot elements which some people may wish to remain unrevealed so that they may enjoy the source material to its fullest extent, without having any previous knowledge of the outcome. Some examples of spoilers would be the death of a major character or an unexpected plot twist.

For information on how spoilers are treated on the Marvel Database, see Marvel Database:Spoilers.

[top] [Edit Spoiler]

Story Arc

A Story Arc is typically one or more consecutive comic book issues which define a story with a beginning, middle and end. One or more Story Arcs may or may not make up a Storyline.

For our collection of currently added Story Arcs, please see Story Arcs and Story Arc Categories

(See Also: Storyline)
[top] [Edit Story Arc]


A Storyline is typically several comic book issues that cover a long story. They are typically made up of one or more Story Arcs, and often cover the prelude to an event, the event itself, and the post-event epilogue.

(See Also: Story Arc, Event)
[top] [Edit Storyline]


Fantastic Four The End Vol 1 5 Textless

The ability to stretch your body far above the length you normally could. The user is or can become extremely malleable and elastic, allowing them to stretch, flatten, deform, expand, and contract their whole body, including limbs, torso, neck, etc. They can control how elastic/flexible they or parts of them are, allowing user to change their bodies into various tools or other constructs. They are extremely hard to wound or hurt due to their body reflexively absorbing damage by stretching with attacks, but may still feel pain.

People with this super power:

[top] [Edit Stretching]

Skrull Infiltration Ritual

Criti Noll (Earth-616) from Mighty Avengers Vol 1 15 0001

The Skrull Infiltration Ritual was a mixture of science and magic that imbued the Skrull with the powers and memories of the selected subject from multiple templates, effectively turning those who underwent the rite of passage into a Super Skrull.[1]

This allowed the Skrull subject to go undetected in human form by Iron Man's technological scans, Charles Xavier's mental scans, Spider-Man's Spider-Sense, Wolverine's animal senses, or any other conceivable forms of detection. So subtle and powerful is this form of concealment neither Doctor Strange can detect the Skrull with the Spell of Tartashi, nor could the Elder God-powered Scarlet Witch using Xavier's psychic powers delve past the memory blocks.[2]

Among the ways to get through the cloaking were the prophetic powers of the Olympian goddess Urania.[3]

It also trapped H'rpra in Mephisto's Realm believing herself to be Mockingbird.[4]

[top] [Edit Skrull Infiltration Ritual]

Skrull Language


Various alien languages in comics may be represented by lettering typefaces where normal text is substituted with fictional letters. When the substitution is consistent, it is possible to decipher such alien text. Marvel's letterers began using such ciphered alien language in 2002 with Doop's dialogue in X-Force. Several more styles were introduced in 2008's Secret Invasion event to represent the speech of the Skrulls. One of the most prominent Skrull languages seen in this event would be reused over the years in many other contexts, including to represent languages of other alien cultures and occasionally arcane incantations.

Deviant Skrulls and Abigail Thanriaguiaxus (Earth-616) from Secret Invasion Vol 1 5 001
This cipher is complicated by the reuse of many of its characters to represent different upper and lowercase English letters as well as punctuation and special characters. Much of the key could be derived from a page sequence in Secret Invasion Vol 1 5 in which Abigail Brand converses with Skrulls in their language and captions provide the translations for the reader. Context makes it possible to decipher further passages and fill out the key, though there are still some letters that have yet to be seen.

[top] [Edit Skrull Language]


Fantastic Four Vol 1 264

The Subterraneans consist of various races, each created by the Deviants and living under the surface of the Earth. They were created as slaves but when their masters left they were free to form their own society. Mole-Man became the leader of the land when he made Subterranea his home.

The Subterranean Races

  • Gortokians (extinct) - The first slave race created by the Deviants. They rebelled and formed their own society. The civilization was wiped by the first Atomic tests performed by the humans.
  • Lava Men - Some of the Gortokians worshipped the demon and were transformed into Lava creatures.
  • Moloids - The second race created by the Deviants as slaves. When the Deviants left them they were split into two groups:
  • Molans
  • Lizard Men
  • Deviant Mutates

[top] [Edit Subterraneans]

Super Hero

A + X Vol 1 1-4 Textless (Combined Covers)
General information

[top] [Edit Super Hero]
A Super Hero is a character who is noted for feats of courage and nobility and who usually has a colorful name and costume which serve to conceal their true identity, and abilities beyond those of normal human beings. A female superhero is sometimes called a superheroine, although this term has fallen out of favor in the modern era.

The word superhero originated with Superman, who debuted in 1938, and the stories of superheroes - ranging from episodic adventures to decades-long sagas - have become an entire genre of fiction that has dominated American comic books and crossed over into several other media.

See Also


Captain America Vol 9 4 MK20 Virgin Variant

Super-soldier is a term often used to describe a soldier that operates beyond normal physical and mental limits of humanity. Super-soldiers are common in comic books.

Super-soldiers are usually heavily augmented, either through genetic engineering, cybernetic implants, drugs, brainwashing, an extreme training regimen (usually with high casualty rates, and starting from birth), or other scientific means or a combination of any of those. Occasionally, some instances also use paranormal methods, such as black magic. The creators of such programs are viewed often as mad scientists or stern military men, depending on the emphasis, as their programs will typically go past ethical boundaries in the pursuit of science/ military might.[citation needed]

Since 1941 more than 500 known attempts have tried to create another super-soldier comparable to Captain America. Fewer than ten subjects are alive.[4]

Kree Super-Soldiers

Similarly, the Kree Empire has attempted to created "super-soldiers" of their own, including Captain Glory (Gla-Ree) (gene-modded to not feel any guilt on the field),[5] Shatterstar (Arides) (the prototype of super-soldiers developed using photometric sciences),[6] or Noh-Varr (gene-perfected with insect DNA).[7]

A list of Kree Super-Soldiers is available here.

Though never referred to as a "super-soldier" so far, the Kree warrior Tel-Kar could likely be considered as such, as he was trained and genetically modified for his body to fully integrate with the Symbiotes later known as Venom.[8]

[top] [Edit Super-Soldier]


In Marvel Comics the term superhuman is part of a "power classification system" and applies to aptitude (usually physical) far beyond the range attainable by normal human beings. An athlete is a normal human in extraordinary physical condition, such as a weight lifter or boxer. Peak human is applied to physical abilities that are nearly, but not quite, beyond the limits of the best of humans. Enhanced human refers to superhuman abilities some distance beyond the limits of humans, such as being able to lift a small car but not a tank, and is a kind of term for "light" superhuman abilities. Then comes the term superhuman. Characters with a superhuman attribute are far beyond normal human abilities. There is also a range beyond superhuman and this is metahuman. As the enhanced human level is really just a term for a low superhuman ability, metahuman is a term for a high superhuman ability.

Marvel A-Z OHOTMU Stat reference sheet distinguishes between the different categories of superhuman attributes and powers:

OHOTMU Stat Reference 1992

(See Also: Superhuman Strength, Mutate, Mutant, Power Grid, Supersoldier, Super Hero, Super Villain)
[top] [Edit Superhuman]

Pietro Maximoff (Earth-616) from Marvel Masterpieces (Trading Cards) 1996 001


Superhuman Speed is the ability to move much faster than the average member of their species, some near or at the speed of sound, or even faster.

However, this power is not without any ill effects, as it can strain the body, although some users may be resistant or even immune to the effects of high speed travel, including friction, g-force, inertia, etc.

Notable Characters that have superhuman speed[]

Cindy Moon (Earth-616) from Spider-Woman Vol 5 2 001


For a list of all Characters with Superhuman Speed see here


Referring to a skill, ability, or power that is outside the parameters of achievement by ordinary humanoid beings. It is also a term used for any humanoid being who possesses such a skill, ability, or power.

[top] [Edit Superhumanoid]

Super Villain

Secret Avengers Vol 1 31 Textless

A Super Villain is a variant of the villain character type, commonly found in comic books. Super Villains concoct complex and ambitious schemes to accumulate power and suppress adversaries. They often have colorful names and costumes and/or other eccentricities. Female Super Villains are sometimes known as Super Villainesses.

Super Villains are often used as foils to Super Heroes and other fictional heroes. Their extraordinary brainpower and/or superhuman abilities make them viable antagonists for the most gifted heroes.

See Also

[top] [Edit Super Villain]

Suspended animation

Steven Rogers (Earth-929) from What If..

Suspended animation or "Cryostasis" is the slowing of life processes by external means without termination. Breathing, heartbeat, and other involuntary functions may still occur, but they can only be detected by artificial means. Extreme cold is used to precipitate the slowing of an individual's functions.

  • Captain America fell into the Arctic Ocean at the end of World War II and was miraculously preserved until the present day. His survival was attributed to the Super-Soldier Serum coursing through his veins.[1]
  • Winter Soldier also fell into the Arctic Ocean, but was instead recovered by the Soviet Union. While he was clinically dead when they recovered him, because the freezing water preserved his body at or near death, they succeeded in resuscitating him. They subsequently brainwashed him into being their assassin, the Winter Soldier, and started freezing him between missions in the 1950s, both to keep him under control and to preserve his youth and strength for future missions.[2]
James Barnes (Earth-616) from Captain America Vol 5 2 0004
  • William Burnside and Jack Monroe, the Cap and Bucky of the 50s, were forcefully placed in suspension by the American government. Jack later went on to become the hero Nomad after being unfrozen, and was even the real Captain America's partner for a little while.[3] Nomad was placed back into suspended animation years later.[4]
  • Vance Astro spent 1,000 years in suspended animation for a slower-than-light trip to Alpha Centauri. He was dismayed to find that Earth had invented hyperdrive and beaten him there by several centuries. The long time he spent in the tube had preserved his body, as he had a full-body suit to prevent his body from being exposed to the elements and aging.[5]
  • Iron Man, after suffering massive neurological damage, faked his death and preserved his body via cryogenics.[6]
  • Omega Red, who was cryogenically frozen after his superiors decided he was too dangerous to control.[7]
  • Frankenstein's Monster was twice found encased in ice, first in 1898 and then the 1970s, leading up to his introduction to modern times.[8]

[top] [Edit Suspended animation]

Supreme Power

Jonathan Richards (Earth-967) from Fantastic Four Vol 1 408 001

Called the Supreme Power by Hyperstorm, that ability is the power to manipulate the four fundamental forces of the universe (gravitation, electromagnetic, strong, and weak forces) that come from hyperspace.[1]

This power allows its wielder to perform a variety of feats including vast energy and matter manipulation.[1]

(See Also: Glossary:Hyperspace)

[top] [Edit Supreme Power]

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