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Lei Ling (Earth-616) from Aero Vol 1 1 001

Aerokinesis is the ability to manipulate air and gases. The user can create, shape and manipulate air, the common name given to the layer of atmospheric gases and various compounds (mostly oxygen and nitrogen) surrounding the planet Earth that is retained by Earth's gravity, and wind, movement of air relative to the surface of the planet. It is an important factor in determining and controlling climate and weather, and the generating force of most ocean and freshwater waves. Wind occurs because of horizontal and vertical differences in atmospheric pressure, and include breezes, squalls, gusts, whirlwinds, zephyrs, gales, tempests, and hurricanes.

Known Users

See more here

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Blackagar Boltagon (Earth-616), Lockjaw (Earth-616), Maximus Boltagon (Earth-616), and Thanos (Earth-616) from Infinity Vol 1 3

Acoustikinesis or sometimes called Acoustokinesis is the ability to manipulate sound and sound waves. Sound is a periodic disturbance of the medium air, ground, water, etc. Sound radiates outward in straight lines in the form of a pressure wave. The effect these waves produce upon the ear is perceived as sound. From the point of view of physics, sound is considered to be the waves of vibratory motion themselves, whether or not they are heard by the human ear. A person with Acoustikinesis can intensify, hush, and distort, as well warp, strengthen, echo, speed up, and slow down sound, using it as a powerful physical force and high-speed movement. At low frequencies, sound is potentially fatal to living beings by causing internal damage, while high frequencies cannot be heard by normal humans but can be used for sonar-like effects. Since sound vibrations can travel through the air, ground, water and any form of medium, defense by using physical barriers is difficult. The vibrations can also affect at a molecular level.

Notable Characters with Acoustikinesis

A full list of characters with Acoustikinesis can be found here.

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Aliens from Thor Vol 1 335 001

(1.) A being who originates elsewhere than Earth.
(2.) Of or having to do with a place other than Earth.

An alien (or "extraterrestrial") is a being that originates outside of Earth. The universe is teeming with alien life forms, the number of which is incalculable.

Because the denizens of Earth have not yet perfected a practical faster-than-light stardrive enabling interstellar travel, the majority of the alien races encountered by Earth people are those races who have mastered interstellar travel themselves and have visited Earth. Due to the fact that the Earth's solar system is near a natural warp-space access point, there has been a high incidence of alien visitation since before human life first appeared. Indeed, numerous advanced civilizations left outposts on Earth during prehistory, including the Kree, the Lumina, the Arcturans, and the Celestials. In the 20th Century, alien visitation reached epidemic proportions with well over eighty different alien races dispatching exploratory parties and, in some cases, armadas to Earth. The Earth has been of particular interest to the warring Kree and Skrull Empires, since the Earth would be a strategic military outpost from which to launch attacks on the other. One of the main factors accounting for the increase in the extraterrestrial investigation of Earth is the explosive growth of Earth beings who through mutation or transformation have demonstrated superhuman capacities. No other races of beings have manifested such a vast variety of powers as Earth people, and many races are curious to determine why. (The human race's capacity for benevolent mutation is a legacy of the alien Celestials who examined the genetic material of human beings at the dawn of man.) It is these superhuman beings who have been so phenomenally successful thwarting the selfish designs of the scores of alien invaders. Virtually every superhuman champion on Earth has had at least one extraterrestrial encounter.[citation needed]

The majority of the alien races documented here have humanoid configurations (bilaterally symmetrical, upright posture, two arms, two legs, brain located in head). Some are astonishingly similar to the human race, being virtually indistinguishable until the cellular level. Other races resemble humanoid versions of other Earthly animals, such as lizards, skunks, insects, fish, and so on. The reason for this staggering similarity in phenotypes among races evolving on countless worlds separated by millions of light years is not known. A being called "Xorr the God-Jewel" once claimed that the "seeds" of all humanoid faces were contained within Xorri, the now-extinct race that formed the jewel. The validity of this claim is questionable, but it is also unlikely that the vast similarities among certain races can be attributed to parallel evolution. There must something to account for so many coincidences among these alien races, but as yet there is no indication what it is. It is possible that humanoid races do not dominate the universe as it would appear, and that it is mere happenstance that the majority of the alien races Earth has encountered are humanoid.[citation needed]

See Also

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Alter ego

An alter ego (from Latin, "other I") is another self, a second personality or persona within a person. The term is commonly used in comic books, for the secret identity of a Super Hero and Super Villain.

An alter ego is usually used by Super Heroes to conceal their identities in order to protect their friends and family from harm at the hands of their enemies, whereas supervillians usually

have an alter ego to make sure they don't get arrested.

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Alternate Earth

Multiverse from Avengers Assemble Omega Vol 1 1 001

Multiple alternate Earths

An alternate Earth is a version of the planet Earth which exists within Earthspace in the context of alternate realities. Alternate Earths generally share the same physical characteristics, natural phenomena, and to some extent, life forms and history.

Since most stories in fiction take place on Earth, this planet is arbitrarily regarded as the nucleus of the reality it belongs. Because of this, the term "alternate Earth" is often used interchangeably with "alternate reality."

(See Also: Alternate Reality, Earth)
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Alternate Future

Space-Time Continuum from Avengers Vol 4 2 001

An alternate future is an alternate reality set in a point forward in time compared to the Prime Marvel Universe. In most cases, alternate futures diverged from the Prime Marvel Universe through a specific sequence of events. Some examples of alternate futures include:

(See Also: Alternate Reality, Category:Earth-616 Diverged Realities)
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Alternate Reality

Multiverse from Infinity Countdown Captain Marvel Vol 1 1 001

An alternate reality (also known as a parallel reality) is a reality that co-exists separately from another within the Multiverse (a collection of realities). Generally speaking, alternate realities contain variants of the dimensions that make up any given reality. Normally, each reality contains an Earthspace, an Asgard, a Negative Zone, and so on.[1] Because the Earth (and thus the universe it inhabits) is arbitrarily regarded as the nucleus of the reality it belongs to, the term "Earth," "universe" and "dimension" are normally used as synonyms for "reality." The same applies to the terms "alternate Earth," "alternate universe" and "alternate dimension" with regards to alternate realities.

Within the context of Marvel, the term "alternate reality" is used to refer to another fictional reality that isn't the one in which most of Marvel's stories take place, this reality in particular being Earth-616, where the Prime Marvel Universe exists. Realities are formally assigned a numeric designation for better categorization and identification. The Prime Marvel Universe is also known as Earth-616, the Ultimate Universe is Earth-1610, the Marvel Cinematic Universe is Earth-199999, and so on. For a list of realities, click here. While these designations use the prefix "Earth-" instead of "Reality-," it should be noted that "Earth-811" makes reference to the reality itself and not just the planet Earth of this reality.

As mentioned above, alternate realities usually share many elements between each other, but they stand out by how they differentiate from each other. Alternate realities can be different from each other in many ways and to different degrees. If two realities share the same backstory but one of them diverges from the other at a specific event, this reality is better known as a divergent/alternate timeline. For example, in the Prime Marvel Universe, Spider-Man failed to save Gwen Stacy from dying at the hands of the Green Goblin. In the divergent reality of Earth-7736 he succeeded at rescuing her.

In other cases, a reality can share inherent differences from another. The aforementioned Ultimate Universe features many of the same characters from the Prime Marvel Universe, but reinvented and with different backstories. In this reality, Peter Parker was bitten by a genetically-modified spider instead of an spider that was accidentally irradiated, the counterpart to the Prime Marvel Universe's Avengers are a militaristic task-force called the Ultimates, and the Fantastic Four were much younger than their versions from the Prime Marvel Universe, for instance.

(See Also: Multiverse, Omniverse, Reality, Divergence)

  1. ↑ Omniverse: A Glossary of Terms The Appendix to the Handbook of the Marvel Universe. Retrieved on 19 November 2019.

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Alternate Universe

An alternate universe is the common term to refer to an Earthspace in the context of alternate realities. Generally speaking, alternate universes contain on a macro level the same elements present in other Earth universes (including our own): their own planet Earth, their own Solar System, their own Milky Way, and so on.

It should be noted that all spatially-infinite dimensions are technically speaking an alternate/parallel universe to a given Earthspace. However, the term of "alternate universe" is reserved to the infinity of variants of any given Earthspace that also such.[1]

(See Also: Alternate Reality, Universe)

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Loki Laufeyson (Kid Loki) (Earth-616) and Thor Odinson (Earth-616) from Thor Vol 1 617 001


All Asgardians,[1] and other deities in the Marvel Universe,[citation needed] can speak every language thanks to the "Allspeak"[citation needed] or "All-Tongue", in which what they say is understood by every species in their own native language.[1]

Ghost (Earth-616), Calvin Zabo (Earth-616) and Satana Hellstrom (Earth-616) from Dark Avengers Vol 1 176 001
Thunderbolts (Earth-616) from Dark Avengers Vol 1 176 001

Man-Thing speaking X'zelzi'ohr


When Man-Thing was granted speech again he spoke the language of X'zelzi'ohr, the universal language. Everyone heard him in a way they were accustomed to, meaning he spoke "American" to the likes of Satana and Moonstone, but was concise and to the point for Ghost, a lewd Englishman to Mr. Hyde, and a total thug to Boomerang.[2]

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Gammon (Earth-616) from Hulk Vol 3 11 001

An artificial being designed to resemble a human being in as many ways as possible, and whose physiology and life functions replicate and mimic those of human beings as closely as possible. Compare with robot and synthezoid.

(See Also: Category:Robots)
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Original Sin Vol 1 4 Dell'Otto Variant Textless
An anti-hero has widely come to mean a character who has some characteristics that are antithetical to those of the traditional hero. An anti-hero in today's comic books will perform acts generally deemed "heroic," but will do so with methods, manners, or intentions that may not be heroic.

(See Also: Super Hero, Super Villain)
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Negative Zone from Heroes Reborn The Return Vol 1 4 001
Matter composed of particles that are the counterparts of the particles composing positive matter (the matter of which this universe is composed), but have opposite charges; e.g., anti-protons instead of protons, and positrons instead of electrons. Should positive matter come in contact with an equal amount of antimatter, both will be annihilated and converted to energy. Anti-Matter makes up most of the Negative Zone.

(See Also: Wikipedia article)
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Anti-Matter Universe

A universe composed of anti-matter rather than matter (as in our universe) existing in another dimension. The only one known to date is the Negative Zone.

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Any being or organization holding prejudice towards mutants.

(See Also: Friends of Humanity, Project Wideawake, Church of Human Potential, Sapien League, Reavers, Weapon X, Right, Purifiers, Orchis, Operation Zero Tolerance, Human Council, Homines Verendi, XENO, U-Men, Hordeculture, William Stryker)
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Artistic License

Artistic license refers to deviation from fact or form for artistic purposes. Writers and artists are allowed to take all sorts of liberties with facts, and are accorded leeway in their interpretation of something, without being held strictly accountable for accuracy. In fiction, writers and artists most often take liberties in the portrayal of physics, biology and chemistry.

In the case of comic books, it's common to apply the concept of artistic license to the deviation from a character's established and habitual levels of power or expertise. For instance, Spider-Man being capable of defeating the cosmically-empowered Firelord in Amazing Spider-Man #270, or Black Panther being able to put the Silver Surfer into an armlock in Fantastic Four #545 are deemed instances of artistic license and are not considered typical of the characters.

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Astral Body

The sheath or form that contains a living being's life essence, consciousness, spirit or soul. The astral body is a manifestation of the life essence composed of ectoplasm, an invisible, intangible substance whose source and properties remain unknown. While all living beings have astral bodies, certain adepts using psychic, psionic, or magical means, can separate their astral bodies from their physical bodies without harm. The astral body is also sometimes called astral form, astral self, and spirit form.

The astral form is the non-corporeal manifestation of beings that have the ability of astral projection. The majority of people capable of creating an astral form are psychics, and they usually appear on the Astral Plane. The astral form enables beings to exist within the mind, without a body and transcend through space and time as pure mental energy.

(See Also: Glossary:Soul, Glossary:Psionic Entity, Ghosts)
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Astral Projection

Fireside Book Series Vol 1 8 Textless

Astral Projection (or astral travel) is a paranormal interpretation of an out-of-body experience where one sends their astral body into the Astral Plane and/or in the physical plane as a disembodied spirit often via magic or psychic powers.

Those who can astral project are usually telepaths (Professor X, Jean Grey, Emma Frost, etc.) and/or magicians (Doctor Strange, the Ancient One, the Scarlet Witch, etc.), though some people can do it without necessarily being telepathic or magical (e.g. Trance).

For a list of characters who use astral projection, see Category:Astral Projection

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Ororo Munroe (Earth-616) from Black Panther and the Crew Vol 1 1 001

Weather Manipulation is the power to manipulate and exert influence with all the natural forces responsible for weather. User can sense, create, shape and manipulate weather, i.e. the meteorological patterns, creating rain, wind, hail, lightning, snow, sleet, fog and temperature changes. This includes the ability to generate various natural phenomena or control the intensity of the weather in highly concentrated (inside room) or vastly extended (continental) areas.


Cloud Seeding- Cloud Seeding is the mental ability to "seed" clouds with one's own psychic energy, causing fluxes in the atmosphere, and changing of the weather. One with this ability, however, can only induce atmospheric phenomena pertaining to moisture (rain, sleet, hail, snow, snowstorms or blizzards, flood, etc.). This is because the user's psychic energy causes the atmosphere to flux similar to normal Atmokinesis, but only to cause the clouds to release moisture in various forms. The user may also have Atmokinesis or Storm Generation.

Mist Generation- Also called Fog Generation is the psychic ability to cause moisture in the air to coalesce or to psychically lower the clouds in the sky, in order to generate fog or mist. This ability can be used to generate a personal mist patch for stealth, or blanket an entire area with a blinding fog. In addition, the user can often choose, to an extent, which areas are covered in fog or mist, and which are unaffected. One with this ability may or may not be able to control the intensity of the fog, or where it spreads (this varies with each user).

Rain Generation- Also called Rain Inducing, Rain Evocation or the Pluvious Effect, this power is the psychic ability to induce atmosphere fluxes, but only to induce rain. This ability can be used to bless the lands with a helpful drizzle, or flood towns with torrential downpours. Either way, one cannot reverse the effects; the rain must pass on its own, unless the user has the faculty Rain Calming, also called Rain Negation, Rain Suppression or Rain-Stopping. One with this ability may or may not be able to control the intensity of the rainfall, or where it falls (this varies with each user).

Thunder Bolt- Users can summon thunder bolts from the sky or project them from their hands, using them to stun, and/or severely burn their opponents even to the point of death. Users' thunder bolt attacks could be strong enough to affect even greater beings of strength and durability. They can range, from minor to fatal voltage. Unlike normal bolts of thunder, they could use them as concussive or even piercing forces

Known Users

See More Here

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Aurora Borealis

North Pole from War of the Realms Strikeforce The Land of Giants Vol 1 1 001


Aurora Borealis[1] or Northern Lights,[2] is a natural light display in the Earth's sky, predominantly seen in high-latitude regions around the Arctic Circle. They are the result of disturbances in the magnetosphere caused by solar wind.[1]

War of the Realms Strikeforce The Land of Giants Vol 1 1 Textless

Ancient History

The Inua-God Manitou would manifest image on the Aurora Borealis to the Inuit people. [3] However Nelvanna was the Goddess of the Northern Lights[2] Sila was the spiritual embodiment of the soul of Northern Canada she resided in the "Aurora Borealis".[4]

The Valkyries the female warriors of Asgard, wherever they rode, their glow across the sky causing the "Northern Lights".[5]

Modern Age

When Dr. Walter Langkowski turned into his Sasquatch form, he speculated that the Aurora Borealis prevented him from turning green like the Hulk.[1]

Saint Elmo claimed to be the legendary Keeper of the Northern Lights, and a god thousands of years old.[6] Aurora of Alpha Flight took her codename in honor of the phenomenon.[7]

Northern Lights

Amka Aliyak (Earth-616) from Champions Vol 2 21 001

Sila was pulled from their slumber by the Master of the World and trapped in a containment field with hopes to repair the damage caused by the glaciers by global warming.[4] Young Inuk Amka Aliyak broke into the facility to investigate its nature, and stumbled upon Sila's containment cell.[8] She managed to free Sila but was injured in the explosion. She healed her in gratitude for her release.[4] When the Champions investigated, Sia decided to remain with them as the hero, "Snowguard".[9]

War of the Realms

When the Strikeforce returned to Earth from a battle in Jotunheim they laid Arctorius the Valkyrior Steed to rest atop Avengers Mountain in the lights of the Aurora Borealis.[10]

Alternate Realities

Marvel Podcast Universe (Earth-TRN744)

Nicholas Prophet founded a cult called the Aurora based at the Night Cathedral in Burns, Alaska. They worshipped the Aurora Borealis. Though their activities irritated the locals and police, no official action was brought against them.[11]

Marvel Adventures Universe (Earth-20051)

When Galactus' tried to consume the Earth. The Fantastic Four used the energy-altering blasts into the Aurora Borealis and Earth's magnetosphere turning the planet inedible to Galactus.[12] Alpha Flight and Iron Man battled the Living Laser, after he had merged with the Aurora Borealis.[13]


Thor took Jane Foster to Norway to see the Aurora Borealis.[14]

(See Also: Aurora)

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NOTE: "Centrum" is a typo

The Avatar is the servant of the magical entity, The-Powers-That-Be. There is only one Avatar, as opposed to the 100 Centivars who work for the scientific entity, The-Natural-Order-of-Things. The Avatar is immortal and is bound for life.[1]

The-Powers-That-Be and The-Natural-Order-of-Things are in conflict with each other, but as part of their compact, they agreed to only work through their respective servant(s). Furthermore, the magical Avatar must be accompanied by a science-based Proxy.

The current Avatar of The-Powers-That-Be is Wyn and his Proxy for The-Natural-Order-of-Things is Dimitri the Science Boy.[1]

  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 G.O.D.S. #1

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