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Machine from Powers of X Vol 1 2 001

An Artificial Intelligence with a thinking power equivalent to a single mind of a sentient species, or a direct copy of one. This is the earliest stage on the galactic intelligence scale.[1]

A Machine includes characters with an artificially constructed brain, e.g. robots, androids, Computer Systems, synthezoids etc.

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Stephen Strange (Earth-616) from New Avengers Vol 3 7 001
Quote1 So let's talk about magic. We can dicker on the exact rules, if you like. There are all sorts of Grimoires and Cryptonomicons. I've got an AD&D manual somewhere. At the core, though.... Magic is taking a thought and making it real. Taking a lie and making it the truth. Telling a story to the universe so utterly, cosmically perfect that for a single, shining moment... the world believes a man can fly. Quote2

Magic is the practice of utilizing certain universal energies and extra-dimensional forces whose nature is beyond the scope of the technologically-oriented science of all known sentient races. Using spells and phrases it is often used to simulate other powers, such as reality warping, mind control, and elemental attacks. Magic first emerged in the Fifth Cosmos, the fifth iteration of existence that far predates the current Multiverse, the Seventh/Eighth Cosmos.[1][2] It is said that chaos magic is the oldest form of magic in existence.[3] According to Agatha Harkness, magic can exist on any planet where there is life.[4] According to the Eventuality, there are two dominant philosophies of magic: white magic and black magic, which generally form heroes and villains, respectively, but not always and there is no inherent moral superiority between them. He also suggests that they may be reflections of entities from far beyond and below, respectively.[5] Magic and science are two sides of a spectrum,[6][7] and they are fundamental aspects of reality.[8] The abstract entity responsible for magic is The-Powers-That-Be.[9]

Sources of Magical Power

Personal Energies - The mental and spiritual powers that mystics and sorcerers develop for themselves (psionic energy, chi manipulation, astral projection, thought-casting, etc.)

Ambient Magical Energy of the Universe - Magicians can tap this power for many effects, such as teleportation and energy bolts. By definition, this is derived from Eternity. These generally involves actual casting of spells and may be limited to the main dimension learned and may not work in others.

Extradimensional Energy - powers gained through the tapping of extra-dimensional energy and by invoking entities or objects of power existing in mystical dimensions, with different physical and magical laws, tangential to our own. Unlike the first two, the entities invoked generally have a say in how or if the power is used.

Items - Magic may also come in the form of items imbued with power, such as the Crimson Gem of Cyttorak. These are often created by powerful sorcerers and extradimensional entities and vary in function and power.

Schools and Groups of Magic

Types of Magic

A full list of Types of Magic can be found here.

Notable Magic Items

A full list of magic items can be found here.

Notable Magic Users

A full list of magicians can be found here.

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Magnetism Manipulation

Max Eisenhardt (Earth-616) from Uncanny X-Men Vol 4 5 001

Magnetism manipulation or Ferrokinesis is the ability to control and/or generate magnetic fields.

  • Electromagnetic Sight: The ability to perceive the surrounding environment as patterns of magnetic and electrical energy. The natural magnetic auras surrounding living beings can also be seen in this way.
  • Energy Absorption: The ability to absorb different bands of the electromagnetic spectrum via magnetic force to temporarily boost the user’s own strengths.
  • Geomagnetic Link: Since most users of this power are tied very closely to Earth's EM Field, they are highly sensitive any changes that it might undergo. This link also means that Earth lends them strength by its simple existence, and as a result they are granted an odd sort of immortality.
  • Magnetic Flight: The ability to fly by either gliding along the planet's natural magnetic lines of force or simply creating a repulsive force between the user(s) and the planet.
  • Magnetic Force-Fields: The ability to erect a powerful force field that can be quickly expanded to protect large areas, or even used to suspend objects in the air.
  • Magnetic Pulse: The ability to focus magnetic energy into powerful concussive blasts for various purposes.
  • Metallic Bonding: The power to atomically bond metallic substances to any designated surface material. This technique allows metallic alloys to be blended with the earth, water, and air.
  • Organic Iron Manipulation: The ability to control the traces of iron within organic matter, which allows full control over an opponent's body. This power can manipulate the iron-enriched blood-flow to one's brain to induce aneurysms or unconsciousness, alter thoughts and perceptions, or blank a person's mind completely. It can even remove ferrous compounds from the bloodstream entirely through a person's skin.
  • Superhuman Stamina: By drawing on Earth’s magnetic field, a user can dramatically increase the overall efficiency of his/her musculature. While enhanced in this way, the muscles produce considerably less fatigue toxins than the musculature of a normal human, allowing for far greater endurance during physical activity.
  • Superhuman Strength: The vast amounts of magnetic energy contained in Earth’s EM field can be channeled through the body for the purpose of granting vast superhuman strength of undefined limits.

Prominent magnetism manipulators:

For a more complete list of characters who can control magnetism and articles related to this topic, see Magnetokinesis

[top] [Edit Magnetism Manipulation]

Malibu Comics

Malibu Comics
Malibu Comics was a comic book publishing company in the 1990s. Marvel bought the company and transferred all of its characters (mostly from the Ultraverse) to the Marvel Multiverse.

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Marvel 2099

A set of dystopian cyberpunk alternate future universes, usually as takes on the original, containing such heroes as Ravage 2099, Spider-Man 2099, Punisher 2099, and many others.

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Mass Accruing

Henry Pym (Earth-616) from Tales to Astonish Vol 1 56 cover
The process by which an organism who decreases in size and weight extends bodily mass extra-dimensionally.

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Marvel Database Project

(aka MDP) This very site! Our goal, to create the largest online database of information on the Marvel Comics Universe. Inspired by the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe.

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Marvel Digital Comics

Marvel Digital Comics are comic books that you can enjoy on that you can either view with a paid-for membership that can be purchased online or on a giftcard you can find at some stores.

(See Also: *
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Marvel Next

Marvel Next

Marvel Next was an initiative launched by Marvel Comics in early 2005. It was designed to spotlight several unrelated titles that feature young protagonists. Like the Tsunami imprint before it, it aims to attract young readers. Marvel Next titles carry a "Marvel Next" tag on the cover, but not in the place imprint names generally carry their logos.

The titles were set in the Marvel Universe and most of them (Araña: The Heart of the Spider, Young Avengers, Runaways, and Amazing Fantasy (Vol. 2)) all have connections to pre-existing titles (taking advantage of settings, characters and events from previous stories).

Marvel Next titles



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A being who can physically change shape and appearance, in whole or in part. If the transformation requires the addition or subtraction of mass, the mass accruing or mass shunting process is involved. Also called polymorph.

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Merged Realities

Earth-7412 from Fantastic Four Vol 1 153

A merged reality is a unique and new reality that is created by the merging of two pre-existing realities. A merger of two realities can be caused by many different sources, typically on a cosmic scale. The cause of the merger could be due to the work of cosmic beings, temporal anomalies, as well as the result of technological or mystical means, be they intentional or accidental. Depending on the conditions a merger can cause the separate realities involve to cease to exist, while other similar realities endure, as a divergence is created between the merged and unmerged versions of those realities. Similarly a merged reality can be separate again, yet continue to endure independently of the realities that were merged to bring it into existence. A merged reality can create a situation where two individuals are merged into an amalgam, or the collective populations of both realities exist on the same world without any physical beings being merged together. A merger can also affect the timeline of this new reality, sometimes creating a new history that is an amalgamation of the two merged realities. Sometimes a merger begins a new historical track having no past prior to the merger.


  • The realities of Earth-715 (Femazonia) and Earth-74101 (Machaus) were merged together by some unknown force. Ultimately, thanks to the intervention of the Fantastic Four of Earth-616, a complete merger was finalized and the citizens of both realities coexisted in a new reality of Earth-74101. In this case, the merger resulted in both populations coexisting, each retaining a memory of the past of their unique reality but moving forward with a unique, collective history.[1] It has been stated that neither Earth-715 and Earth-74101 exist,[2] while an alternate, unmerged Femazonia exists on Earth-8009.[3]
  • When the Earth-616 universe was merged with a distant cosmos by the Brothers, it created reality Earth-9602, the Amalgam Universe. This world was an amalgamated version of the two realities where every being therein were composites of two pre-existing individuals of each respective reality. This trend was most noticeable among the superhuman community.[4] This reality briefly ceased to exist when the two originating realities were pulled apart once again.[5] Although this merged reality was briefly restored for another short period of time.[6] Based on what can be ascertained, when the two base realities are separated Earth-9602 ceases to exist.
  • The realities of Earth-616 and Earth-93060, the Ultraverse, were also similarly merged by the Asgardian trickster god Loki creating amalgams of the heroes of both realities as well.[7] Ultimately the amalgamated heroes managed to restore the proper order.[8] If this created a new reality or merely a pocket dimension remains to be clarified.
  • During the period in which Counter-Earth existed in a pocket dimension created by Franklin Richards,[9] a series of time travel incidents weakened the fabric of reality in this dimension.[10][11][12][13] Doctor Doom exploited this weakness, causing Counter-Earth to merge with another reality from a distant cosmos to merge into an amalgamated reality.[14] The beings of both realities co-existed as though they had a shared history together. Ultimately the heroes of both realities foiled Doom's scheme causing the separation of both realities restoring the status quo.[15] This merged reality has been designated as Earth-13.[16] Since then another reality has been identified as Earth-13,[17] although any connection between the two remain to be explained.

(See Also: Multiverse, Omniverse, Parallel Earth, Overlayed Reality)

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A parallel universe that can be reached from the Earth dimension by compressing one's own mass to a certain point, thereby forcing it through an artificially created nexus into the other universe. Microverses were once erroneously believed to exist within atoms.

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A world existing within parallel universe known as Microverse. Micro-worlds were once erroneously believed to exist on subatomic particles.

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Mind Control

Mind control often appears as the means whereby a person literally seizes control of the minds of the victims to the point where not only their bodies come under direct control, but also their consciousnesses as well, so that they become puppets or slaves to the controller. Fiction often depicts this process taking place electronically; the trademark equipment of the Super Villains Ringmaster and Controller are examples of this. In addition, characters with powerful telepathic or psychic abilities, like Professor X and Phoenix of the X-Men, can do the same with mental concentration against a target.

For a more complete list of characters who can control magnetism and articles related to this topic, see Mind Control

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Modern Age

Venom Vol 4 10 Marvel 80th Variant Textless
What is commonly referred to as the "Modern Age," "Modern Era" or "Age of Heroes" refers to the period of time following the birth of the Fantastic Four in Fantastic Four #1 to the present time. Since the Marvel Universe operates in a sliding timescale, this period no longer starts in 1961 when Fantastic Four #1 released in real-life. All events from that issue onwards and into the present are compressed in a window of time of roughly 13 years, per 2008's Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #2. This means that, at any time in the present, the spaceflight that gave birth to the Fantastic Four always happened roughly thirteen years prior. In 2008, that would be around 1995. In 2012, it happened around 1999. In 2022, circa 2009. And so on. And based on that, all events in between are adjusted accordingly. This sliding timescale only affects events that only happen in the comics, the date of historical events are unmoving (for instance, 9/11 will always have happened in 2001). Depictions and mentions of these historical events or historical figures are regarded as topical references.

(See Also: Topical Reference, Sliding Timescale)
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Earth-Mothers from Thor Vol 1 301
The lead female deity of a particular pantheon or religion. The term refers to the tendency for worshipers to associate the Earth itself with a female deity. Known as Mother-Goddess or Earth-Mother.

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Something capable of making cellular-level changes in a living organism.

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Defenders Vol 5 5

A mutate is a being who acquired a physical characteristic through exposure to one or more mutagenic agents such as chemicals or radiation - superhumans who were not born with the potential to naturally develop powers.

Mutates are typically characters that have been somehow genetically mutated in order to attain their superhuman abilities, for example by exposure to magic, radiation or toxic waste, through the bite of a genetically-engineered spider, et cetera.

Human mutates are sometimes called altered human[1] or non-mutant variant.[2] On Earth-6160, they are identified as post-human.[3]

The enigmatic alien Celestials can gift others with cosmic energy.[4] In this context, the Celestial referred to as the Progenitor's energy infusing into the primal Earth is said to be the reason for Earth's unusually superpowered inhabitants.[5][6] Furthermore, the Celestials visit planets—in what are known as Celestial Hosts—to experiment on, and judge, lower life-forms, creating the Eternals and Deviants from selected species. For Earth, the First Host created Homo immortalis and Homo descendus, and inserted a latent gene into baseline humanity that causes mutations that create Mutates.[7][8][9][10]

Examples of Known Mutates

(See Also: Mutants (Homo superior))

[top] [Edit Mutate]


The process or result of a cellular-level change in a living organism. A good mutation is one that benefits the organism in some way, such as the acquisition of a spare heart, Increased cerebral capacity, or a superhuman ability. A bad mutation is one that impairs the organism in some way, such as a deformity. Many special traits or powers are the result of a body-wide series of good mutations, not just the mutation of single cell.

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