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On Earth-42222, V-Day is the day on which vampire terrorist Deacon Frost offered himself as host to the ancient Blood Demon La Magra, annihilating himself and unleashing the V-Wave, a dark magic wave that turned most of the world's population into vampires.[1]

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On Earth-42222, V-Wave is a dark magic wave that swept across the globe, turning billions of humans into vampires. It also affected superhumans, randomly converting them into either human or vampire; A.I.s, blanking them; and Gods, banishing them.

The V-Wave was unleashed by vampire terrorist Deacon Frost when he offered himself as host to the ancient Blood Demon La Magra. The day on which it happened became known as the V-Day.[1]

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Variants are counterparts, usually of a person, from alternate realities and/or displacements in time.

Special Cases

Rachel Summers (Earth-811) from Knights of X Vol 1 4 001


  • The term was popularized in Marvel Studios' Loki. The comics have since adopted it.
    • Before this, generic terms such as "counterparts", "alternates", and "alternate reality selves" were used interchangeably. And still used occasionally afterwards.

(See Also: Multiverse; Alternate Reality)

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Virtual Immortals

Virtual Immortals will live for millennia but will eventually die.

(See Also: Category:Virtual Immortals)
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Steven Rogers (Earth-616) from Marvels Project Vol 1 5 0001

Vita-Rays are a part of the Super-Soldier Serum that speeds up the potion's effects and makes them work correctly. They were created by Abraham Erskine. The only Vita-Ray Chamber was destroyed.[1]

Marvel Cinematic Universe (Earth-199999)

Vita-Rays were created and used by Abraham Erskine as part of Project Rebirth along with the Super Soldier Serum.

During his transformation into the first super soldier, Steve Rogers screamed in pain as his body absorbed a vita radiation level of 70%. Peggy Carter and Erskine wanted to stop the project; however, Rogers begged them not to cease, saying that he could take it. Howard Stark proceeded to increase the output to 100%, causing the chamber to glow so brightly that Chester Phillips and other observers covered their eyes.[2]

Nitromene bomb (Earth-199999) from Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D

A nitramene bomb attached to Leo Fitz

Nitramene, a chemical created by Howard Stark, which is used to implode even entire buildings,[3] emits Vita Radiation and it can be detected by a Vita-Ray Detector.[4]

  1. ↑ Captain America Comics #1
  2. ↑ Captain America: The First Avenger
  3. ↑ Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. S3E14
  4. ↑ Marvel's Agent Carter

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Gambit Vol 4 9 Textless

A religion worshiping deities called the Loa, and a system of mystical practices ultimately derived from the Loa. The term 'Voodoo' is derived either from the Loa's alternate name, "Vodu", or from a 12th century French sect called "Vaudois".[1]

Some of the most well known practitioners of this magic are Marie Laveau, The Voodoo Queen, and Jericho Drumm better known as Doctor Voodoo.[2]

Simon Garth was resurrected by a Voodoo cult turning him into a Zombie. They called upon Damballah of the Vodū, the serpent god, and with the aid of matching talismans, resurrected the corpse of her former employer as a mindless zombie. One of the two amulets was placed around Garth's neck; the other was given to Gyps. Using the amulet, Gyps could control the Zombie.[3]

(See Also: Brother Voodoo)

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