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New X-Men Vol 1 120 Textless

Telekinesis (often called Teke[1] or TK,[citation needed] much less known as Psychokinesis)[citation needed] is the psionic ability to move, manipulate and control a multitude of people and objects with the mind without physically touching them,[2] especially over long distances. Depending on the user's skill and power, they may be able to levitate themselves and other objects (including heavy objects), and form powerful pushes/blasts and protective shields.

The beings able to perform telekinesis are named Telekinetics[3][4][5][6] or Telekines.[7]


A common use for telekinesis is immobilizing an opponent telekinetically, thus preventing any physical attacks while freely attacking his/her opponent with many objects he or she telekinetically controls and manipulates at great speeds.[citation needed]

This is an effective move in combat however it should be noted that characters with sufficient physical strength can break free of this control, as they can generate more physical force than the psychokinetic force that the telekinesis user generates (For example: If character A can exert 15 tons of psychokinetic force and another character can exert 50 tons of physical force with his/her superhuman strength, character A cannot immobilize the other character).[citation needed]

This is the reason why certain characters with telekinesis cannot immobilize opponents with vastly superior physical strength, such as the Hulk or Thor. However, if an opponent such as Jean Grey possessed more than enough telekinetic strength and force, she might be able to telekinetically immobilize such powerhouses. Cosmic beings usually have the strongest and most powerfully advanced telekinesis and resisting their control is almost impossible for anyone except the physically strongest characters, and even then, it would usually take a lot of effort to resist them.There have been some tremendous feats of psychokinetic power by gods and cosmic beings such as Odin flinging a target across a dimension, Galactus moving large objects across galaxies, and The White Phoenix Of The Crown manipulating every atom in The Marvel Universe while she was in the White Hot Room.[citation needed]

It seems some telekinesis users can "sense" the features of objects they have great telekinetic manipulation and control over, since X-Man and Rachel Summers can detect electrons in an object even though they don't have microscopic vision to allow them to see subatomic particles. Cable and Rachel can also understand how things work by simply taking an object apart (this is called intuitive aptitude). Furthermore Jean Grey was able to rebuild Emma Frost's entire body without having more than a rudimentary knowledge on anatomy and physiology.[8]

Many types of telekinetic abilities often take more exotic and specific forms, allowing their wielders to specialize in fantastic feats. Rearranging the quantum structure of matter, controlling fire, and bending light are examples of these abilities. Many telekinetics are unable to manifest the full strength and magnitude of their abilities beyond their specialty. Some may even have a telekinetic aura of a certain color.[citation needed]

Telekinetics Levels

Please find here the Telekinetics Classifications.

Forms and Types of Telekinesis

Throughout the history of metahumans, mutants and superhumans, several creative offensive and defensive ways have been discovered to utilize this incredibly strong physic/psionic ability:

  • Biophysical Control: The ability to control living organic tissue, causing muscles to cramp, skin to break, or blood vessels to burst or contract.[9]
  • Concussive Blasts: The ability to project psychokinetic energies as powerful blasts directed from the brain that could apparently affect matter with concussive force.[10] Users can project this energy from the hands and others parts of the body.
  • Energy Manipulation: The ability to telekinetically manipulate various types of the energy from electromagnetic spectrum.
    • Electromagnetic Pulses: The ability to use telekinesis to channel the Earth's magnetic field through the electro-current of one's brain and generate electromagnetic pulses that disrupt electronics.[11]
  • Telekinetic Aura: The ability to do telekinesis using ones electromagnetic energy field, via their aura.
    • Electric Blasts: The ability to channel the magnetic field of the planet into directed discharges of high-voltage energy from his body,[12] and possibly even lightning.[13]
    • Light Manipulation: The ability to control light to various effects.[14]
      • Flash Light: The ability to create flash of light, powerful enough to blind group of people for a short time.[15]
      • Invisibility: The ability to mentally reflect light-waves around oneself and others, rendering them invisible.[16]
  • Ensnare Opponent: The ability to constrict a foe using their own clothing and hair, or even control their gross movements, providing their clothes are durable enough.[17]
  • Flight: An extremely skilled telekinetic is able to fly through the air via telekinesis, and even maintain the objects he or she has telekinetic control over simultaneously while in midair.[18]
  • Force Fields: The ability to create protective force shields that could deflect even the most powerful of attacks (even filter bacteria from the air). There does not appear to be any correlation between field strength and the thickness of the psychokinetic fields.[19]
  • Gravity Manipulation: The ability to manipulate gravitational field of the planet.[20]
  • Healing: The ability to heal one's self and others of malignancies or bodily damage at an accelerated rate.[21][22]
  • Intangibility: The ability to phase through solid matter by mentally shifting the molecules of the body around another object's as the user moves forward.[11]
  • Intuitive Aptitude: Can disassemble complex devices explosively (separating every last component, such as screws, nuts, circuit boards, etc.) and, just as quickly, easily assemble complex devices. This also has enabled one to even attain awareness and control over objects as small as individual electrons in an atom. For instance, the user could detect if a seal was hermetic, or not, by checking for the presence of penetrating oxygen molecules. Can even detect and discern individual oxygen molecules, and determine the atomic weight of molecules, by the amount of atoms present.[23]
  • Matter Manipulation: The ability to alter molecular and atomic structures in such substances.[24]
    • Inanimate Disintegration: The ability to disintegrate objects into almost nothing.[13]
  • Size Alteration: Using telekinesis to alter one's physical stature.[25]
  • Psionic Spikes: The ability to create destructive psionic spikes that destroy the physical objects that the spikes come into contact with.[citation needed]
  • Telekinetically Enhanced Condition: A variation of TK where one focuses primarily on physically augmenting all their biological functions (i.e. strength, speed, durability, etc.) to superhuman levels into order to better complement physical fighting styles. This also works in conjunction with TK Force barriers applied to a skin layer enabling a protective force armor used to manipulate objects that are on the same surface as the user (such as the ground) or to fly by pushing their own body through the air (this usually requires effort though).[26][27]
  • Telekinetic Holograms: If the user's fine motor skills are incredibly acute, it is possible to mentally manipulate dust particles and water vapor to refract light waves and create holograms.[28]
  • Telekinetic Constructs: The ability to manifest psychokinetic builds composed entirely of raw psi-energy, the effects of which vary greatly. However, many have the power to affect both the physical and mental realms at varying capacities. Ranging from manipulating the anchorage of atomic bonds to effecting the electrical pathway signals firing off within the mind and body.[citation needed]
  • Telekinetic Weapons: Shaping pure psionic energy into weapons such as katanas, knives, crossbows, flails, etc. These weapons can harm the target physically or even mentally.[29]
  • Telekinetic Fire-Bird: Manifested energies combining both raw psychic energy and mental elemental forces enabling the user to interact with both the physical and mental realms in conjunction with their psionic combat form.[citation needed]
  • Telekinetic Sensitivity: The ability to feel the texture of objects the user has a psychokinetic hold on, feel when other objects come into contact with them, and probe them at a molecular level to identify if they contain alien materials or feel when two things which he/she has a psychokinetic “hold” upon are similarly composed.[30]
  • Teleportation: The ability to use telekinesis to transport one's self and other people to any location.[31]
    • Interdimensional Teleportation: The ability to travel into other dimensions and realities.[32]
    • Remote Teleportation: The ability to remotely teleport objects[11] and people,[33] even into other realities[34] without transporting one's self along or requiring physical contact.
  • X-Factor Activation/Negation: Some can use their telekinesis at a molecular level to activate latent mutant genes in an individual, granting them active superhuman abilities. Once given in this way, these abilities can be taken away at least temporarily, presumably by returning the appropriate genes to their latent states.[35]
  • Reality Warping: The ability to bend the quantum strings that make up reality within a localized area through precise telekinesis.

Telekinetic characters

Please find the full list of Telekinetics here.

Notable users


Allegedly and according to Kimura, telekinetics are overconfident.[3]


[top] [Edit Telekinesis]


Telepathy is the psionic ability to read and control the minds[1] and thoughts of humans, animals, and other sentient beings, and to transfer information from one mind to another without the aid of physical communication (noise or movement). A person with this ability is called a telepath.
Telepathy can be utilized in a number of ways, including, but certainly not limited to, the following:

  • Telepathic Defense: Telepathy can manifest in a number of ways.
    • Psionic Shield: The ability to erect a psychic shield to protect of one's own mind or those of others.[2][3]
    • Telepathic Cloak: The ability to telepathically mask one's presence and the use of their abilities from being detected by other mutants and psychic entities. These defenses can be extended to others around them as well.[4] Cloaking via telepathy is not perfect and powerful telepathic mutants may notice and 'see' through this ability. It can also be pierced by observant outsiders recognizing clues the telepath did not deliberately cloak. For instance, S.H.I.E.L.D. agents once spotted an "invisible" Banshee and White Queen infiltrating their base because Emma didn't cloak the water their feet dragged in from the rain.[5]
  • Telepathic Illusions: The ability to create realistic telepathic illusions and cause people to experience events that are not actually occurring.[6]
    • Telepathic Camouflage: The ability to alter the apparent physical appearance of oneself and others by altering the perceptions of those around them. This can go so far as to make other people believe that the camouflaged people are not there (invisible). The only limit to this ability, if one exists, is imposed by the number of people the telepath is trying to deceive, not necessarily the number of people the telepath is attempting to camouflage.[7]
  • Telepathic Control & Manipulation: The ability to manipulate other people's minds achieving a variety of effects up to and including mind control.
    • Absorb Information: The ability to quickly process and store information by mental transference.[8]
    • Upload Information: The ability to place large amounts of information in another's mind.[9]
    • Astral Projection: The ability to project one's astral form from their body onto astral planes or the physical plane over vast distances.[10]
    • Cyberpathy: The ability to communicate with computers[11] and cyborgs [12].
    • Dream Manipulation: The ability to manipulate the dreams of others.[13]
    • Mind Control: The ability to control the thoughts and actions of others.[14]
    • Mind Possession: The ability to control and use another's body as their own.[15]
    • Mental Alteration: The power to change a person's personality partially or entirely by sheer force of will.[16]
    • Mental Amnesia: The ability to cause loss of particular memories or even total amnesia in another person or group of people.[17]
    • Mental Paralysis: The ability to induce temporary mental or physical paralysis.[18]
    • Mental Sedation: The ability to telepathically "sedate" one's victims so that, if already rendered unconscious, they remain so for as long as a telepath continues to "sedate" them.[19]
    • Mind Link: The ability to develop a mental link with any person which remains as a connection to that individual.[20]
      • Hive Mind: The ability to connect multiple minds to the user, making the user leader, which allow all members to share thoughts, memories and feelings of other members, and maintain permanent mental link with each other.[11]
    • Mind Transferal: The ability to transfer both the mind and powers of the user into other host bodies should their own physical body somehow be destroyed.[20]
    • Mind Trap: Ability to take another person's mind from their body and effectively trapping that mind within his or her own.
    • Memory Manipulation: The ability to read,[21] erase,[22] implant,[23] project,[24] recall,[25] exchange,[26] absorb, and restore[27] the memories of a person or group of people.
    • Telepathic Detection: The ability to psychically scan the area around them to detect any threats nearby.[28]
    • Telepathic Tracking: The ability to enable a telepath to track other sentient beings by their unique psionic emanations (thought patterns contained in the psionic portion of the spectrum), especially if they pose a threat to one's well-being in their immediate vicinity.[29]
    • Neural Jumpstart: The ability to increase the speed of synapses in the brain, allowing them to increase another's powers to incredible levels, with a temporary effect.[30]
    • Dilate Power: The ability to place "psychic inhibitors" in the minds of mutant adversaries to prevent them from using their powers.[31]
    • Pain Inducement: The ability to induce mental pain merely by touching the brow of the victim.[32]
    • Trauma Healing: The ability to heal mental trauma through "psychic surgery", the power to stimulate or deaden the pain and pleasure centers in a person's brain.[33]
    • Intuitive Multilingual: The ability to intuitively translating new languages.[34]
    • Power Manipulation: The ability to directly activate and control superpowers of other beings, by controlling their mind.[35][36]
      • Power Bestowal: The ability to grant superhuman powers to others.[37]
      • Power Amplification: The ability to increase another mutant's powers to incredible levels.[38][39][40]
    • Clairvoyance: The ability to see far off places or events as well as present events and one's surroundings. They possess the ability to use one's sight abilities to their higher potential and the ability to look over somewhere/something only by the use of telepathic abilities.[41]
    • Precognition: The ability to foresee events before they've come to pass.[42]
    • Retrocognition: The ability to see events of the past.[43]
    • Psychometry: The ability for someone to divine information about an object or living subject, simply by coming into close contact with it or something associated with said object or subject (something/someone contacted or used by the subject, etc.). Some with the ability can even act as mediums for residual energies and, as such, can experience talents or memories temporarily from touching an object previously owned by someone else, or tell the past or future of a subject by touching an object owned by or associated with the subject.[27]
Elizabeth Braddock (Earth-616) and Henry McCoy (Earth-295) from Uncanny X-Force Vol 1 11 0001


    • Psychic Wave Manipulation: The ability to generate and manipulate thought waves. The user can manipulate their thought waves and utilize them either in a telepathic manner or materialize the waves into powerful energy for physical purposes; further compression of such psychic waves could become physical matter. It can create a barrier composed of compressed waves, materialized waves into appendages to manipulate objects and project mind waves into whatever is imagined.[22]
    • Psionic Blasts: The ability to project psionic force bolts which have can also have physical effects but for the most part can affect a victim's mind so as to cause the victim pain, render them unconsciousness, or kill them. The blast can thrown someone across the room or send them flying and other physical effects.[44]
    • Psionic Siphoning: The ability to siphon the psychic energies from other psionic beings. The stolen psychic energy can be used to either boost one's own powers or channel the energy into someone else to temporarily increase their psionic abilities.[45]
Quintavius Quire (Earth-616) from A + X Vol 1 4 Brooks Variant Cover

Kid Omega

    • Psionic Constructs: Avid usage of the psychic planes energies allows a user to construct mental energy into various shapes and forms be they weapons or otherwise. Because of the nature of said energy the psi forms are purely ethereal having no physical sway, but that doesn't make them any less effective offense wise.[46]
Uncanny X-Men Vol 3 4 Anka Variant Textless

Emma Frost and the Stepford Cuckoos

      • Psionic Knives[46]
      • Psionic Shivs
      • Psionic Shotgun
      • Psionic Grenade
      • Psionic Rocket Launcher
      • Psionic Talons[47]
      • Psychic "Construct": Through sheer effort and concentration, a telepath may create a large "world" within their mind, complete with AI Driven scenarios and thousands of NPCs (non-player characters; people controlled by AI), each with their own backstory being run simultaneously. By pulling people into the world, they'll enter a comatose-like state and should they posses one, will be taken over by a secondary personality, as was the case for Wolverine. The AI will feed off of the memories of anyone in the video-game-like world, making some things even unfamiliar to the telepath themself. After keeping the world formed for several days, they will lose control due to their already disturbed psyche and no longer retained complete control over the world.

Notable Telepaths

It was stated that the best telepaths were mutants.[48]

For a complete list of telepathic characters, see Category:Telepathy

[top] [Edit Telepathy]


Kurt Wagner (Earth-616) from Amazing X-Men Vol 2 3 002

Teleportation is the movement of objects or elementary particles from one place to another, more or less instantaneously, without traveling through space. Teleportation in the Marvel Universe is accomplished by a variety of means. One common method is to open a direct portal or wormhole in space and walk through it, appearing at the desired location. Another method is to bodily shift through a wormhole to another dimension with different physical laws, and then shift back out at the new location.


  • Nightcrawler has the ability to teleport through a wormhole to the Brimstone Dimension, with a characteristic "BAMF!" noise and puff of sulphur. The entire process occurs so quickly that he is unaware of being in the Brimstone Dimension at all.[1]
  • Lila Cheney, who can't teleport less than intergalactic distances, she crosses most of the universe just to go half a mile.[2]
  • Magik, who can teleport through both time and space but has to go through the demonic dimension of Limbo to do it. However the increased time or distance can and has distorted the chances of arriving in the right time or space.[3]
  • Blink can teleport large groups of people as well as parts of objects. In combat, she specializes in teleporting part of her targets.[4]
  • U-Go Girl from X-Force was a teleporter, but she wasn't a very good one - even after a while on the job as a superhero, porting still made her feel ill.[5]
  • Gateway is able to create teleportation "gateways" from one location to another. These warp tunnels can traverse both time and space, by whirling his bullroarer over his head.[6]
  • Mr. Brownstone had the ability to teleport matter, but only a few grams at a time. Since he worked as a drug dealer, a few grams of heroin teleported straight to the heart is all he needs to incapacitate or kill someone.[7]


  • Deadpool over the years has possessed different teleportation technologies which he sometimes uses for combat. Deadpool would ultimately stop using it because "it made it too easy."[8]
  • Solo was cybernetically enhanced so he could teleport himself and a certain amount of mass over a great distance.[9]


Magic users are able to open portals anywhere in spacetime, other dimensions, and the rest of the Multiverse. This is done depending on their level of skill and what Spells and Phrases they are using.[10] The Masters of the Mystic Arts utilize a magical device known as a Sling Ring.[11]

Mjolnir: when Thor rapidly swirls Mjolnir he can channel energies for the purpose of Wormholes through means of a vortex.[12]


(See Also: Category:Teleporters)
[top] [Edit Teleportation]

Terrigen Mist

A mutagenic, or mutation-causing, substance discovered by the Inhuman scientist Randac. It is potent enough to cause any living organism to mutate from exposure to it, although the Inhumans zealously restrict its use to Inhumans only.

[top] [Edit Terrigen Mist]

Third Host

The Third Host (or Third Horde)[1] is the third of four test of a given race that has been altered by the enigmatic Celestials.[2]

During the Third Host the Celestials prevent interference by outside influences on the growing civilizations on their experimental worlds.[2]

In the case of Earth, the Celestials confronted the various pantheons of gods, such as the Asgardians, Olympians, and others to not interfere in the lives of their creations or risk having the dimensional connections to their worshippers removed.[2]

(See Also: First Host, Second Host, Fourth Host)

[top] [Edit Third Host]


Synonym for reality which makes emphasis on the events that define its history.

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The multiverse-wide phenomenon that keeps all reality from happening at once.

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The multiverse-wide phenomenon that keeps all reality flowing in the same direction, toward entropy. The timestream is not a literal place.

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Topical Reference

Due to the nature of the Sliding Timescale in the Marvel Universe, there are numerous references to current events, public figures, and technological advances that given the time of their publications should be considered topical references instead of canonical/historical references. The "Modern Age" of Earth-616 is roughly about 14-15 years old as of the year 2015, however the publication of this era has spanned sixty years. As such certain references greatly age the cast of characters if taken literally.


Historical Events

For example, Fantastic Four #98 depicts a story wherein the Fantastic Four assist the first American lunar landing on the Moon, which happened on July 21, 1969. This would be considered a topical reference. References to this story in Marvel's various Official Handbooks usually no longer specify that this is the Apollo 1 mission, just a "NASA mission to the moon". Whereas, the story in Marvel: The Lost Generation #6 that features the First Line saving the Apollo mission from the Skrulls would be considered canonical in the Marvel Universe as it took place in the year 1969 of Earth-616.

In the year 2001 the terrorists attacks on the World Trade Center was featured heavily in Marvel publications at the time and was the center of a story in Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 2) #36. While this story was topical when the comic was originally published in 2001, the Sliding Timescale has since moved forward making the destruction of the original twin towers a topical reference in the context of that story. As of 2015, the sliding timescale dictates that all appearances of the Twin Towers at the WTC site are now topical as the "Marvel Time" dictates the modern age has lasted 14 years.

Real People

Another example is the Human Torch and The Thing's encounter with the Beatles in Strange Tales #130. The story was originally published in 1965 during the height of the Beatles popularity. This would be considered a topical reference as the Torch and Thing are considered modern age characters.

One of the most common topical reference made in the Earth-616 universe are appearances by the President of the United States. In many stories a president is usually depicted as having their face obscured, or back turned, and are not referenced by name. However, in many other publications the president is fully depicted, and named. For example, appearances of Richard Nixon in Incredible Hulk #119, Gerald Ford in Incredible Hulk #185, and even Barack Obama in Amazing Spider-Man #583 should be considered topical as they all appeared in stories that took place in the "Modern era". Alternatively, stories featuring Franklin Delano Roosevelt that take place during during his presidency should be considered historical to Earth-616 as it took place around World War II and the stories that feature him are considered part of Earth-616's wartime history. The various presidents that were featured in the series Marvel: The Lost Generation would also be considered to be historical appearances. Publications have existed long enough where some appearances of US presidents are considered topical, or in continuity depending on when they were published and the time the story was framed. For example, John F. Kennedy appeared in Fantastic Four #17, in a story that is set in the modern age. Based on that point of reference, Kennedy's appearance as the current President should be considered topical. Whereas his appearances in Captain America (Vol. 5) #50, Adam: Legend of the Blue Marvel #1, and others take place during times when Kennedy was alive and actively involved in US politics.


The only individuals that are exempt from becoming topical references are Marvel Comics creators who make appearances in various stories. For example Marvel Comics forefathers Stan Lee and Jack Kirby both make an appearance in Fantastic Four #10. The pair have made regular appearances in Marvel publications over the years. All current editions of the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe identify them by name when recounting their interactions with characters in the Marvel Universe. As such one should always consider appearances of Marvel creators like Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, Chris Claremont, and John Byrne to be considered factual as opposed to topical. Their Earth-616 counterparts all make their appearances in their prime, and age according to the Sliding Timescale.

(See Also: Sliding Timescale)
[top] [Edit Topical Reference]


Jennifer Takeda (Earth-616) from Avengers Arena Vol 1 1

Toxicity is the degree to which something is able to produce illness or damage to an exposed organism. Toxicity can refer to the effect on a whole organism, such as a human or a bacterium or a plant, or to a substructure, such as a cell (cytotoxicity) or an organ (organotoxicity) such as the liver (hepatotoxicity).

There are generally three types of toxic entities; chemical, biological, and physical.

  • Chemicals include inorganic substances such as lead, hydrofluoric acid, and chlorine gas, organic compounds such as methyl alcohol, most medications, and poisons from living things.
Jennifer Takeda (Earth-616) from Avengers Academy Vol 1 35 0001
  • Biological toxic entities include those bacteria and viruses that are able to induce disease in living organisms. Biological toxicity can be complicated to measure because the "threshold dose" may be a single organism. Theoretically one virus, bacterium or worm can reproduce to cause a serious infection. However, in a host with an intact immune system the inherent toxicity of the organism is balanced by the host's ability to fight back; the effective toxicity is then a combination of both parts of the relationship. A similar situation is also present with other types of toxic agents.
  • Physically toxic entities include things not usually thought of under the heading of "toxic" by many people: direct blows, concussion, sound and vibration, heat and cold, non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation such as infrared and visible light, and ionizing radiation such as X-rays and alpha, beta, and gamma radiation.

(See Also: Category:Toxic for a list of characters arranged by their toxicity.)
[top] [Edit Toxicity]

Trade Paperback

A trade paperback (TPB or simply trade) specifically refers to a collection of stories originally published in comic books reprinted in book format, usually capturing one story arc from a single title or a series of stories with a connected story arc or common theme from one or more titles. Traditionally, a trade paperback will reproduce the stories at the same size as they were originally presented in comic book format; recently, however, certain trades have been published in a smaller, "digest"-sized format, similar in size to a paperback novel. This smaller size is intended to appeal to newer generations of American readers whose first exposure to a comic book format was the English-translated reprints of digest-sized Japanese comics, also known as manga. The term graphic novel is sometimes used interchangeably, but many people maintain that the terms are distinct.

Additions and omissions

A trade paperback will usually feature some additional artwork, such as alternate cover art or pinup galleries by guest artists, not released in the standard issues. Additional story material that was not available in the series itself may also be included, primarily "preview" or "extra" stories presented exclusively on the Internet or in comics-industry publications such as Wizard. Many feature introductions written by prominent figures, some from outside the world of comics — for instance, The Sandman: Worlds' End' features an introduction by author Stephen King.

While there have been exceptions, as a general rule of thumb, trade paperback will not feature fan mail, special foil or embossed covers. Where the original serialised format included back-up stories not related to the main arc, these may also be omitted, and, in what is now a largely discontinued practice, it was common in older trade paperbacks to use only small excerpts from certain stories, or to omit pages from the main story related to other subplots.

Readers and collectors

For many years, trade paperbacks were mainly used to reprint older comic-book stories that were no longer available to the average reader, when original copies of those stories were scarce and hard to find, and often very expensive when found due to their rarity. However, in the first years of the 21st century, comic book publishers began releasing trade paperbacks of collected story arcs within a few months of those stories' publication in comic-book form (sometimes within the same month that the final issue reprinted was originally released). This was found to be an excellent way to draw new readers to a series — where before, one would have to hunt for individual back issues to "catch up" on a series, now a reader coming into an already established title could purchase the previous issues in trade paperback form and have access to the entire series' worth of stories to date.

As the trade paperback versions are usually cheaper than buying the individual comics and presented without any advertisements at all, many comic book fans choose to hold off on purchasing the individual issues and only follow the stories when they come out in trade. This can sometimes help a series whose sales are flagging, much like how a film that performed poorly in movie theaters can gain new popularity in home video formats; in a few instances, significant trade paperback sales have even revived a series that had been cancelled or slated for cancellation. However, only buying a series in trade format can also hurt a title; despite the growing popularity of the trade paperback, the serialized, individual issues are still considered the primary mode of sale by comics publishers, and if a series is not meeting sales criteria for individual issues, it may face cancellation no matter how well the collected editions are selling.

A significant benefit of the trade paperback version is that it is often available in bookstores, from smaller booksellers to the larger suppliers.

Unlike the individual issues, the trade paperback has almost no collector's value, and will probably not appreciate in value, as the releases of the trade paperbacks are not restricted, and more could be printed at any time. On the other hand, some trade paper backs of Star Wars, Dark Horse comics go for hundreds of dollars on eBay, showing many trade paperbacks do indeed have a value to the right fan.

There are some criticisms of trade paperbacks by some writers and artists in recent years. They argue that because of the popularity of trades that they are forced to produce five or six issue arcs simply because this is the ideal size of a trade. In their perspective this can be quite limiting in in the length of a story and pacing as the size is now set. This however is also countered by placing several short arcs in one volume and in the case of longer arcs — the Metal Gear Solid comic adaptation was released in two separate trades.

(See Also: Glossary:Graphic Novel, Glossary:Comic Book)
[top] [Edit Trade Paperback]


To change in form, appearance, or structure; metamorphose. Look at Puma for a prime example.

[top] [Edit Transformation]


Medusalith Amaquelin (Earth-616) from 1994 Marvel Masterpieces (Trading Cards) 001

Trichokinesis is the power to manipulate hair of oneself or others. Variation of Body Manipulation. The user has complete control over the hair of oneself and others, allowing them to freely alter, grow out, change texture, color, etc., shape and manipulate it as if it was appendage, weave the hair into different shapes, etc. Due to hair lacking nerves or being directly affected by changes in the nervous system, attacks and damage are virtually harmless to the user.

Notable users

Noh-Varr (Earth-200080) from Young Avengers Vol 2 4 001

Marvel Boy

See here for a list of all Trichokines.

[top] [Edit Trichokinesis]


A triploid is a being with three sets of chromosomes, in opposition with the diploids, beings with two sets of chromosomes.[1]



Functional triploids do not occur naturally among humans.[1]

To fight his Secret War and stop the M-Day effect, Forge used bio-engineering by to recreate the X-Gene on an artificially constructed chromosome strand, which was then applied to a non-mutant human to achieve mutant-like abilities.[2][verification needed] Such triploid mutants included the "Triploid Mutant" and the "Chameleon"


Triploids developed artificially on the extra-solar habitat the Godwheel, and the technology necessary to produce more triploids came to Earth through a Breach. Dr. Vincent Gross, working with the U.S. Army, posed as a gynecologist and fertility specialist, injecting numerous women with Godwheel genetic material to make them triploids and potential Ultra subjects. The most prominent success story of Gross's work was the Ultra named Prime.[citation needed]

Gross's triploids had a third dormant strand of chromosomes. When the strand was "activated", it triggered the production of enormous amounts of protoplasmic biomass. This "goo" then shaped and solidified around the subject as an exo-body sculpted by their subconscious desires.[citation needed]


Earth-691 "Martians" (who are not from Mars) are triploids.[3]

(See Also: The referenced known Triploids)

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