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Zero Force

Zero Force from Fantastic Four Vol 6 25 001

The Zero Force was the source of pre-primordial power, an energy that predates existence itself. It's the energy that ends one universe and starts another. During the early days of the Fantastic Four, Mister Fantastic discovered the Zero Force in the form of a spark and managed to contain it within Container Zero.

Over a decade later, the Zero Force was unleashed by the alien invader Cormorant when he cracked open Container Zero in hopes it was an item he had been tasked to find by the Helmsman. The Zero Force began to spread, overwriting the universe with another. Before that could happen, Brainstorm channeled and contained the Zero Force into a prototype telepod of her own creation. When fueled by the Zero Force, the telepod became a doorway to every point in space and time and it was dubbed the Forever Gate.[1]


See Also

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Doreen Green and Victor von Doom (Earth-616) from Marvel Super-Heroes Vol 2 8

Zoopathy is the psych power to control and monipulate animal life. Some characters who possess this power may be restricted to only one species of animal. Others may obtain this power through external means. For example, when using his special cybernetic helmet, Hank Pym can gain mental control over ants, but cannot use this ability on other animals.

For a list of characters who can control animals, see Category:Zoopathy.

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