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Quote1 It is not for nothing that I am called the Black Panther! Quote2
Black Panther (T'challa)

Appearing in "The Black Panther!"

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Synopsis for "The Black Panther!"

The Fantastic Four are given a flying craft by the nation of Wakanda as a gift, as part of an invitation to visit the mysterious African country. Intrigued by the technological marvel brought to them, Mister Fantastic agrees. Their visitor then contacts the leader of Wakanda, T'Challa, also known as the Black Panther. T'Challa and his people rejoice at the news and they raise the panther idol high before he enters the sacred temple and dons his ceremonial Black Panther garb.

Back in the United States, the Fantastic Four go to Metro College to check on Johnny who is studying hard. When they tell him that they are going to Wakanda, Johnny asks if they can bring his friend Wyatt Wingfoot along with them. Meanwhile, within the Great Refuge of the Inhumans, the royal family continues to try to find a way to break out of the barrier around their city. Karnak attempts to use his abilities to see the flaws in any object to break through the barrier, but this proves to be a failure. As Maximus mocks his family from his cell, Black Bolt broods over what they must do next.

Later, the Fantastic Four take the ship they were given to fly to Wakanda along with Wyatt. When they land the ship they are surprised to find themselves in a massive mechanical forest. Upon disembarking the ship they are suddenly attacked by the Black Panther. Caught off guard the group splits up and faces off against various traps, Wakandan guards, and the Black Panther himself. By themselves, each member of the Fantastic Four are no match for the Black Panther, but when they regroup they easily outnumber and overpower the Panther who ceases his hostilities. Unmasking, T'Challa reveals that he was merely testing the Fantastic Four's fabled abilities and has invited them to his land to for a grave task.


Continuity Notes[]

Publication Notes[]

  • This issue also contains a letters page, Fantastic Four Fan Page. Letters are published from Phillip Pearson, Garland Storrow, Don Jarvis, Larry Bush, Dave Wieck & John Stuart, Eugene Bearringer, Doug Nikkel, and Donald J. Brown.

See Also

Links and References

