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Council of Godheads (Earth-616) from Thor Vol 1 300 001
A Pantheon is a tribe, clan, or race of powerful beings who can be considered Gods of a common origin. Each group has a hierarchy ruled by a specific Sky-father.[1]

(See Also: List of Pantheons)

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Parallel Earth

A parallel Earth is an alternative term to refer to an alternate Earth.

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Parallel Universe

A parallel universe is an alternative term to refer to an alternate universe.

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Parallel Reality

A parallel reality is an alternative term to refer to an alternate reality.

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Parker Particles

Andrew Maguire (Earth-616) from Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1 692 0002


Also called Alpha Energy,[1] Parker Particles were originally discovered by Reed Richards, who never disclosed the details of his discovery as he deemed them too dangerous. Later, they were rediscovered by Peter Parker. On the day of a demonstration, Ty Stone sabotaged the safety protocols, thus resulting in high school student Andy Maguire gaining immense powers as the superhero known as Alpha.[2]

Peter Parker, using alien technology, depowered Andy Maguire to a mere fraction of his original power after a fight with Terminus alongside The Avengers, where Alpha's lack of control resulted in too much collateral damage.[3]

Reed Richards (Earth-616) from Amazing Spider-Man Vol 1 692 001


The Parker Particles are a hyper-kinetic form of energy tied directly to the expansion of the universe, near-limitless power. When quantified, Reed Richards said Alpha's powers would surpass those of The Hulk, Sentry and even the Phoenix Force, as the first Alpha-Level threat, and these powers would keep growing along with the universe's expansion.[2]

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When used as a verb, a term meaning to pass through another object through altering the synchronization of the atoms of the object passing through with the atoms of the object being passed through.

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A super-heated state of matter consisting of charged subatomic particles.

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Pocket Dimension

A pocket dimension[1][2][3][4] (also known as a pocket realm,[5][6] and pocket universe[1][7]) constitutes of a dimension with a finite and often relatively small amount of space.[8]

A full list of pocket dimensions and universes can be found here.

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A being with shape-changing powers.

(See Also: Kamala Khan and Mister Fantastic)
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Power Mimicry

Power Mimicry is the ability to mimic and copy the powers of others around oneself. This is down from touch or just absorbing the nearby energy signatures. They can mimic the psychic energy outputs, genetic structure or superhuman physiology that enable abilities in other people. User can even stack several powers together.


Emma Frost (Earth-616) and Calvin Rankin (Earth-616) from X-Men Legacy Vol 1 300 001
Exiles Vol 1 31 Textless

Mimic (Calvin Rankin) is able to copy the knowledge, skills, and powers (if any) of every individual within a certain range of him; different sources list this as anywhere from several feet to a mile radius. This applies to both superpowered and "normal" abilities, as shown when he duplicated athletic skill on the football field in high school.[1] He has shown the capacity to manifest numerous powers at the same time, and since he also absorbs knowledge, he can immediately use copied powers with the same skill level as the original owner. However, he occasionally shows difficulty in juggling multiple powers, and his body can be overloaded by absorbing too many at once. Usually the Mimic loses his duplicated abilities once out of range of the owner, but theoretically due to the length of time spent with them, his body can permanently retain the powers he mimics.[2]

The Mimic of Earth-12 has different specifications for his abilities. Calvin Rankin of the Exiles can only mimic five power sets at once, each at only half the potency of the original source. He can instantly mimic the powers of another temporarily, but must remain in the presence of the source to retain these powers. After a period of time, between 30-60 minutes, Mimic will have retained the borrowed powers long enough that he can choose to retain them permanently, until he wishes to discard them.[3]


Super-Adaptoid (Earth-616) from Spider-Women Omega Vol 1 1 001

The Super-Adaptoid was a android that could copy the powers, appearance, and equipment of any superpowered being in close proximity to it. It was created by A.I.M. (Advanced Idea Mechanics) who incorporated a portion of a Cosmic Cube into it. It can duplicate any being, visually indistinguishable from it. Given the opportunity, it can copy up to eight different beings at one time, combining their attributes in a seemingly random fashion, but all these attributes turn green. The main picture, for instance, shows the Adaptoid with Captain America's shield, Thor's chest medallions, and Iron Man's ribbed armor.[4]

Norman Osborn

Norman Osborn (Earth-616) from Avengers Vol 4 24 001

Norman Osborn was given the powers of the Super-Adaptoid thanks to a procedure performed by Monica Rappaccini. As the Super-Adaptoid, Osborn can copy the powers, of any super powered who he manages to touch. However, unlike other Super-Adaptoids he can not duplicate weapons and appearances, leaving only the powers. Given the opportunity, it can copy up to eight different beings at one time. If he touches too many super-humans, he would overpower and stay in a coma. His abilities given to him via the Bio-Adaptoid process are so powerful, he can absorb the Hulk's power as well as copy many others at the same time.[5]


Rogue can absorb the powers, energies, memories, knowledge, talents, personality and physical abilities (whether superhuman or not) of another human being (or members of some sentient alien races) through physical contact of her skin with the skin of the other person. She is not limited to absorbing superhuman abilities: for example, she has absorbed the strength, agility, and sharp reflexes of an enhanced human. She can also absorb psionic abilities. In absorbing another person's memories Rogue also gains the emotional responses connected to them. For the transfer of abilities to be accomplished, Rogue’s skin must contact the skin of her victim. Rogue can only absorb abilities and memories from living organic beings. She can possess the powers of several superhuman persons at once.

No upper limit has yet been determined for the number of superhuman beings whose power she can maintain simultaneously, or for the amount of power that she can absorb. Rogue can even absorb gross physical characteristics from a victim. Her physical appearance does not change when she absorbs abilities and memories from a normal looking human being. The victim's abilities and memories are absorbed for a time sixty times longer than the period of time Rogue was in physical contact with that person. Those touched are rendered unconscious by contact with her, though some beings, including Juggernaut and Mojo have resisted this effect. While for most of her life, her use of this power was involuntary, Rogue has recently gained full control over it.[6][7]

Hope Summers

Hope Summers (Earth-616) from X-Men Second Coming Vol 1 2 001
Hope Summers (Earth-616) from X-Force Vol 3 28 0001

Hope Summers can psychically duplicate the power-signature of mutants physically near her, and use the duplicated power in its most powerful form. Although she does require relatively close proximity to subjects, she does not need to physically touch them (as with Rogue), nor does it appear as though her using a subject's powers deplete their own power level. Additionally, Hope can duplicate multiple power-signatures concurrently with seemingly no limit. However, her duplicated powers fade over time, distance, and usage. She is only able to duplicate mutant powers, not those of other metahumans. The upper-limits of her powers have yet to be reached or determined.[8][9]


[top] [Edit Power Mimicry]

Power Primordial

The Elders of the Universe refer to the shared power they possess as the Power Primordial.[1] It seems to be the use of cosmic energy similar to the Power Cosmic.[2] It was created by the Elders through siphoning the life energies of their respective dying peoples, in a way allowing their race to metaphorically live on forever.[3]

(See Also: Power Cosmic)

[top] [Edit Power Primordial]


An artificial replacement for a missing limb or other body part. If the prosthetic part simulates all of the functions (or more) of the natural part, it is called bionic.

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Protectors of the Universe

Protectors of the Universe from Quasar Vol 1 2 001

The Protectors of the Universe are champions chosen by the cosmic being known as Eon to protect life in the universe from threats that arose from time to time.[1] Following Eon's demise,[2] his offspring Epoch took on his role.[3] Almost all of the Protectors chosen by Eon or Epoch received the Quantum Bands, powerful energy-manipulating devices that helped with their tasks and were also symbols of their station. Captain Marvel was meant to acquire the Quantum Bands, but through happenstance over which Eon had no control, they fell into the wrong hands. Possessing the Quantum Bands does not automatically make the wearer into the Protector.[1]

After they die, Protectors of the Universe go to the White Room.[4]

Those known to have held the title include:

Quasar (Phyla-Vell) called herself the Protector of the Universe after she retrieved the Quantum Bands from Annihilus but she was never actually chosen by Epoch.[9]

The only person to whom Epoch has offered the role of Protector of the Universe was Gravity but, after using up the extra power that he had received from her while protecting her from Galactus, he stated that he didn't want the job so she accepted his decision and told him to leave with her gratitude.[10]

In the Earth-691 timeline, after Quasar died during the War of the Worlds, Era asked the Silver Surfer to become the new Protector of the Universe but he declined and did not accept the offer until centuries later.[11]

Following the Silver Surfer's disappearance in the early 26th century, Firelord assumed the mantle of Protector of the Universe and performed missions for Eon even though the Quantum Bands had disappeared with the Silver Surfer.

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(Short for psionic or psychic.) The term for any and all extrasensory and extraphysical powers stemming from the mind, specifically astral projection, clairvoyance, empathy, levitation, precognition, psychokinesis/telekinesis, telepathy, and teleportation.

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Astonishing X-Men Vol 4 7 Noto Variant Textless
Phoenix Force (Earth-616) from X-Men Phoenix Warsong Vol 1 5 0001

Psions[citation needed] or Psionic Energy[citation needed] is the type of energy used by telepaths,[citation needed] or to mechanical means to stimulate the natural psionic powers, which allow individuals to perceive or otherwise interact with existence using their mind.[citation needed]

All living beings produce Psions[citation needed] and only a few can detect this energy,[citation needed] but all Earthlings are said to have latent psionic ability.[1] The mutant Charles Xavier created Cerebro to enhance his already powerful telepathic abilities.[citation needed] The machine allowed him to monitor the entire planet and detect the specific mutant psionic signature.[citation needed] Beings such as the Phoenix Force and Shadow King are Psionic Entities,[citation needed] made of Psions.[citation needed] Psionic beings or telepaths Astral Projecting in their Astral Form can enter the Astral Plane,[citation needed] a dimension also made of Psions.[citation needed]

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Astonishing X-Men Vol 4 7 Noto Variant Textless
An adjective referring to Psions, to the powers or energies based on psions (e.g., psionic powers, psionic energy), or to mechanical means to stimulate the natural psi powers, abbreviated to psi only when describing the powers. Psionics describes any ability entailing perceiving or otherwise interacting with existence using one's mind.

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Psionic Entity

Characters who can exist solely as a non-corporeal psionic entity completely lacking a body. Can usually possess the bodies of others.

(See Also: Glossary:Astral Body, Glossary:Soul, Category:Psionic Entities)
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An adjective referring to the psi powers.

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Psychic Seduction

See: Hypnosis

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The psi ability to move or manipulate elemental/ethereal semblance without directly interacting with it. The term synonymizes with; often combining even, telekinesis & telepathy, which has the added connotation of greater distance being involved between the physical matter and/or mental energy being manipulated and the manipulator.

[top] [Edit Psychokinesis]

Publishing Initiative

Marvel NOW! promo

A publishing initiative consists of an overhaul of the variety of comic publications offered by Marvel with the intention to attract new readers. In most instances, publishing initiatives mainly involve the cancellation of ongoing series and their relaunch with new issue #1's the following month (or the release of new corresponding series). These relaunches are sometimes accompanied by changes in the creative teams, so as to also reinvigorate the series. Publishing initiatives can sometimes be all-encompassing and involve the overhaul of every title published by Marvel (like All-New, All-Different Marvel), or be focused on a specific line of characters (like ResurrXion). In order to provide easy jumping-in points for readers, most publishing initiatives follow the aftermath of an event, in order to serve as clean slate for new stories.

The first of Marvel's publishing initiatives ocurred in 1996. It was called Heroes Reborn, during which Marvel temporarily outsourced the production of several series to studios owned by some of its former employees. The series relaunched for Heroes Reborn were Avengers, Fantastic Four, Iron Man and Captain America.

In modern times, publishing initiatives have become much more recurrent due to the climate in comic retail. Readers look to issue #1's as clear jumping-in points for stories and characters, and it is harder to market relatively-high numbered issues as jumping-in points. The first of the modern-day publishing initiatives was 2012's Marvel NOW!. Picking up the aftermath of the event Avengers vs. X-Men, it saw the overhaul of Marvel's entire line of comics, with new creative teams in every series. The most recent publishing initiative was 2018's Fresh Start. While not all-encompassing, it involved most of Marvel's high-profile series.

(See Also: Category:Publishing Initiatives)
[top] [Edit Publishing Initiative]


Fantastic Four Vol 1 542 Textless

Pyrokinesis is the ability to excite the atoms within an object, with possibly enough energy to ignite the object. A pyrokinetic is a person capable of generating flames from thin air, not requiring the consumption of oxygen or combustible objects to maintain the flames. They have been seen being able to increase the temperature in their proximity, create flames, and endure extreme heat and flame without being harmed.


  • Blazing Bolts: The ability to project blazing bolts, destructive, incinerating long-range beams of fire from any part of one's body at will (they could be able to blow reinforced, solid titanium walls without effort).
  • Burning: The ability to burn, scald, singe, scorch, vaporize, evaporate, and incinerate virtually any being or object by touch.
  • Fire Absorption: The ability to absorb any amount of flame into one’s body harmlessly.
  • Fire Breath: A character can project his/her fire from his/her mouth by breathing and exhaling at will, like a dragon.
  • Fire Extinguishing: The character can extinguish any fire in his or her vicinity mentally.
  • Fire Projectiles: The ability to make constructs out of flame (fireballs being the most common) and hurl them at opponents. Also includes shooting a steady stream of fire from the hands.
  • Fiery Projections: The ability to generate, project, and create virtually any shapes, objects, constructs, weapons, and even beings composed of fire from any point on one's body.
  • Firestorm: The ability to summon a firestorm that can cover great distances, from an acre to over a fifty-thousand-mile radius.
  • Flight: A character's body and plasma could possess a high hydrogen content, and could be surrounded by an exuded cloud of mono-atomic hydrogen atoms. This hot cloud could provides sufficient positive buoyancy for him/her to float. With mental stimulation of his/her flame, he/she could provide enough lift to carry an undetermined amount of weight that could be greater than one could normally carry. By forming a jet of flame from his/her feet, directed behind him/her, one could achieve supersonic speeds of up to at least 300 miles per hour.
  • Pyrokinesis: The ability to telekinetically control and manipulate any fire or flame, even ones one did not manufacture, and utilize them in any way imaginable. One could possess complete and precise control over their shape, size, intensity, density, temperature, and even color. He/she could alter its size and intensity from a mere candlestick flame, to an immeasurable inferno. He/she could telekinetically manipulate any fire or flame to do whatever he/she desires.
  • Spontaneous Combustion: The ability to spontaneously combust and/or engulf any portion of or all of oneself in fiery plasma without harm to oneself whatsoever.
  • Welding and Fusing: One can control his flame to perform the most delicate welding jobs. He/she can fuse craters, holes, or openings in walls, floors, ceilings, or the ground.

Notable Pyrokineticists

For a full list of characters who can control fire, see here.

[top] [Edit Pyrokinesis]

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