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Quote1 I am not the Sorcerer Supreme you are accustomed to matching. I am -- Doctor Voodoo! The Gunner of God -- when I roar the Earth trembles! Quote2
—Doctor Voodoo[src]

Jericho Drumm is a champion of the supernatural who communes with the dead as Brother Voodoo, having his late twin brother's spirit joined with his own. Originally rejecting the mystic traditions of his village in Haiti by becoming a renowned scholar in America, Jericho Drumm had a change of mind in face of his brother's death and vowed to honor his legacy and responsibilities as a houngan. Trained by Papa Jambo, Brother Voodoo has become a competent necromant and used his knowledge to protect the innocent.[7]

When Doctor Strange lost his position as Sorcerer Supreme for having employed dark magic,[8] Brother Voodoo was chosen as the new master of mystic arts.[9] This prompted him to join the Avengers in a battle against the demonic lord Dormammu, who wished to determine the fate of the new Sorcerer Supreme.[10] Having become an ally to the Avengers, Doctor Voodoo tragically sacrifice himself to prevent the original Sorcerer Supreme Agamotto from claiming his powers and harm the world.[11]

Returned from the dead by a morally inverted Doctor Doom,[12] Doctor Voodoo joined the Avengers Unity Division.[13] As an Avenger he unfortunately had to combat his own brother, who had made a deal with the nefarious Hand to be resurrected.[14] More recently, Doctor Voodoo has assumed an important role as the headmaster of the Strange Academy, an institution focused on teaching youngsters to improve their skills over magic.[15]


Brother Voodoo[]

Born and raised in a Haitian low-income village, the twins Jericho and Daniel Drumm were separated before reaching adulthood. While Daniel stayed and became a local houngan, Jericho moved to America to pursue a career as a psychologist and as a scholar. Years later, Jericho returned upon learning the ill fate of his dying brother who had been nursed by their aunt Matilda. Daniel claimed to have been cursed by an enemy, a dark priest who claimed to be a living loa, the evil serpent-god Damballah. In his final moments, Daniel begged his brother to venture in the jungle and ask for the help of Papa Jambo, who had instructed him in the arts of the pouin, the good magic.[1]

After being publicly humiliated by Damballah, Jericho Drumm started his quest to avenge his brother. Papa Jambo refused to act as a defender, but revealed his intentions of forging Jericho into one, as he had been originally prophesized to take the position of the hougan instead of Daniel.[1] Being mentored by Papa Jambo, Jericho was guided by faith and quickly reached a proficiency in the voodoo greater than his brother's. As Jericho wished to obtain the necessary power to defeat Damballah, Papa Jambo performed a rite that summoned Daniel Drumm's spirit back from the dead and merged it with Jericho's own. With his true successor found and ready to take his place, Papa Jambo passed away. With his brother's loa spirit residing in his own, Jericho Drumm became Brother Voodoo. Damballah assembled the Council of Vaudou to prove himself as the voodoo master of the world, but was interrupted by Brother Voodoo's wrath. In a contest, Brother Voodoo overpowered his rival, who succumbed to his own magics. After Damballah's demise, his former servant Bambu became Drumm's ally instead.[16] Acting in Port-au-Prince, Brother Voodoo fought as a super-hero to protect the innocent from criminal factions, having Bambu as his right-hand man.[1]

Super-Hero of the Supernatural[]

Returning to America, Brother Voodoo set up home in an ostentatious manor located in the exotic French Quarter in New Orleans. Upon learning his home country had been experiencing attacks from zubemvies led by the alleged zombie Baron Samedi, Voodoo went to investigate. Captured, Doctor Voodoo learned the zombie outbreak was a result of A.I.M.'s experiments. By being immune to the brainwashing process, Brother Voodoo sabotaged A.I.M.'s facilities and liberated their victims.[17]

In the Mississippi River, Brother Voodoo saved a debilitated girl from drowning. At his home, she introduced herself as Loralee Tate. She was kidnapped by the Cult of the Dark Lord, who managed to knock Voodoo out in his own home. Helped by her father Inspector Samuel Tate, Brother Voodoo decided to rescue her.[18] The seer Mama Limbo led Voodoo to Desmond Drew's mansion, where he could not find clues. Ambushed by the evil cult however, Voodoo pretended to be subdued in order to get apprehended and infiltrate their temple, where he met their leader Black Talon.[19] After fighting Black Talon, it was revealed that Mama Limbo was the mastermind behind the kidnapping, wishing to be rejuvenated by siphoning young women's vigor. Following her accidental death, Black Talon revealed to be her son, Desmond Drew, which exposed him as a fraud and damaged his credibility to his cult. Brother Voodoo and Loralee Tate then left safe and sound.[20]

Voodoo teamed up with Spider-Man to battle Moondog the Malicious, a member of the Loa. Working together they banished him before he could kill Gail Paris.[21]

In Brazil, he helped Frank Drake battle Dracula. He also helped Drake get over his self-doubt and inspired him to continue his quest to destroy Dracula.[22]

Werewolf by Night & The Thing[]

Jericho later helped the Werewolf by Night deal with Doctor Glitternight.[23] He used a spell that allowed his brother Daniel's spirit to control the actions of the werewolf. They battled hordes of zombies, so they could enter the Black Egg, which was the source of Glitternight's power. Daniel was sent into the egg and helped his brother in battle by working together to defeat Glitternight. After the battle his brother returned to his spirit form.[24]

As a result of the disappearance of several members of the black community, Voodoo teamed up with the Thing of the Fantastic Four. The mystery led them to Uganda where they had to fight Voodoo priest, W'Sulli, who was using a vampire to do his bidding and was also working with Kinji Obatu. Together, they took down both of the criminals and freed the prisoners.[25]

Island of No Return[]

Brother Voodoo was one of the many heroes kidnapped by Professor Soos to participate in his fighting festival against his own creations.[26] Brother Voodoo was pitted against Mr. Monkey and attempted to use the spirit of his brother to boost his strength, but was ineffective and was knocked out in one blow.[27]

Damballah's Wangal & Moon Knight[]

Brother Voodoo eventually succumbed to the lure of power that Damballah's wangal represented. Upon Jericho wearing it, the god Damballah took over Daniel's soul, burned down the mansion, and apparently slew Bambu. He traveled to New York City in order to attempt to take over the mind and body of Earth's Sorcerer Supreme, Doctor Strange, who eventually freed Brother Voodoo of Damballah's influence and re-confined the evil god to the wangal.[28]

Moon Knight came to Haiti and they teamed up to take down Grand Bois who was raising a zombie army.[29] Drumm was later attacked by Doctor Friday and turned into a mindless zombie.[30] Moon Knight was able to free his mind and together they took down the Haitian crime lord.[31]

Zombies vs. Vampires & Losing Loralee[]

Doctor Voodoo Avenger of the Supernatural Vol 1 1 Textless

After Marie Laveau used the Vampiric Verses, Brother Voodoo was forced to summon a zombie army to assist Doctor Strange, Clea, Rintrah, and Morbius.[32] Although they were able to defeat the vampires, the zombies then had to be destroyed so they could be at peace.[33]

Drumm was desperate to get Loralee Tate back and tried to use magic to make her fall in love with him. Realizing this was a lie, the two then ended their relationship.[34]

Without, Lorelee, Jericho needed to regain his focus and wrote a book, "Do You Voodoo, I Do!" and went on a book tour with "Sister Voodoo", an actress he hired to play his new super-hero partner, alongside her "son" Voodoo Chile.[35][36]

Daredevil & Lilith Drake[]

He helped Daredevil when Calypso turned him into a living zombie and he had to fight to free himself from her control.[37]

Lilith Drake asked Drumm to help her with her increased cravings for blood since the vampires' return. He did so, while making her promise to assist him later on.[38]

Brother Voodoo sensed that the Scarecrow was making zombies.[39] John Blaze and Ghost Rider were angered that the Scarecrow had taken the body of Barbara Ketch.[40] Working along with Lilith, they battled him. However, blood from the respective packs of animals Lilith summoned and the crows from the Scarecrow made Lilith go crazy again. She left the group, but Scarecrow was eventually stopped by Drumm and the others.[41]

Blade & Heroes for Hire[]

Deacon Frost teamed up with Marie Laveau to take over mafia crime in New Orleans as a staging area for greater conquests. Deacon captured Blade, Hannibal King, and Brother Voodoo to establish his rep among the undead in a power grab. The heroes freed themselves from the trap and Blade battled Deacon Frost to a stalemate. Deacon escaped, and Blade vowed to hunt him down.[citation needed]

Brother Voodoo was called in to help revive Iron Fist, who had spent his life-force saving Luke Cage.[42]

Black Panther & Gambit[]

He also assisted Black Panther and Moon Knight after Killmonger was resurrected and T'Challa found himself attacked by Nightmare.[43]

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Jericho developed a sense of protectiveness about New Orleans, eagerly identifying himself as its local superhero. Jericho cautiously observed the plots involving the mystic Inficio Aquilus, the first tarot card deck, and later helped the X-Man Gambit against a zombie army raised by Antoinelle Arceneaux.[44]

Secret Invasion[]

Brother Voodoo became involved with the supernatural "Howling Commandos" operation of the espionage agency S.H.I.E.L.D.,[45] and registered with the government in accordance with the Superhuman Registration Act.[46][47]

At some point, he was replaced by a Skrull. While Black Panther was fighting Erik Killmonger, the Skrull Brother Voodoo revealed himself when he attempted to kill Cannibal, whom he deemed to be a threat. However, the two killed each other in the struggle and the discovery of "Brother Voodoo's" true form revealed the Skrull invasion to the Black Panther, allowing him time to prepare.[48]

Deadpool & Wendigo Invasion[]

Jericho Drumm (Earth-616) from Cable & Deadpool Vol 1 48 001

He sent a reluctant Deadpool into T-Ray's soul to convince him to come back to life.[49]

Jericho Drumm (Earth-616) from New Avengers Vol 1 53 001

The New Sorcerer Supreme

Drumm helped the Hulk, Sentry, Ms. Marvel, and Moon Knight fight a Wendigo invasion in Las Vegas while She-Hulk and the Lady Liberators were fighting the Red Hulk.[50]

Sorcerer Supreme & Divas[]

Agamotto appeared to Jericho through his Eye. The Eye left Strange after magically showing him and the New Avengers nearly thirty candidates who could possibly replace Strange, reaching Voodoo. Because he possessed the Eye, along with Strange's former garb, Drumm became the new Sorcerer Supreme of Earth-616. The possession of the Eye indicated that Jericho possesses a pure heart and a clean soul. Drumm appeared in New Orleans to intervene in the desperate battle between Dormammu and The Hood against Doctor Strange with the New Avengers.[51]

He helped Patsy Walker, Monica Rambeau, Felicia Hardy, and Angelica Jones when they teamed up to fight crime.[52]

Avenger of the Supernatural & Zombieverse[]

During his initial tenure as the new Sorcerer Supreme, The Vishanti had pronounced a prophecy of dark days and an evil that would swallow the universe by unspoken supernatural force. Unused to operating on such a level, Drumm went about attempting to seal off as many evil supernatural forces across the cosmos as possible to protect the Earth from the threat, lastly using a tip from Stephen Strange to lock the Dreaded Dormammu into a sub-dimension of his massive realm, and trap him with the Barrier Crows of Legba.

Returning to his home in New Orleans, Doctor Voodoo was exhausted but survived the trip. He was greeted by his predecessor, Stephen Strange, and the ghost of his brother Daniel, who noted that Drumm had not slept in a week, wearing himself thin. Despite protests from Strange over Drumm using varied dark magics to hold back evil forces and keep various demons at bay, Drumm persevered and Strange acquiesced and departed. Voodoo, despite not sleeping in a week, must depart for his other duty: he is the doctor at a free clinic in New Orleans. Marinette-Bwa-Chech a "petro loa" escaped the Bondye and inhabited the body of a man who sought help at a New Orleans medical clinic to ambush and attack Drumm, while Doctor Doom arrived in an attempt to steal the Eye of Agamotto. Drumm and Doom tussled across dimensions until falling into the Dimension of Nightmare, where Doom called off his attacks and Nightmare stole a piece of Drumm's staff. Drumm was later misled by a brainwashed Son of Satan to free Nightmare from his dimension to fulfill the Vishanti's prophecy.

Drumm eventually fell prey to the possessions of Nightmare who went on to spread chaos across the world and possess every Sorcerer Supreme candidate still active. With help from his brother Daniel, Drumm broke free and enlisted the aid of Dr. Doom to battle and slay Nightmare's encroaching army and defeat Nightmare, nearly slaying all of Earth's mages in the process. Drumm eventually managed to depower Nightmare whereas Doom used the chance to absorb Nightmare's power and claim he had manipulated Drumm all along as the true prophesied evil the Vishanti warned of. Drumm revealed he knew of this ploy and used his brother to possess Doom who'd left himself vulnerable during the betrayal. Drumm sealed Nightmare off into the realm of Bondyè and returned the world to normal before the invasion had occurred.[53]

He offered Deadpool help in getting Headpool back to the Zombieverse and opened a mystical portal for him to get there.[54]

Doomwar & Death[]

He was one of the many heroes who battled Doctor Doom during Doomwar.[55]

When Agamotto was cast out of the Vishanti and had most of his powers stripped from him, he attacked the New Avengers in order to reclaim the Eye of Agamotto from Doctor Voodoo as it was the only artifact that could defeat him.[56] Jericho used the Eye to defeat Agamotto, but the Eye was destroyed and his life was lost in the process.[11]

Chaos War & Resurrection[]

He was one of the many heroes who battled the Chaos King.[57]

When the Scarlet Witch was affected by an inversion spell which altered her moral axis, she set out to murder Doctor Doom for the manipulations she was victim of.[58] In order to stop her, Doctor Doom made a Faustian pact with a demigod to resurrect Doctor Voodoo, as he and his brother Daniel were the only ones capable of possessing Wanda, in order to make her "cooperate" in the conjuration of a reinversion spell.[12]

In the wake of the conflict, Doctor Voodoo joined the Avengers Unity Division.[59]

Avengers Unity Division[]

As the Unity Division became increasingly fractured during the second Superhero Civil War and the threat of the Terrigenesis cloud, Drumm was shocked to learn that his brother had chosen to side with the Hand, seeking his own resurrection even at the cost of becoming their pawn, while going so far as to offer them the corpse of the recently-deceased Bruce Banner to become their agent of destruction.[60] Voodoo was able to escape his brother and warn the Unity Division of this threat, but while they failed to stop the Hulk's resurrection,[61] Drumm was able to create a spell that allowed him to enter the Hulk's mind once his teammates had worn him down. The Hand's mystical forces appeared to Drumm in astral form while in Banner's mind and offered to restore his brother to him if he would let them keep Banner, but Drumm declared that he would choose his 'brother' in the form of his friend Bruce, informing the Hand that Daniel had made his choice, purging the Hulk of the Hand's influence and allowing Banner to die again.[62]


Drumm answered the call to join the Avengers during the threat of the Cotati led Empyre.[63]


Power Grid[102]
:Category:Power Grid/Fighting Skills/Some Training:Category:Power Grid/Energy Projection/Multiple Types:Category:Power Grid/Durability/Enhanced:Category:Power Grid/Speed/Superhuman:Category:Power Grid/Strength/Superhuman (800 lbs-25 ton):Category:Power Grid/Intelligence/Learned


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True Magic

Voodoo Magic: Doctor Voodoo is a master of voodoo magic. As a houngan, he uses it as a form of pouin or white magic and is in close contact with the dead.[16] The books of Vishanti had him listed as the greatest practitioner of Voodoo "White Magic".[64] He has been stated as one of the most powerful mystic practitioners on the planet and the most powerful and skilled of Voodoo Magic practitioners on Earth.[65]

  • Necromancy: Doctor Voodoo has demonstrated the power to contact, commune with and manipulate the loa, the spirits and the dead, being particularly skilled in this term.[16] He has summoned the Lord of War and Fire to destroy a bunch of crows attacking him[66] and the Spirit of War and Blood to frighten someone.[41] He has also proven to be able to call upon elemental air spirits to enable Scarlet Witch to breath, who previously suffocated in space while he was on Earth.[67] He has raised many skeletons and summoned the spirits of the dead to do his bidding.[68][69] He also has displayed the ability to manipulate zombies, heard the voices of the dead and communicated with them, and detected the presence of undead near him.[70][13][30]
  • Biological Manipulation: Voodoo's sorcery allows him to manipulate the aspects of a living creature's biological function, including animals and plants.[16] He was able to remove Frank Castle's mouth[71] and heal several people from injuries.[72] He was even able to use body substitution spell.[73] Command and controlling animal's behaviour at his will, he has proven to be able to manipulate snakes,[16] lizards,[17] dogs,[19] and crocodiles.[74] He has also used a tree to impale a vampire.[75]
  • Fire Immunity: Guided by his faith, Doctor Voodoo is immune to scorching fire, as his skin can become impervious to burning.[16][18]
  • Fire Manipulation: Jericho is able to control fire, even though he cannot create it.[76] He has increased the flame from a lighter to incinerate some zombies[77] and has travelled from one location to another by using fire.[78]
  • Smoke Manipulation: Doctor Voodoo is able to create a form of smoke or vapors that conceal his location by casting illusion. This smoke is accompanied by the sound of voodoo drums. The constant beat of the drums can disorient or unnerve an opponent. He can see through the smoke he forms, and possibly through other smoke created by magical means. He has proven to be capable to transport or travel via smoke.[1][71]
  • Soul Manipulation: One of many powers he often uses is the power to manipulate and control soul. He can track people by using their souls[79] and can create a barrier around someone in order to prevent their soul from entering their body.[3] He also has shown to be able to transfer soul back to their body[80] and has sent Deadpool's spirit to an astral plane with a gesture.[3] And not only that, he was even capable of performing a ritual so that he and his brother's soul can be merged,[16] and capable of exorcising and banishing demons that were possessing some corpses.[71]

Spells and Phrases: Doctor Voodoo has a vast knowledge of mystical spells and incantations invoking names and aspects of various extra-dimensional objects and beings of power. Through these incantations, the magi are able to call upon these extra-dimensional power sources for very specific effects without taxing the personal abilities.[81]

  • Astral Projection and Possession: Drumm is able to project his astral from even when unconscious.[82] He can possess many kind of living beings and can still use his powers from a being that he has possessed by using his own magic.
  • Binding: As a Sorcerer, Doctor Voodoo has displayed the power to bind, immobilize, and stop his targets from moving. By using this power, he has shown to be capable to form a mystical strand around Sabretooth[13] and create magical chains to restrain and disable Mephisto.[83]
  • Aerokinesis: Jericho is able to manipulate and generate the air. He has used a wind spell to reflect things that were thrown at him.[63]
  • Energy Resistance: He is resistant and able to withstand various forms of energy attacks to a degree.[84]
  • Energy Projection: Drumm can use his magic to fire magical blasts than can stagger Ghost Riders.
  • Force Field: Drumm's magic is capable to create and form barrier and shields in order to prevent him and his allies from getting any harm[4][85] or to contain and imprison his targets, as he did against a horde of zombies.[86]
  • Flight: Jericho can use the Cloak of Levitation to fly at a constant speed.[87]
  • Holographic Projection: His powers can be used to create magical projection of an image.[88]
  • Intangibility: Drumm can move and phase through solid matter or object such as a wall.[89]
  • Magical Awareness: He has proven to be able to sense magic and anything that affects him and his surroundings.[90][91][60]
  • Magic Manipulation: Jericho can manipulate magical entities.[87]
  • Mystical Invulnerability: Doctor Voodoo has resistance against magical force or magical attacks.[90]
  • Scrying: He can cast a spell that is used to view events that is still happening large distance away.[92]
  • Sealing: His magic allows him to seal and lock away living beings or objects within another objects or creatures. He once uses the Barrier Crows of Legba to seal off Dormammu's entire Dark Dimension which trapped him there.[4]
  • Spectral Sight: Drumm has demonstrated the ability to see things beyond what normal human can. For an instance, he has seen through the disguises of demons that he stated were master illusionists.[71]
  • Telekinesis: Jericho Drumm seems to have the ability to manipulate, move, or stop objects from moving.[68]
  • Telepathy: Jericho is able to manipulate, control, and dominate the mind of others by using his magic. He can hypnotize someone as he pleases like he did to Voyager[93] and can put anyone to sleep or unconscious.[18] He also has demonstrated the ability to mentally torture a group of people[61] and immobilized other people telepathically.[71]
  • Teleportation: Jericho can use the Evanodor Compatriot Boost Spell to transport him to other dimension.[87][94] He has teleported away Dr. Strange and Daimon Hellstrom from New Orleans to New York.[92] He also can bring several people within him[95] and can travel from one place to another by using flame.[78]
  • Time Manipulation: Since his magic is powerful enough to control and manipulate time itself, he was able to put Wonder Man in stasis to prevent his energy form from disintegrating.[96] Voodoo was also able to stop time that causes everyone and everything to be immobilized.[97]
  • Transmutation: Jericho can transform one thing into another for many purposes. For example, he has changed his clothes instantly.[4]


  • Expert Combatant: Jericho has been trained in physical and hand to hand combat.[16]
  • Magical Knowledge: By getting trained from Doctor Strange and studying from the various mystical books, texts, and tomes, Voodoo has shown capable of a far greater range of magical spells and abilities.
  • Meditation: Jericho gained meditative skills great enough to the point that he can survive having his throat slit by slowing his bodily function to a near stop.[98]
  • Multilingualism: Jericho is fluent in both English and French along with his native French Créole.[76]
  • Psychologist: Jericho gained a degree in psychology in the United States of America.[1]


As a mystic, Drumm has been limited to the disciplines of voodoo magic, not the wider world of magic.[87]



  • Jar of Demon Blood: Jericho Drumm can cast spell a "Wandering Door Spell" which will create a portal that places him and anyone with him to the exact location where he and others need to be by spreading the blood around a door and use it to write a symbol on it. However, it's the last jar of that demon's blood on Earth.[61]
  • Medallion: Brother Voodoo utilizes a medallion to assist him in harnessing the "Loa." and also employs a host of voodoo paraphernalia such as voodoo dolls.[35]
  • Pym Particles: Pym Particles contained in a vial that was given to Voodoo by Hank Pym himself. He has utilized it to shrink himself.[84]
  • Sorcerer Supreme Attributes: As Sorcerer Supreme he had access to the Eye of Agamotto, which can project mystical light for a variety of effects, fly, give its user certain mystical perceptions into another's soul, open dimensional portals, and cast a hypnotic gaze, as well as the Cloak of Levitation, allowing him to fly at 25 miles an hour for indeterminate lengths. Additionally pieces of Strange's former costume, such as his enchanted sash capable of extending in length, plus the Orb of Agamotto, and books of knowledge, such as the Book of the Vishanti, were all at Brother Voodoo's disposal to help him train for his future quests. Drumm also had the right to claim the Wand of Watoomb, according to Doctor Strange, but at the time it was lost in another reality.[87]
  • Staff of Legba: A magical item as well as his main weapon. Jericho can channel his magic through it so that it can boost and enhance Jericho's spells and magic.
  • Strangling Bones of Brother Lafell: a magical staff that can be used to strangle any object or person the user wants it to.[84]
  • The Monkey's Paw: A magical artifact that can be used to grant wishes but it can't work trans-dimensionally. And it will twist the wishes of whoever uses it.[99]
  • Wanga Powder: A poisonous powder that Drumm can carry to help him defeat his enemies easier.[100]


Flight through the Cloak of Levitation, teleportation.[87]


  • Interestingly, Jericho Drumm was shown in the Marvel Tarot as "The Hanged Man."

See Also

Links and References


  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Strange Tales #169
  2. ↑ New Avengers #54
  3. ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 Cable & Deadpool #48
  4. ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Doctor Voodoo: Avenger of the Supernatural #1
  5. ↑ New Avengers #29
  6. ↑ Savage Avengers #12
  7. ↑ Strange Tales #169–170
  8. ↑ New Avengers Annual #2
  9. ↑ New Avengers #51
  10. ↑ New Avengers #52
  11. ↑ 11.0 11.1 New Avengers (Vol. 2) #6
  12. ↑ 12.0 12.1 Avengers & X-Men: AXIS #8
  13. ↑ 13.0 13.1 13.2 Uncanny Avengers (Vol. 2) #1
  14. ↑ Uncanny Avengers (Vol. 3) #14–17
  15. ↑ Strange Academy #1
  16. ↑ 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 16.4 16.5 16.6 16.7 Strange Tales #170
  17. ↑ 17.0 17.1 Strange Tales #171
  18. ↑ 18.0 18.1 18.2 Strange Tales #172
  19. ↑ 19.0 19.1 Strange Tales #173
  20. ↑ Zombie #6
  21. ↑ Marvel Team-Up #24
  22. ↑ Tomb of Dracula #34–37
  23. ↑ Werewolf by Night #38
  24. ↑ Werewolf by Night #40–41
  25. ↑ Marvel Two-In-One #41
  26. ↑ CAGE! #3
  27. ↑ CAGE! #4
  28. ↑ Doctor Strange (Vol. 2) #48
  29. ↑ Moon Knight #21
  30. ↑ 30.0 30.1 Marc Spector: Moon Knight #6
  31. ↑ Marc Spector: Moon Knight #7
  32. ↑ Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #16–17
  33. ↑ Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #18
  34. ↑ Marvel Super-Heroes (Vol. 2) #1
  35. ↑ 35.0 35.1 Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Horror 2005 #1
  36. ↑ Events described here are based on Marvel Age Annual #3.This is likely based on, instead of being fully set in this universe as there are variations between the Handbook entry and the actual comic, (It was a new comic book series he was promoting not a book, which I cannot find another source which lists the title as described) and there is no evidence the rest of the comic is set on 616, especially when they introduce characters native to Earth-1287. These could also be actors, but Occam's razor leads me to believe this is simply all on Earth-77640.
  37. ↑ Daredevil #311
  38. ↑ Ghost Rider (Vol. 3) #84
  39. ↑ Ghost Rider (Vol. 3) #82
  40. ↑ Ghost Rider (Vol. 3) #83–84
  41. ↑ 41.0 41.1 Ghost Rider (Vol. 3) #85
  42. ↑ Heroes for Hire #13
  43. ↑ Black Panther (Vol. 3) #17–22
  44. ↑ Gambit (Vol. 4) #3–11
  45. ↑ Nick Fury's Howling Commandos #2–6
  46. ↑ New Avengers #29–30
  47. ↑ Civil War: Battle Damage Report #1
  48. ↑ Black Panther (Vol. 4) #12–13
  49. ↑ Cable & Deadpool #47–48
  50. ↑ Hulk (Vol. 2) #9
  51. ↑ New Avengers #53–60
  52. ↑ Marvel Divas #1–4
  53. ↑ Doctor Voodoo: Avenger of the Supernatural #1–5
  54. ↑ Deadpool: Merc with a Mouth #7–8
  55. ↑ Doomwar #6
  56. ↑ New Avengers (Vol. 2) #1–5
  57. ↑ Chaos War #1–2
  58. ↑ Avengers & X-Men: AXIS #6
  59. ↑ Avengers & X-Men: AXIS #9
  60. ↑ 60.0 60.1 Uncanny Avengers (Vol. 3) #14
  61. ↑ 61.0 61.1 61.2 Uncanny Avengers (Vol. 3) #15
  62. ↑ Uncanny Avengers (Vol. 3) #17
  63. ↑ 63.0 63.1 Empyre: Avengers #1
  64. ↑ Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #20
  65. ↑ Uncanny Avengers (Vol. 3) #30
  66. ↑ Ghost Rider (Vol. 3) #83
  67. ↑ Uncanny Avengers (Vol. 3) #27
  68. ↑ 68.0 68.1 Black Knight (Vol. 3) #4
  69. ↑ Deadpool v Gambit #2
  70. ↑ Marvel Divas #2
  71. ↑ 71.0 71.1 71.2 71.3 71.4 Savage Avengers #4
  72. ↑ Marvel's Voices #1
  73. ↑ Avengers #680
  74. ↑ Gambit (Vol. 4) #9
  75. ↑ Black Panther (Vol. 4) #12
  76. ↑ 76.0 76.1 Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #2
  77. ↑ Gambit (Vol. 4) #8
  78. ↑ 78.0 78.1 Werewolf by Night #41
  79. ↑ Uncanny Avengers (Vol. 3) #8
  80. ↑ Empyre: Avengers #3
  81. ↑ Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe (Vol. 2) #4
  82. ↑ Empyre: Avengers #2
  83. ↑ Doctor Strange: Damnation #4
  84. ↑ 84.0 84.1 84.2 Doctor Strange: Last Days of Magic #1
  85. ↑ Doctor Voodoo: Avenger of the Supernatural #3
  86. ↑ Uncanny Avengers Annual (Vol. 2) #1
  87. ↑ 87.0 87.1 87.2 87.3 87.4 87.5 Heroic Age: Heroes #1
  88. ↑ New Avengers (Vol. 2) #5
  89. ↑ Doctor Voodoo: The Origin of Jericho Drumm #1
  90. ↑ 90.0 90.1 Falcon (Vol. 2) #2
  91. ↑ Savage Avengers #1
  92. ↑ 92.0 92.1 New Avengers (Vol. 2) #4
  93. ↑ Avengers #687
  94. ↑ Savage Avengers #5
  95. ↑ Uncanny Avengers (Vol. 3) #12
  96. ↑ Avengers #689
  97. ↑ Black Panther (Vol. 3) #20
  98. ↑ Black Panther (Vol. 3) #22
  99. ↑ Marvel Divas #3
  100. ↑ Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #17
  101. ↑ Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #2
  102. ↑ Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z Vol 1 2