Marvel Database

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Marvel Database

Appearing in "I Need a Trip Through the Netherrealms Like a Kick to the Nether Regions"

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Synopsis for "I Need a Trip Through the Netherrealms Like a Kick to the Nether Regions"

  • Synopsis not yet written

Solicit Synopsis

Could DEADPOOL's recent actions be responsible for unleashing the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth on Earth?

Can the Crimson Bands of Cytorrak keep DEADPOOL's mouth shut? Will BOB, Agent of Hydra, sprout flame on his head and become the new Dread Dormammu? Shall DR. STRANGE truly suffer through an entire issue dragging our reluctant heroes through mystic realms? The answers are Yes, No, Maybe, Most Likely, but not necessarily in that order. And in a stunning escalation to our simmering sub-plot, CABLE is still dead!


Legacy Numbering[]

See Also

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