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Marvel Database

Advanced Idea Mechanics (A.I.M.) is a privately funded think tank organized of a group of brilliant scientists whose sole dedication is to acquire and develop power through technological means to overthrow the governments of the world. They supply arms and technology to radicals and subversive organizations in order to foster a violent technological revolution of society while making a profit.[5] The leader of the organization has changed many times over the years, but are always given the title Scientist Supreme.[6] Throughout the years, there have been several splinter groups which broke away due to diverging agendas.


Advanced Idea Mechanics--- an organized group of international science-terrorists. You know, like one of those Japanese techno-apocalypse cults? They recruit the kinda brilliant geeks and brainy outsiders who want revenge for not getting any booty...Wolverine[src]


A.I.M. first began during World War II when Baron von Strucker organized a group of brilliant scientists whose sole dedication was to acquire and develop power through technological means, that would overthrow the government.[citation needed]

Advanced Idea Mechanics (Earth-616) from Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Vol 2 1 0001

A.I.M. Uniform

Baron Wolfgang von Strucker used A.I.M. to develop advanced technological weaponry for his secret subversive organization, Hydra. Although Hydra suffered a major defeat, it continued to exist secretly over the following decades, continually growing and building in strength. The group of scientists grew in number over the years, and made great advances in various fields: robotics, bio-engineering, bionics, and physics. Eventually the scientists publicly incorporated their organization under the name of Advanced Idea Mechanics. A.I.M. or Hydra's goals and activities were subversive and kept secret. Hydra's existence remained unknown for a time. A.I.M. was believed by both the public and by intelligence organizations to be an international cartel dealing with the development and marketing of new technological products. A.I.M. gained great influence with the U.S. government in its role as a supplier of hardware and weaponry to governmental and quasi-governmental agencies.[citation needed]

Don't trust the beekeepers, eh? Fair enough. I don't trust 'em either.Deadpool[src]

Division of T.H.E.M.[]

After S.H.I.E.L.D defeated Hydra, A.I.M. attempted to force S.H.I.E.L.D Director Nick Fury out of his position. This attempt, publicly led by Count Bornag Royale, failed. Instead, Fury exposed A.I.M. as a subversive organization. Although S.H.I.E.L.D believed it had put an end to A.I.M.'s operation, much of the organization's membership escaped capture. A.I.M.'s links with the secretly active Hydra remained undiscovered.[6] A.I.M. had created a wide variety of advanced technological weaponry, and - during the period when it was an arm of Hydra - made great strides in creating androids, which the organization employed as assassins. During this period A.I.M. members sometimes referred to themselves as agents of T.H.E.M.. "T.H.E.M." was the code name of the Hydra core group which governed Hydra and its subsidiary.[7]

Cosmic Cube[]

Cosmic Cube from Tales of Suspense Vol 1 79

The Red Skull hired A.I.M. to create the Cosmic Cube, an unimaginably powerful object capable of restructuring reality. A.I.M. manufactured the containing device - the cube - not the reality-transforming energy itself, whose nature and origin remain mysteries.[8]

An A.I.M. scientist was saved from a plane crash by Captain America. On the brink of death, the agent told Cap that they had created the Cosmic Cube, and that they were betrayed by the Red Skull. The Skull took control of key members of A.I.M. with neural devices in order to obtain the Cosmic Cube for his own use. Tracking the Skull to A.I.M.'s island base, Cap arrived too late to stop the A.I.M. agent under the Skull's control from handing the Cube over to his arch-foe and granting him the power to change reality.[9]


Super-Villain Team-Up MODOK's 11 Vol 1 1 Textless


Dr. George Tarleton worked with the team to create the Cosmic Cube, a device with infinite capabilities. The Scientist Supreme (Lyle Getz) decided they needed a way to study the cube, so they created project M.O.D.O.C. (Mental Organism Designed Only for Computing) to analyze and probe the Cosmic Cube and to improve the organization's productivity in its scientific endeavors, while still being subservient to the higher echelons of the organization. To that end, they mutagenically altered George into the super intelligent being, M.O.D.O.C. His massive cranium was too much to for his frail body to support so they placed him in a hoverchair dubbed the Doomsday Chair. These scientists unwisely did not take into consideration the theory that superior ability naturally leads to superior ambition.[10] It did not take long for M.O.D.O.C. to turn on his former masters and overthrow A.I.M. He adopted the new acronym for his title: M.O.D.O.K. (Mental Organism Designed Only for Killing) at this time as he was more of a ruthless killer than a bean counter in his own estimation.[11]


A.I.M. created three major instruments of deadly potential which stand out above the rest: The first was the Super-Adaptoid, an android capable of duplicating the form and superhuman powers of another being.[12]

Captain America[]

Sharon Carter tried to infiltrate A.I.M. To prove to the members of A.I.M. that she was loyal to them she informed them that Nick Fury would be at a designated barbershop for them to assassinate. They sent an A.I.M. android to attack their target at a nearby barber shop. Captain America arrived and stopped the android from killing Nick. Defeating it, the creature dissolved leaving no trace behind.[13] Cap learned its origin and came to rescue Sharon from an A.I.M. submarine. He was undercover as an A.I.M. agent when his cover was blown.[14] M.O.D.O.K. tried to destroy Cap with his mind bolts, but during his fight A.I.M. betrayed its leader and tried to free themselves. As they tried to escape, M.O.D.O.K. detonated the self-destruct leaving everyone only moments to get clear of the blast.[11]


M.O.D.O.K. was later revealed to be alive and well and learned the Red Skull had stolen the Cosmic Cube and used it to swap minds with Captain America.[16] He had survived the explosion of the A.I.M. submarine by creating a mental force-field around him to protect himself from the blast, then using telepathy to call A.I.M. scientists that were still loyal to him to recover him from the ocean.[17] M.O.D.O.K. and A.I.M. manipulated Captain America as a part of a plot to steal Professor Fosgrave's most recent atomic equations, but Cap was able to stop them.[18]

M.O.D.O.K. is unimpressed for with this recent failure. He turned one of his assassins into a cyborg and sent him on a test run to rob a bank. On his return M.O.D.O.K. destroyed the money. He was then sent after Captain America, but failed in his mission to assassinate him.[19]

M.O.D.O.K. created an android duplicate of Bucky and sent him to work with Captain America. When it came down to it, the android's implanted memories of Bucky's loyalty would not allow him to kill Captain America, and it short circuited.[20] He then sent Bulldozer, a giant robot, to kill Captain America.[21]

Namor & Iron Man[]





A.I.M. agents went to Wakanda to steal Vibranium, but were confronted by T'Challa, however he was easily captured by A.I.M. and held prisoner. They soon revealed to T'Challa that they plan to use the Vibranium to construct devices to rule the Earth from space. Black Panther also learns that one of the A.I.M. members is B'Tumba. Ordering B'Tumba to execute T'Challa, B'Tumba found that he could not do it, and freed the Black Panther and joined him in battling the A.I.M. soldiers.[26]


Dr. Ted Sallis worked on the lost super-soldier serum on behalf of a government contractor. He set up shop in the Florida Everglades with his assistant Ellen Brandt. What he didn't realize was that Brandt was actually a spy for A.I.M.. As soon as Sallis confirmed the success of his super-soldier serum, Brandt contacted her people. They raided the lab and tried to steal the formula from him. The only existing sample was contained within a syringe. Ted grabbed the sample and raced out towards his car while the thugs followed him. Driving away, Sallis realized that the only way that he might survive was to inject himself with it. If nothing else, he would succeed in keeping it out of criminal hands. After injecting himself with the formula, Ted's car veered off a bridge and into the swamp. The super-soldier serum coursing through his bloodstream interfaced with the surrounding vegetation and transformed Sallis into a mindless, shambling muck-monster that men would come to call the Man-Thing. The Man-Thing rose from the swamp and attacked the criminals. He grabbed one and shattered his spine against his knee. Ellen Brandt was present and began screaming. The Man-Thing discovered his empathic connection to all humans, and fear produced a swelling of rage within him. He grabbed Ellen by the face and secreted a corrosive substance from his pores, burning Ellen badly.[27]

Bobbi Morse and Paul Allen came to investigate Ted Sallis' disappearance. They were attacked by A.I.M. but saved by Ka-Zar and Zabu. During the investigation they learned of the Man -Thing. As they confronted the creature, they were all attacked again by A.I.M. as Ka-Zar and Man-Thing fell into a pit dug by A.I.M.[28] Now working with the Man-Thing, they attacked an A.I.M. base. During the fight, they learned that Paul was also working for A.I.M.. He held Barbara at gunpoint until the Man-Thing burst through the wall and went after Paul. Paul let go of Barbara in fear of the Man-Thing, who grabbed Paul. Paul was burned to death by the Man-Thing's touch. Ka-Zar managed to get himself, Zabu, Barbara, and Dr. Calvin out of the base as the Man-Thing activated a switch, causing the base to explode.[29]

Doctor Doom[]

Doctor Doom tricked Namor into becoming his ally once again, and together they attacked an A.I.M. installation so that Doom can get his hands on the Cosmic Cube.[30] To ensure Namor's loyalty, Doom kidnapped Cindy Jones and held her hostage until Namor had helped him get the Cosmic Cube. Namor battled through the defenses of the A.I.M. base only to face M.O.D.O.K. and his hordes of androids.[31] Namor fell beneath the might of M.O.D.O.K. and his androids. Doctor Doom was forced to confront M.O.D.O.K. directly. Namor managed to free himself and reach the Cosmic Cube. Doom met up with him, but Namor had ensured the destruction of the Cosmic Cube. They both fled as the Cosmic Cube's explosion destroyed the A.I.M. base.[32]


A.I.M. designed the equipment used by Man-Killer (Katerina Luisa Van Horn) to further her man-hating philosophy. During a fight with Spider-Man she learned A.I.M. was an organization primarily comprised of men. Unable to deal with this fact, the Man-Killer suddenly went into a state of shock, and Spider-Man and the Cat left her for the authorities to collect.[33]


M.O.D.O.K. tried to take out the Hulk. He created a giant robotic body to help in the battle and planned to use gamma radiation to create a creature more powerful than the Hulk and has determined the best subject for it: Betty Talbot. M.O.D.O.K. visited Betty and used his mental powers to amplify her hate and orders her to kill the Hulk the next time she sees him. However M.O.D.O.K. was confronted by the Hulk and his robotic body was no match for him and was forced to flee.[34]

Grey Gargoyle[]

A.I.M. stole vital telemetry headed for Cape Kennedy, which they intend to use for their own rocket tests. S.H.I.E.L.D asked Captain America and Spider-Man for their help in breaking up the operation. Tracking down the A.I.M. base, Captain America and Spider-Man battle A.I.M. and the Grey Gargoyle over control of the device. Despite being shackled to a rocket, the two heroes managed to break free and stop A.I.M. and the Grey Gargoyle.[35]



Brother Voodoo[]


Iron Man[]

The Black Lama invited M.O.D.O.K. to the battle for the Golden Globe. Previously briefed by his agents, M.O.D.O.K. immediately accepted, killing an agent for questioning his decision. The Thinker took control of Iron Man's armor, steering him to fight M.O.D.O.K., who donned a giant battle suit. Learning that the Thinker, not the Lama, sent Iron Man, M.O.D.O.K grabbed his foe, traced the armor control to its source, and bought the fight to the Thinker's hideout.[38]

Ms Marvel[]

...[39] Following her defeat at the hands of Grotesk, Ms. Marvel plummeted into a cavern, and was recovered by A.I.M. who tried to give one of their agents Ms. Marvel's powers, however when this didn't work, they tried to condition her mind to be loyal to A.I.M.. With M.O.D.O.K.'s help, A.I.M. tried to brainwash Ms. Marvel into servitude making her fall in love with M.O.D.O.K. However, Ms. Marvel managed to break free of her conditioning and fought her way to freedom. Escaping, she found that A.I.M.'s hideout was hidden beneath a department store. She changed back to Carol Danvers and made her escape, planning to go back, get revenge on M.O.D.O.K., and stop A.I.M.'s operation in the near future.[40]

Spider-Man & Nova[]

A.I.M. were forced to deal with Nova and Spider-Man when they teamed up to investigate a crime.[41]

The Doomsday Connection[]

Having followed M.O.D.O.K. across the country, Iron Man burst into a Nevada A.I.M. base, but found it empty. He started to investigate an energy cradle but was attacked by two Guardian robots. After defeating them he concluded that while the base was an energy relay station, M.O.D.O.K. was not storing the energy there, but would drain energy from the West Coast, blacking it out. He traveled to contact the nearby Champions, but they didn't get his warning signal due to the blackout. He was attacked by Ghost Rider but the misunderstanding was quickly cleared up by the Black Widow. Iron Man updated everybody on M.O.D.O.K. and A.I.M. using his mini-projector, so they split up into three teams to investigate three A.I.M. bases. Black Widow, Hercules, and Angel headed to Redwood National Forest where they were attacked by A.I.M. agents and captured. Iceman, Darkstar, and Ghost Rider headed to San Francisco where they found an underwater A.I.M. installation and were attacked by A.I.M. agents and mutated sea creatures, injuring Darkstar. Iron Man traveled to the Mojave Desert where he came across a Franciscan mission. He asked a friar if he had seen any strange activity, but the friar attacked, revealing himself to be Stryke, a biologically reconstructed, powerful fighter. Realizing he had been set up, Iron Man used his image reproducer to confuse Stryke so that he could escape. He headed back to the Nevada base, contacting the Champions on his way. Having allowed themselves to be captured, Black Widow's team broke free and headed for Nevada. Iceman rescued Darkstar and put her on life support in the Champscraft en route. Iron Man found M.O.D.O.K. at the A.I.M. base, funneling all the stolen energy into his Doomsday Chair to amplify his mental powers. Once-Humans attacked Iron Man and the arriving Champions defeated them. M.O.D.O.K. escaped, destroying the installation behind him, trapping Iron Man and the Champions. Iron Man then used the remaining energy in the energy cradle to supercharge himself. He broke free and pursued M.O.D.O.K., only to accidentally appear to destroy him. Afterwards, Darkstar was brought to the hospital.[42]


Carol Danvers' psychotherapist Michael Barnett was captured by A.I.M. in order to try and learn Ms. Marvel's weakness. Meanwhile, Ms. Marvel had a precognition that both Michael and the Defenders were in danger, so she sought out the Defenders aid. As it turns out, A.I.M. learned that Ms. Marvel feared an attack from the Hulk, and so they went to capture the green goliath with their advanced robots. However, the combined efforts of Ms. Marvel and the Defenders foiled A.I.M.'s plot and Michael was released from captivity and freed from A.I.M.'s hypnosis by Clea.[43]

New Cosmic Cube[]

Red Skull and Hate Monger were visited by Dr. Clinton of A.I.M. who assisted them in creating a new Cosmic Cube. As they went to the lab, they were briefed on the previous versions of the Cube. When Clinton told them that without the brain power of M.O.D.O.K. they wouldn't be able to create a new Cosmic Cube, the Red Skull revealed why he hds an army of slaves: To be used as fodder to generate the brain power needed to create a new Cube. S.H.I.E.L.D. tried to stop them but Red Skull fled with the new Cosmic Cube.[44]

Other Threats[]

A.I.M. battled Spider-Man when he teamed up with Nighthawk,[45] and then Doc Samson.[46]

They battled the Thing and Namor.[47] After that they infected the Thing with Virus X but he was cured by Goliath.[48]

Project Neptune, an experimental underwater power generating facility, was overtaken by A.I.M. agents. Iron Man arrived in his aquatic adapted armor, but A.I.M. escaped, trapping him and a group of investors inside.[49]

Team America moved against an A.I.M. base, retrieving a strange crystal from it.[50]

A.I.M. attacked Project Pegasus to steal from it. Captain America responded to Pegasus' distress call, arriving in time to stop Aquarian from leaving with the Cube. A.I.M. took advantage of Cap's misunderstanding of Aquarian's motives and captured the Cube. Cap and Aquarian followed A.I.M. to their facility. As Cap battled A.I.M. agents, Bernard Worrell took control of the Cube. Cap and Aquarian confronted Worrell. Despite Aquarian's warning that Worrell was causing the Cube pain, Worrell used the Cube to alter reality in multiple attacks. He however was stopped and the Cube was returned to its containment.[51]

Ms. M.O.D.O.K.[]

M.O.D.O.K. was pushed out of his facilities by a rebel force of A.I.M..[52] The Abomination brought Kate Waynesboro to an A.I.M. facility in Maine. He was surprised to discover that A.I.M. had rejected M.O.D.O.K. and preserved the facility for their own endeavors. The A.I.M. agents discovered that Kate was a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, and decide to use her as the template for a new M.O.D.O.K. Unlike the previous M.O.D.O.K. however, this one would be completely subservient to A.I.M. The Hulk used a Gamma-tracker and followed Kate and the Abomination’s trail to Maine. Outside of the cliffside compound, he encountered M.O.D.O.K. The villain explained to him what A.I.M. intended to do with Dr. Waynesboro. The Hulk burst into the compound, but too late. A.I.M. agents had placed Kate inside of an alteration chamber, and when she emerged, she was a feminine version of M.O.D.O.K. known as Ms. M.O.D.O.K. Ms. M.O.D.O.K. rebelled against her A.I.M. creators and sided with M.O.D.O.K. M.O.D.O.K. pronounced the recreated Waynesboro as his new bride. They merged mental energies with one another in a bizarre display of shared intellect. Turning, M.O.D.O.K. attacked the Hulk and then the Abomination. Projecting a lethal dose of concentrated Gamma energy, M.O.D.O.K. disintegrated the Abomination before the eyes of his new bride. Ms. M.O.D.O.K. was repulsed by M.O.D.O.K.’s cruelty and turned against him. The two began fighting one another, and the Hulk leapt on top of M.O.D.O.K. The villain shot him with a mental blast and fired another blast at Ms. M.O.D.O.K. She fell backwards into the alteration chamber and reverted back to her human form of Katherine Waynesboro. M.O.D.O.K. continued firing blast after blast until he brought the entire laboratory crashing down. He then flew off and evaded capture. The Hulk emerged from the rubble and pulled the unconscious Waynesboro to safety.[53][54]

Venture Ridge[]

The town of Venture Ridge, Wyoming was located near a secret A.I.M. base, where the organization performed research into new power sources. When the head of the base, Timekeeper, realized that there was a powerful energy source within the town itself, he sealed off the town to the outside world so it couldn't be seized by others, leaving the people within on the edge of starvation and anarchy. Local Sheriff Joseph Ember’s eight-year-old daughter Holly-Ann Ember idolized superheroines, and made a wish on her newspaper clippings scrapbook for the heroines to come to her rescue. The heroines in question – Storm Wasp, Tigra, and She-Hulk - were suddenly torn from their normal lives and transported to Venture Ridge, feeling a touch of amnesia. The heroines soon discovered the town was surrounded by an invisible barrier. The heroines were tormented individually by the locals, the Timekeeper, the Timekeeper's girlfriend, and A.I.M.. A.I.M. had been developing various radiation weapons there for decades. The heroines discovered that Holly-Ann was the source of power that A.I.M. sought, and they vowed to fight to protect her. The women battled A.I.M. soldiers and a giant robot under their control with the aid of some of the townsfolk. Soon the villains were turned over to S.H.I.E.L.D., and the town and its inhabitants were saved. Storm left an Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters card with the mutant Holly, should she wish to explore her power further.[55]

Death of M.O.D.O.K.[]

A.I.M. was not happy with M.O.D.O.K.'s megalomaniacal and short-sighted leadership and he was frequently ousted only to return to power again. M.O.D.O.K. was so focused on his personal grudge with various superheroes that he ignored the scientific aspect of the organization and allowed it to stagnate. The other A.I.M. leaders eventually hired assassins to eliminate him. M.O.D.O.K. was supposedly killed by the Serpent Society during that group's first mission.[56]

A.I.M. was responsible for an attack on Iron Man at the Avengers Compound.[57] They took over the island of Boca Caliente,[58] and unleashed a microbe aboard the Stark space satellite.[59]





M.O.D.A.M. appeared to have been the A.I.M. agent S.O.D.A.M. (once believed to have been Maria Trovaya, first wife of Henry Pym) in an upgraded form. After being modified in a lab at A.I.M. headquarters, M.O.D.A.M. was sent to retrieve the quantum bands of Quasar for A.I.M.'s client Doctor Minerva.[66] M.O.D.A.M. failed at this mission, and was later assigned to retrieve Diamondback, Asp, Anaconda, and Black Mamba for another of A.I.M.'s clients, Superia. M.O.D.A.M. succeeded this time but Superia's plans were thwarted and M.O.D.A.M. was defeated by Captain America.

Later when A.I.M. Island was invaded by Captain America, The Falcon. and Diamondback, M.O.D.A.M. .failed to prevent former client Superia from destroying a Life Model Decoy of the ruler of A.I.M..[67]

[68] [69] [70] [71] [72] [73] [74] [75] [76] [77] [78] [79] [80] [81] [82] [83] [84] [85] [86] [87] [88] [89] [90]

Another Cosmic Cube[]

The Red Skull's underlings detected another energy pulse indicating that A.I.M. had failed again at reconstructing the Cosmic Cube.[91] The Avengers landed on the island and attacked the A.I.M. guards and learned that they were adaptoids. The island was saturated with the Cosmic Cube's energies and thoughts were becoming reality (hence Bucky's spontaneous appearance). M.O.D.O.K. attacked Cap and Bucky just as Superia's solution wore off.[92]

Sabretooth and Mystique[]

Mystique and Sabretooth were sent on a mission to take down A.I.M.[93]

Cyclops and Phoenix[]

A.I.M. hijacked a jetliner to take possession of the "entity". They were defeated by Cyclops and Phoenix who were present on the plane as passengers.[94]

Mr. Reynolds[]

Rilker an A.I.M. agent in charge of their weapon depots in Washington, D.C., it housed the AD-45 Riotbots. Using the alias Mr. Reynolds, he was also in charge of bribing politicians to make them help A.I.M.'s purposes, until he was confronted by Captain America.[95]

Zenith City[]

Iron Man and Cap fought past automated defenses and A.I.M. agents to reach Zenith City, learning its origins from the locals. Suddenly, M.O.D.O.K. remotely mind controlled the population and used them as pawns against Iron Man and Cap. M.O.D.O.K. used the people's combined psychic energy to generate a psychic construct of himself to battle the heroes, but they destroyed it. With a fleet of A.I.M. vessels coming to conquer Zenith, Iron Man determined a means to revert the population to normal and mostly useless to M.O.D.O.K.. However, Iron Man was so depleted from recent battles that he could not complete the operation, forcing Cap to take the action.[96]

Red Hulk[]

After the Hulk returned from exile and initiated World War Hulk, General Ross and Doc Samson had a hand in the creation of the Red Hulk, assisted by A.I.M. and the Intelligencia.[97]

Going Public[]

More recently, A.I.M. went seemingly legitimate, creating an internationally-recognized government on Barbuda, now known was the A.I.M. Island, gaining diplomatic immunity which allowed them to grow bigger.[98]

With a time machine, A.I.M. was provided with future technology by their future counterpart,[99] which they used to transform A.I.M. into a technologically advanced empire.[100]

A.I.M. managed to taunt the Avengers and blame them for an explosion caused during a confrontation between a robot duplicate of Forson and Iron Man which killed seventy-four people. Forson then launched A.I.M. troops to seize the White House. Meanwhile, their technological growth was thwarted by the Avengers of said future, who managed to copy A.I.M.'s data from them while destroying the one in possession of the terrorist organization.[101] With their defenses quickly dropping, a strike team of Avengers stormed A.I.M. Island. At the same time, another five Avengers defeated A.I.M.'s forces in Washington.[102]

Time Runs Out[]

New Avengers (A.I.M

When the existence of the incursions was revealed to the world by the Cabal, Sunspot decided to investigate and solve said problem, for which he decided to buy A.I.M.. Even though he had acquired ownership over the organization legitimately, Forson refused to give his empire to Da Costa.[103] Sunspot traveled to A.I.M. Island, where he managed to convince A.I.M.'s agents to side with him, and only had to kick out Forson by force. After a fight between the two contenders for leadership, Sunspot defeated Forson, who was forced to retreat with Monica Rappaccini, who swore revenge.[104]

New Avengers (A.I.M

Subsequently, Sunspot used A.I.M.'s resources to investigate the incursions.[105] Once they managed to create a machine to propel individuals across the Multiverse, some of the heroes who were helping A.I.M. offered themselves to participate in a one-way trip to find the origin of the incursions.[106]

Avengers Idea Mechanics[]

In the following months, Sunspot removed any employee that posed a bad influence and rebranded his new company as Avengers Idea Mechanics, now located in the Avengers Island, with the purpose of helping the world, primarily by funding his New Avengers team.[107][108]

Some remnants of A.I.M. that fled when Sunspot bought out the organization sided with the Maker and his organization W.H.I.S.P.E.R.,[107] others sought out their former leaders and continued fighting on their behalf.[109] Da Costa's successor Toni Ho eventually decided to let these rogue cells reclaim their acronym while she rebranded her organization as R.E.S.C.U.E..[110]


A.I.M. eventually reformed under the leadership of Monica Rappaccini, and hired Seeker, Finesse, and Brilliance. Having apparent knowledge on the Ultron/Hank Pym Hybrid, A.I.M sent Seeker to steal a cube from Horizon Labs. Despite the interference from Wasp, Seeker was still able to retrieve the cube and escape, but not before informing Nadia that her deceased father, Hank Pym, was in fact alive, and would infect the human race.[111]

A.I.M launched an attack on Pym Laboratories and stole a pair of makeshift Vision Gloves, while simultaneously defeating all Pym Labs members.[112] It auctioned a new Super-Adaptoid at the Criminal Technology Show Expo in Las Vegas, and Rappaccini hired Gwenpool to kill M.O.D.O.K.[113]

Other Members[]



  • Advanced Idea Mechanics Uniform:
A.I.M.'s leaders traditionally wear yellow three piece business suits. Technical supervisors wear yellow jumpsuits, skull-caps, and goggles. However, the organization is renowned for the "beekeeper" looking helmets and NBC suit uniform of its underlings.[citation needed]




  • A.I.M.'s members are often referred to as "the beekeepers" due to the preeminent design of their uniforms.[citation needed]
  • Because of their hoods, A.I.M. agents still rely on key cards instead of biometric locks.[117]
  • A.I.M. of Earth-616 has some experience with exploring alternate realities, having cells on Earth-1610, 295, and 311.[118]
  • A.I.M. influenced the creation of several other fictional organizations, including ARGENT in the Champions paper and pencil roleplaying game and H.I.V.E. in DC Comics.

See Also

Links and References


  1. Nova #12
  2. Iron Man #297
  3. Deathlok (Vol. 2) #8
  4. Deathlok (Vol. 2) #22
  5. Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe #1
  6. 6.0 6.1 Strange Tales #146
  7. Strange Tales #147149
  8. Tales of Suspense #79
  9. Tales of Suspense #80
  10. Captain America #120
  11. 11.0 11.1 Tales of Suspense #94
  12. Tales of Suspense #82
  13. Tales of Suspense #92
  14. Tales of Suspense #93
  15. Captain America #114
  16. Captain America #117118
  17. Captain America #119
  18. Captain America #120122
  19. Captain America #124127
  20. Captain America #132
  21. Captain America #133
  22. Iron Man and Sub-Mariner #1
  23. Iron Man #1
  24. Strange Tales #163
  25. Tales of Suspense #99
  26. Avengers #87
  27. Savage Tales #1
  28. Astonishing Tales #12
  29. Astonishing Tales #13
  30. Sub-Mariner #47
  31. Sub-Mariner #48
  32. Sub-Mariner #49
  33. Marvel Team-Up #8
  34. Incredible Hulk #167169
  35. Marvel Team-Up #13
  36. Astonishing Tales #20
  37. Strange Tales #171
  38. Iron Man #74
  39. Ms. Marvel #23
  40. Ms. Marvel #710
  41. Amazing Spider-Man #171
  42. Iron Man Annual #4
  43. Defenders #57
  44. Super-Villain Team-Up #17
  45. Marvel Team-Up #101
  46. Marvel Team-Up #102
  47. Marvel Two-In-One #81
  48. Marvel Two-In-One #82
  49. Iron Man #161
  50. New Mutants #6
  51. Captain America Annual #7
  52. Incredible Hulk #289
  53. Incredible Hulk #290
  54. Captain America #309
  55. Marvel Graphic Novel #16
  56. Captain America #313
  57. Iron Man #201206
  58. Iron Man #207210
  59. Iron Man #215216
  60. Iron Man #230
  61. Fantastic Four #316
  62. Fantastic Four #317
  63. Fantastic Four #319
  64. Iron Man #246
  65. Iron Man #247
  66. Quasar #12
  67. Captain America #440441
  68. Incredible Hulk #361
  69. Iron Man #249
  70. Quasar #9
  71. Iron Man #256
  72. Incredible Hulk Annual #16
  73. Punisher Annual #3
  74. New Warriors #2
  75. Captain America #387
  76. Fantastic Four Annual #24
  77. Amazing Spider-Man #353
  78. Excalibur #53
  79. Iron Man Annual #13
  80. Captain America #414
  81. Marvel Comics Presents #126
  82. Captain America #415
  83. Web of Spider-Man #100
  84. Alpha Flight #121
  85. Captain America #416417
  86. Iron Man #295297
  87. Spider-Man #43
  88. Marvel Comics Presents #155
  89. Annex #2
  90. Fantastic Force #4
  91. Avengers #386
  92. Avengers #387
  93. Sabretooth and Mystique #13
  94. Uncanny X-Men #352
  95. Captain America (Vol. 3) #13
  96. Iron Man & Captain America Annual #1998
  97. Hulk (Vol. 2) #23
  98. Fantastic Four #610
  99. Avengers World #9
  100. Avengers World #1
  101. Avengers World #11
  102. Avengers World #14
  103. Avengers World #18
  104. Avengers World #19
  105. Avengers (Vol. 5) #35
  106. Avengers (Vol. 5) #36
  107. 107.0 107.1 Avengers (Vol. 6) #0
  108. New Avengers (Vol. 4) #1
  109. New Avengers (Vol. 4) #18
  110. Avengers #690
  111. Unstoppable Wasp (Vol. 2) #1
  112. Unstoppable Wasp (Vol. 2) #3
  113. M.O.D.O.K.: Head Games #2
  114. Captain America (Vol. 5) #1
  115. Captain America (Vol. 5) #19
  116. Invincible Iron Man (Vol. 2) #1
  117. Death of Wolverine: Deadpool & Captain America #1
  118. Ms. Marvel (Vol. 2) #17