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Marvel Database

Europe could well be the world's richest continent in terms of science and social studies. Much of the world's treasures in history and culture developed and are still prospering in this continent. Here is a brief timeline of European history.



1.8 million years ago - The first human-like beings in Europe arrived from Africa. Soon, Homo sapiens developed cultures in Central and Southwest Europe.[citation needed]

Ancient History[]

27th century BC - The Minoan civilization began flourishing on the island of Crete as a literate society. The Minoans had a system of administration and built elaborate palaces for it.[citation needed]

1600 BC - The Mycenaean civilization followed the Minoans. They built cities and had a system of warrior aristocracy.[citation needed]

7th century BC - Ancient Greece dawned. This civilization brought forth great minds, like Socrates and Plato. King Philip II united the Greek states, and his son, Alexander the Great, extended the great culture to other states.

Roman Empire[]

In 625 BC., the city of Rome was founded and expanded to form the Roman Empire.[2] In 476 A.D., the last Roman Emperor, Romulus Augustus, was defeated by the German Goth Odoacer. This is the start of the Dark Ages in Europe.[3]

Middle Ages[]

Dark Ages[]

500, A.D., Although most of Europe had accepted Christianity lead by the Catholic Church, Rome had continually weakened. This initiated the Dark Ages, a period of deteriorated culture and economy.[citation needed]


From the 11th and 16th centuries, the Catholic Church began military campaigns with aim of capturing Jerusalem from Islamic rule.[4] During this time the Knights Templar becoming one of the wealthiest and most powerful of the Christian military orders in Europe. They were officially endorsed by the Catholic Church. The Knights wore distinctive white mantles with a red cross. They were one of the many groups to take part in the invasion of the holy lands in the middle east.[5]

Black Death[]

In 1300, A.D., Many of the conflicts had ended, and Europe showed signs of recovery. But catastrophes struck, in the form of the Great Famine and the Black Death.[6]


The Tribunal of the Holy Office of the Inquisition, commonly known as the Spanish Inquisition was started by the Catholic Church to establish dominance across it's territories persecuting those of others faiths.[7]The Skrulls were active in Europe during the Inquisition.[8]


In the 14th century An awakening began - the Renaissance. It was a period of flourishing philosophy, arts, science, and social studies. Great men came from this era - Michelango, Da Vinci, and Machiavelli, to name some. The Renaissance spread to many countries and lasted until the 17th century.[citation needed]

In the 15th century European nations began exploring the world, leading to the discovery of America by Columbus and other countries. Trade and mercantilism greatly prospered.[9]

British Empire[]

It was during this time British Empire began. It was a worldwide system of dependencies under the sovereignty of the crown of Great Britain. It began in England followed by the conquest over the rest of the British Isles. The empires capital was in London. At its height in the late 19th and early 20th centuries it was the largest empire in history and covered about a quarter of the world’s land surface with territory on every continent. Trade ties with nations outside of its sovereignty reinforced its global dominance.[citation needed]


In the 18th century The Industrial Revolution commenced. It brought significant changes in manufacturing and other processes. One of the being the French Revolution.[10] and another would be the rebellion in the American colonies against British rule.[11] This revolution spread across the globe until the 19th century.[citation needed]

20th Century[]

1914, A.D., with European nations rising simultaneously, the World War I erupted. The Russian forces were defeated, and the Soviet Union was formed.[citation needed]

In 1939, A.D., Adolf Hitler initiated World War II. It entailed the Holocaust for the Jews in Poland. Hitler's Germany was defeated after it was invaded by the Soviet Union and the Allied Forces.[citation needed]

In 1946, A.D., An international tension began, and this was the Cold War. It was not brutal like the previous wars; instead, it involved political conflict and 'silent' battles.[citation needed]

In 1993, A.D., After the wars ended, Europe strove for a more united group of nations, establishing the European Union. This cooperation continues to grow, with more European countries enlisting as members.[citation needed]

Points of Interest

See also: Category:Europe

States in Europe[]



  • In the real world, scientists believe that an area of land, known as Doggerland, connected what is now Great Britain to continental Europe until around 6500 BCE when rising sea levels flooded the area. It was the submergence of this land bridge under the southern North Sea that transformed Great Britain from a peninsula of Europe into an island. However, given that it has been established that the geological history of Earth-616 has sometimes differed significantly from that of Earth-1218, it may be that Doggerland never existed on Earth-616. Only time (and future stories) will tell.

See Also

Links and References

