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Marvel Database

Quote1 I still say we should chop off his head. Quote2

Appearing in "Jackpot"

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Synopsis for "Jackpot"

With a pack of Wendigo running loose in Las Vegas, Ms. Marvel, Moon Knight, Sentry and the Hulk all agree to stop fighting each other in order to stop these creatures from slaughtering innocent people. From atop the Stratosphere Hotel and Casino, the Hulk tells the two Avengers that he has a plan. This is simply smashing the Wendigo, which he attempts by jumping off the tall building and into the middle of the pack. Soon the Hulk is swarmed by the Wendigo. Ms. Marvel and the Sentry are unable to do anything to help because they are busy trying to prevent the damaged tower from collapsing. Moon Knight tries his best to force the creatures away, but his Crescent Darts have little effect on the Wendigo. Suddenly, the street collapses, sending the Wendigo into the sewer.

As Ms. Marvel and the Sentry join Moon Knight they are horrified to see that the Hulk has been transformed into a Wendigo as well. The two powerhouses slam into the Wendihulk and try to fight him to a standstill, but he is too powerful for them to handle. Suddenly, they are joined by Brother Voodoo who detected the presence of the Wendigo in the area. He has the three heroes keep the Wendihulk occupied while he casts a voodoo spell that causes a quick flash blizzard. Once the unseasonable weather passes, everyone who was turned into a Wendigo is returned to human form, including Bruce Banner. Finding themselves back in human form, the former Wendigo find themselves nude and violently ill. While the three heroes are busy tending to the people, Bruce Banner manages to slip away.

Appearing in "Revenge of the Lady Liberators"

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Synopsis for "Revenge of the Lady Liberators"

She-Hulk reformed the Lady Liberators along with Thundra and Valkyrie to hunt down and take on the Red Hulk. They managed to find him on Mount Rushmore but he was far too powerful for the three heroes. However, reinforcements arrive in the form of the Invisible Woman, Tigra, Storm, Spider-Woman, Hellcat, and the Black Widow. Seeing the other women arrive the Red Hulk is far from intimidated. He then charges into the group of women, shrugging off their attacks and incapacitating them one at a time.

Seeing this, She-Hulk becomes increasingly frustrated by the fact that of all the foes the women have collectively taken on, they cannot take down the lone Hulk. She gets angry enough to leap into the fight and attack She-Hulk by herself. Her blows end up staggering the Red Hulk and while he is disorientated the Invisible Woman places an invisible force field around his head, cutting off his air supply. Storm then unleashes a barrage of lightning upon him. The Hulk ultimately collapses and falls unconscious.

They then wrap him up in chains and then wait for the Red Hulk to calm down and revert back to human form so they can learn his identity. The women pass the time by exchanging gossip. However as the hours go by, more and more of the Lady Liberators have to leave. By the time it is dawn the only three members left are the She-Hulk, Valkyrie, Thundra, Storm and Spider-Woman. It's at this point that Storm theories that the Red Hulk's transformations might not be triggered by emotion. By this point, the Red Hulk suddenly breaks free, explaining he was playing possum the whole time. He then grabs Thundra and leaps away, She-Hulk tries to stop him but she cannot get enough clearance to catch him. However, when back on the ground, the Red Hulk reveals that he wants to hire Thundra.

This comes as a surprise, but the Red Hulk explains that he wants to take her on because she was the only one willing to kill him. He goes on to say that sort of edge is just the thing he needs to carry out the plans that he has in store. Later, as the rest of the Lady Liberators are repairing the damage done to Mount Rushmore, She-Hulk gets a call from Thundra who tells her that she is okay, but the Red Hulk got away. She-Hulk tells Thundra not to worry as they'll get him next time.

Appearing in "Hulk Ice"

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Synopsis for "Hulk Ice"

  • Synopsis not yet written

Solicit Synopsis

Do ya like ladies? (don't answer that). How 'bout monsters? (hang on) BIG BOMBASTIC BATTLES built by superstar Jeph Loeb? (not yet) And does the idea of seeing JUMUNGOUSLY AMAZING ART ADAMS and FREAKIN' FRANK CHO pages twitter your twutter? (you can answer YES now)

IN THIS ISSUE! The LADY LIBERATORS are dead-set on capturing RULK and finding out who he really is... even if he kills 'em! AND... can HULK, SENTRY, MS. MARVEL, and MOON KNIGHT stop the WENDIGO ARMY from killing everyone in Vegas? What about the WENDIHULK!? (or is it HULKDIGO!?)


Continuity Notes[]

Revenge of the Lady Liberators:

  • The woman who appears to be Spider-Woman is actually a Skrull spy as revealed in Secret Invasion #1.

Chronology Notes[]

Revenge of the Lady Liberators: Characters make an appearance in other stories between this issue, they are as follows:

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Page 11:

Publication Notes[]

Legacy Numbering[]


  • In "Jackpot" the Sentry and Moon Knight allude to the fact that they have a history together with the Sentry going so far as to say that they should talk about old times. This is a nod to the fact that the Sentry and Moon Knight are based on Superman and Batman, respectively.

See Also

Links and References

