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Maxwell Dillon (Earth-616) from Marvel War of Heroes 002

Electrokinesis is the ability to manipulate electricity. User can create, shape and manipulate electricity, a form of energy resulting from the existence of charged particles (such as electrons or protons) which give the user control over electric fields, electric charges, electric currents, electronics, and electromagnetism.

Known Users

See more here

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Scy'ar Tal from X-Men Emperor Vulcan Vol 1 2 001

The Eldest is a role taken on by a single member of the Scy'ar Tal at a time. Assigned to a seemingly random individual, the Eldest acts as a vessel for the combined might of the Scy'ar Tal, drawn to him in the form of an unknown type of energy. The death of the Eldest causes immense pain among the other members, and the deaths of members of the Scy'ar Tal leads to a decrease in power for the Eldest.

The first member of the Scy'ar Tal to take on the role after re-entering Earth-616 did it in an effort to combat the Shi'ar, and their protectors, the Imperial Guard. Shown to have sufficient strength to break the arm of Gladiator, he later faced Vulcan and Havok and was defeated. When a new member of the Scy'ar Tal took on the mantle, Vulcan used his powers to draw the energy out of the Eldest and usurp the role, his costume taking on several of the characteristics seen in that of the costume usually worn by the Eldest.

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The psionic ability to sense, control, alter and manipulate the feelings, sensations, and emotions of other people psionically. Individuals with this ability are sometimes called empaths.

Known Empaths:

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Energy Blasts

Scott Summers (Earth-616) from Uncanny X-Men Vol 3 5 McGuinness Variant Cover

Energy blasts are various forms of energy that are expelled from the body.

These can be of varying types: Either a beam of force, which has the effect of a blunt object in affecting its target (such as Cyclops' optic blast), a beam of heat, or a magical beam which can have different effects depending on its user's wishes.

  • Cyclops possesses the mutant ability to project a powerful beam of concussive, ruby-colored force from his eyes. Cyclops's powers come from ambient energies (such as solar radiation, photons, and cosmic rays) absorbed and metabolized by his body into concussive blasts that are released from his eyes.
  • The Wasp could generate powerful bio-electric blasts from her hand that have been shown to be capable of cutting through high-density structures and is able to cause extreme pain to superhumanly strong and highly durable beings.


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Energy Manipulation

Adam Brashear (Earth-616) from Ultimates Vol 3 1 cover 001

Energy Manipulation is the ability to generate, control, and manipulate various forms of energy. The levels (molecular, atomic, subatomic, etc.) in which one manipulates energy varies greatly.

  • Energy Absorption: The ability to absorb energy into one's self usually to either recharge one's power or to increase it.
  • Energy Generation: Produce heat, force, fire, electric, and/or nuclear energy etc.
  • Energy Detection: The ability to detect energy signatures from great distances. This includes other mutants with energy powers and ships that use energy as a power supply.
  • Energy Disruption: The ability to manipulate energy even if it does not originate from the user.
  • Energy Self-Sustenance: Some energy manipulators appear capable of breathing in space. Though this ability seems to be limited, as if they don't rest or find power other then their own, power reserves will leave them seemingly depleted until they does.
  • Flight: The ability to fly and levitate using energy. Some are capable of interstellar flight (adding more energy to become increasingly fast, presumably sub-light or light speed).
  • Power Suppression: The ability to override another's mutagenic aura, making them temporarily unable to use them. This is usually limited to only other energy-manipulators.
  • Power Siphoning: The ability to siphons someone's powers & use them for yourself.
  • Solid Energy Constructs/Simulated Telekinesis: The ability solidify energy into forcefields and other shapes. The effect of these energy constructs can be used to simulate a form of telekinesis by lifting and moving objects.
  • Variable Energy Blasts: The ability to generate light, heat, force, and electricity or really any form of energy in the form of powerful blasts. These blasts are usually generated from the hands and eyes.
  • Matter Manipulation: By channeling energy, one can be able to manipulate and alter matter.
    • Matter Transmutation: The ability to rearrange matter to change its current form.
  • Healing: The ability to heal from seemingly mortal injuries by manipulating one's own or others bodys' energy composition.
  • Psionics: In some instances, users have achieved psychic abilities (teleportation, telepathy, telekinesis, etc.) through some kind of energy.
  • Magic: To achieve magical power by use of energy or one's personal energy.

Known Energy Manipulators

[top] [Edit Energy Manipulation]


The universal tendency for energy in a closed system to equalize. On a universe-wide scale, it is the inevitable degradation of matter and energy to an inert uniform state incapable of sustaining life.

(See Also: Wikipedia article)
[top] [Edit Entropy]

Essex Factor

The Essex Factor,[1] Essex Factors,[2][3] or Essex Gene[citation needed] was theorized by Dr. Nathaniel Essex.[2][1]

Essex built on Darwin's work to theorize the "Essex Factors", "parcels of hereditary information" carrying "the tribulations of the past and the potentialities of the future. He asserted that those parcels, combined in the offspring of certain "racially superior" individuals, would mutate within the century.[2] The combination into the chosen few with the right Essex Factor would be "Essex Men", the "Great Mutatuin", a massive leap on the evolutionary ladder.[2] Darwin considered the work of Essex and the Essex Factors to be a monstrous misunderstand of his own work.[3]

It would later be known as the X-Gene.

(See Also: X-Gene)

[top] [Edit Essex Factor]


Cataclysm 005

Poster promoting the Cataclysm event, detailing the main mini-series and its tie-ins

An event (also known as a "crossover event" or "mega-event") refers to a story with a much bigger reach than a regular story arc or crossover since its main narrative (which usually starts and ends in a core mini-series) bleeds into other comics.

Comic issues with stories adjacent to the main narrative are called tie-ins. While the stories of the tie-ins revolve around the event's main narrative, they're only complementary and it's not necessary to read them to grasp the main story. There are different types of tie-ins. They can constitute of a mini-series or one-shot created exclusively for the event, or one or more issues of an ongoing series. The cover of a tie-in will be marked to distinguish it as such. In most cases, the layout of the cover will either match up the distinct design used by the covers of the main mini-series, or make use of elements reminiscent of it.

The word "event" itself describes the type of stories associated with them. Due to their nature, events require many characters to be affected by the main narrative in some way or another. Since events are massive in scope from a publication perspective, the case is the same from a perspective within the story. Events feature developments of great importance meant to cause repercussions, like world-endangering threats or big shifts in the status quo of the landscape of the superhuman community. It's not uncommon for events to also feature the death of characters in order to spark interest and reinforce the stakes of the story.

An example of an event is Civil War, a story which pits Iron Man and Captain America in an ideological battle over the Superhuman Registration Act. The main conflict of the book was told in a 7-issue mini-series called Civil War. Ongoing series like Iron Man and Captain America had tie-in issues that fleshed out each character's personal narrative, while other series like Amazing Spider-Man and Fantastic Four used tie-ins to highlight their protagonists' role in the conflict since they were secondary characters in the main book. Wolverine tied into the event, but since Wolverine himself was not present in the main conflict, his series told an adjacent story that stemmed from it. While Uncanny X-Men didn't tie into Civil War, a mini-series named Civil War: X-Men created for the event did. Another of Civil War's companion mini-series was Civil War: Front Line.

Some of Marvel's most noteworthy events include:

(See Also: Category:Events)
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(1.) A rigid framework inside which an organism's other components are contained. Examples include mollusks and insects, who are invertebrates (literally, spineless). Mammals and reptiles are vertebrates with interior skeletons.

(2.) A mechanical device that amplifies the strength of the user, who stands or sits in an open cabin. Such devices typically have two arms and/or two legs so that their operation is more intuitive.

Ex Nihilo stated that (surprisingly), only three percent of sentient races had exoskeletons[1] (although it is unknown if he mentioned artificial or natural -or both- exoskeletons).

[top] [Edit Exoskeleton]

Extinction Gene

Extinction Gene from New X-Men Vol 1 116 0001


The Extinction Gene, E-Gene,[citation needed] or Extinction Sequence[1][2] is a hominid gene discovered by Doctor Hank McCoy in September 2001. According to him, it could turn on among the humans (Humans (Homo sapiens) sapiens) and cause the extinction of the human race, in four generations; This race would be completely replaced by the mutants (Homo sapiens superior) because the number of this latter reached, at the beginning of the 21st century, a very important threshold.[3]

E is for Extinction

Cassandra Nova thought that this gene was responsible for the disappearance of Neanderthals (Humans (Homo sapiens) neanderthalis), thirty thousand years earlier, when they were replaced by the humans. Not wanting to see the disappearance of the whole of Humanity, she decided to commit the Genosha Genocide to decrease the number of mutants on Earth (of more than sixteen million people).[4]

Planet X

The argument of the Extinction Gene was later used by Xorn, impersonating Magneto, during his take-over of Manhattan.[2] In order to appease the relations between the humans and mutants, Henry McCoy presented himself to the U.S. President as the only one able to repair that gene and prevent humanity's extinction.[5]

Alternate realities

Here Comes Tomorrow (Earth-15104)


Dead-End Syndrome (House of M (Earth-58163))

In Earth-58163, the "Dead-End Syndrome" was a human distress condition who became prominent following the rise of mutantkind.[6]

Fan-speculation or unreferenced material

The Genosha genocide isn't seen to have been sufficient to prevent the release of the E-Gene.[citation needed] On the contrary, this release seemed to be prevented only by the transformation of millions of mutants into humans by the Scarlet Witch in December of 2005.[citation needed][7] Until the number of mutants rises again it is unclear if the E-Gene will reappear in the human genome.[citation needed]


See Also

[top] [Edit Extinction Gene]


(1.) A being from a dimension other than that of the Earth. (2.) Of or having to do with a dimension other than that of the Earth.

[top] [Edit Extradimensional]


(1.) A being from a world in this dimension other than Earth. (2.) Of or having to do with a world in this dimension other than Earth.

[top] [Edit Extraterrestrial]

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