Marvel Database

Due to recent developments, please be aware that the use of large language model or generative AIs in writing article content is strictly forbidden. This caveat has now been added to the Manual of Style and Blocking Policy.


Marvel Database


Loki Laufeyson (Kid Loki) (Earth-616) and Thor Odinson (Earth-616) from Thor Vol 1 617 001


All Asgardians,[1] and other deities in the Marvel Universe,[citation needed] can speak every language thanks to the "Allspeak"[citation needed] or "All-Tongue", in which what they say is understood by every species in their own native language.[1]

Ghost (Earth-616), Calvin Zabo (Earth-616) and Satana Hellstrom (Earth-616) from Dark Avengers Vol 1 176 001
Thunderbolts (Earth-616) from Dark Avengers Vol 1 176 001

Man-Thing speaking X'zelzi'ohr


When Man-Thing was granted speech again he spoke the language of X'zelzi'ohr, the universal language. Everyone heard him in a way they were accustomed to, meaning he spoke "American" to the likes of Satana and Moonstone, but was concise and to the point for Ghost, a lewd Englishman to Mr. Hyde, and a total thug to Boomerang.[2]

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