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Please note that this page is a work in progress. See Atlantis (Disambiguation) for more information.


Namor stated that Atlantis was the first human civilization on Earth.[10] It is unknown if the that statement was an error, ignoring both 500,000 BC Lemuria and 100,000 BC Thuria, or if a more ancient civilization of Atlantis existed.

2,000,000,000 BC[]

According to tales from New Atlantis, by the time of the Cataclysm, Atlantis existed for two billion years.[11]
This statement appears dubious at best.

Atlas (Titan) (Earth-616) from from Incredible Hercules Vol 1 123 0001


After the Olympians defeated the Titans during the Titanomachy, Zeus sent out two eagles to mark the boundaries of his dominion: where they met was declared the center of the world, and this location, he condemned the Titan general Atlas to hold the Heavens aloft as the Axis Mundi, the world Axis. The continent where he stood was christened "Atlantis" which simply meant the "Isle of Axis".[8]

Pre-Cataclysmic Age (100,000-18,000 BC)[]

Thulsa Doom claimed to have been already old when Atlantis first rose from the ocean,[12][13] and to have even died before.[13][14] Zukala claimed to predate Atlantis as well.[15]

Atlantis was only a fiery volcano in the time of Qar, the first City of Wonders in ancient Valusia.[16]

50,000 BC[]

Atlantis was a fabulous kingdom[17] that existed circa 50,000 BC.
The relation, if any, between this Atlantis, and the isle and empire of Atlantis, is unrevealed.

For the full presentation of this location, please consult the Atlantis (50,000 BC) page.

Undisclosed time events[]

The following events are not currently set within a chronological timeline of Atlantis' story.

Allegedly, Atlantis was at war with Valusia and all of the Seven Empires since the dawn of time.[18]

Atlas' rule[]

Atlas was allegedly a great king of Atlantis.[19]

Tolan's rule[]

The chronological setting of that legend and what truth there is to it remain unrevealed.
According to Atlantean legend, Tolan was the overlord of Atlantis at a time where land covered the Earth and no large bodies of water existed. Tolan was allegedly an ancestor of the Atlantean Royal Family. A wise and beloved ruler, he felt a bad omen for his people in his old age. Nagorbu developed a magnet that could repel human flesh, intending for Atlantis to use it in ruling the universe. Tolan refused to use the weapon and ordered it to be dumped into the ocean, refusing to have Atlantis become a warmongering nation.

A combination of the magnet and Nagorbu's followers attempts to recover it caused a massive flood over the centuries, well after Tolan and Nagorbu died. A tidal wave caused by the digging and atomic disruption of the land (due to some of the means used by Nagorbu and his followers), ultimately sank Atlantis. Tolan's legend was passed down by the Atlanteans.[20] The legend contradicts with historical evidence,[1] and it is unrevealed whether or not it actually had any influence on the Cataclysm, locally or globally.[21]

Isle of Atlantis (28,500+ - 19,000 BC)[]

More than thirty thousand years (seemingly circa 28,500 BC), C'Thunda was born in Atlantis. He became a mad wizard, full of hatred towards Atlantis because it spurned his wizardry.[22] Intending to destroy Atlantis, C'Thunda forged special lenses to create a weapon great enough to perform his deed, but they were stolen from him and lost throughout time.[23] He then forged the Chimera from metals unknown to man in the Modern Age, endowed it with the power of the Cosmic Eternal. Calling upon the ancient gods to "rain blackness and death" onto Atlantis, C'Thunda was slain by an assassin who stole the Chimera and fled into Atlantis' deepest caves.[22]

Over twenty-two thousand years ago (at the time the Seven Empires started to decline), the isle of Atlantis was a wilderness, with no true rulership, but barely tamed by barbarians.[24]

In ancient times, the chieftain Gandaro of the Spear raided the coast of Valusia.[25] A legend of the Sea-Mountain Tribe of Atlantis told that Atlanteans once ambushed a Valusian king. As Gandaro of the Spear slew him, he reverted in his true form of a Serpent Man.[26]

Gonra (Earth-616) from Kull the Conqueror Vol 3 9 001

Gonra of the Sword fighting off the Atlanteans before the Temple of the Scorpion.

19,500 BC[]

Circa 19,500 BC, Atlanteans started to spread on the mainland as mercenaries in the religious and political feuds existing between the greater powers.[27]

In the same period,[28] hordes of savage Atlanteans decided to destroy Valusia's Scorpion God. That day, Gonra of the Sword, a Valusian knight, fell to the Atlanteans but saved the Temple of the Scorpion[29] and Valusia as a whole.[30]

Empire of Atlantis (19,000 - 18,000 BC)[]

19,000 BC[]

By 19,000 BC, Atlantis was the seat of a minor empire based on trade and crafts, whose fortunes fluctuated over the next centuries.[27]

Circa the same period, as conflict erupted anew among the Elder Gods, the Assemblage of Avatars was summoned to Atlantis. The participants to the summit included Agamotto himself, Zhered-Na and her apprentice Dakimh, Lady Linnea, Rotath, Sorrow, Teyanoga, Tuzun Thune, Akoos the Red Wizard, Thulsa Doom, Lord Varnae (still human at that point), and the spirit of C'Thunda,[31][32][33] all representing one of the four Elder Gods.

Age of Kull (18,500 BC)[]

On another occasion, 500 Atlanteans attacked Valusia, going inland as far as the Village of the Hawks, before the Valusian squadrons, including the Black Legion stopped them, slaying all but four, including Khor-Nah.[34]

Circa 18,500 BC,[24] Kull,[citation needed] an Atlantean warrior[24] of the Sea-Mountain tribe[citation needed] rose as the Tiger King of Valusia.[27]

Om-Ra's rule[]

A spell by Sarna lifted Atlantis out of barbarism, with Om-Ra as its king.[35][2][36][37]

Lhok-Nor's rule[]

Atlantis was eventually returned to its primitive level of culture (the spell having raised Atlantis out of barbarism seemingly broke with Sarna dead), with its people having little to no recollection of it. Om-Ra was no longer king by this point.[38]

Lhok-Nor became the chieftain of the Atlanteans. When offered to marry his daughter Sareena to King Kull, as a mean to make peace between Atlantis and Valusia, Lhok-Nor first refused but finally accepted to let her meet with Kull. Sareena and Kull did fell in love, but Sareena was assassinated in the City of Wonders during the wedding ceremony by a Wolf Man wearing the guise of an Atlantean wearing the guise of a Valusian nobleman. Lhok-Nor declared war on Valusia and attacked the capital, considering that Kull was responsible for her death and blamed the Atlanteans in the place of his own people. The Picts, led by their chieftain Taku, also attacked in retaliation for Valusia and Atlantis allying, in spite of Valusia being allied to them and of the eternal Pictish-Atlantean enmity. Kull managed to have both chieftains witness the threat of the Wolf-Men, ending the war, and destroying the Demonolater, leader of the Wolf-Men.

At the peak of the battle, Kull persuaded Lhok-Nor and Taku, to venture into the catacombs beneath the city and discover the real threat for the human race represented by the Wolf-Men. Moved by Kull's love for his daughter, Lhok-Nor agreed to help him defeat the Demonolater and ended the war. Lhok-Nor proposed Kull to marry another of his daughters, but Kull refused, though encouraged him to let their people mingle to grow stronger against the treats humanity might be confronted to.[39] This would likely be demonstrated by the creations of both Atlantean and Pictish colonies on Thuria.

Unification under Ku-Var's rule[]

A more brutal overlord of Atlantis than Lhok-Nor, Ku-Var eclipsed him.[40] He led his tribe to wipe out half of the population of Atlantis, and united the other half under his absolute rule, self-styling himself an Emperor. He enslaved the Sea-Mountain Tribe thanks to the betrayal of Iraina, who was spared and became his favorite, fighting at his side.[41]

Iraina's rule and invasion of Thuria[]

One night, Ku-Var attempted to force himself on Iraina, she slew him and took the crown for herself. As Ku-Var's soldiers refused to follow her, she slaughtered them, then assembled an army of women, training them while slaying all men she found.

With that army, and thanks to Ja-Quari, the Tiger-God and to the help of the shaman Ram-Os who intended to fulfill his olden prophecy and have Iraina to rule the world, Iraina started an invasion of Thuria. She first invaded King Governi's Thule, her army of women turning into a horde of tigers that slaughtered the Thulian army. After many battles, she conquered Zarfhaana, Kamelia, and Verulia. Iraina was finally slain by Kull and her army of tigers reverted to their woman form and returned to their homes.[41]

Atlantean colonization[]

At some point, the Savage Land, with its warm climate, prehistoric wildlife and numerous technologies left behind (including the climate control machine, a shrinking technique, and magnetic fields that kept shrunk animals small and virtually immortals) was discovered by Atlantean explorers. Pangea was built as resort and amusement park by an enterprising conglomerate, which included a zoo where shrunken animals (including a Griffin) were admired.[9] This colony was considered to be relatively small.[21]

The Atlantean kingdom also had a daughter-colony on the Thurian mainland. Colonists intermarried with the barbarian people of Elder Cimmeria.[42]

Preface: Kings of Atlantis[]

From this point in time, accounts are numerous but overlap, contradict, or ignore each others. This is illustrated by the fact many rulers are mentioned to be active in the days of the Great Cataclysm (18,000 BC), with many having allegedly their hand as the cause of the Cataclysm. Atlantis itself is alternatively mentioned as an empire/kingdom, or as a single city.

  • In the centuries after 18,500 BC and until the Cataclysm, The Ten, sons of Poseidon, god of the sea and patron of Atlantis, and the reborn goddess Cleito, daughter of Evenor,[43] who oversaw her ten sons and their provinces.[27]
  • Before 18,000 BC[44] and until the Cataclysm, Atlantis' council of sorcerers were the depraved rulers of the city of Atlantis.[8] Those were possibly the "Witch Kings of Old Atlantis",[3] mentioned during the Hyborian Age.
  • Circa 18,000 BC, Kamuu and his queen Zartra ruled Atlantis.

The rules of those kings are detailed in the following sections.

Other accounts mention other kings, besides The Ten and Kamuu, that were active at the time of the Great Cataclysm:

  • According to tales from New Atlantis, by the time of the Cataclysm, Atlantis was ruled by an unnamed seemingly war-mongering and conquering king, ruling over fertile lands and enslaving prisoners from his campaigns.[11]
  • Dherk was banished by the "enraged ruler of Atlantis",[45] which may be Kamuu.
  • The kings of the Uhari, Mala, and Chordai, three races (others seemingly existed) of Old Atlantis, were the "Old Kings of Atlantis".[4] Those Old Atlanteans were considered "relics from a darker time" to the later Atlanteans (Homo mermanus).[46] The datation around those Old Kings contradicts with established chronology: Lake Vostok (under which those races will come to inhabit) was not breached in 500,000 years.[4] Nothing is known of their pre-Cataclysmic activities.
The Ten's rules (18,500-18,000 BC)[]

Over the few centuries, Atlantis was now shared by humans, centaurs,[47][7][27] Gorgons,[8] (created after events that transpired in those years)[48] gremlins, leprechauns, and elves,[47] among other beings.[27] The gremlins and leprechauns were notably a nuisance to other Atlanteans, and claimed their right to do as they cared of cities or people, such as stealing the Sacred Ball said to protect Atlantis from the sea and that without it, the waters would destroy Atlantis.[47]

After the Titanomachy, Zeus divided the world among his brothers: He won the sky, Pluto the underworld, and Poseidon the seas. The land was divided between them, but Poseidon regularly fought with his brothers over lands. Eventually, he claimed Atlantis, and married the reborn goddess Cleito, daughter of Evenor. They fathered the first Atlantean kings,[43] 10 gods ruling their province and overseen by their mother-goddess Cleito,[27] known in legends as The Ten, "crowned saints". In this golden age, Atlantis wasn't a single Kingdom but ten unified kingdoms, with the City of the Golden Gate as their capital, and Cleito as their overseer.[49]
Despite being known as the ten first kings of Atlantis, there was a few instances where Atlantis was ruled by kings before them.

While on Atlantis, Poseidon seduced Medusa Gorgon, a chaste priestess of Athena, comeliest of the beautiful Gorgon women,[48] and the daughter of Phorcys and Ceto.[50] They mated on the altar of Athena. Enraged, Athena cursed the Gorgon family, now snake-haired creatures.[48][50]

Sorcerers and Witch-Kings[]

Over 20,000 years ago,[44] Gorgons living at the Western Peaks warred with the Atlanteans for years.[50]

From their perfection of magic and their domination of commerce, the ruling classes of Atlantis grew decadent and indolent, unwilling to fight their own battles. Atlantis, now a decadent nation, hired Queen Myrina's Amazons to root out the nest of Gorgons. The Amazons left a garrison behind to collect the payment, but were slain, as the Atlanteans hated the warrior-women and wanted to avoid payment, thus earning the eternal hated of the Amazonian nation.[8]

That council of sorcerers were possibly the "witch-kings",[42] "Witch Kings of Old Atlantis",[3] and "Old Witch Kings of Atlantis",[51] who used the Black Kraken as their emblem.[3][51][42] mentioned during the Hyborian Age.

In yet another tale, the Magic One, Sage of Atlantis, seemed a figure of authority on Atlantis, and often came to Kloto, one of the gremlins and leprechauns of Atlantis who regularly stole the Sacred Ball for their own amusement.[47]

Kamuu's rule (18,000 BC)[]

It should be noted that the beginning of Kamuu's rule doesn't equate to the end of the Ten Kingdoms of Atlantis and their Ten Kings of Old, who ruled until the Fall of Atlantis.
As the Deviants subjugated most other lands, Atlantis became one of the few strongholds of humanity,[27] and reached its highest culture after the fall of Valusia.[42]

But by 18,000 BC, under the rule of King Kamuu and his wife Zartra, a Lemurian refugee, Atlantis declined as well, and was embroiled with civil war, to the point of being weakened enough to be targeted by the Deviants.[27] Dherk, a scientist, predicted the destruction of the world, which led to his banishment to Atlantis' remotest outpost, Pangea, by "Atlantis' enraged ruler".[45]

Great Cataclysm (18,000 BC)[]

For the full presentation of this event, please consult the Great Cataclysm page.

As barbarian mercenaries hired by Lemuria stormed Atlantis, Kamuu opened the magma-pits, killing most of the invaders, but thus triggered quakes across Atlantis and its neighboring regions. Zartra was slain moments later by Nolem, a mercenary that had survived a previous expedition, but he himself was killed by Kamuu.[27]

Though many other causes exist to the Great Cataclysm (including the Second Host of the Celestials), with a decent portion of those originated in Atlantis, including:[1][21]

  • Nagorbu's magnet and the search for it by his followers caused the sinking of land and ultimately triggered the Cataclysm.[20]
  • Atlantis' council of sorcerers trying to harness a fraction of the power of the Axis Mundi (to ensure their power could not be wrested from them, and in fear of Amazons' wrath) but, unable to control the energies, causing the Great Cataclysm[8][44] or rather furthering it.[44]
  • As the Magic One came to Kloto to reclaim the Sacred Ball once more. Exceeded, he banished the gremlins and leprechauns to a bottomless pit, but Atlantis was destroyed nevertheless.[47]

Evenor remained in the City of the Golden Gate as its guardian,[7] sworn to guard over the Shroud of Cleito,[49] as did Cleito as well, while Poseidon watched after the confused Atlanteans.[43]


Atlantis allegedly took a week to sink as a whole[21] (though other accounts mentions a progressive sinking, over years,[52] or even thousands of years),[53] allowing many survivors to flee.[21] The fate of the surviving Atlanteans are as followed:

  • Part of Atlantis' population,[42] allegedly thousands, fled to the mainland of Thuria,[51] on what would become the European continent.[24]
  • The islands of Ruta and Avalon survived destruction,[21] and Atlantean refugees settled there.[24]
  • Others went westwards:[51][54]
    • Some Atlantean refugees scattered, surviving islands, including Antillia and Ptahuacan,[24] halfway between Mayapan and Hyboria (where the priests of Xotli and their slaves, fleeing using Vril-powered flying ships, subdued the brown-skinned natives).[55] People of Zothique were also found on the Isle of Na'at,[54]
    • Poseidonis was founded as a colony on the east coast of the new continents born from the Pictish Islands' upheaval.[21] A colony settled in what became known as Yucatan, where they built pyramids.[56]
    • Mayapan and Zothique have been told be either surviving islands where refugees scattered[24] or colonies on the east coast of the new continent.[21]
  • Negari and Opar were African city colonized at some point by Atlantean descendants.[21]

The Atlantean stock (that had intermarried with the people of Elder Cimmeria) was preserved in the Thurian daughter-colony, descended into savagery, and later became the Cimmerians.[42] Likewise, the outpost of Pangea survived,[45] but Pangean society ultimately crumbled as the people fled the cities for the surrounding forest and countryside.[9]

The Uhari, Mala, and Chordai survived the Great Fall as well, through other races did not.[4][5] Similarly, the gremlins, leprechauns, and elves were banished to a dry cavern within a bottomless pit, from where they couldn't escape, but plotted to return to the surface and rule it.[47]

According to legend, following the Cataclysm, some of Atlantis' humans returned to the seas as the water-breathing Homo mermanus.[57] Many stories have been told about the Homo mermanus' origins. On Jonas Case's assumption, when the seas came, Atlantis built a dome around their city, which became the haven of a species of humanoid sea creatures, with scales, gills, no ear, sharp teeth, and webbed fingers. Still according to Case's theory, they were unaware that all land wasn't sunk.[58]

This awoke beings from the stars,[59] the Great Old Ones,[60] that had been dormant for eons.[57] They created the first Aqueos from Sh'g'th tissue.[61][59] The Aqueos city of R'llyeh was rumored to be the "First Atlantis", and the source of all magic.[59]

Hyborian Age[]

During the Hyborian Age, contact between the various settlements of lost Atlantis, and between them and the Hyborian world were scarce:

  • The Atlanteans that went westwards were never heard of by the Hyborian world.[51] This statement can be balanced by Conan who visited Antillia,[51][55][62] Ptahuacan,[51][55] Na'at,[54] Zothique, Mayapan, and Poseidonis.[63] The Hyborians knew legends of the Seven Cities of the Antilles, made of bricks of gold and paved with silver.[51]
  • Vacharn of the Isle of Na'at admitted knowing little about the people of Antillia, and that they knew even less about them. His sons Wokal and Uldulla scoffed at the naming of the westward continent as "Mayapan" by the Antillians, stating it was Zothique to its dwellers, despite the fact both did exist. Vacharn himself did mentioned "continents".[54]
  • The Antillians believed themselves to be the last surviving city of the Atlanteans on Earth,[51] and even the only remaining land (as part of the lies used by the priests of Xotli to maintain their rule), through some spoke of barbarian states founded by renegades from Atlantis and Antillia[55] in a "howling wilderness", and seemingly ignored all about Zothique and its high level of civilization,[54] among other places.

Post-Hyborian Cataclysm (8,000 BC)[]

Circa 8,000 BC, the Post-Hyborian Cataclysm virtually erased evidence of the existence of society developed on the surviving islands of Antillia and Ptahuacan, Mayapan, Opar, Ruta, Zothique, and Avalon,[24] though the "lost Avalon isle" was later inhabited by Pressyne and her triplet daughters, Melusine, Melior, and Palatyne.[64][65]

War with Homo mermanus[]

Millennia ago, the races of Old Atlantis (Uhari, Mala, and Chordai) warred with the Homo mermanus Atlanteans,[5] According to the records, they were the scourge of the ocean, acting as predators, pillagers, and parasites. They killed, possessed, or consumed all things.[46]

Eventually, the Homo mermani defeated the Old Atlanteans and hunted them to extinction. They were stricken from their books of knowledge, save for secrets chronicles passed down from king to king.[46] The Old Atlanteans remained in the hidden Antarctic city of Old Atlantis under Lake Vostok,[5] at the Peak.[4]
Again, the datation around those Old Kings contradicts with established chronology: Susan Storm mentioned "hundred of thousands of years" separating modern-days from the days the Atlanteans suffered from the Old Atlanteans.[46]

Humanity came to know of Atlantis' glory primarily through the writings of Plato.[21]

Modern Age[]

The ghosts of Atlantis and Mu hovered over Great Britain along with those of Druid priests.[56]

In the Modern Age, the Bhadwuans, descendants of the ancient Atlanteans,[66] considered themselves the last remnant of "[their] mighty empire".[67] The Subterranean Netherworlders or Netheria sometimes described themselves as Atlanteans.[68]

The continent was re-surfaced by Morgan Le Fay.[53] Through her machinations, much of the nation of modern Atlantis was destroyed with its Homo mermanus residents exposed to the open air. The Inhumans' city of Attilan was relocated here and the Royal Family claimed hereditary rights to the land.[69] The island was later sunk through the actions of the Inhumans to protect themselves from human invaders and return the land to the Atlanteans.[70]

Return of Old Atlantis[]

When a group of scientists backed by the Fantastic Four's research foundation found a superstructure at the heart of Lake Vostok, Antarctica, the Fantastic Four went exploring, helped defeat an A.I.M. group, and met at the Peak with the Uhari, Mala, and Chordai Old Kings of Atlantis, and the Uhari heirs Vil and Wu, the "heirs of Old Atlantis". Susan Storm took on herself so serve as the envoy of Man and emissary to the Peak.[4]

During negotiation talks between Old Atlantis and "New Atlantis" held in the Gulf of Thailand, Old Atlantis asked for Skarka (despite being within Attuma's territories), twenty percent of the dark water located in abandoned Set-space, and full access to the Grotto of the Ancients. Those demands were dismissed, and Namor soon proceeded to slay Ul-Uhar,[71] having planned to take the Old Atlanteans down. His plan was thwarted by Susan Storm who sealed shut the place with a force-field, preventing New Atlantean forces to enter. Namor claimed Old Atlantis was plotting treachery,[46] an accusation rejected by the other kings who claimed they were "not as [they] used to be, who pointed out that Susan Storm was now ruler of Old Atlantis. Susan Storm forced Namor to accept the terms of the treaty and call off his troops.[72] The exact terms of said treaty remain unrevealed.

Alternate realities[]


On Earth-1610, the continent of Atlantis was formerly set in the Mid-Atlantic at about 1500 miles from what would become North America. Atlantis was a land far more advanced than the rest of humanity.[73]

Atlantis warred against Lemuria, a contemporary ancient city-state[74] and sole rival of Atlantis.[73] The Lemurians were surface-dwellers, that ruled the surface, while Atlantis ruled the seas, as dictated by their treaty, which was law, for nine millenia.[75][verification needed] About 9000 years ago, Namor, Atlantis' worst super-criminal[73] and emperor was exiled[74] and imprisoned within a sarcophagus.[73]

They used the Atlantean city of Sestanivor as an embassy. As such, it had rooms for oxygen breathers. To protect its citizens, the city had a cordon of telepathic beacons to ward off deep sea predators. The city was the site of nesting for the Tan-Ed-Drul - the species the lead to the fall of the Atlantean empire,[75][verification needed] though it was presumed to be a Lemurian strike. Namor was sparred from the cataclysm by his ordeal.[73]

Avengers (Earth-10222) from Free Comic Book Day 2021 Avengers Hulk Vol 1 1 001

Atlantis and the Atlantean Avengers in Earth-10222


On Earth-10222, Atlantis was never destroyed by cataclysms, and instead spearheaded a quick advancement of human civilization, leading to a state where Man lived in peace and harmony with the natural world, a paradise guarded by the almighty Atlantean Avengers.

A temporal cataclysm caused around 1,000,000 B.C. by the Multiversal Masters of Evil turned this Earth into a barren wasteland, removing the very concepts of Atlantis and Avengers from this reality.[76]


Less than 20,000 years ago, Apocalypse came to inhabit Ship, a monitoring device left behind by the Celestials. Using it, he witnessed the rampage of the Deviants against the humans of Lemuria but was unable to use Ship against the Deviants. Consequently, he selected the strong from within the many cultures had approached Ship to examine it (some believing it to be the Tower of Babel), and relocated them to Atlantis, an uninhabited volcanic island he had selected, nearly as large as Lemuria and on the other side of the world, which he intended to be his Eden. Atlantis grew into a peaceful civilization that became a too rich bait for the Deviants to ignore. They attacked Atlantis and Apocalypse, after ensuring that the Celestials were informed by Ship of their attempted genocide, loosed the magma pits upon them, destroying them and Atlantis alike, though Apocalypse saved those he could among his chosen people. The Second Host of the Celestials consequently appeared over Lemuria, were attacked by the Deviants, causing the Great Cataclysm that destroyed Lemuria, leaving only a few to flee beneath the sea, and completed the destruction of Atlantis, while humanity survived on the mainland.[77]



Circa 18,000 BC, Atlantis had a very high level of technology, including energy plants with a network stretching into Pangea.

Orichalcum was a legendary magical metal of Atlantis.[51]

The priests of Xotli used flying ships, powered by the mysterious force called Vril.[55]


The Atlanteans and their descendants worshiped many gods from various pantheons and spheres, some benevolent, others horrific and unnameable:

After the Cataclysm[]

Some of the Atlantean deities were still worshiped by the remnants of Atlantis, such as in Antillia.[62] They also worshiped Xotli[51][55] and the Ahau.

The Cimmerians, descendants of Atlanteans, kept on the worship of Mannanan and Lir.[79]

Valka's worship kept on into the modern age, at least in the city of Opar, a remnant outpost of Atlantis, where its people mentioned Valka in ancient incantations.[92]

Points of Interest

Outside territories included:

During negotiation talks between Old Atlantis and "New Atlantis", Old Atlantis asked for the following territories:

Those demands were dismissed by Namor,[71] but Susan Storm forced Namor to accept the terms of the treaty and call off his troops.[72] The exact terms of said treaty remain unrevealed, but it can be presumed the aforementioned demands were met. It is unknown if those territories were trully part of ancient Atlantis (though most were indeed close or within the borders of the sunken continent on some maps).

The site of Atlantis was used as foundation for the Homo mermanus city of Atlantis (Kamuu).


In the modern age, few Old Atlanteans remains.

  • Old Kings of Atlantis - Kings of the Uhari, Mala, Chordai, who share the throne of regent of the Peak and king of Old Atlantis


See Also

Links and References


  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe #1 ; Atlantis' profile
  2. ↑ 2.0 2.1 Kull the Destroyer #17
  3. ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Conan the Barbarian Annual #7 / Marvel Graphic Novel #42; Conan of the Isles, Part I: Red Shadows and Black Kraken!
  4. ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 Fantastic Four #576
  5. ↑ 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 Secret Wars: Official Guide to the Marvel Multiverse #1 ; Uhari Kids' profile
  6. ↑ Empyre Handbook #1 ; Fantastic Four's profile
  7. ↑ 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 Man-Thing (Vol. 3) #8
  8. ↑ 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 Incredible Hercules #123
  9. ↑ 9.0 9.1 9.2 Ka-Zar the Savage #8
  10. ↑ Avengers (Vol. 8) #9
  11. ↑ 11.0 11.1 Strange Worlds #2 ; I am the Scourge of Atlantis!
  12. ↑ Kull the Conqueror #3
  13. ↑ 13.0 13.1 Kull the Destroyer #11
  14. ↑ Kull the Destroyer #28
  15. ↑ Conan the Barbarian #5 ; Zukala's Daughter
  16. ↑ Kull the Conqueror #6
  17. ↑ Captain America Comics #2
  18. ↑ Savage Sword of Conan #202 ; Exile of Atlantis
  19. ↑ Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z Update #1 ; Atlas' profile
  20. ↑ 20.0 20.1 Sub-Mariner Comics #31 ; The Lost Land!
  21. ↑ 21.0 21.1 21.2 21.3 21.4 21.5 21.6 21.7 21.8 21.9 Blockbusters of the Marvel Universe #1 ; Great Cataclysm's profile
  22. ↑ 22.0 22.1 Tomb of Dracula #26
  23. ↑ Daredevil #128
  24. ↑ 24.00 24.01 24.02 24.03 24.04 24.05 24.06 24.07 24.08 24.09 24.10 All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #1 ; Atlantis' profile
  25. ↑ Savage Sword of Conan #14 ; A Kull Glossary, Gandaro of the Spear's entry
  26. ↑ Kull the Conqueror #2
  27. ↑ 27.00 27.01 27.02 27.03 27.04 27.05 27.06 27.07 27.08 27.09 27.10 27.11 27.12 Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #1 ; Atlantis' profile
  28. ↑ Kull the Conqueror (Vol. 3) #10
  29. ↑ Kull the Conqueror (Vol. 3) #9
  30. ↑ Conan Saga #97 ; The Kull Comics Chronology: Gonra of the Sword
  31. ↑ Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #7 ; Magic - History of the Sorcerer Supreme
  32. ↑ Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #12 ; Vishanti's profile
  33. ↑ Avengers: Roll Call #1 ; Agamotto's profile
  34. ↑ Savage Sword of Conan #198 ; Vengeance in Valusia
  35. ↑ Kull the Destroyer #16
  36. ↑ Kull the Destroyer #18
  37. ↑ Kull the Destroyer #20
  38. ↑ Conan Saga #97 ; The Kull Comics Chronology: Shadows From the Past
  39. ↑ Kull the Conqueror (Vol. 2) #2
  40. ↑ Conan Saga #97 ; The Kull Comics Chronology: The Return of Iraina
  41. ↑ 41.0 41.1 Kull the Conqueror (Vol. 3) #1
  42. ↑ 42.0 42.1 42.2 42.3 42.4 42.5 Savage Sword of Conan #30 ; A Gazetteer of the Hyborian Age, Part I: Atlantis' entry
  43. ↑ 43.0 43.1 43.2 43.3 43.4 Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #14 ; Poseidon's profile
  44. ↑ 44.0 44.1 44.2 44.3 Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #14 ; Hippolyta's profile
  45. ↑ 45.0 45.1 45.2 Ka-Zar the Savage #6
  46. ↑ 46.0 46.1 46.2 46.3 46.4 Fantastic Four #586
  47. ↑ 47.0 47.1 47.2 47.3 47.4 47.5 Strange Tales #68 ; The Creatures from the Bottomless Pit!
  48. ↑ 48.0 48.1 48.2 48.3 Incredible Hercules #128
  49. ↑ 49.0 49.1 49.2 Man-Thing (Vol. 3) #7
  50. ↑ 50.0 50.1 50.2 50.3 50.4 50.5 50.6 Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A-Z Update #2 ; Gorgons' profile
  51. ↑ 51.00 51.01 51.02 51.03 51.04 51.05 51.06 51.07 51.08 51.09 51.10 Marvel Graphic Novel #42 ; Conan of the Isles, Part II: Dragons from an Unknown Sea!
  52. ↑ Tales of Suspense #43
  53. ↑ 53.0 53.1 Namor, the Sub-Mariner #62
  54. ↑ 54.0 54.1 54.2 54.3 54.4 Conan the Savage #10 ; The Necromancers of Na'at
  55. ↑ 55.0 55.1 55.2 55.3 55.4 55.5 55.6 Marvel Graphic Novel #42 ; Conan of the Isles, Part III: Gods of Light and Darkness!
  56. ↑ 56.0 56.1 Marvel Graphic Novel #23 : Into Shamballa
  57. ↑ 57.0 57.1 Namor: The First Mutant #3
  58. ↑ Astonishing #59 ; The Girl Behind the Glass!
  59. ↑ 59.0 59.1 59.2 Vampires: The Marvel Undead #1 ; Aqueos' profile
  60. ↑ King in Black: Namor #2
  61. ↑ Namor: The First Mutant #4
  62. ↑ 62.0 62.1 King Conan (Vol. 2) #3
  63. ↑ Conan Saga #95 ; The Conan Comics Chronology - Chapter Seventeen: The Agony and the Empire, VI. Unanswered Questions
  64. ↑ Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #13 ; Yith's profile
  65. ↑ Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #8 ; Nagala's profile
  66. ↑ Ka-Zar (Vol. 3) #19
  67. ↑ Ka-Zar (Vol. 3) #18
  68. ↑ 68.0 68.1 Fantastic Four #127
  69. ↑ Fantastic Four: Atlantis Rising #1–2
  70. ↑ Inhumans (Vol. 2) #12
  71. ↑ 71.0 71.1 Fantastic Four #585
  72. ↑ 72.0 72.1 Fantastic Four #587
  73. ↑ 73.0 73.1 73.2 73.3 73.4 Ultimate Secrets #1 ; Namor's profile
  74. ↑ 74.0 74.1 Ultimate FF #2
  75. ↑ 75.0 75.1 Ultimate Fantastic Four #56
  76. ↑ Free Comic Book Day 2021: Avengers/Hulk #1 ; The Tower at the Center of Everything
  77. ↑ X-Factor Forever #2 ; The Apocalypse Journal Part II
  78. ↑ Savage Sword of Conan #39 ; Moon of the Skulls Parts Three and Four
  79. ↑ 79.0 79.1 Conan the Barbarian #74
  80. ↑ Conan Saga #97 ; The Bestiairie of Thoth-Amon
  81. ↑ All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z: Update #3 ; Annunaki's profile
  82. ↑ Thor & Hercules: Encyclopaedia Mythologica #1 ; The Annunaki's profile
  83. ↑ Kull the Destroyer #18 ; The Keeper of Flame and Frost!
  84. ↑ Kull the Destroyer #21 ; City of the Crawling Dead
  85. ↑ Kull the Destroyer #24 ; Screams in the Dark
  86. ↑ Kull the Destroyer #26 ; Into Death's Dimension!
  87. ↑ Marvel Zombies: The Book of Angels, Demons & Various Monstrosities #1 ; Vampires' profile
  88. ↑ Vampires: The Marvel Undead #1 ; Vampires Appendix, Lamia's profile
  89. ↑ Blade: The Vampire-Hunter #6
  90. ↑ Sub-Mariner #63 ; Tales of Atlantis: Cataclysm!
  91. ↑ Journey Into Mystery (Vol. 2) #4 ; The Haunter of the Dark
  92. ↑ Tarzan #3