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Flag of Egypt

Flag of Egypt

Egypt is a transcontinental country spanning from the northeast corner of Africa into southwest corner of Asia by way of a land bridge formed by the Sinai Peninsula. Its capital city is Cairo.


Hyborian Age[]

Circa 10,000 BC, the region was known as Stygia and was part of the Hyborian continent. Stygia was situated between Shem and the Black Kingdoms.[1]

For the full presentation of their activities, please consult the Ennead page.

As early as 10,000 BC, the inhabitants of the Nile River Valley started to worship the Heliopolitans.[2]

At the end of the Hyborian Age, Vanir adventurers came to Stygia, where they overthrew the ruling class building a vast southern empire which they called Egypt. The early Pharaohs boasted to descend from them.[3][4] That country would become one of the oldest nations on Earth.[5]

Early History[]

Egypt was ruled by pharaoh as far back as 3400 BC.[5]

The Cheops Pyramid dated from 3300 BC, under King Cheops' rule.[13]

In the 30th century BC,[14] Egypt was ruled by Pharaoh Amenhotep (Khufor). His kingdom was besieged by the Gurban. Their invasion was thwarted by the Dynaman, a hero from the dead civilization of Korug.[15]

In 2950, Kang arrived from the future using a time machine. His ship crashed in the desert. Blinded and injured, he was found by Baal and his Sandstormers, who nursed him back to health. Although still blinded, Nathaniel eventually fled into the desert, leaving behind devices that held information about the coming birth of one of the world's first mutant known as En Sabah Nur.[16] Using his advanced technology, Nathaniel Richards easily took over,[17] deposing Amenhotep (faking his death, imprisoning him and causing him to turn into a vampire)[14] and renaming himself Rama-Tut.[17] Learning of a radioactive herb, Rama used it to restore his lost vision shortly thereafter.[18] Rama had the people of Egypt come to worship him and build massive statues in his honor[19][17][16][20] and reject the old gods, angering the Egyptian vengeance god Khonshu.[17][21] A few weeks after his take over of Egypt, Rama led an army to the camp of the Sandstormers in order to retrieve his archive so that he might make En Sabah Nur, fated to become the powerful mutant Apocalypse, his heir. However, the Sandstormers had hid it, and refused to turn it over. Rama had many of them slaughtered, and the rest enslaved, save for a few, including Baal, who managed to escape and became devoted to finding Nur on before Rama-Tut.[16]

All-New X-Men Vol 2 10 Textless
Finding Apocalypse[]
Akkaba (Egypt) from Rise of Apocalypse Vol 1 1 0001

En Sabah Nur was born in a lone settlement on the very edge of the Amentet and the very edge of the Valley of the Kings, in ancient Egypt, as a member of a tribe in Akkaba. Even as an infant, the child inspired fear, being born with gray skin and blue lines running across his lips and face. Ugly and malformed, the infant was abandoned by the tribe, to die in the harsh desert sun. However, out of the desert, the Sandstormers, a roving band of feared nomadic raiders, slaughtered the citizens of Akkaba. Their leader, Baal of the Crimson Sands, found the infant crying and recognized the potential power in the child. Baal named the infant En Sabah Nur, literally meaning "The First Morning Holy Light", and raised him as his own son.[16]

Baal raised young En Sabah Nur as though he were his own son over the course of the next 20 years. Rama-Tut meanwhile continued to rule Egypt apparently unopposed.[22]

Reign of Rama Tut[]

During his time in Egypt, Rama encouraged the scientific work of an Egyptian named Logos who also acted as his adviser. He also sought to marry the young woman named Nephri, whose brother Ozymandias was commander of Rama-Tut's army. Ozymandias hoped that the marriage between Nephri and Rama-Tut would ultimately bring him closer to one day ruling the kingdom himself.[23] At some point during his reign Rama-Tut impregnated a slave woman who bore a son named Ramades, whom Rama-Tut abandoned.[24]

Fantastic Four (Earth-616) enslaved by Nathaniel Richards (Rama-Tut) (Earth-6311) from Fantastic Four Vol 1 19 Cover

The Fantastic Four used Doctor Doom's Time Platform to find an element restore Alicia Masters's vision. They arrived in ancient Egypt where they attacked by an Egyptian army that takes them prisoner when their powers fail them. Brought before their master, the Pharaoh known as Rama-Tut, learned his origin as time traveler. He hoped to entice the Fantastic Four to travel back in time, he planted the hieroglyph so that he could battle the historic figures. He made Sue his "queen" and putting the other members of the Four into slavery, all seems lost until the Thing spontaneously returned to normal. Escaping he is able to get a hold of Rama-Tut's Diode-Ray and free Sue, however the radiation from the weapon returned him to his Thing-form. Freeing the others, they bust up Rama-Tut's operation forcing him to flee in his time ship, leaving the FF to find the isotope that could restore Alicia's vision. However, upon traveling through Dr. Doom's time machine, Reed realizes that it won't transport radioactive substances, and so they return from their mission empty handed.[18]

Clan Akkaba (Earth-616) from X-Men Apocalypse vs

When Apocalypse fully realized his power and defeated the Pharaoh and his army, Egypt entered a new age, one in which his children walked among them. Apocalypse forged his clan, now called Clan Akkaba after his birthplace and those who had left him to die. During this time, the site of Akkaba reached somewhat of a renaissance as great monuments were erected there, whether by Apocalypse, his descendants or by the new Pharaoh, no one knows.The clan at this point began forming customs, whether by Apocalypse’s will or their own accord. They lived by the survival of the fittest creed and the members of the clan would deceive, betray and even kill their own relations merely to be deemed closest to Apocalypse.[25]

In 2699 BC, Ashley Hunt traveled from 1965 back in time to ancient Egypt to plunder the tomb of Tut-Kin-Tut. There, he he realized he could not open the casket without explosives, and so returned to his present, acquired equipment, and headed back. The machine made a slight miscalculation and left him with an hour difference, causing him to met himself, leading to a fight over the treasure. His oldest version beat the younger into amnesia, causing himself to disappear as he wouldn't use the time machine to head back to his time.

In 2680 BC, a great earthquake, completely buried the tomb of Tut-Kin-Tut.[26]

Old Kingdom[]

Brotherhood of the Shield (Earth-616) from S.H.I.E.L.D

Imhotep, Apocalypse, and a Moon Knight against the Brood

In 2620 BC, a Brood invasion occurred in Egypt and Pharaoh Khasekhemwy Khasekhemui, ruler of upper and lower kingdoms of Egypt, was killed. This ended the Second Great Dynasty.[27]

The invasion was thwarted by Imhotep.[27] Joining Imhotep were a Knight of Khonshu[28] and En Sabah Nur, who had returned from Okkara with his children, the First Horsemen.[29]

As the Second Dynasty finished in 2620 BC, the Third Dynasty began. Imhotep founded the secret Brotherhood of the Shield[27][28] and the earliest iteration of Hydra.[30][31]

Khafre was a Egyptian king involved in the construction of the Sphinx circa 2500 BC. He came to be in possession of the Claw of Bast under unrevealed circumstances. He ordered to haven it hidden, and upon his physical death, he had his soul placed into the Sphinx.[32]

In 1279, BC,[citation needed][verification needed] Ramses II was the Pharaoh of Egypt. Moses implored Ramses to free the Jewish people but Ramses refused. Moses challenged Ramses' chief wizard the Sphinx to battle, wherein both threw down their staffs and they were turned to serpents. Anath-Na Mut's serpent was swallowed by Moses's. Ramses II expelled Anath-Na Mut from the royal court and Anath-Na Mut wandered the desert for 90 years until coming to the temple of the Ka and finding the Ka Stone.[33]

New Kingdom Period[]

Horemheb the lover of Ankhesenamun, daughter and former wife of Akhenaten, and then wife of Tutankhamun.[34] murdered 17-year-old Akhenaten's son and successor Tutankhamun,[35] although another account showed a god killing Tutankhamun (possibly an actual god, or Horemheb),[34] in order to claim the throne. He also slew Akhenaten's vizier Ay,[36] and restored the worship of the old gods of Egypt, eradicating the monotheistic worship of Aten and all traces of Akhenaten.[35]

In 1000 BC, Pharaoh Aram-Set reign ended when a Swarlili slave named N'Kantu led a bloody revolt which ended with the Pharaoh dangling on the edge of his spear. As he raided the Pharaoh's temple, he came upon the wizard Nephrus. Nephrus was prepared for the warrior-slave's treachery and splashed him with a chemical agent that caused immediate paralysis of N'Kantu's limbs. He brought him down to a private dungeon laboratory where he bound him with linen, and injected him with a special fluid. This fluid granted N’Kantu immortality, but at the price of his mobility. Nephrus sealed him inside of a sarcophagus, promising that he would suffer as a Living Mummy for all eternity. Moments after entombing N'Kantu, a great earthquake struck and devastated the temple, killing Nephrus and burying N'Kantu for centuries.[37]

The Twenty-First Dynasty came to an end circa 945 BC.[38]

In 500 BC, the mysterious Robe of Evil was obtained by the tyrannical named Hyskos who conquered most of the region until his death. The Robe then disappeared for a number of years.[39]

In 332 BC,[5] or 330 BC,[40] Egypt was invaded by Persia, but that invasion was thwarted by Alexander the Great's own Macedonian invasion. En Sabah Nur turned on his Egyptian brothers that day, as they rallied to the Greeks instead of fighting both armies.[40] Alexander the Great then ruled Egypt.[5]

Roman Empire[]

In 1 AD, Mary and Joseph were told by an Angel that King Herod wanted to kill their child Jesus. The young family fled to Egypt for safety, but returned to their homeland once the king had died.[41]

The immortal Sphinx stated that he encountered Jesus.[42]

Ptolemy XIII Theos Philopator became the 13th ruler of Egypt's Ptolemaic Dynasty at 12 years old.[43]

Circa 47-49 BC, a civil war occurred, with the Egyptians led by the boy-king Ptolemy (backed by Zota of Pergamum) besieging the Romans in the palace, as Julius Caesar attempted to put Ptolemy's sister Cleopatra on the throne instead. It was told that it was during that event that the Great Library of Alexandria was burned down, though it was in fact (as Lucan would later wrote) warehouses in which grain and books were stored that were burned due to a defensive fire set by Caesar's troops near the docks.[44]

In 41 AD, Marc Antony, one of the triumvirs, was given the Eastern sphere of the Roman Empire to rule. There, he met and fell in love with Cleopatra, queen of Egypt and also a consort of Julius Caesar during his life. Despite marrying Octavius's sister Octavia, Antony continued to lust after Cleopatra. This led to war with Octavius, which Antony lost, in part because Cleopatra withdrew her fleet at a crucial moment. Aware that Antony was furious with her, Cleopatra sent him false news that she had killed herself because of him. Thus convinced of her love, Antony fell on his sword to join her in death. Hearing of this, Cleopatra committed suicide by allowing herself to be bitten by a poisonous asp.[45]

She once felt strong feelings for Iron Man, who had been pulled back in time 2,000 years by her enemy, the mad King Hatap, who had rebelled against Cleopatra. Iron Man made his way to the court of Cleopatra and helped defend it against an attack by a Roman legion. Earning the gratitude and friendship of Cleopatra, Iron Man informed her of Hatap's plans and helped her fight off his army. Fearing defeat at Iron Man's hands, Hatap sought to use the charm to return to the modern era, but Iron Man squirted some oil on the charm, causing Hatap to drop it. Diving for the charm, Hatap inadvertently landed on an upturned sword, which apparently killed him. Hatap's army fled, and Iron Man used the charm to return to his time, despite Cleopatra's requests that he stay and rule by her side.[46] In another encounter with a modern-day superhero, she was banished by the sorcerer Zota, where she encountered Doctor Strange. Strange defeated Zota and returned her home.[47] She ruled until 31 BC.[5]

In 340, Egypt became part of the Byzantium Empire.[5]

Circa 500 AD, the worship of the Heliopolitans faded in favor of monotheistic faiths.[2]

Egypt was later conquered by Arabia, resulting in its transformation in to an Islamic nation.[5]

Around 1191 AD, during the Third Crusade, King Richard the Lion-Hearted of England was active in the region along with his supporter Crusader, and the traitorous knight Guy de Montfort, where they clashed repeatedly with the forces of the Saladin of Egypt.[48][49][50]

18th-20th Century[]

In 1798, Napoléon Bonaparte's took his armies on a campaign into the Ottoman territories of Egypt and Syria.[51]

In 1882, Egypt became a protectorate of England, interested primarily by controlling of the Suez Canal, a vital trading hub. That protectorate lasted until 1922.[5]

On August 1924, an expedition uncovered the tomb of the Witch Queen and her spawn was resurrected and taken under the care of an archaeologist named Thornton who took the boy back to England with him to raise as his own.[6]

World War II[]

During World War II, Egypt was frequently the site of clashed between the Allied Forces and Axis powers. The troop from Camp Lehigh was posted in Egypt on a few occasions. In one such occasion in 1942, Private Steve Rogers (secretly Captain America) was assigned as a bodyguard for archaeologist Professor Wembly.[52] Not long after, the Spawn returned to his Cult to try and resurrect his mother the Witch Queen. This plot was uncovered by Captain America and his partner Bucky who dismantled the Cult of Black Magic, destroyed the Book of Thoth, and prevented the resurrection of the Witch Queen.[6] In 1943, Professor Blane and Professor Rocher uncovered the tomb of Tut-Kan-Amon, uncovering the Lamps of Good and Evil. Rocher, a Nazi sympathizer attempted to take the Lamp of Evil for the Nazis. This attempt was stopped by the Vision who destroyed both lamps.[53] In 1946, the Future Man and Madame Death attempted to conquer Egypt by using a device that resurrected a number of mummified corpses from ancient tombs. These undead warriors were fought off by Miss America until she was able to destroy the device sending the mummies back to their eternal rest.[54] In 1948, Tut-Ak-Mun, descendant of Tut-Ak-Aten recovered his ancestors ring and used it to raise an army of the dead. This army was ultimately stopped by Namora.[8]

During the 1940s, Abdul Faoul led a group called the Sons of the Scarab, seeking to end Britain's control of Egypt. They wore ancient Egyptian costumes, likening themselves to the modern servants of the past Pharaohs. To this end they even allied themselves with the Axis forces. The Invaders arrived to support the British efforts as the 'Desert Fox' General Erwin Rommel began sending German forces.[55] Claiming he would show them the secret lair of the Sons, Abdul instead had Namor and the Human Torch enter a pyramid where the Ruby Scarab was located. He grabbed the Scarab and battled them as the Scarlet Scarab. However, he saw that the Nazis were attacking Egyptians and had no intentions of fulfilling their promises. So he instead assisted the Invaders in their efforts. However, he still disliked any foreign power being involved, and rebuffed Union Jack's offer of assistance.[56]

In 1948, Cairo was invaded by the undead hordes of Tut-Ak-Mun attacked Cairo. The invasion was fought off by Namora who destroyed the undead soldiers and defeated Tut-Ak-Mun.[8]

In 1954, Captain America and Bucky clashed with communist agents they followed here.[57] Later that year, Secret Service agent Rick Davis was active in the region to recover secret plans from a communist nation.[58]

In 1956, the Suez War began.[59]

An archaeologist discovers a giant mummy buried in the Egyptian desert, who goes on a rampage appearing to be searching for every normal sized mummy in the local area. After the mummy disappears in a sandstorm it is revealed that the mummy is in fact an alien who works in the intergalactic missing person bureau. The mummy look is just their space suits and they were trying to find any missing aliens on earth.[60]

Several years ago, the fluid that kept the Mummy immobile began to wear off, and the crazed N'Kantu clawed his way to freedom. He began terrorizing the streets of Cairo until he came upon the home of archaeology professor, Doctor Alexi Skarab. There was something about Skarab that seemed familiar to N'Kantu, but it would be some time later, that he would discover that Skarab was actually the descendant of the wizard, Nephrus. Dann appears to Skarab in a vision and claims that both he and Nephrus we Skarab's ancestors. It is unknown whether his is true, however. Horrified, Skarab opened fire on the Living Mummy, but this only served to enrage N'Kantu, and he raced back out into the streets and went on a rampage. The police tracked him down and opened fire on him, but bullets were barely enough to even slow the Mummy down. He fought back by tearing down a telephone pole, but the resulting backlash of electricity ravaged his body, seemingly killing him. Dr. Skarab took responsibility for the Mummy's remains and sold them to Dr. Carroll Harter, the curator of a museum in New York City.[61]

In the 1960s and '70s, Egypt had open hostilities with Israel, including 1967's "Six-Day War".

In the ensuing years, Egypt made a treaty with Israel, and has attempted to help Israel and Palestine reach peace.[5]

Pre-Modern Age[]

N'Daré and her husband David Munroe moved to Cairo for work they also took their young daughter Ororo Munroe. At the age of five, a plane crash destroyed their home. Ororo's parents were killed, but she survived, buried under rubble near her mother's body. This traumatizing effect left Ororo with the severe claustrophobia that still afflicts her today. Ororo managed to escape the rubble of her shattered home with nothing but the tattered clothes on her back and her mother's ancestral ruby.[59][62][63] Homeless and orphaned, Ororo was found by a gang of street urchins who took her to their master, Achmed El Gibár. Achmed trained Ororo in the arts of thievery and she soon became his prize pupil, excelling in picking both pockets and locks. During her time in Cairo, Ororo picked the pocket of an American tourist. The man proved no easy mark, however, as he was Charles Xavier, a powerful mutant telepath who used his abilities to stop the theft.[64][65] At that moment, Xavier was psionically attacked by another mutant, Amahl Farouk (absolute ruler of Cairo’s thieves), and Ororo used the opportunity to escape. Xavier, who acknowledged she was a mutant from her brainwaves, declined to contact Ororo at this point, not wanting to shock the young woman with the true nature of her powers. Years later, feeling a strong urge to wander south, Ororo left Cairo.[66][67][68] -->

Modern Age[]

Cairo and the Pyramids were among the many monuments around the world attacked by Loki, using a mind-controlled Thor.[69]

While in Egypt to visit his friend Paul, Tony Stark amused himself at a night club in Cairo, but he was forced to return to the hotel to recharge his chest plate.[46]

The Thing went on vacation to Egypt, but the Pogo Plane got wrecked while battling the Sphinx in Egypt, the Thing is forced to take a commercial flight back home to the United States.[70]

The Scarlet Scarab tracked the stolen Eye of Horus to the Chicago museum, where he runs afoul of Thor.[71] -->


"Havok (Alex Summers) battled the Trackers in Cairo.[73]

Cable met with a Museum of Egyptian Antiquities curator to find out why the Mutant Liberation Front was risking their lives to get an old sword for Stryfe.[74]

In the streets of Cairo, Black Tom and the Juggernaut chased Mr. Gezdbadah and took his briefcase off, despite Deadpool's rescue attempt.[75]

The New Warriors battled Sphinx (Anath-Na Mut) in Cairo.[76]

In Cairo, Amanda Sefton wandered the streets as a tourist and is being watched by the tourist police very closely. She walks past a beggar and the woman greets her as daughter. The woman is Margali Szardos and she tells her she has been on the Winding Way and their meeting here was not coincidence. Margali tells her that there is a sorcerer named Gravemoss standing before her on the Winding Way. He can use the sword to advance to the front of the way. She tells Amanda that she must protect the one who holds the sword from Gravemoss and the sword itself.[77]

When Achmed El Gibár died Storm was their to comfort him. After his death, Karima became leader of the thieves.[78]

Candra's 'heart gem' was stolen by one of Karima's illusions. Due to one of the illusions claiming to be involved with the Shadow King and Storm's former master in Egypt, the X-Men investigated. When Storm's teacher Achmed El Gibár died, Candra convinced the young thief Jamil, who seemed to be a powerful mutant, to join her, promising him even greater power. However, when Candra used Jamil to lure Storm to her and reacquire her Heart (the power gem), it was discovered that Jamil was only a psychic projection of Karima, another young thief, who was the true mutant. Cyclops destroyed Candra's Heart, and it appeared that Candra died as a result.[79]

At Cairo International Airport, a man tried to get a package into a mail bag addressed to Storm, before he collapsed dead.[80]

Baron Zemo arranged military coups across the globe, one taking place in Cairo.[81]

When Red Hulk and Machine Man came to investigate Sharzhad, Dagan Shah met them as Arabian Knight, letting them into the force field-protected Sharzhad and accompanying them to the palace. Once there, he revealed himself as Shah and imprisoned the two while revealing that he had also captured the real Arabian Knight.[82] Using his enhanced powers, he probed Red Hulk's mind to find that outside forces had a hand in sending Red Hulk to him. Flying to Cairo, he threatened the populace, saying nothing would stop him from creating and controlling Sharzhad. Returning, he attacked the recently escaped Machine Man and Red Hulk, ripping Machine Man in two.[83]

Cairo from Astonishing X-Men Vol 3 57 001

Warbird traveled to Cairo to found a lost Shi'ar artifact, she interrogated an alien hiding a a women working at an Egyptian bazaar. She went to the museum and found the artifact only to be confronted by a Fianden warrior who she believed was extinct. He bested her in battle and took the artifact.[84]

Cairo from Journey Into Mystery Vol 1 649 001

Gomdulla returned to attack Cairo.[85]

The Avengers Unity Division tracked down an interrogated Ozymandias in Cairo.[86]

Teresa Parker and Spider-Man met Emile Chigaru, who claimed to be the mission controller of Peter's parents. They make their way for Cairo, where they are ambushed by the Kingpin, who commanded commanded Mentallo to turn off the effects of the perception filter on Peter and Teresa, which revealed her true looks. Fisk then revealed Teresa's true last name as being Durand, and she was not Peter's kin. Teresa denied this, taking out the photo of her parents as proof, but the contents fade to nothing, due to Mentallo's abilities. Holding Teresa at gunpoint, Kingpin then demanded Peter to open the secret vault, unleashing the robot known as the Sleeper. Teresa then fought the Kingpin as Peter wrestled with his new foe. After Peter defeated the Sleeper and the Kingpin, Teresa wanted to kill the latter as revenge for what he did to her. Peter tried to convince her against it. Relenting, Teresa was caught by an uppercut the Kingpin threw out, causing a stray shot from her pistol to hit Peter, as the Kingpin started to strangle her, saying that she should have accepted his offer of serving him. Mentallo, at this point, snuck up behind Kingpin and unleashed a massive wave of energy that knocked everyone, including Teresa, out.[87]

Alternate Realities[]

X-Men Cinematic Universe Dystopian Future Averted (Earth-TRN414)[]

Apocalypse's Pyramid from X-Men- Apocalypse 001

Apocalypse's Pyramid in Cairo

In the region that would one day become Cairo, Apocalypse's Pyramid was constructed by a young En Sabah Nur using telekinesis on the sight that would later become Cairo, Egypt.[88] The tyrant Apocalypse used the technology within the pyramid to transfer his essence into a new mutant body allowing him to accumulate various mutant powers and live multiple life times. It was during one of these transferring ceremonies that the peasants, tired of being subjugated, attacked Apocalypse and Horsemen, destroying the temple and burying them within the sands. Thousands of years later, Apocalypse was awoken in the 1980's. Disturbed with what the world had become, he formed his Four Horsemen of that time, rebuilt his pyramid, and attempted to cleanse the planet.[89]

Marvel Cinematic Universe (Earth-199999)[]

Ultimate Universe (Earth-1610)[]

Cairo from Ultimate Spider-Man Vol 1 153 001

Wilson Fisk learned of a relic in Cairo, Egypt, which grants its holder unimaginable power. When he obtained the Zodiac Key, it killed everyone around him. Rather than using it to enforce his power, he learned that simply having it in his possession created enough fear in his rivals that he could remain as the Kingpin of Crime with little opposition.[90]


En Sabah Nur (Earth-58163) from Black Panther Vol 4 7 0002

On Earth-58163, during the early days of the Mutant-Human War, Apocalypse approached Magneto and offered him his aid and an alliance in their battle against humanity. Magneto accepted, and the two fought together. Apocalypse, however, came to resent Magneto's mercy towards the humans and they eventually came to blows over the leadership of mutantkind. Magneto won, but spared Apocalypse, who would continue to serve him loyally, freeing a number of mutants from the camps in exchange for control of Northern Africa, ruled from Cairo.[91]


Cairo Earth 14161 from Avengers A I Vol 1 11 001

On Earth-14161; in the year 12,000 AD, the region that was once Cairo had been Bio-Engineered into a tropical paradise covered with lush vegetation, the process took nearly 10,000 years.[92]

X-Men- The Animated Series Universe (Earth-92131)[]

Apocalypse's Pyramid from X-Men- The Animated Series Season 4 10

Apocalypse's Pyramid at dusk

On Earth-92131; Apocalypse's pyramid was constructed in Cairo, Egypt around 1200 BC. The pyramid incorporated advanced technology and housed the Lazarus Chamber that rejuvenated Apocalypse. Every few hundred years, Apocalypse needed to return to the pyramid to sustain his longevity. The original pyramid stood until 3999 AD, but Cable, the X-Men, and Archangel used Graymalkin to travel back in time to just after the completion of the pyramid to destroy it at its inception.[93][94][95][96]

Omega World[]

On Omega World, a huge structure composed of bubble worlds in which what remained of Earth after Apocalypse's ascension was kept. The ones who survived the Great Trials lived on Omega World under Apocalypse's rule from what was once Cairo.[97] Apocalypse functioned as the Omega World's heart, maintaining it while his Horsemen functioned as its antibodies, cleansing the structure of anything that could harm their master.[98] Omega World crumbled as the result of Apocalypse being fatally wounded by Nightcrawler.[99]

Points of Interest


See Also

Links and References


  1. Handbook of the Conan Universe #1 ; Stygia's entry
  2. 2.0 2.1 Thor & Hercules: Encyclopaedia Mythologica #1 ; The Heliopolitans' entry
  3. Savage Sword of Conan #17 ; The Hyborian Age Chapter 6: The Darkness... and the Dawn
  4. Savage Sword of Conan #40 ; A Gazeteer of the Hyborian Age, Part VIII: Vanir's entry
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 Marvel Atlas #2 ; Egypt's entry
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 Captain America Comics #20
  7. Captain America Comics #38
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 Namora #2
  9. Journey Into Mystery (Vol. 2) #4
  10. Jungle Action #6
  11. Journey Into Mystery #40
  12. Avengers Assemble #1 ; Forever Man's entry
  13. Young Allies #12 ; Tommy Tyme and his Magic Clock of Ages
  14. 14.0 14.1 Vampires: The Marvel Undead #1 ; Amenhotep's entry
  15. Daring Mystery Comics #6 ; The Origin of Dynaman
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 Rise of Apocalypse #2
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 17.3 Captain America Annual #11
  18. 18.0 18.1 Fantastic Four #19
  19. Avengers #269
  20. Avengers: Forever #9
  21. West Coast Avengers (Vol. 2) #21
  22. Rise of Apocalypse #14
  23. Rise of Apocalypse #1
  24. 4 #16
  25. X-Men: Apocalypse vs. Dracula #1
  26. Tales of Suspense #3 ; The Terrible Time Machine
  27. 27.0 27.1 27.2 S.H.I.E.L.D. #1
  28. 28.0 28.1 S.H.I.E.L.D. (Vol. 3) #9
  29. Moon Knight: City of the Dead #1
  30. Secret Warriors #1 ; Hydra Timeline
  31. Secret Warriors #4
  32. Marvel Encyclopedia #Fantastic Four ; Khafre's entry
  33. Nova #7
  34. 34.0 34.1 Epic Illustrated #8 ; Ankhesenamun
  35. 35.0 35.1 All-New Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe A to Z #1 ; Akhenaten's entry
  36. Marvel Universe: The End #2
  37. Supernatural Thrillers #5
  38. Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe #5 ; Celestial Heliopolis Gods' entry
  39. Captain America Comics #53
  40. 40.0 40.1 X-Men: The Search for Cyclops #1
  41. Life of Christ #1
  42. Fantastic Four #212
  43. Infamous Iron Man #8
  44. Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme #33
  45. Ideal #1
  46. 46.0 46.1 Tales of Suspense #44 ; "Iron Man Faces the Menace of the Mad Pharaoh!
  47. Strange Tales #124
  48. Black Knight #2
  49. Black Knight #3
  50. Black Knight #4
  51. Amazing High Adventure #3
  52. Captain America Comics #18
  53. Marvel Mystery Comics #43
  54. All Winners Comics #21
  55. Invaders #23
  56. Invaders #25
  57. Men's Adventures #27
  58. Spy Thrillers #1
  59. 59.0 59.1 X-Men #102
  60. Tales to Astonish #8
  61. Supernatural Thrillers #515
  62. Uncanny Origins #9
  63. Uncanny X-Men #320
  64. X-Men #113
  65. Uncanny X-Men #305
  66. X-Men #117
  67. Storm (Vol. 3) #2
  68. Origins of Marvel Comics: X-Men #1
  69. Journey Into Mystery #94
  70. Marvel Two-In-One #92
  71. Thor #326
  72. New Mutants #3234
  73. Marvel Comics Presents #27
  74. Cable – Blood & Metal #1
  75. Deadpool: The Circle Chase #2
  76. New Warriors #50
  77. Excalibur #83
  78. X-Men Unlimited #7
  79. X-Men (Vol. 2) #6061
  80. X-Men (Vol. 2) #71
  81. Thunderbolts #11
  82. Hulk (Vol. 2) #44
  83. Hulk (Vol. 2) #45
  84. Astonishing X-Men (Vol. 3) #57
  85. Journey Into Mystery #649
  86. Uncanny Avengers #10
  87. Amazing Spider-Man: Family Business #1
  88. X-Men: Days of Future Past
  89. X-Men: Apocalypse
  90. Ultimate Spider-Man #153
  91. Black Panther (Vol. 4) #7
  92. Avengers A.I. #11
  93. X-Men: The Animated Series S4E08
  94. X-Men: The Animated Series S4E10
  95. X-Men '92 Infinite Comic #3
  96. X-Men '92 #2
  97. Extraordinary X-Men #9
  98. Extraordinary X-Men #11
  99. Extraordinary X-Men #12