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Marvel Database



Jesus' parents Mary and Joseph had just become engaged when she miraculously became impregnated by God, as foretold to her by an angel. The angel later returned and explained to Joseph that the child within Mary was God's, that his name would be Jesus, and that he was the Messiah. At that time, Caesar decreed that a census be taken, and every person in the entire Roman Empire had to go to his own town to register. Joseph, being of the line of David, was required to go to Bethlehem to register with Mary. While in Bethlehem, Mary gave birth to Jesus. Probably due to the census, the inn was too crowded, and Mary gave birth in a crude stable. She wrapped the baby in cloths and placed him in a manger.[3]

Jesus of Nazareth (Earth-616) from Thor Vol 1 293 001


All his life Jesus knew he would have to sacrifice himself for mankind. When the time came, he traveled to Jerusalem riding on a donkey. Crowds of people came out of the city to greet him, waving and throwing down palm branches on the road. At Passover, which would later be known as the Last Supper, Jesus told his followers that one of them would betray him and his fellow disciples. On Friday, Roman soldiers arrested and tried Jesus and nailed him to a wooden cross.

When Jesus died, his disciples placed his body in a cave and covered the cave entrance with a rock. On Sunday, one of Jesus's disciples, Mary Magdalene, went to the cave. The rock had been rolled away and the cave was empty as an angel appeared and said "do not be afraid." Jesus had risen from the dead. He then visited his disciples himself to tell them to spread the word of God throughout the world before ascending to Heaven, which started Christianity.[4]


After Jesus' death and as his followers grew in number, objects related to him became highly sought after, such as the Spear of Destiny, the weapon supposedly used by the Roman soldier named Longinus used to kill Jesus[5] and the Holy Grail which is supposedly a cup in which Jesus turned water into wine at the Last Supper.[6] Doctor Doom was revealed to have splinters of the True Cross in his armor just in case he'd run into Dracula one day.[7]

Modern Era[]

When Miracle Man returned to the Earth dimension with delusions of becoming a god, he decided to recreate the Biblical tale of the birth of Jesus Christ. On Christmas Eve, he used his powers to transfer his Cheemuzwa pursuers into the Three Wise Men and converted the Keewazi reservation into a replica of Jerusalem complete with its own Star of Bethlehem and a baby Jesus. The Miracle Man believed that in creating an even more immaculate conception, he would ascend to godhood and rule over man.

During a time when Mephisto manipulated Ghost Rider into believing he was the biblical Satan, he also either posed as, or changed one of his demons into a mysterious savior who resembled Jesus. After foiling a plot by "Satan" to take John's soul, this entity told John he was "A Friend,"[8] and appeared in his life a number of times. While John believed he may have been Jesus, it was later revealed by "Satan" that it was yet another manipulation on his part to try and steal Blaze's soul.[9]

After helping defeat Deuteronomy, an angel/demon hybrid destined to replace God, Howard the Duck ended up in Hell. He encountered God at Job's Place, his usual drinking place after he sunk into alcoholism due to the actions of Adolf Hitler. Howard found God in a triune state, manifesting as the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.[10] Once God finished talking with Howard, he left, sticking Christ the Holy-Spirit, and Howard with the bill.[1]



Jesus is allegedly the only being more powerful among Heaven's forces than the Archangels Ruth and Esther.[11]


  • Jesus seems to be pretty angry at God, feeling that he keeps asking more of him.[1]
  • Despite being the son of Yahweh, Jesus has been presented also as the descendant of David, through Joseph (who is sometimes called "son of David").[3]
  • The Friend featured in Ghost Rider (Vol. 2) was never identified as God or Jesus Christ in the comics, although the resemblance was intentional and obvious. Behind-the-scenes concerns from editorial altered Tony Isabella's script so that the Friend was explicitly called out as a phony by the Devil in later issues.[12]


  • Christ is not part of Jesus' name. It is a title, and means "anointed."
  • The Magi who presented gifts to Jesus were in fact aliens who followed the Star of Bethlehem throughout the universe as it appeared before important events.[13]
  • Two immortal beings, the Sphinx[14] and the first vampire Varnae, observed Jesus during the time he was alive.[15]
  • In Immortal X-Men #1, Exodus implies that Jesus was a mutant, despite having no proof or any way of knowing Jesus' actual status.[16]

See Also

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