Marvel Database

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Marvel Database

Quote1 When you first asked me to leave my home -- leave the life I had forged for myself in Africa -- I did so because you had convinced me of my greater responsibilities to the world in which I lived. Whether I did so of my own resolve -- or because I had little choice in denying any request from the most powerful mutant mind on the planet -- is a question I may never truly know the answer. All I can say for certain -- at THIS moment in my life -- is that I refuse to allow you, or anyone, to drag me through the mud... to shatter my belief that the X-Men are a force for good, ultimately for change. I will not allow the world to destroy us -- and more importantly, what we stand for. I will fight for you. Someday, I might die for you. But do not ever ask me again to steal for you, Professor Xavier. I am an X-Man... and we have to be better than that. Quote2

Appearing in "The Measure of the Man"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Phalanx (First appearance) (Unnamed)

Other Characters:

Races and Species:



  • X-Uniforms
  • Cerebro (Mentioned)
  • Magneto Protocols (Mentioned)
  • Electromagnetic Exo-Skeleton Suit


Synopsis for "The Measure of the Man"

  • Synopsis not yet written

See Also

Links and References

